"People Will Only Believe What They Want to Believe" - Ps. Jose Roco- MLM Church from Home Telecast

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] greetings to everyone in the name of our lord jesus christ shabbat shalom today is a wonderful day and i have a special message for everyone and i hope you all get blessed so let's begin in a word of prayer father god we thank you lord for your grace and your mercy towards all of us lord i want to commit this message to you lord father i pray lord that you will guide my lips let the words that come up from my mouth lord be according to your perfect will and bless everyone who is watching and hearing this message today in jesus mighty name good morning everyone before i start with the message i want to share a course of action we have undertaken with regards to the church venue the lord brought me to the book of ecclesiastes chapter 9 and when i read some verses here let's begin with verse 11. he says i return and saw under that the sun that the race is not to the sweet nor the battle to the strong nor bread to the wise nor riches to men of understanding nor favor to men obscure but time and chance has happened to them all for what for man does not know his time like fish taken in a cruel net like bird caught in a snare so the sons of men are snared in an evil time when it falls suddenly upon them and verse 16 wisdom is better than strength nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard words of the wise spoken quietly should be heard rather than the shout of a ruler of fools wisdom is better than weapons of war but one sinner destroys much good so we have come to a season where we are part of this time and chance and the lord has asked me not to renew the least of the church right now so by this november we will not officially have a venue anymore but we have a venue in heaven and god is good because whatever the enemy takes away god will release something much much better so i believe in our hearts it's not what we see but what was in the blood of god so this time as we close this this venue i i rejoice because there's something better and i want you to rejoice as well because god is going to supply something much much better for all of us so i know some of you may be sad about it but put a smile on your face and know that god's plan is in your life as well okay thank you very much so let's begin with a message the message for today is people will only believe what they want to believe so let's uh begin with the scripture but before that there is a great deception for those who claim to be free thinkers jesus said believe in me and you will have life so in the book of john chapter 11 verse 25 it says jesus said to her i am the resurrection and the lord he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die do you do you believe this she said to him yes lord i believe that you are the christ the son of god who is to come into the world john 14 verse 1 let not your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i wouldn't i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you myself that where i am there you may be also and where i go you know and the way you know so jesus was not asking them to believe in something of this world but of something beyond this world there is a misconception of believing something of the supernatural as earthly but having said that it is true that the only way to see the supernatural is to let part of our life to believe in the faith that jesus christ came to teach does the unbelieving world deserve the sacrifice of jesus dying on the cross no of course not it was a precious gift from god that we do not deserve in response to the question asked by pilate this is what he said to pilate in john chapter 18 verse 36 jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world my precious servants would fight so that i should not be delivered to the jews but now my kingdom is not from here verse 37 pilate therefore said to him are you a king then jesus answered you say rightly that i am a king for this course i was born and for this course i have come into the world that i should bear witness to the truth everyone who is of the truth is my voice verse 38 pilate said to him what is truth and when he had said this he went out again to the jews and said to them i find no fault in him at all this is one of the many reasons why people believe in everything ungodly rather than what is written in the bible it is easy it is logical not confronting not intimidating the written word in the bible requires obedience commitment and action applied and accountability according to our father god he gave his only begotten son for the salvation of this world but many people of this world only think about what happens today and the future living in this world and not of the kingdom of god in the spirit world and the next life of eternity you see my dear brothers and sisters we all live and die but the kingdom of god goes beyond death you have a spirit that will live for eternity whether it is with god or whether whether it is not with god so the lord is giving us a chance to enter into his kingdom there jesus is the king although one day the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of jesus christ so jesus is coming back so there is a need for us to believe in him now and accept him because things will change believe it or not it will change let's turn to the gospel of john chapter 3 verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life we are talking about life for eternity here guys for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved many when they hear or read the bible or the words in the bible they don't like it because it restricts them from doing anything they like whether it is good or bad let's now turn to the book of one timothy chapter 1 we will read verse 15. this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that christ jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom i am chief however for this reason i obtained mercy that in me first jesus christ might show all longsuffering as a pattern to those who are going to believe on him for everlasting life now to the king eternal immortal invisible to god who alone is wise be honor and glory forever and ever amen when you love something don't you protect it yes you do you do that to your material things and also to our household people you