Ps. Stella Roco - Arise Our God and Scatter Our Enemies

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] before [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] shabbat shalom to everyone may you be blessed mightily today and may the word of god do a wonderful work in your life now before we get on to the word let us bow our heads with an opening prayer dear loving and heavenly father as we deal to you humbly and knowledge of your greatness let it be all done not in human might lord not in human power but by your spirit let every ear be open to hear and listen to what your spirit you say let our eyes be opened to the things of your spirit so that we may understand what you want to reveal to us today and open our hearts lord so that we may be fully submerged in your love as you speak just like paul prayed for love to overflow in the book of ephesians chapter 3 let us pray this scriptures in a personal way lord we humbly nearly know before your father of our lord jesus christ the messiah the perfect father of every father and child in heaven and on earth and we pray that you would unveil within us the unlimited riches of your glory and favor until supernatural strength floods our innermost being with your divine might and explosive power then by constantly using our face the life of christ will be released deep inside of us and the resting place of christ love will become the very source and root of our lives then we will be empowered to discover what every holy one experience the great magnitude magnitude of astonishing love of christ in all its dimensions how deeply intimate and far-reaching is the love of god endless love beyond measure that transcends our understanding and our knowledge this extravagant love pour into us until we are filled to overflow with the fullness of god never doubting god's mighty power to work in us and accomplish all this you will achieve infinitely more than our greatest request lord our most unbelievable dreams and exceed our wildest imagination you will outdo them all to your miraculous power constantly energizing us father we ask you all this in the precious name of your glorious son jesus christ and we all say amen oh praise the lord god almighty well today the word that the lord gave me is a rise of god and let our enemies be scattered how many of us know that the believers have any enemies yes the arch enemy being satan so today the lord took me to the scriptures amazing scriptures in the book of jude so let us open the book of jude it's only one chapter verse one let's read one verse one and two i will read to you jude a servant of jesus christ the messiah and brother of james writes this letter to those who are called chosen we are loved by god the father and separate set apart consecrated and kept for jesus verse 2 main mercy soul peace and love be multiplied unto you how humble the nature of jude or judah by him not using he is natural relation as half-brother of jesus but lift jesus up far above that relationship and call himself his servant and only be self rea makes himself related to james which is his other brother what an amazing humility lifting up jesus christ way above himself and his relationship as half-brother let's look at verse 3. beloved my whole concern was to write to you in regards to of salvation that's what he was doing but i found it necessary and i was impaled to write to you an urgent appeal and exhort you to content for the faith content for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints the faith which is the son of christians believe which was delivered verbally to the holy people of god by the apostles so what is contending to the faith we know that jude was talking to all the saints of his era what does this have to do with us more than ever before in these times end times we are called to contend for our faith meaning to repeatedly participate fully and wholeheartedly in the race course that was set before us we are all running a race like boz said even before we all run in a race we want to run a good race for that we must contend with the faith we must continue participating and entering into that race without giving up let's look at verse four for certain men have crept in stealthily gaining entrance secretly by the side door i will keep on breathing but before we keep on reading i want to bring this forth so why are we contending for our faith because certain men as verse 4 says have crept in gaining entrance secretly through the side or not through the entrance though they had do was predicted long ago ungodly profane persons who perverted the grace of god the spiritual blessing and favor of a living god into a license to commit lawlessness wantonness immorality and disown and deny our soul master jesus christ the anointed one so what is what is the lord saying through the scriptures he's telling us to to contend continuously content for our faith keep our faith but continuously participated in this race of holiness because these people have entered in to our ministry to our churches to our families to our nation bringing depravation and these people are predicted in the word of god being doomed forever because they are profane they are in peace people and the perfect the grace of god that was given to mankind to walk in holiness as a license to commit immorality let's look also in the book of acts in chapter uh chapter 20 verse 29 and 30 also speaks of this kind of people that have entered in the congregations the churches the society