Mahanaim Life Ministry - Sat 30th Dec - Ps Douglas Kuhl

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II want to say that the Lord has spoken to me very very strongly two days ago the Lord spoke to me a message which I was to share with you and then this morning the Lord spoke to me a second message which I was to add to the first so I struggled I really I really struggled to finish it in time for me to to drive all the way here look III don't want to sound you know like you know some super spiritual person like our dear sister just shared I'm just an ordinary bloke you can see I mean I don't have any hair on top of my head and all kinds of things that I am deficient in but yeah however the Lord has spoken and very definitely I want to say secondly that what what I am about to share I think most of you know this kind of theology already or at least I hope you do that you know this kind of theology already that I'm not going to be sharing something outlandish but really something that is according to God's Word you know very central to God's Word but it's important no longer does the Lord God want us to listen and read and think about it the time has come as dear pastor Hosea has said we must walk the walk instead of just talking the talk the Lord is calling us now to walk in his presence yeah as pastor Jose has actually preached half of my sermon already seriously Jose amazing i sat there and either say to your wife Stella he's preaching my message which now I I say this quite purposely because I came here with a lot of really with a lot of trembling Oh Lord God you know I am to deliver your word I am to say thus says the Lord I am to say that because the Lord is in earnest with what I'm about to share with you and then I heard my brother pastor you know practically already preached the message I thought hallelujah hallelujah you know this is on the right track you know this is what the Lord wants to say and this is what the Lord wants you to hear and this is what the Lord wants you to do no longer can we afford to live in in 2018 like we lived in 2017 we cannot afford to cannot we cannot the dividing line that God is drawing you know across humanity you has become very very clear and you will fall one side of the other according to according to not what you think in your head and not what you say you believe but according to your obedience to the truth your obedience to his reality you know this will determine which side which side of the Great Divide you are going to be all right I've headed it this is the word of the Lord for 2018 the year of man 2018 but for the year of the Lord it is 5778 and it is the month of Tibet in Hebrew it is the twelfth day of Tibet 5778 year in the Lord I want to give you an introduction which is really quite a bit of a background but before I do I want to talk to team who led the worship and I want to say thank you very much team thank you I really mean this I'm not trying to you know whatever but I really mean us and this young man he's standing up the back who is who is working the drums I've watched him you know I've come here and and he was he was a little apprentice but I don't know his name Paden Ezra really Ezra Ezra you're no longer apprentice you are slowly becoming a master and I really I if I had a hat I would really take my hat off to you and and say yeah fantastic fantastic Ezra okay introduction the title is God sorry Jesus makes us kings and priests on this earth I want to repeat it Jesus makes us kings and priests on this earth I had to I had to use the present continuous tense I'm saying this for my wife I had to use the present continuous verb because it really should be an accomplished fact Jesus has made us pre kings and priests on the earth but I didn't feel I had license to say that instead I have to say you are still you are still a project underway because no no events anymore text text about this is Exodus chapter 19 verses 5 and 6 Isaiah chapter 32 verse 1 Daniel chapter 7 verse 27 first Peter chapter 2 verses 9 and 10 second Timothy chapter 2 verse 12 Revelation chapter 1 verse 6 Revelation chapter 5 verses 9 and 10 Revelation chapter 11 fifteen in Revelation chapter 22 verse 5 all of those texts say quite clearly you are chosen to be kings and priests upon the earth are you who rules and of course I'm pointing the finger squarely at me as my wife for well knows who rules who rules in your circumstances who rules in your daily affairs who rules in your relationships who rules in the decisions that you make concerning the life of what you're gonna do and where you're gonna go and and what you're not gonna do and where you're not gonna go who rules you are called to govern that's what a king does a king governs a king decrees a king makes decisions and indeed those decisions must be carried out because you're our King do you have the authority to see the decisions that you make and the decrees that God asked you asked you to speak forth into the atmosphere of this world's history do you have the authority to see those decrees carried out and become the history of this earth are you a king you are a priest you might say well what's that what's that what's a priest I mean you know the Roman Catholic guy that slept with a girl as our dear our dear sister you know just gave a testimony of is that a priest well yes in a way but I'm I I would say dear sister that that Catholic priest is a priest of the wrong God you are to be a priest of the Lord God the