Living a Stress Free Life – Part 2 – Lighten Up!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and good morning welcome Sunday morning on the mountain Eagle Mountain International Church I'm Greg Stevens and it is an honor and a privilege to stand in for pastor Terry today and thank all of you for being here and you watching from the top to the bottom and all the way around the middle of the world we're so grateful that you're with us each and every Sunday listen I hear comments from you and and praise reports you should should just take one whole day sometime a set amount somewhere and let you just read the praise reports from people that watch with us every single Sunday we take it for granted and you don't and I appreciate it for some people this is the better church service that's their lifeline and it's the service where we drill down into the Word of God a little bit and discover everything that belongs to SS believers and so that's what we're gonna do today and I'm gonna kick it off again finishing up what we started last week talking about the word of the Lord from Bertha Copeland and I'll show you that just a minute here we go you ready father we bless you we thank you for your word our faith is in that word and because of it nothing is impossible we ask us we ask this today that you wash us in your word and we decree and declare that we'll never be the same in Jesus mighty name that we are going from glory to glory we're being transformed into that image and that image is like you we'll give you all the praise and all the glory for it we have ears to hear hearts to receive your word today in Jesus name Amen amen okay going backwards a little bit a couple of weeks ago brother Copeland spoke remember that and Wow when he said it it went off in me everything that he was saying and when you walk in certain anointings and he talked about different anointings and talk about different gifts and he mentioned about just be a gift and one of my giftings had changed I used to be kind of a preacher guy and loved that I mean I wanted to be the next cotton spittin be fightin you know talk about be fight and you ever fought these and you just preach fighting these I wanted to be that guy and it changed and the Lord changed my calling and my anointing and took me to a different place I was willing to go and it has been wonderful and that is the ministry and the gifting the anointing of a teacher to get into the word see something that I've missed before and expound upon it and dr. Bailey came out here last week remember that we talked about briefly revival history that all of the great prophets and different healing evangelists and different ones had a teacher with them that would teach the people brother Hagin learned that you get somebody healed but then they either got to keep their healing and so they've got to they've got to grow in the word we used to watch it with healing school years ago and some those people would come in and they hadn't heard the word their entire life really and they're desperate and they have weeks to live so it's it is cram course to get all the stink and thinking out of them come on right and many times you're successful at it many times you're not it's like if I could have gotten you a year ago anyway so it takes that it takes all of these anointings in these streams working together and he talked about the streams coming together now he said this he started off the word by saying we are being required by the Spirit of God that's a strong statement and so once again Greg doing what Greg does I looked it up what does that mean required is a is a is a strong strong strong word to define this way necessary to be done made or provided Cambridge English Dictionary described it this way to order or demand something to order someone to do something because of a rule or a law to make something necessary so he said we're being required by the Spirit of God we're being ordered by the Spirit of God and then he went on to say this to have understanding with what it was he shared with us so I had to look this up understanding defined by Cambridge's knowledge about a subject a situation or how something works so we're being required we're being demanded upon to understand how this works okay and I talked to you about our time being a mystery in the church age or the age of grace the last days were all hinted about in the Old Testament but it was kept hidden in the heart of the Father mystery does that mean that was something we can't understand no it means something that was veiled and now in our age the veil has been pulled away so that we can understand it's not a secret now all right and this age started on the day of Pentecost instead of me talking about it let's just show you that clip again from brother Copeland and then we'll get into more of the word watch this there are those that are called and anointed to teach and preach praise and worship and glory there are people called in that flow and you hear people say well they're not in our camp I'll tell you I despise that term I despise it I was visiting with with Kelly about it just in the last few days and and it's not in our account come on we don't have a camp absolutely we don't have a camp where the kingdom of God where all the church clothing and thank God for people who know - what they're called and stay in it glory of God and don't venture out of it there are specialists now we've learned this let's let's take the the most exact example in illustration that that I know there are general practitioners general family medicine amen that would be more like the pastor but even a general practitioner knows to whom into what he or she is called and went on to talk about that we are faith specialists here and I love that but we're all part of the same body now where did that come from well I can tell you where it came from I remember brother Hagin talking about it years ago and different people ran with it I even ran with it and was an error for a long long time Acts chapter 4 let me show it to you were very quickly Acts chapter 4 so when they had 4 verse 21 so when they had further threatened them who's this this is Peter and John they had healed a guy right in the name of Jesus they let them go finding nothing how they might punish them because of the people all right for all men glorified God for which was done for that which was done for the man was about 40 years old of whom the miracle of healing was showed and being let go they went to their own company reported all that the chief priests the elders had said unto them there it is there's the verse right there there it is and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one Accord and said Lord art thou art God which is heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in them who by the mouth of thy servant David has said why did the heathen rage and the people imagine they've been things the kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord against this Christ for of a truth against thy Holy Child Jesus whom thou has anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were two gathered together if you've ever heard Billy brim teach about Israel and the different groups of people there it is this is who was responsible this is what happened okay let's go on see we didn't have a covenant back then you and I Gentiles okay weird I stopped 28 verse 29 and now Lord behold their threatenings granted I servants that with all boldness they may speak their word by stretching forth thy hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy Holy Child Jesus and when they had prayed nellis of this the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with boldness but the Copeland went on and talked about in that message two weeks ago if you haven't watched to go back and watch it he talked about boldness in here right so Peter John had been arrested there's two groups of people involved in this if you go to Acts chapter 4 verse 4 you'll see it Acts chapter 4 and verse 4 howbeit many of them which heard the word believed these are the people that were in the room okay when the when the command came down and the number of the men was about 5,000 it came past on the morrow that the rulers and the elders and the scribes and Anna's the high priest and Caiaphas and we've heard of him before heavily John and Alexander's many of the kindred of the high priest were gathered together at Jerusalem this is a political system in there and they set them in the midst they asked by what power or by what name have you done this then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost said to them now look at this you rulers of the people and elders so the two camps he's talking about he says they went back to their own company there are two groups here there were believers and unbelievers right believers and unbelievers and so being let go they went back to their company of believers so if you're a believer and I'm a believer we're brothers we are believers were part of one body and when you get the one body thing correct everything else begins to work together because the place was shaken where they were sitting the unity of the Spirit the unity of the faith is where the power is whenever you get a group of people in unity a suddenly will happen yeah Acts chapter two I suddenly happened when they were in when they were in one Accord it does not mean they were in a Honda okay they were in one Accord making it plain for the Millennials kidding when they were in one Accord