Prospering in Tough Times

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everybody and welcome to faith foundations class we're coming to you live from the revival capital of the world Kenneth Copeland ministries here in the sanctuary of Eagle Mountain International Church and today we have a special guest with us he's a longtime friend of pastor Terry and myself and of this ministry we were ordained together many years ago with brother Copeland he and Cindy traveled the world have a tremendous ministry and they're also instructors here at the Kenneth Copeland Bible College and I am so excited Spencer about what you bring I'm always excited about what you bring because he always is is spirits trench stretching information from heaven god it's so fun to be here we welcome you we're glad that you're here take it away amen thank you well greetings this morning happy Palm Sunday we're very excited that the Spirit of the Lord is moving and flowing and we're just going to have a great word today I just want you to get excited about what Jesus is gonna do in your heart and in your life today I believe that by the end of this session that you're going to experience Jesus in a whole new way and so get ready you know buckle your seat belt right there on your couch or wherever you are because the Spirit of the Lord is there with you and he's gonna move on you and he's going to move through you we're gonna pray and we're just gonna release the anointing of God where you are right now father in the name of Jesus I just pray for everyone that's watching everyone that's tuning in right now the father in Jesus name they will reach out with their heart with their spirit and take hold of everything that you have for them father wherever they've been in life I thank you Lord that you're bringing them up to a new level to a new realm and father we release that to happen today we thank you so much for doing it and we bless your name we praise you we glorify you come on lift your hands wherever you are and just praise Him thank you Lord we praise you and glorify you we invite your presence Lord into where we are and we thank you that your glory is here in Jesus name Amen well god bless you just sit back and relax get excited about what's getting ready to happen in your life we're gonna look at some scriptures we're gonna look at some principles in the Word of God that I believe are going to to stretch you and open up some things to you pastor George mentioned that I'm one of the instructors at the Kenneth Copeland Bible College and I just want to give a shout out to all of our students I haven't seen you for a month and I miss you guys so much I think about you all the time I pray for you every day and I'm excited about the times that we get to get back together again and see each other again I just believe that you're just growing and the things of God and that you're getting excited about God launching you out into the ministry that he has for you so high love you bless you I just wanted to to say that before we got started it's Palm Sunday and so I want to begin in John chapter 12 and starting in verse 12 and I want to talk about just the setting there because there's something happening today but I believe that you can open up your heart you can open up your mind you can open up your your home your atmosphere to a new level of Jesus so let's look at this in John chapter 12 and starting in in verse 12 it says the next day a great multitude that had come to the feast and when they had heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him and cried out Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord the king of Israel then Jesus when he had found a young donkey he sat on it as it is written fear not daughter of Zion behold your king is coming sitting on a donkey's colt so here's the setting the atmosphere was electric with expectation that Jesus was here just previous to this he had raised Lazarus from the dead the word was getting around that that had happened people were just buzzing they were just so excited about seeing this Jesus who raised somebody from the dead and and it blessed them to be able to come and to welcome him into town and they welcomed him into where they were now I want us to look down at verse 19 because there was another group of people that weren't so excited about Jesus being there it was the Pharisees and the religious leaders and it says this in verse 19 of John chapter 12 the Pharisees therefore set among themselves you see that you are accomplishing nothing look the world has gone after him now this is something that I believe is happening right now with this with this pandemic this thing that's going on and everybody is in isolation and everybody has to stay away from everybody else but this is a time like no other where we can go on the airwaves and we can reach into every home and a lot of the distractions that are normally happening around you suddenly those things are not available and suddenly you can focus in and hear from God and get a word from God so I really encourage you today on Palm Sunday that you get excited and invite Jesus in and you say Jesus come into my home in a new way Jesus show up in my life in a new way Jesus manifest yourself to me in a brand-new way get excited about the presence of God and receive him and the rest of the world is going to notice and they're going to say look look the whole world is going after him this man this man what's so special about this man well here's what's so special about him he has the anointing he is the anointed one the anointing is all over him an anointing flows out of him and so today this is what we're gonna talk about we're gonna talk about nothing but the anointing and so as you hear these words today I want you to let them like take hold and get into and onto your spirit because there's going to be a new anointing released in your life today and it's going to be powerful and it's going to flow all over you here's what I believe is going to happen it's the anointing oil of God is going to come on you and get all over you and this anointing oil is gonna make you slippery it's gonna make you so slippery that when kovat 19 tries to come along and tries to get ahold of you you're gonna slip right through its fingers like a wet bar soap you're gonna be so slippery from the oil of the anointing that poverty can't touch you debt can't touch you these pressures can't touch you disease can't touch you sickness and death can't touch you God is going to move in your life in such a way that the anointing is so strong and so powerful on your life that nothing shall by any means hurt you because of the anointing so we're gonna look at that but I want to share some things with you right now about something I was thinking about this the other day and I thought it was interesting just under a year ago last year in May Cindy and I had the privilege of going to visit a very special place we went to the JW Marriott Resort in hotel on a little island outside of Venice it's part of the Venice Venetian Islands and and it was it was so wonderful and it was so amazing and if we have some of those pictures I was going to have you pull those up because I wanted to talk about anointing oil this this little island is so special for for many decades this little place was a hospital for respiratory diseases and they took in people that there was had a great ocean breeze and had fresh air there's the gardens out in front of the hotel it was just a beautiful place they have olive groves they have rose gardens go ahead and go to the next picture this was the hotel and some of the grounds go to the next one this is the the pool on the top of the hotel overlooking Venice it was just a beautiful place go ahead and go to the next one that's some of the hotel there this is the front of the hotel one of the entrances this is a chapel that was a church when they had when they had the the hospital on the island this is the chapel where they would gather together and worship the staff and and some of the patients that were there and it was just a beautiful setting go ahead and there there's some of the roses and a little bottle of the oil that I'll talk about in just a second but it's called Isola delle rose is the name of the island it's the island of roses and that's the little bottle of oil I have that here too a little bottle of oil and that's a prayer cloth from Eagle Mountain International Church the revival capital world that we brought with us that we left there on the property we got to walk around the property we got to pray over that area and we just invested ourselves spiritually into that place God sends us on these assignments and we just went and put our footprint there so that the anointing would be there go ahead and go to the next one there's Cindy and I with some of the grounds in the background there there's some of the roses this is why it's called the island of the rose they have white roses everywhere all the roses on the island are white and it's just so pure and so beautiful and there's the chapel with the roses in the foreground there's the chapel from another angle from the roof of the hotel and another angle of it to just it's just a beautiful place and we got to go and we got to stay there and and pray and just release the anointing of God it was just so awesome we bought some of the oil they they have olive groves there and they make their own they press their own olive oil there and we thought that was so awesome so we got a bottle of the olive oil and brought it home with us well several weeks ago when we heard that Italy was in especially the Venice area was one of the hardest hit areas with this virus it was personal because we had been there and it touched our hearts and it's interesting how God works in your life he he does things in your life and he connects you to things so that it'll be personal so that it will touch your heart so that you can release compassion so that you can release anointing when we heard what was going on in Venice and in Italy we got on our oil and we anointed ourselves in proxy for the people of Italy and we stood in intercession for the people of Italy and I just believe right now in fact I'm just gonna declare right now that that virus suddenly is going to take a drastic turn and that curve is going to go just drastically down in Jesus name and I release healing for Italy I release healing for China I release healing for the United States of America for New York City and for New Orleans and I release a jesus name a new anointing in New York and a new anointing in New Orleans that's going to bring healing instead of disease and this touches our hearts and this affects our lives and it does so so that we can rise up in compassion we can intercede for our friends for our brothers and sisters and for our people and for our country so I wanted to share that with you because there's an anointing that's flowing there's an oil of God that's flowing and it's going to make a difference in your life and it's going to make a difference around the world I want us to go to a scripture verse in 2nd Kings chapter 4 and as we go over there we're gonna look at a story where here's a woman with some really serious conditions some really serious situations that she's going through and she needs the anointing she needs an answer she needs solutions to come so we're gonna read this story we're gonna read in chapter 4 from verse 1 through verse 7 and it says there's a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha saying your servant my husband is dead and you know that your servant feared the Lord and the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves so Elisha said to her what shall I do for you tell me what do you have in the house and she said your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil Benny said go borrow vessels from everywhere from all your neighbor's empty vessels do not gather just a few and when you have come in he shall shut the door behind you and your sons then pour it into all those vessels and set aside the full ones so she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured it out now it came to pass when the vessels were full she said to her son bring me another vessel and he said to her there is not another vessel so the oil ceased then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the oil and pay your debt and you and your sons will live on the rest now this story reminds me so much of the situation that we're in in our country right now many people have been touched by death many people have been touched by tragedy many people are being affected right now by financial strains and we need some answers and we need some breakthroughs we need The Anointed One and his anointing to come through for us so this woman just thought about her situation she thought about okay what can I do her husband was dead and so she thought okay what connections do I have well her husband was one of the sons of the prophets he was a disciple in training learning how to be a prophet when he passed away so she threw her husband had a connection to Elijah well Elijah in her generation represented the anointing he represented Jesus Christ he represented the answers from God that could bring solutions to the problem so she had a connection through her husband so she went to him boldly and stood before him and says you know that my husband feared the Lord and I need your help I need you to do something for me and Elijah responded so positively he said what can I do for you what do you have in your house and I love the response here because many times in our situations this is how we feel God's like okay I want to do something for you I want to bring you the breakthrough what do you have that I can work through what do you have that I can work with and you're thinking and you're thinking you're thinking well I'm nothing I have nothing her answer to the Prophet was nothing I have nothing in the house except a jar of oil I have nothing but let me put it this way I have nothing but the anointing there's nothing in my house but the anointing I have nothing but the anointing well that's all you need the anointing is all you need to break this thing the anointing is all that you need to keep disease and sickness and death and poverty away from you she said I have nothing but the anointing and so the instructions from the Prophet were so awesome he said okay shut the door and start to pour I want you to say that right now shut the door and start to pour this is the Word of God for somebody shut the door and start to pour some of you are sitting at home going I'm so bored none of the stores are open there's nothing to do there's nowhere to go I can't go to work shut the door and start to pour what does that mean that means there's something on the inside of you that if you will can't let it rise up you will cause it to have place there in your house shut the door behind you and begin to pour out your heart to the Lord begin to pour out the the faith that is on the inside of you and pour out your heart to God and say God okay here we are this is it God's going to give you answers God's going to give you ideas God's gonna give you insights into your future he's going to give you steps to take he's going to give you directions if you shut the door and start to pour turn the TV off get alone with God and get on your knees and just start to pour out of yourself just words words of prayer words of worship words of praise and begin to pour out to God and you'll see the anointing start to flow and you'll see the answers start to flow well this woman did that she shut the door and started to pour and they filled up vessel after vessel after vessel after vessel I'd just imagine this mom and her two sons covered with oil by the time this was all done they were so slippery she's I bring me another vessel it's still pouring he's like we don't have any more vessels so they had all this oil in the house the house was full of oil God put him into the oil business they struck oil suddenly they had