creator of the heavens and the earth you are called to be a priest and what does that mean it means that you are a mediator between heaven and earth you are a mediator between Earth and heaven you were to join you to join heaven to this earth and you are to take to the heaven do you have do you have that knowledge do you have that understanding do you have that authority do you have that desire inside of you or are you content just to sit on your Pew and say well that's interesting oh you kind of think about it next Sunday when I'm sitting on this pier again or something not good enough no longer is it good enough my brother and sisters we are keepers at the gate between heaven and earth and I'm telling you I'm not talking about you individually I'm talking about the church in Australia I'm talking about that I don't like the word church but do I have to use it because it's an institution I'm talking about it's a human organization that I'm talking about this church this human organization thing is supposed to have been keepers of the gate but in the Western world we now have same-sex marriage now everywhere and they are forcing you and I will force your children in your grandchildren to comply to comply with their philosophy in America they are trying to ban League Lego in the schools why because Lego is a boys game it's a boys thing and we no longer support that said the educational the leaders of the educational department of a couple of American States my goodness Helen we have entered into insanity as far as Chris we Christians are concerned this is insanity this has nothing to do with truth this is nothing to do with the reality as we know reality to be this now is unreality a reality that's someone else that some mastermind has conjured up and is now forcing us to follow to follow his conjured up unreality and to make it our lifestyle and to make it our life choices I've written here we are caught oh no I want I want to say that I have a copy of this simply because this is a prophetic this is a prophetic statement so I have a copy or you can even leave and leave this copy with you because I have it on my computer and because of the text that I read I mean these things are important sorry folks but the compulsion of the Holy Spirit is upon me and I want not just to stand here and dribble words you know out of my mouth and falling down my beard and down the front of my shirt I don't want that I don't want these words to go forth and to be power under the Lord be the lord's fire you know that is gonna set a fire set a fire ablaze going not only this nation but beyond it's gone Oh folks we've come to that either we now stand as keepers of the gate as keepers of the door between heaven and earth and we will not let Satan pass by pass through we will not Satan you come as far as you're gonna go because I'm gonna send you off into the Hellfires Hellfires of into the fires of hell sorry you know in the name of Jesus and don't think I don't have the authority to do it because I do and yes and so we meet him we meet him now as kings and priests no longer as just Christian believers Satan has set up his counterfeit kingdom on earth princes and priests satanic rise are rising everywhere all around us and they are practicing blatant satanic rituals in and among their groups I don't know whether you've done any research on it but I challenge you to do it do your research go to Google and to see how many satanic groups are here Narellan sorry I'm not I'm not speaking plaster dear friends are not speaking against you please I'm not I'm just saying that this is this is what is happening all around us Satan is on the March and Satan is determined you know he is going to force his way through but God wants you to stand in his way and for you to say you devil you liar you murderer you thief you scoundrel you have gone this far and no further Christianity has fallen as the dominant faith in the West in the Western civilization pagans satanic worship has now taken Christianity's place I could go on I you know with all the signs of all the things that have been established you know the other pagan idols that have been set up in the very heart of New York you know et cetera and and here in Australia the same thing how how you know our leaders our politicians who we elect are falling over you know to the power of these satanic influences we have a prime minister who was the first to say I'm gonna vote YES for same-sex marriage and he's our leader Revelation chapter 4 and 5 yeah my my dear sister that's ok Revelation chapter 4 and 5 I could read it out to you but I mean maybe time let me explain to you basic give you give you a brief summary of those two chapters in Revelation oh my brother and sisters I wish I wish I could teach you the book of Revelation I wish I could so why not he says really really the book of Revelation is very simple actually but Western theologians Western mindsets has have turned it into mumbo jumbo so that you know we enter into this into this book of John which is meant to be a book of Revelation folks do you get it it's meant to be a writing of Revelation to you but what is it it's mumbo jumbo now who did that it wasn't John and it wasn't Jesus and it wasn't God and it wasn't the Holy Spirit but who turned this revelation in the mumbo jumbo so that there we are arguing how many how many ways in which Jesus is going to come again if he's gonna come again and all this sort of all this sort of nonsense