Dyed shavings In Resin

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[Music] [Music] I don't want to break it there we go Wow okay yeah go for the most part I saved some of it so what I have here is a collab would Kim Tippin know she suggested I use these colors and will remember which ones I used how he used a hot pink hot flash I think Purple Rain and the Lady Marmalade I believe those are the colors I used not positive but I think so I'll put them in the description below so anyways what what I am doing is using the earth using the the ribbons or the the shavings from my my tenant video so if you haven't seen that is over I'll put it up there in a corner not that too many people who appreciated it for the how funny it was Lisa I thought it was for me say hey why don't you do these colors and I'll do these colors so Kim's doing the blue side of it and then she says here we'll do these colors well I thought they all kind of resembled each other so I threw in the orange I think I threw in the orange just to throw it off cuz there's another purple but it looked too close to the other the Purple Reign in there so that's what I have is the the wood chips from that right now I want to try to shape this so that I can get my mortise in here we'll work on getting this because this has got flat spots in it from the bowl so I get that out get this shaped I'm not sure what I'm going to do here so yeah again you know kind of trial and error at the moment for what I'm doing cuz I don't know which is generally how it goes don't know what I'm doing till I get there all right so let Michael I begin [Music] [Applause] all right so I don't know if I push the button or not but what I'm going for is this here so I'm kind of at a point where I need to figure something out here I got lots of porosity that I didn't expect I figured the reason I used the thick-set was so I didn't have that and then I pressurized it also but anyways this is a side profile I'm going for I'm gonna cut my my my mortise and get the logo and that burn and get this sanded up but the other issue I got is I don't know if I'm gonna have enough once this is round because of how far down I'm gonna go with this cuz this waste block if I'm gonna actually be able to use this piece or not the whole intention for doing that was that but I should have probably just cut it out like that big instead but you know so right now it's not going very well [Music] okay so I'm gonna get to sand it up and we're gonna go up to uh I don't know six hundred grit I'm not quite sure welcome to us it was not expecting those holes but I need to get this finished so I get it flipped around and me I don't know what I'm gonna do me I may put some resin on it see what I can do with that it's gonna be a pain in the butt to fill every individual one in the CA glue just does not look right up against total boat like it does with alumalite so um I'm not sure what I'm gonna do maybe I'll mix up some of the slow set stuff since I'm doing a collab with Kim pull it Kim tipping and I just painted out and leave it run for a while till it sets up and I get a hopefully fill those holes but this is kind of shape I want I think I'm gonna remove some of it here and hopefully my leftover piece will sit down on there wouldn't worry about that won't get it flipped over [Music] I bet I can't do that again [Laughter] and let it stop the upside down what am I gonna use for a finish the finish it smells pretty what'd she put in there alright so Kim tippin's polish lavender and lemongrass there we go I probably that was way too much I think I used way too much of that Kim all right so lots of dilemmas and problems here I really I think I think my ring is not going to work for what I wanted so I'm probably saving it for something else I'm gonna have to cut another piece and put on here [Music] I'm pretty sure just threw up it looks like it threw up I'm gonna do some sanding I need to get whatever I put on this this back here off and see if I can smooth it out son and then I'm going to probably wipe some resin on and try to fill these holes and I quite sure me medium set resin we're trying to fill these holes and then I'm just gonna leave it running I have them both on the inside and the outside so I don't quite know how to do it we're gonna run it as slow as possible hundred rpms and go that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and take off 1/2 inch maybe right layer five and will be five and a half-ish puts me close [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so I'm all I'm all sanded up 600 grit went to Yorkshire grit what did a micro fine and then I went with Kim's polish just flipped around put it in the Cole jaws and see about turning this into a finial on the top or or a handle or a knob or whatever you want to call it but that's what I'm gonna did so I forgot to turn it on again so anyways I couldn't turn my finger never miss a whole lot other than the whole thing when I was trying to get rid of and I haven't been able to use this little spot here and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to and it's getting way down there far enough down but I don't really want to mess with it too much I'll try a little bit more and if I can't get it then too bad close enough all right so I'm gonna try and sand that up yeah see where we can go now that you know I finally decided to push the button she doesn't really look too bad so I'm not gonna start to twenty maybe second fingers and those growing a bit too fast I'm sure about that stuff huh hopefully comes out of there hopefully I'm not too far down into there no it doesn't look bad I'm gonna go with that all right I'm gonna get it up here and here over to the sticker board and talk about it so there you have it it's more private for the week it's all you can see so there you go I know I didn't put it together over there kinda but it was kind of this way yeah so here's my little lid it looks pretty good on the inside the orange really stands out so I'm glad I did that as opposed to putting the purple in there cuz the rest of it just kind of looks I mean you can see the separations in two colors but that quite is you know and you see how it looks like crack on glass you see that and that bugging me it there's nothing I could do about it it's uh it's the wind shaking who was really messing with my OCD because I couldn't make it go away and I have it in all of it so it's like oh my god what am i doing am i eating it up was arrests bad but notice that it's just the Justice shavings you see it in the glares Healing all the shavings so so so it's a nice little pot you know sort of it a collab with Kim Kim suggests that they go with these colors and I changed up one because or did I do - I don't remember description down in the bottom of where I got those inks others like 14 13 or 14 colors I use four I can use some on the other side of it and same the same dyes and if you haven't seen the video where I did die I'm I'll put that up on that I put that up late Tuesday or something like that so most of you has already seen it if you have it over there or and in the description below there you go my little goes in the bottom there finished with the you know Kim's wax on it or publishing paster whatever I add a little bit she sent me so that's what I used smell pretty yeah and and that being said I will put Kim's link over there in the corner also if I haven't already and I'll put a link to the end to it at the end of the video in the pictures so you just click that shoot you right over to Kim's and you see what she did so but anyways you have I assure you did I show you the inside there's the inside my horrible standing skills are yep pictures at the end give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down and we'll see you all next week [Music] you
Channel: The Pohl Barn Productions
Views: 65,048
Rating: 4.948482 out of 5
Keywords: total boat, starbond, wood working, wood turning, bowl turning, bowl making, Lathe, maker, michigan wood turner, mitten made, Nova Galaxi DVR, DIY wood turning, epoxy resin, resin art, wood and resin, wood and epoxy, wood worker
Id: uwMvTAw4ZP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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