"Purity In The Prophetic" | Power Hour | Ep.91

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good afternoon yay the 29th my goodness it's nearly the end of september already how did that happen and we are just delighted that you are here uh to join us today i've got the delight that is sam robertson and sarah jane biggert escobride creef and glasgow uh that probably will not mean a lot to the non-scots but uh we're all uh in scotland together raring to go for another week how was your weekend guys wonderful lovely fresh air better shopping for interior bedding etc and uh reading up on colors and what goes and what doesn't go in different lights in the room so i'm well educated on how to paint the house yeah it was great it was great and sam you were going retro i was going retro i was i was reliving some of my childhood at the weekend i had what three three days off which is a rare treat i was judging indulging that you know some days where i didn't need to set an alarm in the morning that they were nice but don't you find that when you cat when you don't need to set an alarm they're the days where you'll wake up really early and then when you've got an alarm set like this morning was the first time i properly had to say i'm early alarm i was like oh really you know i thought i could sleep forever but no i was playing um i was playing some retro great games for my childhood so mario and crash bandicoot but the original mario not any of this new stuff like the mario from you know 20 years ago so i was i was very happy for for some of that for the weekend i i don't think sergey and i have a clue what you're talking about if sarah jane and i talked about atari who remembers atari games then that intro for us space invaders pac-man tennis those were the games that we would play yes and we were saying do you remember that when you had the little um things either side a little bat almost got them side by side the ball would get stuck and just go really fast watching online yes we're that old no we were hill walking and actually the family climbed one of the monroes ben and oh my goodness it was steep and the leg burn i'd have to say i didn't make it to the top and neither did my dad but david and the boys did and uh uh there were hundreds of people um uh mountain climbed with this hundreds it is a national past time to go and well they call it bag a monroe which means climb some of scotland's highest mountains so so ben and i don't know how high it was but uh well no i didn't quite make it to the top but uh almost all of them or is it three and a half thousand because she harley shitharlion is and ben nevis's so i've done those over the years and i was in glen turret which is beautiful near comrade in the center of scotland and it was blowing gail down the um the the sort of the loft which is a dam but we've had amazing sunshine here and the beauty of scotland you can see why scotland's been voted the most beautiful country in the world for a number of years in a row yeah the beach was lovely as well we went to the beach and uh walked along which is you know you you're walking leaning forward like that um uh cold water wetsuits uh so they can go in october in the school week into um clambering over the rocks uh off the head of the off the hebrides and that is cold that is proper proper cold water yeah the gloves and the whole only their heads are not covered and they'll spend hours and hours in freezing cold water scrambling rocks yes and you'll be there with the chittori bites and the chocolate and the hot chocolate hot chocolate onto the beach for when they shiver when they come out yes yeah i have that holidays i mean holidays and renting we've always had actually a holiday emma and the stark family are the most active holiday goers in the world they go on holiday and my idea is my worst nightmare and they're everywhere all the time they see the whole country and know the whole history and then they're like what did you do in holiday sam nothing i laid by a pool and did nothing you know if i had i sunbathed slept and read from books that is my idea of a holiday i really don't want to go and see you know i'm no it's not my cup of tea to be honest no a whole a holiday is not lying on a deck chair boring as i am right now i'm in the middle i like a bit of lying down a bit of sleeping in the sun if there is any to be had in scotland we're here and i love the uh exploring climbing walking getting out and about if i was to do either of those all the time i wouldn't have balance in my holiday so i'm definitely in in between right in the middle you're in the middle you're the bridge well i'm kind of looking forward to in our october school holidays is you don't need to buy ex expensive exfoliator for your face because the wind is so strong and this it whips the sand up to your face that it's like a a home-grown scottish exfoliator no you have to walk backwards sometimes too much the dogs the dogs are like what are you doing let's go and hide yeah and you just have to turn around and walk backwards into the wind that's scottish beach walking walking backwards yes yeah and actually you lie in the sand and like you get your ear is full immediately and your whole face is cut to shreds because of the wind and the sand but we love it yeah i mean you're really good come and have a holiday with me because it's like uv high and wind burn all at the same time oh wow wow i mean i i'm not going there now um you're the only one with a scottish accent because obviously i'm irish and sarah jane english wait till you hear this this newspaper article i took a cut and post off and this is uh feeling the strain and stress of life just listen to a scottish accent and this is the article listening to a scottish accent can cure stress insomnia and even mental health problems says an expert with its rolling r's and rhyme vials scottish speech has