$0 for Enthusiast Tech!? DUMPSTER DIVING!

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[Music] welcome back to tech yes city and here we are at the source this is where it all goes down i found this place a couple of weeks ago and the person i met they were really nice and they let me go through some of these dumpsters and then i was talking to them and as we got talking they just started telling me about how much stuff people just chuck out and they just don't want it anymore and i mean of course some of it's not going to work but then some of it is going to work and today we've got this like a few dumpsters to go through and see what we can find and of course we're gonna then take it back to the studio and start testing it out but how a lot of these places work is they'll get just heaps of dumpsters in of just random stuff people just chuck all their stuff away and they just want to get rid of it and then they'll sift through it and segregate it into things like broken monitors cases power supplies motherboards and so from there i guess they then either just sell it off for the materials or in cases like guys like me i could come along and have a quick pick and see if anything works and that's exactly what we're going to do here today so if you guys want some of the best prices on used tech or even in this case if you want to try and build a pc for free then you might want to try and hook up maybe and try and find if you can go down to the local tip or the local recycling center and just see if you get to know someone there and see if you can sort of make some arrangement especially if you're going to be uh hooking up with someone that is just they they like you and they like what you do with the stuff in the case of the person here they they heard my plight and they know that i recycle all this stuff and put it back to good use and essentially saving waste so let's i guess let's just get straight into it and see what we get out of these bins you want to get rid of this annoying activate windows message then today's video sponsor scd keys has you covered for as little as 12 usd after you enter that coupon code bftyc you can cop yourself a legit single end user license today links in description below [Applause] [Music] here we are now back at the studio where actually a few days later after this hole dumps the dive we are now here ready to take a look at these five motherboards now it was just a crazy weekend i went through one of the busiest weekends in terms of pc flipping and actually this was a funny thing i pulled three monitors out of a dumpster that i ended up using because they all worked perfectly fine so even if these motherboards don't work here today i've already become a winner in that all the stuff that came out of these dumpsters was all free now you're probably wondering why don't you just get more and more and this is the first part that we're going to talk about here because this is where i um i went to buy something off the said person i got a 10 400 fpc and i got some ddr3 memory and stuff like that but when i was there it was very busy and so like i had to make work what i could in the time that i had if that makes any sense so if you're going to a place to do some dumpster diving then sort of r you got to read the air in the room uh when i went there it was just really busy there was people everywhere i knew i was getting in people's way if i took too much time so i just had to be really quick in what i was picking up now of course that said i'm going to be calling the said person up and then trying to organize a time when they're not so busy and i can sort of go through the dumpsters a little bit more in depth and i'll pick out more things that i think are potentially really good but this time around i literally had like five minutes max i had a camera in one hand and i got the other hand just picking out stuff that potentially could make some really good gaming pcs if it was to be fixed up so if you guys do want to go dumpster diving at least in australia then you do have to know the right people but you also have to realize it is time constrained as well a lot of these people have lives if you're sitting there going through their dumpster and interrupting their workflow then you're probably not going to get invited back that said let's go through what we've got here on the table and then see what i think is potentially wrong with these parts and then we'll try and fix those problems see if we get some success then we'll talk about a little bit more about dumpster diving in general and why a lot of this stuff ends up in the trash and why of course it's free so the first part we've got up here is a p55 motherboard yes it's quite old over 10 years old in fact but it's got an i7 870 4 core 8 thread now the most common reason for someone throwing this in the dumpster in my opinion would just be simply its age at least that's what i hope it is because then everything will work and i'll be extracting a huge amount of value out of this free pickup as it doesn't look like there's actually anything physically wrong with any of these parts here we've also got four gigabytes of ram so let's quickly put this now to the test and see if it boots up [Music] and there it is with our motherboard cpu and ram combo looks like it's all working absolutely fine of course i do have to turn this off relatively quickly because i'm using a heatsink without a fan on it but there it is someone just chucked that out because they didn't want it anymore so this next one is very obvious to see what's going on here and that is we've got the pci socket the 8x socket looks like someone has instead of opening this lock here they've just ripped the whole device out and that's caused this whole socket to just rip out with it the plastic socket so i guess this time around one of the few examples of where you would need those steel reinforced slots but how we're fixing this is very easy i've actually fixed up this problem in the past i've seen it happen on especially second-hand gear that people chuck out and so what we're going to do is actually just chop all these pins off so they're not in case of these ones right over here they're all touching each other that's going to be shorting things out so we're going to do now is just cut them all off then that way there's no chance of them shorting against one another however of course