The Tankadin - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Protection Paladin Maintank Guide

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welcome everyone christine here with my comprehensive production paladin main tank guide for world of warcraft raptor lich king classic this is the sequel if you will to my burning crusade production paladin main tank guide that i did a while ago and i'm just going to be covering pretty much all you need to know if you're going to be playing a prop paladin in raftelichking but first off i want to touch on on a very significant point what is a main tank if you're taking the view that being a main tank is just slapping on some armor with defensive stats putting some talent points and doing a rotation then you are wrong being a main tank isn't about that in fact your parses your logs even your fret and dps output are insignificant compared to the larger picture unless you're in a really good guild with top tier dpsers then it doesn't really matter as much but what matters is your awareness your attitude your communication skill a main tank is someone that i consider a quasi raid leader what do i mean by that it means someone's that someone that's there in the front someone who's going to handle the pool who's going to be able to adapt to changing circumstances and is going to have a role of importance in the guild that they're in someone that the ray leader can rely on to pick up the slack in some ways someone that's able to call out cooldowns or what people should do at any given moment in support of the raid leader's effort you aren't a raid leader you shouldn't step on their toes you respect that respect those boundaries but you are going to be there to help them out a particular example in raftel lich king is great cooldowns there's a lot of external cooldowns that the tank may receive but it is that tank's job to call them out when need be like say for instance paladins have had the sacrifice in raftelichking which is a very powerful external cooldown or desperate priests with pain suppression and you need to be able to handle those cooldowns in a quick and effective manner you want to have a rate cooldown add-on who's going to which is going to tell you who in your rate has that in an ideal fashion though you don't strictly need it but what you need is to have awareness to be aware of what's going on to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your raiding team and crucially to play together in a team tanking isn't a solo job i feel that mistaken perception that did exist for a very long time in the game though perhaps also nowadays is that tanking is about like people like kungan who's who are elevated to godhood but even people like kungan they played in a team they played with other tanks that they could rely on they could work together with those tanks and that is a critical aspect about being a main tank in any guild it's not just about you it's about you and one or two or three more people that you're playing with it is important to establish at least a good working relationship with your fellow tanks you don't need to be friends you don't need to even like each other but you do need to be able to work together in a quick and effective manner that is going to be important so tone down the ego play together with other people communicate plato's rings play to your weaknesses if on a certain boss you're better for the off-tanking job just let the other guy tank the bus and you handle what's actually important sarfarian for instance is a perfect example of that the most important job on this bus isn't who tanks the big bad drake it's the guy who handles all of the ads it's kind of a miserable job if i'm being honest with you but it is the most important job that you can have when uh when you're tanking this particular bus in illidan for instance who tanks the flames is far more important than who tanks the boss from my perspective so it does matter how you work in the team how you communicate and play into your strengths and your weaknesses dependent on your class the plan dependent on your spec uh dependent on the people involved so don't view tanking as something oh put on some armor go in front of the boss do it press some buttons that isn't what matters being aware playing together as a team being an asset to a raiding team that is what is significant for any tank in world warcraft i see so many tanks so many people rather that just spend some talent points put on armor and they think their tanks and then whenever a mechanic comes up that requires them to adapt or something happens that they didn't expect they just collapse and the raid wipes because of it you are going to have you are going to play an integral role to your guild's success or failure as a tank perhaps more so than any other person or any other role in the guild and having a good tanking team is crucial for instance on a particular raft server anger fart i played in dream state with a fellow called item i believe he's still playing in dreams that he's still one of the guys in charge of dream state and we got along pretty well as a tanking team and as a result of that we enjoyed the good deal of success on this server because we played together as a team what are the differences between wrath and burning crusade while in burn crusade the way i would describe the prop paladin is you're a melee caster a melee mage if you will you're basically a guy wearing plate going in melee and using aoe spell specifically consecration to generate threat you still have consecration in wrath but because of the abilities of hammer and shield