Ocean Fish Bowl with Box Elder Sent from Pohl Barn Porductions

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oh my gosh this thing is heavy let me used all the residents taking it oh and I got stick-up OOP OOP whoa look it's got pole barn inside out of the mouths of babes like I'd want to swim I want to swim in this boat I want this to be my backyard well not literally because then that means I never Stephanie but and if I can picture what heavens oceans look like that's it right there swimmin in those colors thank you so much Doug you have no idea how this is a way more than what I expected I didn't even expect this next is turning this massive beautiful beast oh oh gosh lord please don't let me destroy it in any kind of way only one a kind and again you were definitely one of a kind I really really really appreciate you gonna get off here before I cry god bless you Doug thank you so as you've seen Doug had sent me this beautiful bulb linked with some beautiful colors of resin and has boxelder insight and some Burrell in the bottom as well I was so nervous to turn this piece and excited at the same time all of his bowls his resin bowls and his creations are just absolutely pretty gorgeous so it's kind of intimidating you get a piece sent to you and you know my fear was just messing it up and you know kind of what the heck am I gonna turn what shape am I gonna use so I decided well I'll just get it round it out and you know see what happens he would take a look at what's going on with the wood underneath and kind of decide from there I had an idea but wasn't sure if it was gonna work I am finally decided just to say heck with it I'm gonna have to make a decision so I went with a fishbowl shape I thought that would be really neat with the fact that it looks like an ocean in there and it is absolutely beautiful colors my favorite colors and so I thought it'd be really cool to make it look like an ocean inside of a fishbowl the tricky part was trying not to obviously mess this up but to not get so much chip out the longer residence it's the harder it is and Doug had sent this to me a couple weeks ago when I was waiting for my new headstock to come in before I even attempted to throw it on my lathe I didn't want any more vibration than what I knew I was already having so it's a hat for a little bit so needless to say it's like it's hard as glass and those chunks when they come off that's why I'm wearing a plastic glove and those chunks come off it it hits you like pieces of glass hitting you it's it's a somewhat it's tolerable but it can it can get ya painful after so long but anyways I used my bowl gouge for for the most part I guess and then it just would hit spots in it where you know would cut fine and then also note would just start chipping out really bad and I couldn't go very fast with my length of me to see it already wobbling pretty good and that's about 400 rpms maybe a little more I think the highest I was able to actually get this the speed on this to go was 800 and that was when I was standing it you know the resin in the wood obviously are not the same weight so they stay kind of unbalanced throughout the whole piece something I'm kind of used to with my other headstock and it's wobble issues kind of just gotten used to turning things that way so it was it was I guess a good thing so I'm using my name negative break sorry negative Rex paper to really start shaping it because it seemed to be quicker than trying to use my bowl gouge enough and I just was in fear of getting too much chips you know chip out and then your design is kind of focused around trying just to get the chip resin to smooth out then you know actually creating what it is that you intend to create so to avoid that I went ahead and just started using my negative scraper a little more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my video camera didn't record me sanding with my regular sand papers but at this point I started to sand with my micro mesh and I stand with my regular sand papers dry all the way up to 600 grit and then my micro mesh I think it goes up to 3,500 I did on the outside of this bowl I put mineral oil on the outside of it first before I started wet sanding because I was afraid that the water would absorb into the wood and cause some swelling you know around that resin that resin is not gonna swell the wood wood I don't know if that you know made much of a difference I just never taken the risk I guess so if any of you know if it's okay to wet sand unstabilized wood and resin without putting some kind of barrier I didn't put any sanding sealer on the wood prior to doing this because it clogs up the you know micromesh sanding paper so I just went without it and use mineral oil instead then I used my axe abrasive paste and then the restoring polish X restoring polish paste and then the OB shine deuce on the outside and then I'll flip it around and Hall start hogging this bad baby out and do the same process again on the inside [Music] I don't know about y'all but I absolutely love those shavings that come out of there with that Fortuner bit on certain woods and definitely resin so as you seen I threw some behind me I put it in a little Bowl I kind of capture neat little looking stuff that I can cast later on but it's a weird thing that gets me excited it's those little shavings and I always look forward to using my fortune or bit because I want to see you know what comes out the different colors and the and just how well it stays together it's one of those really I don't know maybe just stupid but I get excited about that part out of all the parts that's you know what am I gonna get out of here now so I just figured to share that with you something a little quirky but I love it so there were cracks in this piece that had gone all the way through and I had already filled them with the resident let them sit overnight one time and then came back and there was just one persistent crack oh it just was not gonna be filled so this time I felt I'm going to take my dremel and drill the crack all the way down as far as I can go so that way opens up more so that a way the resin will actually go get in there I didn't want to take the risk of just letting it say overnight again and then in networking and then we have this stupid storm that has hanging around out there and I'm pointing to where my location is compared to the hurricane and we just pray for Bahamas because they definitely got hit pretty hard and I just my heart goes out to all those people who homes and lives were destroyed and lost thanking us we haven't gotten anything major just some wind and rain just you know our normal summer time type weather but I'm glad I'm glad it's you know staying further away and hopefully it dissipates before it does anything else anyways a good incentive to hurry up and get done right I sanded with regular sandpaper a dry sandpaper all the way till about 600 grit like I did on the outside and then I bought some new micro mesh pads that go from a thousand all the way to twelve thousand grit yeah I know insane right I was wanting to get the best possible bowling ball type finish I just wanted this thing to shine it's gonna be my most favoritest Bowl ever and my most prized ball so I wanted to make sure that there was gonna be a really good shine and it did really good I'm really happy with it it is oh I mean it took me way longer to sand than it did to actually turn so I was I was expecting really good results and I just couldn't leave it alone I had to just go over the spots make sure that they're all flattened now I had to go back a few steps a few times because some areas weren't as smooth as others but or in the end the resin I should say you can see a little deeper crack scratches so I just I wanted to be perfect and you know most of my pieces I get that way obviously and resinous is a new animal to sand I have to you have to be a more patient with it so as you can see it did a great job but already is really shiny that was just wiping it down the water and then I used the X restoring polish on it which just gave it that made the would just pop made the resin pop but the wood just really helped feed it a little bit and then I use the OB shine juice I used several coats of it to get a really good uniform shine because I had my resin so shiny that no my wood was starting to look a little dull in comparison so I guess you just got to find that happy Road that happy balance between the two and but I'm extremely happy with how it turned out I felt like all the the labor of love was well worth it all that that I put into it sanding was was definitely worth it [Music] this was a beautiful casted bold dog and I really appreciate it everything just it seems like it just worked out and and turned out actually absolutely gorgeous I really appreciate you sending that to me and thank you for that I enjoyed turning it and I'm gonna cherish this bowl forever so I hope you all have a safe wonderful weekend thank you so much for watching and God bless [Music] you
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 91,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin and wood, box elder, ocean fish bowl, pohl barn productions, collaboration, wood turning resin and wood, total boat, wood worker, resin art, bowl turning
Id: 9fBMn7Oq5M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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