and we see how they have perverted the holiness and righteousness that is supposed to rule and bring that wonderful peace of god's glory into the body of christ and much evil has resulted from that in acts 20 verse 29 says i know that after i am gone this is the prophet ferocious wolves will get in among you not sparing the flock verse 30 even from among you your own selves men will come to the front who by saying perverse things distorted and corrupt things will endeav to draw the immature to themselves to their ministry to their own party not to jesus so this is the sign whenever you see somebody trying to gather all the immature the people that cannot get discerned because they are knowing the things of god and you in the word of god trying to guard them onto themselves they are removing them from looking upon jesus that is the sign the immorality is also their immorality that that grace of god being used for license for immorality saying god is full of grace god always forgive god understands now the grace of god is not a license to sin and immorality the grace of god is an empowerment empowerment for the believer to walk in holy lives and it is written in the chapter 2 of titus verse 11 and 12 and he says this for the grace of god his unmerited blessing and favor has come forward for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation of mankind jesus jesus came with grace jesus brought grace for us to be saved but in verse 12 says it has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness and worldly passionate desires to live discreetly tempered and self-controlled upright devout spiritually lives in the present world and in holiness so here we have that the very grace of god through the word trains us to reject ungodliness the the unrefrained passions of the carnality of man of of a soul that has not yet been changed so god makes it very clear in these scriptures that there are those that are using his grace for their evil purposes and to justify their wrongdoings and using it as a license to sin but it's not so so today let us expose that and why is god talking you know let me bring this up that has been in my heart even before we started it a few shabbats ago a few saturdays ago the lord gave us ezekiel 20 true which was god's judgment pronounced or god's assessment from the courts of heaven on the behavior of the nation lest lest the nation be punished without repentance so god's grace grace indeed brought this scripture of assessment which is judgment upon our behavior as a nation that we may be able to repent and so if not then the judgment of punishment will come after that the lord gave us ezekiel 16 which is a judgment to the body of christ god is looking into the behavior of the body of christ the church and assessing it and declaring it so the body of christ finally convicted by the holy spirit will repent and reject those behaviors and be reconciled with god because god is always ready to forgive upon repentance but i i sense that today god is giving us the book of jude for individual lives for individual people believers to understand what the unregenerated cardinality of men will cause men to lean on doing the things that are described here so as believers god is giving us the grace the favor and the blessing to fight to fight for our faith to keep our faith alive to keep our faith as strong so we can be trained to reject all that is evil all that is passionate and godliness all that is worldliness all the things that the world and humanism teaches mankind to do all the immorality unwantedness and greed god is calling us to love his word to take on his grace and train by contending and fighting for a faith that we may not fall into carnality as it was before we came to know him so that is the love of god that is the amazing amazing and searchable love of god for mankind and for us individually so i like us to allow the words that we are hearing and reading as being the very worst coming out of the mouth of god no the opinion of man no not the mouth of a woman but god himself talking to our hearts and exposing things tendencies passions that have been unbridled that have been loose in our lives and allow these words to bring forth an acknowledgement of god goodness and love for us and bring ourself bowing down with our hearts before the lord that he may restore us upon repentance we must not be blinded with deception of thinking that we are okay singing hallelujah on the way to hell we want to make sure that gods reveal our condition of heart amen so let's look at verse 5 in jude chapter 1. now i want to remind you he says though you were fully informed once for all that though the lord at one time delivered the people out of the land of egypt subsequently he destroyed those of them who did not believe at the end so one save always safe no we could have begun a wonderful passionate unity with god and then through circumstances allow the flesh to rise up allow the world to entice us the lives of the devil to deceive us and we begin to walk in and believe because when there is no obedience and belief is the next thing so brothers and sisters contending for our faith is walking in complete obedience to the word of god it started with what command where god commands in the word in the written word being a strengthening the foundation of christ jesus and his obedience and then begin to walk in obedience to the heard word of god to spoken word of god as we mature and so we continue obeying god in every aspect