'Nobody Wants This Crap!': DeSantis Rips 'Wokeness' And Critical Race Theory

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you'll hear these people it's you know they made it it was a big deal in virginia the these counties parents were really upset and a lot of the media big oh it's not happening it's not happening and they would basically act like this is all just made up well let me show you some of the things that have been done throughout our country just in the last couple years the arizona department of education created a quote equity toolkit claiming that babies show the first sign of racism at three months old and that white children become full racists quote strongly biased in favor of whiteness by age five santa clara county office of education denounced the united states as a quote parasitic system based on quote the invasion of quote white male settlers and encourage teachers to cash in on kids inherent empathy in order to recruit them into political activism and a philadelphia elementary school forced fifth graders to celebrate black communism and simulated a black power rally to quote free angela davis from prison and at that particular school 87 percent of students fail to achieve basic literacy by graduation and so this is something that you see all across the country and we have a responsibility in florida to say we're not going to do it so we did do that so it violates florida standards to scapegoat someone based on their race to say that you know they're inherently racist to say that they're an oppressor or oppressed or any of that and that's good and that's important but we also have to realize that um we got to do more to make sure that that actually carries the day in the classrooms and in our society so today we are going to be introducing to the public and and we have legislators who are going to help us with this a new piece of legislation for the upcoming legislative session called stop wrongs against our kids and employees act the stop woke act and it's something that [Applause] and this will do a number of things that are very important one it will put into statute uh the department of education's prohibition on crt in k-12 schools no taxpayer dollars should be used to teach our kids to hate our country or to hate each other and and that's important and that's all well and good but i think what we've seen recently is you can legislate things like parents bill of rights you can have certain things and sometimes the school districts don't always follow it and so we are going to be including in this legislation giving parents a private right of action to be able to enforce the prohibition on crt and they get to recover attorneys fees when they prevail which is very important and yes there will be a fortified ability for the state department of education told keep people accountable but honestly the parents know uh best what's going on and they're in the best position to be able to do and here's the thing a lot of times these people will fear lawsuits more than a fine from the state department of education because when you do a lawsuit you get discovery and you're subject to that and when they say they're not doing crt and then you have all this information showing that they are doing it uh it really is an uncomfortable position for them so i think that gives parents the ability to go in and ensure that our state standards are being followed and i think it's something that needs to be done uh we also need to understand that this has become a cottage industry the crt there's people making huge amounts of money they basically will get tens of thousands of dollars to go in and do a training sometimes at school sometimes at businesses you know basically saying like okay pay me fifty thousand dollars so i can teach your employees how racist capitalism is or something like that i'm just thinking to myself well you're certainly charging a king's ransom to do that you don't you don't you don't complain about capitalism when you're lining your own pocket it's just when other people are doing well but the issue is you have this whole uh cottage industry of these consultants that will come and they'll go into a school district or they'll go to a business and they'll go to colleges and universities and they bring a lot of this into those institutions and they call it equity just understand when you hear equity used that is just an ability for people to smuggle in their ideology because we don't need to have these terms we have society based on equality where you're treated equally regardless of your upbringing regardless of your race you have the same rights and privileges as anybody else equity is used to put the thumb on the scale in favor of their ideology and so that's where you get things like crt and a whole host of other things so our legislation will defund any money for k-12 or higher ed going to crt consultants [Applause] we are also not going to allow the staff or employees or teachers in our education system to be subjected to some to that type of training where they're forced to sit there and listen and they have had this in different parts of the of the country the san diego public schools did a training where they accused white teachers of being colonizers on stolen land and told them quote you are racist and quote you are upholding racist ideas structures and policies and they recommended that the teachers undergo quote anti-racist therapy so this is wrong when it's done to our kids but it's also wrong to force employees to have to go through that so you are not going to have that in any school in the state of florida which is good but you know it's not just in schools and i know that's been a big focus and understandably so because parents send their kids i don't think very i think most parents just want them to be educated on the kind of the basics i don't think that they're interested in this indoctrination i know i'm not and i know most of you are not and so and it's important and it is wrong when you're trying to take a kid uh who's there to learn basics and you're putting ideology and you're trying to to indoctrinate uh but this is also goes beyond education and it goes beyond just schooling and it really has become something that is being utilized by corporate america to i think create hostile work environments for many of their employees and you look at what some of these big companies have done in recent years bank of america has had training teaching that the united states is a system of quote white supremacy and encourages their employees to become woke at work verizon has taught employees that america is fundamentally racist and they've even promoted defunding the police and a google employee program claims that america is quote a system of white supremacy and that all americans are quote raised to be racist and so that is some of the stuff that we're seeing you know i think about it if you're in a company and someone's telling you know dirty jokes or doing this that could be considered a hostile work environment well how is it not a hostile work environment to be attacking people based on their race or telling them that they're privileged or that they're part of oppressive systems when they're all they're doing is showing up to work and trying to earn a living so we believe that this corporate crt it's basically corporate sanctioned racism and they're trying to shove it down these employees throats we believe that that violates the florida civil rights laws but at the extent it doesn't we're going to make sure that the law does include this into these laws so that that employees have an ability to protect themselves against this kind of really which is harassment
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 176,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gov. Ron DeSantis, critical race theory, wokeness
Id: 6XiOZk58QpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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