Ps. Pax Cordova at Mahanaim Life Ministry - "Lucifer Come Out and Play"

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello and welcome to today's church service we're here in the ultimate spirit warriors war room so get comfortable get relaxed get your bibles out and get ready for the word from the lord amen amen all righty well i'm going to start it off with uh something that has been written so i will put it up on the screen and let you know what's going on um from all the pastors here at mohamed life ministries uh a bit of what is going to be happening in the future and where we are headed and the direction that the lord is taking us amen all right so for that let's have a look at this and we'll read it as we go many blessings in the name of the lord well what a season we have had with covert and how the world has changed forever through all the difficulties we have been stretched and molded to god's will and his word and as we surrender to what he has in mind for us all we will see our breakthroughs and victories now is the season to call upon the lord to soak ourselves in his word and in prayer so that we are all ready and prepared for today for tomorrow and in every season both the wonderful and the difficult mahaning mahanayim life ministry like us all must fulfill its call and surrender to the lord's will we would like to share with you all that our rental lease is due for renewal this november we however feel that due to the nature and unprecedented times we will not be renewing the narellan lease contract in saying that we will continue to have church online and we will endeavor to improve in new and exciting ways through different platforms like zoom etc although we may not be in the same building we shall all still be connected in and through the body of christ and we will continue to fellowship together in some form as god permits this does not mean that the church venue is permanently closed when and where god permits we will open a venue again so with that being read and said this was sent out to all of you guys who um signed up for the newsletter for my name life ministries newsletter this was sent out to you guys so this is just uh another one for those who may not have got it um so we won't be heading back into the premises at millwood avenue um but it's a new beginning for all of us all of us need to start preparing and be prepared because as this season has taught us nothing will ever be the same again and nothing is ever certain so in this unpredictable future which we all know how it ends we now need to become better prepared for what is coming in this season amen amen all righty so uh let's start with the word of prayer our heads bowed all eyes closed jesus we we thank you for the week that we have had whether it be good or bad happy or sad and lord we thank you for all your provisions that you have provided for all your children lord and lord we thank you for opening our spiritual eyes and ears to what is happening in this world at the moment and lord we ask for your guidance your plan your blueprint and of course your helping hand in these times and we all say in jesus name amen okay so jesus has invited you to walk hand in hand with him and face to face with him but it's up to you to do that so come on let's all get into the spirit and have him sit next to us for the next however long this sermon goes for so we ask you lord to come in now into our presence and be with us okay so today uh i've named it lucifer come out and play because we've got his measure we know who he is what he is what he can do and how we can do it but the thing is we don't truly go after him because most christians and believers have this built up expectation of him this lucifer so in the next hour or so we're going to really beat down on him and deconstruct him in a way where he won't hurt anyone anymore amen amen all righty so this following excerpt is from the book the secret of his power written by albert hibbert about smith wigglesworth oh it's only you said the great evangelist smith wigglesworth one night when he awoke to see the devil standing at the foot of his bed far from reacting in fear and panic as many christians might do wigglesworth sized up the enemy and found him lacking so badly lacking that the evangelist immediately rolled back over to sleep now the devil must have been dumbfounded at this and no doubt he expected a different response at least a little terror initially but he didn't had he had foreseen such a scathing assessment he probably would have not bothered to appear foresight however has never been one of his strengths he cannot foresee anything and he is not omni anything whereas god is omniscient omnipotent omnipresent all-knowing all-powerful and present everywhere the devil is simply highly overrated reports of satan's power and ability are greatly exaggerated among believers and non-believers alike now the body of christ needs to follow smith wigglesworth's example incising our enemy up and treating them how they need to be treated we need to make an accurate assessment of who it is we face in spiritual warfare and what they can and cannot do the list of things they cannot do is by far longer than the list of things that they can actually do it's all smoke and mirrors it's all camouflage and many of the things they can do require our permission first that's right we let them in by whatever means sin doubt unbelief whatever it is we open the door to it as the word of god says in these scriptures we'll start off with ephesians 4 27 ephesians 4 27 says and give no opportunity to the devil ephesians 6 11 ephesians 6 11 says put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil james 4 7. james 4 7 says submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you we are to give no place to the devil at all no place in our lives anyway he is beneath us as we shall see soon but there is one place we must give him or a sign to him and that's a place in our theology if we do not give the devil a place in our