in which he communicates to us even in the world he's giving us today because the people that were saved from egypt were destroyed and died in the desert died not in the promised land died in the desert they never made it to the promised land because of unbelief there is a promised land before all of us in these last days the promised land of the kingdom of god reigning within for a thousand years under the power of his glory in the power of his glory with the power of his glory brothers and sisters this is what we run the race but what is set before us our destiny is to rule and reign with god but will everybody rule and reign with god god is letting us know the formula to carry that button of faith to the end and make it for our destiny we can therefore boldly say that unbelief brings destruction because god destroyed all those that did not believe who have been saved from egypt let's look at verse six and angels who did not keep their own first place of power but abandoned their proper dwelling place were reserved in custody in eternal chair chains under the thick gloom of other darkness until the judgment and doom of the great day so we see here that the angels who have a place in heaven who have a call and a power in heaven they abandon all that to come to the earth and unite themselves to flesh by god we serve therefore all of those angels in dooms and darkness and in chains for the last great day of doom verse seven the wicked a sentence to suffer and bombastic stella some might say what about the suffering of the saints what about the suffering of the apostle what about the suffering of the martyrs yes that suffering it was the perfecting of our soul the perfecting of god's lovingness the perfecting of course character in us and also according to the book of revelation for our garments to become pure and white and unclean but the wicked are sentenced to suffer for eternity why i know this because it says here just as sodom and gomorrah and the advanced towns around them which likewise gave themselves to impurity and indulging unnatural vices of sensual perversity and lay out in plain sight as an exhibit of perpetual punishment of everlasting fire so sodom and gomorrah they gave themselves to sensual perversity we don't want to even enumerate them but they are happening even in the church [Music] they are happening everywhere i know that many parts in the body of christ have voted for this abomination according to the word of god of sensual perversity that is against the the soulmate of of of marriage so how can god bless a nation when the church itself is cursing itself i'm not judging anybody the word does i have nothing against anybody for all i know maybe those people have fallen on their knees cry for with repentance for the lord's forgiveness i have been restored to god hallelujah may the lord cause him to be but it hasn't happened yet i pray that the lord's holy spirit will be like a mighty wind of repentance that will come to the hearts of those that have allowed themselves to be deceived by carnality and sensual perversity and sodom gomorrah and a perpetual exhibition of the eternal punishment that god's reserve for those that remain wicked that will not change this punishment is eternal fire i call it hell man it does too that is eternal there are all sorts of ministry going on around but the bible says it's eternal fire it's not just temporary fire it's eternal just like heaven is eternal beliefs eternal glory there is a hell that is eternal fire in second peter chapter 2 in the passion translation verse four and six it speaks of these and said now don't forget that god had no pity for the angels when they sin by threw them into lowest darkness dungeons of gloom and lock them in chains where they are firmly held until judgment day of torment verse 5 and he did not despair the former world in the days of noah when he sent the flood to destroy that depraved world although he protected noah the preacher of righteousness along with seven other members of his family verse six and don't forget that he reduced to ashes the city of sodom and gomorrah condemning them to ruin and destruction god appointed them to be examples as to what is coming to the ungodly yet he rescue a righteous man lord suffering the indignity of the unbridled lusts of the lawless poor lord he really suffered while he lived with his children and wife in the midst of such a wicked generation but is it that different nowadays in the last days when wickedness is pushed in the throat of the innocent when evil and perverse sensual teachings are being pushed to be introduced as a legal curriculum in schools condemning judging mocking the young ones that know who they really are as god made them isn't it the same living in a society when now people who are who they are being born are cornered to avoid saying that they either a man or a woman what have we have come to this is the environment in which we live so the number of gomorrah i suppose is becoming lesser because many of those activities have been accepted as legal and that is the greatest sin but the worst of it all since the body of christ the church of the believers is supposed to be the government of righteousness in the nation that will give righteous leadership to to the leaders of the nation to the politicians but what is the church doing bowing down to the pressures of ba'al bowing down to the pressures of jezebel bowing down to the pressures of astros where is the righteous leadership on to