Pull Up Season 2 Episode 14 - Decade Wrap Up | Feat. Charlamagne The God

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lmao they really forgot push v drake for that long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 81 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Doc_Wolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember last year being good. Is this worth the watch?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KDawG888 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They triggered me as a frank ocean fan at around 1:17

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DFVJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They really know too little about certain peoples albums and music to do a whole decade review. So many mistakes they made that went uncorrected

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chemical-Point πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They’re wylin for not mentioning gucci

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sero-Flex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

they don't put this in podcast form? who has time to watch a 2 hour video of two dudes talking?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chilloutfam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They went off track of music way too much in this one. I thought last years and the one before that was a lot better because of that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kingolimar354 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Budden is the saltiest idiot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mayday992 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] here we are once again Joe Budden Charlemagne of God into the decade wrap up we normally do end of the year we've done two so far yeah the [ __ ] how many of you because I don't members we tried to brand it but remote wasn't having it so I guess this is a pull of no remote did want to brand it but they wanted to yeah I think our prices come together like this yeah I think so too so we're gonna go over some things that happen this decade I'm gonna try my best to remember and we're gonna have fluid conversations about them all and if we don't remember what happened in a decade then maybe it just didn't make the impact that yeah people thought it did yeah yeah I'm rolling with that one oh we won't start beef why not let's start with what's gonna go viral I'm talking about they don't that's not what do it like it used to yeah even as I think about the decade me jerk I mean meek Drake is actually one of the greatest rap battles ever and it was being on it's one of the top five if not top three most impactful dish record this beefs of all time Drake and meek mill no way absolutely God's green earth easily and I can tell you what me and Drake started off as friends they did records together that people enjoyed meat called Drake out for Ghost Rider you know let me stop you right there country because I don't know about all this artist I don't fall for that artist was friends they were friends how do you mean there we go they will collaborate with us so they will collaborated they collaborated on records me cause Drake outfit goes right and meek says now he don't know why he did it he was high off perks whatever the [ __ ] it was Drake responded the way a rappers should when you question his pin I'm gonna give you these right let me give you charged up and then I'm gonna give you which some could say is a top three top five this record of all time maybe not because of content but because of impact back to back what was say I disagree but what was the impact of back to back since Drake was already like super impact for that time well I think it uh solidified drink as as over as a real rapper right because once again his pin with him question so he gave you charged up cool nice low jab but then back to back was an uppercut and he did with his diss record what I like what people do with their diss records if he made it a party record that's what POC did we hit him up right that's where Dre and Snoop did with [ __ ] Dre day because when you had a club I I don't know if they were purposely doing it Drake purpose purposely did it in a club yes cuz that pisses you off and he didn't curse on it so that means radio could play the [ __ ] out of it everything you're saying and I agree with everything you're saying but that's kind of why I'm I disagree okay because you name in one side of that battle it was a one-sided battle no it wasn't some meat responded edn Drake is on one side of it well no that wasn't even about it I was doing you mean in your own head Drake wasn't even thinking about you but unless he was thinking about that's why we don't even have briefs of the decade show blood and drink because there was no Eve it was one side it was you meek responded hey not only did he respond we got a whole life from flex about a record coming at seven seven o'clock to man whole hip-hop world was waiting defensive flex which is crazy I know I would never say that that wasn't his fault I know if people told him a record was coming he didn't come yes but that's what happened and we didn't get a record so the anticipation to wind it a little bit we would who didn't care that money and by the time we got the record it wasn't nah once we heard that record that beef was open now and we didn't care anymore and he came back with wall ready with him and omelly meek and O'Malley which is hard i like that i like the modulate it wasn't [ __ ] with back bet we got to stop acting like back-to-back wasn't one of the top five greatest diss records of all time like I literally got hit him up by to pop hit him up take over by hole yeah eat the by nas right you could put a deer and then I'm putting I'm putting Dre day by snoop and Dre and then I'm putting back-to-back um fourth I'll go no Vaseline no massively was it was great great great diss record I might put no you know what I'll take drainage I'll put no Vaseline f/4 and I'll put then back-to-back and entreated a minute back the back is a phenomenal record though he doesn't curse one time everything he said in that record damn they came true I don't want to hear about this ever again he was scolding him like a freaking soccer mom I don't hear about this ever again like it was it listen it's one of the greatest things I don't think anybody will deny the impact of back to back but there weren't any other beefs to really be highlighted just this decade I like Kendrick versus that rule I like Kendrick versus everybody oh no what's the feature he did control Roy you're missing a great one on here like we got a like you know Gucci man the truth record the diss record he did the Jeezy when he told Jeezy like you know something bunch of pardon or whatever I did you pardon up like that was that was that was bad that was bad good start talking about killing people yeah that was bad no one I mean schita sheet there was phenomenally individual tracks and I'm trying to focus on the whole beef Nicki that was a whole record yeah but it was a whole thing because I remember that Saturday morning sheet that came out I remember me and Nicki going back and forth from the Texas for whatever reason that morning and I'm sure you've been here with Nicky Nicky he'll wake up and she'll blame you for everything that's happening to her in her life right okay so at that time Nicky was really coming at me because she thought I was pushing Remy to diss her I'm like I have I really had no idea what she was talking about I really didn't and I was like yo I don't think rim this is this why I [ __ ] up I said I don't think Remy has a problem with you whatsoever cuz I really did not know and then like an hour later she that comes out I'm hitting the came back like yo my bad I didn't know the funny that they probably really don't have a problem with each other even still with this beef I mean it's all about miscommunication right like Remy said that Nicky was shutting her down meaning like red carpets [ __ ] like that so that the game is the game maybe but I might not even have been the case like if you hear something from somebody [ __ ] that go talk to that person if that person tells you there's no issue then there's no issue I don't think you can get emotional over should they come for the game and when you meet with people that are more powerful than you they're supposed to wield that power behind the scenes so yeah that's kind of corny um I don't has it ever been done to you of course but I purposely wouldn't do it but I but I don't even think it's about wielding power I don't think it about purposely shutting people down right I think it's I don't [ __ ] with that person right so somebody comes to me and be like hey we want such as such to do like now I'm not doing it you're not saying it's not a conscious thing not making a call yo exactly exactly hey that was lackluster than me Wayne and Birdman that wasn't really it I was a legal battle we didn't really get bars from that not those guys love each other man they kissed I really can't like yo we got this decade biggest it doesn't matter if there's a picture of you kissing another man last decade cuz if you got that picture and the fact that they got tattoos of each other that's a different bond Wayne and Birdman will never really have be 50 cent that [ __ ] he was right for dudes like don't get in between I like those guys love each other like they love each other in a real way strong man I'm never getting between two men the kiss that would make now I mean if they both came to tissue when you got in between they're not even getting smacked on both wait a man I forgot about don't try to give me in your little bird man beef I mean I don't [ __ ] with him personally but I will always respect Birdman because he's a mogul from the south like you got a respectful Birdman bill we got to do moguls moguls in a decade that's not yet we've got to do it okay um I really enjoyed the mace this record - can um I'll say it I did I'm probably the only person that did but I liked it it was good to hear man oh you hate me so I was like they gotta live it be weird I don't hate none of these people me and mace had one run in like I don't have a problem woman we had a it was a run in this decade compliment if this record it was a good dis record two cameras this is my this is my thing with the diss records there was no follow up to it and it did nothing it did nothing for me it did nothing other than this mention omae's got my Skycam but so what there was no follow-up no singles no albums good I don't want to hear no he did put something else out after that but it wasn't yeah it wasn't uh wasn't anything that would get the people talking about that actually shouldn't even be a beef for the decade that's been a beef that's just been going on for at least the past two decades yeah that nobody actually really cares about we have wale versus Meek Mill and we have wale versus J Cole here do wild lane versus Meek Mill does that beef count especially being that we all know they super cool now like they prove that they really are home yo and this buck throw this super cool friends it just around I cannot speak to their relationship so I won't and it was it was a beef because we saw the we saw it publicly yeah we didn't get any records from it but yeah I don't know my knowledge and I think that was just a go I think that was two people on the same label who don't realize that this Khurana together at the time they didn't realize that they were stronger together cuz I'm sure that while a has holes in his repertoire than artists that Meek Mill can feel Meek Mill has holes in his repertoire artists that while they can feel and I can say when I when I was with me a couple weeks ago and the Bahamas while they was dead while they was there so unless you know their leaders you meet pull up that was it stop it you gonna stop acting like you have been in one-on-one use lead a misconception that you have created this dekhi that's not true that Joe Budden created the one-on-one it is so not true yes y'all y'all are misinterpreting what they saying everybody knows Joe didn't create a one-on-one is not true he's kicked out however twenty olds they listen to Joe Budden pot guys have no idea they don't know who Oprah Winfrey is Diane Sawyer Barbara Walters some family Freddie might sway my demo was twenty five to thirty five sixty kids not the 21 year old just because but know everybody knows Joe but did not invent the one-on-one interview however the tone of the interviews changed when Joe came around opposite did Tony Tony told shade you need to stop asking them [ __ ] generic ask questions about trying to get deeper with their in any interview Charlemagne has never asked generic questions that's all miss Alamein and number two when I took that scroll through lovely hills with calabashes with kanye west it was man winter clothes and winter clothes you know that was more of the intimacy that a lot of those people that I named know over the Diane Sawyer as the Barbara Walters that was the intimacy we bought to hip hop in a mean way before pull up it was not yes it was stop lying you know you can look up to stuff I would like to when what did you and Kanye go trotting crazy mad before that look April 28th teen or 2017 look it up some save on we don't want to know April 2018 and by the way yeah it was right Joe hit me it goes I would like to walk through the hills of Calabasas with Kanye no I never said you said it look good and you would love to walk through my by the way hey look good but here's the thing it feels good but I don't want to see you and Jeezy sitting on a porch oh that was not that's that's actually a phenomenal and I'm sure it is but I just don't want to see y'all two sitting on a board we sold yams out his auntie house that's great that's great I guess it here's the thing I enjoy to pull ups just like you enjoy mine and cold up you took pull up from tax stone come on tax going did the pull he hadn't he had a show called to pull up yes okay if you're gonna say that took that from text own did you yeah I'm definitely fun if you took the name definitely yeah okay I didn't know I didn't know stop it Joe no I don't believe you pull up in the man coming I don't know I don't believe that I'm gonna see the tone of my interviews and by I like that sauce y'all doing another well listen come on back to be okay little bit me and Joe gotta be for their mission Beyonce and Kim Kardashian was that was that a Beatles they never said nothin about wake it up a second Bobby Jay Z versus to launch that was a P for the decade that was the most violent beef between artists of the decade yes have any other artists got down Solange and jay-z did in that elevator by the way every man could really learned something from that situation like if you look at jay-z and Solange would also came out and that week our tooth period was Ray Ray Rice and his wife his baby mama the way Jay handed it is how a man supposed to handle it right handle it is not the way you supposed to handle it at all yeah I know I know we got a lot of um music [ __ ] down here by the way Solange is justified I gave some large donkey today for that but she was justified in what she did um I'm not gonna touch that no I'm gonna say why she was justified we first of all that elevator spawned three of the greatest albums of this past decade for for for lemonade and seeded to save today if she was jumping on Jay for what Beyonce's that Jay did in lemonade it was justified not in the elevator I know it's all site I respects the large for that you said on SNL hey we got to hold Netflix budget yes so you got a certain way now what if you're on an elevator what if you just left a party and Shorty was in the party sure he should be at the party what if what if we ain't invited in the parties you kicking me for we don't know the context though what if Jay said hi if I'm getting kicked for hi yes no Joe come on Joe Q bless you gotta protect that y'all know better than this I am NOT saying a woman are justified for kicking