Green Sycamore Hollow Form With burnt on Octopus

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hey everybody I'm gonna apologize ahead of time this video is kind of long but there's a lot going on with this particular chunk of wood so I wanted to try to add as much as I possibly could and hopefully be able to answer questions along the way so I appreciate you sticking with me and seeing what the end result is so this is Sycamore I have a ton of sycamore in my yard right now and I'm slowly but surely cutting pieces up and getting them in blanks this one is green it I didn't seal it or anything because I was leaving it to to motivate me to turn it before it correct so as you can see I kind of mounted it I mounted it on faceplate but i mounted it a little far over to one side I wasn't sure how that I mean you can almost tell how it's gonna cut but I wasn't sure what shape or anything I was going for so I just kind of centered it well one side of it was you know way higher than the other so you'll see me rounding this out and then I will take it off and we mount it back on the faceplate again in a different position that's because as I started getting into it and kind of deciding on what shape I wanted to go for I realized I would have to cut so much more wood away than what I would like so i remanded it for the purpose of you know saving as much wood to get the girth of my project now when I first start out I normally don't have a particular plan I guess as far as what I'm going to make I just I just think to myself well you know the worst thing that turns out I'll be getting more practice making bowls and getting those shapes down so I'd start out with the idea of making a bowl and then I just kind of utilize I guess the wood grain and you know the size that ends up being as an inspiration to wherever I'm gonna go with it so at this point in in this particular project I really don't know what shape I'm going to go for so and that's a lot of my projects I don't know exactly what you know shape or design I'm going to go for I've I just get all the rough edges off of it stop it look at it and then I guess decide on the go as you can see right here I'm kind of like looking at over examine it I'm gonna remount it so that's what I'm doing right now I'm just going to move over the faceplate to where I can get more out of this particular side [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're here I'm trying to see if I can utilize that uneven wood at the very top and what I'm doing is kind of forming a neck or I guess the rim before I cut it completely away I kind of want to see if I can use it use the wood that's there so about this time I really am undecided or I'm just now deciding I should say what exactly I want to make with this piece so I cut that Nick and I was like oh yeah that'll work so I got some wood there I got enough wood to work with to design a you know to make it more of a hollow form versus a bowl and again worst comes to worst I'll if it doesn't work out or I find that that design I don't like it I'll just turn it into a bowl I figured no time is really wasted and you know even even if it ends up in the burn barrel in the end it really isn't wasted because it was one free wood and for another it's it's helping me develop my skill and cutting learning the directions of the wood grain and how to cut according to that and you know just pushing the limits of wet wood and the shapes that you can achieve with it drying it you know what the heat gun I do that with this piece as well so no time on the lathe is wasted it's all experience you can't purchase that experience you can't purchase that knowledge it's something that you just have to do and feel so I encourage you to not like projects you know or I should say it like this allow yourself some grease in your failures because there's plenty of those anyways here you see me I'm sharpening my fortune impor shanaar bit sorry with a I got these diamond plate things at Harbor Freight I think are like eight bucks you just find you know the two edges that are the sharp edges and you just run it along there I learned that from captain eddies video so if you want to learn a little more about that on how to sharpen fortune orbit so you can look up captain eddies and in search how to sharpen fortune or bits he's amazing and he has so much information we're also very blessed to have captain Eddie share his plethora of information for all of us make sure when you're hollowing out what would you don't take too much of the center out at once and spray it with water periodically it'll help keep it from warping too badly so you can actually get you know especially this areas here where there's a lot too hollow in this first bit so keep a spray bottle in hand with water and wet it down while you hollow it and don't take too much out because it will warp on you a lot faster so just keep that in mind [Music] [Music] again on this piece I used my heat gun it's just a Harbor Freight heat gun has a high and low setting on it and it did warp and they normally do even if you microwave pieces sometimes it's just gonna they're just gonna warp I guess it I mean I guess it all depends on the thickness of how you turned it is how it's gonna crack or work this piece it developed the cracks as I was drying it with a heat gun and then also overnight it developed a crack too but I just filled it with the dust from sanding it with some see a clue and moved on it wasn't that big of a deal even the warping isn't too bad you know I haven't taken the foot off of it yet either so I can always straighten up on how it's gonna sit you know once that warping is you know done at least I guess it's the most extreme it's going to i sanded it down to about 400 great I knew I kind of wanted to do some burning on this piece I wasn't sure what so I was thinking about it when I turned it so that day I went out and got a wood burner from Hobby Lobby and it has these interchangeable tips that you can put on and off you know while while you're burning which was really nice and have to wait for it to cool down and all that stuff you just pop it out put on a different tip and there you go this is a first-time mean burning wood to this extent and what I mean by that is I've never burned anything that required shading it was usually just like letters out liner I burnt a palm tree and a sign before and that was it so and that was with those you know regular like I guess beginner burners