our our ministers onto our politicians these precious people could be helped by the body of christ with righteous guidance and prophecies but now in general is not happening i'm saying in general because i'm not being pointing to every any particular denomination i'm talking to the body of christ the things that are going behind closed doors the topic being defiled with an anointing flowing from the pulpit of adultery of immorality greed and the listeners and the people are being based by that anointing this is what is causing god to be enraged with fury because of what we have allowed coming into the body of christ okay let's look at verse eight and nine said nevertheless in like manner these dreamers remember we read that men not just men men just male female as opposed but people coming in through the side door in the church bring corruption trying to deceive and and and get the immature drawn unto themselves not to christ for their own gain when these people god calls them in verse eight these dreamers also corrupt the body escond and reject authority and government and revive and scoff at heavenly glories or angelic beings have you seen any of these have you noticed people that will not take anyone to tell them what to do or not to do that they will not submit to authority i'm not talking about ungodly authority i'm talking about godly authority they were not they will not because they are not in for christ they are in for themselves and in verse 9 says but when even the archangel michael contending with the devil judiciary argued and disputed about the body of moses which is in deuteronomy 34 verse 5 and 6. they are not to presume to bring an abusive condemnation against him but simply said the lord rebuked you i guess we could all begin to adopt a little bit that manner of a speech when he comes to speak to the to our enemies because god says love our enemies now that doesn't mean we have to uh we have to enter in their orgies that doesn't mean we have to uh sign into their secret societies that does not mean that we have to lay down with a harlot just to show her that we actually love her no that doesn't mean that to love our enemies is to pray for their souls to love our enemies is to release the godly love of christ that might redeem their souls the the prayers of the saints that are veiled much is not to kill deceive and destroy our enemies but is to release them from the bones and chains of darkness and bring them into the marvelous bring them tomorrow's lives of jesus to catch them from the pit of darkness and the pit of fire that is loving our enemies to do good and overcome their evil to do good in the passion translation verse 10 on the book of jews says this these people insult anything they don't understand when i read that i thought this is a good thing for us to reflect in our own life how many of us talk nonsense we don't really know what is going on we don't even know whether something is true or not true we just blubber it out are we guilty of that well some of us might be and god is giving us this word to give us a chance to say lord you're right and i've been drawn all this time please help me i repent i turn away from my from these wicked ways and i repent i don't want to be like that anymore i don't want to insult the things that i don't know the things that i don't understand they behave like irrational beasts by doing whatever they feel like doing have you been there have you experienced that all around you people that just will not in any way obey anybody but they just want to do their own will have your experience in your household fighting to have your way thinking that you know better than your spouse or your mom and dad i'm fighting and arguing and boasting have you behaved like that god says that is irrational so we need to repent and continue saying because they live by their animal instincts they corrupt themselves so this actually brings corruption no wonder some of us you know have difficulty seeing hearing and everything because that corruption is like a veil of corruption that does not allow us to penetrate in the spirit run because we are swallowed by the earthly realm of carnality of living just to fulfill our own desires our own will though the word of god tells us that we should endeavor to do the will of god the way of god for the pleasure of god ah they corrupt themselves and this implies that they are like beasts in heat i don't know whether you have seen where we live in a rural area so you can see very easily the beast that i hit they have wild they got to have what they got to have and they bring about their own destruction well not the animals because they are given that instinct to procreate a human beings pursue their own will and their own ways are using that instinct to their own destruction in verse 11 it says wow to them for they have run riotously in the way of pain is the way of praying they abandoned themselves for the sake of gain in the era of balaam or balaam and they have perished in rebellion like korra three ways in which god illustrates this kind of conduct okay balaam and coral and they all wanted their own ways okay well cain rejected the blood sacrifice that god desired for them to offer and gave the fruits of his own labor his own work is that happening in the church these fall teachers likewise will insist in adding something to the gospel taking something from the gospel polluting it with their own human interpretation reasoning works what was the scene and