the place suddenly there's the sound of rushing mighty wind right even heathens even heathen when they get in one Accord when they get in unity nothing is impossible to them you want to proof of that the Tower of Babel God said let's go see what they're up to for they are one and nothing shall be impossible to them my goodness my my goodness let's go on to the the other passage that brother Copeland read two weeks ago on Sunday as he was preaching this he went to Romans chapter 10 I did not cover this now we're in new territory I just did a little review this is new territory alright because I truly believe that all the streams are coming together and it's time for the body of Christ to be made manifest in the earth what the world is longing to see they'll know us by our love come on we've been grafted-in I'll show you that in a second Romans 10 you're there verse number 1 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge you understand that there's a lot of people have a zeal for things they just don't know what they're excited about alright here we go for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth so if you're a believer you're in a different system here we go for Moses described it the righteousness which is of the law that the man which doeth these things shall live by them but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise the righteousness of what faith hmmm speaketh on this wise how did Abraham get saved there you go say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ from the dead but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and thy heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach listen you are saved by your belief for your faith receiving from His grace yes you're healed your faith has made you whole didn't you say that over and over and over right so that's why we preach what we're preaching look at this verse 11 for the scripture saith whosoever are you whosoever whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed verse 12 for there is no difference between that look at this Nelson see everything changed after Jesus death burial resurrection for there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same lord is over all is rich unto all they call upon them he's rich see I don't think we have fully now not in this church we have we're getting it but I don't think the body of Christ is fully understood what my Jewish brothers understand that because we're in this seed of Abraham he's rich and I'm like him my goodness let me read this to you out of the passion translation do you mind let me read this whole passage to you out of a different and he goes on say for all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved okay listen this Romans 10 1 through 13 my beloved brothers and sisters the passionate desire of my heart and constant prayer to God is for my fellow Israelites to experience salvation love that for I know that although they are deeply devoted to God they are unenlightened and since they've ignored the righteousness God gives wanting instead to be acceptable to God because of their own works they've refused to submit to God's faith righteousness for the for the Christ is the end of the law and because of him God has transferred his perfect righteousness to all who believe let me help you with your righteousness believers any believers perfect righteousness Moses wrote long ago about the need to obey every part of the law in order to be cleared right with God every part of it you couldn't there was no grading on the curve if you missed one little thing even you blew it all I'll go on for the one who obeys these things must always live by them must always live by them let's go on verse 6 but we received the faith righteousness that speaks an entirely different message don't for a moment think you will need to climb into the heavens to find the Messiah and bring him down or descend into the underworld to bring him up from the dead but the faith righteousness we receive speaks to us in these words of Moses God's living message is very close to you as close as your own heart beating in your chest and as near as the tongue in your mouth this is why you've got to get your mouth hooked up with what your spirits do it and what is the God's living message it's the revelation of faith for salvation which is the message that we preach for you if you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will experience salvation the heart that believes in him receives the gift of righteousness of God and then the mouth confesses resulting in salvation where the Scriptures encourage us with these words everyone who believes in Him will never be disappointed my goodness that ought to be a little happy moment so then so then faith eliminates the distinction between Jew and non-jew for he is the same Lord for all people and he has enough treasures to lavish generously upon all who call on him and it's true everyone who calls in the name of the Lord will be rescued and experience new life see under the yeah it's a shout ground you can shout for this thing under the previous age you were not required to live by faith didn't need it it was absolute obedience 100% total obedience or nothing and Paul spends so much time to us explaining to us our day in which we lived in Jesus hinted about it he announced it but he didn't go into depth to explain it he even said this I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it gates you keep gates to keep people out right gates are a protective thing they're not an offensive weapon right Satan doesn't have any offensive weapons now because Jesus stripped him he's on defense not on offense guys come on we'll give him too much credit Jesus even talked to us about how to do laundry in our age there's a scripture I told my son who's in college that's it there's a scripture for laundry it's in Matthew 9 verse 16 no one puts a piece of garment no one puts a piece of a nun shrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch pulls away from the garment and the tear is made worse right so we don't take something new that we've just been given and put it onto this old system because it's going to make everything worse all right so everything changed and Paul wrote in Colossians let me show you Colossians chapter 1 please I'm going to read out the New King James here chapter 1 Colossians Paul writes instructing us and he writes a prayer we know about his prayers and Ephesians don't you know about those yes but how many of you knew there were prayers and Colossians you didn't know how many didn't know some didn't know it's okay okay you didn't know but he there's a lot of prayers in there you ought to read them I didn't finish up with Matthew chapter 9 there he goes on to say if anybody has a winery he gives you instructions about about how to store the wine as well in in verse 17 you don't put it into old wineskins because it'll burst right putting it into new wineskins and so that's exactly what you and I are we're that new wineskin were that new garment we wear that we wear a garment of righteousness now say we're not accredited abraham believed here's what abraham did he's prior to the law he believed in faith now I know I've got some do I have any first-year Casey BC students in here okay I'm gonna you're going to know the answer in your classmates won't when you get me I always ask the students did the people in the Old Testament were they saved or unsaved save okay so how many of you believe that the people in the Old Testament were unsaved nobody wants to raise their hand all right if they were saved how well they were there were some that were saved how were they saved well you you guys know it here but most of the time I'll get this answer they were saved by the blood of bulls and goats but by the sacrifice saved him no no no the Paul plainly teaches us that the blood of bulls and goats can in no way save you well they were they were saved by keeping the law no he goes on plainly and say that the law justified no man so how were they saved they were saved the same way you and I were by faith but it was on credit looking forward to the cross you and I aren't saved on credit no no no your salvation is not a credit card transaction by God it's paid in full matter of fact it's been overpaid it's been so paid that the tip has already been applied and it's a big one come on now well this just sounds too good to be true it is I know it does but it is this is the truth he overpaid and now he did all of that listen to this he did all of that future tense for you and I we weren't even there but he did it he became sin and took care of that thing once and for all for you so that when you believed by faith you weren't credited with righteousness you became righteous based upon the blood the death burial and resurrection of Jesus if you'll ever get the death burial resurrection inline straight in your in your spirit man no one can ever deceive you that's a bold statement yes it is a bullet but they can't once you have that straight see it everything changed when he came out of the grave everything changed and when he ascended on high and took his blood put it on the the Holy of Holies in heaven now that blood speaks come on and it speaks about your righteousness you're in Christ that's why you need to go back and find every place that talks about in him in whom by whom all these things and those are the things that belong to you as a righteous person in Christ Jesus you're not defeated you can't be defeated