very simple my brothers and sisters we have an introduction and the introduction introduces us to seven churches seven seven appears in the in the book over and over and over and over again why because it is completion it is fulfillment it is perfection or whatever we can depending on its use it can stand for one or all of those things together okay completion it is the complete hmm so we have seven churches this is the complete picture oh the Christianity worldwide and so these seven churches in Asia Minor used as you know as pictures to say well you know as as the message spreads as the Mayers the message spreads these are the kind of things that the communities that will be established you know in that various countries of the world will these are the issues that they will face okay that's the introduction and then we have section 1 section 1 is the breaking of the seals 7 of them and then section 2 is the blowing of seven trumpets seven of them then section 3 is the outpouring of the ball the bowls of God's anger of God's judgment upon the earth and then there's a conclusion wonderful conclusion that's it that's the book of Revelation not difficult to grasp it isn't but what a powerful message it contains what a powerful message it contains John oh no no not John Jesus begins begins okay okay I will I think maybe I should should turn to it here we go this is a revelation from Yeshua HaMashiach I'm using Hebrew from Jesus the Christ Christ is not Jesus surname you know Christ is an anointed one as you know so I would rather use the Hebrew Yeshua who which means rescuer which means someone who comes to rescue you out of trouble out of deep trouble and - and to bring you into a place of security and and of safety the name Yeshua means that and if you are one who has received the hand of Yeshua the rescuing one of you you his hand has been outstretched to you and you've grasped it and he has pulled you into safety you can then say oh sure nah I am rescued same word oh I pray dear Stella that tomorrow night you're going to cry out oh Shanna Hosanna from this place and may may the word Hashanah resound and echo through all the areas of Narellan and Campbelltown and whatever and may in the spirit people pick it up I want to be rescued I'm sick and tired of all this trouble that I've been facing for years and years and years oh won't someone come won't someone come oh yes he's coming this is a revelation which God gave him to show his servants be events that must soon take place he sent an angel to present this revelation to his servant Yohannan John Johanna yeah okay one good anyway who faithfully reported everything he saw this is his report of the Word of God and the testimony of Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus the Christ the testimony of Jesus the Christ and you know Jesus Christ visits you and says I am God's testimony to you this dear lady she stood here a while ago and gave a testimony now now dear dear lady understand that God has sent someone to you with God's testimony saying I testify to you that I have sent I have sent my own son to you to rescue you and to bring you out of trouble out of darkness out of out of lust Ness out of loneliness out of whatever and to man to carry you carry you yeah on angel wings into the place of eternal an ending safety okay sorry rebel Rev folks I I wait sometimes I weep before the Lord because this word is so powerful however we've lost the basis of it forgive me you know I must teach you Hebrew yeah my dear brother ya must teach you Hebrew because when you understand the Hebrew you gonna say wow that's what it means that's what it means that's what it means yeah okay I sit in my wife Jonatan yeah God's gift God's gift yeah okay all right enough revelation four and five okay there's the introduction seven churches and you know each church has its problems it's good and it's bad it's pros and it's cons etc but then then you're not on your tongue is a voice saying come up here come up here well I mean you know there's no staircase there's no ladder there's no rocket ship or whatever you know how do i how do i how do i bay your voice give me your hand give me your heart give me your spirit give me your mind and I will take you I will take you to a place where I will show you this is the earth upon which you live and this is what I plan to do upon this earth on which you live come and see what I will show you brothers and sisters this is not just for your not on the Hebrew the Hebrew disciple apostle of Jesus I mean this summons come up here is not just for Yonatan your dear pastor yo Jose said it's for you each and every one of you must hear the voice come up here oh Lord I want to go I really do I want to go I want to go I want to be near you and I want to see I want to see what this worry is through your eyes and understand understand your plan and your purpose through your heart and when I've seen that and when I know that when I understand that Lord I become your testimony upon the earth I will show you what must take place after this that's what that's what Yana son saw and it was a future yes but it was definite you understand it can't change what John saw what Yana you yochanan saw cannot change it is laid out the Lord God and his eternal wisdom and understanding and knowledge or whatever you know it's we don't have words to describe in Dewey when it comes to this about what the Lord knew must take place and in the middle of that in the midst of it