puppet combo WILD for this one [Night At The Gates Of Hell]

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I'm her little boy not you all right Charles all right that's your that's your that's your mama that's right just a normal kid this is not a kid this is not a kid guarantee when I pick this fuse up it's going down basement what is that oh I want to see what time it is midnight buddy I had to stay up for this one though yeah I knew just how I did it too we lit tonight incredible I just popped a whole bunch of now laters energy on 11 not a 10. weird buddy you're weird come up in the mic all right let's let's start the game hey [Music] torture Star video [Music] black-eyed priest the developer of blood wash oh oh we not claiming none of this energy Henry you can add that ah [Music] foreign engineering welcome tonight at the gates of not a place you want to be matter of fact hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on say it with me now Jesus Is My Savior yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil literally stayed up till midnight for this game to drop and the same two developers that made blood wash have made this game blood wash I loved that game and being published by torture Star video also known as puppy combo giving it that seal of approval I have a lot of faith in this game um I'm not seeing Oh the effects yeah can we oh oh who's playing like this uh we could do like a nun filter I'm tired of them Whispering at me let's play the game oh [Music] that was uncalled for the first first no I'm starting to rethink if I should play this whoa this whoa look at this sensitivity oh my God somebody where is she she told me to meet her out here last time I let some pick a location wow how could anyone get the mood out here all right so my dude trying to do the Humpty Dumpty I guess I'm about to be looking for some chick and she wanted to meet in the woods for some reason I mean I whoa all right I wonder why the church is lit up like that weirdos must be having some kind of dumb service that wouldn't explain the church being green Liam let's use our Noggins now it says music on 12. just walking I don't like this oh my goodness bro chocolates please that's two jump scares y'all game devs that strike too it ain't gonna be no strike three there would indeed to be a strike three and a strike four imma turn the game off razor yeah that razor freaking hairline that you got about to cut my back of your head raise or sharp how does side of your head look like a big toe with pink nail polish on it up in the camera like all right before we talk to a Razer over here let's look at this little picnic situation what's up Razer I can't believe I scared you oh let's be ridiculous of course you didn't scare me oh Liam you jumped not even not even a little bit cap after all how can you expect a man such as myself I hate these kind of guys I'm a man I'm tough built for tough F-150 testosterone bro you can admit you got jump scared it's not that deep to be afraid of Someone Like You a woman oh it gets better ladies and gentlemen God you have such a way with words come over here and and yet you're telling him to come over here you like it you like it Razer admit it oh my God hold on raise it with you razor what what you doing we playing this on YouTube razor I'm I'm already at odds with the age restriction team yeah her shirt's off people I'm not putting none of this in all right so what's happening now is she was like yo Liam what are you doing you can't just got kids watching how do I how do I do this uh Liam don't don't you want to be protected Liam is like no one else ever edited no one else ever said anything Razer was like do I look like I want to be a mom no protection no action Liam was like all right I got a Jimmy I got it I'll be right back man y'all knew all these YouTubers was about to play y'all game bro all right so we gonna go get a uh hat [Applause] uh I'm tripping I I know I just didn't see a whole person uh you know what it was all the now laters I'm on one right now um that that that totally wasn't anything surely it couldn't have been search the car yes have one left today's my lucky day oh yeah sure it's my lucky day to partake in some Cemetery coitus I tell you man people do crazy things crazy I remember back when I was 18. you mean by that [Music] oh bro she just got her Nana uh you really just gotta oh she packed us at lunch I'm just gonna walk away uh that was easy hit your ankles bro your [ __ ] freak you think you thought uh oh now we got a problem now we got a problem now I have to go to the church oh they're coming from the ground hey y'all just do it y'all hey mind your business just go ahead and go into this neon green church here weird surely nothing's weird going on in here outside I was just they're just doing a big skit out there they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're That's all folks they're filming a movie read note most of this note is in a language I don't understand but at the bottom in English is written confess to me what in the heck is going on here okay [Music] um we can open that door what's going on over here [Music] it's a coffin there's a plaque that reads Sister Mary may God guide you home rest in peace Sister Mary uh what's going on here it's locked okay um really getting uh an ominous vibe from this from this uh place confession booth [Music] hello you all right over there I'ma just read this note Sister Mary your transgressions have not been ignored bring a symbol of your repentance to me and confess your sins to be forgiven and be