of righteousness which scale based on physical stats and physical sound like weapon dps block value rely on hit and expertise you really turn into the holy warrior that paladin should have been from the start instead of the like weird combination of mage and mage wearing plate which is what the vanilla and bc paladins are about so you really become a powerful holy warrior now if you want to know what you need to do in the transition from burning crusade to wrath the only thing i can tell you is getting physical rings physical tank rings like the ones that druids would use or warriors would use though you have more uncommon warriors than druids because you care about block value getting those kind of items like block value hit expertise is going to matter quite a bit for yourself as a prop paladin in the description of this video you will find a link to an item set that i've made like a very good item set that you can have and get in the raf pre-patch they can then use in a wrap of the lich king itself it's this one in particular on 70 upgrades now what you need to know about the items like helmet woofers resolve is the items and cells will change the plate items in particular will change from having spell damage and healing to having strength or melee stats in in general so you don't have to worry about tier items or offset piece plate offset pieces though you may worry about weapons you will want a melee weapon like brutal gladiators pummeler or some other tanky weapon you shouldn't worry too much about rafter lich king pre-raid gearing by the way at least from tbc because you can replace a lot of things though i would worry about things like rings necks shoulders etc because some items can be difficult to replace so i'll make a detailed gearing guide for the pre-patch for pre-rate and tier seven gearing later on once we actually get the tools and we see what the stats are on the items in in the raft electric king beta but what all you need to know in terms of difference is you're no longer using spell power because you can get it through a talent uh rather you're using physical stats that's all you really need to know and you need to adapt to that when you're making that transition from burning crusade to raph the lich king now let's talk about two things that make prop paladins extremely powerful and rough i mean their holy damage is very useful from a threat and damage perspective but their survivability is what makes them kings in terms of tanking ability and their survivability comes from two things one is cooldowns rate cooldowns you have divine guardian which is a raid wall that reduces the damage the entire raid takes including yourself and you can make a cancel or a macro that you can use and you use this when you're dealing with very high damage abilities by the way sometimes you may want to use divine sacrifice when your group or your other tank because you likely will be grouped with another tank when they're taking a lot of damage you don't need to cancel aura you just want to cancel aura if you're taking a lot of damage at the same time because you don't want to die from the effect of divine sacrifice this is something holy paladins also have but yours divine sacrifice is uh is very very powerful for you like they won't use divine sacrifice you can but then there is ardent defender and this is really the meat of what makes protection paladins incredibly powerful in raft the lich king what does ardent defender do well arden defender the way it works in raftel lich king or rather the way it works in burn crusade let's go with that first the way it works in burn crusade is that once you reach 45 hp the hits after that that would take you lower get the damage reduction but it's only after you've reached that hp threshold so say for instance if you take a hit a massive hit it will kill you but if you take two smaller hits one drops you below 35 percent hp the other one would kill you but the defender kicks in and saves your life or reduces the damage that you're taking that's how it works in burn crusade then we called that leap frogging when you had the hit that did a lot of damage i've been playing prop paladin since retail burning crusade it was a factor back then the change they made in wrath and not initially but with patches the change they made without a defender made it incredibly potent so what did they do with art and defender in particular well they eliminate the leap frogging so say for instance you're taking a massive hit you won't that is equal to your hp it won't kill you it won't even proc the cheat def i'm not talking about the cheat def here that's a separate discussion but rather what that hit will do it will have its damage reduced so say for instance i am a 30 000 hp tank the hit i'm taking if you're a warrior druid decay or you don't have art in the defender spec that's pro paladin you take thirty thousand damage you're dead what happens when a prop paladin gets hit for thirty thousand each uh damage if he has 30 thousand hp well he's not going to take 30 thousand damage he's not going to proc the qi def that might come in factor later what's going to happen is you're going to take that 30 000 damage and you're going to multiply it by 0.65 because that's 65 percent of damage that you're going to take regularly so you're going to get a a full hit of 9 19 500 damage that leaves that leas 10 500 damage from that 30k hit what happens to that well you multiply that you do a multiplier of 0.8 to account for the 20 percent damage reduction so on this single hit if we do the math we add so on the single hit you've reduced the damage