everything that they needed because of the anointing oil she went back to the Prophet and said okay now what do I do he said sell the oil pay the debt you and your sons live on the rest it's like a little poem isn't it sell the oil pay the debt you and your sons live on the rest you probably need to say that a couple of times sell the oil that this anointing that's flowing through you all of a sudden it's going to have substance to it it's going to be bringing you finance it's going to be bringing you blessing it's going to be bringing you breakthrough and pay all the debt you know what here's a word from God you're gonna come out of this pandemic you're gonna come out of this isolation out of debt I know that doesn't look like there's any way for that to happen but you're gonna come out of this with no debt you're gonna come out of this with more money than what you had when you started okay when this thing turns around you're gonna have your turn around and there you might say well there's no weight well there is a way it's the anointing why because you have nothing but the anointing you have nothing but the anointing God is flowing in such a way that the anointing is going to change everything like it did for this woman in 2nd Kings chapter 4 now here's some points I want to I want I want to show you the first thing is connect to the anointing she had a connection she recognized that there was a connection between her and Elisha she connected with the anointing she had a connection so she took advantage of that connection now some of you you are partners with Kenneth Copeland ministries some of you you are members of Eagle Mountain Church some of you some of you need to make the decision and come to Kenneth Copeland Bible College it's been stirring in your heart and you've been thinking about it it's like you know what God has put a calling on my life and I haven't done anything about it some of you need to sell what you have and come to Bible College this next fall because God is wanting to pour into you and pour through you some things that have been stirring in there for a long time okay make your connection out of that connection is going to come answers out of that connection is going to come words from God and direction from God so recognize your connection and connect okay if you're not partners with Kenneth Copeland ministries you should be if you're not a member of Eagle Mountain Church you can be a member online you should be if you're not connected to the anointing hey make your connections now just go ahead and do it okay you've been procrastinating long enough you're a pro at crafts donating you need to stop doing that you need to make your connection and you need to press in for the anointing to begin to flow in your life the second point I want to make is cultivate the anointing you cultivate this you you utilize it you you know when you cultivate a garden you're working the soil and you're working the those plants you're getting the weeds out you're keeping the bugs out you're cultivating you're working you need to work the word Don gives you a word you need to take that word and you need to cultivate it in your heart because that word is full of anointing and it's going to bring answers to you the third thing I want you to do is crave the anointing crave it fall in love with it hunger for it thirst for it Smith Wigglesworth was this way he said I'd rather spend one minute under the anointing then you know and never do if experienced it Kathryn Kuhlman was this way she was like God I have to have your anointing I have to have your anointing flow and miracles would flow they craved the anointing they hungered for it well you have to do that on purpose you can't just take it for granted and go yeah well yeah I've got a Bible yeah this God gave me a word yeah no you've got to hunger for it crave it go after it okay and when you do that the intensity of it will increase and it will grow and you'll see the manifestation of it in your life and when you crave it you can shut the door and start to pour and you'll see it increase and intensify all right here's some things I want to show you some things in the scriptures for several minutes here things to remember in a crisis I just want to show you this the first one is remember this that the anointing is a person it's not a thing you know it's if you're looking at this broadcast and you're like wow where do I get some of that oil you don't need oil from Venice in order for the anointing to flow the anointing is a person I want to read from Luke chapter 4 this is Jesus he comes into the synagogue on the Sabbath day he's just starting his ministry he gets up in front of the congregation he picks a passage of scripture that is in Isaiah and he begins to read now listen to what he says this is so powerful the the anointing is a person listen to what he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord which is the year of Jubilee where every need is met every bill is paid every debt is canceled and everything is restored that's the year of Jubilee at verse 20 then he closed the book and he gave it back to the attendant and sat down and the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on him now this is something that I want you to do I want you to focus on Jesus because he is the anointing he is the anointed one here's another here's another key he is your anointed one he is the anointed one sent to you so you need to focus on him don't focus on you know don't go to Amazon and order some oil you don't have to do that Jesus is the anointing and he is the anointed one and he says it right here he says it's the spirit alors upon me and I am the answer to every situation every problem every disease every sickness every lack every thing that you need turned around in your life I am the answer and the eyes of all who are in the synagogue were fixed on him they were totally focused on what he was saying and then he said this in verse 21 and he began to say to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing I'm telling you this today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing you're gonna come to know Jesus in a whole new way you're gonna come to know Jesus as your anointed one with the anointing to turn everything around for you now many of you know Jesus as your Lord many of you know Jesus as your Savior he forgave all your sins many of you know Jesus as your Baptizer in the Holy Spirit he filled you with the Holy Spirit many of you know Jesus as your comfort he gives you peace in the midst of the storm but you know what today you're gonna come to know Jesus as your anointed one this is what he said about himself he said I am the anointed one sent with the anointing to solve the problem the woman in in 2nd Kings chapter 4 Sheikh had a connection she made that connection Jesus is your connection and he's available to you we're gonna look at that in a minute but I want you to see him as your anointed one okay I want you to receive him as your anointed one now I want to talk about this for just a second because you know like for the Bible college students here at Kenneth Copeland Bible College I'm their instructor okay I am teaching ethics and I'm teaching the class called the blessing and I'm their instructor and they know me as a teacher they know me as their instructor but there's other people out there that years ago when Cindy and I were doing children's ministry I was their children's pastor and then there's other people that know me as their youth pastor I was their youth pastor and then there's other people that know me as their pastor we passed her to church for 10 years people that know me as their pastor other people know me as a guest speaker my wife Cindy knows me as a husband okay depending on who they were is who I was to them okay now when you needed salvation Jesus became your Savior and you knew him as your Savior when you didn't have any direction and you needed to know what to do next Jesus became your Lord and gave you direction and instruction okay now we're in the middle of this pandemic and you need Jesus as your anointed one with the anointing and I want you to step into a new mentality that Jesus is the answer to this whole thing you say I have nothing in my I don't have any toilet paper in my house but I have the anointing and the anointing can get me toilet paper you know as you know some of you might think that's goofy but you know what if you're out of toilet paper that's a serious issue and but you know what if you'll pray and you'll release the anointing everything you have need up it'll come to you we have a friend up in Connecticut who decided one day she had too much toilet paper so she went down to the local store and started passing out toilet paper to people who couldn't find any okay she became she became an answer she became an anointed representation of Jesus to people who needed toilet paper and I'm sure people were like oh this is such an answer to prayer okay today Jesus the person Jesus is going to become your anointed one with the anointing to change your situation the second point things to remember in a crisis is the anointing is available to you and it's close by I want to go over to Romans chapter 10 and we'll look at this scripture Romans chapter 10 now this is a scripture that's familiar to you but I'm gonna show it to you in a different way Romans chapter 10 and we're gonna start in verse 6 it says this but the righteousness of faith speaks in this way do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who will descend into the abyss that is to bring Christ up from the dead but what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation now you might be thinking okay I need the anointing but you know I don't have Elijah the prophet or I don't have you know this person that I can go to is you know what you don't need that this says the righteousness which is of faith doesn't say if only Christ means the anointing it doesn't say if only the anointing would come down anointing come down anointing we need it to come down anointing come fall on us anointing we need you here now know the righteousness which is of faith doesn't say if only the anointing were here the righteousness which is of faith says it's here it's now it's in my heart it's in my mouth this anointing is with you it's near you it's in you Jesus is in you if you've accepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life the anointing all the anointing you need is on the inside of you it doesn't say if only Jesus were here it says Jesus is here let's get this done let's git-r-done as they say in Texas okay now God's wanting to release this in you but if you're sitting there it says the righteousness of faith does not say do not say in your if you're sitting there saying in your heart oh I don't have any no I have nothing I'm nothing in my house I have nothing in my house but you have the anointing you have a jar of oil you have a Jesus on the inside of you who is full of anointing now think about this for just a second okay Jesus the Son of God filled with the Holy Spirit of God on the earth doing the will of God you can't get more anointing than that this is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all together full of anointing filled to overflowing with so much that they couldn't use all the anointing that they have so they pour it out that level of anointing is on the inside of you if you will unlock it how do you unlock it with your heart and with your mouth you believe in your heart The Anointed One is inside of me the anointing is inside of me and you release it through your mouth I'm anointed to solve problems I'm anointed to turn this situation around Jesus is on the inside of me I have all the anointing that I need I have oil flowing I'm in the oil business suddenly the oil is flowing I shut the door and start to pour suddenly I have all the money that I need suddenly all my debts are gone suddenly sickness and disease flees from me because the Anointed One is in you the righteousness which is of faith says it's in me it's in me now I have it now so that's what you need to remember when you're facing a crisis situation the anointing is a person and the anointing is near not only near but close by not only close by but in you okay now let's look at the next one the anoint number three the anointing is the answer I'm going to go over to Isaiah chapter 10 and Isaiah chapter 10 and this is an interesting verse it says what the anointing does the anointing is the answer to this situation Isaiah chapter 10 and we look at verse 27 praise the Lord just say praise God just start praising and where you are that anointing will stir up on the inside of you and will start to flow hallelujah okay listen to this Isaiah 10:27 says it shall come to pass in that day you know what this is that day this is that day today is that day it's Palm Sunday welcome Jesus come on in this is that day it shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke from off your neck and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil ok now are there burdens going on right now yes people are under a lot of pressure they're under pressure to wash their hands and keep their hands clean and stay six feet away from each other not spread these germs and and that's all that's all good instruction that's all good stuff okay but it's like suddenly things that we never had to do before we're having to do suddenly our whole lives have changed and the way we do things the way we communicate with each other has changed okay and it's become this burden and this yoke but let me tell you what you know a yoke a yoke is for two beasts of burden a yoke is where you take two animals and you hook them together it's this curved piece of wood that you lock together like two oxen and you you lock their neck into this yoke and you hook them up to a heavy load and these two together are having to pull this heavy load the devil Satan is trying to connect our generation to a disease this will you know if we don't change it this is going to be known as the kovat 19 generation this is going to be known as a diseased generation okay well what if we turned it around what if we did what Isaiah 10:27 said and this birdie shall be removed and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil because all of a sudden we've gotten so slippery the disease can't touch us we've gotten so slippery that poverty can't touch us we've gotten so slippery that these burdens these problems these issues these heavy things can't touch us how can that turn around well brother Copeland in the the the victory the virtual victory thon virtual victory campaign this weekend was declaring a heat wave and I declare that with him in Jesus name a heat wave to come and burn up this virus this is gonna be known as the generation who rose up and by their faith took charge and turned some things around it's going to be known as a generation of healing and not disease why because it's going to happen is going to turn around faster it's going to have a greater effect it's going to touch more people's lives and protect the answers that come out of this pandemic this issue this situation is going to release healing for decades I mean healing this is insight into healing for decades to where new virus has changed and formed but we already know how to deal with it beforehand and we can deal with it that fast because things are speeding up and the answer is here okay and the devil is not going to be able to hook us up with disease he's not going to be able to hook us up with poverty he's not going to be able to hook us up with debt for us to pull around our whole lives suddenly because of the anointing oil this burden is removed and the yoke of bondage is destroyed it's annihilated it's it's it's so pulverized that the wind of god blows it away and it disappears forever and it's as if it never happened the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil what do I need is to change this situation nothing but the anointing you just need the anointing to be released