a man because a girl that liked him was in the party to say hello listen if I'm in a pod you don't have to be cordial with people know if I'm in a party right you my man we had a party the woman that you cheated with is in the party right you girl already caught you with her I'm like bro look alive so do you mean if you are stupid enough they even say hey how are you are any of that [ __ ] lord have mercy you just you deserve that's the launch goddamn ass kicking in that out of it if you like the girl a little bit whoa Wow nothing really justifying how much the chick wait a bit cool isn't salute to Solange I should have read [ __ ] that donkey today cuz I just you know I feel like what you taste what you do and what any female member of the family would do if you insignificant of the dirt she probably did at home at home flute the hope though very learn about sit very good oh I don't want to go to the rock nation brunch some of my favorite beefs I know we don't we on music ship but I have really liked the and I'm gonna say this because it's important to note individuals versus corporations I really I really liked watching Steve Harvey versus was the NBC I don't remember see this isn't a house still here both Steve Arbor to show the Facebook now oh yeah some companies and where the money was going let's talk about that I like that because networks are in trouble and I think networks have to understand that you know it's a lot of personalities out there that know how to create their own content they have their own followings so you don't necessarily have to kiss the ass of these networks or even compromise themselves put these networks like you got something like Facebook watch I applaud Facebook because read table talk is just as big as any daytime talk show that's out there [ __ ] was windy I'll go [ __ ] was Ellen you know whoever like Jada Pinkett them have really built something editor super important show in the culture yeah yeah so foot so to see Steve have the NBC look the nationally syndicated NBC look they want to come in and give it to Kelly Clarkson and push T to the side instead of Steve sitting out here trying to finesse one of these net worth to give him a deal I'm gonna take this [ __ ] to Facebook I respect it you know I respect it I think it was Nick Cannon versus yeah there's a few more I can get into but we won't I didn't respect that one as much though only because I don't think Nick Cannon should die on the hill of his stand-up you know I'm saying like cuz I don't look at Nick as as a standard comedian I look at him as a entrepreneur you know I mean I respect his freedom of speech so if it's a stand that he was taken for freedom of speech and embassy not being able to control him control what he says I respect that but if it's just for some jokes yeah and who's the network now that um that uh Gabrielle Union is going through that NBC NBC yeah yeah I keep trying to throw by somebody and what about AC standard for [ __ ] what accent colors right now they're not showing no love that else those people who moves to [ __ ] denim what's the name you know look like Arsenio Hall to me Oh Orlando if I know Joan Joan define what like whenever that that's don't say any stars okay that's what American Gods I don't know I like I like all that [ __ ] I like man vs. company I like it a lot better than all this [ __ ] that I don't really care about so we putting a button on beefs of the decade drinking me clearly we can meet by by default I don't even think about deep what I think that [ __ ] would have been popping in any decade put it in the last decade and it comes in maybe don't think in no way second Oh push it Drake that was the beef has to be for this decade oh yes I knew there was some yes Oh a [ __ ] that rapped back a nice body shot to the body shot to the gut sit your ass down somewhere and rethink thing yeah a real beef yes push the drifters top five it's not the beef with a decade though Drake and meek is clearly to be for the day that's the one we cared about the most but as far as actual versus that we're paying attention to and that's not really a mainstream thinking mainstream don't get into that but as far as music like you said the elevator beef foot saloon I'm still putting roomie Nikki - Nikki - and they're not then I'll put pushing verses on pushing for if you put Drake and Meeks beef in last decade it doesn't come before these are room Oh slow to slow down you crazy stop fit the in job yeah nas and hope now they're hoping the more beans and kiss oh wow yes it's yes sir there's one more big one from last decade there's one more big one from last decade it'll come to me later yes there's a few that yeah get that out of you okay you right but yeah I still put drinking me a drink amigas number one decade pusher listen to pushing beef was kind of one-sided too though because yes I'm gonna tell you why because Drake really wasn't a man that pushes even his response Ranga all that [ __ ] was towards Kanye just you just justified solange whole and her sister down in the elevator yeah so didn't push goal this man down nah push was aiming at drake wayne birdman for the whole decade drake replies two birds one stone right we gave him a couple he gave him a couple shots pushing replies to that and then drake says nah [ __ ] that i'm an aiming at your man cuz i feel like your man is the one feeding you all this [ __ ] no keep that [ __ ] with push and then push came back ain't no i'm talking to you mmm and drake decides to bow out gracefully smart move i think it was a smart move only because I think in Drake's mind I don't know how to do it in candidate but and clearly and drinks mine push it took it pass rap that's what was said yes yeah I think he took it so there's no need to use that type of rap rhetoric if you feel like you actually want to put him and be clear I'm never I'm talking about these beefs encapsulated once it gets past that and somebody really starts taking things personally and goes to get the goons to kill everybody Joe exits Texas I'm exiting but that's all for that we're as a hip fire as a coach we've escalated it escalated to that point though and we should stop it that's why that's why I'm not gonna let you big big future up with all that [ __ ] did he do I'm not I just can't put it all on future because we can't act like there wasn't rappers prior to us that put disruptive [ __ ] out into the community yo the drug [ __ ] the drug [ __ ] the drug [ __ ] is this decade the 90s 2000s you know what [ __ ] us up his men that hardcore gangsta [ __ ] everybody was walking around with a pistol everybody wanted the [ __ ] shoot on sight violence the street [ __ ] the 90s 2000 [ __ ] up our generation the same way drugs is [ __ ] up this generation and their two is two sides of the same evil coin I can't poo I can't I can't I'm not saying one is better than the other you kind of did though no I'm just saying a I acknowledge this is happening here this happened then listen whatever happened in the 90s and early 2000s the 20 year olds 18 year olds today they hate wasn't giving a [ __ ] so we didn't inspire that I have to point that to future and we wane I put him in that you not even but he knew our era three 6 mafia was sippin on some sizzurp beanie sigel din was Purple Rain Purple Rain came out we knew we know what steppin on some sizzurp I didn't use himself that leash over here in New York I had not alcohol called scissor yes he did that wasn't spotted from Lee my thing camera and I'm being inspired by the gang culture like y'all we here we go listen listen let's be clear hip hop in general has put out a lot of this yes we all need to unlearn a bunch of the [ __ ] that we've learned that's all it boils down to the past 20 25 years of hip-hop in between hip hop and just the regular life of a black man has totally [ __ ] us something it ruined us bro like we do is we can be honest with that in a minute it helped a lot of us because we're in these positions but it ruined a lot of us and we can make it better it's not like we can't make it better why how do we make it better we make it better by doing what we're doing now is about mindfulness and mental health straight up I think a lot of that is happening today and and I will and I will go I will salute hip-hop for that I like that there's less violence today I like that people seem to be a lot more aware today people are empowering a lot more repositioning like it's a lot of good [ __ ] that took place this decade I'm just decade I don't want to make it sound like yeah that's some new [ __ ] I'm gonna give it up for jury was getting robbed in [ __ ] last day yes all about I'm gonna give it up for Drake I'm gonna give it up for Kendrick I'm gonna give it up for Cole I'm gonna give it up for wale I'm gonna get up for big shine I'm gonna give it up for Kanye Kanye uh [ __ ] in this whole new era all of these guys that we're talking about our fruit all Kanye's tree when it came to just you know brothers really being vulnerable and really showing emotion and not being on that thug [ __ ] you remember when 50 and and ya did that 101 face off Kanye one net and he really one next decade honestly if we're being if we're being honest universe one yeah well the universe was definitely one but he affords all of those people and think about it top of the decade he was clowning [ __ ] like Drake he's clowning him for being emotional and vulnerable and actually practicing mindfulness who took him when he took emotional [ __ ] to the next next yeah but a lot of that [ __ ] he was talking about how [ __ ] with now and any of you talk about them lavender fragrance but lavender fragrance my god industry plants industry plants of the decade this is a disgusting list by the way that Joe and save on and them wrote I had nothing to do I didn't write the name see I get conflate no that's your Rory oh my god Roy was dope those whose words from Atlanta right and to go kid I something like that he's a rapper yeah I still I mean I still I haven't heard anything from him in a while but I like the one he was up industry plants of the decade sorry just listen yeah little Nozick's logic lizzo post Malone chance the rapper lil yachty Trinidad James Drake Russ Iggy Azalea Billy I wish the coffee 6-9 little pump colleague nav Rory Janelle more how did you know morn he get on here and Selena Gomez explain to me what the definition of an interview plan is I never understood this term oh you one of those now I have it I used to see you online all the time I don't know what is exactly what what do I do when you when you plant something you plant it you you water it you wanted to see you fertilize it so you know so you the thing you should do with artists so you put something somewhere and just it blossoms mm-hmm alright so that's what we're saying industry plan is I definitely old a little nods X's engine complaint I think nobody saw that coming on paper that does not work who don't knows X is backed by some of the more power Lupe's got great management he was backed by nobody in the beginning though I don't know who he was backed by in the beginning I can't even tell you where the beginning starts see that's what a lot of these plants like to do they like to start telling you about their beginning I don't know where the beginning starts for a lot of these people because little nods X it was rather quick it was a novelty record at first I was wondering these records and they made it that it's the champion record oh yeah they made it that I got I got a four year old and an eleven year old it rings off with understand no no I understand and I agree and I [ __ ] with Luna yeah I love the records but if that record didn't attach itself to that social movement or that what jon-jon genre bias then I don't know if we care that much adults I mean it was a lot of things that went into it further why was our already a catchy record I think I would the plan wait just explaining you plants okay I think that was a plan I think finding this little dusty [ __ ] from wherever they found him from and putting him with some of the most powerful people and him him getting that much attention to have this type of plan around that he would have came up with its plant [ __ ] I think the song was way bigger than him I think Lord Nozick's is just finally catching up to the success of that record I think people know him now just as much as they know that record but for them for like seven eight months you didn't know who little Nozick's was you hated his name like a lot of [ __ ] this guy called himself in the house but I listened that [ __ ] is like baby shark to me they say your mother's a baby shark with an industry plan it is baby shark it is but that's my [ __ ] still how was baby shopping in school and I'd have to read a story because when I read it no I read it and it said the the Asian dudes they came up with it his father owned this whatever the company was and then they funded this and started a new shell company to make the music and that was the first song that came out like it was a it wasn't just a creator coming up with a song and it taking off that's what I'm saying yeah that's all I'm saying lizzo fam don't defend it don't defend it no not in sku flesh listen when I think energy plan is what I think of I think of seeds where were planted and then that person fertilized water their seed I watched the lizard you if you go back and you look this decade it might have been three years ago four years ago I was hosting the red carpets for the MTV VMAs Chris Berg this one calidad like just gettin was hot right Calla with guy right no no he's still a guy one time I just went in first thought in yes y'all right and it was me Khaled Nessa I believe and Liz oh okay and everybody at MTV a lot of executives they were big on Liz oh I didn't know what little did I know felissa was a comedian now that's it you'd be proving my point why were they so big on Liz oh and you didn't know he was Caledon knows he was and Nessa didn't know I know I'm not saying adultery didn't know she was I said I didn't know she well why was she getting so much attention from the MTV executives and you somebody in the music business on radio every day I know I did it clearly saw her talent is what I'm saying this is before she was putting out music and by the way at the time she was trying to do Musil hear yourself know they believed in her talent before she was putting out music cuz this is just like Carty like everybody saw cardi a new cardi was a star no wedding no way on God's green predicted that the old tweets when I was out here saying it cardi B for president cardi B is a star full of her we had a Roberto summer 2013 no that's when you was working for Atlantic Atlantic didn't know you that's what I was telling self so you need to sign cardi B so if you need to have cardi B on your show like you if you was paying attention you could see that cardi clearly had some type of star power write that down was one of that's also one of the biggest business blunders this decade is self living card is you whoa it is it is it is by the way I had it as me leaving complex but self losing that already be a bad that was bad and I was telling self self put her on your show at night do a scardy B segment like yo that should be your article why why not what was his thing and that's the stuff I'm not gonna answer for ya you know when you talk to self asking why Stoke I don't have to because clearly everybody did not see the potential I absolutely saw it know you I'm not talking much 100 percent but every it wasn't plain as day I had cardio much and remember to do uncommon sense mmm I had cardio and uncommon sense gentlemen know a matter of fact this is so perfect we doing this now because it was during the Christmas episode I've cardiga with a Christmas carol I'm telling me about everything you did in your life I said you're at a great decade I know you soy yes the rest of us did not but I'm saying if Atlantic did not I mean somebody at Atlantic had to write cuz they eventually signed it to a deal when she started doing it on when she started putting on her