been associated with friendliness and honesty scientist nick davis says scott's voices can set off a reaction known as autonomous sensory meridian response like a shiver or tingling in the neck in scalp the phenomenon also triggered by hair stroking and tickling has been credited by enthusiasts for being able to help battle depression and post traumatic stress disorder wow agree i that's amazing that is amazing i mean what i get to have this accent well i guess does it say it has to be like a soft like posh edinburgh accent no no no no which one because there's so many scottish i mean the garlic you know the the the the kind of the chichter accent the five one the f i mean five do a bit of five sam that's hard to hear that one they kind of speak like this they felt like and they kind of talked you can't understand the single word that they're saying anyway so if you feel stressed just listen to sam preaching and it will be like hair stroking and tickling that's what the article says i don't really know if i want that to be said about my preaching i felt like my hair was being stroked and i was being tickled while he was preaching i'm not quite sure that's necessarily what i would like to be saying or tingling in the neck and scalp there you go oh wow i mean i mean that that's all if they called people yes so you you can help people battle post traumatic stress disorder just by talking some i mean amazing i'll keep talking then i could i'm talking on a monday morning when you start your work chat and maybe that will help the monday blues that that made me giggle anyway there's david washington i actually have said to trey who runs our shop can you make a mug that says time for something spiritual and so she's gonna see what she can do right we are gonna prophesy uh we prophesied all last week we're back in just prophetic mode it's our happy place and we're just going to take it in turns bringing the word of the lord and see where that lands us lots of stuff lots of stuff that god is saying once again it's just as well we're all on tomorrow because there's no way in this planet we'll get it all done in an r is there no there's no way so who wants to kick us off sam you are carrying prophetic words where we all are right now but you kick us off what is god saying today right now oh yes i mean our shows are really yeehaw word to start off the first session um of of power hour this week um but i i god is god is really speaking quite weightly to prophets and to the prophetic movement across the face of the earth right now and this morning i woke up with such a sense of sobriety in the spirit the weightedness of the god who is coming very close to prophets and to the prophetic and to his prophetic army and he is putting some things right and i heard the spirit of god say this i am purifying my prophets and purging the prophetic movement i am purifying my prophets and purging the prophetic movement and that's really where we are just now as a real isaiah sex moment those first verses in scripture uh and i want to dine out in them as well and prophesy and just kind of go back and forth with you guys on that because it is a weighty scripture for this moment and god is saying right now pure prophecy is going to rise and the lord says is going to rise again in the earth and i heard the spirit of god say this i need to kill the lie that prophets produce noise prophets you are meant to produce clarity and the lord says i'm shifting your understanding for you have thought that your job is just to produce noise a noise that maybe starts in revelation but noise that fills the airwaves but now the lord says prophets it's time for you to produce clarity it is time for you to produce clarity and the largest thing really that this is a real marking moment where he is shifting and removing some old ways of doing things in the prophetic movement and marking a whole new breed a whole new restored way of pure prophecy again and i heard the lord say it's time to know when something has passed its sell by date and it is becoming harsh and harmful and there are some ways of prophesying some ways of stewarding the call that god is saying that was okay away back then but now it's old and actually it's becoming harmful and i want to give you the fresh mana the new mana the new thing i want to put the lord says into your hands but in this i in isaiah chapter 6 there are these three kind of flaws this pilgrimage in some sort of way that isaiah has to go through before he can then be the mouthpiece to israel that god had raised him up for and the first is that pride had to die the second was that his mouth had to be purged and purified and consecrated and the third was that he had to come to a place where he was ready to respond in radical obedience and god is saying that's what i'm taking my profits through right now where i am killing pride i'm purging your mouth and the lord says i'm expecting a whole other level of radical obedience from you so let's just talk about pride and you can just jump in emma and say to jain as you feel to add to what god is saying isaiah 6 verse 1 and the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord so before he had revelation before he encountered god uzziah had to die and uzai he was a king if you don't know who he was and actually if you read about his story he had the most amazing beginning ever you know he started god blessed him he carried favor second chronicles 26 says the words along the lines of as long as he sought god god gave him favor and god gave him success and he started well and he began in this place of stewarding the word of god and stewarding a nation and shifting a nation but verse 16 and second chronicles 26 says this but after uzziah became powerful his pride left led to his downfall after uzziah became powerful his pride led to his downfall and isaiah chapter six one says here in the year