there's no way you can be defeated well I don't know I got this thing and and the doctor says and that I probably won't make it till Christmas time well you'll be in heaven I mean if you want to keep going down that path go down that path but you'll be in heaven so you win and then the enemy loses but you also have the ability because of who you are in Christ to say no by His stripes I was healed and therefore I'm going to be here past Christmas and New Year's and I think I'll hang around till Easter and it might be here another Christmas you see what I mean you go when you're satisfied now because you're in charge in him and that's why we got to understand every other believer that's in him see our camp is this if there is a camp our camp is this believer and unbeliever and because I'm a believer now different ones understand different things about about things come on we know that right but we're all the same family he's the head of this church that I'm a member of the body of I don't know what part I am I don't know if I'm a toe what I am but I'm part of it and I'm glad to be part of the body yes and so as a part of the body I can learn from other parts of the body it's not like the ear looks at the knee and goes I don't know about this knee he's always bended just bindi bindi bindi bindi bindi bindi we don't need all that bindi stuff all the time right that's just silly the ear needs of the knee so he can go hear things right right but we do that with one another and Paul writes and Corinthians and he was talking about Communion because the Corinthian church was messing up the communion table all right he writes to them and he says and many are sick and weak among you because you don't rightly discern the Lord's body so who's his body it's every believer so this all goes back to what brother Copeland said in that in that message it all goes back to this that were part of this body of Jesus Christ he is the head of it so all the signals from the head come through the body right your body gets hit in the spot it'll go to your brain ow that's gonna leave a mark it's what your brain will say right or out that won't leave a mark in the name of Jesus right just depending on how you've trained your brain come on but the signals go to and from the head the head sends the signals to the body he's not here it was a good thing that he went away that's not it was I wasn't a good thing I wanted to see him you will see him it was good that he went away because he'd Satan thought I got rid of him when he ascended he's like didn't say thank God but you no doubt he did that but but he was glad right and everything was pretty calm for a few days for about 10 days everything was really calm and then all of a sudden in the streets of Jerusalem suddenly happened they got to the tipping point of unity if you read over in Psalms it talks about the anointing oil being poured down on the head of Aaron and it ran down his head on to his beard on to his shoulders on to the very hands of a garment so no matter where you are on the body of Aaron you are anointed right it started at the head Jesus and it ran down the body and then he says something really strange for it's like the dew on Mount Hermon or Mount Hermon and I thought what does anointing oil on a head have to do with the Mount Hermon and do and for the longest time it made me go hmm couldn't figure it out couldn't figure it out couldn't figure it out until one day I heard the weatherman talk about the dew point all right what the what the dew point what's the dew point mountain dew head points you know that you you drink enough mountain dew to you you cash them in for something it's not that what is the dew point the dew point is a point a temperature when the air temperature the ambient air temperature I need to I need cap name is here make sure I get this right when the humidity level in the air there's there's community in the air reaches a certain temperature suddenly do will appear yeah you see it so when you reach I don't know what that temperature is for the amount of saturation of the water in the air but when it when it happens it happens and then there's the dew and that's the point there's a place in him when believers get together when we start to get in unity I don't know what the number is for the room you're in but there's a point when all of a sudden suddenly happens and it's like the dew on Mount Hermon you get into a place of unity when all of a sudden the place was shaken where they were at I'm telling you this is why it's important for us to be in unity with one another whoo glory to God did I read your Colossians no thank you for reminding me he write in Colossians that he prayed for us in Chapter 1 let's look at verse 9 for this reason we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will look at that with wisdom and spiritual understanding what did he pray filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding now that reminds me of what brother Copeland warned us about we're being required by the spirit required to understand Paul prayed that's why I told you two weeks ago it was a modern-day Apostle Paul moment and you need to take it every time brother Copeland has a word like that if he were to be here today and have a word you need to take it as an apostle paul moment no I'm serious I'm stirs you need to esteem the gift alright let me just go on there but that reminds me doesn't that remind you filled with the knowledge of the will and wisdom and spiritual understanding didn't he say we're being required by the spirit to understand right verse Tim that you may walk worthy of the Lord fully pleasing to him being fruitful and every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God strengthened with all might according to his glorious power for all patience and long-suffering with joy look at this giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us my god thank God who qualified who what gives you the right who think who do you think you are well the father qualified me hot rod I'm qualified by the father see the enemy's gonna attack you that you're not qualified you don't know enough not smart enough you're not educated enough you're male you're female black white Hispanic Republican Democrat he divides into groups he always divides into groups and he wants to divide the body of Christ that way well who qualified you my father qualified me thanks to the father who qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light he has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the and conveyed us into the kingdom of a son of love in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins in navigating news he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created that are in heaven and on on the earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist list of this and he is I want I want to show you something I highlighted it in yellow so that you would see and he is the head of the body the church go ahead and leave that up if you would if I attack that gentleman right there you're born again sprayer filled believer part of my body absolutely if I attack him I'm attacking Jesus and many are second weak amongst you because you don't rightly discern the Lord's body the head of the body of the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he may have the preeminence he has the preeminence right next verse for it pleased the father that in hidden him all the fullness should dwell and by him to reconcile all things to himself by him whether things on earth or things in heaven having made peace through the blood of his cross peace having made peace guys the war is over we stand in a place of victory enforcing what's already been won all right and you now look you know he's gonna talk about us raised praying and this was written to Gentiles in Colossae and you who were once alienated and enemies where in your mind by the wicked works yet now he has reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and blameless and above reproach in his sight if indeed you continue in the faith continuing what grounded and steadfast and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard I now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ for the sake of his body which is the church he's making the point again of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to you look at this to fulfill the Word of God that in if you look at that into Greek he's talking about my job okay let's look this glass is is that half that's not half that's just below half right Paul said my job was to fulfill to fill the rest of this thing the instructions for this age you and I live in how do I know that because he goes right into it the mystery talked to you about that last week the mystery which has been hidden from the and from generations but now has been revealed to his Saints to them God will to make known what are the riches of the glory of the mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory by God him we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ every man that we may present every man let me tell you how heaven views you that's how you're viewed that is how you and I are viewed do it dear that's how the Baptist reviewed that's how Todd White's viewed that's how I'm view that's how we're all viewed because we're in this body and because we're in this body he loves his body you're his very own child he loves you as much as he loved Jesus the scripture actually says that he does now I'm his favorite