own mixtape gangsta music vol 1 I don't think that means that the going to because what Atlantic is doing and then they've displayed this over the whole decade is they'll take somebody that they think don't have a clue about [ __ ] they never made a song maybe you got a couple followers somewhere and they believed in their ability to get a hit and give it to you and that's not what happened with Carter that boat a yellow didn't come from the Atlantic know whatever homeboys name goes wheelhouse Brooklyn Johnny and prior to that cardi had already charted on Billboard based off the fanbase she built on social media same thing with Al is oh right like little this is this is a high-reward low-risk when you sign somebody like al is oh because I've been done their work it wasn't posed to if it does whoa anything with cardi so I think people just saw the attention lizzo was garnering via social media easy like okay let's honor the plan for me is when you are a premiere act at a label without us having any idea of why you're a premier I think a lot of these people grow to be premier actually I don't think cardis I know card he didn't start off as a premier act for Atlantic what did Liz o grow and do you tell me about this little bit around like if you if you actually pay attention to do some pretty little she's been around like she's been well she tried every chance she gets she always saying some do feature so she telling us he's been here she's been around is this like your old she finally got something that hit hey we'll check this out this is a plane all a man could get hold up Shana Megan get in his car and turn that lose oh [ __ ] on with his four-year-old I'm not listening to nobody that was spinning around with the mascot sign in front of the electronics store at the beginning at me I'll start as I'm wearing on that day though the [ __ ] with the sign doing this yes I'm not no I'm not listening front on people because you never know who's gonna be who now I will tell you I think it's plants on these lists everybody white I think post Malone Iggy Azalea I think 50 percent of logic I think old people are plants you know why they're plants because everybody knows that white people buy a lot of hip-hop so when these labels sign those guys these label is like you know we can really make these people the biggest or Russia's why [ __ ] in the world Russia's white Rus no rush fan base is different yeah I was fan base he's not a planet named Russ Russ babies why different yes yeah Italian why it's like off way like Virgil's clothes yeah okay Virgil is another one on scammer a tad scammer two decades are you gonna miss fortune on street wear and then say street way is dead these three way is dead how many t-shirts could you have all that [ __ ] work though he worked for a second Posey is a plant I I don't know enough about nav but from everything I hear he's a plant I don't know anything about nav eggy I would definitely say in hindsight yeah it was a plant like that was a thing like that was a thing that they sat in the boardroom and said let's try to figure this out and and by the way they should have you know it's tall white girl from Australia hasn't really been a pop and white female rabble like why not why not give that a shake on she's six nine as a plan no of them of much of much deeper of much more depth to that way he's a boy I don't even know if it's just a music plant nah he might be a cop plant bad plant government plant I don't know man what do you mean you should I don't even like talking about the Takashi's me neither you know the reason I like talking about it no more because it's because that is not entertainment like that [ __ ] right there is not entertaining I know it entertains people but that [ __ ] right there is not in a time that [ __ ] like you can play both sides of the fence because you're right it's it's not entertainment and it's never been entertaining to me mm-hmm which is why I wouldn't speak to him well y'all in power demand y'all thought he was full you maybe didn't think was funny but you I had him up there let's talk about we had him up there twice we had him up the first time what was that telling actually he's the biggest interview on man on YouTube nah Birdman still I think I thought I checked and he'd be jump he might he might have Bieber man yeah but when he came the first time that was a teachable moment it's like bro you gonna end up in jail or day that was dope if you don't change your way and you could have texted a today I don't know you have to tell him whenever one the radio I don't know by the way I knew that day he came up there he wasn't who he said he was cuz he had shot he would but then he had three dudes from Jersey one from South Carolina that I know and I had to talk like yeah you know this little doing them getting y'all [ __ ] up like why are you inherited his beefs and holding him down this guy's too reckless like that was the conversation I had with him luckily they got out of the way but I those interviews were done the first one was done because to tell him that the second one was done because he was trying to back away from it if you go back and watch the second interview it was I'm not a part of the gang no more Charlamagne you was right you never clean up that was a clean up one very next day he got arrested yeah but y'all had him there for the cleanup why not I have no problem having a person there to say I was wrong and say yo the [ __ ] I was going with white you know why he's a plant if man you get up right now and walk to 23rd and 9th I think that's knife where Chelsea I know where that is and we start shooting in a diner what's gonna happen to us first of all I would never start shooting in a diner and immediately and if you did I would definitely be on the phone with nine one one saying Joe Budden is in his shooting in a diner bad things would happen I would never like that wouldn't even they know but we wouldn't get a new a new record to you what is it I understand Takashi I understand what people say when they say having Takashi 6-9 in the part in that gang and having him around that [ __ ] that's on the game that's true that's not that's not on Takashi 6/9 why that's they knew that he wasn't built like that so to have him all around do all the dirt that they was doing in front of him they knew he'd be the first to fold or some [ __ ] like that yeah that was a mistake I didn't I didn't agree with that whatsoever and that's why I even went to train way the salute to trailing when he was running around saying that a new death row here's the thing kids when you're saying [ __ ] like that you got to really be specific about what you mean here when you say you're the new death row if you had a new death row because y'all got a phenomenal producer or producers who are making great music and y'all putting out great content cool wrong but if it's because all the street going [ __ ] you gotta watch how death row ended because that's great goin [ __ ] yeah so no different with with Trey wit I can't hope y'all have Janelle monΓ‘e on this list Janelle monΓ‘e is not an energy plant in no way shape or form Janelle Monae is super talented and by far the most beautiful woman in the music industry Janelle Monae is extremely talented I could see how someone would argue that she's a plant Janelle was a place you'd be all Rihanna Beyonce level no that's easily that's that's not true musically she's musically she's probably musically musically artistically she probably read it in both for him right you're bugging and and she's beautiful and she can actually can do all the things that they do so if she was really a plant there would really be a machine behind her having her in that top tier is a machine behind so why'd you not talk to you like that she's been on every award ceremony for the last 15 deserves it her music is good I'm just saying I know it is good and she is beautiful I'm that don't just get you in Rihanna and Beyonce stratosphere to me but I [ __ ] with Janelle monΓ‘e's she's one of the people that I would have liked to say hi to at the PUF Park why didn't you what are you going to these party to be anti-social I'm not day to make friends you have to stop Joe going into a new decade you want my industry stick has to stop what stick oh your industry is [ __ ] this okay no I may sit yes man and boy what industry the industry that you created for yourself that makes you a part of the music industry still you have an online to talk these music industry people and you know what you get on camera and bass me but you know that most of you [ __ ] weirdos and and not who they present themselves to be I don't know I don't live that way so I don't want to have conversations with people that welcome to Google your name on the internet Google my name on the internet and look at how many people across the world I think we're just as weird as these [ __ ] that we have thought we're weird but they don't know the past to me they don't know it's a real life we don't know what any real life until you get to know him and you're like oh like lavender - well next time I see no more they might say I had it suck someone you should say hi chance the rapper your guy you enjoy talking to him you had an interview with him this decade chances my guy guy okay I'm not saying that these people are plants by the way it says industry plants in a decade I didn't write all of these names oh my god he is my [ __ ] I'm not going to do that to yachty and I'm gonna stop saying the word of negative decade to that is happening it's a chance the rapper is my guy but I could see how somebody would say you're a plan why why would people not think chances of a plant cuz you thought he was for a while yeah I can't call him that I can't I can't call him that anymore he thought he was misleading I thought he was misleading his audience with the okay with that independent [ __ ] and he was like and that's my beef the same way you keep saying we have to start sharing information yes like chance we need this information from you like I get that you run around saying you're independent nobody's help you know we need to know how you were able to secure this once-in-a-lifetime Apple deal or the start of it anyway change the the way the Grammys or the Grammy nominations whatever the [ __ ] happened there like how did you do it so we could improve won it going further not just oh I did it I'm independent no I don't know if that's an indictment of chance as much as it is an is like the mayor of Zimbabwe or some [ __ ] right that's true but I'm gonna do the music industry I think the industry is finally starting to catch up with creatives so by the way if the industry didn't start acknowledging people like chance the rapper right if the oscar's whoever didn't start acknowledging these independent filmmakers and these other platforms like Netflix or whoever they'd be kind of like lost in the song you're looking super culturally clueless like it's true because there's so much content coming out from so many different places like yes you have to nominate a movie on YouTube for film of the year if it's that good you have to nominate this artist for artist of the year even if his album is independent and it's not backed by a major radio you got to play this song even if there's not a label putting a bag behind it and some of y'all I agree with Charlemagne but some of y'all are still even when y'all spend the money y'all still appear culturally clueless to me like every time a sprite commercial come on it's like nails on a chalkboard to me yeah it's just a black kid yo try to beat some [ __ ] the other day I almost threw up in my mouth for the migos menu I'm sorry I'm sorry I [ __ ] migos quavo what up everything squashed new decade you know device but the amigos menu or pop I have great business for them but damn it I don't want to see it you know you know we got to do going into 2010 yeah cuz everything you're saying is absolutely right it can't just be diversity in front of the camera right like you can yeah that's what I'm sayin you can't have these culturally clueless executives feeling like they have a clue just because they can say hey let's get to me go to do Popeyes let's get the me go to do sprite we need black creatives in there creating the actual commercials for our people to be in so we don't look crazy he's definitely a white man some way too came up with his amigos Popeye's Chicken idea yeah can't prove it but I'm rolling flops of the decade oh yeah yeah we starting off with all the negative [ __ ] beef in a decade whoa you playing at a decade look laughter the decade while I was treating like I was treating like um like the Grammys how to make you sit through all the [ __ ] that's what I do album of the year and all that class of the decade it might be a placeholder name so they know who to get it I don't know neither oh hey bards hole name a system once after the decade he has Michael B Jordan Dave east no more ice and tiller I don't know the [ __ ] Mason Ramsay don't do that don't do that I don't know one of the greatest one of the greatest the little white boy furnished from Walmart singing the Louisville country white boy that did the viral video the viral sensation then yodel kid yes why would he be a flop I don't have an answer if I got a sleeve on I didn't do it well Smith ASAP Rock know Will Smith should be up here no way you know if we were able to flop with a decade based off it says horrible movie selection yes he had some that's it he's reinvented cellphone social media in a way the way he actually he actually became one of the biggest success stories of the decade over the past couple years the way he's flipped Instagram walking around with his own production crew he's taking social media to a whole nother level I agree with that yeah that has zero to do with his horrible movie selection this entire decade and it's not us [ __ ] on him to acknowledge that family you were once blockbuster man and you have given us a lot of [ __ ] industry change though because the image being that the industry changed a lot of those people they take these traditional stars like well and it's still try to promote them in traditional ways I push the movie a tradition away the movie don't do well when he did bright for Netflix that [ __ ] broke records on Netflix how do you know that Charlamagne what Danny broke writers yeah nobody says Netflix Netflix net all the DNS that's the other thing like we got to stop we got to stop putting putting so much stock in like number two and breaking records there none of the streaming streamers are telling us any numbers you just posted two weeks ago Joe Budden podcast is the number one scream podcast on spot I pull I posted it and you were happy about it as you should have been I see and if that's what you want I thought everybody knew I was number one oh I was a little surprised oh but but half a million podcast but listen to this no why that means nothing that's a lie no why means nothing what's number two have no idea and that's the [ __ ] point in the NBA and football in any sport when you're number one your record is next to you you know exactly how much better you are then number two what the [ __ ] do a list do but they say hey you're number one you're number two you're number three it is very impressive does nothing for me it is very impressive for a podcast hosted by yes it's a former rapper yes to be number one on a platform that has a half a million podcast and a platform that specializes in scripted podcasts because all y'all doing is talking every week Charlamagne that's so that shows a lot about how to coach it moves why are you saying that they specialize in scripted podcasts because they say that that's a fact though they have a lot of scripted podcast people go to spinal powerful scripted podcast from prior to y'all prior to the Jamel hills in the world that's what people with Spotify for there were no podcast prior to Jill that is not true that is not see that's not there was no there was no talking podcast there was no pocket like you do know what's wrong I'm only talking Spotfire