allowed to stay on these grounds okay well I hope you know sir I'm about to come to your booth right after this so foreign wait I can't go in there am I supposed to activate something else over here now oh pick up the crucifix don't jump scare me a third time dude it's already been two times oh I can go back in here oh he wanted to crucifix gave me the key to the door on stage I got it I got it yeah it's an old key but there's no markings on it okay unlock the door hello hello hello I'm just trying to get home [Music] who are you who are you oh I don't like it I don't like it jump scared don't jump scare me it seemed to have happened almost overnight we couldn't believe what we were seeing everyone thought it was some elaborate hoax but we were wrong [Music] it's already been three of the most cheap jump scares you could possibly do maybe you know is this supposed to be comical right now I mean they the zombie ate her boobs off I hope we do get a little bit more serious them jump scares hurting my heart man this will come in handy keep an eye out for knives and ammo boxes knives are automatically used when needed oh it's like the first Resident Evil don't get caught by them without one okay revolver bullets the love of my life she belongs to the maggots now what dang you don't want to clean it off of her talking about love of your life okay I got revolver bullets with no revolver I know that can't be the case chief where's your revolver Open Door oh shoot so we're in a zombie apocalypse [Music] it's locked dead people in here all right say less power on a protection crap I forgot the old man had some weird security system guess I could see the use now I'll have to figure out how to turn the power on to overriding um okay well let's follow these power lines of course it's locked the only people who I know would have a key would be the janitor in room 701 or the landlady in 702 okay excuse you [Music] all right well somehow I'm gonna have to get past this guy right right right right right okay I'm going this way all right so he came out of 701. it's got to be a gun in here bro move okay uh let's see here what's all this noise Jeffrey you won't believe it those people who we keep seeing going to 704 must be a part of some kind of cult I've been hearing chanting coming through the wall some nights it really creeps me out they talk about the gates and make me worry for her two children imagine living with a mother who is crazy like that this whole ordeal has me so on edge that I'm starting to see things one night I woke up and I thought I saw someone in my closet I know who isn't getting their lease renewed in January Hilda I don't like reading stuff when like people can just walk up behind you um we got a bunch of bullets still no gun here stairwell key turn up okay sledgehammer bro I can't use that oh [Music] we gonna leave him alone foreign I just turned the power on right oh okay oh oh goodness man uh uh get the bullets appreciate it thank you uh what's going on in here oh [Music] I don't think that's a zombie this will come in handy got a knife foreign why are they doing that you know who's ever reading this please listen you have to shoot them in the head nothing else will stop them don't find out the hard way press the q key to holster or equip your gun you cannot interact with things while your gun is equipped say less okay now that I have some protection I can turn the power back on and take the elevator down right so let's get the gun out reload that [Music] oh look at this slow reload bro that's kind of clean though you hold space you can see how many are in the clip what's the two mean oh two knives okay that's kind of clean all right the freak did you think was about to happen to you girl baby come through who you deserve around [Applause] so we can't move while we have the gun drawn but we can move with the gun drawn I mean we can't move while we're aiming the gun which kind of sucks I don't know where that zombie is get out get outside get outside okay hey as long as none of them can run what Kendrick said come greet this note at 704 Theresa it has come to my attention that the other residents are uncomfortable with the people who have been coming to your apartment at night alright Teresa is a bruja a witch she did some spell thing some something which incantation something all the zombies came out you know that's what happened it's not my business what you do and your personal life but there are unusual appearance goodness just please take your meetings elsewhere neither me or the tenants are interested in having their sort roaming our Halls at night foreign random sound effects was that freaking He-Man in the back no no no no no no that's Thundercats Thundercats oh that's what they got in the back all right I guess the first thing we about to do is clear out all these rooms we're gonna clear out all these rooms [Music] there go ThunderCats can't do that what just happened okay 704 goodness this place is falling apart I better be extra careful okay Uh something's burning oh okay I'll take this knife and key I don't want it oh my bro this is crazy I'll take that knife uh let's read the note Henry and Ned are doing so well lately my two little angels are growing up to be such great men they're learning our ways and are excited for what awaits them they love keeping secrets they'll do anything to protect their mommy this is the bruja's house Henry and Ned huh y'all are the cause of this but they was about to have the live laugh love thing on their wall like come on Crow key okay get the gun out oh boy oh