that you're taking from 30 000 to 28 000 almost you're reducing the damage of the hit by 2000 and you're staying alive and this is happening all the time it's happening passively to you as a pro paladin and rafale king this is the uh gist of what makes prop paladins so great as tanks from a survival perspective because being able to passively reduce the damage of a hit that would kill you by 2000 again and again and again is incredibly potent for a tank survivability and even if it fails you still have the cheat death effect of ardhan defender to fall back on this is what makes prop paladins so incredibly strong because not only can they survive hits that would kill other tanks with the cheat death but even but they can prevent it from procking in the first place because they just take less damage 2000 damage may not seem like a lot but one of the things to understand is that the way a lot of raptor lich king bosses or the majority of rafaelish king boss is the way they work when it comes to abilities that can kill tanks they're not doing constant damage by and large things like algolon are the exception not the rule algalon does a lot of consistent damage but he's the exception by and large what happens is like the sandragosa or saffron situation where they have special attacks that will do a significant amount of damage in a single hit by the way this also applies to the lich king himself because the lich king does exactly this he does huge damage abilities that can kill you if you're not careful and so prop allen is much better at surviving the vast array of abilities that work like this by that 30 000 hp and damage that i'm talking about to have an understanding what 30 000 hp means 30 000 hp is what you'd get unbuffed with close to tier 7 next 2.0 best in slot gearing from 25 man after that you'll probably end up like sixty thousand seventy thousand in ice crown citadel and it always scales by the way it always scales it's based on your hp what's the problem with this because there are some issues with this of course well it means that you're very dependent on your stamina more so than other things though stacking stamina is the go-to method for every tank but you care about them more than they do and the other factor is that it causes spiky damage and that's something a lot of healers do dislike and may not be prepared for so healers from my experience the ones i've talked to what they generally want is a tank to take as much consistent damage as possible but the fact is in rafter lich king that's just not going to be possible not only not only because well bosses have very high damaging abilities that they use on an interval but because you also have 10 cooldowns a lot of cooldowns internal external cooldowns that you'll be using people uh healers just need to adapt to the fact that healer that tanks will take more damage sometimes and a lot less damage other times depending on the cooldown or the talents that the particular tank has or the class that the particular tank does have it's something they need to play around with but it's also something you need to be uh to consider as a tank because it's something you need to be aware of because it is going to affect how you're going to get healed now with that said let's talk about talent builds i'll actually start with leveling a leveling build for anyone that's interested in that like if you want to level a paladin from 1 to 80 well first off i'd recommend you not do it because leveling is probably going to be a miserable experience given the fact that blizzard has had the boost and they've removed the random dungeon finder but if you want to do it then i'm sure some people will do what i recommend is going like this it's five points benediction two points improved judgments three points heart of the crusader and a level 20 seal of command with two points in pursuit of justice after we've spent these points you want to start going into the protection tree divine strength all that as far as you can go and you want to keep doing this until you're like either 50 so you can get avengers shield or you go until 60 where you can get hammer of the righteous and then you respect and you get hammer of the righteous after that after you get hammer you spend 51 points in the protection tree to be able to uh to get a hammer after that you just want to start spending points and retribution but anyway what's your what's your baseline talent build actually talk a bit about more about leveling just to not forget this one of the things you want to pick up while leveling is to get the glyph of seal of command one of the problems you'll have while leveling as a paladin is mana you just don't have any mana regeneration spiritual tournament is a talent in deep product and it can take you a lot of time blessing of sanctuary is just not going to give you enough mana so you need some way to get mana back and the only way really is glyph of cl of command until you're 72 then you get divine play well seal of command will the glophous yellow command will give you eight percent of your base manage time use the judgment with hell of command active all right so in terms of talent builds uh divine strength five points for the 15 15 strength bonus this is not just attack power it's also a block value five points in anticipation 45 dodge three points in improved righteous fury four six percent damage reduction five points and toughness for ten percent armor armor still matters it's not as important as force stamina for you um you don't have like usually when it comes to armor the conversion rate is like one point of stamina equal 10 