yes pot Spotify have scripted podcast before you jump what scripted podcaster do I don't know no it wasn't no was it they had scripted podcast before you Joe pull it up Joe show me things exist before you get there know Charlamagne there's not a charlie major that one does not warnings knowledge this is it there no no Joe creates the [ __ ] industry was he talking about yesterday was a Spotify was a music streaming service telling me that they created a half-million platforms in a year I have me a podcast Joe [ __ ] no it's unbelievable that they that they brought in after they saw the success no they didn't ask Joe Budden podcast is not a Spotify original know the song they saw the success of the Joe Budden podcast yes which then empowered them to say let's continue and then bringing up gimlet or descriptive pie anybody who does all of that but you know none of that none of that existed there before me and it's important for me to say the Joe bag win right now okay all right well look like tell me yours now you know because it goes back to what you were saying earlier about absolute companies and creators and get with the times or don't yes the next the next anybody that black that sign in the Spotify should be hollering at y'all honestly so you can tell them what what you probably made and the mistakes you me so they don't make the sex mistakes absolutely 100% internet porn I refuse to have wildly on flops of the decade list I don't see how that is even possible when wildly is one of the top five top seven artists of the past decade easily I'm not putting Molly on it it's this should not be there suppose Waialae is absolutely not a flop of the decade it's not no not even close I'm I don't think he's why he on your list so we could talk about stuff Oh Michael B Jordan Jersey's own Michael B Jordan had a great decade what do you say yeah Creed one what he's saying three two what did they agree to what did he say three one that that let's start going great it was even better what did he say you know why creature was even better because pre two was a continuation of Rocky five so you got to find out what happened to the [ __ ] Russian What did he say did he say anything I don't know what you're talking about where there's a limb before their words and this is Morris yeah give me give me one instead everybody want to stand down lines I know I'm doing my own no that was the spin hell out of the decade no I don't know she was his heart you're mine aunty what that's a [ __ ] at it Michael B Jordan was kill mom dat his decade bro in black panther what are we talking about here I don't think he's a flock so why is he on your fly road I'm on the list Jesus but what I will acknowledge is actually I might big him up now for that cuz he bodied the decade without saying word he'd said a [ __ ] word Matt quotable lines in Black Panther yo let me hear somebody's gonna enjoy what he said um when he said to [ __ ] like my aunt's up Barry to bury my body in the sea with my answer that [ __ ] was hot [ __ ] on a jacket that she was a hard-ass quote and then run the credits that was a great role he body that morning I want him to speak more in his movies Johnny Manziel definitely a flop of the decade days no for once for once I'm gonna come on here and massage relationship that I don't have cuz I just come while you're keeping the bean and no fancy cuz I didn't expect anything from days low so when she came out she was a thing she got a popping yeah like she just didn't last the whole tennis not a lot of people that we could talk on that laughing all that him like I'm not gonna call days Lodge updates logic days loaf la la la that's a [ __ ] hotel in Detroit you can give a $50 a night he's crazy DC comic movies definitely absolute flop I agreed here oh I'm not saying Kanye West flop complex media say that complex not a flop I wouldn't call them a fly another flood you gotta count the time you gotta count the time he was there like if and you gotta count the whole decade it's the old decade yeah I mean for their original captain I think they actually did well they had the every day's probably the original everyday struggle I still check every day struggle every now and then cuz I like I like way no stakes I like I like act states to we had nori show over there on the run eat your lucky moderator yes I mean I see bucks a mess on the desk um yeah I can't caught actually think complex had a good decade because they branded himself as a thing like there was no complex it's a starting a decade no I wasn't thinking about complex in that space yeah you know me towards the middle of the decade complex became a thing and there's still a thing now like you know you still check for complex articles I don't register now you know I'm extremely grateful to them actually really yeah alright I like I don't I have a zero beef wit with complex I learned so much and that short time there that I was able to put new effect in other places that I can't I can't be for them even the [ __ ] I was mad at in there the rich in whatever rich Antonelli whatever his name is ya know those conversations proved to be very valuable for me once I got the [ __ ] out of there like just to see what was going on how they were trying to rob me the new the new ways of robbing that I didn't know about like yeah I think that you they probably helped you get into your Mogul bag as opposed to being in your talent bag I think before that you might have still been looking at yourself as just talent no no that's how I got the off camera I was off of talent when when I showed up there that was not my plan and I walked in there and said alright we get the numbers up every month this is what we doing all around yeah I was knowing talent then it developed me in that moment guys so yeah I'm appreciative it I'm not gonna call him a flop now you shouldn't but then who did flop it had to be some a flop the decade I mean it depends what you call a flop man because like yo a lot of you people that we're talking about they may not be still red hot but they still matter over the past 10 years like I don't I don't know what if what would be considered a flop like what is a flop of the decade the afternoon or haul labels all labels that aren't Atlantic flopped over the past 10 years I think epic is doing pretty good epic at a moment I think or I got a moment RCA is in such a bad spot either I'm gonna get yo I'm gonna say a reason I say Def Jam for real because Def Jam means so much to the coach or that brand you know Sanders did yeah but I'm talking even when you still see that logo for us that grew up in a certain era you somebody hard-knock life talk you talked about before that LL Cool J Run DMC like it meant something yes rappers wanted to grow up and land there because that's where the rapper's were absolutely like that [ __ ] shouldn't be just a cool logo on merch that people wear just for nostalgia now like I got Def Jam tour jackets because of the fact that Kevin Liles gave him the Bleak and beanie in backstage you know the mean like that's what that means now like that [ __ ] Def Jam means nothing in 2019 going into 2020 and that's the problem that's sad yeah I'm going with their family whoa Def Jam might be the biggest flop flop of the decade but even if you go back the last decade Def Jam was still smoking yeah Rick Ross you had Jeezy that's when Kanye was at his height yeah I think people was on Def Jam at one point like Def Jam was real Island but no Rihanna right Ariana was on Def Jam Jay was the president with Jay that's the last time Def Jam has meant something when jay-z was the president of Def Jam yeah they had a lot the old a lot smoked oh whoa they've done a piss-poor job with their farm system and in recent years it appears that they have spent a lot of money to change that with very little ROI yeah I have to say and this ain't even with my purse this ain't even with my personal grudge [ __ ] but yeah like my son in me - uh my son hit me like a month ago my dad know somebody came out of school said I didn't give me the Def Jam I said well I was going to do that I just walked me through the thought process of it and he was like it and it kind of cold or different yeah that conversation 15 years ago yo I want to sign the Def Jam oh wow well I remember it because that was me I was jumping I was jumping up and down I couldn't be more excited you put a rapper on the same label as Hovind DMX and ja Rule and Louis and Method Man man yeah maybe they had to had it going on back then Wow well what'd you do to change it like babe cuz I mean how do you even sign artists how do you find them like they need to get that that a and arm back in that a in our bag and have somebody in the streets on the ground level so they could be be ahead of some of these new kids that's probably all these new kids in Brooklyn is like a whole Brooklyn Renaissance happening like where all of these artists are coming out of the Woodworks and and and Def Jam being right the [ __ ] here don't seem to be tapped in at all I think that they need to go back to making an artist who can be a mogul and artists who can be an executive the head of everything like I think after J they should have kept that trend going I remember one time it was like Scarface was Def Jam South and I some Scarface on Ludacris and then it was like Jay was the president and that's what this whole great influx of talent came in I think that you can't go back to just a regular executive after that Lee who runs Def Jam now Paul Rosenberg yeah I don't think you can do that I don't like I think it has to be a talent who can recognize other talent because that's what made Def Jam Def Jam right it was the talent there they just don't have that talent roster right now like that's not an inch I don't think that's even in I don't know who does an indictment up you know I mean maybe it's they ain't ours I don't know deposition even still really exist anymore be honest with you it doesn't it doesn't but shout out the saluting the Tina at Def Jam Tina's in an executive team is doing yeah and the teen is an executive that that knows what's going down to all the people that are still at Def Jam it I know Tina Lisa Brunson my other guy Rodney Rodney still knows what the [ __ ] is going on like people like that people like that need to have more of a presence more influence more influence at Def Jam and then you take a talent and put them in the driver's seat and then that's how you bring in more talent like and also you know remember with Kevin Durant that about [ __ ] the Knicks yeah he was like go to Nick st. who couldn't be more true that's Devgan Def Jam just saying cool right now that's all yeah you're right this is a larger than life segment brought to you by Magnum large-sized condoms is that all you Hey elevators a creek uh this is where we're gonna go over some of the some of the moment with our moments we love our moments of the past our are larger than life moments this decade you've you've got a bunch from The Breakfast Club I've got a few something I'm ashamed of still but we'll go over it well others can say what they want this game will be very boring without me and Joe the past 10 years oh oh yeah it's gotta be honest with you people here like say what you want it'll be very boring you you could you got a lot of my favorites it's not even a dick ride no pun double entendre like that like why can't you just say I got a lot of your favorites without the [ __ ] dick involved because I have Prime ego okay you and Fredro Starr that was disgusting I loved that you know what I was disgusting because I didn't say anything out of the way to fragrance so I literally said to Fred Rove oh that's me was getting a head from brandy you know why I said that cuz he said that I didn't make that up so what yeah yeah that's what made it great that was a good moment that was a good moment only because I was like oh [ __ ] this is onyx like I grew up off slam and back to [ __ ] up and throw your guns in the air like wow this is what I was expecting them to be you know no way and was that before he did the battle was he up there to promote his battle with Keith Murray I think that's exactly that was just me cuz I like knowing [ __ ] like that other person I like interviewing people did I grew up on yeah that was just like oh [ __ ] stinky in Frederick so if it supposed to be sunny sees it too but he didn't come for some reason good frigid or another come I have no idea that was a gummy listen that was a good moment I was one of those moments where like I realized I didn't give a [ __ ] about personal narrative because I don't think people don't really realize about Breakfast Club interviews don't [ __ ] aren't life yeah I could easily edited that out and be like now we're not putting that up but that would be whack of me because if I'm the person that's always saying whatever I want to say about people I gotta be able to take it when [ __ ] say [ __ ] about me so yeah let that [ __ ] fly it's true absolutely that's what I told on why actually I didn't tell complex dad they just didn't want to put out that Mego [ __ ] at all really no they thought it was embarrassing they thought it was disruptive on the red carpet they thought that we went out we wouldn't be allowed or yeah we wouldn't be allowed back to the Beauty red carpet that's something they do every year and and last but certainly not least they are in a business where they massage the relationships with artists so that migos relationship I'm sure was super important to them so they have an employee go up there and do that [ __ ] no they wasn't with that yeah but that was great promotion for the amigos I love that [ __ ] I love the fact that they all at the time stood up in their own order of relevance at the time at the time at the time quavo stuffers it off set it in take off and in the old I thought that [ __ ] was amazing and I will never forget the way that after that was calmly calmly Oh button folding his kids outfit oh he was ready for the kerfuffle I loved that [ __ ] I think it was nominated for like album in a year or something - at that point yeah he might have been after the war sure they went and tried to beat Chris Brown up to listen say what you want me toes about the shit's those are my guys day about the shit's like there's been moments even prize and him blowing I remember when off that jumped out it jumped off the stage you had the falcon punch on but everybody can point I go to offset trying to fight somebody and was that Dunkin Donuts in Atlanta it was like some [ __ ] story okay you come outside yeah one another do you come outside I forgot where it was I was like alright these things just want to fight everywhere that was a good moment though I mean complex you'd be happy about that cuz that was clearly that was absolutely their biggest moment in the past decade probably mine [ __ ] that might have been my biggest moment in decade yeah probably listen even this is years after every time one of them little clips come out them shits good like 10 million views overnight man likes my my hell y'all still get a kick out of this [ __ ] yeah my favorite [ __ ] of yours the Java versus trake when they had the memes are you running with the Roxy yeah that's bad [ __ ] I don't wanna cry don't think that the culture should have I don't know I don't think that y'all she laughed at that oh oh well maybe laughs so much was I saw so much pain in your face I was like Joe really needs to get help whatever the [ __ ] he got going on the shitty you running it was just one where you're like looking in the car look that peak was dangerous that was the peak of a madman yeah that's but but but that's that peak is when I caught myself yeah that peak is when I said I know you're on River Road and a holy dirty tank top with no shape up and the cops hate you anyway so go ahead and beat up when will indicate kids and they kids oh my god I'm chasing kids there's a [ __ ] little kids can get it too when they pull up to your [ __ ] yeah I didn't know it was exactly was taller than me but no y'all was uh y'all was gonna get somebody hurt