WOTLK Protection Paladin Rotation Guide

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crop powders main abilities have six second and 9 second cooldowns our six second abilities are Shield of righteousness and Hammer of the righteous our nine second abilities Are Holy Shield consecrate and judgment alternate between casting six second and nine second abilities for maximum threat and high hill Shield uptime in the nine second ability slot you can also cast your other spells and utility such as Hammer of Wrath Avenger Shield Divine plea and sacred Shield if your party is in trouble don't be afraid to break the flow of the rotation to cast utility blessing of protection sacrifice and salvation as well as land hands and cleanse can be the difference between a wipe and a clean boss kill to pull boss first buff yourself with your seal Divine plea and holy Shield if you don't have a paladin healer use sacred Shield as well then get in range of the boss and use this pull macro this macro casts avenging wrath holy Reckoning and Avengers shield all in the same gcd if you have any shrinkets you could put them in here too if you want to use an armor pot you can macro it in beforehand of Reckoning or just use it before the macro like I do be sure you cast this before the boss enters combat with you so your holy Reckoning deals damage after the full macro I like to start with judgment then proceed with a normal rotation here's what it would look like first I refresh my seal put on holy Shield Divine plea uh holy Shield sorry that was secret before macro judge Shield of righteousness then we just proceed with the macro or the rotation I have this Lux those Paladin mikora and I've organized it in such a way that I just cast the leftmost six second ability then the leftmost uh nine second ability and that works really well for me and that's all there is to it have fun playing prop Alden
Channel: Ryechus
Views: 48,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hfzW880FbO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 48sec (108 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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