WOTLK Retribution Paladin Guide

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hey what's going on guys x-ray here and welcome to the classic rough retribution piloting pv guide this video is made for phase one and i'll try to make an update video on changes that must be made in your play style and gear in each phase so make sure to subscribe to my channel not to miss those out i'm making retribution content for the whole classic rough expansion if you're into the content and please don't forget to like this video thank you very much and just wanted to say that since i'm making a complete guide the video may be a bit long but you can notice over the timeline and select which part you want to watch so as you may know red paladins has changed so much from tbc and now it's way more fun and easier to play we've got a brand new ability called divine storm which is one of your main strong abilities both in aoe and single target damage you no longer have to seal twist for more damage and instead you can have your seals up for almost 30 minutes exorcism can now be used on any target but if it's used on the undead and demons it will land a critical hit which is great cause almost 70 percent of dungeons are raised in wrath or undeads and demons retribution now is much much better in doing cleave damage thanks to seal of command divine storm holy wrath and consecration this one is not only for paladins but now we got glyphs which enhance our abilities and red paladin is one of these picks that has a strong damage glyphs including glyph of holy wrath which reduces cooldown of your holy rough ability to health and that is what makes red a beast when cleaving down on this in dungeons as well as other glyphs including glyph of judgment glyph of consecration or exorcism and much more so what's the best race for attribution paladin it depends if you're playing horde or the alliance if you're on horde side your only option will be blood elf which is not weak at all you have arcane torrent which silences all nearby enemies for 2 seconds if they're players and 3 seconds if there are non players and you got magic resistance which makes you to have a two percent chance not to get hit by spells on the alliance your best choice is human humans have three additional expertise when holding two handed swords or maces which is so good and they got diplomacy which hands down is the strongest passive you can have early in the game when grinding reputation you are 10 faster in getting reputation and that's awesome additionally you got every man for himself which is a 2 minute pvp trinket that frees you from any kind of crowd control which can be used in some situations even in pv fights and you got also three person additional spirit as a human and all these make me say humans are the best red paladin race both in pve and pvp there's also two other options that are dwarves or the draenoi dwarves have two more expertise than humans than only holding two handed maces not swords and they got two percent chance to resist frost damage and the stone form ability which makes you take 10 less damage for 10 seconds and remove all your debuffs drainair has an ability that heals you for a percentage of your attack power for 15 seconds and they also bring a one-person additional hit rating buff to the party members that is so good but i still think humans are the best race for rich paladin in general so the step priority for retribution paddling should look like this 8 percent heat rating 28 expertise on single target and by the way 10 expertise can be brought from glyphosate of engines and 3 if you're a human holding swords or maces then strength critical strike agility haste raiding which helps your seal of engine stacking and seal of command procs on faster auto attacks and completely ignore armor penetration as it doesn't work for retribution these items will be explained in another video which will be posted in a few days but i explained this enchants sockets and librom in this one the metal circuit you should be using is 21 crits plus three percent increased critical damage and to activate this metal circuit you gotta use two blue sockets uh green or purple also may work and the best one though might be 10 strength plus 15 stamina purple socket and in all other sockets you got to use 20 plus the strength red socket and if you're willing to activate your socket bonuses too i suggest you to use 10 strength 10 critical or the 10 strength 10 heat rating orange circuit for yellow circuits based on the stat you're missing the most and these are the best enchants in case you're not missing the hit rating and expertise cap this is a list of this enchants you should be using and almost three enchants need you to have engineering and tailoring professions first one is the sword guard embroidery which has a chance to increase your attack power by 400 for 15 seconds and the two other ones are the hyper speed acceleration from engineering on gloves which has a one minute cooldown and grants you 340 haste rating for 12 seconds last one is a nitro boost which you all know what it does and it also gives you 24 critical strike rating and since red has limited mobility this enchant is a must-have so if you're trying a min max these two should be your professions your best librarian in phase one is deadly gladiator's librarian of fortitude which grants you 120 attack power for 10 seconds on each crusader strike this librarian requires 1930 arena rating if you can't get your hands on it then these two are your other options one for single target and the other one for cleave damage [Music] so there's a talent template you can just copy which is the one you were just watching and these are a couple of options you can have with your two remaining points you can choose improved layout hands when combined with minor leon hands glyph which results in reducing leon hands cooldown to 11 minutes and whoever gets healed by it will have 20 reduced damage taken for 15 seconds if you're more of a support person in raise or 5 mm parties you can go like this or also if you just don't feel like it and just want not to fall behind because of race limited mobility you can just choose pursuit of justice instead to increase your movement and mount movement speed by 15 percent majority of red players usually find this town more entertaining than leone hands but as i said it's an option you can decide to have or not there's another option which is situational and that happens when you have a second repel in your raid and the option is not taking improved blessing of might so now you can remove two points from improved placing of might and spend them on pursuit of justice or improve lay on hands keep in mind that when you take improved blessing of might you should be prioritized to only give