the downside to that is that we're knocking out a whole pcie slot that's unusable but this motherboard does look like it's got a huge amount of pcie connectivity even with this upcoming missing slot and of course i'm hoping that's just the problem here of course before the person chucked it out they would have come into this problem maybe they're looking to sell it and then they realized oh no the board's just completely useless now but really let's see how quick we can fix this and then see if it boots up i'm guessing about five minutes [Music] so that's two motherboards for two now that are working perfectly fine after we've just done virtually nothing to them it hasn't taken long to bring this back to life so that's an x79 motherboard with an i7 3820 inside they've even been this kind enough to leave us a logitech dongle i mean depends on what this is for but this could be anywhere worth of 10 to 15 bucks so this next one i'm actually not too hopeful for even going into trying to clean it and bring things back because the rear of the board it's not actually the fact that there's you know a little bit of rust on the input output it's actually the rear of the board that's been damaged heavily in that there's very deep scratches which look like they're going into the traces and so if you're knocking out traces on a motherboard the problem there is it can be just as bad as knocking out say for instance pins on a cpu socket that's two connection points that are now severed and when you do that it's going to stop the motherboard from functioning properly so we're still going to give this a go we're still going to bend back a few of these pins here take the heat sinks off clean it down quickly and then any pins that look like they're shorting out at the front here we're going to quickly bend them back out of the way so they're no longer touching one another and then let's see if we can give this a shot get it working again [Music] we've got some really good news and that is this b85 gaming motherboard works fine i was surprised i thought the scratches on the back and the corrosion would have stopped this from working but we bent the pins back and the thing booted up however there was a bit of a problem here which is what i'm showing you now and this is with these top ram slot the one on the outer side of the motherboard and you just you can see here it doesn't go in properly on the right hand side and so when i see this problem and i have seen it it's rare but i have seen it in the past so i honestly when these when the when the ticket like that doesn't work i just then pull the whole thing out which that way it's not going to stop it from it's not going to stop it from sort of not contacting properly which is what it was doing so we've just pulled that out now and our ram slot should go in absolutely fine so our ram stick sorry ram slot our ram stick should go in perfectly fine now and that shouldn't cause any issues now one more thing we're going to do as well is we're going to clean this down later and that's just going to and then we're going to coat it with multi-purpose spray and that's just essentially going to stop the board from any further corrosion and also clean off all the corrosion that's on it right now so this next one is a p67 ud3r so second generation and this one looks very similar to the previous uh z87 the msi board and that has bent pins and a little bit of corrosion but it doesn't look like it is as bad in other words corrosion doesn't look like it's as advanced as the previous board but the pins do look like we have a few more bent pins here so what we're going to do is quickly bend these pins back see if this one works and if it does it's going to go in the ultrasonic clean pile just like the previous board [Music] so this motherboard unfortunately it is just boot cycling it's powering on them powering off which for me means that there's something wrong around the vrm area whether it's still the cpu pins or if there's debris lodged in actually what i think is the problem is there's like debris that's seeped into the back behind the motherboard on the actual socket itself so we won't be able to get this until we wash it in the ultrasonic cleaner which we're going to be doing that anyhow for that msi motherboard so we wise we'll chuck this in at the same time and then see if this can come out working after we give it that clean and now we're saving the best until last this is a z390 that looks brand new except for one big problem and that is there's a lot of bent pins so i'm guessing the person who just chucked this out they went back to the retailer probably couldn't get a refund because retailers won't take the refunds on bent pins and then they're like well this thing doesn't work and they just threw it in the bin though i've actually got an i5 9500 on hand that i'm hoping if we can bend these pins back we'll have a whole base for a very good six core build so let the bending begin with our magical toothpick [Music] so we've got like a gunk that's stuck in between these pins and it's actually sort of stopping me from seeing the pins and bending them back properly so we're going to use some brake cleaner our trusty old friend here at techia city and get all that crap out and then get back to bending those pins [Music] so we've got some great news and that is we are now four for five and our z390 tough gaming motherboard it's working perfectly fine too even though even though when we're doing the pin bending process we actually lost two pins because they were bent in the what i call reverse bends in that someone i don't know how people do this but they bend pins so hard that they they end up going the wrong way and when you bend them back the integrity of the pin gets so weak that it just snaps off and unfortunately we had two of those on this board but it seems to be like they weren't too critical pins so everything is going to be a-okay and work absolutely fine so really stoked about that because that's a pretty solid motherboard but it's now time to put on that ultrasonic cleaner chuck those two really filthy boards in and then get talking about dumpster diving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just finished up cleaning those two motherboards and the p67 unfortunately we just couldn't get that to work and it was just doing the same thing as it was before it got the wash and that