in your life and to flow you need to shut the door and start to pour so that you can sell the oil and pay the debt in you and your sons live on the rest this is powerful getting into the anointing getting into the presence of God hungry for it craving it getting into a level of anointing like never before is going to turn this situation around for you it's gonna turn your situation around and number four the anointing teaches you everything we're gonna go over to first John chapter two in the New Testament just before revelation go to revelation and then back up a couple of chapters and we're going to first John chapter two we're gonna read verse twelve to fourteen first of all I want you to I want you to look at this he says I write to you little children because your sins are for you for his namesake I write to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning I write to you young men because you have overcome the wicked one I write to you little children because you have known the father I've written to you father's because you've known him who is from the beginning I've written to you young men because you were strong and the Word of God abides in you and you have overcome the wicked one now John is writing to the church and he's saying look I've written to you and he says several times in a row because you've known the father because you've known him who is from the beginning because you've known something you've known something now this is what I want to encourage you know him Paul says in Philippians he says that I may know him and the power of his resurrection to know him to know him as the anointed one to know him in a new way he's saying I've written to you because you've known him you need to come up to a new level of knowing him and in that new level of knowing him new things are going to be released you know you've known God in this in this level in this realm in this setting before but there's new God is so vast there's new realms there's new levels to know God in and we're in this situation it's time to know God in a new way know him as the Anointed One full of the anointing pouring out anointing for your situation now if you go down to verse 20 it says this at first John chapter 2 verse 20 he says this now says this is God talking to you now he says but you haven't anointing from the Holy One and you know all things I'm telling you this today you have an aunt an anointing from the Holy One and you know what everything you need is in that anointing if you need to know something if you need to understand something if you need to see something that anointing is in there you have an anointing from the Holy One so what do you do it's in your heart it's in your mouth you start releasing it to come forward you don't go around saying I don't know what to do I don't know what we're gonna do I don't know how long this is going to be don't talk go around talking like that go around saying the anointing on the inside of us is change in this situation and it's turning it around and I declare that this virus is over and I declare that this pandemic is done you start talking like that and you know what you're gonna see you're gonna see all of a sudden breakthroughs happen in you and around you and it's going to be powerful and then look at verse 27 same chapter he says but the anointing which you have say I have it the anointing which you have received from him abides it lives in you it dwells in you it's made its home in you and you do not need anyone to teach you but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie and just as it has taught you you will abide in him the anointing is going to teach you some new things the anointing is going to teach you how to come up and how to live on a new level with him and it's gonna be powerful I had a dream last night I was sharing it with Cindy after I woke up and in the dream we were in this beautiful hotel it was a convention hotel and it was just amazing it was all spread out and beautifully decorated it was just massive even the elevators were huge this elevator that I that we were getting on we're gonna go up to the tenth floor and we're coming up to the elevator and people were getting on it and it was like 25 feet wide it wasn't very deep it was maybe about six or eight feet deep and it was all decorated and had had plants and flowers and all kinds of stuff in the elevator and people were getting on deciding what floor that they're going to go to and we were coming up to the elevator and Cindy we had gotten separated somehow there were two of these kind of elevators side-by-side and and she was ahead of me she got on the furthest elevator and the doors were getting ready to close so I just jumped on the one closer to me and the doors closed and we were looking at which floor to go to and and we were going up and I wanted to go to the tenth floor and I ended up on the 14th floor and so I was trying to figure out how I was going to get back down to the tenth floor to see where Cindy was and when I woke up I was just praying about that in the Lord says I'm bringing you into new beautiful places where it's bigger and wider and more spread out than you've ever been and I'm taking you higher than you thought and I thought that God that is such a good word and it's such a good word right in the middle of a crisis God's speaking words to me about going further and higher and beautiful things happening God speaking that to you too okay I wanted to share that dream with you because that dream touched somebody's heart and as someone some of you have been depressed some of you have been you know you've been isolated and so in that isolation all of a sudden I just felt dark and it's felt lonely but you know what there's an anointing on the inside of you and it's rising up in you and you're taking hold of your future and you're taking hold of your destiny and you're taking hold of what God has for you by this anointing okay take hold of it all right the answer the answer the anointing teaches you everything in the anointing is teaching you what to do what to say how to respond how to move how to flow how to be a blessing how to reach out to other people in the midst of this thing okay now I'm gonna wrap it up with this I want to talk about falling in love with the anointing again you know we talked about craving the anointing but I want to talk about falling in love with the anointing again and I want to use revelation chapter 2 verse 4 and 5 just a couple of pages from first John 2 in Revelation chapter 2 verse 4 and 5 Jesus is talking to the church he appears to John he's giving him this revelation that's recorded here in the book of Revelation and he says in verse 4 this is instruction to one of the churches that he's writing to he says remember there he says in verse 4 nevertheless I have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent now I know a lot of times when we hear the word repent it's a negative connotation in our minds it's like oh I'm bad and I've blown it and I've done things wrong but the word repent just means turn around the word repent means go in a new direction quit going this direction go in a new direction okay now Jesus is encouraging the church he's like look wreck nice that you have you've wandered away from your first love the passion that you used to feel and the things that you used to do because you were in love you're not doing those anymore your love has grown cold and you didn't Jesus say that he said in the last days many people their love will grow cold because they'll be hard-hearted or or they'll go numb and maybe that's happened in your life you know you when you read the word there's no sparks anymore you hear you you hear a message and you're like oh yeah I've heard that before no no no no you need to wake some things up on the inside of you again you need to come alive again your love needs to come alive again Cindy and I have been married for a long time we got married in 1976 and this year we'll celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary and you know what we keep our love alive there isn't a day that goes by that we don't tell each other that we love each other that we hold each other that we kiss each other we do that every day why because we're in love you know my grandkids were asking one of my granddaughter's was asking me the other day it's is like have you ever been married before before jima and I'm like well let me think let me think of the other women in my wife let's see there's my girlfriend oh well that's that's Cindy she's my girlfriend she's my wife she's my date she's my partner in ministry she's my best friend she's all of these things in one well Jesus as your Lord and he's your Savior and you know he's your Baptizer in the Holy Spirit but let him be the anointing in your life now today fall in love with his anointing the anointing pours out of his eyes the anointing pours out of his lips the anointing just comes out of him fall in love with that and if you will turn and you will revive the love in your heart for Jesus and his anointing you'll see the anointing flow again like never before he's like look you need to you need to do a couple of things to make this come alive again I was reading some stuff doing some research on this and and looking at how people act what people do when they fall in love how do people feel and what do they do when they fall in love and here's some things that they do you can't stop thinking about them when you fall in love with someone you think about them all the time well I wonder what they're doing now well I wonder what they're what they're saying how well I wonder you know as that's the first thing you just can't stop thinking about can't get them out of your mind the next thing you do when you're in love is you can't stop staring at them when you're together you just want to stare at it you just want your eye is full of them and it's like oh yeah I just want to burn this on the inside of me this image of you right now in this moment you can't stop staring at them the next thing you do is you want to be with them all the time it's really hard to say goodbye I mean it's just like I want you wake up in the morning you want to be with them you know later on in the day you want to be with you want to call them you know when you call them when you're talking to them on the phone here's another one you you can't say goodbye you don't know how to say goodbye it's like yeah well okay I'm gonna let you go now well oh I thought of something else and your conversations on the phone go on and on and on forever and ever and ever remember when you first fell in love with Jesus you talked to him all day and you talked to him all night you'd wake up in the middle of the night and you talked to him because you were in love because he was your Savior and you were so grateful for all that he had done for you well you can do that again because he can become your anointed one another thing that you do when you fall in love you love everything about them in your eyes they can do no wrong and it's just you know you all you can see is all their goodness when you in fall when you fall in love with the anointing when they with the anointed one all you can see is His goodness you look around all this junk is going on but all you can see is the goodness of Jesus because that's all you're looking at man and that's all you're looking for and the last thing when you fall in love you're in a continual state of bliss it's like you're walking three feet off the ground it's like you're in a cloud it's like you know you don't know what's going on around you because you're oblivious to all the bad that's going on because what's right in front of you is so good fall in love with the anointing again as I want to pray with you I don't want to just say this person they say dear Jesus you are my Anointed One dear Jesus I receive into my heart you as the anointing dear Jesus I shut the door and start to pour Jesus everything that you put inside of me I stir it up now I stir up the gift that is in me I stir up the fire that is in me Jesus I am in love with you just say that so say Jesus I'm in love with you say Jesus I fall in love with you all over again just say that over and over again Jesus I fall in love with you I love you so much you're so amazing you're so wonderful as you fall in love with him you're gonna think about him all day and all night as you fall in love with him you're gonna want to be with him all the time it's just like what David said he said look I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord then then you know live a thousand days anywhere else it's like I want to live in your presence Paul was this way David was this way these characters in the Bible were this way they wanted the anointing they couldn't live without it Smith Wigglesworth talked like that he's like oh I have to have the anointing and he knew the anointing was in this word and he knew the anointing was in in the Jesus on the inside of him and he would stir that up all the time Smith Wigglesworth is so funny it's like if you showed up at his house to visit him and you knocked on the door if you had a newspaper with you he wouldn't let the newspaper in the house cuz he didn't he wanted nothing but the anointing he's like I don't want all that bad news I want the anointing nothing but the anointing say that said pray that say God I want nothing but the anointing all I want is the anointing I am in love with the anointing that's what I want that's what I need that's what I'm drawing and drinking and craving and wanting is your anointing your presence in my life I believe the presence of God is filling up your living room your bedroom wherever you are right now the presence of God is coming in there and the peace of God and the rest of God the answers of God the insight of God the fire of God is stirring you up and as being a bless to you today when pastor George preaches his message today you know just get ready the words that he speaks are going to be full of anointing and they're going to get on the inside of you and they're going to be power on the inside of you and you take those words and you cultivate those words and you crave the anointing and you'll see the power of God released in your life and turn some things around pastor George amen you've received that today receive the anointing of God in your life today I received that I take hold of that what an outstanding message I wrote down a couple of things here I like that phrase shut the door and start to pour yes that's really really good and that we will know Jesus as our anointed one you took us through knowing him as Lord as Savior but to know him as the Anointed One the anointed one and his anointing the burden removing yoke destroying power of God he's the answer to everything that really takes a load off doesn't it when you know that he's the answer to everything he will solve the problems he will change our situation and then I like this talking about a new level of knowing him a new place of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ especially right now and then to fall in love with him all over again think about him think about him all the time Spencer thank you so much for being here today being with us and in just a few moments we're going to be going into our 10 o'clock service and we've got so much that's gonna be taking place today we're gonna be recapping some things that took place at the virtual victory campaign that we just had so awesome so in a few moments we'll be right back with you let's go to the studio right now with Pastor Gene and pastor Greg thanks pastor thank you thank you thank you Greg Stevens my friend gene Bailey yeah shut the door and thank you the poor start to pork at the airport he's talking about The Anointed One and that's the Messiah part of Jesus and this is Palm Sunday what would I what would you think if I told you that Palm Sunday had been predicted to the exact day by Daniel no by Gabriel really by Zechariah - the exact date when Jesus would come into the city and it