Hard Spalted Maple and Resin Bowl

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[Music] all right so what I have here this was already in there at one point and I had some issues and I was worried it had moisture in it so I took it out cooked it again a little too much it kind of burned it but I don't think that's gonna be in the mold anyway so I have my three pumps out of the pumpers for fast set resin this tastes like fifteen minutes or so to set up so what I'm gonna do is just dump this down here in the bottom and hopefully by the time I'm done screwing around mix up the rest and coloring it which it should be this should be all set up and hold that down so it don't float that's all I'm looking at right now however that went or something like this I think Lee just put her in there and leave her be for now all right so I've got one of these just filled with resin I'm gonna go 500 grams of resin and because it's two to one you go 45 grams per 100 grams of this so no 225 grams roughly of this and each one of these four total is gonna be like almost 1500 grams of resin I'm gonna use a stream and I'm gonna use the interference blue and I what I'm doing is then I sent Jacob Lake I had mache kajam gave him I sent Jacob link along with the swamp stick one I sent him now we wanted to let him get that going and all in all and then you know he turned it and I regret sending it to him so I'm gonna use that piece of maple cos it's pretty much the same piece I sent him almost and I'm gonna do it the same way so I'm gonna use the stream which I'm almost out of and alumalite interference blue which I am almost out of one of these is going to get stream and the interference and the other ones just going to get stream go from there [Music] [Music] [Music] and that should be oh yeah that stuck right to it that's what we were looking for bones meet right now how about that huh so anyways we are going to go out here and then go this route here didn't deal with it do I want to do do like Jake and do it upside down leave that at the bottom know how pretty daddy is I just don't know it absorbed quite a bit of it which is uh should have made more I was a little worried about it cracking doing too much of a pork so I didn't pour it that much I could use you know just much more up to about there yeah I don't know what to do here so I get to figure out how to make that go away okay can you figure that out all right so she didn't run too bad at 12:50 what I want to do is take this down and then forgot what I was gonna do I was gonna do a tendon on the bottom that's right you know it's upside down from what I would normally do it I'm gonna do it that way I just want to take that high piece out of there [Music] so it's where I get too far along and we'll repair these bug holes here some of them got resonating but some of them do not so I'm gonna try to repair these best I can if I get too far here like that that looks I get some soaked in resin but some of this did not soak in resin okay so although I was gonna go outside the box and do it this way like Jake did it with this piece down this big crack right here is bugging me so I'm gonna hollow it out because it doesn't come all the way out to the edge so I'm gonna hollow this section out and do it like I I originally poured it so I'm gonna flatten this off we're going to put a face plate right here while it's still up so I can kind of get it as centered as possible and I'll push the tailstock up with the lot of Center in it to get it centered and I'll run my screws in here and we'll flip around and I'll get this thing off the other side of it [Music] [Music] I'll return I think reversed hi still 1250 I'm just gonna try to smooth this up and figure out what I'm gonna do with it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I like that I might cut this down a little bit more give me more of a taper underneath this can come down quite a bit you can lose another inch or so off the diameter of this right now I need to sharpen some tools the cool ting or curly whatever you want to call that in there looks pretty good hey let me get some tools sharpened and I get back to finishing that up okay right off of there what really screws things right up don't it back on and make it look good right now what folks I kind of wanted to leave that in there so what I think is and I didn't think about it before I recorded this I had sealed these pieces of wood would anchor seal one I think would it pop it off like this is that it was down here on the surface and that's why that didn't stay I'm hoping I'm hoping it stays there because all I did was the ends of it but that doesn't mean it didn't run down you know so that's the only thing I could think is why cuz I just pop this off it came right off make that deeper again somebody's plan to did we could just deepened come back with the Burnie a logo thingy in there and I'll get that all done and we'll burn this and get the finish and I have to get a foot brown someone's gonna show you one coat Milan cellulose sanding sealer