the culture laughing at that and and drink [ __ ] empowering them kids to go to people houses do not go to rappers houses with your internet shenanigans with your Internet's and then I'm telling you we shot yeah man I'm sure yes yes I'm oh I'm so glad that that trend stopped yeah you and Eminem I don't think that was much much to do about nothing it was a good it was a good moment my moments here are me and me goes me and Drake me and complex me and Spotify those are those are my moments to me cuz it's pas to fight this modifier deal I maybe I can't say it now but at some point we're gonna look back at that at that deal and what it did in this in this field I told you that I said yo the beauty of you being number one on Spotify is that now all of these platforms have to go to hip-hop personalities are people from the culture to get this [ __ ] poppin yes that's it yeah absolutely you and uh let me see let's get back you and Birdman yeah yeah that was a good an infamous hand rub I mean I was a good one cuz it came from a place of me just constantly asking one simple question which I don't think is offensive why would anybody sign the Birdman with his history that's offensive jerk an artist I thought was that offensive that's a question and not only is it offensive you're now killing his means of income well he did that and the reason he did that is because he already had this reputation but then when you do that to your man when you're a guy Wayne your franchise player the person that we talk about comebacks the decade prior Cash Money was done before Wayne right so it's just like when you do that to him it's like hey if you do that to him you prior to that to anybody so that's what a question derive from no you have every reason I wouldn't ask really you want not to Birdman's face well I wasn't asked me to his face I didn't get a chance to now what that about that was one of my questions was coming yeah that was coming up and I could tell yeah so could he without with death he did innocent I loved it you know whatever he came there for it could have been a conversation I could have been that two minutes 30 seconds I loved it the main reason I love that clip that's finally what made the Breakfast Club get a goddamn You Tube page cuz prior to that I had been screaming on our heart they'd let you to be our primary player and they were still old-school what he wanted to direct everything back to the website so that was a great week because there's another thing on this list is when we interviewed Hillary Clinton that's when Hillary Clinton did the whole hot sauce in the bag thing that was on a Monday the Birdman was on a Friday so between all the traffic that those to interview who's garnered online that's finally we made I heart say yes absolutely [ __ ] what didn't owe you why did you recommend that to I heart and you just start in your YouTube page you don't think that's past backwards yeah that was cut out the [ __ ] is wrong with you that's only because that's only because I was so committed to getting The Breakfast Club popping popping popping popping so Breakfast Club is where breath stuff is going on actually that's a great segue dope next question half for you because I really enjoy y'all and damn boy I love y'all great I love your name I don't know how impactful that was for the culture I don't know if they paid attention and like I did but that was one of my favorites in hindsight now how do you feel about interview I felt the same way I felt when it when it happened there were oh really they wasn't saying anything wrong like you got to think about the economic empowerment ownership those are things that I've been on you know me because that's the old do yourself model that's the do for self model that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X talk about not for something yeah so I just understood what Dan was coming from the problem with damn is I just can't [ __ ] on employees so I'm gonna [ __ ] how much of a boss you are she's still gotta have employees just mean if you've got a company that you own you still have to have people that work for you so I just didn't understand the logic of making it seem like you know having a having a boss is like calling somebody daddy that's kind of wild what time is extra yes but but but the moral of what he was saying the meet up yes it was a lot of substance there absolutely Ray J and fab is this decade right that's the interview that saved The Breakfast Club at a moment desk I personally think I'm not gonna say saved I just think that's the moment that got us over the hill and like really made people solidified yeah I started making people people pay attention to us on a national level that was our first real big viral interview prior to that people were posting our interviews but it was a difference between posting and something like going viral as we all know you know I mean like it's a difference like that was that was the one so I salute raging range it was also the first Breakfast Club interview ever first ever incendiary Club interview was Ray Jay Annie was our first viral moment so I got number love for region for ages such a legend man Thank You Rachel thank you for your dysfunction the problems that you had that night out over alcohol a little coke whatever it was thank yo that's just average is my guy yeah it's not [ __ ] on the people I say oh my god do that range are you gonna near Janelle Monae back nothing great a really my god like people don't even know I me a rage it was cool since I was gonna radio Columbia South Carolina I even say ray around to go buy weed from wax like a ho three Phil for Kay's kitchen my god Takashi did Kanye know two books yes longest-running morning show yes the longest-running urban morning show in New York City history The Breakfast Club we're going on our ninth year next year it will be next year in December will be ten years of The Breakfast Club oh my god can't wait till the death of y'all is coming y'all don't want to admit it I mean I don't know people call it a death if why don't we do that as a quadrille black people do that don't get positive right now leave without long Elvis Duran been on the howard stern's in the world but when it comes to black shimmy like I can't wait to that [ __ ] is over why not well no be clear I don't think that any of any of the three of y'all are going to fall if The Breakfast Club leaves I don't think that but yeah that she'd been on for ten years and we had a biggest year ever this year why I mean YouTube you wise ratings wise a number of markets that were nationally syndicated in which you know we starting off the new year with like like 20 new market this is too [ __ ] positives for mr. truth though when another pocket and that's the other thing that some people need to realize with radio radio is not going anywhere radio just has to be consumed in different forms if you look at the podcast rankings right actual podcast rankings Breakfast Club is like like like top 10 a lot of times and actual podcast rankings because they packages show up and put it out as a podcast as well so you consume it as a podcast you consume it on YouTube you consume it on radio just more just tricking algorithms good y'all are a morning show a morning show that you can package in a lot of different ways like when I sent y'all said Austin y'all said a few weeks ago that Charlemagne is das inial of this era and the reason he said that is because he said it's a radio show that you can go to in New York it goes on YouTube you can watch it anytime of day mmm I got [ __ ] is like that's never been done like well that's super hyper is coming from our Senor hold oh I did that is a little flex to show you how great that I had at all senior said that's all nothing okay give me give me give me a little bit of you and Angela give me something there's nothing there I'll give me something man shame been here in like three weeks that's not true I haven't seen her again and then and then soon as you got back I think that it's like anything else like you're not gonna work with somebody for nine years and at times there's not gonna be friction there's gonna be things that that I do that she know like it's gonna be things that she does that I don't like but I mean that's not there for me and every befall the [ __ ] time like with like this is a constant thing like I can't wait until we actually sit down and do like The Breakfast Club documentary which is compromised the same thing out that I said because which is coming by the way The Breakfast Club document you're gonna be honest about your beast and I want to always be like yeah you've got worms producing The Breakfast Club documentary I don't know if I could say in C okay I'm a hippie of it but I know the company I don't know if I could say it you and Wendy that was big but Oh big about it Wendy's big Wendy's big nose big y'all a little reconciliation to a young went home was nice too a little dinner we always crying together come on he said show me crime with Wendy now that's larger than life that she cried but that never happened but that was I mean I should it we should have never had a beef it's just that her husband was this sucker and being her husband was a sucker instead of him it's not like he's gonna go to her and say yo you can't [ __ ] with Charlotte me no more because he tried to hook my side chick up with wax that couldn't happen I'm telling you [ __ ] be liking a side chick conversation man so you go there so he went there and told her something out she gassed her up told her some other [ __ ] and that's what made her be like whoa yes we're not [ __ ] with him no more of it so that should have never been a thing like me and her should have never had an issue whatsoever me never should have never had an issue if he was keeping it a honey but y'all giardina's different with y'all side shakes boy that's his main number two there's some cool sides example is I'm I'm the larger-than-life a decade award to Frank Ocean I am larger than life and far as a moment yeah why because we're that whole thing was going with the whole Apple exclusive Apple Apple had securing exclusive deals for albums that was about to go in a very dangerous place I think that's so if I believe that and I do to watch the move to Frank Ocean pool when he old Def Jam he o Def Jam an album so he put out whatever that long [ __ ] was with the help of Apple with the help of Apple put it out now the Def Jam deal is done and now his new album dropped I think the very next day which made which made uh Universal say I we're not all that that's dead all we're not doing that's doing no more exclusive album exclusive content we're not sending nobody over that everything is dead now yeah that was that that is gonna end up being really big this decade if I was an artist and my contract was about to be up on my label I would sign exclusively to Apple I would only do my deals to Apple why you need a label for one day we're gonna have a real conversation about the word exclusive and what it means in this in this business how we sound with no lay I would I would probably have a management company like I would sign it like a rock nation to somebody like that but as far as label I would be giving my projects straight to happen I would be doing with chance new a coloring book I'll be doing [ __ ] Frank Ocean did with whatever album the world I would be doing now labeled for what why when I think a lot of artists would have attempted to do that had free had if not for Frank Ocean doing y'all Department flop suited the flops of the decade that's we need to be on flops of the decade Frank was supposed to be that guy go we opposed to be looking at Frank in the way that we look at the Beyonce's and Rihanna's like he opposed to be one of those top-tier individuals something happened I don't know if it's what you talking about right now but something happening I was bringing him up with my move what would what I'm saying I don't see why that wasn't good that was a that was large I think channel orange was Frank's moment and then we was waiting for stuff after channel orange and it did to me I didn't see it I didn't see it girl from channel ours he just became kind of like us and Channel that's the album you not got the album mistake was it Colin nope should we novocaine on it no that's not an Irish no we can't walk before channel orange the mixtape nostalgia tau G altra nostalgia ultra was the one yeah then Santa Lucia it was cool but after that it's like what happened to Franco's bad things bad things no I'm talking about the music I just saying that for a long time and [ __ ] been killing me for killing Frank because there's a Frank hi yeah well I wasn't and I I didn't see where it went he was never in foreign kind I respected him as a artists but I didn't see where it went listen this right here that that should not this should not be a sentence it should not say Joe's best moments on Love & Hip Hop why the [ __ ] are you on Love & Hip Hop Joe I understood why you was on it prior because I was trash Pryor yeah why are you one loving hip-hop man Oh somebody has to explain it can I kept my larger-than-life shag me before we just keep talking about nasty show this is you got this all larger to like move on put that there and no I'm not proud of I'm not proud of any moment that I've ever had on love yes however I hate this season I'm like your job this season I'm like Joe you are I'm not really hard this season sure I can't tell I really on every time you promo I see every [ __ ] Instagram kid clip I see is if you [ __ ] sitting like Russell Simmons doing yoga with a cigarette in your head yeah this is the most unhealthy healthy chronic contrast ever you're doing yoga while smoking a cigarette it's true but I'm like yo you're you're building a media empire right you're a mobile by its fire you want love and hip-hop you don't need the money hmm you don't need the Fame know you've rebranded you said why are you on loving if I didn't listen I'd to ask them that every [ __ ] day but I'm not really on there you'll see as the season progresses okay I don't think I'm so active dear but I got duped man that's how I ended up there I got duped I was I was engaged I was I was engaged I don't like and I don't like to defect that my partner wanted to my partner wanted to do it and as a supportive loving partner you say I go at him I'm a rock with you and I'm gonna do it I respect that I just don't like looking at something and thinking is he what are you bullshitting us this whole time you know what I'm saying like I don't want to look at you and think that your life is a Mona scott-young big fish entertainment story like I wouldn't want to think that you're doing this [ __ ] just because oh no let me let me clear that up right now I really broke up this wasn't a Mona thing this is not on the show we broke up actually see I look at the show different the show for me sometimes it's like therapy like me and my baby moms wasn't speaking at all before the show before the show started taping okay like we have we have grown to get into our bag because we had to kind of align to Yummie protect ourselves against whatever they was trying to do and that has been helpful so again I can't [ __ ] on Love & Hip Hop because some great things have come from it but I do agree with you and I understand and they know that a big v-up would have to come for that to happen again and clearly you wouldn't baby mama goodness for watching love having Love & Hip Hop watch parties which is wild Love & Hip Hop watch porn on TV before you put on TV before like why are you having a watch party for loving applause so you can see yourself get yelled at with the person that was yelling at listen I was gonna sit the Iron Chef coming it was gonna be a good time it just turned into something else man let's get off all agree we had a great year no we had a great decade decade yeah we got a great day our decade has been larger than life larger than serge ibaka that's the right segment this is the worst thing right here and it's larger than life bang why why do men why do men that