a lot of it is horrible I mean when we come to them you know when we come to the breaking of the seals and when we come to the you know the blowing of the trumpets and when especially when we come to the outpouring of the balls which I pray you're not going to be part of but anyway when it comes to that it's horrible absolutely totally horrible in the midst of that God says my child I want to come to you in person to you a person and I want to write on the forehead of your body my name my name Yahweh you are to belong to him and he says I Yahweh belong to you others who don't know you others who will not receive you others who will not follow you others who scoff you upon their hands Satan will write his name six-six-six but upon you you will bear the name of Yahweh and every demon that sees you coming will see the name of Yahweh approaching them and that was screaming horror because here comes a holy one here comes one who has the authority of the Lord God Most High he is the here comes one who has been washed in cleansed and purified and made holy by the blood of the Lamb most holy here comes one that's you please understand boy this is introduction folks I haven't got to the prophecy yet so look upon the vision of God's throne power power power John came up and then he was stood you know before the throne of God and there was a sea of glass maybe frozen frozen water or frozen fire probably frozen fire how about that yeah I'm thinking I'm thinking of Daniel and and many of the ancient Jewish ancient Jewish writings you know that describes the the eternal spiritual space and that's probably what they would say oh it's not water it was frozen fire upon which John stood and there was a throne and you know they were the beasts and they were the elders and around them were the angels and around them and together with them with you all right but its power not physical power not not generated electricity not whatever where that this is spiritual power which yeah which you are to possess so when someone comes you know who is obviously you know inherited with demons we can say dear child do you want to be set free from all of this are you sick and tired I've been led around by the nose into trouble trouble trouble do you want rest do you want peace do you want love in your heart do you want to know who you are and where you're going do you want to know you know your future journey yes I do okay let me cast out the false the lying spirit out of your life and let me call upon the Spirit of God who will bring you the spirit of truth the spirit of true reality of true truth and he will show you the truth about himself that is God and the truth about you and you will be amazed am I really that am i that which you're saying yes that's who he wants to make you know you have the authority to cast the lying spirit out of a person because it doesn't that spirit doesn't belong there that person really is potentially you know a child of the Most High God now demon you don't belong there go okay so your Canon stands before the throne and there upon the throne sits him whom human eyes cannot look upon but Yochanan sees that in his hand there is a scroll and the scroll is written on front and back in other words there is so much that this scroll is saying so much that this scroll is is is a sorry is describing you know it has to be written on front and battle et cetera and is bound by seven seals bound by seven seals when that's when a seal is broken power is released and do you understand my brothers and sisters that the Lord has bound you to himself with a seal eternal covenant of the Lord Jesus Christ I I bind you I bind you to myself forever and ever forever and ever I'll be your God forever never I'll be your father forever never I'll be your lover forever and ever I I want you beside myself and with a holy Covenant that cannot be broken I bind you to me and only you and none of your word and only your your false thinking and only your failure to accept my offer will will eliminate that possibility from coming to pass in your life and in your future do not do not do not receive do not refuse me do not refuse me the Holy Spirit will be pleading the earth belongs to God he made it he created it as brother Jose began earlier today but an evil intruder has broken in to God's property and has stolen and is stealing all the Earth's Goods that belong to the Lord seven seals upon this scroll that was in God's hands seven authorities who will win back stolen earth who who has who has the power who has the authority to go upon this earth and an in legal man manner in the legal manner to legally say this no longer belongs to you you sleep you liar your intruder it now legally belongs to me and I take it back well John sat there stood there and he cried who who has the power to do this the earth is in great trouble the people of weeping people are crying out people people are lost and and and they they don't know the way out of their predicament who who has this power and their steps Force One you know a lamb whose heart was pierced open issuing blood but also this lamb depends on how you look at him also becomes the Lion of Judah [Music] Jesus has won the right to open the seals and you are included you are sealed into the Messiah Jesus and only Jesus has the legal right to break the seals and to release the legal power to regain rulership on the earth but wait God gave Adam and Eve authority to rule and Adam and Eve gave this legal authority