child in Texas I don't know if you knew that or not thank you for not letting me get away with that we all are we're we're favorite child we're part of this family we're part of the body it pleased the father that in him all the fullness should dwell so in the body in Christ all the fullness is dwelling now when he was on the earth the entire fullness of the Holy Spirit was in him now the fullness of the Holy Spirit is in his body in all of us got it I don't control all of it but I have a percentage of it now I can grow in my knowledge of him and I can grow in the spirit and I can grow in the gifts come on we're asked to where we were commanded to by Paul II told us concerning these things to covet these these gifts to grow in this but you grow in the fruit of the Spirit right if there's no fruit there's no power gift hello ouch amen Oh me I mean there's got to be that because they work by love everything in this works by love I have to have a love for the body I have to have a love for the people in the pulpit oh let me come sit down right there for a minute one of the greatest things that Satan did and he's been deceived and he's a deceiver but he's he's been revealed this deception has been revealed and it's been exposed he tried to put a wedge between the pulpit and the Pew and all of this stuff works for the pulpit but it won't work for the people out here that's not true it's absolutely not true bill Winston exposed that lie long time I wish I could do the bill Winston laughs pastor but I can't do though Winston exposed that no no no no we have been made kings and priests right and so when we know what we are right when we know what we are then we operate in that no noin ting and when we operate in that anointing together Kings what a Kings do they rule and reign but they go out and they conquer and subdue and bring the spoils the priests the King always had a priest with him and the priest always had a king with him because they needed each other's anointing a king goes out into the business world and subdues and wins in the business world and brings the spoils back to the priest who then blesses it and that builds the kingdom it builds of the church so I need the business man in my church and you need the priestly office in your business that's why this church tithes to other ministries pastor understands that that principle so he talks about all of these things in that passage he talks about at ages and generations the ages were different timelines there were different timelines there seven in total that I believe different theologians will argue about it but let's not argue about it they're seven all right he goes from Adam Noah all the way through the different ages that we call it dispensations dispensations I've Lyle I like to put it this way it's administration's it's how God deals with this you have the word yes let me put it in political terms that we might understand as Americans we have our Constitution it's the same Constitution that we had when they signed it a long time ago with the Bill of Rights now things have been amended to it and added to it right and even added then scratched out and amended we got ok so we did the prohibition thing right it's still in there if you go to look at the Constitution but then there's an amendment to that scratching that out it's kind of like the Bible they never took the bad stuff out they just amended it you with me so there's one Constitution but different presidents rule differently based on their interpretation of that Constitution some are strict to it some are more loose with it but one guiding principle all right so we would say one book but different administration's so there's one book one covenant one way to go through this but God used different administrations and how he dealt with us and so you go all through all of them and you get into the time of the law and then you get into our age and that's what we're talking about see all you've ever known is the last days this was that which is spoken of by the Prophet Joel in the last days all you've ever known is the last days all you've ever known as the church age all you've ever been part of is the mystery wasn't it's not a mystery to us it was a mystery to them all you've ever known is the age of grace this is why how can God just allow stuff to happen like this then and he's if he's such a good God how can he just allow all this bad stuff because you've only known the age of grace in in the previous age it actually says that he would turn from Israel and bad things would happen in our age he doesn't turn we behold him face to face those that are the believers it's now I'm coming upon us to do something about here because we're the body that's here the head is there yes you following this this is why what brother Copeland said to that is so vitally important for us to understand so that the sudden lease can happen and our midst so I'm seeing a pattern the ages were the different timelines the generation are the people that lived in those timelines and I see a pattern it's all of us in Jesus if you're in Christ Jesus you're in my camp now we may be a faith specialists that the others will bring to learn from us and others may be a what's a different move of the spirit specialist another might be something other kind of specialist a grace specialist come on now we're all different streams working together and when the streams come come together they make a river I wish I'd have brought you I wish I'd have brought you a picture one of my favorite places in all of America is up in Colorado and it's the headwaters of the Arkansas River it's in climax it's ways way up there and Michelle and I in the family we would go up there and it's the clearest coldest coolest water you've ever been to in your life it's absolutely gorgeous place it's like a heaven place and they have these little brook trout in there man they're so good so good it's so fun but the Arkansas River starts there and winds itself down and by the time it hits Tulsa Oklahoma and goes right by Oral Roberts University it looks nothing like the Arkansas River in Colorado because things have changed it as it went along yes other streams have come into it and it's a lot wider and different than it is up there but if I only say the Arkansas River is up there in climaxes that and I refuse to accept that that is not part of the Arkansas River but you understand that's the same water that flowed down come on now all the way through right we can't get locked into our stream I remember I remember uh brother Lester Sumrall talked about he'd been part of every move of God whether it was the real healing revival the teaching the charismatic renewal he said I just looked for the fingerprint of God and I got involved all right so Jesus operates now in a ministry function that he did not prior to our age let me help you with something about the head of the church he operates in a ministry now that he did not prior to our age he is our high priest right yes Hebrews tells us the Apostle on high priest of our faith right so he is accepted he is presented the offering here's what the high priest did the high priests really had three duties besides the looking sharp here's what he did he was to accept and present the sin offering now Jesus did that once and for all right we can't go back up to heaven and pull him down or formate right he doesn't need to do that again he accomplished that work once and for all now the priest also did this the priest would intercede on the behalf of the people before the Holy of Holies he would go in and he would intercede for the Father to the Father concerning the nation of Israel concerning the people well now we're part of that body right we've been grafted-in so now when he is our intercessor come on now you have an intercessor do you understand that you have an intercessor that's right right if this is the father he's right here doing she's all right I got this come on now you have somebody interceding for you he's doing that right now then the high priest was responsible for one other thing Moses was instructed tell the high priest to do this and the high priest would stand before you and stand before the people and he would do his hands like this and he said may the Lord bless you and kill you think I'm doing Star Trek that's where Leonard Nimoy he got it said may the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you come on write the blessing he would pronounce them are you here he would pronounce the blessing over your life so Jesus has done that he has gone to the Father with the sin offering became the sin offering he is interceding on our behalf and the high priest would pronounce the blessing how many of you've ever been blessed in this room let me help you with something that blessing did not come it may have come through some person in the body but that blessing came straight from the throne that blessing came straight from the Son of God himself he's the one that spoke that bless I need pastor George to be blessed and so he starts moving on people this is offering message part 1 he starts moving on people but he's already pronounced the blessing on you this is why you've got to cooperate with the blessing in your life you got to be part of that process Lord if you wanting me to bless somebody tell me I'll be part of the process right so I'm realizing the key to staying a key to staying in the blessing is staying in unity in the body of which he is the head because if the blessing comes from the head come