the the backstory Wow Palm Sunday is amazing it's because that's when they really begin to see that he is the Messiah I'm sorry I'm doing it again yeah you know you're preaching again I didn't mean to preach but what what a wonderful day and it is a great day to be alive do you know what I just said to you it is a great date it is is morning in America the Saints are awake and the Devils on the run amen amen Spencer is a instructor at Kenneth Copeland Bible College and a good one and a very good one and I'm telling you that's the level that that yeah here yeah and you know there's so much you know this first year well analysis first and second year Bible School students they're getting that mean they've been in training and now they're getting to apply their training absolutely rely on real-life circumstances I was at one of the stores and several of them work there yeah and is that one of the stores though they and I watched I saw kcb see Bible College students right praying for people in the store name I might look at that yeah wonderful all right so maybe you've thought about becoming a part of Kenneth couple of Bible College it's been something the stirring in you do it do it start depart tip or watch this when we write back there's a personal hands-on experience that you'll get that you won't be able to find anywhere else where you can actually learn things and then apply them to real life and see results right away with each class it takes you higher and higher I love all the instructors and how they impart to us the things that the Lord has laid on their hearts to share with us they give us a new love for the word you better preach what you learn here praise God I'm telling you you start out you listen to it and you listen to it until it comes out of your mouth glory to God but when it comes out of your mouth everything that I'm learning here will carry on and is preparing me for the next step take the next step apply today [Music] amen get your application and get going this thing's gonna be done it's already oh yeah it's already done it's already this this virus is dead just doesn't know it yet yeah it's like the fig tree yeah fig tree was dead the moment Jesus said something just didn't look like it no it's dead and it just doesn't know it yeah that's right I'm so all right so listen we want to talk about the church and what's going on here at EMI Sea listen if you have children at home and you're saying wow I'd missed them they're not in super kids or kids church or my 14:40 student listen you can go right to the website there it is EMI / virtual Church and you can go there special videos that have been uploaded that are just for your aged kids and their if you on there there's all the rest of them so if you haven't seen any of them play them all yeah you won't watch them all day binge watch binge watch super kids yeah so in 1440 those were made specifically freedom for the Steyr right at this time in this season and I mean you know we were planning already to planning to do some things for kids program here on the network but we've just pushed everything quicker so this is you've kind of seen a preview of kids programming that we're going to turn 18 so any of that we would already had some other things planned and because of this we went ahead and just yeah yeah one of the shows we were about to roll out was a show called morning prayer and it was simply supposed to be for pastoral staff and visiting pastors that come through that you're able to get together and pray every morning well we decided to go ahead and roll that out go ahead what we never was a better time than than right now and from the time we rolled it out wow the phones have been jammed and man where people are getting saved healed and agreement and pray there's something about believers coming together in a group our Greg it's the power that's the the corporate energy that happens and and when you watch the victory Channel you're seeing victory you're hearing about victory and when you call the phone number you're getting victory on the other end of the phone from you know you know a lot more about television than I do I know a little bit I know this that most most networks have paid programmers for right so for them to adjust quickly in their in their format they can't do it no cuz they're in Kabul they lose revenue yeah in there in contract we don't have that here god no brother Copeland God was brilliant telling you that he pays for all of their airtime so therefore we can we can quickly make an adjustment right and they understand this that most of our programmers get have several times that they err right so that we take mate preempt one but they have many other sins so it allowed us the freedom to adjust yeah and move quickly some morning prayers tomorrow morning 9:30 Eastern 8:30 central we ask you to join us and agree with us in prayer well yeah I don't I'm not sick I don't need anything praise God then agree with us and help us pray for the needs of others that's right as well amen and then in the afternoon what do we have afternoon 5:00 p.m. Eastern for central it's victory update that probably won't be the name forever but it's we wanted to roll out a daily programme another program we wanted to get going and on that program you're gonna hear we're connecting live with guests in studio and via we've had Rick Renner live from Moscow and we've had other folks come in and connect with us and this next week is going to be a huge week it is it is can we share yeah absolutely tomorrow yeah Todd white he's actually in studio he'll be in studio not not coming in on skype or TV you he will be here yeah and so you're gonna want to be part of you've ever wondered ask Todd a question or anything like this is your chance Tuesday is Marilyn Hickey Wednesday Billy brown Billy brim Thursday Milan Lefevre and then Friday for all of you Rhema people I'm a Rhema graduate all you Remo people out there Kenneth Hagin is with us on Friday that's right man you're gonna it's gonna be great a lot of time a lot of fun we cover the news every everyone with us we covered the news for just a few minutes lay in the spirit of faith in this you'll hear what's happening in the nation but we're not going to be all that doom and gloom stuff we're going to tell you what the word says on top of that well in one of our first program so that first Friday was Billy Burke where we ended up and we didn't stop the department got hit for four hours and people were getting healed just wild stuff that we've never seen but marble has been on Martin Bishop Butler has been on is it's just Jeremy Pearson spearmint Pearson's a pastor George pastor Georgia was on last week it's been wonderful you it's one of those ones you don't want to miss and if you have to miss it I don't know why you'd have to miss it nobody's going anywhere but you can always go back to the website you get a website watch it or DVR we've got a little over a minute left as we will tell us about which is we get over a minute this Wednesday special on your home group this Wednesday we're not doing the normal home group with a panel of course we haven't done a full panel because you know everything's going distancing this is a very special Wednesday Passover begins this Wednesday leading up to Easter it's a double Sabbath week just like it was in the time of Jesus you can explain that more and we'll explain that more and and we're not going to do I'm not gonna do you're gonna learn about what the symbolisms of all the things that Passover but I'm going to show you a little something about what Passover was like in the first century Jesus time it's a little bit different than and then what is now Wow and because I believe there's something significant with this Passover and something significant with this resurrection saying man I'm looking where this virus is concerned yeah the one that we just had the one that was here did it is dead it's gone curse doesn't know it yet yeah alright pastor George is coming up and just about a little under 30 seconds or so let's eat your communion elements ready yes we're gonna have community today here we go father we thank you for partners we bless them in Jesus mighty name called them healed and whole and protected from every harm in the name of Jesus master gene Bailey Greg Stevens saying this God loves you we love you and in Jesus is law here we go [Music] good morning Eagleman International Church we welcome you we're coming to you live from Kenneth Copeland ministries EMI C sanctuary and we are excited about this Palm Sunday and what the Lord is doing in our lives we're gonna hear words from the Lord we're gonna see God move in this service today and you get ready and you be prepared for all that the Lord is going to say in do in your life at the end of the service will receive communion together we'll celebrate Passover and we'll see we'll see the curse of the law just pass over us in the name of Jesus we welcome all of you that are watching from all over the world as a matter of fact right now we have folks that are watching from Canada Guyana Ireland Jamaica New Zealand Sweden Barbados Aruba the United Kingdom South Africa Israel Netherlands Hungary Nigeria Norway Austria Australia Ukraine Germany Bahamas Colombia Brazil India Puerto Rico and the United States of America we welcome all of you this morning to this wonderful service we're going to have today let me read to you this scripture from mark 11 7 it says then they brought the Colt to Jesus through their clothes on it he sat on it and many spread their clothes on the road and others cut down leafy branches from the trees and spread them on the road then those who went before and those who followed cried out saying Hosanna Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord blessed is the kingdom of our Father David that comes in the name of the Lord hosanna to the highest come on let's give God praise and glory this morning hallelujah in Hosanna [Music] freezes rising eyes turning to you we turn you [Music] three long [Music] when we see we find strength in your friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see we flash flare to say in your friends [Music] he fights right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] worship the gene this fee she has done [Music] she has to she has some bread Oh [Music] freak out and break every chain [Music] breathe away take it [Music] [Music] you'll be faithful [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Chaika [Music] [Music] you can't you free as free captain and break every chain Oh you have done [Music] I say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you bring light to [Music] every star that is bro [Music] I won't sing it with us it's your I love [Music] we [Music] we see greed [Music] bring to the dog Cheers [Music] so we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so me [Applause] [Music] my Jesus my lord yes [Music] years we'll shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] you Oh [Music] we'll shout you - Claire [Music] we shall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we [Music] hallelujah is there a hallelujah in the house somewhere hallelujah well welcome to Eagle Mountain the International Church from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the world yes we are alive and well and prospering right here at Eagle Mountain Church the revival capital of the world then I really enjoy praise and worship today I just really enjoyed it and all the people all the angels in the room enjoyed it as well the great heavenly hosts reached Wow listen great things are happening here at the revival capital of the world listen this is I have never been so excited about what's happening in our world there's been a lot of panic but we got praise there's been a lot of worry but we got worship David hallelujah we know how to deal with what's going on because it's already dead brother Copeland we week executed judgment with him last week it's done deal praise God all right I'm not supposed to preach I want to talk to you about what's been going on it's been what a week we're gonna talk about the victory campaign but let me tell you just a little bit of what's been going on here at EMI see what you guys have done what your church has been doing I want to show a few pictures of the church outreach what we've been doing the outreach team's been reaching out to our first responders and right there you see some of the the local hazlit fire department and right there that man standing up there is Jonathan Davis he is a Kay CBC Bible student and he's also a fireman and he's preaching ministering to them we gate we brought them food we also helped with our food and just hold up there guys don't go too fast there's Brian and there you're showing we're going to visit we visited all of our people out there the shut-ins people our church members that needed food we help bring them supplies but let me go back to the fire the fireman for just a moment listen the thing is we want to be up we're a part of the community and you are a part of this community whether you live here or not and so what we've done is we invested in our local first responders and when we do that we help by bringing them food we went out and bought food and had it delivered to help support local businesses and so that's what we did then we visited the church members you just saw that picture with Pastor Brian and then after that we also worked with our very dear friends that you're a part of life unlimited now right there what you see is after they had received some food they're actually praying with some of the people that came listen they present a minister the Word of God people get saved and healed and they're coming to visit and they did and they get food and we give them food everything we did so life unlimited we are so glad to be a part of you Linda right and all that Larry Joe started with such a great members of our church so glad to be there then let me tell you what happened at the front gate so at the front gate here at the ministry the gates are closed because we're under under direct regulations from our local county government so what we did is we put our pastors out at the front gate now that what you see some of the pastoral staff people that drove up they would lay hands on the car and pray for them and if there's any needs they have well just so happened to be that we had some product out there never before did I ever think we would be at the front gate handing out toilet paper but there we were any toilet paper and water bottles and paper towels and people were very happy like I say to get that and but we didn't just hand them stuff out we prayed with them and minister to them and prayed over all of our families listen we have we're so glad that what you've done here thank you for letting us minister back to you and be a part of what's happening at the revival capital of the world alright pastor George why don't you come on up here we have a few other things to talk about Jeanne this has really been quite the last couple of weeks that we've had with all that's going on I'm so thankful for the office of the Prophet amen and the prophets ministry and how that kicks into giving us answers in direction that we need now last week I preached a message here about executing judge / kovat 19 and that came from some 106 talking about phineas and how he has the third high priest he stood during the plague and he executed judgment over that play well we spent quite a bit of time talking about that in the message well brother Copeland was here and I asked him to come up to the platform and - to execute judgment coming out of that prophets anointing and when he came up here it was so strong and it was so powerful and that word I just felt like we needed to bring that word back again today for people to see now we've posted it online and it's it's probably received it's going around the world it's gone literally around the world now show you just a minute how far out in the world it did go but what I want you to do is I want you