where that died where pride died i saw the lord when pride was put to death when pride was killed off then isaiah encountered god and through the life of isaiah i know it's hard to mix up you know they've literally just got one letter that's different but in the in the year for usaiah what we see is this the pride cuts the move of god short yes great cuts a move of god short and i don't want to be negative about previous moves of god but i think you would be hard-pressed to find a move of god a revival an awakening that ended abruptly that didn't begin with a seed of pride that pride came and there was a dramatic ending to a move of god and god is saying look it is time for pride to die in the prophetic movement in my prophets it's time for prophets to come to their knees and for there to be a prayer of god dismantle the structures of pride in my life because i know i can't steward revelation i know i can't steward your weight unless they come to death and god where i have set myself and my opinions above you i am sorry god's where i have put my excuses above what you've asked of me god i am sorry i'm sorry for where my opinions have been exalted above your opinions god you need to kill pride in my life and before isaiah can get sent before isaiah can even encounter the glory of god the first introductory sentence is in the year that king uzziah died that that had to come first and there is a weight of glory and i know say a dream you've got a word on the way of glory that is coming there is a weight of glory that is coming and there is a weight of a fresh glory that is coming to set on prophets and the mouthpieces of god and god is saying if you want it and if you want to carry it and if you want to receive it then let me kill pride in your life mr city do you want to add anything to that i mean you can feel the fire of god on the prophetic movement on prophets and anybody who loves to steward revelation and if you are watching this and you love the the the word of god in your mouth and you want to be a steward of revelation right now god is burning you and there is going to be an uncomfortableness that you feel in the core of your being and that is a good place to be because the lord says i have new revelation and i have new blueprints but the lord says you have stood on the stinking sand of man's template and the lord is saying leave the school of men and come and stand in purity on me and you know i heard i almost feel like i'm i'm almost apprehensive to share this because i want you to understand what i feel like the lord's said to me and you see normally you and i talk about let's stand on the shoulders of giants and we would all cheer or we would say yes it's time for the baton passing and we would say yes that's completely right or we would talk about mothers and fathers or we would talk about double portion generations because they've had good spiritual parents and all of that sounds rounded doesn't it and all of that sounds incredibly mature and we don't want to knock we don't want to knock those kind of concepts but i heard the lord say this i want you to say a massive no to man's legacy the lord says i do not want you to pick up man's baton i do not want you to stand on man's shoulders the lord says i do not want you to perpetuate generational intolerance i do not want you to perpetuate man's plans and the lord says there is a whole generation that i am my calling old wine or recent vintage and the lord is bringing a sword dying between the old and the new and the lord is saying be careful that you do not pick up what a man wants to give you rather than what i want to give you and the lord is saying to us that there will even be some relational tensions that he allows to happen that you would consider the relational strains that some of you are facing as a gift of god to rescue you because the lord is saying wrong alignments must come to an end for i have new building methods new ideas and new creativity now i hear what i am saying in no way do we ever dishonor the pioneers who raised us never ever do we do that but the lord is saying that there is going to be a move of such purity that we will be out of balance with him if we keep picking up batons and standing on shoulders of people who wobbled and built according to the pattern of the world and not according to the pattern of the king it is a really really tight narrow door that the lord is taking us through and the spirit of the lord is saying people you are moving into a time where you will no longer be able to prophesy just blessing because these are the days where we are seeing plagues again on the earth and it is a time for the prophets to come forth with strength that people are to be released from their captivity no longer can you beat around the bush no longer can you have comfortable prophecies only the lord is saying it's the day of the uncomfortable prophecy it's the day of the elijah type confrontation and you cannot bring an uncomfortable prophecy and you cannot go into a deep confrontation with the enemy if there is not a fire of purity on the inside of you you cannot overthrow out there what you have not overthrown in yourself and the spirit of the lord is saying that the quality prophets i mean the really high caliber prophets are going to lean into a new level of purity you will hear a greater word of justice a greater word of correction a greater word even of judgment it will not just be the odd peculiar prophets that do that for the lord saying to us that we are going to show his justice we are going to show his judgment it's a different world it requires a different set of thinking and the spirit of the lord is saying i will burn the minds of the communicators right now and if you're to be a communicator if you're to be a spokesperson you don't have to have the office of the prophet but if you're going to be a spokesperson if you're