the error of balaam he was greedy he was a prophet of god he heard god so just because we have the gift of god does not guarantee heaven the fruits of the spirit guarantee heaven which the fruits of the spirit manifest the character of god the character of christ that's the guarantee to heaven that's the guarantee to the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of god this precious man had an amazing gift he even had a relationship with god but he had not gotten rid of greed the love for material things and that way he became an instrument to bring immorality into the people of israel at the end god could not bless them because they have sinned and koda kora perished in rebellion she he rebelled against the authority of god in moses what you know sometimes you know have you noticed sometimes we forget that a person is carrying an office and we either reject the person judge the person look down upon the person but we do not realize that we are doing that to the office of god in the person so let us be aware if we have done that in ignorance if we have done that let us repent of that because going against the office of a man or a woman is going against the god that gave that office it's up to god to judge through his word whatever goes wrong with any of us but many of us indulge because we don't like somebody's way of dressing way of speaking money reason and whatever else and we're blaspheming god's ways let's look also in the passion translation at jude 1 verse 12 and it says these false teachers are dangerous hidden briefs are your love fists lying in wait to shipwreck the immature love feast what is love feast that's when we gather together as a body of christ having communion and rejoicing in the love of god sharing the love of god in worship in in the preaching in the teaching in in giving to one another this is love feast these people are false teachers and they come in into our love feasts and they look for the immature to deceive they feast among us without reverence having no shepherd by themselves in other words they will submit to nobody i don't have enough time to share this but i've known of a person with an amazing prophetic power with an amazing call and knowledge of god with an amazing fellowship with the spirit realm but when pride came in this person will hear nobody telling whatever god had to say nobody nobody could tell this person whatever god had given to tell this person and finally his great fall was that he would prophesy things that were not true which i am witness of they were totally not true but he was totally convinced that they were and this is what can happen so it is not just for the immature the immature can fall into that easily but they're very mature come falling to that as well pride is the love of self pride is thinking of ourselves more than others and god says think not of yourself more than you ought to but look at others just better than yourself why does he say that save god from pride when we go very high we fall very hard so god is showing us no matter where we're at in god look look back make a count check everything have you been there have you been experiencing a little bit of that have you been drawn onto that remember those are the ways of the pit of hell those are the ways of the devil come back come back repent that god may restore you and keep you running fighting a good fight for your faith and winning against the powers of darkness that want you to go within he continues describing in verse 12 these people are clouds with no rain swept along by the wind like fruitless late autumn trees twice dead burned and plugged up by the roots what is god saying in this description well the rain in the bible speaks like in deuteronomy 32 verse 2 the reign is symbolizing revelatory knowledge so these people don't have revelation from heaven they have only their own reasoning that's one of the signs amen what does it mean swept by the winds wins speaks biblically of spirits it's not talking of that holy spirit is talking of other spirit so when the holy spirit is not reigning in our life other spirits could be interfering with our lives we need to be careful we need to be careful we need to go lord lord is there any thing that is leading me the wrong way is that anything at all lord he is waiting for us he is waiting for you and for me for all of us to come humbly say lord you are the greatest of all you are a forgiving god please show me show me if there be anything at all in me that is offensive now in the book in the amplified version jude 1 verse 13 says wild wolves waves of the caesar waves of the sea fringing up the form of their own shame and disgrace and confusion wandering star from whom the gloom of eternal darkness and punishment has been reserved forever now what does it mean by stars it means these are false teachers that cannot be depended upon the stars are used by the the the sea men to be guided to where they have to go but these men are not dependable they bring destruction they mislead the people in verse 14 and 15 it was of these people moreover that enoch in the seventh generation from adam prophesied when he said behold the lord comes with his myriad of holy ones ten thousands of his saints i dare to believe not only he comes with his heavenly holy ones but also through the earthly holy ones verse 15 for what does he come he came originally like a lamb to save the world from sin but he's coming like a king and he's coming with the myriads of angels from heaven