to watch this if perhaps you did not see it or you weren't part of this last week you need to know where we stand we're kovin 19 is concern as we execute a judgement over that curse go ahead and roll that will exercise judgment right now because we have the name of jihoh thank you Jesus standing in the office of the prophet of God I execute judgment on you I destroy you [Music] I call you done I call you dog gone you come down from your place of authority destroyer you come down and you crawl on your belly like God commanded you when he put his foot on your head in the Garden of Eden you will destroy through covet 19 no more no more no more no more over and the United States of America is healed and well again saith the my hallelujah story called peace who is also the Prince of war the Lord Jesus Christ when oppressive me nasty people attack his people when mean oppressive nasty diseases attack his people George the Prince of Peace takes his places and he becomes the mighty man so we are standing on that word that is that is a prophetic word that came through the Prophet to stop this thing and I really believe pastor Jean that it is it is beginning to just absolutely dry it is we're standing on that believing that word but that's our responsibility when the prophetic word comes were to stand with it in faith and do it and it's gone it's been all over social media and it's gone a lot of places it has done a lot of place as a matter of fact it's gone it went to Holland tell us about Holland well actually a partner sent this video in we're going to roll just a little clip of it they actually took a video of their screen as it went all the way to Holland they were quoting that word you just saw mr. Kenneth Copeland's over an honourable have the greatest views okay [Music] God praise God now the rest of there was a little bit more on that yeah they had the intro to their news program that that came to that yeah so and then we also found out pastor Greg played me a clip from Germany right and I believe it was one of the main networks NBC or something not to I believe this channel too in Germany and you could hear brother Copeland giving that word and then the translation in German was over that it was and you know if anything this week has shown us is not just the power of television in the internet right but that how we are uniquely positioned to take this word of faith for such a time as this pastor George that's for getting it out I mean we've been on like you said all over the world from from Jimmy Kimmel to Holland in Germany that's right exactly the word still goes out so we're still standing on that prophetic word and then the prophetic word is is alive right now as a matter of fact we just finished completed our Branson virtual victory campaign we're supposed to be in Branson yes just last weekend but because of everything that's going on we did that from here so it was our virtual victory campaign and on Thursday night brother Copeland preached a message really prophetic message about how to stop this virus and it's really I thought about it and I was listening to him and how how God uses the prophets of the land to bring the answers that are needed it really is something and so he preached his message it was called God's weapon whether God's weapon whether and as a matter of fact in a moment I'm going to play a clip from last night that he prayed right over this this weather situation and we're gonna post that today as well as a link to the message that he preached on Thursday night so you can go back and watch this but what he said that God's weapon is whether his purpose is to deliver his people and he gave us some scriptures that went along with that and I'm quoting brother Copeland here we have command authority over the weather Cove in 19 days heat yep it hates heat and he said all we need is a heat wave and the Lord spoke to him and said you believe me for a heatwave that will cook this virus believe me for a heat wave that will cook the virus and he just began to declare the word about that and then so that was Thursday night that he delivered that message now last night when he got up to preach he had everybody stand up so I want you to do this right now I want you to stand up where you are I want you to stand up right now he told everyone to stand up and that we needed to pray over that situation and when I was listening to him pray pastor gene I just thought we need to capture this and this this needs to get out there it needs to after we get it out there and posted people need to share it they need to get it out there we we need to be believing for a heatwave to come through and absolutely kill right ovid 19 so take a look at the prayer that was prayed last night as you're standing and let's be an agreement with brother Copeland on this here's what I heard him say tell the people pray for heat like you pray for rain pray for a healing pray for rain now get on your feet glory to God get on your feet wherever you are right now all over the world we've got people watching all over the world you will be shocked when you find out tonight how many people have watched this this week father we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth we pray and we implore you sir and we use these same scriptures Genesis 8:1 Exodus 10 for Exodus 10 12 and 13 Exodus 10 16 through 19 glory to God Exodus 15 1 through 10 numbers 11 that 31 glory to God we pray sir we pray for a heat wave we pray for an uncommon miraculous heat wave we've braved in the city of New York they've come in to exist that doesn't that old suffocating kind of heat glory to God and just kill this thing right where it is oh we think oh we take it we believe we receive it in the name of Jesus give us heat get us a heat wave sir give us a mighty triple-digit heat wave right here in the state of Texas Arkansas Louisiana glory to God just cook this thing cook it we praise you sir I would have never in my lifetime dreamed of such thing if you hadn't spoken it directly to me in the name of Jesus I am eternally grateful I didn't know how you were going I knew you were gonna do it I know I knew it you'd already said to me this thing's gonna let be a lot shorter than you thought it's gonna be because my people are praying my people have overwhelmed it I had no idea thank you sir thank you sir and we'll cook this thing I heard him say this - we'll cook this thing and kill it and it'll come back down just faster that heat it up and we'll have a marvelous wonderful summer and a prosperous summer and the US economy will shoot back up they're worried why that's the miracle president Trump was asking about and talkin praise god father we set ourselves in agreement with the Prophet right now these things are coming to pass whatever needs to take place in the weather system to cause that heat to kill this Lord we receive it yes we believe it and we prepare for that heat wave in Jesus mighty name Amen we aren't in agreement with that right pastor gene we just finished the virtual victory campaign what was the total that we received of how many people that were watching around the world well I don't have the final but I mean we were upwards of 60,000 60,000 and that's that's computers that's connection connections that were made so there's probably more people than that that we are able to - why oh yeah for sure so in a moment we'll show you recap video of the virtual victory campaign but you need to hear this all from this place right here where we're standing that's right and this auditorium was empty with but gistic a cup we had our 10 right people but we had people watching us from all over the world we're gonna read the list of everyone name of the countries that watched the virtual victory campaign gene go ahead the United States Canada United Kingdom Australia South Africa Nigeria New Zealand Puerto Rico Germany Bahamas Singapore Sweden United Arab Emirates Trinidad and Tobago Netherlands Switzerland Mexico Kenya Colombia Guatemala Ghana Malaysia Jamaica US Virgin Islands Brazil Marita's Denmark Italy Jews Becca Stan Zambia Ecuador France Peru Ireland India beans a Russian Federation Poland Japan Luxembourg Hong Kong Barbados Norway Portugal st. Lucia Finland Romania Bermuda Latvia Dominican Republic Austria Chile the Czech Republic Ukraine Aruba Greece Hungary Guyana Panama Grenada Argentina Costa Rica Macedonia Uganda Guam Indonesia China Belgium Uruguay Saudi Arabia Spain Sri Lanka Honduras Iceland Bolivia beliefs Israel Zambia st. Kitts and Nevis Papa New Guinea Kotov wah Martinique the United Republic of Tanzania Nicaragua Tunisia Swaziland and Samoa so from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around her land every available voice take a look at our recap video of the Branson virtual victory campaign [Music] welcome everybody from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle to our virtual victory campaign there is no situation in the human experience that the Bible doesn't cover there's certainly not some little nasty virus gonna keep God from eating all your knees in abundance I know it'd be very easy to lose your joy I know it'd be very easy to cast away your faith but don't do that keep standing on the Word of God never cast away your faith determine that you're going to become more established in faith than you've ever been in your life and today we are expecting miracles and healings like that [Music] you know it was in 1976 the Lord said I'm coming soon I want this uncompromised message of faith preached on every boys and we're doing it literally from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle partners we want to thank you for being able to support us to be able to get this done and to get the Word of God out right in such a crucial [Music] unity to watch go back to go to KCMG org and watch our virtual victory campaign but right now it's offering time I can hear all the cheers out there virtually it's offering time I want you to open your Bible to second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 now while you're getting your Bibles ready and turning to scripture I want to remind you of something you have a covenant of multiplication you have a covenant with God of multiplication brother Copeland taught on covenant pretty much the entire victory campaign on different sides of the Covenant but he kept saying this state and kept making this statement you have to study your covenant you have to study your covenant because his covenant with you is an everlasting covenant which means that in every circumstance and in all ways your covenant remains secure Jerry Savelle made this statement he said this God wants you to abound in blessing so that you become a clearinghouse you hear that so that you become a clearinghouse what is a clearinghouse well it's an agency the definition of a clearinghouse is it's an agency or an organization or a person who collects and distributes our motivation for accumulation is distribution our motivation for accumulation is distribution but brother Jerry said this but you must be faithful and he made this statement don't stop giving why because you're giving connects you to that to what God has promised you in the Word of God your participation in the Covenant connects you to your promise watch this 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 says this and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work the word abound there are two words in there that are very important the first one is the word abound the amplified classic Bible defines it as Bundys but watch this the Greek definition says this it's a thing that comes to you in abundance and overflows or to furnish you richly so that you always have an abundance its to furnish you richly so that you always have an abundance now I keep saying this other word always this word always is equally important the word always means this at all times and in all ways and in every circumstance for ever for ever at all times in always in every circumstance forever which means that there's nothing that can undercut your covenant with God where abundance is concerned nothing nothing can get in the way whether you are working or not working whether the economy is good or it's not so good whether there's weather whether there's toilet paper home the shelf or there's no toilet paper on the shelf you always have an abundance it's because of your covenant now you have to take that by faith because it may not look like you have an abundance but God is able to make you abound now 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 in the passion translation says this yes God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace so that you will have more than enough of everything what all is included in everything everything you need in every situation no matter what it says that so that you have more than enough of everything when in every moment and in every way he will make you overflow with abundance and every good thing you do so there's no end this word always indicates that there's no end to God's covenant concerning you and his covenant that Scripture points back to his promise that he made one remind you of what Galatians chapter 3 verse 29 says this it says in the passion translation and since you've been united with Jesus the Messiah you are now Abraham's child and you inherit all the promises of the kingdom realm what are the weather how often do those promises belong to you are those promises temporal are those can those promises fade away no the scripture that we just read in 2nd Corinthians says that he always makes you abound those promises are everlasting in fact in Genesis chapter 17 verse 2 it says this and I will make my covenant between me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly so the Covenant is a covenant of multiplication verse 7 says this and I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generation watch this for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and your descendants after you ever lasting it lasts forever which means that in the middle of kovat 19 in the middle of economic downturn in the middle of whatever your situation is God always makes you abound now it's important that you realize that there's two sides of covenant God is always going to keep his side but it's our responsibility to make sure that we remain positioned in our covenant with him what do I mean by remain position in our covenant with him well you can't do anything to make the Covenant go away your actions don't it doesn't change God's mind concerning who you are all you can do is either remain in the Covenant participating in cooperating with Covenant promises or step out of that covenant and refuse to participate and cooperate in covenant promises when you give it's your participation with multiplication when you sow it's your participation in multiplication and God keeps his side of the Covenant it's really simple we're tithing is concerned Malachi chapter 3 verse 10 through 12 says this you bring your tithe into the storehouse into your church or at your storehouse is your church and watch this he opens the windows of heaven over you he pours you out a blessing that you don't have room to receive he rebukes the Devourer for your sake he ensures your increase and protects your harvest he gives you a reputation of prosperity and makes you an example of what the blessing looks like and he dispatches angel armies to ensure your increase he makes your prosperity his business that's what happens when you participate in the covenant with your tithe now watch this when you participate in the covenant with your giving you give and according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 where we are right now verses 8 through 10 he multiplies your seed for sowing he multiplies the seed that you sowed he multiplies your resources forgiving you are enriched in every earthly blessing in every earthly resource you are enriched with favor he removes you from the need for external aid and he multiplies your fruitfulness he multiplies your fruitfulness that's what happens when