points of armor for you it's not quite like that stamina is more useful but you still want a lot of armor uh then two points divine guardian one point blinds blessing of sanctuary three points improved devotion aura you should be specked into this and holy paladin shouldn't spec into it i'm tempted to just talk about the holy paladin tree but one of the things holy paladins want is not improved devotion ara they want improved blessing of wisdom and improve concentration alright don't start if you're playing holy paladins don't sacrifice these two they're very useful far more useful than you have improved devotionara which a prop paladin should have unless he really really wants reckoning which isn't going to be that important for them uh then three points and improve one-handed weapon specialization two points in sacred duty for the extra stamina and the cooldown reduction on divine protection which is your shield well one point in holy shield one point in spiritual attunement don't go two points it's not really needed and you want the talent points for some other things there are plenty of ways to gain mana outside of spiritual attunement spiritual ultimate you do want to spend one point because you do want to get some mana back but you don't want to focus too much on it it's not going to be your primary mana regeneration divine plea will be and even sanctuary can be a lot regenerate a lot more mana than that three points in art and defender for the reasons i listed earlier about why it's so important uh three points in combat expertise stamina chance to critically hit n6 expertise is quite a lot three points read out for the extra block value so you're doing more damage and taking less damage at the same time one point avenger shield three points touched by light touch by light is what makes your consecration morph a damn as prop paladin because you're going to focus on melee stats you're going to focus on strength and block value expertise and all that this is how you convert that strength into spell damage which consecration still uses in rafter lich king then two points in guarded by light reduces pedal damage taken and gives you a hundred percent chance to refresh the duration of your divine plea this is important because the v you want to keep the vine play you during a boss fight 100 percent up actually you want to keep the divine play as uh as often as possible up because it's your way of regenerating mana and this is the talent that allows you to do it as well as reducing the spell damage you're taking free points and shield of the templar you need to spend these reduce all damage taken by three percent and grants your avengers shield 100 chance of silence really nice to get those casters in melee and then one point in hammer of the righteous do you spend two points do you bother with how judgments of digest vast majority of situations no why is that well because for any decay frost decay specifically will have the ability to reduce attack speed as well plenty of other people in a much better fashion it isn't worth spending the points in judgment of the just unless you're really running without anyone in a group specifically for 10-man heroic rating that just doesn't have a way of reducing attack power maybe then you're tempted to do so but the vast majority of times like ninety percent eighteen ninety percent of time it's not worth it okay moving on to the retribution tree don't bother with the holy tree it doesn't exist like you might be tempted oh see also the pure can be useful no your seals and judgment uh damage is not the primary method of degenerating damage hammer of the righteous and shield of righteousness are you're focusing on improving their damage not improving your cl damage your cl damage your auto attacks reckoning all that they are completely useless or relevant compared to just increasing your damage with hammer of the righteous and shield of righteousness so anyway moving to retribution find points in deflection if you're struggling with mana and you might depend on how blizzard does the damage you might want to spend some points in benediction instead but that's i i don't believe you will need to do so maybe in tier seven and like next 10 potentially but i don't see most diamond won't be needed uh two points and improved judgment some people say oh you only need to spend three points but reality is you spend only one point in improved judgments you're not going to be able to access the tree here i guess you could only spend one point and then just get one point in benediction or something like that personally i just spent two points and just have that cool down reduced isn't going to matter for your regular rotation the difference between one or two points but in other situations burst fret particularly can be useful okay so you've unlocked seal of command conviction and pursuit of justice two points inc the pursuit of justice uh free points and conviction and then you get crusade okay so you have two points left what do you do with these two points you could just throw them into conviction as an example get that five percent crit this matter the reason this matters is because it's going to increase your crit chance with hammer and shield and hammer and shield as i've said again and again are your primary methods of generating friend everything else is insignificant in comparison to that don't view i'll talk about the rotation in just a bit but don't view the rotation don't view the prop out then as having a rotation you don't have a rotation you have a priority list and your priority goes shield hammer shield hammer shield