[PROXMOX] Taking A Look At Proxmox VE On The Dell PowerEdge 2950 II

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hey guys welcome to my first video of jazz's tech house today we're going to be looking at for power edge 2950 gen 2. uh we're going to be installing proxmox on the server uh we're using an ssd as the boot drive and free one terabyte drives put in raid five so let's have a look inside and we'll get straight into it all right so let's open up this server and have a look what's inside so this is the ssd that we're going to be replacing that one right there uh we're going to be replacing it with a western digital blue 3d nand ssd with 500 gigabytes so yeah now it should give us a bit of a performance boost when booting up server and just a little more extra storage to store our virtual machines so just plug that in and tuck these wires out of the way all right so under here taking off this shroud will expose the cpu heatsinks and the memory modules and we just have to move this wire out of the way it's just hooked around to keep it out of the way so the system can close up properly but here we have two xeon e 5345s uh they're quad core processors and then over here we have a 32 gigabyte of ddr2 memory and then over here we have our 1050 ti which we can't actually use in proxmox because it doesn't support gpu passthrough on the server as it's just a tad too old so let's close up the server and we'll get started okay so let's start by turning on the server it's pretty loud so we'll just mute that out so i have the proxmox cd in here and we're just going to boot into the raid controller configuration and set up those free one terabyte hard drives so i'm just going to fast forward into that yeah so it can take quite a while to boot into an operating system so we'll just have to stick with that and now here we are in the bios configuration for the raid controller so as you can see two of these drives are put down as foreign so i just have to sort that out by uh clearing for foreign configuration i did add an extra drive so we are working with four one terabyte hard drives but technically free because one of them is just being used as a parity drive in raid five so we're just going to select all these and we're going to set this to raid 5 and it seems i have to select them again so we're just going to name that server raid and advanced settings now we'll just leave it as is and click ok and saying that we should initialize it but we are going to initialize it by doing a fast initialization and there we go that raid 5 is now ready to use so now we're going to go ahead and reboot just fix up the camera there we go sorry about that all right so yeah we're just going to quit and press control delete to reboot and there we go it's booting back up now it is pretty quiet because i have muted the sound but for server for some reason was running pretty fast uh i'm pretty sure it was because it was hot but that's okay that's usually normal with servers especially the recommend ones they just get pretty loud especially when they're hot so anyways just gonna fast forward into our proxmox installation and here we are we have booted in one thing you want to keep in mind is that make sure your hard drives are in good work working condition otherwise your proxmox kernel might panic i did have that issue with uh previous two terabyte hard drives and it wasn't pleasant so i'm just going to go ahead and agree and then we're going to choose the hard drive we want to install to first of all just going to do a quick uh auto adjust on the screen and then we can continue so yeah i've chosen my 465 gigabyte uh ssd even though it says 500 gig but i suppose you just lose that so set a country set a time zone and there we go next and now you want to choose your password this is the password you can use to log into the web ui to manage your server and then you just want to put in an email address and you actually have to put one in so yeah i'm just going to cover that and now we hit next and you want to choose a host name so i'm just gonna pop in let's just do no not proxmox actually uh chas dash pve srv and make sure your ip addresses are correct for your dns server and your router and then you want to hit next and it seems like that didn't work so i guess we just have to put a dot local at the end and let's try that sort of accepted that so that's good and then we can just go and install so i'm gonna fast forward this and i'll see you when it's done okay now the system is almost ready to go and there we go so take note of that ip address it will be shown again that uh after it reboots it will show you and i'll meet you on the computer okay so once your server has restarted into the proxmox it will show your ip address and your port on the screen so you're just going to want to have to open up a web browser any web browser and do https four size four slash and you put in your ip address followed by its port and then you may get these kind of warnings because your server would not have an ssl certificate so pretty much every rebel web browser is going to think that it is an insecure website but it's not really because it's your own website so you just want to click on advanced or there should be a little button there and you just want to accept the risk and continue and then you'll be brought to your proxmox login screen so the default username is going to be root and then you just want to put in your password and click login and you'll get this message every time you start it up unless you buy proxmox but uh the only thing you're not getting without the subscription is that you won't get your security updates but uh there are a few workarounds but i suppose i can go through that in another video so you just want to click okay and now here we have our storage drives or your partitions um so if you go to storage uh where was it that shows you your drives that's right discs and you should see your raid disk here if you did set up a raid uh and then just to add it you want to click on it and do initialize disk with gpt and it's going to initialize it and then you should be able to go to let's just do lvm so lvm thin think those uh let's explain that in a second first of all we just want to make a volume group and use this make sure you choose that and just do server raid and click create