on let me figure it out it went on the head of Aaron down upon his beard on his shoulders and down I do not want to be a blocker to the blessing of the toad every blessing you've ever received originated in the spirit and mind of the Lord Jesus Christ himself and he spoke it and angels went after it and people heard it and they responded to it and you're part of the blessing because you're part of the body amen all right oh god somebody shout about that we'll be back with Pastor George in just a minute take a break well glory to God what a phenomenal word from Pastor Greg this morning if you're a part of the body you are a part of the blessing that'll preach all week long I want to encourage you if you just joined us or if you weren't here at the beginning at the top of faiths foundations let me tell you faith foundations is built to help you go deeper in the Word of God if you want a deeper revelation a deeper understanding and here's the thing the number one question that we get asked as pastors is how do I apply what's being taught to my everyday life faith foundations will give you a depth to be able to do just that to be able to apply it to your everyday life so I want to encourage you when you go back to work and you go back to school or whatever you're doing this this next week you tell somebody listen if you're a part of the body you're a part of the blessing well praise God good morning how are y'all doing out there I'm Pastor John I'm associate pastor here at Eagle Mountain International Church and Kenneth Copeland ministries we're so excited that you joined us right here at the revival capital of the world it is a phenomenal time to be in the body of Christ whether you are a faith specialist or a specialist otherwise serving in the body of Christ we're excited about what God is doing in the body we're also excited about what's going on right here around around the mountain brother Copeland is man I'm telling you to be 80 plus years old somebody said something about retiring he's not retiring he's refire his what I hear so he is all over the place he is going and preaching the Word of God you know brother Copeland received a word from the Lord that we are to put this uncompromised Word of Faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle on every available voice if you're watching us this morning you are one of those available voices and whatever mode you're watching us on whether that is the network or if it's online if it's on if it's if you're listening to us if you're catching this after the fact if you're watching us on Facebook whatever it is that is an available voice and we celebrate those available voices and we're constantly looking for other available voices to put this uncompromised Word of Faith on because that's the mandate that brother cope givenness I want to encourage you that you are one of those available voices and brother Copeland is serious about getting this word of faith on every available voice so serious that he is traveling the world throughout the year preaching in different places and we're have we have different victory campaigns and things coming up all around the world most notably here next week we start one in Michigan if you are in if you're in to the Detroit area I think we're gonna be specifically in Southfield Michigan that's coming up this week this Thursday it starts that's August 29th through August 31st this week I keep saying this week because if you're in that area and you're watching us whatever however you're watching us make plans to be there pastor Terry oftentimes tells the story about how they would make plans to be wherever brother Copelan was gonna be and they would make it a priority they would Pat kids lunches they would they would make sure that they were able to get there on time and get there and save a seat I want you to make the word a priority in your life and if you're in those areas there's going to be a specific anointing for your geographic location for your area that the Prophet is bringing to south fill to South field Missouri so I want to encourage you to get there he's also going to be in several other places for a list of those places and specifics about where he's going to be I want you to take a look at this come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event Jerry called me he said next year is my 50th year in the ministry and he said I wouldn't be in the ministry wouldn't be so he said all of 2019 wherever you want I'll be there we together again August 29th through 31st join Keith : and Jerry Savelle at the Midwest victory campaign in Southfield Michigan USA September 12th through the 14th join Kenneth Copeland at the Gold Coast victory campaign in Queensland Australia November 7th through the 9th join us at our nation's capital for the Washington DC victory campaign at the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge Virginia USA join us December 31st to ring in the new year at Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark Texas USA for more information visit KC and org slash events while the spot was rolling the folks here in the studio told me that I by mistake said Missouri as opposed to Michigan I blame my Alabama accent and all of you in Alabama don't send me into nasty grams I'm just trying to figure out a way to get out of it it's not Missouri it's Michigan is where he's going to be at in Detroit in the Detroit area so if you're in that area make sure you make every effort to be at that victory campaign you know speaking of victory campaigns we have a very special event coming up and it's coming up September 12th through the 14th you kind of heard a little bit about it during that last spot but we but it's so significant that I want to focus on it for just a moment our KCM office in Australia is having its 40th anniversary this year this year KCM Australia has been in operation for 40 years and brother Copeland will be doing the Gold Coast victory campaign I want you to take a look at this and if you're in that area make plans to be there watch this the 2019 Gold Coast victory campaign with Kenneth Copeland come be refreshed come receive answers come because your life depends on this word and these are the days of great and mighty revival and this land shall come behind in no spiritual gift no power and no work of the Holy Ghost shall be lacking here for the revival of God shall flow in the streets of these cities and graves shall be the name of the Lord in this land celebrating 40 years in Australia asia-pacific 40 years of the anointing the message influence healing and victory 40 years declaring that Jesus is Lord the Gold Coast victory campaign with Kenneth Copeland and his preaching partner Jerry Savelle in Queensland Australia go to KCMO you fought /g cbc 19 for more information and to register 40 years on the Gold Coast forty years in Australia think about the word saturation in that atmosphere for that meeting you don't want to miss the miraculous atmosphere of that meeting make sure you're there to use a.m. I wrote this down to use one of Brother Copeland's specific adjectives to describe something that God is doing that meeting is going to be Magnifico so you want to make sure that you make it to that meeting hey listen this morning is going to be phenomenal we have pastor Jorge with us this morning David Ellis and my wife will be doing worship this morning but this morning is going to be characterized specifically by the fact that it is student Sunday Kacie BC is starting back this coming week all of the kc b c kc b c students are here this sunday morning we're celebrating them pastor George will be preaching a word we there's a lot gonna happen in this service I want to encourage you to go ahead and get your Bible your notebook put your dancing shoes on get ready to praise God in your living room or get ready to praise God while you're driving get ready to praise God in your office wherever you're watching this you don't want to miss what's about to happen in the service this morning let me pray for you and then we're gonna get right into it father in Jesus name I thank you for those who are watching us our faith family from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle Lord I give you praise for them and I pray over this service that your will be done in Jesus name a man here we go [Music] Kemi see family we're out here in open our village in Romania just watching the kids play some basketball we wanted to say thanks to the church we were able to provide those basketball goals for the kids [Music] yesterday was Sunday we split the team up when we went to two different churches and God showed up the Holy Spirit moved people got saved people got healed [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are sharing Jesus but I get these out and I talk about Jesus coming into their heart and making Jesus the Lord of their life lots of the kids are drawn to you and because you see the hunger on their face and just getting to tell them that Jesus loves them and beautiful because they're cold days brightens up [Applause] I was this challenging he'd never been on a missions trip definitely go somewhere and get outside of your box Jesus yeah [Music] let's give God praise and morning what a great day this is going to be first of all I want to welcome back to school for those at Kay CBC would you give them a great hand welcome back and then all of our new students that are here praise God we are so thankful for you and then also I want to let you know that we have