hammer something like that judgment is a failure consecration of filler everything else is a filler in comparison that but i'll talk i'll talk about rotation in just a second but okay you can spend five points in convection or you can get one point in seal of command for boss tanking seal of command is worthless you don't use it the reason you don't use it is because of seal of vengeance and the reason you want to use yellow vengeance doesn't come even to its damage if it was just purely about damage i would say it's not really worth bothering too much about you could use seal of righteousness for all that matter but it comes down to this glyph glyph of seal of vengeance you get 10 expertise which is quite a lot uh wild scale of vengeance or skill corruption are active now you get six expertise from combat expertise you get 10 from the glyph of seal of vengeance what that means is your baseline expertise from talents is 16. how much expertise do you want 60 for the parry parry cap perry expertise cap which you will want to achieve the point here is you don't want to use yellow command when you're tanking bosses however when you're doing dealing with five minutes while you're leveling when you're aoe tanking having seal of command is useful i guess in the very best situation if you're really minimaxing you would have two specs two prospects one with the seal of corrupt seal of command so you can use it for aoe situations and one with five points in conviction but i'd say in a lot of cases you can go just fine with cell of command i'm not too fond of this but it depends on what you're thinking like say for instance if you're going to be in that situation where you're tanking ads on on boss or you're dealing with a lot of trash constantly you're mass pulling a lot of trash you will want to have seal of command but it's a very specific situation what about vindication the chance to reduce attack power from my perspective in a 25 man raiding situation that the job it's the job of warriors or druids to reduce the attack power or even warlocks put the curse of weakness on the target to reduce the attack power of a target but if you don't have them like in the 10-man situation you're only running warlock you don't have a druid you don't have a feral druid bear to help you tank or you don't have a dps warrior then yeah you might want to get these two points in vindication keep in mind that you are sacrificing crit which is sacrificing single target fret and people can absolutely go bananas in terms of single target threat in raftelichking it wasn't a factor on retail but private servers have certainly disproven that and i think in classic we've seen so far how important single target fret can be or fret in general can be that's one of the reasons i don't want to spend the point in zelda command because one percent crit is worth more than zero command in terms of the vast majority of boss tanking okay so those are your talents this is your general set up talent build 51 points just 51 points in prediction to unlock camera of the righteous and 20 points in retribution how you spend the points in retribution depends on your choice depends on your rate depends on your situation you have some options vindication seal of command conviction there are some choices there some people will firmly argue in in favor of spending points in reckoning i've personally never seen a reason to bother with it most of the time but that's my perspective and i'm the kind of guy who really who really thinks like this i don't care about my sustained threat which is what reckoning would serve i care about my burst threat and i care about doing as much red as possible in the shortest time period as possible and i'm also care about doing a lot of damage and you'll certainly do a lot more damage if you cram more than you will we're reckoning from my perspective uh glyph wise um so one of them is clefo seal of vengeance what about the other two the other essential one is righteous defense because your taunts are still spells and they are affected by spell hit 16 or 17 whatever um so you need a unique spell hit or you get the glyph of righteous defense which gives you eight percent chance for your righteous defense to have a reckoning which are affected by spell hit to hit the target so you only need eight percent hit otherwise you also get three percent from a druid feral from a balanced druid specifically so you really only need like five six percent hit on your character and you shouldn't be stressed too much about getting hit your taunts will generally land and you have two taunts as well to work with so it's not going to be a problem what about the third glyph what should you go with the third glyph well the general one is the glyph of divine play i believe though i'm not a hundred percent certain i guess we'll see with the classic beta but i believe it stacks with some other talent so with divine play active you take three percent reduced damage from all sources well i guess i'm curious is it if it works with shield of the templar or or if it stacks with blessing of sanctuary if they stack together or not or with uh disciplined priests talent i believe it is that does the same thing it's like three percent damage reduction i i think the discipline talent doesn't stack with blessing a sanctuary but i'm not sure how this affects cliff of divine play if it does that if they stack together yeah it's really good three percent damage reduction is significant um other choices that you may have for aoe tanking left of hammer of righteous can be particularly good or maybe glyph of exorcism for some crazy