over to Satan as pasta Jose you know referred to earlier this Authority though was meant must be taken back out of Satan's hand legally well this is of course the whole story of Jesus coming and was born was born you know of other of a young girl called Miriam in Hebrew and yeah and became man the Eastern Orthodox talked about Jose talked about restoration the Eastern Orthodox talked about a use of word called a recapitulation you know as Enix in explanation of the birth of Jesus recapitulation in other words Jesus has come to recapitulate you that is what Adam was what Eve was Jesus has come to recapitulate you into that state you know that was lost and that's the Eastern Orthodox explanation of the nativity the birth of Jesus all right so first from Satan's hand back into the hand of a human who was Jesus and then next from human hands which are your hands back into the hand of God where it first began so we are in the very middle of this transference of authority and power and rule and ownership of the earth we are called to hand back the earth into the hands of the Lord God who was and is the origin of it all he will sit in governance upon the earth and the earth will be his footstool and all powers will become subject to his name and the means the vessels that God will use to achieve this amazing thing of his his eternal king ship is you Satan knows that and if Satan can convince you that you are nothing if Satan can convince you that you can sit on a few and you can just read to read the Bible and sing sing your songs and whatever leaven you don't do have to do and do anything else then Satan's laughing I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say this is war folks this is war and the Lord hasn't asked me to stand up here and to preach pretty stories and Entertain You but the Lord has has has has has commanded me to stand here and an issue a command that we are now being signed up into his army and we are going to war Revelation chapter 5 verses 6 to 14 the Lamb who was slain as sacrifice the Lion of Judah who has rightfully won the king's crown to rule and to reign he has the authority to break open the seals and to release the judgment of God upon the cosmic intruders who have invaded this earth with their evil destruction sounds a little bit like Star Wars doesn't it amazing God must prepare you for what is about to be unleashed upon the earth we are vitally involved and unfortunately most Christians are woefully ignorant and mentally soulish Lee as Pastor Jose talk about spiritually ignorant uneducated unequipped and therefore unprepared for what is beginning to take place all around us SSM same-sex marriage victory is a wake-up call to all of us that war has begun and war has entered in to the very houses and homes and streets and families of Australia and society under Satan's rulership and it will get increasingly worse in the mediate days ahead now listen to the word of the Lord that the Lord God has consistently spoken to me over many months and two days ago commanded me to share with you the Lord Jesus must remove the veil from before the eyes of all of our spirits to enable us to see the spiritual reality that stands before us pastor Jose this reality is hidden to all the people who stand in darkness but God now reveals this reality to all the people who are his if we are to survive the coming war and not be swept away along with the people of darkness we must now see and understand and then do what the Lord God shows us we are to be and to do the word of the Lord Jesus says I am the door no one comes to the Father no one enters the kingdom of God except through me now what does it mean to enter the door through Jesus what does it mean to enter into the kingdom of God through Jesus in Hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter i can't remember the verse but in hebrews chapter 10 it says that the curtain in this door is jesus flesh you might have wondered at that text what does that mean well where did the flesh of Jesus end up at the end of his life I'll tell you nailed to a cross that's where his flesh ended up but the story doesn't stop there his flesh then was placed in a tomb and indeed the Lord God the Heavenly Father spoke to the flesh that belonged to his son and said my son rise we have conquered sin and we have conquered death I am the door of Revelation and truth about myself says Jesus about my father God about who you are as people who are made to be vessel bearers of the image of God to the world I am the door of that revelation ieshua have given you my written word as revelation but what mere fallen human is able to unwrap this written words mysteries and peer into the eternal plan that God Almighty has kept hidden even from angels in heaven no human has the ability to unwrap this the mysteries of this word I'm talking about the written word this year oh you can read it and you'll understand it as a human being yeah and you'll understand a lot of truth you know a lot of reality not a problem but there are mysteries yet that the Lord God wants to expose you to and once you are exposed to that he took the power of that eternal light you know like like the light of an x-ray when you go into the hospital and you get yourself x-rayed and and all your bones and everything else you know come up on a screen okay that kind of light is now to shine into the inner part of your being and illuminate you all as you believe in Jesus let me tell you you will not be