boy why was that thing staring at me get them get the ammo uh-huh how many I got three let's reload while we also we're black shout out to ThunderCats hmm did I get grabbed from I just wasted two knives bro they came out of that door and I wasted two knives oh they were kids were those kids I have no idea this wall looks very weak I saw a hammer around this building it's bro they they just come out of nowhere guys I don't I don't know how much longer I'm going to be playing this I'm scared right now I'm not gonna lie to you sledgehammer [Applause] get the gun out get the gun out we getting out of here What the freaking it says portal Tech has been opened with the blood of the Willing now the dead will walk the earth and feast on the Flesh of the living why would they want that hey I just lost an eye bro did I lose and I I just lost the knife just like that I mean he's lucky to be alive I thought it was about to go through his freaking head yeah you're out of there pal yep you as well all right uh uh let's look around here anything anything oh shoot I don't got anything to do with me I don't know what you're crying about it's a lot of notes in this game to my lover boy in 705 last night was fantastic I couldn't stop thinking about you today you make me feel so safe I want to give you a key that can open any door in the building as I trust you so much and want to be sure you can help me with anything I know how forgetful you can be so please please keep it in your special place you're sexy mama healthy hmm it sounds like I should take a closer look around 705. um I can't get out I've been walking around for like five minutes only you're gonna get the gun out oh no oh no which way right left right it's got to be this way It's gotta be this way no I wasn't taking no chances okay what's that uh go to sleep I don't know what you thought you were about to do freak you think you thought buddy unlock this door gun back out where we at okay so something about 705 we had to look around there oh shoot how do we get over there [Music] oh my goodness I put the freaking board okay cool oh buddy got up buddy got up Hilda told me to hide the key to the entire building in my special place that room means the world to me it's everything that I had have now and will forever have so it's gonna be an empty room [Music] bro it's the mannequins from that fast food game help me oh there's a head nice why are you moving [Music] because we definitely blasting him hey pal now that I have the key to David I can't even read all this noise now that I have the key to the schematics I should turn the power back on otherwise elevator will be useless you know it's about to get wild out here laughs bro I'm about to cut this game off man I can't it seems that I have an interesting partnership with Hilda now that she has given me a key to the entire building I should have no shortage of plate things to have access to so Teresa I think was the bruja I wonder who should I should bring to my playroom first the mother in 704 seems like the perfect choice it's a shame that everyone is staying indoors due to the reports coming out of the countryside once that blows over I can resume my work shout out to Hilda for giving a key to the building to the craziest person on the planet Earth they came out way quick I think I got two of them that's what's up let's reload this oh yeah oh yeah Thunder categories can I take that knife yes sir take them bullets yes sir go around here what's going on over here hello as a helmet I guess I just run [Music] I'm a mess all right bro I don't have any more bullets [Music] I don't think I can reload and walk at the same time get the gun out oh I can my bad my bad y'all my bad come on bro really nice yeah we need that can open this door open the gun get the gun out all right all right his office should be behind that blue door now that I have the key I should be able to get in and look for schematics it is how did I miss shut up all right give me the schematics so we can fix the elevator and then roll the credits because yeah that's all for me Chief fix the elevator yeah I missed that can it be has she come back to me I can't leave her now I must go get her all right is he talking about his girl this dude think his girl came back to life yeah came back to life as a zombie she was in here oh oh shoot oh [Music] idiots they brought her back [Applause] save violet what oh yeah I got my gun out too hold up hold up let me reload let me reload what a champ look at him reload his weapon while he's holding the body sits the body in the air while he reloads what a champ oh yeah hold up open the door we got something for you go to sleep time to go night night buddy time to go night night buddy you're dead but I'm about to save you anyways [Music] go ahead reload the gun I just shot him he didn't die did he get bit by violet [Music] history things are different now think before the airwaves went out it was advised to leave populated cities there's a coastal town to the east perhaps others were able to fight these creatures off in open space that's worth a try there's no reason for me to stay here anymore [Music] all right where's my gun and my bullets go let me let me see some real quick guys I want to see what happens if I quit okay yes so this is the third level so this is what I'm gonna do up down up down up down up down up diggy diggy down up down we're gonna play one more level all right so now now that we're recalibrated now that um we kind of know what's going on we're gonna play One More Level and then I'm gonna leave it up to