poles because you can use exorcism as a polar and can be very useful in that situation but outside that there's not much to really worry about here in uh the talent tree you shouldn't worry about shell of righteousness or anything like that you will have enough mana to not worry about glyph of seal of command minor glyph wise nothing really matters i guess like having glyph of lay on hands is going to be useful in certain situations though you're not going to really going to use lion hands on yourself you're going to use it on someone else why is that well because quite frankly lay on hands will trigger your forbearance cooldown and you want to have the forbearance to use divine protection as your shield wall so most of the time you're not going to be able to layer on hands yourself but what you can do will lay on hands is you can use it on a healer and give them some mana back sustain healers amount of sustainability is going to be a major factor in raptolitchin so having this glyph can be useful outside that none of the glyphs well sense of dead can be useful like one percent damage against undead one this is active yeah but that's it's something nice and everything else is just like pointless like these blessing glyphs then the y's they're just completely and utterly pointless from my perspective so don't even bother with them just get these two glyphs for minor cleffing and that's how you uh select your talents and select your glyphs those are the things you need to worry about in terms of your consumables there's really only three consumables you're going to worry about the first one is flask of stone blood for the extra hp just use these have like four or five parade you'll be quite fine in the structure indestructible potions remember that in rafter lich king you pre-pot because you can only use one potion per combat phase you can pre-pot to get basically two so you pre-pot if it matters many times on a lot of bosses it won't necessarily matter so you don't really have to pre-pot unless it's a hard-hitting boss and then in terms of food you can use the fisheries but you also have the rhinolicious worm steak now this is useful for the 40 expertise rating this is quite a bit of expertise and this is going to be your primary food that you're going to use as a prop paladin and wrath if you're fighting a bus where it actually matters for like farm rates it's not really going to be important what food you use as long as you're getting the stamina you can use the fish feast if you so deserve strength food but for any boss that is significant or for any run that this is significant like speed running achievement running progression use the rhinolicious wormstake and those are your consumables the three main consumables that you're going to use as a prop paladin this brings me to rotation pre-pull aoe and single target pre-pull you want to put up sacred shield on yourself to have the absorb then you want to use divine play about five or so seconds before you do then an indestructible potion an indestructible potion if you need it if the boss is going to hit hard from the get-go and then you may or may not want to cast avenging wrath it depends on the situation are you going to benefit from that avenging wrath or are we going to position the bus if you're positioning the boss you may want to wait with casting of ranging raft and use it a bit later a couple of seconds later then in terms of spells that are actually going to hit the boss you want to potentially use exorcism now exorcism can miss but if it hits and if it hits an undead specifically it can do a lot of fret and damage on undead in particular it's going to always crit it is a cast so you're going to have to time that properly with the pull time you might be using sacred shield and divine play a bit earlier than you may want to you might be popping that indestructible potion a bit earlier just keep that in mind then most of the time you are going to want to use hand of reckoning as either your polar or right after exorcism you may even benefit if you're pulling with exorcism from having another tank taunt the boss from you right after the exorcism hits then you do your own hand of reckoning the way hand of reckoning works in raph is that it does damage if a boss or mob isn't targeting you and then focuses their attention on you you almost always want to use it on a pole because you want the focus to be on you if a mob spawns in a fight you want to end of reckoning it if an ant spawns a boss bonds use it as your first ability don't use anything else unless you get the time to cast an exorcism then hit them with the hand of reckoning then follow that hand of reckoning with avengers shield as the boss is still heading towards you or the mobs are heading towards you for aoe you use seal of command if you have it if not seal of engines and when i say aoe i mean aoe i mean more than four or five mobs if you're talking about four less than four or five mobs ucla vengeance the expertise bonus will be more important there but if you're talking like 10 20 mobs yeah use seal of command that's more important and then your priority is hammer of the righteous followed by consecration followed by holy shield followed by shale of righteousness on a single target and keeping up sacred shield that's your priority list not your rotation priority list use these abilities as they're coming off cooldown instantly the moment they come off cooldown and then we get into the discussion of single target for a single target priority you will be using seal of vengeance and then you are going to focus on shield of righteousness