and through millions of holy ones in earth for what verse 15 to execute judgment upon all and to convict all the ungodly ones and holy ones and who have done ungodly deeds and they have committed ungodly ways and of all the severe abusive offensive things which the ungodly sinner have spoken against him the lord so there is a judgment coming there is a judgment day coming and we don't want to be under the punishing judgment of god we want to take the assessing assessment judgment of god right now through his word and allow his holy spirit to take over to bring us to repentance and reconciliation and restoration with god that in the last day will be found pure and holy verse 16. this a hardened chronic habitual addictive compulsive obsessive murmurs glamours who complain of their own lot in life going after their own desire controlled by their own passions their talk is boastful and arrogant and they claim to admire a man's person and pay people's flattering comments to get advantage and manipulate people wow that's a mouthful so here explains certain characteristics that represent these people but they have powers and forces that influence mankind even believers if we are not careful with some of the ways of this characteristic and if we can recognize some of these characteristics wanting to enter in wanting to take dominion in our life we should take them off very quickly for instance murmuring grumbling for what is a lot in life not happy with the way life has served us everything has a purpose in god and god's thoughts for us are for good for not for evil to help us and give us a future not to hurt us so if we are going to trial tribulations abuse ill treatment there is a purpose and we can always run to god amen by complaining for complaining grumbling continuously have you been there i don't know about you but i have been until the lord convicted me no grumbling no arguing live a cheerful life going after the lord decide why we complain because we want things done our own way we want to have what we want that's why they're complaining we want to have our own desire controlled by our own passions i want to be this kind of person i want to have this kind of ministry people that get jealous about somebody else's military instead of rejoicing and thanking god for what god has done in those people they grumble and complain why can't i have so and so on such and such power have you experienced that time to repent time to repent before it's too late they talk boastfully they are arrogant i am better than thou i know better than thou i am more spiritual than thou i have officials that die have you seen or have you ever experienced when you know i don't know about you but confession is good for the soul when i started having visions and dreams and all that because nobody was telling me about their visions and dreams and all that all i did is talk to to to people about it and i was so excited about it and and i thought it was marvelous and because nobody was telling about their own experiences i thought i was the only one and that's how the table begins to make you think that you are better than others that you are more spiritual than others and people go as far as thinking that they're better than the pastors intercessors watch it if you have a vision from the lord a revelation from the lord and he ask you to deliver it to your pastor do it with humility and leave it in the hands of the pastor don't grumble and talk bad about him or her because they don't do exactly what you want them to do because by wanting to do that by acting that way you are doing exactly what these people are described in verse 16 of jude chapter one and lest that no believer will use their position to go flattering others to take advantage and the manipulate them to do what they want them to do if we have had that that's common in the world we all drank from the breasts of this world we all had from the breast of this world all that it teaches not all but a lot of us some have been blessed to be born in a christian family with christians background and righteous acts but many many many have been born in the world with no christian teaching and when we come to the lord we have to learn it all and learn what we have learned before if you're one of those and you still have some of these things that god is speaking of tonight come before the lord and have a good talk to god a good talk to jesus and ask him to help you with the holy spirit now god is sending us with these scriptures also a call to remain faithful verse 17 18 and 19 but you must remember beloved the predictions which were made by the apostles of our lord jesus christ verse 18. they told you beforehand that in the last days in the end time there will be scoffers who seek to gratify their own unholy desires right after their own ungodly passions if you have anybody in your family in your church that is behaving that way bow down your knees for them repent on their behalf cry unto the lord god almighty who works in the hearts of men to will and to do what is god's pleasure to work and soften their hearts so they may come into repentance and reconciliation with god pray for one another pray for one another don't condemn point the finger and start looking next week when you go to church or next time you go to church and start looking around whether you can find those that we have been talking about or the bible has been talking about no no no first look at you and if you are clean as god says tells you