are larger than life like do it for you like this I have to know the streets want to know you say hey I would look at you like thank you I love hip-hop and I know what's going on so I don't wanna lose you like that's what I'm saying that was just you a very beautiful wife like you got all of this great black love positive Nelson Mandela [ __ ] going on but you just got this thing about dick so I don't that was a wild moment and the reason is the same thing right watch the whole thing - whoa you was emphatically getting into the dick bed that was a lot of editing right but my homegirl was who I call my niece would you think it's creative or creepiest no you're dumb how you work with that's my Lola what to say they can call us uncle we cannot huh no that's mine I want people to respect her like that that's my niece well there are other ways to go about enforcing the practice but that's fine whatever floats your boat she was talking about it on the way there right blame the nice she was so she was talking on the way there so it was a thing while I was actually trying to make her uncomfortable right cuz it was his host thing you made me I bought her into the interview and she was talking to Serge yeah we didn't see that all that guy did it - that was a bad moment it was what it was I got the t-shirts I think there's a few more dicks that she was like not infatuated it was that into six nine [ __ ] now it's a far as dick at pause did all of this but this is the right topic for this Safari those conversations I'm being totally honest I don't see what's wrong with those conversations I am clearly well I'm not gonna say clearly cuz I once I'm clearly a heterosexual man but it'd be people on anything like yeah right simple but I in my mind I know I'm a heterosexual man like I don't care like that [ __ ] don't do anything for me that's like talking about a girl's ass talking about the size of a girls tits like yeah I'm gonna do your favorite edit that last part that is not the same as somebody growth as this segment is brought to you by Magnum large-sized condoms is that all you final final the final thing on this yeah if a girl walks in here right now an extremely big ass extremely big everybody in this room even women will be like goddamn everybody will say so a guy walks in here guy wasn't even extremely large big everybody in this room would he leave like what the [ __ ] right did he walk in naked yes I'm leaving all right so no wait wait before we close asin's we on this one whatever gonna stop doing this [ __ ] when we're having this complicated the baby no that was so stupid I stayed off the internet purposely you know why because I know that it was mad me with charlemagne is that all you with the baby I know it was I know it was I knew I knew it was so you didn't text him at all oh that was all that was a larger-than-life segment brought to you by Magnum large-sized garden we're not even joking this segment really was brought to you by Magnum Lars icon and you segment was brought by you and Magnum comebacks of the decade come back to the decade I personally think that I win this award hands-down I don't even see how an argument could be made for anybody else Bogut way over Cory lanes hairline Tigers hairline and DJ Emmys headlines you think you had the greatest comeback Wow you like the mainland nah like let's have honest conversation about these here line oh I did the PRP she ate one time but that [ __ ] ain't my face bro PRP is no nation is when they drain your blood and then they do this like some spin [ __ ] and then dr. sandy oh shoot the needles in my hair up here no I don't I don't want to go through that kind of pain for something that that just for some vanity [ __ ] like nah I'm cool Did you touch enemies here yeah yeah you like it I mean it don't it don't really feel like hair it kind of feels like this if you touch it could be like that but I mean a man if they like it that's they thing I mean I don't knock nobody that does things to make themselves feel better but I come back up what I will say about this hair launch it maybe not a hairline [ __ ] but plastic surgery on men that came back that came back I think that's a new thing personally brothers openly admitting it back in the day you would hear stories yes about guys getting like their abs done and [ __ ] like that like people are openly like yeah I said another story I broke will you laughed at me on the radio on here you finally old meat you probably owe me a lot of one err apologies for some of the things with you clown me on that's ended up being correct such as men getting their abs sculpted and like you said Drake got his sculpted I said not drink didn't get his goatee yesterday because you we watched drink go through the process of being the chubby kid [ __ ] crazy if we also see we also see all of the Instagram girls to get plastic surgery in the gym flipping the tire hey hey no drink to the exact same thing you gotta [ __ ] done in Drake I love you or no time as we get interview but the same thing you got his [ __ ] done took his shirt off pulled his pants down a little bit showed you low V then he started eating didn't really maintain it and had to put the [ __ ] sherry bag away scene I need a shirtless sense check if we drink shirtless I don't know when you check for something else we're gonna get to that later Drake and Kevin Hart actually be getting in the gym like a so I mean it's not like they're yo yeah they're not Hugh can we talk about what happened to you this decade man do you mean like why is this so full of positivity why should not be cuz you didn't come in like that I didn't know any better and with guys like Drake it's like you're a decade is a long time after a while you just really start hating on people that's what day after why you really gotta better yourself I'm just hating on this dude right it's like you don't want it to become hate like I don't have no reason to hate the guy and I realized that when those ghosts right in the references came across my desk no Yuri like that when you sent you some champagne no was before that the goes right in references came to my came across my desk I had all of that [ __ ] they thought I was about to go in give him doggy today and I was like you know what after the Floyd Mayweather [ __ ] when I played the audio with Floyd Mayweather reading which didn't make me feel good as a human like there was no it was no pressure there was no Floyd didn't put no pressure on me there was no pressure from no ID it was just like - it didn't make me feel good so that came straight from your brain it was a great idea by the way - no ash was [ __ ] up anyway you know wonder what it was a spur-of-the-moment Dam was funny yeah and that was the one time this decade where I've done something thinking oh this is gonna get a response oh I did that specifically I'm like oh this [ __ ] you got emotion media go crazy and it did yeah but I didn't want like it didn't feel good it wasn't it was no there was no teachable moment behind it it was just me being a [ __ ] to somebody who actually had been very good to The Breakfast Club yeah that's funny y'all shady man well I don't be giving a [ __ ] but that was that that was found I'm glad that's changed about yeah but so with the Drake [ __ ] I had that [ __ ] in my pock mark I was like yo I'm not doing that with this so I reached out to my DJ Prince another one another one in victory that I didn't know was Drake's people that was the wild [ __ ] I didn't know what I was doing people I was just somebody that I bounce ideas off in in things off and she was like yo you shouldn't do that and she's the one who actually hit Drake to it and drinking like how do you know this [ __ ] is true and she was like the Charlemagne told me he was like oh I know this [ __ ] is true and then I said I said dim the reference tracks like hey here you go those reference tracks were floating around cuz I had a similar story like wish somebody sent them to me thinking I was about to go in and like no I gotta hold off on this and now that I didn't believe it I'm not sure why wouldn't why I didn't want to do it just didn't feel it it feels like it cuz that that right there could be detrimental to somebody's livelihood that could be detrimental to somebody's career I don't want to kill the kids career I go out a park what I want to kill Drake's career well the ghost right well and the thing with that is when see even a definition that these kids have changed definitions of words so now even ghost writing yes I think a lot of these rappers are in the studio with help not maybe not just on the hook either when in the creation of song but one averse so I'm not gonna kill Drake for being successful at how he does it when I know a lot of rappers that do it so it just didn't feel good I'm glad I didn't do it that's not my name ended up in one of the top 5 greatest diss records of all time oh yes what is I can't evade on it it is it happened that's why but that's why it happened it happened because of that because I chose to really follow my gut and say now I'm not doing this [ __ ] that's why you sent you two bottles we figured it out he put my name in the song and by the way I still get bottles everywhere I go because of that one [ __ ] line old people young PA don't matter who is like bottles of charlemagne just because of that Canadian putting me in that line so thank you for his likeness as powerful it is it is come back to the decade list you got my bran down 3-1 yes that's a given Tom Brady gets the father got a given I want to talk about people though I gotta give it it don't get you had a great comeback right I could even say I had to come back to cuz I I came I was coming off a firing I'll coming off my for firing in 2010 I was back at home living with my mom and months gonna suck in line at 31 years old when did you get fired from Philly gig that was 2009 and I started breakfast color that was gonna be the yeah a big move but then maybe they couldn't house it they wasn't ready for what was coming what you mean when when you went to Philly I wasn't mean that was it was doing I was doing great when I was in Philly but they finally men wanna find you they said it was because of jay-z because I did to be any single interview being put out to dis record the whole and then I have beanie on the very next day and they said it was cause of Jay I don't think it was because of Jay but they said it was because of Jay and I ran with it cuz I knew that it would have read well in a book one day which he did the book was called black frivolity weights and you ran with that I got fun with it I got fired because Jay Z I mean I was a rule aside yeah why not I throw blocks I ran with it I would have to say to come back in a year I would put you up there but man yo at 2 Chainz guy that used to be titty boy a Kevin Hart guy that's a metal comeback man yes yes y'all don't remember the Cavanaugh's come back from he had a flop sitcom accident I'm so glad you feel you're better stop man I'm serious about that yes he had a flop sitcom soul playing flats is that not this decade just economy but that's my point he started off the decade not the Kevin Hart we know now he started off the decade as the Kevin Hart who was just trying to get back in the way he got back was hitting these [ __ ] clubs and doing stand-up and he was going out that he was getting everybody's emails when he would do these specials have his guy walking around so he created this database that actually grew his social media and I remember I was at the show it was at Caroline's comedy club he actually talked about in his book he added like 10 sold-out shows that weekend and that's when keV like became Kevin Hart again and then that's what it just started growing and growing I said he started doing arena but he didn't put sports that he didn't start the decade in a bad position I think and that's where I'm you have to have started bad I'm not talking about you did some bad [ __ ] last decade I'm talking about your likeness at the start of this [ __ ] yeah people was like 9 I don't feel like they did that with Kevin now all about to Chinese tea boy wasn't necessarily in a bad place he was just coming off playing circle that was know I feel that way about to two changes 3/3 on my list for me he's three behind me and you know burg young Bert you have to give it to young bird you have to give it to decade [ __ ] up yeah I used to call Youngberg the hip-hop pinata you used to kill him cuz you could just beat on him beat on him and jury would fall out like a sub because something like it was bad what yeah man yeah like he got a chain taking off from the chair tour made Oh smack them yeah that was deadly yeah 2 Chainz I don't think he started the decade in a bad position actually it started in great position cuz riding around and I'm riding around getting to came out with before that before that it was the mixtapes it was the UH the trap the trap lavelies if I'm not mistaken it was the trap of LA it was tribal Valley one that's when I first started like that was always a fan of player circle this document you can go look up old YouTube videos I had to play a circle flight 360 I'm saying how this was the best rap Baba and I think I'll just say Mia deep in a rap came out if I'm not mistaken and he started doing the trap of le [ __ ] after that and that's when he like took off too though yeah so come back why I don't know we would call that come back or rebranding rebrand right the rebrand that's a rebrand that's more of a read which is the cousin that will come back cuz we being honest you'd have to put drinking to come back to it alright why because that goes right and [ __ ] had him on it looked like it had him on the ropes for a split second I never thought that even saw a rope think he saw one rope over there that's but that was the awakening for me as a whole to do like oh [ __ ] some of the things that maybe I thought were important like the kids don't really think that [ __ ] is important like and we better get another big reality check next year when 69 comes home and breaks all screaming records tell me what you think that's gonna happen yes do you think that he has a break stream a hundred percent because people want to hear what was coming these kids don't care and you know what uh what can you what can you make us something about now that's gonna be that's gonna be the while my guess was telling he's gonna want don't tell him you got making some about telling on somebody I think he's gonna come out he's gonna be remorseful at first I think he's gonna realize that's not gonna work so he's gonna go back to the old 69 antics but it's gonna be super wrestling meaning he might move like six now I might move to like Mexico does Europe or someplace like that and like really become that wrestler character again and be way overseas talking crazy [ __ ] to people and people to be entertained by the antics on social media I hope he moved to Mexico because it would hurt my heart if something happened to that kid like because we watched it we saw it we it's like when I heard me was something happening mom when tax went away because we saw it like a lot of us probably felt like we could have intervened and in retro actively thought that that comes from being older though meaning like when you're a certain age like we are I'm 41 when you when we see all these we've seen so much this [ __ ] play out that none of it looks real nothing ever happens so when something finally does happen we like oh [ __ ] some [ __ ] really went down you know what I mean prior to that we see this [ __ ] all talking [ __ ] each other suck my dick [ __ ] you let me sweet I see you nothing ever comes of it so when something finally does you like oh yeah damn I wanted that I do wished it uh some amount tax was able to reap some of the benefits of this industry boom in the way it is now Oh taxes get her damn it at the forefront he's certainly deserving of it he would've a tax what I absolutely been at the [ __ ] forefront tax was the most talented personality that I heard in the past five years all jokes