you participate in this covenant of multiplication it's your choice it's your choice in every situation he's always ready to make you abound the only question is will you participate with him in your covenant of multiplication brother Jerry said it best when he gave his word from the Lord during our virtual victory campaign he gave a word from the Lord in the first portion of the word of the Lord that he gave says this do not fret do not fear I still plan to give you a supernatural year he didn't change his mind he's not changed his mind his prosperity your prosperity your prosperity your covenant of prosperity your covenant of multiplication is not connected to what's going on in the earth realm it's connected to a kingdom his kingdom and he's gonna keep his side of the Covenant the only question is are you going to keep your side are you going to participate in your covenant of multiplication well we make it very easy here for you to participate virtually you can give right where you are without even leaving your house go to EMI Sea Org /give or and your information will pop up there if you want to give by cash credit debit or even check you can do it right at EMI Sea Org /give or you can text to give you can text the number three six 609 keyword emi c and the dollar amount whether you do it virtually or you do it in person i want to encourage you though don't leave any of your covenant benefits on the table this morning participate in your covenant of multiplication and watch him make you a bound father in Jesus name we thank you for this covenant that we have with you of multiplication we receive it now Lord we receive your promises that in all ways and in every circumstance you caused us to abound and multiply in Jesus name Amen now let's worship while we give [Music] crying the oceans with the mountains with - the name please he will be ready [Music] we share [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the moon we the church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] grazie to the throne of God raises to the high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] raises raises the [Music] razors [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh father we praise you together right now and thank you that our hearts are lifted up to you we glorify you we honor you we magnify you come on praise the Lord with me praise the Lord with me thank you Jesus we thank you for all that you're doing in our lives we thank you Lord for the word of the pure word of the Lord that you're bringing to us to help us in this time and we are overcomers we overcome all by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and we thank you and glorify you praise is the highway and we magnify you for that in Jesus name Amen and amen praise God what a time we are having together you can go ahead and be seated if you've been standing and I'll move over to this mic here thank you guys thank you so much what a blessing it is to have it's really good to be able to to come into church into worship God I know that we have all these empty seats here but I'm taking advantage of just ministering to the Lord and taking this time to be with him and I'm looking forward to all of you being back with us all of our church members coming back into church it just doesn't seem right to be driving in in the morning and there's nobody parked outside but that's that times coming soon because there's a heat wave coming and it is completely eating up kovat 19 amen amen let's go before the Lord for the word of the Lord today father in Jesus name we magnify you and we praise you for this word that you've given to me to give to our congregation and I thank you that we live we live in victory we live in a place of victory all the time no matter what is going on lord I thank you for the anointing that's upon us the anointing that we receive from Jesus that every answer that we need is available to us everything that we face right now you give us direction on it Holy Spirit thank you for the leadership of the Holy Spirit we pray for our president and thank you for his leadership in the direction that you give him and Lord we pray over all of the leaders all over the world all over the world all the countries that are watching us right now I thank you Father for leaders that give divine direction I praise you for the president of Brazil right now who has called for today to be a day of fasting and prayer Lord we thank you for that but more and more leaders are turning to you because this is the time of the outpouring the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the former in the latter rain coming together in such a glory storm and we magnify you and praise you Lord what a time we are in we trust you we look to you and we thank you for guiding us in this in Jesus name we pray amen amen I want you to open your Bibles if you would please to Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 and I also want you to prepare for communion because here in just a few moments we're going to be receiving communion together and I'm excited about the way that we're doing this it's going to be a little bit different today but we just want to do everything we can to honor the Lord and to be led by the spirit I want to begin though this morning reading a word from the Lord that brother Copeland gave it's 10 years ago 10 years ago it was August the 6th of 2010 and this was during the believers convention Fort Worth believers confesseth West believers convention here in Fort Worth and I was reading and studying this word going back over it and back over it and how significant it is to the day that we live in listen to this the world is in serious trouble I don't mean to laugh at that but I'm just thinking Lord here here we are the world is in serious trouble but for the household of faith and those that will cling to my word and listen very carefully everything is going to be alright notice that he said here the Lord said for the household of faith are you in the household of faith if you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your then you're in the household of faith but for the household of faith and those that will cling cling to the word and listen very carefully everything is going to be alright the world I tell you again is in serious trouble some very hard things are coming in different places around the world very difficult times in a lot of places there that way now but they will not get better they'll continue to get worse and worse and worse it's on a downhill run that the world cannot stop but for the household of faith everything is going to be alright you'll have to make a stand you know when you read a word like this you look for in a prophetic word I look for I look for the message that's being brought out I look for the victory that's in it I look for the correction that might be coming through it and I look for instructions there are instructions that come in these words and listen to this this instruction from this word that that clarifies what it's going to take for everything to be all right you'll have to make a stand you'll have to fight the good fight of faith but when did you not have to do that these are dangerous times these are dangerous times financially they're dangerous times in the earth because the earth is weighed under a gross weight of sin there are things and places and situations underneath the earth in the oceans and in the heavens things are being rattled and shaken the earth is trying to break in different places now here's the instruction for us stand on my word and it will not come near you praise and worship my name don't feed fear and trouble into your life and into your mouth quit living in that house get on back over here into the household of faith that's the place of section that's the place of the blessing that's the place where you and I belong is in that household of faith feed on my word look in my face in church praise and worship and preach the word praise and worship and preach the word praise and worship and preach the word Kenneth Copeland ministries is doing exactly that right now the victory channel allows us to be on the air 24/7 with all of the Word of Faith broadcasters that are on there absolutely free we do not charge for the airtime around the clock we are preaching the word how important it is right now that we have the victory channel and that we're preaching the word constantly the word is constantly going out there and you weren't here someone contradict another on the victory Channel it's the word of faith it's faith that comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and every morning Monday through Friday at 8:30 Central Standard Time we have morning prayer and people are calling with their prayer requests and we're believing God and we're standing on the word and in the afternoon we have live update and even this week on Monday Todd white is going to be on live update Marilyn Hickey then on Tuesday Baili brim on Wednesday I believe and so all of these folks all of the broadcasters are able to come together and and pump the word into us because that's what we need right now we need the Word of God we need to know how to stand on the Word of God we also need to feed on that word and look look in his face with everything that's going on around us we need to focus on him we need to look at him if you heard Spencer Nordyke preaching this morning talking about looking at Jesus and developing a new love for him and trusting him with all of your heart all of your mind all of your soul trusting him well in doing so everything is going to be alright everything is going to be alright say that three times with me everything is going to be alright guys everything is going to be alright everything is going to be alright for I have said and I will continue to say until it becomes solid and strong in your spirit listen to this your time has come our time has come it's your time to excel it's your time to do exceeding extraordinary things in the financial world in the medical world you heard brother Copeland calling forth for the vaccinations in the medical world in all the areas where the world is in such dire trouble and so confused that they are confused beyond their ability to understand how confused they really are and they're hurting and crying out because of it but everything is going to be all right in the household of faith Oh father we thank you for this revelation for this word for this reminder it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right physically it's gonna be all right financially it's gonna be all right financially relationally it's going to be all right I'm telling you right now let that echo in your heart let that echo in you all week long it's gonna be alright everything is going to be alright if you're in the household of faith and you do that by making Jesus as Lord everything is going to be alright look with me at Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 I want to talk to you this morning about a word that the Lord brought to me and it really is a continuation of what Pastor John was talking about during our offering time today I want to talk to you about prospering in tough times prospering in tough times in Colossians chapter 1 and I was going to start with verse 12 I want to back up a little bit into verse 9 this is the Apostle Paul praying for this call we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge the amplified bible says the full deep and clear knowledge I'm praying for people right now who have businesses businesses I'm telling you you are going to thrive during this time it's going to be a supernatural move of God you'll see it happen don't take the care don't take the worry don't take the pressure don't pick the anxiety don't lay awake at night but utilize this time to put the word down in the insight feed on this word feed on it and the Lord will give you full deep and clear knowledge as to what to do the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding he didn't take us this far to leave us to abandon us to let us go no he's actually in this with us directing us leading us guiding us boys getting hot in here it's getting really hot in here my goodness it's a heat wave there's a heat wave that's going on out there my my verse 10 that you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God strengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness giving thanks unto the father which has made us meet or able to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light verse 13 who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins we have been delivered from the power of darkness and we've been translated into the kingdom of his dear son when you look up the word translated in the Greek it means to transfer to carry away to remove from one place to another you and I in the household of faith we may be in this world we are certainly not of this world because we have been transferred we've had a transfer a transfer means going from one place to another in the military when you're transferred you will go from one base and you'll travel to another my parents weren't in the military or actually my father was during world war two but growing up I what my parents were not in the military but I knew of friends that were in the military because there was a a base it was called Otis Air Force Base near where we lived and there were people and people coming and going all the time all of a sudden a friend were be gone where is he where did he go they were transferred transferred to another location gone so we've been transferred we've had a transfer when I made Jesus the Lord of my life and I remember the day so distinctly and so clearly when I made Jesus my Lord I was transferred I had a transfer and I transferred out of the power of darkness I was transferred delivered from that transferred into the kingdom of 'dearest his dear son in verse 13 that amplified it says the father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the Dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the son of his love what is darkness darkness is anything that has to do with the curse what is the curse the curse is anything that is bad that's what Gloria Copeland taught me on one of our broadcasts the curse is everything bad bad including sickness disease poverty fear all of that is under the curse and all of that is darkness that's what the devil does that is what he is all about you and I have been delivered from that and the Lord has drawn us to himself out of the control and the Dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the son of his love the New Living Translation for he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his dear son who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins so we have been delivered from darkness in to the kingdom of his dear son but our minds must be renewed to the fullness of that there is a culture in the kingdom of God for anyone who has ever moved from one country to another there's a culture any time we go to Israel I notice that there is a culture there there are certain things that people do there's a language that they speak and for me to move to Israel there are some of those cultures that I would need to adopt into my life and I would need to start learning how to speak the language in order to communicate with people more clearly we have been trained we've been delivered out of a darkness culture into a new culture we have to conform our words you know when I first when I was first introduced to brother Copeland and this ministry this was this was back when I was going to Oral Roberts University and Terry and I were dating and she was introducing me to brother Hagin introducing me to the teachings of her dad and I was learning about the importance of my war then I was introduced to Charles Capps who really focused much on the importance of our words life and death is in the power of the tongue and so I came over into the kingdom I I had to renew my mind to this new culture I was new to it brand-new and there are things