I'm gonna do to knock the birds off in between [Music] see that hopefully I can turn that out that's from me putting a screw in there's actually two in it one is the reason I turned it over because it would have been wearable and I needed it to be right here and then the other ones cuz I put a screw in and I pre-drilled the holes but apparently I didn't go big enough is she cracked ha so anyways I think I'm gonna leave it at that to restoring polish and it just flipped over and start the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys are in the way you cannot do that we can you're still doing [Applause] all right so I think we'll get that stand it up there's some ridges in here I can't I can't just do it I just can't get it out so I'm gonna stay in without I got some little bug holes I'm gonna have to fill right here too we'll see if I can't get them sanded out just is kind of vibrating and giving me some tear out now so we'll sand it get the sanding sealer on Act's piece and then the restoring polish that was a lot more sand than I wanted to do so I'm all sanded up to 320 we've got most of the taro out of there I keep finding more holes and that's what my problem was so I'm just going to go with it like I am ah again my on sanding sealer it'll be in the description below a link for it I don't think she looks too bad y'all come over here take a better look at this okay mmm-hmm I don't really have got a little bit of the crazy green pattern here can't come up here you got it here some most of us here now you see and a little bit there that's what you get I don't know why that's good something in it don't know what's down in there well there you have it oh it's a hard maple oh yeah I don't really have a whole lot see it's moved I don't know if it's cuz I got it hot or what but it's not you can see it wobbling here I don't know why it's moved it was dry I cooked it let me get this off here and we'll get it over there and talk about it I guess give you a closer look anyways phones got a better camera in it I'm gonna stand on my toes look yeah sure thank Kim uh anyways um there we go you can see the interference kind that now I get it up here close enough food and see it it's in there see a little better outside than akin in here anyways I can't see what I'm doing cuz Tim's yeah buggy in me all right yeah went away finally hate I turned out nice I seen it a lot more than I really wanted to and I probably should have went a bit smaller with the bass to fit big and then I had to quit drilling I gotta quit drilling the hole so deep for my circle cutting jig I'm a main song cuz I keep ending up with this little clear spot and I don't live that far north in Michigan I live now but somewhere in between the center of that dot in the bottom of the state it did turn out cool I didn't quite get the nice effects that Jake got but I do like the bug holes looking through the bug holes really cool okay you see there those are all really cool there's a couple little cracks or air bubbles that were trapped in them the bug holes are or they make the whole thing for me the bug holes is to it anyways huh really the whole reason I did this was to not really that I had any problems with I didn't have any problem sending that link to Jake and I didn't really regret it I did this so that we could send you all over to him again only this time because he's trying to tweak his channel and this time y'all go over there constructive criticism giving what you like what you don't like what do you might need help with and she's used to his style and he's trying to tweak it for everybody else so that's what we're doing I'm just trying to help him out we let him go on his own on this one it did I mean all right I'm not sure what what greed is for his channel you know I did alright I guess for for this channel I don't I don't really know and I'm just sending you over there to give him some constructive criticism when we're trying to help him up for what you want to see and what you don't want to see your what you like or don't like about it is channel I've seen him do it and I know he can do it and you all need to help him up so anyways I'll put pictures up at the end I did get some stickers and I got a sticker wing very big bit Bigfoot would would crash send me a sticker I got it Wayne I know you is already who else anybody anybody anybody I think that was it I got goodies from Kim Tippin of course you know Thank You Kim I'm not quite sure what to do with some of that stuff yet yeah we'll see you all next week it won't shut off it won't shut up [Music] you
Channel: The Pohl Barn Productions
Views: 263,744
Rating: 4.863441 out of 5
Keywords: total boat, alumilite, ack's abrasive wood paste, hybrid bowl, resin art, bowl turning, wood turning, resin turning, wood working, wood worker, michigan, michigan maker, mitten made, maker, michigan turner, nova galaxi dvr, starbond, epoxy resin, epoxy and wood
Id: WyklOy6Ylto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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