ashamed of what you see but you will be incredibly overcome by what by what the Lord God is going to show you about you you are my child you are my loved one you are my chosen you are my holy one you are my vessel you are the means where by whereby I that I'm going to use in order to bring my testimony before the world and the world will shake under will shake before the power of it that's what my life will reveal about you is it not I Jesus Yeshua the door of revelation to your hearts who can reveal these mysteries of you to you I Jesus have the authority to speak my word into the minds of any person whose heart is open to hear what I and the Spirit of God has to say I speak to the ecclesia to the community of believers of God that I have gathered upon the earth and I say to the this ecclesia you are my instruments when I speak and when a person has the obedience to listen hear and receive what I have what I say my spirit words become an ointment to the spirit eyes of such a believer spirit eyes are opened by me Jesus The Anointed One giving power to this believer to see into the realms of heaven and into life into the life that has no end let me anoint your eyes with my eternal oil of life without this anointing the Spirit of God remains sorry the spirit of people part of me remains closed the eyes of a person are veiled and a person cannot see nor understand what the will of the Lord is but I Jesus now come to you and act upon your spirit just as I did to my servant shall all that is Saul of Tarsus and I will cause the scales to fall from before your eyes that you too may see visions of what I wish to do through you who are obedient to my voice I Jesus and the door of Revelation for you I wish to cause you to see with foresight and insight the plans Almighty God has set before eternity these the these are his people instructed and empowered that they might be and do according to his unchanging will and word come to me leave all your worldly baggage behind you for you don't need this baggage where you're good where where you are going and where I shall lead you I will show you my plan for the for the coming together of the worldwide body of believers without this without this unity without this false scene that Satan has sewn into the so-called body of Christ without that being healed there will be no power of the People of God upon the earth because Satan will possess the first say in all the affairs he will stand before the throne of God and say God how can you listen to them look at them look how they are divided look at their filled with ego everyone wants his own piece of the cake and then and and and they're not willing willing to have the humility and and the honesty to lay down all before you and be joined together as one through this unified body of mind you will see the and experience my glory glory such as had never been seen by people on the earth before gory such as that which I showed to my servants Peter James and John on the mountain where I was transfigured into eternal glory now this glory miss glory I have destined for you for you to wear here upon the earth o human eyes might not see it but angels and demons will hear where you live in the middle of deep darkness will my glory shine through you for this i jesus offer you spirit discernment to expose the darkness and to penetrate the darkness with my life-giving light the spirit that I want to give you has no darkness B spirit for he for he this spirit he is pure light pure light will have the power first of all to expel all darkness from within you pure light that has the power to transfer you into a place where I stand in resurrection life you must stand together with me not as citizens of this fallen earth but as citizens of heaven by Jesus your doorway call you through heavens temple veil standing before the holy of holies I call you to pass through heaven's door way to pass through heavens veil and heaven's gates and and heavens vettu into my father's presence I'll just stop and just say you cannot make that journey my brothers and sisters unless you change if you would pass through that veil you'll pass through that door you pass through that gate into the very presence of the eternal God and stand before his throne you will never ever ever be the same but God wants it for each and every one of you you are precious there is not one person here that is less precious than another you are all precious to him and you do want to know you wanting for me to give you proof that you are precious I will look to his son he died he gave his life for you he couldn't do any more than that could he he gave his all for you all that he had all that he was all that he is he gave for you do not spurn me do not cast me aside Jesus is saying do not do not reject me but receive what I've come to give recapitulation of your life I ask nothing of you all that I want to give I ask nothing of you except one thing your obedience trust me let faith become reality and that this reality become the reigning power of your life so faith is not just an act of your believing or gonna believe hard I gotta believe hard I gotta believe harder that's not faith faith is surrender as indeed the music team shared with you in song little earlier I surrender surrender is surrendering to his power at work within you and as pastor Jose said receive his faith not your faith his faith into you it is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me and the life that I now live