going to be a leader if you're going to bring revelation right now you've got to know that you're about to be burned alive with purity because god will not share his glory and yes liz wilson you are right it is no longer about tickling the ears of men in this age and there's going to be provocations to radical boldness that come out of your mind and come out of my mice it is the day of the end of the fear of man and the pandering to man and the petting of demons and the keeping demons as some kind of household pet and wheeling them out in church and petting them and saying they are there and pandering to them it is a time not to have selective hearing the lord is saying in this are you cannot walk forward any more revelatory people by being off balance with hidden things and undealt with sins and peculiar leanings and partisanship in your beings any longer i feel this with every fire being and that there is this utter uh uh uh ferocious move of god in the prophetic movement in the spokespeople's lives in the leaders of the next generation and god is saying i will not have history repeat itself and the lord is saying to us and you know you've heard me say before about being post charismatic and post pentecostal can i just say so because those will seem old wine how do i even say this we are even going to be post evangelical can i say that that there's an arrogance within the evangelical movement and there's an intolerance within the evangelical movement and yes it's his furious love somebody typing in the comments but we're going into this pure place of purity where where we are seeing something shaken and we are seeing some things exposed within leaders who are evangelical pentecostal charismatic why because god is moving us into this deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper place of no compromise and of a love rather than an intolerance of other people it is boy is it a time to be alive do you want to add to that and sam i know you're carrying this [Music] yeah i mean just just to concur i think and confirm just hearing the same things over and over god's saying he's wanting to purge and cauterize the heart and the mouth of those who have and carry his word and his revelation and the spirit of the lord said this morning remember where your positional authority is it is seated with me in heavenly places it is sitting from that place at the right hand of the father with christ that we have our positional authority and it's as if uh man and and women prophets and those who prophesy have been looking for a seat of proximity for positional authority in man's eyes and i just have seen so many seats and platforms being broken and taken away that were man's man-made platforms and man-made seats of authority and god's saying you know it's almost like many will fall on the ground and much like you know if you pulled somebody's chair out from under them as god removes those seats of authority but he says to his prophets and his people who is giving revelation to remember your positional authority is with me that your seat is with me in heavenly places yes we are submitted to man and leaders and governments as god says in scripture but in terms of revelation that is where it is and in terms of what comes out of our mouths and this actually is as those who prophesy day in day out uh gives us the fear of the lord gives me the fear of the lord when god says prophesy what i put in your mouth and don't add to it and don't fudge it and don't make it more palatable and don't make it something that people can easier swallow because some of the words now we're getting i even feel like lord are you sure you want me to say that because it seems harsh and it seems strong but it is like we're walking a different road in these days and and actually as sam started to prophesy this happened sometimes for me as a seer i felt the the road that the prophets are walking on tip up like that and it's like we're having to walk at an angle but the angle is with the power and the fire and the revelation of god and it seems an impossible way to walk but it's the submission to come and say cauterize me burn me put your fire in me burn my mouth whatever that looks like if we value god and his word above whatever man says whatever the the the most fashionable platform is because god is saying i will no longer bless man's efforts yes i feel looking at my notes i've written here there is too much of man's words in our own mouth there is too much of man's words in our own mice and god is saying i am no longer interested in your opinion and the lord is saying do not waste your time critiquing or criticizing others at this time we've kind of got into some kind of blame game or shame game and the lord says you have to go back to biblical confessions and biblical faith positions and build your words on what i say not on what somebody else has told you to say and i think this is where god is saying don't stand on the sinking sand of man's foundations you've got to be very careful that you interpret that right guys do not interpret that just as a carte blanche to reject you know and other leaders but you got to be able to have the gift of the discerning of spirits to know where did the previous generation build on their own ideology and where did they build on my uh uh truth says the lord you know you're going to be able to navigate between the two because we're in a different world and it's a different type of seed god is putting into our hands it requires a different management it's a different strategy it's a different weight of glory and i think that we have to be so pure to be able to handle the great authority of god did you hear that we have to be so pure to be able to handle the great authority of god so it's an um it's an uncomfortable time sam take it take pic pick it back up you had more to add to that yeah so we've got to pray around all of