that I needed to learn and things I needed to understand so in this new culture we have to conform our words our thoughts our actions to the kingdom that we've been transferred into or we'll keep living in the dark and keep living in that place of the dark and there are many people that have made Jesus the Lord of their lives they've been delivered from that darkness and they're still living in the darkness they're still saying things like well God put sickness on people to teach them things that's dark or God will make you poor that's dark that's darkness we've been delivered you and I have been delivered from that darkness let me read you a couple of quotes from bill Winston we must get our minds renewed to the reality of the kingdom of God and who we are in that Kingdom we have to read we have to get our minds renewed to the reality of the kingdom of God we've got to become Kingdom minded especially right now right now with all of this that's going on worldwide it's all over the world we're not talking about news that's coming from some faraway place it's all over the world so we have to get our minds renewed to the reality into a kingdom culture reality and who we are who we are in that Kingdom who we are in Christ and then here's another quote he says don't tell me what the kingdom can't do I like that don't tell me what the kingdom can't do it can do it and can be used specifically to cut through anything and get you anything you want independent of what is going on in the world system now that's important right there that last point that he made he can he can cut through anything and get you anything you want independent of what is going on in the world system it says in first Peter 2:9 and the NIV you are a Chosen People a royal priesthood a holy nation of people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his wonderful light turn to Psalm 9 Psalm 9 and as you're turning there keeping in mind what bill Winston quoted I quoted bill Winston independent of what is going on in the world system I'll make a statement to you we are not subject to the times we are not subject to the times it says in Psalm 9 and I'll read this to you from the King James first and the amplified the Lord will also be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble and they know and they that know thy name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord has not forsaken them that seek thee let me read it to you from the amplified translation the Lord will be a refuge the Lord also will be a refuge and a high tower for the oppressed a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble high cost destitution and desperation and they who know your name who have experience and acquaintance with your mercy your Hesed will lean on and confidently put their trust in you Lord we putting our trust in you right now I'm putting my trust in you we're putting your trust in you pastors put your trust in the Lord right now for your churches for you Lord have not forsaken those who seek inquire and for you on the authority of God's Word and the right of their necessity I'll read that part again that constant confidently put their trust in you for you Lord have not forsaken those who seek you or inquire of or for you on the authority of God's Word and the right of their necessity you and I no longer live under the Dominion the rule the control or the influence of whatever direction the economy and the world system is going at the moment we are not subject to the times we are not subject to the times we are not subject to the curse of the law we've been redeemed from the curse no we are now subject to and governed by another economy we are subject to and govern by another system called the kingdom of God the times are subject to us they are subject to us we don't just survive in tough times we prosper and we thrive I want to leave that up there for just a moment because that is such an important point in this message this morning we don't just survive in tough times you and I we prosper and we thrive and the Lord will lift us up and over every economic situation in downturn turn to John chapter 17 John chapter 17 I want to talk to you a moment about I call this the separation effect the separation effect you and I have been separated from the world's system and the world system is subject to us Terry and I have been watching the stock market we've been following what's been going on we have things that we've invested in but are we panicked are we forlorn no absolutely not we're rising believers who walk by faith and not by sight always rise in times of calamity and crisis we always rise to the surface every time every time we rise and we do not fail and we do not fall well Jesus said he said in Chapter 17 I'm gonna start in verse 13 he said and now I come to thee that these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I've given them your word and the world has hated them because they're not of the world we are not of the world we we are aliens to the world they think us to be very strange they don't some of them they don't understand the word of the Lord that brother Copeland brought last week about the judgment over kovat 19 they don't understand that now some people that are watching that it's it's touching some people's hearts there's something about that the news media thinks that they're putting it out there and everybody's criticizing but the news media underestimates the hunger for God that people have I heard this from Joyce Meyer one time there's a God shape on the inside of every individual that he wants to fill and so the media doesn't understand that so they work on our behalf they take things that are said here and they just put them all over the world case in point in Holland in Germany and no telling how many other places that's gone out and you know what it's helping people it's helping people it's giving them good news it's good news to know that kovat 19 has has been has been written off and it's dead and it's dying it's shriveling up it's good to know that it's a good thing to know that and it's a good thing to know there's gonna be some unbeliever out there sitting at home somehow some way he's gonna hear about a heat wave and he's gonna sit there and go well I guess if it'll kill the disease bring it on bring it on come on bring it on well that's touching his heart see we're in the move of God this is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and during this outpouring of the Holy Spirit we're gonna see more people come to the Lord Jesus Christ we're gonna see people that are hungry I wish I had that picture with me but there was a picture that was sent to me about two weeks ago and it was the picture in Walmart of the Bible section completely empty just a few Bibles were left people are hungry they're hungry but in Jesus what he does he separates us he said I've given them thy word the world has hated them because they're not of the world even as I am NOT of the world come on we're not of the world I pray not that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil look at that they're not of the world even as I am NOT of the world sanctify them or separate them from the world into the kingdom through that truth and thy Word is truth so we've been separated from this it's been separated out from it disease does not touch us it cannot come near us as we stand in faith we believe God together in Matthew 6:13 it says and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil inhalations 1:4 it says who gave himself for our sins talking about Jesus that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God by our Father it is the will of God that you and I be delivered from this present evil world the collateral damage we are delivered from that it cannot come near our dwelling it has to pass over it must pass over and then second Peter 1:4 in the amplified says by means of these precious promises he has bestowed upon us his precious and exceedingly great promises so that through them you may escape by flight the moral decay the rottenness and the corruption that is in the world because of covetousness lust and Greece and Greek greed and become shares or partakers of the divine nature so you and I are partakers of the divine nature sickness can't touch us it cannot rule us and the economy whatever way it's going cannot affect us because we are tithers and because we are tithers the windows of heaven are open and the blessing is pouring out and you and I are sewers and as a result we are furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation in first John 5:18 we know that whosoever is born of God sins not but he that is begotten of God keeps himself and that wicked one touches him not say this after me the wicked one does not touch me does not touch my family so that belongs to us that is ours so we don't just survive we don't just survive we thrive let me read this scripture to you psalm 37:25 NIV I was young and now I am old yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread they're always generous and lend freely their children will be blessed so we we thrive and not just survive just before the service started a little while ago I looked up all the programs that that can be watched on hulu or wherever survivor programs survivor program you know what survivor programs are what they do is they take somebody and they they drop them in some desolate remote location their supplies are limited they the diet is tree roots bugs I mean you've seen it you've watched those before where they'll take I mean they'll take a lizard and eat him and you're sitting there going huh oh I mean conditions conditions are barely tolerable and sleep is rare and I went I went through and they live in this survival mode that's what they do and I looked at here's just some of the titles of these programs Survivorman here's one called alone about this running wild dual survivor man vs. wild Beyond survivor life below zero ultimate survivor Alaska this is an interesting one left for dead here's one called survive this and then this other one called I shouldn't be alive so all of those are the survivor programs and that's that's how Chris some Christians live if we just if we can just be happy if we just tread water and just maintain just maintain God doesn't want us to just maintain he wants us to be over and a he wants us to be blessed coming do you think that the blessing of Abraham and Deuteronomy 28 do you think that that Deuteronomy 28 blessing is sheltering in place right now and we have no access to it absolutely not it's more real now than it ever has been Psalm 91 is more real now than it ever has been to us we stand on that word or people say times are tough and we just need to hunker down gonna have to weather the storm because the weather this storm no absolutely not in tough economic times we don't just survive we thrive we thrive in tough economic times we don't we don't fail we flourish we flourish God has super natural ways to provide and supply we're seeing it we're seeing it take place we're getting testimonies about it about how he is supernaturally providing and supplying the needs of people but we don't in these economic times we don't we don't fail we flourish I want you to take a look at one more scripture turn with me to Jeremiah chapter 17 Jeremiah chapter 17 and when I've taught this before and we've taught it I was actually looking at it the other day Gloria and I were taught a series like this back five years ago and I went back and I was looking at some of the things and refreshing myself in it in it and one of the things that we were talking about it during the prosperity broadcast was a phrase called same conditions different results same conditions different results if you've ever seen pictures where a storm has gone through an area and I remember I'm remembering one right now that I've seen before and Krista if we have that maybe we could put that up but but a storm went through in it it devastated all the houses around this one house and that one house is standing untouched untouched by the storm that is a picture of the believer in Christ Jesus who knows who they are in Christ Jesus that's a picture of us in the midst in the midst of that storm same conditions all the other houses were in the same storm but this one house stood there's a feature that we're showing right now from our relief team that goes out and in a recent storm there was a house of a part of these partners this couple and all the houses around them were devastated and their house stood stood in the midst of the storm that's what you and I do we stand in the midst of the storm in what's going on around us but take a look at this in jeremiah chapter 17 it says thus says the lord says the lord in verse 5 cursed is the man that trusts in man and makes flesh his arm and whose heart departs from the lord so we see here this is a man says cursed is the man that trusted himself and makes flesh his arm whose heart departs from the Lord he shall be like the heath in the desert Heath is a stunted shrub destitute hopeless no life to it he'll be like the heath in the desert and shall not see when good comes but shall inhabit parched inhabit parched places in the wilderness in a salt land and not inhabited now listen to me same conditions different results you know a good example of this is the children of Israel Israel and there was light in the land of goshen darkness in the land of Egypt there there's a difference there's a difference so this is the same situation same conditions same plague same whatever and in verse seven blessed is the man that trusts in the Lord whose hope the Lord is for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters that spreads out her roots by the river and shall not see when he comes but her leaf shall be green and shall be not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit let me read a little bit of this from the New King James it says cursed as a man a trusted man that makes flesh his strength whose heart departs from the Lord he'll be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when good comes but shall inhabit parched places in the wilderness in a salt land which is not inhabited blessed is the men that trust the Lord do you trust the Lord I want to hear a big yes out there do you trust the Lord yes blessed is the man who trusts the Lord and whose hope is the Lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters which spreads out its roots by the river and shall not fear when heat comes but it's leaf will be green its leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought nor will cease from yielding fruit so you have this one man over here same conditions same situation but that one individual is not trusting God and he's he is seeing failure in his life you see somebody else over here who's believing God who's trusting God who's standing on the word and it says his leaf shall be green do you know what the word leaf is in the Hebrew it is the word flourish flourish we flourish in times like this in the same way that Isaac flourished during the famine in the same way than in Luke chapter 6 when that storm came there was a house that was built on the sand and the storm came blew it down destroyed it but then there was a house that was built on the rock of the Word of God and the wind came and it blew and could not touch that house that's who you and I are he's like a flourishing productive tree by the river he has no worry he has no fear he has no concern and he constantly produces fruit in spite of the economy you will continue to produce fruit throughout this economy we are not going to skip a beat not a beat we're gonna keep going on the contrary we're gonna go up and not down we're not going to just maintain we're gonna go up we're gonna see supernatural provision take place in our lives and in verse 8 in the message translation it says they are like trees real replanted in the Eden I have something that I call the Eden effect and that's what you and I live in right now we are living and living in the Eden effect we are in