then pray for those that god shows you amen you don't have to go looking for them god will put it in your heart don't go judging people because you know what every one of us have the capacity to kill to steal to destroy to deceive all those ungodly things that the devil anointing gives to the people without god or without faith all have that capacity if not by the grace of god that trains us to walk holy life it is not by the word of god that completes his love in us and his character enough we could be doing the same so who are we to judge one another let's not judge the people let us judge the action the action is to be judged amen let us evaluate the actions and then bring them before the lord and ask for god's mercy amen because only god can change the hearts of man no matter how much we talk we can't change people only god talking maybe to us can change people talk god talking to the holy spirit directly can change people and we in our own reasoning cannot do so we must stop trying to give sermons to one another we must stop trying to give servants in the family if it is not that says the lord if it is us looking continuously at the shortcomings rather than talk so much where the bible says in the multitude of words sin is not lacking let us reduce the amount of words and bring forth more prayers amen verse 19 it is these who are agitators setting up distinctions and causing divisions merely essential critters karma worldly minded people devoted of the life of the holy spirit and destitute of any high spiritual life desperately they pretend to be highly spiritually desperate but seek to be highly spiritual but they will not abandon carnality so how can we serve to masters we can amen so god encourages in verse 20 saying by you beloved build yourselves build yourself lift yourself up on your most holy faith fight for your faith and lift yourself up in that very faith praying in the holy spirit amen by the inspiration of the holy spirit and in the language of the holy spirit pray at all times in the inspiration of the holy spirit in the language of the holy spirit and then guard and keep yourself in the love of god in the love of god expect patiently the mercy of god in the lord jesus christ into eternal life refute refute as to convict those that dispute against you have mercy unto those that waver and are doubtful and take pity on others but with the fear of god in your heart that you may even love the garments that i exported and polluted by sensuality and the word up with giving all the glory to the lord that says now unto him who's able to keep able to keep us from falling a presentation before the presence of his glory with exceeding exceeding grace with exceeding love triumph to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty and sovereignty and dominion now and forever beloved into eternity god be exalted and we are led by his love into eternity and god in his great mercies give us a word such as this not to bring us down but to lift us up so now let us bow our heads and as the spirit lead us let us repent let us repent before the lord of all carnality amen if at all possible wherever you are just buy all your needs physically and if you cannot physically for any medical reason you bow in your heart before the living god and have a talk to god talk from within your heart as i lead you in prayer you don't have to repeat these prayers but if you are led to do that in your heart you do so father in the name of jesus we thank you for the word that you have given us we thank you for your loving kindness and your mercy that through your word lord you bring into us lord the light exposing every darkness that is hidden within us lord as we humble ourselves before your greatness as we acknowledge lord that you are the mighty one that created heaven and earth by your power and your straight hand and by your word you framed the world nothing that was made upon the earth it was made without you lord we are your people lord you made us in your image but we ask you that through these words and many others that you are giving us for the conviction of your holy spirit you lead us to repentance you lead us to the restoration of our soul that we may become in your likeness just like you lord just like you lord upon this earth shining your truth your brightness your light and carriers of your glory because of the purity and sanctity that you require of us lord we cannot make ourselves holy but we come to you the holy one in repentance that you will extend your hand upon us and make us holy father we repent of all the carnality all the wicked desires we learn of this world not for allowing in the church such corruption to come in forgive us lord for fully man and not you forgive us lord father for in our ignorance in an immaturity lord god we gave preeminence to mankind more than to you to the words of people more than to your words forgive us lord for allowing us to be enticed by the chaos of this world distracted by the busyness of work household and everything else rejecting your word father forgive us for the boastfulness of pride forgive us for jealousy forgive us for being envious of other people's ministries and positions of blessings forgive us for murmuring continuously for grumbling about the lord of our lives for wanting our appearance to be different for wanting our life to the difference to have our own desires fulfilled rather than yours lord we thank you for your word that is convicting us for you know look lord look at