that and and the pride that so often anchors so many of those those things that we just hit around together and then we just see god bring and picking up what you're saying about your voice in your language god brings isaiah into this hot coal burning encounter where his mouth is purged and his mouth and his language and his voice is touched with the burning coals of god and that is where we are right now for profits for mouthpieces of god for the prophetic movement for prophetic armies that god is saying i am touching your mouth with my hot coals and i am purifying your voice and god has been whispering in my ear all day the question that's proposed in james 3 11 can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring and god started to frame it and he said can both prejudice and prophecy flow from the same spring can both agendas and revelation wow from the same spring can both ideologies and truth flow from the same spring can both opinion and the word of the lord flow from the same spring and that is the question that god is asking to his mouthpieces right now and it lands in look am i really agended am i framing revelation with my ideologies my politics and my prejudices and i heard the spirit of god say this and he was quite aggressive with it prophets you do not own revelation i do oh prophets you do not own revelation i do and when we feel like we have an ownership of revelation that is when we feel like we have permission to frame it according to what we believe and we think and we see when we go revelation actually is not mine it's almost nothing to do with me what is to do with me is hearing god you own revelation and revelation only belongs to you that is where we get to the place where we're then able although it's hard to say jim was saying when we're hearing difficult things we're able to go god that terrifies the living daylights out of me or actually i don't think in my flesh i agree with that but i know i need to because you've said it god speak it and he kept saying prophets you do not own revelation revelation belongs to me and we've got to get to that place as prophets where we almost take revelation out of our hands and we take revelation out of our ownership and we put it back into the hands of god and we've got to start to pray and you've got to start to break confront my agendas confront our agendas confront our prejudices our political ideologies our preferences that hinder us god confront my opinions god confront every place where i have tried to proclaim prejudice and prophecy where i have tried for there to be truth and the and other things opinions come out of my mouth and let me say this this is not just about prophecy this is about all of what we say and all how we communicate and when god is saying i'm purging your voice i'm purging your language that's not a button that you switch on and switch off when it comes to prophecy that there is a purity in language and communication and speaking across all of life that god is pressing and he is saying it is time for your language to be pure 24 seven and that there will not there isn't um space for for that kind of well i'm i'm not i'm not in the public place anymore or i'm in a safe place so i can kind of speak that's kind of all you know and a dark way or or tarnished way god is saying i'm asking for purity and language all of the time it's not just about well now is prophecy time so i'll speak you know the word of the lord or it's leader time so i'll speak purely and then when i go home i'm a bit more blasey about it relaxed about it god is saying is about your language being purified all day all day all the time and it's that sense of we need to get okay with saying like isaiah did when he saw the glory i am a man of unclean lips and i need your help if i'm gonna be able to do this god and that sense of just putting it out there and just saying god would you heal my language heal my voice set me free and we've got to get used to praying i welcome your hot coals to purify my lips i welcome your hot coals to purify my lips and i'm just so aware in the spirit of those hot coals being carried by the angelic hosts into the earth and they are looking for those who will open up their life and say purify my language purify my voice and god says it will be painful for a moment but it will unlock the lord says a future of pure prophecy that will be marked by power and truth and justice and righteousness but first you've got to start with the purification of your voice and with the hot coals touching your lips says the spirit of the lord and you've got to get to a place where you can start to pray like i'm not here by my own commission nor do i speak with my own authority god i'm sent by you and what you command is what i say only that my commission my word is not my own and we've got to get to that place where that's the prayer that we are praying regularly i'm not here by my own commission nor do i speak with my own authority i am sent by god and what he commands is what i say my commission and my word is not my own i mean what a prayer my commission and my word is not my own it's it's so important sam what you're saying and you can feel the fire of god all through this let me tell you this is not just for prophets right now this is for a new breed of ecclesia or ecclesia depending on your uh uh you know a pronunciation and i think philip in the comments is quite right we are blind sometimes to our own prejudices and there is anointing i talked about it on friday morning on the british isles council of prophets broadcast but there is a new anointing in the earth that i've not seen before and it's the anointing for prophetic theologians prophetic or revelatory theologians and i felt like the lord was saying this that if you do not welcome this mantle for revelatory or prophetic theologians you will not have the biblical literacy that you need to