aside like I'm not even I'm not even exaggerating like that to me I'm just my personality was the person that I listen to and I get inspired like oh [ __ ] tax me how [ __ ] good tax was able to get the the street [ __ ] to want to know what a podcast is yes and listen to it like faithfully yeah and he said he was smart no that's the other thing people realized tax didn't just talk about hip-hop [ __ ] tax was very well-versed on a number of different things and that's what you know helped him to grow and grow so fast cuz he wasn't just talking out of his ass don't get me wrong a lot of [ __ ] that he used to say I used to be telling tax like text calm that down let's cut that mmm let's give the people more of this and he was made he was making that transition and by the way I don't I don't I don't know if it's necessarily over for text we don't know how that's gonna play out you know me so I'm not I'm not counting my counting them out at all I don't know I don't know how that's going but tax was absolutely I had never heard a personality like tax in my life no that's why I would that's why I assisted him in any way that I could know could you a smart businessman as well and I recognize - okay listen we're only in these positions their power other people it's true we're only in these positions as elder statesmen can't you tell by the grace to empower other people like it ain't about us no more sure this time next year we should not be sitting here doing this unless it's like three other young uns around us that we're only doing it with them to help elevate elevate their voices hunka see that [ __ ] and I listened I made it a note in my head and I never want to mention text no without also saying rest in peace - uh rest in peace - banging yeah rest in peace bang yeah absolutely the whole situation was nasty I still don't even know what that situation was about to this day I don't know what happened in that room I don't know what that situation was about I just wish it never happened you know I wish Troy have wasn't in the position he's in I was attacked with him in the position he's in I was banging wasn't dad I wish none of that [ __ ] ever [ __ ] happen yeah yeah I agree I like we need more of the Remy Brittany Taylor stories from Irvington closet yeah that might be you know what that might be the second most disappointing thing that I witnessed this decade and in the culture specifically in hip-hop culture first of course was the the untimely assassination murder of Nipsey Hussle yes but that definitely is my number two of things that really disappointed me in the culture in the past decade things I absolutely wish I could get in the [ __ ] hot tub time machine a DeLorean and go back and reverse yeah absolutely angry actually depressed me move on all right hey male artist of the decade is this just rap I don't like the fact that y'all excluded me don't even put me there yeah me like without me man let's do I why you got to do part is why we can't just do Rapala do rapper yeah I was trying to be explore the male artists of the decade would still be a rapper I know all of these people that you have a fit male artists of a decade even feel free to add whoever you think should be added okay oh this does rap I have a list here I do this I wrote them if it's if we're keeping it rap then for me it's a three-way it's a three-way tie you know you know Drake Kendrick and J Cole the three names that we have said this entire decade the way that we said biggie jay-z and Nas absolutely for Drake to have have been on the charts 478 weeks of the 522 weeks whatever the [ __ ] said that I read and that's not counting some of the features that were there that's an unbelievable staff I'm not a big numbers guy but that number jumped off of the page to me yeah that's almost unbelievable I can um rock with that top three I agree saying for everything that you just said I gotta put Kendrick over drink dog oh I wasn't saying I'm there tied for me I don't think it's a time tell me one and I'm not mad at Kendrick being over drinking yeah I don't think it's a tie I think it's a 1 a 1 beat thing and I think 1 a 1 B can be flipped however you want it and I think that one a 1 B belongs to drinking Kendrick I think Cole's it's a terrible Oldham right and the reason I would give it to Drake is for all of those reasons you just said the numbers is astronomical you know you look at the past decade when it comes to rent you know this when it comes to radio dominance it is almost impossible for one person to dictate the sound of a decade Timbaland didn't have that run like that Pharrell didn't have that run like that oh-hoh didn't have that like and then I hope is a different just because career-wise he always had an owl net shifty coach but I'm just talking about the sound of radio for a decade had it along to drink literally right but Kendrick Lamar I got a go quality over quantity because Drake is on everything right drinks always put the album out every year he's on everybody's features Kendrick gave us four projects minimalist for section 80 good kid maad city to pimp a butterfly dam and all of them each culture every time he comes out each one of them are classic to me and that's why that's why I'm not gonna be mad anybody saying Kendrick above Drake because for the little D did I mean little as far as the amount times he popped out he was active you seen him you kind of knew what he was doing he killed he killed but all those albums are not only classic but I mean section 82 mixtapes we won't talk about that here but I have I have those three albums and the best best albums of the decade I have all of mixed up for damn I love them I got I have to have to go back to y'all gotta go back and listen gotta go back to they're a lot alike damn I feel like I feel like damn with Kendrick flexing meaning like okay people say I can't make radio records people say I can't get records they hate the charge watch this no cuz he cussed are good kid had a head of a whole bunch of radio records on not really I don't kid had to uh [ __ ] can't [ __ ] gonna blow my high and I was really worried poetic wedding justice but they weren't like swinging swimming pools that was the first thing okay okay okay he had a few radio records on it [ __ ] listen III thought that to pimp a butterfly was him flexing that's my favorite Kendrick Lamar that was him flexing all of this black [ __ ] that everybody is on now it's two albums that started that trend I feel like jay-z and Kanye started that with watch the throne right and then I think Kendrick probably heard like a total hole I know the local temple butterfly I took that [ __ ] to all another [ __ ] level so I think that was like like when Solange's seat at the table and all that like those two albums started that trend of people really embracing their blackness and music again it's true I had this my top 10 for rappers at a decade right okay is this an order or no no I know but Kendrick Draco right hmm gotta throw wildly in there bro I don't know [ __ ] with nobody say man while a like that young man from DC has been very consistent he's ending the decade with another number record and on chill and he's wrapped his [ __ ] wrapped his [ __ ] ass off and he hasn't really followed any trends I think he had one little moment where he got caught up in wanting that hood loved because he got on no hands and then signing with MMG yeah yo it's no love like hood love yeah you get a reckoning that that's popping in the hood oh my god so I think that was it but um Big Sean you got to put Big Sean in there I think it's been moments moments where big shine has been rapping better than everybody and when you look at ways people are stolen a lot of Big Sean's waves y'all remember the top of the decade when that whole brown Nino isn't it that hold that was Shawn like doing no [ __ ] like good I'm going down airplane I'll give that to Mickey but honest no that was Shawn Drake took that from Shawn I think so I mean the rest of them follow suit um so that's fine yg yg yo say what you want you go back to that first album my crazy [ __ ] life there will be no arguments there but what about after that one I think he's that great project since then I think yg i think yg was one of the reasons that that helped the West Coast comeback in a real way that's a fact why the West Coast had an amazing decade yeah prior to that there was my West Coast quiet oh it was going Nipsey and I'm not just talking about the fact that nipsey passed away I'm talking about going back the bullets ain't got no name you know the mixtapes mailbox money the Crenshaw's all that stuff like prior leading up to victory landlord with some of that stuff wasn't it yes it was all this decade all that [ __ ] was just a game it's not some people don't realize when they talk about Nifty's catalog because victory lab was actually his first official album but prior to that he had been putting our projects even the way he revolutionized [ __ ] by selling in $400 selling [ __ ] for $1,000 like it was a reason that when nipsey passed away it impacted people the way it did and that's because he had built a great catalog of music up and up this whole decade Nicki Minaj well you have to you got you said that like you said some people exclude her for whatever reason Nicki who now say so Fuzzle Kendrick dragna control meek wale Sean o Tyler the Creator yg gypsy Nicki and all of Atlanta [ __ ] all of Atlanta future to me goals young thug 21 savage because it's hard to rank the migos cuz they're a group you can't rank the Atlanta mister but so I put all of them like I would actually might I'm not cheating I might put them number one overall in this you could the whole look it's an argument wouldn't be mad yes this decade would not be this decade without Atlanta and specifically future thug and amigos the only sound and this is why I can't wait to see just who's gonna bring a new sound in 2020 Atlanta because for me it probably will be Atlanta but for me this entire decade is sounded like a Drake song or in Atlanta song now they're just not Atlanta though future thugged amigos future thug and amigos absolutely shaped the sound of this past decade but you you want to blame future for every rapper that's died cuz a league that's how much impact he had and those mixtape seem to be small and that's not my blame anybody for somebody else's death by the way let me say that was it was the night shift so seven days seven nights over that a whole website 56 nights oh my god you had great projects is Nikki I mean it's an tug and sound those three artists influenced a global sound this rap was in Africa London that try to sound like the me go sinister like New York that every New York artist was trying to sound like the me go alright you can't give me ten artists of the decade [ __ ] so let's get back oh so I gotta give you went 100 god damn it well I'll give free I know it's hard I'm a-tellin gave three can we also say this was a golden era for hip hop the past ten years because think about all people we not name it we're not naming Big KRIT we not name it Rhapsody we not name it Wiz Khalifa we not name a chance to rap but we not naming Travis Scott like I only name ten like you name three when there's so many artists that came out in the past ten years that to me action absolutely shifted to coach a hip hop and elevated than what was there a year was a 2014 I think 2014 might be like that year when he was saying damage this is like better than 98 or whatever the best year in hip hop was four albums coming out 2014 I think is that year that's right there that's the year that 14 everybody you got to look at no I remember that year but no the only reason I say it wasn't better than 94 or better than 88 is because how many classic albums came out that you know it don't matter who dropped classic drugs you can have big names that drop [ __ ] that's just subpar know [ __ ] drop good albums that's the only reason Cole's not higher for me cuz Cole puts out a lot of music right and for all of the music that Cole puts out he should have a few more classics under his belt based off based off the amount of music he puts out how many classic albums can we say Cole put out in the past 10 years I count one one and as far as he'll Drive just the one I say now you could count some of his mixtapes and some people would say some of those not told me she was classic but just albums far so drivers are undisputed classic the only reason I put him a tier below two drinks in the Kendricks of the world is because based off all the music that he throws out there I don't know if he has enough classic material that's really great material really good material yeah but when you consistent at that high of a calibers like oh you got the classic [ __ ] for a lot of years they said drinking them classic they might still be saying that yeah but they've never not said you didn't have classic records though oh no they wouldn't sit like Drake has absolutely classic joints that he throws out then you're like oh [ __ ] you would your list was just rappers right yes I just because I'm because I'm because I'm a bothered to ever get to a fake arm you haven't said the weekend yeah yeah I'm I'm R&B guy I can't wait to never talk about rap or rappers again the weekend and I guess I feel like this because of where he's really started with a house of balloons and that was that was a high start to me and he was able to build on that throughout the entire decade and look at him that he he survived he is playing only the real winner of a drake beef they had a beef who knows because nobody ever discussed it I don't know how to drink like the weekend not gets not signed in I don't have Bach over the weekends house with the pistol like yo you sign in this [ __ ] like there's no that's enough that's another one at on that biggest business blunder list of the decade Drake now sign a weekend yes self cardi complex weekend absolutely yo you know you I see you trying to avoid saying post below name and it's cool but it's not cool it's not really cool I don't speak on things I really don't know nothing about I don't [ __ ] with you in here beer bongs and business I did for real I did not hear because Wayman probably probably am being honest like I'd like to me post alone is just a bootleg future and I'm not gonna let y'all Elvis Presley futures contributions to the game by giving it to post Malone like post Malone is that guy there is no few post Malone without future but you know but why is that why should that be looked at as an indictment against post below I don't rockapulco photo got a couple joints that I like I like that celebration that [ __ ] was cool odor you would what other than that that [ __ ] is just my mama mayonnaise music just my personal thing I'm offended and I ain't white there's my people you should at least with Italy breezed through played a plate of snippet yeah but just cuz he's white and we already have it with few transit by the way me not like a post more has done nothing for post Malone's career oh not so that means nothing so for all you Pokemon fans keep doing your thing I'm gonna be over here listen in the future pose I love you man you're awesome you try to get that pull up that post pull up that post up one of the first first post ups I had because he's just such cool disease go to please him okay though what do not want to talk about both I'm not going move it let's move on the baby recently just dropped we got oh we don't female's body I don't know if you can pick somebody like you haven't Kanye on this list oh-ho those guys are solidified certified like I don't I don't count them anymore hole shouldn't be on this no overs in his own sector somewhere yes I get akincana didn't have the greatest of decades musically he started off the Kanye actually has the greatest rap album of the decade with all my beautiful that is not even like to me death is the greatest rap album of the decade I don't think and that is an amazing classic album I have to say that because these [ __ ] been dug up some old clips where I said it wasn't classic that is a classic