people that are watching us from around the world all over the world listen to this I've got the list right here that we know of right now Aruba Germany Jamaica Panama Russia Spain the United Kingdom France Canada Guiana United Arab Emirates the Philippines Romania Trinidad Tobago Brazil Denmark Costa Rica says like traveling music there that's great Ireland Mexico Puerto Rico South Africa Ukraine Norway in the United States of America welcome to the revival [Applause] okay so here's what the Lord told me to do this morning some 100 it says make a joyful noise unto the Lord [Applause] it says serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the Lord he is God it is he that has made us not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him bless His name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting Jews double generations praising [Applause] [Music] it's big [Music] take this out you [Music] [Music] you [Music] so good [Music] so [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get away be still cats down team [Music] GFG now [Music] you came [Applause] you made a shoes shop [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because the time made a full bath walking cheese's you make [Music] let's play through [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we get your venture [Music] can you [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we walk in your victory [Music] [Applause] fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta do something I got to invite all of 1440 on this stage with me right now if you're a teenager middle school high school come up on this stage we're gonna sing this song together are you ready come on out yeah that's right come on up fill this names [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on you can do better than that give our students [Applause] don't they look good this morning Annoying tip pull the word holiday halle-loo come on you're gonna see this together is so a bill may be fun but it won't prosper when the darkness falls it won't breathe him now that Sam knows only come on my god she will never fail that's worth shouting about come on say it cuz my now let's see this [Music] Oh [Music] come on as a family [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] a signal system this power my [Music] everyone here agency where that's right [Applause] nice shot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] around here I'm kind of the music Tweaker so I want to kick this up another notch I already see my victory [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you turn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are god of victory that you are a mighty warrior you're an everlasting father you are the Prince of Peace thought father we thank you that you have already won our victory we thank you for your presence in this place this morning father we thank you and give you glory we give you honor we give you all of them praise in the mighty name of Jesus amen amen this morning peeps to hang out out up here with me for a little bit you guys cool that yeah all right awesome awesome but we're gonna have a time of communion if you didn't get a communion cup just stick your hand and the air ashes will bring one to you amen amen and as they finished distributing the communion elements go ahead and open up your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 11 it's very familiar but we want to put our eyes on it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus this is a celebration for what the Lord has done this is a celebration for the Lord is going to do throughout all of our school years this year college grade school high school middle school elementary school preschool it doesn't matter what school it is this year we are taking authority over it and we are calling the end from the beginning and we're going into it from a position of victory by faith knowing that God is with us and God is going to work all things out for our good amen amen so 1st corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 says this for I've received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he also was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it when he had given thanks he breaking he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me and father we just lift up the body before you right now and we say thank you we say thank you just begin to thank them with your own words we say thank you going in and we take authority Oh for this school year right now at the beginning and we thank you that we have the ability by faith to start the year out and victory to carry the year out in victory and to see the end of the year from a position of victory we thank you so much that victory is surrounding every one of our students we thank you so much that the blessing is surrounding every one of our students we thank you so much that provision and prosperity is surrounding every one of our students and father I thank you that we take we remember the body that was broken for us we remember the body that was broken for us that we might be healed and lord I thank you so much that no pestilence no plague no sickness no disease will come near India one of our students we take authority over it right now and we declare that they are healed and that they are made whole and no attack of the enemy can cross that and lord I thank you that your body was broken that away by your stripes we were healed and we walk in our healing we take our healing we receive our healing and that this healing the supernatural blessed healing of the Lord will be a testimony in the schools the public schools the the private schools the home schools the college campuses all of him will be a testimony of the Great Physician it will be a testimony of the healer it will be a testimony of the deliverer and it will be testimony of the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and from a place of victory and glory and honor out of remembrance to what you did and who you are we receive the body [Music] and in verse 25 it says similarly when supper was ended he took the cup also saying this is the new covenant ratified and established my blood do this as often as you drink it to call me to remembrance for every time you eat this bread and drink this cup you were representing and signifying and proclaiming the fact of the Lord's death until he comes and so father right now Jesus we thank you for the blood that was shed we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood Jesus we thank you for the blood that was shed father I thank you Lord that the blood purchased everything that we need father the blood purchased everything that we need Lord the blood purchased everything that these students need this school your father and I thank you Lord that it is a blood that protects father I thank you that Psalm 91 protection covers every single one of our students this school year father I thank you that your word says that you have commanded your angels concerning them to guard them in all of their ways that they won't even strike their foot against a stone father I thank you Lord that school shootings are not going to happen this year in our schools father I thank you warned that calamity that disaster will not happen in our schools this year father I thank you Lord that Kacie BC is covered in the blood Jesus I thank you that boswell High School is covered in the blood Jesus I thank you Father that all of our schools our home schools are covered in the blood of Jesus our the COC is covered in the blood of Jesus Lord and father we thank you that that blood purchased for us our prosperity father I thank you that that's not just financial prosperity but that's prosperity in our mind that's prosperity in our schoolwork and father I thank you that our students have prosperous Minds this year father that they will have supernatural wisdom from heaven they will have supernatural discernment from heaven God that they will have supernatural knowledge and understanding of every concept that is taught to them Jesus I thank you Lord God that you are giving them everything that they need borne that you've already paid for it you've already bought it for them and so father right now as a church body we we take it Jesus we take it on behalf of every KCDC student father we take that wisdom we take that authority God and I thank you Lord that you are making our students ambassadors I thank you Lord that this but blood first and foremost it purchased our salvation and father I thank you that these students are walking vessels of your love that they are walking vessels of your grace that they are walking vessels of your goodness and father I thank you that wherever they go God sickness flees wherever they go by the oppression of the Dennett enemy will flee father I think you know everywhere they go got anxiety suicidal thoughts on those leave I think you know everywhere they go God people look at them and want what they have because they're so filled with you and sales with your spirit and father I thank you God that they are walking vessels of your love father god I ask right now that you fill them God that you give them grace that you give them discernment and knowledge and strength of God because the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is alive and active on the inside of them so right now we take this blood and we thank you that it is finished that it is done in the mighty name of Jesus amen can we just declare that one more