theology we can wind up in all kinds of trouble and by that i mean we could ignore his existence because there are some out there that don't believe in the devil or we can underestimate him or over estimate him there are things he can do but there are too many things he can't do if we underestimate that he can't do anything then we are totally underestimating him he can still whisper sweet nothing's into our ears and push us in directions that he wants us to go like a puppet master but once again it's us that allow that to happen if we don't close all the doors and all the portals and all the sin and all the unbelief in our lives so people who completely ignore the devil can often wind up blaming god for the things that they experience when in reality the source of their troubles is usually not god at all jesus made this clear in john 10 10 that the source of life's troubles is far different from the source of life's joys which god is so let's go to john 10 10. john 10 10 says the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy i came that they may have life and have it abundantly john 10 10 is often referred to as the great divide verse it divides god's loving character from the enemy's vengeful character it divides biblically solid theology from error it is crucial to acknowledge that this being exists and that he is your personal adversary which is the literal meaning of satan he rebelled against god and hates god and wants to counterfeit all that he does in almost every way which makes him very difficult to discern because he often comes as an angel of light camouflaged in disguise on his side are a host of helpers which we have looked at known as demonic spirits and then the others known as the fallen angels and just like him they chose to betray god since he and his host cannot harm god they seek to harm those closest to god's heart god's human family that includes you and me the devil's ultimate goal is our destruction spiritually relationshi relationshiply physically and in every other way possible that's his job the bad news then is that we face a bitter personal enemy he takes this personally he hates us just because our creator loves us and because we have his character within us as scripture tells us we are made in his image we are made in god's image so of course he hates us he hates god so why wouldn't he hate us the enemy is wholly bent on our demise scripture refers to satan as the god of this world that's second corinthians 4 4. note god there is smelt is spelt with a small g not a big one because he isn't he and his demonic hordes have made it their personal goal their first order of business to engender this world in a multitude of sin and evil which we all need to be delivered from remember jesus taught us to pray this deliver us from evil that's luke 11 4 if you want to look it up but that's a personal prayer from jesus pray like this deliver us from evil the good news is that our lord has not by any means left us to face the enemy alone he firstly sent his son jesus as our deliverer and king our king is not one to issue orders and stand back to see what happens in the battle he came to fight the battle head on on our behalf 1 john 3 8 says 1 john 3 8 says for this purpose the son of god was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil jesus accomplished what he came to do his death burial resurrection and ascension secured victory over the enemy for us all which is the same very reason why the enemy hates the human race so incessantly he aborts the fact that jesus came in the flesh god sent his son in the flesh in human form like us and defeated him was jesus the son of god absolutely but in order to defeat the devil he had to come in flesh and body as the son of man hebrews 2 14 tells us why god chose to send his son in human form so let's go there hebrews 2 14 hebrews 2 14 says since therefore the children share in flesh and blood he himself likewise partook of the same things that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil it's right there in black and white the devil hates this scripture because it shows him already defeated he doesn't want to be seen like that defeated thing in the corner cowering he wants a different perception he got defeated by a flesh and blood man he also defeated the powers of darkness then if that wasn't bad enough jesus empowered all of us his followers his believers to do likewise in his name the devil and his fallen angels therefore consider us contemptible it confounds and astounds them that god so deeply loves us all so much that he would send his son in human form to deliver us and defeat him it eats at him to be conquered by us it eats him so much in fact that he and his hordes will keep trying to take as many of us with him as he can but his powers are limited and jesus came in the flesh and broke the power of darkness and the powers of the devil then he gave us authority in his name to do the same above all the devil fears that while we are still on this earth earth in the flesh we will finally realize our god-given authority to break his neck this makes us very very dangerous to him and to the demonic realm the devil knows that when jesus lift listed the signs that would follow those who believe first on that list was they will cast out demons in his name that's bad news for the kingdom of darkness right there jesus brought victory so that we would not need to live our lives in darkness or in fear or under the onslaught of the enemy he bought that for us he bought salvation healing deliverance peace by and with his blood because of jesus we triumph the enemy no longer has any claim to any of us but that which we give to him and that's very important our foe has been completely and utterly defeated with no hope of reversal and they know that for us that is good and bad news we must demonstrate and celebrate satan's defeat because the victory is ours but only ours for the taking if we all step up and take it we need to claim the results for ourselves in his