might to your party because it is stronger than the usual one there is also something i must clarify and that is about vindication talent there's a myth that says it reduces rateboss's attack power and that is absolutely not true this talent doesn't work on raid bosses but it does work on elite mods which are also called trash so you better not waste a single point on this when raiding so what glyphs should be used there are two minor glyphs that you have to use and those are sense undead and delay on hands first one increases your damage against the undead while your sense on that is active by one percent glyph of lay on hand combined with improved lay on hands so you can have its cooldown reduced to 11 minutes third miner i suggest you to have is the glyph of blessing of might and the last one is just optional you can pretty have anything but this one helps you in solo content default major glyph you should be using is glyph of judgment it's just a solid 10 damage buff to your judgment and for the next two glyphs it really depends but you should be using glyph of seal of vengeance and consecration this one gets you 10 expertise and is a must-have on single target if you don't have expertise cap if you have which is kinda impossible or you don't care about it then you can replace it with glyph of exorcism in single target or glyphosate holy wrath in aoe against the undead angulith of consecration is just a solid 20 buff to your consecration as well as helping your mana and rotation so before going into the in-depth rotation explanation let's talk about your seals the only seal you'll be using in aoe fights is seal of command this seal deals holy damage up to two additional nearby targets every time you do an auto attack crusader strike or divine sword that's why haze raiding helps your cliff damage faster melee swings proc still of command much more often that results in higher cliff damage in single boss fights you should be using seal of engines since it's the strongest every melee hit has a chance to apply a holy dot that stacks up to five times and each of them at ten percent to the dot damage if you get five stacks then every single of your auto attacks deal extra 38 percent of your attack power some people say seal of righteousness is better than cielo vengeance but that is not true the truth is seal of righteousness only is better in fights that last only 20 to 30 seconds where you can burst down the bus when your wings go down as well if the fight lasts long none of your shields can compete to see level engines on a single target [Music] so guess what we've reached best part of a guide the irritation for newcomers in rough rotation is just like first come first serve and they just try to use anything that comes off cooldown but there's a priority list for sure for single target you should be using seal of engines if bossfight lasts longer than 30 to 35 seconds otherwise you should be using seal of righteousness and the priority list is judgment crusader strike divine storm consecration agencism and here's a few tips from me crusader strike is being prior because of deadly gladiator's libram of fortitude which grants you 120 attack power on every crusader strike it requires 1930 rating in arena so if you can't get your hands on this relic then crusader strike should be used after divine storm or even consecration second one is that in execution phase when you can fit hammer of wrath in your rotation it should have the highest priority and the last one since in phase one next romans buses and trash are all undead your exorcism will always land a critical hit so you should be doing almost eight or nine king critical hits on avenging graph using egyptism and that's not a thing you can disregard so when fighting the undead in my opinion exorcism products on wings should be used immediately rather than having the least priority and there's a priority lease for aoe2 crusaders strike first in the opener for attack power from libra if you don't have the liberal otherwise divine storm crusader strike consecration judgment for mana hammer of wrath exorcism and if you're fighting the undead you have to press holy wrath on cooldown preferably after crusader strike with the attack power buff don't forget you can always pop avenging wrath trinket and haste potion for higher burst and here's my three tips on the aoe rotation first don't forget that this is not the actual rotation it's just a priority list which means for example if you've reached the point that you can exercise them and you get divine storm backup in the same exact global you have to choose divine storm second tip since retribution paddling gets a lot of aggro don't start early on the pack with a big divine storm since you may get aggro just try to use smaller attacks including crusader strike for attack power buff or consecration then start blasting and the last tip that comes with the second one is that if tank is pulling a pack from far away and wants to snap them around the corner using line of sight you can actually pre-cast a consecration so you can save a global and have extra damage on your burst without spending a global on conservation while on avenging graph so why should red be chosen in a raid composition or in a five man party i'll tell you now buffy's retribution has a variety of buffs when it comes to buffing 687 attack power if talented 10 percent increase all stats and 92 mana per 5 seconds rates give 3 percent increased damage done to the whole raid using their aura and also your aura increases everyone's casting melee and rage attack speed by 3 percent red also increases their targets chance to take additional critical strike damage by three percent using judgments speaking of judgment red can also use judgment of light to help teammates heal themselves by hitting the judgment target or they can also use judgmental wisdom to help them get mana every time they hit the target and when any of your judgments are used they give 10 raid members a buff that is also known as mana replenishment that gives one person of their mana every 5 seconds so these are the buffs retribution can bring to a raid or party and performance wise reds do great burst damage in median pools and can do insane aoe damage when fighting the undead thanks to holy rough device storm and consecration retribution is among one of the best specs that has high consistent damage in wrath of the lich king not only because of the damage but because you can do great off heals and you have tons of utility for a raid you have a strong great white defensive called our mastery which doubles the effectiveness of your auros for a few seconds leonhard not only is a great outfield that saves the tank from dying but also reduces their damage taken for 20 percent if talented turn evil to