contains illegal characters so make sure there's no spaces and click create and as you can see we now have our server right up here and up here and it's all ready to use so let's make our first vm so make sure you're in the server view so you can see your new uh virtual machines as you create them but uh let's get into it so first of all you want to go on to your local and your iso images and you want to click on upload select file and then you pretty much just want to go ahead and upload your server uh windows server iso or whatever you want to install and just double click that and click upload if you have a really good local network it should upload quite fast of me i have one gigabit network so this shouldn't take too long okay so once that's all done it's going to copy it and eventually you'll see status saying okay but in the meantime let's go through what uh lvm volumes are okay well lvm and lvm fin so lvm is a volume that is there and it's been fully allocated and that space is being used while it's there but then the difference with lvm thin is that it's there but the space will only be used once it grows once you add more data to it so that's the difference uh you could probably do a google search and go a little more into it but uh just for now we're going to go ahead and make our virtual machine so you go up to here and click create vm and give it a name so i'm just going to call it chaz dash say main server uh resource pool i don't really play around with that but you can if you want to make your own resource pool look up how it goes into i could probably cover that in another video if you want me to you can check down the comments and let's see what we can do and you just want to click next and now where's this iso image you want to click on the iso image that you've uploaded to your server and set this to whichever operating system you have or trying to install and then click next your graphics card uh considering i'm on the dell poweredge 2950 for chipset it doesn't actually support pcie passthrough so that 1050 ti i was talking about earlier i can't actually use that with uh proxmox because the motherboard does not support gpu pass-through so we're just going to leave it as default your skz driver we're going to leave that as a verch i o uh skezzy and i'm going to click advanced and if you want in here you can i personally choose q35 and uefi bios depending on your um operating system you're installing you probably most newer ones will have uefi but older ones will have uh this one the c bios which is bios cs csm um adding the efi disk i don't know if this is actually required but either way i'm just going to go ahead and add my ssd and then we're going to click next now with this one we're going to set this to sata and we're going to choose our ssd once again i'm going to turn on ssd emulation and we're going to turn on this right back cache and then we click on next and this one you kind of want to if you're installing windows server you want to keep as one socket because with one socket uh you only need one license as if you do two sockets you're gonna need two licenses so let's just keep that as one and this is an eight core machine but considering this server this virtual machine is going to be running basic server applications like you know active directory and like that uh we're just gonna go ahead and just give it two calls and that should be okay and click next set the memory i'm going to give this four gigs and click next and this should be all kept as is and click next and finish and now it's going to go ahead and create our virtual machine and then you can click on it and then once it's looking like that says status stopped you can go ahead and click start now you can open up the console oh no mind it actually opens up here if you click it up there it will open up there however you can go over here and it will just show it in this little window here but i personally like it in the uh detached mode so we're going to go ahead and boot into our windows setup and that's going to load from the iso now this part is going to take a little while when you first install it so i'm just going to speed right through it okay so one thing i did forget is i have forgotten to set the size so this is easily fixable if you have set you know a size that is too low for your liking you can grow it afterwards but considering i don't really need a huge amount of disk space for this virtual machine i'm just going to leave it as is but i probably should have walked you through that before but it's pretty straightforward so we're just going to continue with installing okay so the installation is finished so you want to put in your new administrator password and then click next i'm sorry finish close enough and it's just going to load up and then because we're using proxmox or it's not actually our computer it's a virtual machine uh control.delete won't work so you're gonna have to go on here do show extra keys and click on send control or delete and now you put in your password sorry i'm just gonna log in there we go we're pretty much you've just installed your windows server on proxmox on top of proxmox in a virtual machine and it is accessible on the local network by other computers as long as you have the login of course so just letting that load in now and that's kind of all done in there so we can just minimize that or even just close it you can close it it's still running because it's running off the server um so let's show how we can expand these uh your hard drive so you can see here this is the hard drive that uh the virtual hard drive and you just want to go on to resize disk and you put in how much more space you want and click on resize disk i'm not wanting to resize the disk so i'm just going to leave it as is so yeah that's uh uh proxmox installed on the dell poweredge 2950 gen2 uh i hope you enjoyed this video and you had success installing proxmox on your server and don't forget to leave a like and subscribe for more content and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Chazza's Tech
Views: 3,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Proxmox, Dell, Servers, Virtual Machines, KVM, Dell Poweredge 2950, Linux, Windows
Id: ASX8i_xfSeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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