name and that's where the battle and victory lies matthew 11 12 says matthew 11 12 says from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence and the violent take it by force now as stated in a previous sermon on principalities if you want to go back and have a look that go back and search our youtube channel on the ultimate spirit warriors youtube channel and and have a look at that one because the war has already been won we know this through scripture we have the game plan we know the end of the book we know how it ends but the army of hell is wholly unwilling to admit defeat and their real end game is to stretch it out stretch their demise out for as long as they possibly can to the bitter end that is the goal they know where they're going they know where they're headed they know their destiny but the longer it takes to get there the better for them so then the victory must be enforced by us the lord has given us authority to do it all we need to do is stand our ground and charge head first into the battle instead of waiting back for someone else to do it we must refuse to let the devil and his hordes reoccupy people or territories that is no longer theirs whether it be the spirit realm or here on earth god's people you are to make it known to the enemy that you will not go gently into the night and that you will in ta in fact take the fight to them with a helper of course now this helper might not be the one who you're thinking of but if it is praise the lord we'll get into that so where are we in god's timeline well we know through ephesians 6 12 let's go there ephesians 6 12 says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the cosmic powers over this present darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places in the heavenly places we can see through this scripture that the devil and the others dwelt in the heavenly places that being second heaven which is the spiritual realm okay but then something happens which is upon us now and we look at this through both the book of daniel and through revelations let's head to revelations first let's go to revelations 12 7 to 10. revelations 12 7 to 10 says now war arose in heaven michael and his angels fighting against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back but he was defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven and the great dragon was thrown down that ancient serpent who is called the devil and satan the deceiver of the whole world he was thrown down to the earth and his angels were thrown down with him and i heard a loud voice in heaven saying now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of christ have come for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down who accuses them day and night before our god now many have thought this scripture happens at the beginning of time when lucifer gets kicked out of heaven and because he was bad and all that but that's just simply not the case we can see through ephesians and other scriptures that this is not the case they are in the heavenly places until they get cast down to the earth and they are now cast down to the earth now revelation 12 12 revelation 12 12 says therefore rejoice o heavens and you who dwell in them but woe to you o earth and sea for the devil has come come down to you in great wrath because he knows that his time is short he already knows his destiny he already knows his timeline he already knows his time is short so he has to come down and do as much damage and destruction as he can in the time that he has [Music] revelation 12 17 12 17 says then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring this woman is said to be israel and we are her offspring on those who keep the commandments of god and hold to the testimony of jesus and he stood on the sand of the sea so he is no longer in the heavenly places okay he is here revelation 13. this is going to be a bit of a weird one i packed it together it's revelation 13 2 4 7 and 8. okay and the beast that i saw was like a leopard its feet were like a bears and its mouth was like a lion's mouth and to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority and they worshipped the dragon for he had given his authority to the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like the beast and who can fight against it also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them and authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation and all who dwell on earth will worship it everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the lamb who was slain now we can see from that that this hasn't happened yet this is talking about the antichrist okay he hasn't come to power yet we haven't seen him publicly yet so this isn't now however revelation 12 is now he's come down he's furious he's making war with the saints okay he is getting ready for revelation 13. now i said earlier that someone will be helping us in this fight now we know jesus is going to be helping us in this fight we know that the angels are going to be helping us in this fight however there is one that may have gotten overlooked that is definitely helping us in this fight and that is in daniel 12 1. okay daniel 12 1 says at that time shall arise michael the great prince who was who has charge over your people over us and there shall be a time of trouble such as never has been seen since there was a nation till that time but at that time your people shall be delivered praise the lord and everyone whose name shall be found written in the book now this is important especially at the time that it is now happy rosh hashanah to everyone here in daniel and through the cross in revelation they both talk about the book of life okay so here your name shall be written in the book and there be written before the foundation of the world in the book of life okay this is important as we start rosh hashanah the jewish new year of 5782 this is taking place right now this is taking place at the beginning of the month of tishri which is actually