fear the undead cleanse toxins can dispel almost everything except curse holy wrath is a masses done to the undead you got multiple aura buffs freedom which removes any immobilization placing a protection or buff to save people from dying divine intervention so you can hank a healer so when you're about to wipe you can save whole race precious time not running to the boss for minutes hammer of justice which has the highest stun duration in the game same as kidney shot and of sacrifice gives defensives to an ally and of salvation reduces an allies threat over time for 10 seconds and you have the ability to taunt as retribution and this sometimes comes in handy where the off tank dies and your raid just needs a taunt from someone so you can save the main tank and just finish the boss off when it comes to macros red paladins are the ones who can customize their utilities using macros most simple one you can do is not to target the one you're using utility or all fields on using at their name or party one two three four or you can use mouse over so it works like whoever you mouse over on will be your spell's target you can create these kind of macros for all of your utility spells and off heels and the advantage is if you don't change your target to a friendly your character won't stop attacking and you'll not lose dps not only that but also you won't spend time trying to target your last target after the second one is about avenging wrath i see a lot of players having two keybinds for their offensive cds and the unused string kit which has the same cooldown what's the point of doing this well you're losing one or two globals and to be honest that's a huge dps loss simply micro all of them together and also add a global consuming spell at the end most of the offensive cds and on your string kits don't spend a global so if you can actually try to use them in a macro you won't see any of your spells going into cooldown for a second which we call it global which means you can add for example a judgment to your offensive micro and this way you can start damaging from the very beginning of the fight and also spend the first global there's also a macro that is called one button that a lot of you guys have heard of it it actually allows you to prioritize your spells only using a single button and i'm not trying to say it's bad or good so i copied and tried it to figure out if it's useful or not and to be honest it does feel good to use this macro but it's not perfect sometimes a higher prior spell is ready and it continues the rotation and additionally it's just a macro that mimics the priority what if suddenly boss fight turns into an airy fight or what if you're told to stop padding and only focus the boss it's just a macro and you're a human you can think and decide what spell has higher priority at the moment after all i'm not convincing you not to use it here's a macro for single target for sure it's usable but i'm pretty sure if these macros go viral and everyone uses them blizzard won't allow us to use sequence macros anymore because this macro is also made for other specs too but until then it's usable by the way all these macros are available in the description below and here's a few retribution tips from me in rafaelish king don't forget to prioritize exorcism and holy wrath against the undead it just pumps your dps make sure to build five stacks of vengeance on single target before popping cds make sure to give yourself blessing of salvation right before you're about to pop off with full potential of bursting in big tools don't forget to use your sacred shield on the tank if you ain't got a holy paladin or on yourself if you got one it's just one of the strongest defensives in wrath don't waste your time when out of damaging globals just reapply sacred shield make use of your placing of salvation and other stuff don't ever watch this screen when you don't have anything to press for 3 seconds try to use your hajj more often especially on the mobs that are more dangerous for your tank one of the big differences between good and bad red pallies are the one that uses hajj and the other one that doesn't even in dungeons most of red paladins forget they have an ability called lay on hands to use this more often and more frequently make this macro and put it in your spell bars and pass the team leadership to your tank whenever tank calls out for help just press it without targeting him not only you save him from dying but also he will take 20 less damage for 15 seconds if you're talented don't count consecration as a small thing especially in single target in wrath consecration deals the most damage comparing to all other expansions if you're not doing so don't hesitate fitting divine playing your rotation as you may run out of mana more frequently just use it on cooldown when you run out of damage buttons and the last tip is when you know you're getting damage in a few seconds and you want to help your healer don't use divine shield if you got divine protection off divine shield causes you to deal half damage for the whole duration and is not your best option when trying to mitigate the damage unless you're getting one shot instead use divine protection which reduces your damage taken by 50 for 12 seconds and not only it mitigates the damage but also doesn't reduce your damage by half and is one of the strongest damage mitigation defensives in the game you won't ever have this in any other expansions so that was it hope you guys enjoyed watching and made use of the guide if you've got any kind of questions about anything just feel free to drop a comment and thank you so much for spending your precious time watching and hearing me out if you think the guide was worth it and useful make sure to subscribe to the channel and like the video if you do so i appreciate it by the way as i said i'm making retribution content for the entire duration of raf expansion so if you're a retribution paladin make sure to follow the channel i will post phase one retribution panel in this items in a few days and make sure to check that out thank you again and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Xret
Views: 123,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, classic, wotlk, Wotlk ret paladin pve, wrath ret paladin pve, wrath ret paladin guide, wrath ret paladin pve guide, wotlk ret paladin pve, wotlk ret paladin guide, wotlk retribution paladin rotation, wotlk retribution paladin pvp, retribution paladin wrate, 3.3.5 ret paladin pvp, 3.3.5 ret paladin pve guide, Classic wrath, Classic WRATH Ret paladin guide, Classic WRATH Retribution paladin guide, How to dps as ret paladin in wotlk, wrath beta ret paladin
Id: P262UOoWEdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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