time what pastor Terry led us in pastor Terry thank you that was icing on the cake I love the song I'll take a little secret brother Copeland and I were I was with him in Minneapolis Minnesota and he called me over there well the praise and worship team was singing he says I like that song that they so they can you get the choir a hand cuz I just threw that at them yesterday but brother Copeland changed it a little bit in then pastor Terry you even brought it up to another level on that but even as you know can we declare that one more time already [Music] do you know [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your time [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah and there came a point they knew going into that war we were gonna win it because righteousness would prevail but it looked like a long hard steep climb but there came a point when they could already see the victory they knew and there was nothing left but the mob up halleluiah faith sees the victory faith sees the victory they seized it and faith already sees it before it even before the battle even begin faith sees it they says already have it already have it say already have it look at your neighbor [Applause] you may be seated yes Holden you got some you guys can go be seated would you give all of our youth 1440 here [Applause] praise God somebody that of that abundance of the energy on the platform in case you didn't know quests it was helping lead this morning is our 1440 senior high pastor and Catherine know is ministry over our 1440 middle school hallelujah but I did one could you please give George and Terri here a welcome I mean a thank you for the communion that the way they let us I felt like I was watching Georgian Terry appear praise God I loved it so thank you very much bless the Lord what great Hanson Holden works with Miss IVA and working over all our prayer groups here at EMI see what a blessing to have such faith in the room well good morning good morning good morning welcome to Eagle Mountain International Church yes where love is king Jesus is Lord and we have Church we are a church heaven group praise the Lord we come because we mean it but you know today is the most special day because it is Kacie BC Sunday and here's Casey [Applause] parry lens birthday I remind you that flo rida god [Applause] [Music] we we were just finishing that song and just as you were talking about seeing the victory I heard the word of the Lord and remember that victory is over death [Applause] yes it's already won it's done it's already done [Laughter] [Applause] we are in that stage right now like I was talking about World War two the battles won the victories won and right now we're just cleaning up we just mop it up for a few that hadn't heard the war's over that's right praise God I remember it very I'm sure I remember right there right there at the close the end of the war nobody was sad anymore now of course there was a lot of grief because people lost the loss of loved ones and a lot of a lot of hard times a lot of grief but there was just something about the fact that particularly after d-day the 6th of June 1944 everybody thought we may be home for Christmas yeah I'm in it you know victory because there's nothing as sweet as victory and there's nothing as sweet in the life of a person who lives and has their life sustained by faith in God there's nothing nothing on this planet as sweet as taking the Word of God taking an eternal stand on it [Applause] the battle is the law the victory is [Applause] they over Sigma Sigma si [Applause] grace of the Lord praise you Jesus well today's actually Aubree's birthday she's 33 and tomorrow's mine and I'll also be 33 it's a miracle it's a miracle praise God may be seated thank you very much how to appreciate that oh yes it's a miracle it's a miracle next year she'll be 34 but I'll still be 33 it's amazing praise God well this also kcb see Sunday so we will come back all of our returning KCDC students and all of our first-year kc these students would you all stand please we'd like to officially give you a walk [Applause] praise are lower than hallelujah we are glad you're here praise God you may be seated this is awesome that you are in the house today school starts officially in the morning with brother Copeland and then so we're gonna have a great time tomorrow and Tuesday then we'll be pastor George and I we're gonna get you so pumped up and so full of excitement about the year that is to come it's gonna be an amazing time can I just get a show of hands among our second-year KC BC students was this or a a life-altering destiny arriving year that you had last year with Kacie BC I get us so show of hands glory to God hallelujah amen well we're not through with you yet God well and I'd like to see a show of hands please of those who are here for the very first time your first time on the mountain could I see your hands please we want to welcome you glory to God I see would imagine we have some KCDC here we're so glad that you came and we want to invite you to fill out the visitors card under the seat in front of you or in that pocket and there's a reason for that we probably I mean we work those cards we pray over and we believe God over them and and there are a point of contact for us to know who you are we invite you after the service to the reception which is to my right and your left and to have pastoral staff and team there to greet you and to just let you know how happy we are that you came because you're an answer to prayer and we believe that your time in this service today will be an answer to your prayers as well we also welcome everyone that's watching this morning from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle but you give it a shouter note applause and clapping happy welcome to everyone watching online this morning and on the network praise God praise the Lord so great things are happening here at Eagle mountain all the time every day something wonderful is happening but if you'll watch your screens will tell you a little bit about what's happening this week [Music] [Music] hey everyone thanks for joining us for service today if you're a first-time guest we want to say welcome and ask you to fill out a welcome card which can be found under the seat in front of you if you fill out that card it allows us to connect with you you can drop the card in the offering later during service or bring it to our guest reception in the hospitality room where you can exchange it for a free gift at the reception you'll meet some of our church staff and leaders and ask any questions that you might have now let's take a look at what's happening this week on the mountain hey radiant women I'm excited to tell you about our next drive service on Tuesday September 10th at 6:45 p.m. right here in the sanctuary we're going to hear a faith building message from evangelist reverend melissa swindle don't miss this opportunity to surround yourself with the community of like-minded sisters in Christ we'll see you there hi church family I want to invite you to our business forum Saturday September the 21st at 8:30 a.m. we'll be enjoying a continental breakfast and a time to network with other Christian professionals before having our keynote speaker Randy's 5e as the CEO and founder of the center of personal protection and safety and is a recognized expert in prevention of in response to violence in the workplace as well as schools and houses of worship we're excited to hear his unique perspective as a successful Christian businessman for more information visit EMI C org slash events see you there hey radiant women it's almost time for our annual shopping day meet us at South Lake Town Square on Saturday September 7th at 9:00 a.m. we'll start with breakfast at the corner bakery and then the shopping will begin we'll take a lunch break and you can choose between breo's and the Cheesecake Factory every year we have tons of fun spending quality time together and this year will be no different it's important that you register so for more information and to RSVP visit am IC org slash events we know you'll be glad you came all right men it's almost time for our annual built to last men's event taking place on Saturday October 5th you also don't want to miss our kickoff tailgate party Friday October 4th the theme works flooring this year is I am able our keynote speaker is our very own senior pastor George Pearson's and we are full of expectation for what God will say to us through him we always enjoy coming together with brothers of like faith to grow closer to God and to each other be watching for more information in the coming weeks I am able I am built to last for additional information about any of these events or to see what else is going on around the mountain check out my in my seat follow any of our social media outlets or visit EMI Sea Org good morning it is investment time when you get to invest in your future and the kingdom last week pastor George came and he asked me to to do the offering message this morning and he he threw down the gauntlet he said you'd always do something very creative that we can remember by and with creative okay and we mentioned the rain I said yet have the choir here to do the rain didn't know the choir was gonna be here but three years ago I taught on something and he inspired me with this last week how many of you were here last weekend you heard him and he talked about his his blessing fund or tip money that that he had and I decided pastor I'm gonna