the seventh month of the jewish year counting from nissan it is both a time of rejoicing but also one of serious introspection and repentance assa a time to celebrate the new year coming in and another of taking stock of one's life of the previous myself is also known as yom hadin or the day of judgment judgment day on which god opens the books of life and death which are then sealed on yom kippur so at this moment in time god is opening the books of life and writing names in it he is also opening the books of death and writing names in it and then sealing them on yom kippur we need to be ready saints and repent through this time of rosh hashanah so that we may see our names written in the book of life not the book of death god has given his church his believers his children his family the authority in the name of jesus defeat our enemies so as we go through this significant gate of time we are to be ready and prepared not preparing which many still are we try as we might to get you prepared it's up to you to be prepared and in this year we have seen what is coming and the realities to what our manual says if you can't see that happening in front of your eyes i will pray for you personally because you need to see it for yourself you need to get ready yourself you need to be prepared already because what happens if you lose your job because you don't want to take the jab where are you going to go what are you going to do how you going to get money et cetera et cetera et cetera this is just the start so we are to be ready and prepared through the wisdom of god for his eternal plans and purposes for us all as it is written in ephesians 3 9-12 ephesians ephesians 3 9-12 says and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in god who created all things so that through the church the manifold wisdom of god might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places this was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in christ jesus our lord in whom we have boldness and access let's say that word again access you have access and or authority with confidence through our faith in him we must look at the church as not just a building especially with what i said at the start we can't look at the church as just a building anymore because there will come a time where there will be no buildings allowed for believers but we must look at it as a people with a heart for god and a willingness to do the work set out before us and commanded by the lord not asked but commanded because as daniel 12 3 says daniel 12 3 and those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever amen amen so god's plan is for us to demonstrate satan's defeat and lack of power we are to know our enemy and what he can and can't do we are also in this important time of rosh hashanah we have to take stock and repent and ask for our names to be written in the book of life because it is closing i know many of you celebrate these feasts and these times but this year eight two this this it's coming to a head it's important to see the signs it's important to read the road look around and see what's happening and don't be it won't happen to us because we know by scripture we know by our manual we know by our bible what is to come so take the blindfolds off get your heads out of the sand people it's time to stand up and fight back and see in the spirit what is really going on don't wait any longer don't wait for it to be too late and that that's that's all that's on my heart in trying to prepare you all i don't want you to be one of the ones that say oh i didn't see it coming or no one warned me because i know i i would have done everything i can to warn and be a watchman for the lord in this hour so no one can say i did i got blindsided by that i didn't know it was happening i didn't see it because it it's all around us all around us and in saying that let us stand up and ask the lord for forgiveness for anything we may have done ask the lord for grace to forgive us for anything that we may have done and ask the lord to be our guide and show us the blueprint and the plan and the purpose for us all we all have one and i pray that you are uplifted in this time of uncertainty and that fear is swept away and that the devil has no attachment to anyone because you have all authority to get rid of all of them for you and your families and your cities and your nations it's time to stand up and to fight the good fight of faith the battle is all around us and it's going to only intensify and get worse but like scripture tells us we are not alone and we will make it through the storm so i bless you all i thank you for coming and spending time with me and we will keep you updated on what is happening and what is going on just give us a text an email a buzz and we'll let you know what is going on and what you can do to help we're going to have to pack down our beloved church and that will need hands to help because i can't do it all my own and we also want to say that this isn't the end this is just the beginning of the new season of 5782 so get excited get prepared and be like the wise virgins in jesus name we all say amen as we finish this off this is pasta packs caught over from mahanaim life ministries in the ultimate spirit warriors studio saying until next time [Music] you
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 100
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pax Cordova, Ultimate Spirit Warriors, Bible, Jesus, Church, Holy Spirit, Discernment, Angels, demons, God, Spiritual Bootcamp, Prayer, Faith, Christian, Mahanaim Life Ministry, Stella Roco, Jose Roco, Angel TV, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, Australia, Carry Your Cross, Deny Yourself, Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable, USW Show, Taiwan, Interrogation, Persecution, lucifer, Smith Wigglesworth, Albert Hibbert, The Secret of His Power
Id: 06o4jB6XaCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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