protect them in john chapter 8 verse 32 it says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free when jesus said these words he knew that many people were bound or their minds held captive by the enemy many of the words what jesus said had a purpose to bring us into the kingdom of god to set us free from the shackles of the enemy many people believe that when you die you just cease to exist nothing happens past finish their main purpose is to just live their lives in this world as best as they can and enjoy but i tell you something my dear brothers and sisters there's something much much better and it is eternal everlasting we need to enter that kingdom that's why jesus gave us a son jesus came here to die on the cross the father gave us his son so that we can enter into his kingdom only by believing in god's word can we put meaning in our existence purpose-driven life according to god's word that is eternal paul said when he knew that his life on earth was almost over in the book of seven second timothy chapter four verse six says for i am ready being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure is at hand i have fought a good fight i have finished the race i have kept the faith guys we need to keep that faith finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearance that includes you and me my dear brothers and sisters now concerning all the achievements we have accumulated in this world whether you're a brain surgeon whether you're a structural engineer whether you're a politician a singer an actor a lawyer an accountant what will happen to it all right if someone dies not knowing god not knowing god's ways all these knowledge fades away in the minds of people they know and love even for those who respected and appreciated them if someone dies knowing god's ways all their knowledge skills are preserved in the book of life recorded in heaven that is a big difference right so consider this when you die what's going to happen to your life if you don't have god it will fade away and people will forgive you but if you have god it is recorded in heaven in the book of life so god takes into account all the sacrifices you have done for him all the good things you have done for him and it is recorded also he takes into account when you make a mistake and ask god's forgiveness whether it is to god or to somebody close to you when you ask for forgiveness there is a restoration going through in heaven regarding your spirit see your spirit will live forever is not going to die the only thing that does is your body so in the book of isaiah chapter 24 let's read from verse 4. the earth moans and fades away the world languishes and fades away the haughty people of the earth language the earth is also defiled under its inhabitants because they have transgressed the laws changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant therefore the curse has devoured the earth and those who dwell in it are desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left let's look at the revelations chapter 3 verse 5 he who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and i will not block out his name from the book of life that overcoming means that you have entered into the life of christ because the life of christ is not easy to follow right but i will confess his name before my father and before his angels he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches see it is the holy spirit that is speaking to us that's why it is important that all of you receive the holy spirit because the holy spirit will teach you all things of god and will direct your path even when you're about to make to commit a mistake the holy spirit will warn you and tell you not to do it so it is important it is a key to enter the kingdom of god is to be born again what is to be born again to be baptized in the name of the lord jesus christ and to be filled with the holy spirit so that we can live our life according to heaven you see the kingdom of god is not of this world it is in another dimension the key word in the book of proverbs is wisdom the ability to live life skillfully a godly life is an ungodly world a godly life in an ungodly world however it is not a simple assignment proverbs provides god's detailed instructions for his people to deal successfully with the practical affairs of everyday life how to relate to god how to relate to parents to children to neighbors and our government we need a combination of common sense and divine perspective necessary to handle life's issue in the bible god teaches us to teach our children in the ways of god so that our children will not go astray in the book of deuteronomy chapter 4 chapter 6 verse 4 hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and these words which i command you today shall be in your heart you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way while you lie down when you rise up you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be a fortnets between your eyes you shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates you see my children my dear brothers and sisters god teaches us his word and in turn we gotta teach it to our family it is our responsibility that our children grow up knowing the ways of god we cannot just leave them to learn the education without god in the life there needs to be a balance because why live and learn and get a degree and end up dead not knowing god it's that so when we know god it's alive guys it's a lie we are so caught up in this society just to educate our children to survive and to be successful without god in their lives the consequence of that is not good left without god's principles our children when they grow up will only believe what they want to believe and that is not what god wants us to do in deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 18 therefore you shall lay up words of mind in your hearts and in your soul and bind them as a sign on your head and there shall be a fortress within your eyes oh okay i read this already before praise a lot okay for all the parents watching and hearing this message start educating your children with the word of god this is your responsibility it is not up to the priests to the pastors or ministers of god's word to teach your children at least homeschool your children with god's words sit down at the table together as a family and share the word