this 700 IQ impostor sabotage strategy never fails...

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This video has my 2 favorite plays from Toast!

The double-kill as crewmate on Syd and Yvonne

and him telling Abe to vote himself to tie the vote (thanks to Sykkuno's vote). Bonus Tinaa "Don't worry about it" line lol

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/chili01 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oooo I always wanted to see the double left reactor strat!

Also crewmate double kill is great!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nyanderful_ 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

His editors are so good. I always wonder how he manages them (as it appears there are multiple). Does he have a trusted head editor who gives notes guides the style and everything? Or is Toast the one who does that?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/2ToTooTwoFish 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh someone did a light sabotage by the way i'm a heart and weapons room say you're my pipe i need to get a top hat and a trench coat to go with this cosplay say okay the body oh there's two uh it is right above the vital place like near the lava pit oh sydney where did you go after you're in the bottom left with me i went down to do the upload download task for the uh by the asteroids and then i was doing that and then the lights went out and i started walking up well i'll put like this sydney has said she will kill me first thing if she's imposter and i walk past her and she didn't wow but that's only because her kill was on cooldown from killing chris because i saw her come from the right side of the office goddammit i just got here you can't just point at me because you want to point at me wait he does this every time he literally does every time and i'm right every single time uh no i would say maybe about fifty percent you know fifty percent you know two out of ten two out of 10 is pretty good 49 okay you guys need to believe me [Music] oh you're gonna wish you killed me when you had the chance i never had the chance toast because i'm not the imposter i don't know why you do this okay sydney let me ask you no one say anything sitting why didn't you uh do the card swipe you just ran past it because i already did the card swipe have you been camping the card swipe all game the yvonne yvonne huh you did this card swipe right i did i don't have the card swipe we don't have the card swipe it's both of them damn hey this guy's toast i should have known as soon as he asked i should have known you know yeah it was both of them because um i i don't know if it was sydney so i tried to bait her but i saw yvonne go to the card swipe so i told you guys not to say anything so that they can like kind of implies each other i don't want to die wait but like um yvonne look at the top left the first two tasks are tasks everyone has so those two yeah the first two so you should always fake those two god dammit see now you won't make that mistake yvonne if it makes you feel better yvonne toast is a bully i hate people i'm just gonna vote myself [ __ ] this game okay if you shouldn't feel bad yvonne i should feel bad because i know better i totally know better a little higher than 49 numbers was now worth it was it worth killing me [ __ ] it was i'll do it again i was so happy i was so happy and there was a hundred dollars really happy it was so apes not bad damn i'm getting so much imposter games today i'm i'm losing it all oh [ __ ] okay i um doing the the maze at the right side right under the right reactor and i was walking over to the left um when the lights went out and i saw a report button and it was for yvonne's body i didn't see the body but i'm assuming it's somewhere around in that area was it one or two did you get a chance to walk around uh i didn't get to walk around but it was a heap for yvonne's body i think so you don't know if it was a double then right i don't know the only person i saw was i think tina you are fixing wires on the left right you were you were doing wires on the left right wires i don't think that's what i was doing i was like by the oxygen oh the downloads what you know where lights are i like it was tina no for god's sake maybe is it the download where you wait for a folder i think so i'm gonna be honest i don't remember okay well uh does that mean no no no no i was uh i was camping lights and i think i'm pretty sure i saw her when i was walking out pushing black top there was like five of us in the top right i think me and then uh i saw sydney at the very end i was on this i remember i remember seeing dog and hafu for sure yeah definitely wait i remember seeing you but [Laughter] yeah i don't remember seeing you look it sounds like wait sakura do you remember seeing sydney though i don't i don't then how how does she the [ __ ] did you see if you were up there then i i don't know i think i passed by people but it's all blurry i'm not lying because i'm really just blind sometimes okay okay so the straightforward way to win is for me and abe to just hang out together the entire time no no no no no baby [ __ ] crazy you're [ __ ] crazy if you go for a kill here damn tina viewed off to the right all right i just need an alibi cameras lights on camera lights on camera lights or sound purple next to the lava pit where did you what did you do this round where'd you come from buddy i'm in the specimen room how could