this world we are not of this world they're like trees replanted in Eden putting down roots near the rivers never a worry through the hottest of summers never dropping a leaf serene and calm through droughts bearing fresh fruit every season you and I are bearing fruit through the season that we're in and we're coming out we're coming out let me read to you three quotes and then I'm going to step down here and we're going to receive communion together this first one is from bill Winston again something may be coming in the economy whatever it may be if a person is operating in Kingdom principles it will be just like there in the Ark at the time of the flood of Noah the worst the conditions get the higher Noah rose the worse things get the higher Kingdom people will rise prominence in the earth creflo dollar's said this el shaddai will demonstrate provisional miracles that are contrary to natural events I'll read it again el shed I will demonstrate provisional miracles that are contrary to natural events and then I know that Pastor John just read this a few minutes ago during the offering but I've just been reading it and meditating on it and meditating on it and this is brother Jerry Savelle March 29th 2020 do not fear or says do not do not fret and do not fear I still plan to give you a supernatural year it's not over and you will not fail didn't I tell you that the gates of hell would not prevail rest in me and I will see you through I'll bring the past all I said I would do so thank your Father in Heaven that you have a choice you can choose to fear or you can choose to rejoice so rejoice and do not cease father we honor you we thank you we glorify you we praise you for this time that we are in in Jesus name now pastor gene if you had come pastor john pastor Greg come on up here better receive Communion in the Lord very early this morning he gave me a a vision of what to do about this and I saw this as I was laying in bed at 4:45 and thinking ok it's time to get up but I saw this he said put a table down in the front at the altar and have some of the pastor's come and join you for this and have them the grape juice in these beautiful cups and then I mentioned the pasture Terrier this morning which pastor Terry she she is home watching us right now she's home producing right now we get text and and so we're keeping the limit down to ten so she stayed home today but she said we need to get the matzoh yeah yeah and I'm so thankful that that she did that because the bread that I was bringing was kind of pitiful looking but pastor Greg what I wanted you to do I wanted you this is the Last Supper this is the setup yes of the Last Supper and so I wanted you just to just to put on your teachers had here for a moment for 4k CBC and tell us what's going on Last Supper is actually Passover that's what he's doing with his disciples and in the modern Passover Seder there are four cups in the first century the time of Jesus that would have been three cups one is the cup of sanctification being set apart right children Israel that were in Goshen they were set apart by covenant the second one is the cup of the plagues they'll drink of one cup three times and the second one was the cup of the plagues it was the deliverance it it did not touch us by God it didn't touch us pastor and the third one is the cup of redemption this is the one that Jesus at the it says after the supper so after the Passover supper there's a third cup and this is called the cup of redemption and the Bible's clearly says after supper he took the cup it's the cup of redemption and he will identify himself as I am the redemption this is a new covenant in my blood now the interesting thing is that there's three pieces of matzah and I'll take the top one here matzah is it's you see it's flat like a cracker because all this week they've removed sin from their house get your house in order and leaven represents the sin they had to hurry to eat this because they were on their way out the next day if you look at it it's striped and pierced and it points to the one that will be striped and pierced on our behalf with no sin so there's three of them then you'll see there's three in this plate one represents Abraham one represents Isaac and one represents Jacob you take the middle one which is Isaac and that's what Jesus did this is what he did so that was a shock to the they do it they do it at every Passover Sam you take Isaac and at the beginning of the Passover Seder you break Isaac you put replace this you take Isaac and you wrap it in linen cloth and what you're doing and you go and you hide this somewhere in the house it's gone and it's hidden yeah it's buried Jesus will take this they'll bring this back this piece of matzah and I did use hand sanitizer just before I walked out here and he will take Isaac and say guys this is me I was broken Abraham offers Isaac it's not Isaac it's me and he will break it and this is the last thing you do he will break it and pass it among his disciples and he'll say a prayer the prayer goes like this blessed are you O Lord God king of the universe ruler of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and then he'll identify himself and hand it to his disciples so pastor if you want to take these and break it handed but that's the story of what has been right that's Isaac and Jesus will identify himself I'm pierced I'm stripe I'm broken I was buried and I'm resurrected he broke that and handed it to the design handed it to the disciples and then he'll pray over and will you let me read something first on Thursday March 5th Chuck Pierce posted this one of the key words for this year is Passover mm-hmm and Passover actually is Wednesday this Wednesday this coming Wednesday one of the keywords for this year is Passover we must continue to sharpen our declarations that we are delivered from the power of the enemy as we celebrate this feast now we do this often so we should be sharpening our declarations that were delivered from the power of the enemy every time we do this but he was talking about in particular Passover and then from brother Copeland's April partner letter just one of the lines that he wrote in that letter Passover is April the 8th that is very significant one of the things that I believe that is going to happen this week is that everything that it's going to take for this heat wave is moving into place yes sir it's shifted the heavens are shifting in order for us to have the deliverance that we need to completely get rid of this thing and so then he he read in here you want to read it from here gene sure this is Exodus 12 13 in the New King James now the blood shall be assigned to you on the houses where you are and when I see the blood I'll pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt pastor john thank you lord Exodus chapter 12 verse 13 now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are and when I see the Blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of the mice come race guys God then in Exodus 12 23 for the Lord will pass through to strike the Egyptians and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two-door post post the Lord will pass over the door and not allowed the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you and in the letter that he wrote he said when he sees the blood of the Lamb upon the lintel and on the two side posts the Lord will pass over the door and will not suffer the destroyer kovat 19 to come in unto your houses and to smite you glory to God all and for that thank you Lord glory to God yes for that Pastor John would you pray over the bread father in Jesus name thank you we thank you for the sacrifice that Jesus paid for us thank you Lord we thank you for those stripes we thank you for his piercing God we thank you that he was pierced for us he was wound yes in for us he carried every sickness in his body he carried kovat 19 as he did in his body and we have a covenant with him that because he carried it we don't have to that's right so Lord we thank you for it we bless this process Lord remembering our Divinity's with you in Jesus name Amen now I'm not used to like eating the whole giant thing so you break off a little bit really sure that what you do it's fine but but don't you normally yes I think it's good in tradition to do that stage you you meditate and you think about that body think about I remember when The Passion of the Christ first came out I had the we took our staff that time that time to go see it and I remember I sat next to Kenneth and Gloria said set right next to Kenna mmm and every time they were beating Jesus every time he was going through what he went through hmm I heard brother Copeland say he did that for me Lord he did that for me that for me when they when they nailed Jesus to the cross brother Copeland was sitting there he's saying he did that for me he did that for me and as I eat this he did it for me he did it for me yes he did it for you surely no I'll back up Isaiah 53 he's despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he has borne our griefs what our griefs sickness disease weakness and pain he carried our sorrows physical and mental pain yet we esteemed him stricken smitten of God but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed amen amen in the New Testament we were were healed healed so father thank you once again thank you Jesus thank you yeah in the Passover meal pastor they have a yes word that they do they recite all the plagues and recite the story of them bringing and bringing us out by a strong arm oh and they say a word da new it means it would have been enough they said had he just regatta nice out of slavery but yet didn't feed us in the desert da new it would have been enough of it had he just taken the beating and not given us prosperity it would have been enough but he did more than that he's a God that's more than enough and from the Lord the Apostle Paul received that body was broken yes his body was broken so that our bodies would not be broken our lives would not be broken our finances would not be broken no not even during this time you can't set all of this aside no just because we're going through what we're going through that's the operative word is we're going through this covenant meal speaks that we are going wherever yep and we are more than conquerors more than a conqueror yes sir pastor Jean would you just pray over the blood Heavenly Father Lord we thank you thank you Lord where we stand here in faith with the overwhelming realization of where your son Jesus yes when he went to the cross and shed his blood not only for our forgiveness his sins that we may be washed white as snow but also that we may be walking in a new covenant yes a new testament of health and healing that we're able to walk uprightly and we can approach the throne in right standing with you because we've been washed white as snow thank you and no sickness no disease that's right no infirmity that can raise itself against us has any place in our bodies and we thank you Father for what you've done with the blood thank you in Jesus name oh thank you Oh father thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Spencer step up here with us if you would please I just know right now there are healings that are taking place people are experiencing miracles that are miracles that are taking place right now supernatural provisional miracles are taking place there are bills being supernaturally handled there there are mortgage payments there are rental payments there are there there is provision the Lord is the provider he is el-shaddai he is the great provider even in the most unusual circumstances he provides for us and he takes care of us pastors when they put this on the doorpost yes they did this yeah they made the table the last letter look at that it's the mark of the Covenant that's considered the mark of the Covenant when you took of this just a second ago you drank in the cub yes thank you and his blood of protection you entered into that secret place and that shut door was shut behind you nothing is going to come now your house that's right that's right because you are sealed in the mark of the Covenant this this this is the Temple of the Holy Spirit yes and as we just drank of the blood I did I poured it over the the doorpost and the lentils I am we are prepared the Covenant mark I am a living breathing Ark of the Covenant yes a walking Ark of the Covenant and whenever sickness and disease tries to touch me it dies when it tries to touch you it dies when it tries to touch you it dies it perishes so father we chlorophyta say thank you Lord for all that is taking place guys come up walk up here with me to the platformers begin to wrap this up oh thank you Jesus come on up come on up glory to God what a time we've had today what a good Davis has been hallelujah glory to God and I just think we just need to worship the Lord and glorify Him and celebrate him let's celebrate it yes celebrate him ladies come on out ladies club [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] it's your bread we [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] charge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with a shout [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so really poor [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got everybody glory to God what a good time we have had today put your hand over your heart right now if you've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life today is your day if you've never been filled with God's Holy Spirit speaking with another tongue today is your day if you are believing for the healing power of God today is your day if you need the provision of the Lord in your life restoration today is your day I want you to repeat this after me as I say this guys I want you to say it as well say in the name of Jesus I believe I receive my Lord and Savior Jesus Jesus come into my heart I receive you now take my life and do something with it I receive I receive by faith the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues right now right now I receive now let's just pray in the spirit for a few moments here as they do if you've never prayed in tongues before join us in this holy una muchacha brevis he LeBron obradovich a Pollyanna nashandra Mikasa Arabic Arabic Rasha Ariana mas amra Mikasa praise God praise God well thank you for joining us today thank you for being a part of this in just a moment we'll send you over to Studio B with pastor Greg but get a wide shot of us if you would please and all of us together let's say this God loves you we love you and Jesus is Wow what a what a wonderful day this has been thank you so much for for being with us on this on this Palm Sunday and want to remind you of several things here you can go and watch the EMI Sea Org / virtual church you can see super kid programming there you can get our youth 14:40 programming there emi Sea Org / of virtual church so that your children can now watch children's church and the youth can be part of a service for them so we've got it pretty much covered I think everywhere and you can pull those up at any time I want to remind you that tomorrow morning at 8:30 Central Time morning prayer it's going to be live we want you to join with us bring your supply pray with us together as one body all across the nation and around the world and then don't forget victory update tomorrow at 4 Central Time Pastor Jean and I'll been the own there with our special guest Todd white will be with us live in studio you won't want to miss it all right father we thank you for what we received today I thank you for every partner and every person this watch just bless them in Jesus mighty name God loves you I love you till tomorrow morning Jesus is Lord see you then [Music]
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 5,011
Rating: 4.9194632 out of 5
Id: G3_Q9zWSbdk
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Length: 181min 54sec (10914 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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