and hammer of the righteous but why these two abilities above all others well it comes down to what they're doing hammer of the righteous does a lot of damage based on your weapon dps four times your weapon dps and it's holy damage shield of righteousness slams your target shield slam ability that does damage based on your block value and an additional 520 20 damage these two abilities are your main damage and threat abilities they you should prioritize these abilities above everything else however however which one should you use over the other well it depends on your gearing early on and i'd say until trial of the grand crusader at the very least if not ice crown citadel shiel of righteousness is going to do more damage and threat than hammer of the righteous but after that you're going to get weapons with such a high dps that you're gonna eclipse shield so it's to change dependent on the gear that you have but there's more to this story than just that because blizzard does love to mess with people and so they added librarians like this libra the brim of obstruction librarians that have a buff to say or block value depend that require you to use another ability in this case in the case of liver librium of obstruction which is a badge of heroism labrum that you get from five man heroics or next 10 and it's very cheap i think it's like 15 bad badges of heroism you get whenever you use a judgment 352 block value for 10 seconds so you want to use this but you want to use judgment to get this buff it is a buff before you shield slam and then in old war it's even better you get a libram of sacred shield this drops from general vezex and gives you 450 block valley for 20 seconds each time you use polyshield which basically means that you're gonna want to use holy shield before you before you do the pull you want to use a pre-pull because 20 seconds is certainly a significant amount of time most of the time you wouldn't care about using holoshield pre-pull because it's really going to run out and it messes with their abilities but you would put holy shield at the top of the list uh there before you even sacrifice your old or divine play but this brings me to the single target priority use your libra mobility that's your top priority if you have a librarian that increases your damage and then for tier 7 you'll be using shield of righteousness followed up in the priority list by hammer of the righteous followed by judgment holy shield consecration and keeping up sacred shield if you have a weapon with very high weapon dps and not necessarily a lot of block value hammer of the righteous takes priority over shield of righteousness crucially this isn't a rotation ladies and gentlemen you don't rotate these abilities you use them the moment they come off cold and the mistake i see on a lot of guides and i can tell you i've played with some really high uh high level dpsers highly skilled that were roasting my ass on the fram meter and the way i dealt with that is i ignored anyone who told me oh user rotation no i shield slammed and hammered every single boss and i kept fret against people doing 12k dps in old war on hodir against people in 10k on other bosses i was able to keep fret on them ignore anyone who tells you use a rotation like shield judgment hammer all that is worthless advice do shield followed by hammer if you need to judge you're judging because you want to get the librium buff not because judgment is doing a lot and you want to keep polish yield up as much as possible of course consecration and sacred shield up as much as possible but it isn't your main priority doing a lot of shields and hammers in a fight is the most important thing for you as a tank especially when you pull or when you're when uh aggro may reset or something spawns in fight that one ad spawns in a fight you shield follow up immediately with a hammer if you have the liberal mobility up if you don't get the top shield hammer or hammer shield that's what you should do get used to it there is no rotation wipe it from your memory if you ever heard anyone tell you there is a prop paladin rotation i can tell you hand on heart they've never dealt with dpsers that were roasting their ass on the frame meter i have and this is what i did to deal with it and then finally what you want to have not rotation but still something i felt i should put here in this video somewhere is you want to have a cancel aura macro for divine sacrifice and divine shield and then mouse over macros for at least cleanse handle protection and sacrifice i will provide a pastebin link in this video where i will add my current macros that you can use yourself they should work in wrath classic i hope if not i'll adjust them as necessary but i do assume that they are going to work gearing priority wise you are going to get it defense and resilience to reach the credit cap the five percent chance to reduce critical blows ideally you would do so only for defense but when you're gearing up you may be using resilience or if even if you're fully rate geared you may still use some resilience to help you reach it you need 540 defense minus any resilience that you have to get that five percent chance to not get crit by bosses after that you get stamina over armor armor is still important don't ignore that aspect because it reduces the damage you're thinking but you want to prioritize stamina over armor though many times you will get pieces that have quite a lot of armor on them may have a bit less stamina but you want to use the armor pieces like some legs in ulduar and an ice crown citadel are really good for this after you you've