i kill her and get here where did you come from though is the question from the bottom part was on camera what are you guys crazy i'm in the specimen room i couldn't physically kill i saw him on the south camera so just like i said i came from the southern part into the specimen room there's no physical way i could have killed someone and gotten in here that quickly well we don't know how fresh the body is right that's true we don't know how fresh the body is oh god you guys are going for the wrong person look let's focus on the people who weren't in specimen room oh and i did the i think i don't remember which reactor but i did one of them i was uh following wendy because she was my babysitter this round and the only thing yes because the seismic got caught i went to the left side abe i did cart and i went up to um med bay to do the anomaly and then seismic got caught so i went to the right side i actually don't think it's cycuno because he's usually not playing detective as imposter you're right sydney where are you we all know who it is right guys with sydney we all know who it is after those testimonies who you guys know who it is right i think no matter what we skip before he yells a name out with three seconds left don't listen to him do not listen to him guys guys tina knew thank you save he didn't kill tina i was just sketched out to be honest by what hair okay i will say on the lights what the [ __ ] was that i was flipping all the switches on and someone was i think it's toast i think it's toast because no one else does that [ __ ] to people on lights i'm sorry okay people always use this light argument and it makes no sense what's the point of [ __ ] with lights what do you mean there's a total point to it sometimes as a foster waiter wait hold on hear me out your other guys so many times and he's done that [ __ ] so many times done what like where do you just randomly flick the lights on and off you've got the only one not standing on the stack which is what i thought it was very strange you are i saw that you were a little bit off but you could have probably like still reach the lights i was not in the lights you weren't in the lights nope it was abe guys all right i would just also like to say that it's seven and i really don't think that we should yeah i already know it's a bronze we already know what's happening area where the body was and the testimonies last time okay and also he was on the stack i think if david doesn't feel like you would have killed me because i was alone wait i know guys and tina and sydney cleared innocent but i don't want to take the seven risks don't let him live another round i don't think it's like you know he's doing his thing once again i know you're the killer please don't kill me next god the plane is someone else keeps giving us chances i'm surprised abe didn't kill tina there maybe cindy was there when you do a so wow we still have lots of time god everyone's always so grouped yeah it should be toast because i thought i left toast with uh david i'm i'm ready to vote no no okay okay let me please the last so i was on right seismic right yep i went to the left right you know who i left with dog abe abe all right i'll kill it first no no no no no no my [ __ ] god please who did you vote for don't worry about it dude babe you got to kill yourself hey it's time to kill yourself my god what is what is happening you guys are trolling take the kettle oh my god guys i said i said we were going for abe first i already voted i already said it yeah but that guys you're not supposed to talk during this part the killing [Music] because he was in the exact spot the only person in the spot yeah and he was like but you have also thrown so many innocent people off boards so many your winners like your your vote rate is like 20 yeah by the way that was the most well executed end i've ever seen yeah i freaking even said i voted i voted please vote and you're like i voted to say that um we should have won that but that's okay at least it was funny guys you know what we should also i found it out two rounds ago just just calling actually wait until the last second and you go wait it's abe guys it's aids i think it looks so sus how am i supposed to believe that yeah the thing there is like once you guys realize the votes was split it was better for an innocent person to not vote because then we can't control the split in that yeah tina what the hell is that don't worry about it come on sorry i thought maybe one of us would have felt that was so good you see toast took advantage of knowing that i would want to kill abe first well you also voted as imposter let me make sure to try oh man people are just really hard stacked all right speed run test speed run tasks gonna get a speed run task let's be run test be run test gonna get a speed run task oh wow that was fast okay uh the body was in the like right below where we start like um i was in the lab area and then i was walking towards electrical when the lights came off and oh there's two desks i only saw a mazda's body but it's dark i didn't see anyone around i saw black and orange walk into the lab area as i was leaving okay yeah um like in front of the electrical i was i need to open the doors to do the lights the lights so i was with i was at hafu and um tina in the rocket med bay area um i'm thinking this was probably a double kill in the dark so i don't think it's any of us three you know who's been real quiet straight