withstand the future and the lord is saying to us there is a new breed of theologian to descend an anointing of a new breed of theologian to descend to the earth realm right now where the lord is saying it is not the day to abandon bible colleges it is not the day to abandon evening classes it is the day to lay hands on your own head and to have a new spark even of academic brilliance resurrected within you that you may marry the spirit and the word like never before and the lord says it is not just that i want you to encounter me the lord says the more truth you know the better you will encounter me and that you hear that the more truth you know the better you will encounter me and the lord it is time to digest the word of god and it is it that will sharpen your teeth to be able to minister not the opinions of another man or a previous generation and you can feel this kind of shaking uh where god is saying you've lost biblical literacy and and hear this in the old wine in uh yesteryear you went to learn scripture uh under a denominational spirit and a denominational uh learning uh pre produces a type of communicator that want to defend truth and they go to learn to have their version of truth reinforced to them and so there is this intolerance about what my version of truth is and my denomination brainwashed me in my version of truth and it has quite an antagonistic unpleasant feel to it but there is a new wine breed of theological brilliance and intelligence that is holy spirit trained where actually it's not about learning to defend your opinion it's about learning to challenge yourself on what god might actually mean with his word and so we're coming to this anointed place of prophetic or revelatory theologians so that we might be challenged to our core not so that we may rehash what somebody in the past thought was right and there is this sense in peter peter talks about being established in present truth it's a fascinating biblical concept be established in present truth and so truth is always true is always true is always true but peter very clearly says look there is present truth that means there is a moment in today where i reveal fresh aspects of the truth in my word there is a present truth you must know that phrase present truth okay present truth is a biblical concept where there is a sense where you have to go deep in how god is revealing his word today okay and you learn to stand firm absolutely catherine on the present truth we have progressive revelation from the word of god and the lord is saying i need to challenge some of your stinking interpretations of my word because you remember there was a time whenever uh believers baptism wasn't commonly thought to be a thing there was a time where you know believing and receiving salvation by faith wasn't even a thing okay there was a time when praying in tongues was lost there was a time when gifts of the spirit was lost okay and we do yo-yo rhymed at some peculiar wrong notions and interpretations of scripture and the lord is saying look i need prophetic theologians i need revelatory theologians i need spirit-filled theologians i need those who will start to read scripture and say not just you know this is not my bible but not just read it and go oh god would you give me truth so i can shame somebody else or god give me truth so i can put the other man down but read trip scripture to say god would you challenge me through the reading of your word god would you go to my preconceived ideas in the reading of your word and so yes there is second peter one establish in the present truth okay so i feel like some of you are going to have to reach out and say i receive that that prophetic revelatory theologians anointing right now and some of you are going to start to voraciously read uh academic books and voraciously read scripture and you are going to think some thoughts that you never thought were possible because you've only been spoon fed and the spirit of the lord says it's meat time it is biblical meat time it is meat time in the kingdom says god and you are going to be those who chew on the meat of the word you're going to go wow wow wow why did i not see that before okay this is a new season we are moving into and we are going to be so robust in the truth we are not going to have the petty ridiculous arguments that we have in the body of christ because half of the body of christ read the book and the other half didn't bother okay we're going to have articulate sensible conversations where we actually go come on we have a sense of our shared purpose together rather than arguing from opinion not arguing from the revelation of the word of god i think that's when god says you know you must say no to man's legacy my goodness you must say no to to picking up the baton of men you must say no to standing on shoulders that are the shoulders of of men who stood in the sinking sound of their own revelation this is this is it the this is where the rubber hits the road you've got a book for yourself round your dining room tables does it really say who you could right right anything to add on the purity and then over to sarah jane she's got words for nations i think just finally uh on that now so good emma about having truth written on your heart and the need for for that for intense study because that's what produces purity when the word of god is i knew it produces this level of purity i think third in this is literally just you know 30 seconds you god is then expecting in this move of purity for there to be a whole other level of radical obedience no hesitation no questions no qualms that like in verse 8 when god says whom shall i send almost immediately isaiah says here i am send me and god asks the question who will go for us and isaiah isn't saying well who's the us that you want to send me on behalf of who are the people that you're gonna send me to oh i'm not