you guys if y'all want to see me you know finish this game because I already been recording for like uh you see here an hour and a half we started recording at 1204 remember that remember that y'all went a part two where I finished the game we could do that only thing I'm gonna say is I'm gonna need a way to see like if that's what y'all want you know what better way than the like system I don't know what y'all thinking 300 000 likes what nah that's kind of easy I do that habitually let's do 400 000 where they're all my ammo go help oh God someone help us it looks like there's some people hiding in that Shack maybe they will know something I don't we can save them suck around or water did I not just shoot him what the heck [Music] hey pal we get it bro you making all that noise after you're dead hey friends what's going on here oh bro this is the guy from blood wash Audacity Of you to come out of the house dress like this freak you want Stan who's the neighbor stand Stan the Man hey man thanks for bailing us out yo Stan what you doing over here bruh I don't have a gun but I'll try my best to be useful okay I was here on vacation right before the hit the fan oh he was on vacation what a time to be on vacation just soaking up the sun one minute then the next looking up and seeing some smell him up for one my insides on the outside I found that mother in a creepy son over there they were almost done for then us three stumbled upon this place with the captain and scooter I don't know this city very well but but I know I heard what sounded like a shotgun coming from the dance school well we need those just take a left once you leave and follow the road you'll see the building a shotgun might be better than that old revolver you got there that's what I'm saying my brother good luck out there all right let's talk to everybody else in the room quite the collection of individuals we have that little army Sergeant this dude who look way too happy to be here what's going on with y'all I can't explain it but it seems like the undead are being controlled by a greater force they perhaps aren't as mindless as they seem that is pure speculation on my part though I just know I'm so glad you found us my baby boy Charles and I were starting to lose hope Charles don't look like no baby looking kind of old Charles stop staring at my Mommy's big incredible boobies I I wasn't I'm her little boy not you all right Charles all right I'm her little cuddle bug her little man a cutie patootie I got it Charles I sure that's your that's your mama that's right just a normal kid this is not a kid this is not a kid this is anything but a normal kid matter of fact don't stare at me either you ugly ugly man whoa whoa whoa whoa my fan editors will say otherwise know your place trash go away Charles let me see some identification because you mighty suspicious here Charles what's up sergeant no uh I ain't carrying a weapon I got nowhere in the rest these days I promised my dearest Martha I'd never touch a gun again it's a bad promise to honor given to the situation Skeeter personally I don't care if I live or die [Music] hey you gonna tell me this ball face lie when you sitting in the shelter go ahead and run outside then if you don't care I joined up with these folks to see if I could help but I just froze up when things got dicey Skeeter you froze up with the army pants I just want to go out of hero serving the greater good something that Uncle Sam lied to me about a long time ago I want to die for a reason you know something that'll make Martha proud all right things start getting dicey we could throw old Skeeter he don't care oh hi there shut up are we on the water thanks for helping us out it's it's very appreciated why are you smiling myself and these fine folk were going to try and sell out if you're on my bone I heard on the airwaves before that went out of an island what was the name that's where everyone is going to try and regroup the hard thing is that piece of junk out there ain't ready for Journey that's all out to see there's three things that we need to get ready is that true got a gun and all could you search the city for us not a gun at all you think this situation is funny huh that's the first person I'm throwing to the zombies when things start getting hairy pay attention this is what we need gasoline on engine hose and lastly a fuse find those three things and report back here before we get the boat up and running you can come with us friend bro we need a Home Depot imagine there's a Home Depot like somewhere close we're set we got we could get all of that stuff see what's going on up here oh my flashlight a knife here shotgun ammo look they even got the green boxes red boxes for handgun like I know their fans present anymore I fear something terrible is about to overtake Our Town father fredstein has been most strange lately his eyes it feels strange to say but his eyes bring one word to my mind death he doesn't seem to be the same fear the devil has gotten to him I said wow what the heck yo hey yo he busted that's how he died yo my boy used to get busy in life he died in that pose that's the anime pose bro that was not very helpful I mean we did get some shotgun shells out of there but foreign I'm in the corner [Applause] oh they went crazy with the voice acting somebody out here all right that's just that's just cruel but definitely not going that way all right we got power oh key we got a lot of stuff I tell you what we don't have though we don't have a freaking shotgun and I don't know about y'all but with seven bullets I'm not