of the lord not only to your children you can also do that with between husbands and wives sit down to the table and share the word what god has spoken to you and i tell you what is going to change your lifestyle there are three ways we hear messages in our thoughts one is our own conscious speaking through us the second one are the whispers of satan the third one is the voice of our lord which one are you listening right now the other aspect about this message is that as christians we come to enjoy hearing the voice of our lord one thing we must remember we need god's discernment to know what god is talking about it is the holy spirit that will teach us all things pertaining to god when god talks it is from the spirit dimension from the fourth dimension when we hear god it's from the earthly dimension the third dimension so that is why when god speaks to you you need to ask the holy spirit what does that mean we could hear god speaking to us but we don't know what it actually means the explanation comes when you wait upon the holy spirit to explain to you we cannot hear from god and use our earthly dimension to assess what god is saying this way we will make errors but when we ask the holy spirit you will not make any error in 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 13 he says these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches us but with the holy spot which the holy spirit teaches comparing comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man does not receive the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness to him nor can he know that because they are spiritually discerned but he who is spiritually judges all things yet he himself is rightly judged by no one for who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of christ it is very important that before we speak in the name of god we should spend time to ask the holy spirit for clarification and understanding in these last days before the tribulation days come that we all seek and know the holy spirit have you received the baptism of the holy spirit since you have accepted the lord jesus christ in your life if the answer is yes then seek the deeper things of god if the answer is no then be still and humbly seek for the infilling of the holy spirit you will know when the holy spirit comes inside when we only believe what we want to believe we earth in both areas the natural first then the spiritual realm we are not all born to know about the spirit realm and that is why jesus had to come to bring us salvation to be able to return to the father god when the time is ordained god has ordained the timing of our life when we are born and when we die which no man can desire it's beyond our control but we can certainly control how we are going to live our lives here on earth if you are truly a wise person you will examine what you have believed in the past and what you are believing today and what you are going to believe in the future men leading other men without god may end up unfruitful men leading other men with god will bear much fruit and blessings i have a short definition of a blessing we are faltering on the thresholds of understanding only the courageous discover god's riches faint heart will will content himself or herself with what their eyes behold the spirit in you is wiser and will gladly feel all material blessings to lay hold on the eternal life the spirit is not enticed by the glitter of gold nor tempted to desert heavenly vision in favor of temporal blessings you see my dear brothers and sisters we all want blessings right because being blessed it's easy things turn out your way but there are times when where you will find yourself in situations where the blessing is not there and if you seek god god will release the blessing for you if you don't seek him and seek man well it may not be fruitful for you and that is why there are many people today who have no more hope they just want to commit suicide because the blessing is gone there is no more hope consider what's happening now with regards to these lockdowns what restrictions are you going through you're bound in your house you cannot go here you cannot go there you can only go to buy the necessities that you need and for how long how long is going to be god is giving us many opportunities now to spend and seek and heal to ask the lord to enter into our lives so that we don't just believe what we want to believe but we begin to believe what god is telling us what is written in the bible my brothers and sisters i bring you this message today for you to change your lifestyle i know some of you you know have depended so much on the world systems your accomplishments i'm not taking that away from you but make your accomplishments last by having god in your life otherwise it just disappears when you're done trouble times are ahead we don't know the future many of you will lose your jobs many of you will lose your house you lose your cars right you know many of you the banks will repossess whatever you owe whether it's your house whether it's your cars because you cannot pay so where is that going to leave you can you afford just believing whatever you want to believe or putting into your mind that which which does not exist but there is already the word of god that us exists and god is telling us my kingdom is not part of this world it is god so eventually as he says in the book of revelation that the kingdom of this world will become the kingdoms of jesus christ he will establish his kingdom in here when the lord jesus christ comes again he will come as a judge every one of us will be judged and every one of us you know whatever you have done in your life will be exposed every lie will be exposed so that's why it is necessary before the lord comes back that we confess our sins that we change our lifestyle it is not just a matter of getting rich it is not just a matter of getting what you want it's living a lifestyle of the kingdom of god are you prepared to do this because if you are god is gonna give you a chance for those watching this message and you have not known god before or you have known god 50 50 or even 25 this is your chance to change your heart you don't have to tell anyone just confess to god and accept the lord jesus christ in your life and things will change and begin to read the word of god i know a lot of you there husbands and wives