I live by I live by the faith of him thus by the faith of him who loved me and gave himself for me this is the true translation of that text Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 all right the Spirit says come let the person who's thirsty come and drink freely of the waters of the life I give you because out of your innermost being will now flow rivers rivers of living water my plan for you God says vision of Jesus weren't given this morning on the 30th of December 2017 the year of our Lord 5778 this is not so long the Lord said to me with with with shattering with shattering force call my people to repentance summon them with my words and with shofar blast [Music] thank you the shofar was never meant to be a pretty sound you understand it was meant to be a shattering sound an ugly sound that woke you up you know etc and the Lord said call them to their knees would you honor the Lord for a moment by by by leaving your seats of that number but leaving your seats and would you bow before the Lord will you confess with your own words from your own heart that I am Lord I am King I am God I am your God and do so do so with vigilance I leave you now for a few moments in the hands of the Holy Spirit o shamaton ayangba possible 1340 and Aramis in Tripoli for younger party under a machine is an autonomous agent hallelujah the Lord Jesus said to me this morning this is a strategic hour summon my people to war raised up an army as the Didion of old separate the sheep from the goats the earnest from Tom those who are melee and audience Satan is now anticipating greater and greater victories as he determinedly advances through governments and through worldwide media but I Jesus call upon my people to know who you are because of me in you and you in me and so you are now you are now to anticipate your victories over this fallen world through the power that that I have that the power that I have conquered sin and death and if you truly belong to me I shall conquer I shall conquer these powers of fallen darkness through my word at work within you you may resume your seats yeah thank you thank you brother and sisters thank you thank you the Lord Jesus commanded me to say to you this afternoon to tell you to boldly speak my word for my word is truth it is a reality that stands forever cast my words into the teeth of Satan's lies stab and Satan is no hero he is a coward and once you defy him in my name he will he will turn coward and run so speak and do not hold back Noah spoke for a hundred twenty years and was laughed at until the flood came and swept all his Maka's away to their eternal death so speak and do not hold back I require the whole world to know and to hear my truth and the reality I've come to impart to all all those upon planet Earth who might stop and listen I do not expect you to meet this far of Lies and equipped and armed undisciplined in my name you shall conquer in my spirit and by my word I will teach you how to secure your victory in heaven first and then when you have victory in heaven I assured you you will then declare this victory done upon the earth come to me be with me learn of me imitate me Jesus was saying was urging me this morning until now I have had to rescue my people from a constant parade of minor skirmishes my believers have called upon my name treated my name as if it was some kind of magic but now I give you orders and my orders must be obeyed otherwise you will suffer intolerable defeat in your defeat Satan the enemy of your souls will whisper o that I that I Jesus have no power to rescue you no power to defeat him and that he has the power and the might so why not follow him my beloved ones jesus said you are not contending with flesh and blood you are not matching your wits with mere men your enemy is Satan the ruler of dark authorities and power princes and armies of demons over this earth he is not out to torment you he is out to destroy you he is not wanting to hurt or inconvenience you he is determined to crush and to annihilate you look to me Jesus Yeshua I have met him in your stead I have defeated him from the cross and from my empty tomb my empty grave the throne of God my throne is my throne is king lay claim to my throne and let my cold my conquering become your position I make you my kings and priests upon the earth I do so with changing eternal legal authority received my one position that I make available to you do this and you can't remain the same you must change you must allow me to transform you so that when you are required to combat Satan you will not hear the demons say Jesus I know Peter I know Paul I know but who are you know when you stand in my name under my authority with my spirit within you demons will see a person clothed with the glory of God who is one of the Holy Ones and these demons will flee from your presence it is if my work is to be accomplished legally it must be through you whom God has designated at the beginning of time to be my image bearers upon the whole earth sorry but I the Lord Jesus must have overcomers to fulfill this task and you are to be my overcomers let me transform you by my power let me position you in my kingdom by my command rise up and claim my power that is now yours but understand that as I was in the world so now you are to be you will suffer yes and you will suffer because you will demonstrate the power of my kingdom over the darkness sickness brokenness of Satan's world so you are called to reign in the immediate