was that it was boot looping and with all the four leds on and this goes back to the critical damage that it sustained i believe on the back of the board because when you slice into those um traces just even cutting one of them off can be like final fantasy and then you know you're playing final fantasy and either you or the enemy gets a critical hit and then you're kind of like limping for the rest of the the fight and uh this yeah that's what this motherboard's doing it's just limping and it's not coming back however in the end we did get four of those five motherboards working and we scored big time especially in the case of that z390 that had a lot of messy pins on it but the i5 9500 enterdrive coming through so now those boards are good to go but what we saw here today with the magic of dumpster diving this is a whole new world for me where i've only really touched on it twice now and it's only been relatively quick and so what i hope to do the next time i do this is to start going more into the builds and some of the stuff in these dumpsters but i'll have to make a bit more time aside with the person that i know there and make sure that they're not so busy and they're not in the middle of a whole heap of different things because when you go there on a friday it's the end of the week they're all going to clear out as all these jobs they're going to get through so i think maybe going on a monday might be a better choice but that said everything we spoke about here today was just about really going in sort of doing your own thing if you have to take care of people there maybe they want a six pack of beer or something like that be really nice always be a tentative and if you're just a good person then you can get some of this stuff recycle it and definitely put it to good use instead of it just getting completely just crushed and not ever finding a home again because a lot of this stuff here even though it's old it's gold and it still plays games in 2021 especially some of the second third fourth gen stuff works absolutely fine i'm really really liking what this dumpster is unraveling because of course the best thing is you can get it for free costs absolutely nothing so if you're on an extreme budget then you can definitely if you of course don't mind getting your hands dirty you can get some extremely good value but i guess that is the negative of dumpster diving and that is it isn't the cleanest place to begin with so if you are a clean freak or you hate bacteria and stuff like that then maybe dumpster diving isn't for you but ever since i started this channel especially since i've been getting into the used price performance stuff i come across a lot of dirty stuff and i usually find this is a correlation that i've found the dirtier it is the cheaper it is in this case some of this stuff can be absolutely filthy but it's free and then we do our process of cleaning it up and it can a lot of the times come out looking brand new or in the case of the full tech yes love and process can come out looking even better than brand new so i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did then be sure to hit that like button also let us know in the comment section below have you found anything on the side of the road or have you been dumpster diving before and if so did you come out with a good success story love reading those thoughts and opinions as always and we also just recently revamped the membership here on the channel for as little as a dollar fifty aussie a month which is around a dollar ten us a month you can get access sort of like behind the scenes enthusiast stuff that i'm going into with how much i'm putting together pcs for what i'm flipping what the market's like for me locally and to be honest it has picked up a lot in this last like three and four days where it's just like all on now where you can go from not selling a pc for like a week or two weeks and then all of a sudden you sell five pcs in a day that's how crazy the market can go sometimes so uh those monitors that i picked up i cleaned them up so i did pull some monitors out of the dumpster and they were working absolutely fine so people are just chucking out uh perfectly fine monitors probably upgrading to the new 27 or 32 inch latest and greatest 144 hertz stuff and they're just yeah just getting rid of perfectly fine gear so in my case i like it i give it a new home and i make a bit of money in the process but we do have the question of the day here before i get on out of here and that comes from leandro martin peralta and they asked hi brian i noticed quite a few crypto mining sets advertised on facebook marketplace in my area lately for quite ridiculous prices are miners cashing out or is this opportunist cashing in on the hype and so you'll notice if you go on marketplace you'll notice sometimes there are people just selling whole mining rigs they're definitely a lot of these guys i know some of them locally here because they used to be into pc flipping and i've talked about this on the channel in the past they used to be into pc flipping then they just got into flipping mining rigs and quit pc flipping altogether and the profits in that industry can be insane so yes i'd say some of these guys are just cashing in on flipping mining rigs because there's a lot of i guess people who don't even know how to build a computer they've heard from person x who's heard from person x that mining's so profitable so they just come in cashed up spend a heap of money they just want something that's ready to go and so if people are in that industry definitely i'd say it's people more cashing in on the hype than it is but i'd say at the same time there's definitely not a good economic news on the horizon so i'd say some people as well would be cashing out so i'd say it's a combination of both right now hope that answers that question and with that aside i'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon peace out for now bye [Music] you
Channel: Tech YES City
Views: 35,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech yes city, tech vlog, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster pc, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diver, scrap it!, trash picking, dumpster diving pc, scrap pc, dumpster divers
Id: EbfCP01xRnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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