one of you is safe and one of you is not and for the one that's not it's because something is holding you up you're hanging on to the deceit of the view of this world your mind has been kept taken captive by the enemy you have listened to the whispers of the enemy so that's why it's hard for you to believe in god but why not take a leap of faith why not ask god and show you if you have made a mistake just confess it lord i'm sorry i made a mistake i made an assumption that is not true and then you have a chance to enter into the kingdom of god you have a chance to believe on the truth that's why pilate when he was talking to jesus before condemning him to the crucifixion he said i find no guilt in this man right but it was the jews who shall be crucified crucified so pilate's hand was held captive by the enemy and he let go and he crucified the lord jesus christ likewise you need to be released delivered from the captive hands of the enemy once you do that you'll be able to understand the whys you got so many wives today why this why that why is god letting all this happen well it's not really god it's what man has chosen man against man and man who does evil has been taken captive by the enemy his mind is totally under the enemy's control so what do you have to do you need to pray for these people all those people who are doing evil we need to pray for them this is what jesus said in the bible we don't condemn them but we pray so that they have a chance to survive i was taken into heaven not long ago because i was bringing to the lord all these people who are making all these laws and the lord showed me in the courts of heaven there are many courts hundreds of courts and people are lining up depending on their status to be taken into court and to be judged when you are judged up in the courts of heaven there's no more chance for you right there's no chance for salvation that's why the lord was saying to me pray for this pray for that if nobody prays for them there is no chance for them to be saved there is no chance for them to repent they will follow that course that is evil taken copy by the mind of sec by the by satan so you are the only hope so when i was there i saw all these great men politicians presidents prime ministers entering into the courts and they were being judged in heaven soon once they get judged in heaven their lives here will be no more let me say they're going to be exposed all the lies that they have said will be you see it cannot go on like this forever and ever god is a righteous church he is above all judges and when god judges it is a righteous judge so we cannot blame god for all the walls that's happening on this earth when things happen many people curse god and say why doesn't god do this why doesn't god do that well man has chosen the evil way so when we change our lifestyles when all of us are making an effort to do what is good according to heaven right then things will change eventually things will change so my dear brothers and sisters we are entering into a season where the great tribulation is going to come i don't know where it's going to start but it looks like we are the beginning of sorrows have already started our lockdowns are an example that restrictions are coming you can no longer have the freedom to decide whatever you want to decide and to do whatever you want to do yeah so you have to make a choice let this message be a trigger for you choosing the way of god let go of all your comforts because it's not gonna last it's tempora i know some of you love your golf love your parties love your entertainment right but all of that is gonna finish one day and when you die it's finished so in other words why keep on seeking those things learn about the things of god and you will find the real precious jewels that you have been searching for all your life it's not just about the comforts that you ever gained the wealth that you have obtained all of that without god is nothing but with god in your life you can serve god with what you have serve god with what you have don't lose so i'm gonna close in the word of god i'm gonna close in the prayer and when i begin to pray i want you to close your eyes and just open up your hearts because if you're listening to this message it is because god is calling you god is waking you up and he wants you don't think that nobody wants you god wants you more than that he loves you in spite of everything that you have done he still loves you he wants to give you a chance so take this opportunity to accept the lord in your life take this opportunity to start changing what you are believing don't just believe whatever you want to believe believe in the word of god it is the truth and it is salvation unto you so let us close with the word of prayer just bow our heads father god we thank you for your work we thank you lord that you are touching our lives right now and that you are doing something for all of us father i bring unto you all those who have not accepted you i pray lord that you will see their hearts and touch their hearts that you will forgive them for all the things of the past that you will fill them with your holy spirit that you will give them a chance lord to grab hold of the kingdom that is coming to grab hold of the things that you have prepared for them before the foundations of the earth father we thank you because your grace avails much i thank you lord god for your tender mercies lord for bringing us into your kingdom for forgiving our sins lord and father i pray help all those who are listening to this message and bless them our father in jesus mighty name amen so my dear brothers and sisters once again thank you for hearing this message we look forward to seeing you again in the next message may god bless you all have a wonderful time in the things of god may he protect you from all the powers of darkness that your mind will be cleared to think righteously and correctly in jesus name god bless you all thank you for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 130
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Mahanaim Life Ministry, Jose Roco, Stella Roco, Prayer, Faith, christian, Bible, Jesus, prophecy, prophetic, church, heaven, angels, intercession, Home church, Presence of the Lord, Mana
Id: Y_jva0ch4SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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