to weapons just finished shooting asteroids broden david secundo where were you guys i was underneath laboratory towards the lights brodin said he says asteroids but i'm at asteroids right now you're lying out of your face toast okay yeah i'll be honest i was i was trying to bluff him david how did you get to celeb uh i went from dropship i did the keys went down did the little light bright thing uh underneath the lab thing the light bright what's the light bright right the chasing amazing oh the yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah because the body was on that path i was thinking that little game boy like you plugged in underneath the light went off then i headed up to lab and then that was it did you see tina and abe did they i actually passed you but it was in the dark i saw a yellow body and then you went left and i was going into lab because i was like someone will fix lights okay okay well i'm gonna just vote to skip it sounds like we don't have at the hands of mine [Music] mysterious very very mysterious [Music] do [Music] hmm abe's kind of just monitoring me i mean if he was a killer he would just come in here and kill me no one will ever find my body right i wonder i actually wonder if it's better to have less tasks okay what the heck wait i just ran past toast and apes toast was standing right there and then he walked out where's there where was the body under the like the you know the room where you have to reset the communication or whatever the the what room like the one above the weapons room above the weapons room yeah so it was like in between the two rooms but in the entrance of like the rim entrance okay all right that's fine i know 100 who the two people are where the two killers are who is it that's when the insect right now what what listen two people two more people died i was butt to butt with toast and and also hafu again this round and i can clear hafu and tina from last round or at least i'm like very positive that it wasn't them last round and it was right there did you not see the body no toast and i both saw the body were you with abe uh yeah for the most part he didn't do this kill that's for sure i trust that we haven't even cares then we don't know i only saw the one body of logic yeah it's like what if it's even i think cycles for sure one of them wait why wendy i'm like okay you guys saw me in the top right i couldn't love this yeah i really don't think it was hafu unless she self-reported the first round i really don't think but i don't think she would no no that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense she wouldn't self-report a double kill in the dark when the lights are off that doesn't make any sense they were literally right on top of the body was nobody listening to me like they were there i think it doesn't matter i think it's like for sure i think i'm going for this what do you think yeah it's like i'm going to know that's like yeah i'm going to follow wait following me that's scary she never followed me before if i could never follow me someone called the emergency fix the sabotage i'll fix the sabotage you call it emergency okay okay it's probably not half okay she would have caught a sabotage and got me killed already wait think so i mean i just wanted to call it because we should hear a little bit more really do you think we got one of them yeah for sure uh yes like who knows what do you think i'm leaning towards wendy or toast because i feel like i've seen you and abe consistently all the time and unless you self-reported the first round it can't be you right it was me you uh abe and then david on on the front the first round and then david wasn't dead it doesn't make sense for half uh to have uh self-reported the fair sham because it was in the dark okay a double kill i mean listen i'm just telling you guys literally what i saw i walked in and then they were saying like oh we just don't report the body because we need to find out stuff and i'm just like okay well two people are staying on top of the body so well when we haven't lost yet that means we got the right person yes and there's still one more and the two people that i was just like suspicious of are still alive so who are you suspicious of well toast the neighbor right next to the body well you know it can't be it can't be able it can't be able it can't it can't be both of us toast no it's not i was literally with toast the entire round second round can't be abe from the first round and then and abe had each other's alibis for that double kill should be wendy trail where he was with someone from i'm actually down to about wendy yeah that was that was a good video yeah yeah and this would make a second good one wait was that stokes huh no no no i was it was that was kappa oh okay kappa [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,804,903
Rating: 4.962769 out of 5
Keywords: among us, offlinetv, disguised toast, disguisedtoast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us gameplay, offlinetv and friends, among us tips and tricks, among us toast, among us best imposter, among us memes, among us funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us funny animation, sykkuno, among us best imposter plays, among us best imposter moments, among us gameplay impostor, hafu, among us memes kill, among us best imposter gameplay
Id: iG4T6NFnYes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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