great album I don't think that album in a decade to me is still good good kid good album of the decade I got good kid at number three Oh tip him butterfly butterfly I don't tip them to pimp a butterfly is art to me it's not even music which is where he just killed the game here and nobody could [ __ ] with Kendrick because it wasn't about music I didn't care how to be sounded yeah I think he had a snare sounded I didn't get but he just had a lot of great [ __ ] going on and [ __ ] that I think we needed to hear yeah and people needed to hear important for the times another reason that I have victory lap Oh victory love is their victory lap yeah I got that hold on through that I got my [ __ ] here to hold on okay and not victory lap because of Mitzi's passing but victory lap because that that album over the course of time is gonna prove it's gonna stand the test this is me Kanye was My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy okay Kendrick Lamar to pimp a butterfly Kendrick Lamar good kid maad city jay-z four four four I don't care what nobody says that super important that's that's not the fourth best album of the decade but it's not I'm not saying it's four but I think is one of the top ten oh it is Jake all fours it whatever I do my New York bars to hold up J Cofer I still drive we said that running the jewels running the jewels to is absolutely album in a decade yg my crazy life Nipsey Hussle victory Lam drink take care Rhapsody's Layla's wisdom I agree with your entire list it is a thermostat you don't you do not have Freddie Gibbs on there for decade he had to great here too I'll give him bandana for this year and maybe it's just too early for me to say a decade you know I'm saying yeah I gotta give it some time like a lot of these albums we've lived with I know a little wisdom came out lately wouldn't care what 2017 so he gave me a couple years victory lap was about a year and some change well which Rhapsody labels wasn't that not not eve Leila's wisdom the one before the one before those those those those would be my albums of the decade now Eva I'm is super important he was super super important I love you again time time they need to pass yes oh and if I were to ever come back wrapping that Clio beat would be the first beat on the list goddammit knife I mean he already got a sixteen you ready no I don't but when I would listen and that's how rap opened the album yes but that was powerful with what she was doing yeah it hit me and I touch me that oh damn that look hey RAF and I say this and wouldn't even flinch Miguel is the best R&B artists of the past [ __ ] decade fight me Joe fight me Miguel is the best artists of the past ten years really but [ __ ] that [ __ ] will wild heart still I loved why hire a weirdo I loved wild heart listen to wild heart dude because I thought it but I did because my girls want to do is I give the benefit of the doubt like damn I I may not have liked it at that time but maybe I missed it let me go back loved wild hog wild heart juice at the bar to I so that means he was chasing it I don't think he was chasing I just think he set the bar too high and everything that came out after that we started being like [ __ ] ain't no classical Doris Lane broad or has a record that you won't listen to twenty years from now but knowing it's probably to me the top three single released of the decade of all genres yeah I agree with that yeah home all right maybe I'll go back and check out well hard but it wasn't just wow then what was this shitty put out after well after Wildheart was home yeah I need I need at least some semblance of some resemblance of the Miguel that I fell in love love love I think I got three daughters every single one that it was conceived just some type of Miguel music that is that ain't even alive I used to be took you know when I was still wiling in the street like still in my whole [ __ ] like being an unfaithful black man he's married for 21 years yeah but I mean I have my fun but talk about see Miguel you've provided a lot of great soundtrack it was only a nice boy hey when the [ __ ] get caught he can't pick up the signs no more those la nights was something special you hear me it's always in LA but yes you ill because you still get to go back to LA wit my wife okay I don't even play like that alright I know my weakness more you smart yeah a smart guy right here your kaleidoscope dream yes because of the internet Daniel glue Donald Glover Daniel Donald Glover want to mention F anti anti is high for me Rihanna on the album of the decade listen to bottom yeah and I was nope I mean I like I like scissor control I think it's about to say scissor yeah I think woman arm be there was no better album then either I would I would have to give it to seat at the table by Solange and then um scissor controllers up damn wrong and I got those two those two might have to go to a table control how many decade and um eliminate so many name was phenomenal and anti those are my thoughts on my for and I'm waiting on her I like to I'd like to Beyonce album that she snuck on us to toe the joint that had like drunken love and all that you know I wasn't this decade yes it was not Charla me you old me that was like three four years ago yes she gave us the sneaky release yeah that like that was before human aid now that I'm before lemonade drunken love is this decade yes absolutely oh no dancing that album is better than lemonade I didn't think that was this decade it's I mean less I think we might have I think we also has to in the top five I think the sneaky eliminate and then I'm putting scissor seat at the table and anti alright scissor seated the table anti and two from Beyonce yes I'm rolling that you don't want to mention Taylor Swift no Lady Gaga no Katy Perry I used to be Perry top of the decade I was a big just kissing girls I used to love that album no uh Teenage Dream and like the one before I think that was I kissed a girl that was though she was dope I used to like those albums oh I'm not gonna lie I like really really ride so we're now gonna talk about what's the bigger Dale album 1921 no time it was a great year for a great moment and I wasn't being on a day like that yeah she didn't do for me like what uh Amy Winehouse Adele was cool I liked it when it was there but I didn't didn't grow it and you didn't live faster that's cuz she broke up because came out a store our whole style yeah you know I mean he was Eva's everything the chubbiness yeah but they whiteness say the same to London this hasn't seen him to understand really good never and you won't know it was definitely the same person female artist of the decade I think we're we're grilling albums artists of the decade well so that would be for 2010 to now yeah y'all [ __ ] me up I really thought that Beyonce album was last decade it's gonna be hard to argue against having two of those type albums in this decade only arguing two people Rihanna and Beyonce Beyonce I mean honey is one A and one B either way you want to slice it I don't I don't care yeah and if I had to throw another person it would be Nicki Minaj like those would be the three people women artists female artists of the decade that I would debate about I'm coming for a whole 10-year span it would be Beyonce Rihanna Nicki Minaj if we're talking if we're talking rapped like we did for the men Nikki gets this hand not even close this no no no debate an argument I'm gonna go Rihanna nope I'm gonna tell you why I'm gonna get to Beyonce Beyonce put on more music oh I gave it to Rihanna for the other things outside of Vegas okay no no no no no but they you can't just she's the first black head of like a fashion house that ain't ours Elle whatever that is then defend defend t [ __ ] huge like and that's why it's kind of scary that we might not get much more Rihanna music because her other endeavors are just groundbreaking so that's why I give it to her because she's got an album yeah in there and she's got a bunch of other shooters in it now beyond beyond state both name our clothes and she's like if that had took off I would have looked at her a different way and I'm taking a point away from Beyonce for that [ __ ] before I let you go debacle listen no no it has to be discussed I'm gonna tell you why it's not a debacle and the reason is not a debacle because that [ __ ] goals in part when everybody's tired but that don't make it down but always make it that that's a classic that some would say don't touch at all the fact that people play that [ __ ] and I've seen guys see girls singing the words to it they got a whole dance routine to it I was like wow I thought it was a debacle too until I saw it for myself and I see their work the only reason I thought of the debacle because of what that song the Frankie Beverly and maze record means to the culture that's something that you should even touch she absolutely don't know we redid it repositioned it for a new era you said well I don't know we give her a pass for that [ __ ] but it's fine how do you think was a [ __ ] record I didn't I think Beyonce has to win hands down just because you also as a woman she just showed people extreme growth and evolution because she's married she had children and she still remained Beyonce none of that had to take a backseat you know I'm saying nothing so good nothing took a backseat to her being the boss that she is because although all the things that they tell women they can't you did Coachella pregnant I forgot about that there was points back those are all the things they tell women that they can't do it now and we're talking about I'm on Coachella you know you're talking about some of the greatest performances ever like people were saying that's one of the greatest performers that we compared that [ __ ] the Michael Jackson performances right which if you ask me I think Beyonce's a better live performing in Michael Jackson we're gonna so listen we've been talking about the decoration right let's talk about this year's focus on the year you feel like it was a week out I don't think we're hearing rap and rap but I think it's been one of the best years this decade forearm be okay between all of the new R&B acts that were discovered and found success relatively early okay between some of the older bad acts that started putting albums out that was one of my favorite trends - the older acts like the jagged edge at a new album a 112 new album [ __ ] I like even what Torre did with bringing some of the old acts back and featuring him on new [ __ ] that was one of my favorite things - but in rap I just thought it was a little slow some are our feature acts that we depend on they just went away and said [ __ ] that we're back some time later and they left room for the new dudes which I appreciate yeah I appreciate that but I just think it's been a little slow oh I kind of disagree I feel like that the beginning of the year but these are my dismiss what is my favorite rap I'll give it to me give it to me Freddy gives man 100% and none of this is in order but Freddie Gibbs bandana Freddy gives him Madeline Rhapsody e OG Jim Jones el capo phenomenal project one one of my one of my nominees for album of the year the baby baby on baby two chains wrap and go to the league I really enjoyed YB had court day the lost boy that was a real good album I enjoyed a Rick Ross Port of Miami - they need a bunch of plugs I met flute the video all of the Griselda releases this year because y'all been putting [ __ ] out every other we a a and it's all fine I mean you name it or look you found the meat and potatoes of the year baby king died for my [ __ ] baby team isn't unfamiliar young rapper that I got put on to I think I think they said knowledge knowledge discovered baby key that wouldn't shock yeah somebody put me on the baby whoo oh you know put me on a baby came a little Dicky put me on the baby came actually I'm a dick young dogs so much fun that was which one that was the joint with the green the green cover was a good one gotta put Tyler to create an ego even though life who didn't think I was like a wrap out a lot I hear people say that but I'm counting him I'm counting and counting refuted dream was three great great project idk is he real okay jpg my field all my friends are corn balls that's a great album title big creep critters here and while a while that's crazy those those were rap albums that I really enjoy I am her down but damn that's the great album time what all my friends yeah that's great yeah those are all the rap albums that I was vibing to that I was riding to this year I thought that those were the albums of the year I don't even like the Evelynn think a minute that the year twelve months two weeks you just named ten but that's just me I'm old I don't have time to listen to all this [ __ ] and and and a lot of this [ __ ] the kids feel just way different than me the other thing that I just sonically somebody said listen to I listen to and I'm like oh I [ __ ] with that person I spoke with this person but they don't mean the same to me it's like back in the day with the holes in the knobs and the bees and the wu-tang's and the star faces and you know I mean the tea eyes of Jesus they don't but I appreciate listen we I want to thank every artist that put music out this year year would have been [ __ ] without you guys I want to acknowledge some of the hardships y'all went through thank you for keeping us dance and keeping us thinking keeping us enjoying the [ __ ] scene and music I appreciate a gift before we close because they're kicking us out on some we not close they're kicking us the [ __ ] out which is a clothing that's why we got almost lost prediction prediction foot prediction for 2020 last year you were correct you were correct on your Teyana Taylor director prediction yeah and it was one more you correct about I don't remember so I'm usually right a lot of let's end with a prediction my prediction for 2020 is that labels were whoa damn near be obsolete like I think that a lot of these people are gonna start going direct to consumer and instead of partnering up with labels they're gonna start partnering up with screaming platforms I think you're gonna start seeing a lot more artists saying [ __ ] the Deaf G has [ __ ] Interscope you're just gonna do management and rock nation aside and do all ships quickly on are we're gonna do strictly Apple exclusives like I think you're gonna see a lot of that and in in 2020 I think Apple go really [ __ ] the record industry up I really do some more you mean yeah some more like I'm talkin to the point where they're gonna be like just sign with us [ __ ] the middleman what they've been trying to do this guy I think that's coming I think in 2020 between 2020 and 2022 we will have a clear-cut idea of who is taking that baton from Drake Kendrick and J Cole as far as a newer guy I don't know that can happen it can no it's going it's going to stop him I just don't know if it can happen because of the way that the company the coaches set up now like everybody has these teams these stands that won't let their folks die you understand what I'm saying so even when the next guy comes like whoever that person is or that next girl they're gonna have to really take it take it and let me take it they're gonna have to dwarf those people we've just talked with just the conversation surrounding them you know what I'm saying cuz right now it's hard to beat that conversation that surrounds Drake Kendrick and even Cole when they drop remember I said that next two years Joe Budden Shalom into got decade wrap-up peace peace
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 1,172,929
Rating: 4.818644 out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2019, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, charlamagne tha god joe budden, joe budden charlamagne tha god, charlamagne tha god, decade wrap up, decade review, charlamagne tha god pull up, pull up charlamagne tha god
Id: G529eDxs4tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 53sec (7913 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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