Mystery Burl and Resin Hollow Form

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[Music] howdy everybody i pray this video finds you blessed so this week i'm going to turn this mystery burl it's mystery because i cannot remember or i wasn't told what type of burl it was my friend marlene from north carolina came down and brought this to me and i had it set aside in my wood pile and decided that i would just throw it on the lathe and see what was going on so thank you so much marlene for this beautiful burl i really appreciate it [Music] [Music] as i was turning i can hear the bark kind of coming loose in some areas that just sounded kind of like hollow so periodically throughout turning i would stop and peel back some of that loose bark one so that way it doesn't fly up at me in one big chunk and it's it's a lot safer to get it off before it is flies off at you and there was tons of several different types of bugs living in this piece of wood from worms to i think what may be the beginnings of termites i'm not sure um slugs there was you name it it was in there it was living in there it was a habitat for multiple species of nasty bugs [Music] there wasn't much material down at the bottom without having to take so much away to make a tenon so i'm sorry i forgot to push the record button but i just glued a waist block on the bottom of it flattened it out really good as best i could and then glued a waste block with four minute total boat epoxy and that held it on pretty good right now i'm just taking my rotary tool and getting all the loose pieces um off of it so when i cast the resin doesn't stick to it and then come off [Music] hello i save a lot of plastic containers that we use and put them in a box in the shop so i can cut them up and use them as molds however i might need i don't i didn't want to put this in a bucket because that would use a lot of resin just to fill in some of these holes so i decided to try to make this mold attached to it and fit around it and it would have worked great if i hadn't uh towards the end i just started taping it because i felt that maybe i would have this leak and unfortunately that made it to where i had to fiddle with it while casting to try to get the resin down past those areas that i kind of taped a little too tight he also used some clear cellophane because i wanted to make sure that being that i was putting this directly in my pressure pot and i wasn't gonna put it in something i was afraid that if it leaked out it would leak directly into my pressure pot and then i would have uh this hollow form or this casting cast into the bottom of my pressure pot i'm using colors out of the arteza 35 color mica powder kit and their 54 glitter set and i just took the glitters and matched them up with the colors i wanted to use i didn't want it to be too too glittery but i wanted every individual color to have its own kind of sparkle the shop was really muggy and real it was real hot this weekend so my resin started to just go off in the cup and i think it may have something to do with the iridescent powder i'm not sure i'm going to try to narrow it down to what may have been the issue i did have to fiddle with like i said getting the resin down into my mold and that took some time but it still this resin still should not have gone off that quick as you can see it's already starting to boil in the pot and at this point i was thinking oh this is this is all bad it's you know it's probably not going to turn out it'll be a hot mess but i decided well i'm just going to go ahead and put it under pressure anyway and see you know see what happens the worst thing that happens i have to scrape it all off and and do it all over again which that's what i thought i was going to have to do i pushed record on the camera and actually didn't make sure that it was actually recording so the whole time of me peeling the mold and everything off of it ended up not getting recorded so i apologize for that this is after i started to get rid of all of the extra bulky resin and to my surprise it turned out perfect i mean there was a few little spots here and there that that the the outside mold that i made for it had pressed against it and didn't allow the resin to actually uh go flush with the wood but for the most part i can't not complain especially uh what i was thinking was gonna happen when i pulled that lid off there and it was only two hours later it really it set up that quick because the exothermic reaction when i mixed them i mixed 400 grams and one 400 grams in another and then separated that into a total of four cups so normally when you mix resin the you want ideally you want to mix the least amount in one cup because the exothermic reaction causes it to go off a lot quicker and so it's probably just because it was really warm the resin was warm to begin with it was hot this weekend so that's why i'm assuming a reason why it took off so fast i had a lot of punky and soft real soft areas in this piece so the penetrating resin was perfect for this to help salvage some of the wood so i didn't have to cut any more away and then of course after 24 hours i had a few pieces that didn't get a few holes that didn't get filled when i originally casted it so i just used the four minute epoxy which was perfect for this set up really quick and i can just continue on hollowing out this yeah i had to dig a few slugs out of this piece i'm using the tem yoder elbow hollowing tool i love this hollowing tool now i haven't used um but one other hollowing tool before some homemade one that i received from a friend and this really does make quick easy work out of hollowing i know there's multiple hollowing tools out there and i'm sure they are all great i just have experience with this one like i said it makes quick easy work it took me about i mean hollowing takes a while because you're constantly stopping and blowing out shavings and