days before you again I the Lord Jesus say to you that you have been called to be a kingdom of kings and priests I have placed my kingdom in the very midst of you within the very center of your being my kingdom will explode through you as you realize the power of my faith I have placed within you use my faith and by my faith launch out upon the waters of human impossibility to witness my kingdom come on earth through you stand still before me then let me breathe my breath within you my breath will spring to life my gifts of a spirit mine ministries of the Spirit so that you may do my work on this earth now I ask for they for the worship team would you mind assisting me now please thank you worship team praise me my people jesus said praised me in the morning and in the night and throughout the whole night praise me for my dear ones I live in the midst of your praises the word of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] you have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] now Wow [Music] [Music] okay if the worship team could just stay to stay for a moment okay brothers sisters this team here on the stage is God's gift to us can we just give God thanks for this this precious gift yeah yes [Music] and now dear audience cover the sisters I want ya I want you to go home and I want you to meet this new year a man's reckoning with it huh with this determination that God wants to bring and in your in your life right we're not going backwards going forward we're going forward yeah we're gonna conquer we're gonna conquer they come to overthrow darkness they're gonna shine the light and we're gonna be stopped in the midst of it all hallelujah hallelujah and now the word of the Lord the word of the Lord now may the God of peace God of Shalom who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus the great Shepherd of us and ratified the total covenant with his blood for us may he may he equip you before you need for doing his will now equips you with all you need ordering him will I've made reducing you [Music] the power of Jesus Christ every good thing that is pleasing to him glory to him forever final words final words now may the God of peace again make you holy in every way and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again God will make this happen for he who calls you is faithful and he will do it [Music] Thank You Lord hallelujah praise God what a wonderful message just wanna thank the Lord for bringing passive dhoklas here today and can we take a lap of you just pass the man [Music] you know I'm glad that Thomas gave that word cuz we showing him this past few weeks how important it is for us to change our mindset this next few weeks us days three weeks as we come into the new year be vigilant what you think we're vigilant what you say if you make a mistake you slip-up just reverse it and we need one another husband wife in one another brothers and sisters who need one another [Music] and just try to enter into the spirit everyday at night wherever you are just spend time with the things of God 2018 is gonna be a difficult year for the world but not necessarily for his people God's gonna do a mighty thing in all of us you know most some of you have said to me pastors there whichever's not working anymore I can just involve full-time work with God I'll tell you what it's gonna come to pass but are you willing to do it when the opportunity arises are you willing to obey because our way of life is really still stuck in the system of this society but there will come a point in your life where you say I'm done with the world I just want to serve God God's gonna provide in a great way you will never have to look back so grab hold of 1 2018 is coming it's gonna be a wonderful year for the saints of God and also there is going to be a release of the judicial Christ in other words there's gonna be authority in our words you will say something it was occupied but you have to be pure at heart you cannot just do it the sake of doing it you we have to be led by the Holy Spirit this is not a practice thing it is God working in you when you begin to enter into that authority just the name of Jesus away from you from your lips will do something so no these that you not gonna use that to use you in a mighty way when you pray for people to be healed delicate and don't doubt when you pray for people to do for restoration they'll be restoration when you pray for people for deliverance there's gonna be the neighbor guys gonna open our eyes in the spirit to no more than to God just be ready to receive it spent that time with the Lord all right let's all be upstanding for the lobby we just thank you for the word let it just be approved in our heart so father the gardens of our heart that we can draw in your spirit every one year was it also Lord we lift up our Dyson offerings Lord and also this offering for our life we ask you Lord to bless it and multiply and sanctified the father don't let you precious things from heaven be released upon all your children today and as we go through this week Lord Qaeda spiders oh man [Music] thank you Father [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] now we [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 1,092
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: bU-FTDxuEO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 27sec (5307 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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