increased your survivability you're not taking crit you've got a lot of stamina and armor you wanna get the expertise dodge cap this is about 20 expertise with a five percent chance of your blows not being dodged or parried uh the dodge cap is five percent pretty certain about that the parry cap is 15 i think could be wrong a bit on this you know exact values are i could be wrong in exact values but that's what but what's important here really is you want to get the dodge cap whatever that is you want to get the expertise parry cap eventually as for this final row you have hit block value and expertise that are going to be important for your threat your head cap is eight percent for physical six percent plus improved fairy fire for your taunts you don't you're not going to get the spell hit cap do you do have the eight percent cliff um a percent chance to hit with your taunts from glyphs most of the time i don't really prioritize hit too much i instead focus on the expertise part cap and block value i think those are more important but i think overall i think overall you want to achieve some kind of decent balance between hit block value and getting expertise past the dodge cap you will unlikely ever be able to get both the head cap and the expertise parry cap and a lot of block value that's highly unlikely hell it's highly unlikely that regardless of the gearing you're using unless you're jamming for it that you'll get both hit cap and expertise parry cap unless you're talking about very high level gearing and even then not so much so there are trade-offs but i think you prioritize expertise then you get then you do a balance between hit block value and the parry cap on expertise like get the dodge cap then balance those other stats out and that's all you need to know about the protection paladin in wrath of the lich king classic we pretty much got all we wanted coming from burn crusade into raphael skin we got much better single target threat burst threat cooldowns rate cooldowns uh personal cooldowns prop paladins became a lot stronger and we ended up surpassing warriors in pretty much every single way with the exception of aoe tanking and that's why warrior tanks got reduced to and raptor licking the best aoe tanks in the game garbage on bosses well that was a twist of fate justice i call it when i was playing burning crusade on retail i found myself in so many situations where a lot of guilds flat out refused to even take me and even concern me regardless of my gearing experience awareness communication just because i was playing a prop paladin i wanted to main tank and it's like well that's a job for a warrior we just want you to tank ads if even that but things did end up changing for the better in wrath though i speak of the paladin being the miss tank and wrath that's really something that took a while to develop when raf launched we were all bending the knee to the death knight overlords not even the blood decays just death knights in general with their hybrid specs cooldowns etc though blizzard did make changes that tweaked death knights and made them a lot less overpowered they're though they're still pretty strong a very strong class as the dps dpsr i mean the meta and raf from a rating perspective is going to be dk lock mage and paladin like those are the classes you're going to stack maybe druids and priests to a lesser extent but yeah that's kind of how things are going to be in wrath of the lich king classic i hope you all enjoyed this if you have any questions or want to give me any feedback feel free to hop on the discord or leave a comment in the comment section the link into this discord is in the description of this video check out the paste pen for the macros the cancel our macros the mouse over macros that i've made hopefully they will work in classics they don't i will update that paste bin as necessary and for everyone that does enjoy my content for all of you that have supported me over the years i want to say thank you i'm gonna say especially big thanks to jay vacre elaine and anthony among many others that have shown their support in one way or another over the years i wouldn't be here without that support so huge thanks and to anyone who is willing and able to do so consider donating via paypal or patreon or join the youtube channel membership would certainly be very useful these kind of videos take a lot of time and effort and dedication um to do i've been playing a prop paladin for 15 years and i think one of the one of the things to understand about playing any class or role very well in wow it's not something you should ever get comfortable with you should you always have something more to learn new things to discover ways to improve your gameplay your ui your playstyle your awareness your communication all that it's always a constant journey of self-improvement if you want to call it that so stay tuned boys and girls because there is more coming
Channel: Costin Gaming
Views: 107,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrath of the lich king protection paladin guide, wrath of the lich king classic protection paladin guide, world of warcraft wrath of the lich king guide, wrath of the lich king classic paladin tank guide, wrath of the lich king paladin guide, wrath of the lich king classic protection paladin tank guide, wrath of the lich king paladin maintank guide, wrath of the lich king protection paladin rotation, wrath of the lich king classic class guide, wrath of the lich king classic guide
Id: Z4gVbzM66aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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