quite sure i like those people or what's it gonna look like he immediately goes here i am send me and without hesitation he went and god is looking for obedient prophets obedient believers obedient prophetic people obedient soldiers and god is saying right now and i feel it's so strong that i am looking for prophets who are on their knees for there are many prophets who are on their feet with amplification technology in their hands but i am looking for prophets who are on their knees for when you are on your knees then the lord says you shall be my mouth pieces and we've got to get on our knees and say god kill prayed in me purge my mouth and land in a place of whatever you say god whatever you ask whatever you tell me to do i will respond with yes here i am send me yes here i am use me god because i know that you are demanding radical obedience of me and i want to follow your word every part of what you're asking for me so i'm getting on my knees to be an obedient mouthpiece an obedient mouthpiece an obedient prophet and we respond with that as a daily occurrence where god says let me kill your pride let me purge your mouth and then let me see how obedient you're going to be as you assume a posture of unbended knee in response to what i'm doing brilliant you know i think israeli a day goes by in in in this household certainly where i don't say to david david what do you think about this in terms of a truth i've read or um you know a theological book that i've read what do you think about this and there has to be that dialogue back and forth find somebody that rather than just saying hire you which is important of course we need people care and nurture in our conversations of each other but actually we have to have conversations uh where we can say i read this truth what do you think it actually means when was the last time we sat down and said what do you think this actually means and we sharpened the word of god together you know rather than just somebody teaching us and us all just taking on board without without conversation about it so important so important that you find some people that you can say well what about this and how do i interpret this and how do i apply this and what does this actually mean for my own for my own life it is not just sharing your your opinion lord of mercy but actually sharing how did you how do you read this scripture and actually looking at the strong's concordance or looking at a concordance what does this word actually mean okay um because as much as teachers are there uh to to uh bring truth and alignment and prophets are there to bring holiness and and apostles are there to bring uh ascending you have to run with us you have to run with us and be biblically literate at the same time you know otherwise you're not going to stan you are not i promise you you will you are not going to be i find it as easy to stand in the days that we are coming to because i think what's happened in the pandemic is a dress rehearsal for something and uh how would i describe it for something more intense uh we've been in a dress rehearsal for the church becoming ready and this has been like a military boot camp for the church and you know god caught me up sorry sir generals come back to you kevin uh oh uh friday first day it's hard to remember which day of the week it was last week and we walked through what can only be described as the biggest gym a sports gym sports hall i have ever seen it was miles long and it was miles wide and as far as the eye could see you you saints of god were standing in the gym hall in the in the sports training room of heaven and every single person had an angel as a coach and the angels were taking us through resistance training they were taking us through stamina training they were taking us through muscle building and the angels were like you can do you can do it and we had boxing gloves on our on our hands the entire church of god was wearing boxing gloves everywhere and what are those pads called i've never been boxing apart from in this spirit but pads practicing pads the angels all had practicing paths i'm sorry i don't know the right terminology and we were punching and the angels were going higher harder further you know as we were landing these punches it was like mass church training in fighting and the lord was it was was was walking with me through it and he was saying to the angels get them to punch more get them to box more get them to spar more and the lord is saying though you feel wiped and though you feel emotionally put through the ringer the lord says i have been putting you through your spiritual paces and i am getting my army in shape and the lord says you are in better shape than you ever thought hallelujah the lord says i have taught you about warfare see you are still believing see you are still standing see you are still living out my truth see we are still teaching together and the lord says you are an army that are in better shape than you wear in march you are an army says god that i am doing the last bit of boxing training before you go out again into a battlefield for assault and offensive taking of the land and the spirit of the lord says part of your learning is to know the word whilst i train your hands for battle it was like a i've never seen anything like it a mass war training count a mass war training camp and could it be that god who knows how to bring good out of awful has used this moment in the earth that we may be an army in shape i know some of you feel worn out and i know some of you have been through the ringer so have we and i know some days you've not wanted to go out of bed in this and you've said the prayer help more time than you've probably said in all the years before but the lord says look how prepared you are the lord says look how prepared you are you are an army in shape says the lord [Music] sam sarah jane oh a man