taking your time and making sure that you're getting the thickness right and there's a lot of stop and go stop and go so it took me about an hour maybe an hour and 30 minutes to completely hollow this out and that was including taking a little break because i'm sitting in a chair and i'm kind of bent over you know as i'm doing this so it makes your back kind of just like get stiff and you have to stretch a little bit i need to get other bits for this hollowing tool because the very very bottom of this hollow form like i said it was real soft and the bit just kind of wanted to roll over it or just rake it out so i'm thinking of getting more of like a teardrop type scraper to put in there [Music] i sanded this piece from 80 grit all the way to 220. even though i did put the penetrating resin on the outside which definitely helps when it comes to putting a resin finish for a finish because it helps to seal up all those air bubbles that form in your finish when you do it but i threw on some sanding sealer just in case just to make sure that when i put my resin on i don't get those little air bubbles underneath the surface normally i would use the two to one slow set for a finish but because i did like i said use the penetrating resin first on the outside only um i was able to use the fast set the fastest just sets too fast before the air and the wood can come to the surface and this particular case there it was sealed up prior to with the penetrating resin and i was able to use the facet now i did have to use two coats because nats decided to join the party that was the only reason why i needed to do a second coat otherwise i would have been just fine with the first it was perfect i didn't have any of those air bubble um you know spots showing up in the surface but occasionally you do have to you know do it again and it's okay it doesn't take much resin whatsoever to coat the inside and outside of this i may have used two pumps and that's it of the like i said the fast hardener [Music] with the fast hardener i just leave my lathe running at 50 rpms for about a half hour i come out and check it make sure that it's not drooping or dripping and then i just let it sit overnight and let it finish curing with a box over it [Music] [Music] i used my novacol gels to turn it around and i really wanted to use an acrylic branding thing in their branding thing yeah the thing anyways bob cook had made me some uh maker coins sorry missy snoring in the background and i wanted to have that inset and i didn't want to risk throwing it off my drill press so i decided to go ahead and put it in my cold jaws and drill that 55 millimeter with my 55 millimeter bit and then also give the bottom of it a slight taper so that way it would sit nice and flush [Music] [Music] so look at that would you look at that this thing turned out amazing look at that burl it's beautiful beautiful burl just let the wood speak for itself and i'm so glad it did i'm so glad i listened because it turned out beautiful friend of mine marlene brought this bro down from north carolina and uh it's a mystery burl i don't know what burl it is i assume maple just because of the wood grain and coloring and stuff i can assume that it's a maple burl but i don't even think marlene knew i'm not sure or she told me and i forgot because i forget a lot of stuff a lot bob cook makes these awesome acrylic brands i should call them and i decided to go with the clear one and what i did is it's embossed on the the back side so i took silver fingernail polish and i kind of just filled in my letter you know my name and then wipe the rest of the way so that way it would just kind of have a little sparkle it's hard to see because the reflection there you go so those are really cool i put his information in the description below also in the video also put his information so at the widest point here it's seven and a half inches and then the height is seven and a quarter um the opening the opening is right on three inches the inside i decided to pour a little bit of resin setting it up like this just because it was so punky that with my hollowing tool it's just ripping out and i couldn't get it smoothed down uh with sanding it i couldn't get in there good enough to do that so to take away that lumpy pulled out tore out grain i just went ahead and poured some resin in it over top you can see my reflection thank you all so much for watching my videos i appreciate your prayers your support your kind words of encouragement you have no idea what all of that means to me even though i can't get to your comments right away because life um i just want you to know that i do read them and i am so very thankful for each and every one of you for taking your time and putting down your thoughts about what i turned or how i may have done something and i really appreciate um yeah i appreciate every single one of you so thank you so very much for uh all of that anyways y'all have a wonderful wonderful blessed weekend take care and god bless [Music] [Music] yeah that's where the slugs were living and it didn't even it didn't even cut them or nothing it just kind of like rolled them up in there it it felt gross it felt real gross coming out at you [Music] you
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 22,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, women wood turning, resin art, wood turning wet green wood, kim tippin, turning wood, wood art, wood pottery, wood lathe, wood and resin art, girl wood turner, women wood turner, cow girl boots turner, wood turning in boots, total boat resin, diy wood turning, wood bowls, wood bowls for food, resin and wood, DIY, DIY wood tuning, DIY bowl turning, Wood turning for beginners, Nova Chuck, wood shop, shavings, bowl making, nova woodworking, maple burl, burl
Id: pnTT02ZYp0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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