feeling so confident hit this knife though that's for sure got a keypad here hello hey why would you just running down the hall like that sir I don't take no chances it's worth the bullet I could say something about fellas I don't even need to say it y'all know Dr stiglitz had a locking start on some of the doors I think that has to do with the corpse corpusing being the strange bird that he is he doesn't want anyone to know the code he even went as far as to rip the paper the two even when it's first to rip the paper the code was written on him too I know one half is kept in his pocket but who knows where the other half could be all right [Music] my boy is gone my boy is gone and he ran foreign no no no [Music] where is his head bro what the heck headshot not yet no he did my boy over here can only be shot if he's walking the other way bro give him a little distance piece of garbage got me wasting all this ammo I'm gonna take that three bullets oh oh oh oh oh all right so you got oh they ate the top of his Chrome Dome I heard you got the key you got something in your pockets you look like you run this place and everything backfired the paper looks like it's half a code [Music] Oh I thought I missed that my dude had an ax in his head who asked you a question it's locked oh we unlocked it the other half of the code has to be in here all right all right first things first let's pick the emblem zero shells oh [Music] it was one show bro y'all game devs y'all cruel for that one that wasn't even cool bro from the desk of Dr stiglitz Father Fred Stein and I have hit a snag in our understanding I'm expected to provide the corpses for his Endeavors but I simply cannot keep up with this demand the whole situation is becoming noticeable I will have to inform him of my decision to end our agreement tonight um and I guess father fredstein was like you thought half of a code use note oh no oh no oh no I only got five bullets I'm watching you I'm watching you nobody freaking move all right it's got to be something here a fuse guarantee when I pick this fuse up it's going down basement I'ma just walk out I'm gonna just walk out I'm gonna just walk out what the freak oh how was I supposed to shoot that thing in the head knife master that's me two bullets left yay hopefully we can find that shotgun because I got literally two bullets left now we do have five knives which are great because unlike in Resident Evil the knives literally one shot the zombies and Resident Evil they just kind of damaged them oh no oh no uh are you the old lady from SpongeBob okay what's going on over here I see a knife on the ground snagging that I'll take your shotgun oh baby baby notice how slow he takes a shotgun out though why is this sucker you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse are you taking your shotgun out like this no let me answer that for you here's how you take it out just like that you see you see the grip look at the form no zombie apocalypse wants to see me I guarantee you that and I already know y'all in the comments Corey that's a toy you think I don't got the real thing in the closet back here I'm interested to see the damage there's something strange about head mistress Emmanuel ever since she joined that new church she has been short with the students in fact there are a number of people in this Village who have been acting peculiarly I didn't even know that was and there was an adverb version of that word I can't put my finger on it but something is happening right under our noses oh yeah there's a bruja named um Teresa that that uh [Applause] kill kids [Music] oh I gotta do it Corey edit this out oh my goodness oh [Music] y'all had to put zombie kids in the game I'm looking for some gasoline and I'm looking for a hose I forgot some type of hose or something it's stuck it won't open from this side bro notice we got a crowbar and the last level and we didn't use it which means there is a secret hello [Applause] [Music] what the hell was that made me black out there for a while I need to get out of this house and get back on track the sooner we leave this city the better uh it lives under the floor there's something wrestling around under the floor it keeps waking the whole family up at night the little one is particularly scared it seems I have to admit I've been pretty on edge too I'm sure it's just a rodent but sometimes I feel silly for riding this down even sometimes I think I see someone looking up at me through the floorboards I'll have to get some mouse traps in the market tomorrow yeah Mark mouse traps for the person looking up at you yeah that's a smart idea it can speak say something all right bro you feeling froggy then leap I had to I had to I had to okay I got a key gotta be this door house key hey we made it out hey butthole bro come on we gotta make him go around this pole he goes around here he goes around the pole hold up first first you [Music] come on man how how I'm not about to waste ammo trying to kill that thing I just got locked in here oh wow I can see through that how can you even eat me bro gasoline [Music] [Applause] let's go meet me upstairs at 9pm my mom should be asleep and I can sneak out she's really mad when she found out about us she wouldn't stop talking about how our relationship is don't ever ever since dad died he just clings to her old crucifix like it's the only thing she has she needs to get over it who knows maybe being dead isn't all that bad oh what a edgy team mom mom I shot her side of her head y'all with these hit boxes right now oh we got somebody coming down the