I don't know so this is my first time I practiced on a bowl prior to this just to kind of get used to the tip it was just a ball head laying around and I didn't mind if it got messed up because it would've been that big of a deal so I would say practice on you know would first and you know touch the bottom of it cuz there's different heat temperatures so touch the bottom of your bowl and see which you know temperature some bird woods are gonna burn a little easier than others I'm not really the best person to ask for advice on burning because like I said it's my first time so if you're interested in you know doing designs and stuff I would say probably find some buddy on YouTube is way better than I am I will tell you this make sure you are in a comfortable chair make sure you have like a plate or something that can have hot stuff sat on it probably be good to wear a mask if this wasn't smoking too much and it didn't smell anything off of it so and then think I've no finish on the bowl you don't want to burn anything that has a finish because that would really be bad for your lungs make sure you're in a comfortable chair plenty of pillows under your tush and some towels whatever under your Neath your project and for your arms so you can get a good you know get a good stable setting because it's like you know drawing on something that's wanting to move [Music] I didn't draw this octopus this is a traced you know from an image I got on Pinterest and being a Kenton fine to the original artist was because it was like a pen of a pen of a pen and of a screenshot actually I will be able to give that person credit so therefore I'm not going to sell this particular piece I just don't feel right being it it is my burning but it's someone else's art and so I just feel there's probably some sort of copyright and stuff going on there and I really don't want to do that to the person who originally drew it and I'm pretty sure they'd probably be like cool you know not because I drew someone used it and put it but you know I'm I'm not gonna make money off of somebody else's artwork I clearly couldn't draw something that awesome so I'm sorry for any of you may have been interested in purchasing it I I won't be able to sell it I couldn't find the original artist so I can't do that without their permission or finding out got a copyright issue there and anyone who does burn and maybe uses images they find online comment below if you know how that that works I would like to give the original artist of the picture you know credit where credit is due obviously because I'm kind of just copying it so if any of y'all know how that works please comment below I really appreciate that [Music] the burning process took about an hour in 45 minutes to two hours maybe so it wasn't too bad but just make sure you're comfortable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm filling another crack that developed from sitting overnight and just drying out on the counter with a little bit of gold eyeshadow and some see a clue it wasn't a huge huge crack at all it was very fine but obviously visible standing it all down I sanded it back again with I think 400 grit maybe even 320 I'm not sure just to because of my paw prints all over it and the transfer paper and then that a very bottom needed some of those corners sand it out after it dries the grain kind of raises you know and moves a little bit so especially in the very bottom where the tenon is still attached so there's a lot of moisture still in that bottom part particularly and I think that's another reason why it correct overnight because I left you know big huge chunk compared to how thin the walls are on it what would at the very bottom so here I'm using water-based polyurethane I'm brushing it on and I really didn't want to do a glossy finish on this piece and plus I knew that it was going to be warped so trying to get a shine with OB shine juice and getting that consistent heat that you need because it's a friction polish probably wasn't going to work out too well being it was so wobbly so I tried using the water-based polyurethane but it mean it it coats really good but you have to sand it back so much and so after the first coat I realized oh this was a bad idea it's usually how things work for me it's not till after it's done so I put two coats on and here I'm just putting my abrasive paste to knock back the polyurethane I sanded it i sanded after the first coat and then this time I was like I'm not going through all again plus I was afraid to sand off my image and I just burnt so I'm just using the abrasive paste right now to kind of like knock back those high points but ridges I guess that the polyurethane kind of caused it dries pretty quickly so in other words it pretty much was just used as a sanding sealer in here I'm just trying to get some of the high point ridges that the polyurethane caused off of it I ended up doing that causing myself more work but you live and learn right turn and learn and just for a final coat because a polyurethane just you know soaked it up soaked up really good in there and sealed it really well I'm just using the howards it's feed-in wax to you know give it a nice not too shiny it's like a satin I guess finish on it so I liked that a lot better so now I'm turning it around and taking the bottom of it off the video didn't catch it turned off battery probably went dead and didn't notice it of me sanding so I just stand at the bottom with my drill sander with my two inch discs all the way up to I think I went to 600 on the bottom of the bowl I burnt my logo in with my Brander and then I put a sanding sealer on the bottom which is my 50/50 lacquer and lacquer thinner and then just about hard to even feed on the very bottom so it's high into there it is and you can tell by the lip of it is very warped but it was fine it I think it adds character to the piece especially being that there's an awesome octopus on there anyways I hope you guys enjoy sorry about the length but again there's a lot to it so I appreciate your patience and I appreciate you watching have a blessed day take care [Music]
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 87,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wood burning, Wood turning, Sycamore wood turning, green wood turning, Green sycamore woodturning, Octopus wood burning
Id: Uncicgcq9OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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