the tears of your people those that have been touched and completed by your spirit and they're crying out yes lord that's me that's me that has been me and lord i am tied up and i can't get out of it but i believe that you can't save me look at them papa look at them confessing each of them the things that you have shown them have mercy abba remember our god remember the bruising of christ remember the weeping in his back remember the piercing of his head and his feet like his side the blood that he the world in your love for the salvation of all of our souls we thank you lord for the honor and privilege to gather together today as one body and not only today but every day in which your world has gone forth from eternity to eternity bringing forth the conviction of your spirit of holiness and life into us for you do not delight that anyone should die but i wish you would leave a message oh praying on the immature and the babies in the church to build up our own ministry to build up our own glory to draw the attention to ourself as the hero and not you who are the only hero mankind oh man we have done so closely against you and against your love we see but remember god that your first isn't your forever remember that your mercy strike over judgment remember remember that you have compassion in all that you have paid and that you will forgive lord those that repent oh father i pray lord than the conscience of those that are crying out to you lord be warned by the waters of the world we have heard that you haven't spoken to us and every condemnation and every accusation and all the guilt to the enemy i brought into our soul emotions and thoughts i will be washed away by the waters of your world and once again lord let our memory we swiftly cleanse and purify from all the filthiness of images and sounds of words and actions lord that defiled us and dishonored you satisfied with all of your anointing and the power of your blood cause our imagination once again be the platform of our fellowship with you and heaven sanctify our dream life and close the door of access to all the demonic influence in jesus name and make us once again your chosen ones lord by faith we consecrate ourselves to be set apart once again from the world from the teachings of the world and the ways of darkness [Music] for speaking nonsense and defiling our lives father restored us back into your bosom of amazing love hold as fast unto yourself and teach us by your spirit how to contend how to fight for our faith against all the pressures of the wicked one in every area in which we live long and cause us to shine from this day forward the brightness of your light once again let your written word perfect love in our hearts love for you and love for man pure and adulterated love as we forsake the love of other things father i help our ears to be open and all our senses our spiritual centers to be activated that we may fellowship day and night with you lord and be obedient obedient followers of every instruction you give us so we can say is no longer i who lives by christ that lives in me abba i thank you so much for who you are i thank you for your character and your love and your mercy i thank you lord for your desire that all may live and not perish i thank you lord for your desired animations be holy and the church goes back to the brilliance of your glory more than ever before i thank you lord because you who began the good work will complete it i thank you for your covenant and your promise of salvation redemption lord [Music] and restoration for your body of christ i thank you for the life of everyone that has been crying and still crying before you lord and i pray in the name of jesus that as they are washed by the blood of the lamb their soul be loosed from the chains of darkness that the mighty angel with a bomb cut will cut the chains of bondage to the world the things of this world that the victory crown of jesus will put the shame as a display of defeat on the works of satan that has been influencing all the saints that are now on their knees in their heart before you in repentance and i ask you father that you remember that you have said in your world to israel that once you cause them to return to you they will never go away again i pray because we have been grafted as an only the wild of a branch into the olive tree that you will also gather to yourself everyone that has repented in this very hour that they will never walk away from you again and father wonderful loving father we give you therefore our thanksgiving and all the glory and the honor and the praise and all your sins say amen dear beloved i pray that you will have a wonderful week that you will enjoy the marvelous presence of god in a far greater and deeper way than you've ever did i pray that from this day forward you will walk hand in hand with the lord jesus covered by the mantle of his humility and his robe over you as a token of marriage consecrated living a sanctified life a holy life by keeping your faith today in the name of the lord i bless you amen [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 124
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Mahanaim Life Ministry, Jose Roco, Stella Roco, Prayer, Faith, christian, Bible, Jesus, prophecy, prophetic, church, heaven, angels, intercession
Id: MN0mQQu-9kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 55sec (4915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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