stairs who is you oh it's the kid I think oh shoot sorry oh that's tough I saw you through the door what was that bro this game kind of clean now that I'm like really now that I'm like in it I'm having some fun right now I just I had to recalibrate I'm thinking we about to get like you know blood wash narrative bass game this is just a straight up zombie shooting game all right so we got out of there and we got the gas so now we just need to find the hose and um oh this is the gate in the beginning can I open it on this side nice look at that we got a shortcut quick load now later break how you doing um one of the strangest things I've recorded I don't know if I'm gonna be uploading this if you see this then I made the decision that I was gonna upload it obviously after we describe this game people matter of fact I'm so sure that nobody's watching this video up to this point I'm gonna I'm gonna put a secret I'm gonna say it's something secret on all the fake Samurai they already left they already know how they do we just gonna put down in the comments real ones no there's gonna be so much confusion people are going to be replying like wait where where why are you guys saying real ones no no one's saying no one put the time stamp to this part just write if you get to this part and you see this part just write real ones no and that's gonna point out all the fake Samurai because all the fake ones gonna be like what do you mean what why is everyone typing this well if you would have got to this point you would have knew fake ah My Revolver go ahead and reload this first oh shoot got it upstairs all right all right oh we got a lot of Corners here dude watch your Corners bro relax I'm gonna take that knife though [Music] let's get the shotgun out get the shotgun out okay I'm thinking I could build a bridge whoa that was scary so can I grab one of these yes sir so don't fall off the board see we got here mama locked them all in the basement her and papa blocked the staircase because the basement might not hold them so now we just live upstairs it's impossible to tell how many days have passed because the sky is blood red constantly mama and papa only cry and read the Bible now they say the devil is coming for our souls huh why is this man looking like that bro I don't know why they make noise after you freaking blow their head off come out the cupboard okay the no said there are a lot in the basement so yet we're all Reloaded let's make sure everything's all set because it's about to go down right here playing no games with you let me change to a shotgun let me change to a shotgun it might be Overkill but I just need to know oh it's the hose okay all right as soon as we pick this up it's a wrap so let me put this away grab the knife let's grab the hose come on it's not going to be that easy really what the it's locked now yeah I was about to say [Music] oh get this one get this one it's my gun well I'm using the nightmare since I want to be on full crap get me out this freaking Farm bro demon dogs [Music] ready at oh demon dogs reload reload reload reload reload laughs we out I got it ah you scurvy dog yeah that's all we need to leave this hellhole I'll have this boat up and running into two shakes of a mermaid's tits [Music] so um it looks to me we are about right here that's a completely different ocean there cap oh oops I cannot believe this I thought you were a captain why haven't you the faintest idea of where we are okay you know since we're all friends now he was a captain found some truth fact is I'm just a cabin boy okay yeah furthest my knowledge goes with directions is that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east rises in the East exactly sets in the West CAP bro this is ridiculous we escaped those flesh eating monstrosities to become stranded out of sea without any food when it comes down to it I vote cooking to Kevin boy first calm down everyone I'm sure once this ball clears up we can get our Barons and eventually come across some land in the meantime let's all take a rest we've been on our feet for a long time you are quite right come Charles it is your dinner time yes Mommy now I think it's I think it's important that we ah we need to keep our guard because I have a bad feeling that when you kindly shut the hell up back there damn thank you as I was saying I just think we should be on our toes yo yo y'all tweaking right is it a zombie water monster guys we're gonna end this here this game is crazy this is like like deliberately bad but fun like the over-the-top zombie noises the over-the-top jump scares but low-key I'm invested in the story now I mean I only been playing for two and a half hours here I'm kind of invested I want to see if our man could get out of this I want to see what happens with Stan y'all want more I need four I'm gonna get out of here no I'm actually gonna go to bed so hopefully you guys enjoy it if they appreciate assistance to Samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join the Samurai and until next time our brothers and sisters oops [Music] because my name is [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 12,915,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: night at the gates of hell, night, at, the, gates, of, hell, gameplay, game, puppet combo, puppet, combo, torture star video, horror, strange, weird, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, jumpscare, part 1, full, is, wild, for, this, one, stan
Id: WiEWpuOmYww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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