and we feel that don't we oh my word we feel the training like you were saying emma the burning of your legs as she climbed the hill at the weekend the burning of our muscles spiritually but we have that in us and we have that uh that call to keep eternity in our eyesight and keep the training on on our knees with the fire purging and the training of the army of god these are the days we're in and i heard the lord say more times than i would like to that this is the decade of breaking and aligning and so in the breaking and the aligning not just this year not 2020 only but this decade is a breaking and aligning decade expect to feel the pain and god is saying that that we actually need to submit he's saying to the nation submit to the pain of my breaking and my aligning because god will have his way and he'll do it in the way that he wants to but if we submit as the people of god and the nations then this is going to be so much easier than it could be yes yes okay i think we're going to pray for you guys i think we're going to pray for this revelatory theological um anointing to come i have to say sir jane you're going to start us off tomorrow because you have words for south africa bolivia panama and australasia she's got loads of natural words i have three pages of words on the ecclesia that i've not even had time to release today and sam you have other words so you will not want to miss tomorrow because as ever as ever we talk so much we only get like halfway through our notes so sam why don't you start you're the one uh doing uh theological uh uh training at the moment uh minister theological center center i couldn't remember where you were but we want you to get this and i want you to know the well done of god for getting your muscles so trained have you burned yes did you wish it could be over sooner but like any good resistance training you are more able to stand than you were months ago you want to see it from god's perspective okay sam start to pray for us because we want this mantle yeah totally it's the moment where we need to pray like the psalmist and psalm 84 i think set our hearts on a pilgrimage on a journey we are going somewhere god and we need to set our hearts on that so in the name of jesus i bless all of you watching right now to start to have a an untapable hunger for scripture to rise from within you and a desire to study deeply and a desire to study intensely and intentionally and in the name of jesus i break off every lie that has come to the people of god that has said to many of you that you are not at the caliber for theological thought or theological thinking i break off every lie that says it's just not for you or you're not cut out for it i break off every lie that says you're not academic enough you're not educationally able enough you're not intelligent enough i break it from you now and in the name of jesus i loose to you watching i i i desire a capacity for retaining and understanding scripture and god we just see right now and you need to see this out loud with me i choose to love your words i choose to love scripture i love what it says but god i want to know more i want to know more of what your book says of what your truth says god gave me the ability to study it and study it deeply and so in jesus name i bless you with the capacity for study of truth that will release life and purity to the inside of you but also to others that you come into contact with and father we just raise uh our bibles together and say father we ask for mercy where we thought what it says would just back up my own ridiculous opinions father we're sorry for cutting it and pasting it and editing it father we're sorry for selective hearing of what it says father we're sorry for weaponizing it against other members of your family rather than using it to liberate the captives in darkness and father we come back and we say we love your truth father would you write it again in our hearts and we give you jesus and your word the highest place in our lives and father we say that we will not depart from the words written here we will stand on their foundation and we will not dumb them down dilute them to pander to the sin in the world father we will call sin a sin when you call it a sin and we will call captives free because you call captives free father we will not be like jonah who did not want to bring your word because it did not suit his own internal worldview about the people of nineveh and in the name of jesus i loose to you a prophetic theological capability it's yours you better say i receive it in the name of jesus i release to you a revelatory theologians mindset that you and i together may be the generation of word and of spirit that the holy spirit may explode in the midst of us that the word of god may be written on our heart that we would quote the word of god more than we quote our own national constitutions that we would quote the word of god more than we quote the the national newscasters of the day that we would quote the word of god more than we quote our neighbor's opinion that we would quote the word of god more than we quote a journalist that we have seen on a social media platform we say we will not regurgitate the words of men but we will regurgitate the words of truth god burn your word again in our hearts in jesus name amen man wow well sam sergey and i the three of us are back tomorrow again and as somebody rightly said in the comments next week is five mornings of tongues half eight to nine next week is five mornings of tongues arise and shine uh but you've got two more par hours to go first so lovely to spend time with you and sarah james first up tomorrow with prophecy and we'll see you then bye [Music] my [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 11,064
Rating: 4.9637189 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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