get a blessing fund that I can that I can go do that because I found a scripture in Esther chapter 2 says this the King made a great feast the feast of Esther for all his officials and servants and he proclaimed a holiday in the provinces and gave gifts according list of this according to the generosity of a king he gave gifts according to the generosity of a king and then I realized that we've been made kings and priests and I looked over and I found in Isaiah 32 and verse 8 it says this but a generous man devised it devises generous things and by generosity he shall stand when I realized that Jesus is the king and I'm part of the body and that the blessing comes from the head downward I realized that I'm going to revisit something I taught you three years ago and I want to tell you it's story time with pastor grid all right [Applause] I need a cardigan sweater to put on and ten dishes would you be my neighbor alright sorry time you ready once upon a time a Christian a believer had a need right and so what did he do he got on his knees and he prayed to the Father in heaven concerning his knee and the father then looked for someone his eyes were going to throw on the earth and he looked down and he found another believer and he said I have another one of my part of my body that has a need would you bless that person and the answer was no and so then he asked a second person and the answer was no and so the father then asked a third person and the answer was no now see the question marks over the believer now the believers beginning what happened I prayed I prayed the word I prayed in faith I'm checking up on my love walk and so the father then asked another person and their answer was no now the question marks intense now they begin to examine themselves they begin to think that there's something wrong in their life they begin to think that they've done something that's causing the blessing to not come to them but the problem wasn't with them the whole time was it so the father asked another person and this person said yes and when they said yes they made their way over to that believer they found them they greeted them and they blessed them as the father had asked them to do and what was the result of that the result of that was a shout a praise a dance and it says your generosity will result in Thanksgiving unto God give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over what's the next thing what's the next thing that's it shall men I'm telling you I want to be like pastor George was talking about I want to be that person that somebody has prayed that somebody has believed and the father has asked and he's asking he's asked and he gets to me and I'm gonna say yes and go and be that blessing because I realized something we have been made kings and priests and that verse said he gave gifts according to the generosity of a king if I'm seated with him the blessing it says started on Aaron's head ran down upon his beard upon his shoulders and every bit of his garment right I don't want to be part of the blessing blocker I want to be part of the blessing enabler the blessing Giver the blessing started here enrolled it's way down over the entire body and so I saw something if I'm in the body of Christ I'm part of the blessing and being responsible to his prompting when it comes time to sew is part of the blessing hello hello hello hello the blessing comes from him so here's what I heard if the blessing started at the head then every blessing I've ever received originated in the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus Christ himself oh my god and let me tell you something he has the generosity of a king how many of you have been blessed in this room you have been blessed that blessing didn't start with you asking for the prayer that blessing started in the heart of the king and he put it upon somebody and he put it upon somebody to put it up on somebody and it has rolled down to where it got to you and here's what I heard I was supposed to do today is there somebody in this room that you want to sow into this offering and you literally have nothing to so today you want to sow in this I see that man back there with your hand up you want to sow but you literally have nothing to so I'm going to be part of your blessing come here [Music] give that money to that man [Applause] now you have sir you have something too so now he gives seed the sewers you just watch the principal happen and now when you so that not only are you opened up I'm telling you this offering today see that's a twice sown seed now I'm part I'm part of that blessing with you now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm part of that generosity of the king I'm not gonna be a blessing blocker so every blessing that the father has ever thought of and he said I can think of things that you've never thought of I think of a million ways to get something to you you can only think of one right so I want you to get in cooperation with the blessing today because he's already thought of ways to bless you he's already thought of things you haven't even thought of yet and I want you to be part of it if you're in this auditorium today get yourself an envelope if you're given by cash or by cheque the ushers will hand you one if you're on the front row fill it out be part of sowing today be part of the blessing if you're watching us on television or online emi /give emi /give or you can text again text the number three six six zero nine and the key word is emi c plus the dollar amount example emi c 25,000 write whatever it is whatever the Lord lays on your heart text the number three six six zero nine the keyword emi c plus the dollar amount and you be part listen every single one of you do something today be part of this start somewhere I can't do that much start somewhere start somewhere and watch what God is going to do in your life because the generosity of a king is in this house and it's on your life do you get anything out of story time with pastor Greg man gentlemen go ahead and serve the people [Music] shake [Music] until he called my name handsome lady changing its healthy town Jesus pulled me no longer bound and say [Music] creation in it's gone amazing live I live [Music] down and this yes [Music] my star yes it's not [Music] let me climb but Jesus oven now I see the light [Music] brain I've got the banjo [Music] change now a new baby cries video my face [Applause] written [Music] and it's my yes [Applause] [Music] raining [Music] [Music] [Applause] because the I am tells me who I am Who I am because he tells me I am Who I am because iam tells me who I am Who I am because di [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell you cheese [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise God do you appreciate our choir our musicians are singers guys want a wonderful job today thank you thank you so much glory be to the Lord I want to say something before you're seated there are two very special people to us who are here in church today I never want to take for granted their presence among us Kenneth and Gloria Copeland how much we love them and appreciate them let me say this first to Gloria Gloria would you stand up Gloria please in in two weeks you and I are going to be taping again and on the Friday broadcast of that two weeks we will we will hit 365 days of prosperity praise God and how much we love you how much we appreciate you I watched you on television yesterday on healing school what an awesome teacher you are and we are so grateful and thankful for your life and what you are doing for the body of Christ would you give Gloria a great hand [Applause] praise dawn what what was dead by standby every day of the year praise God praise God and brother Copeland we thank you and honor you so much and if you have a word for this congregation today that spot right up there's yours he does [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated thank you for being so kind to glory and me I just have a moment here that I want to share with you they turn with me to the 23rd psalm we are living in the 23rd psalm and this is one of the short Psalms you can memorize it in just a few moments and there's one specific place that I want to touch on this morning the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I shall not lack glory to God come over here George he just gonna read into this a few comments yep the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want or lack he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters to restore my soul yeah yep been that good he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake now that the way the King James is written it's a little bit blind and we just kind of go through it was that mean he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake he's restored my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness so that I never an embarrassment to his name all glory thank God hallelujah I'm a victory going somewhere else yeah yay notice it starts off with you it does yeah yes yes yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because you're with me your rod and your staff comfort me in that Valley and besides that you're the biggest thing in the valley it is not the valley of death we have victory over death so we're only walking through a shadow that's right thank you amen and I remember it like it was yesterday and glory to God the shadow of a dog never bit anybody yeah Oh amen that dog only bites the one who does not know Jesus as Lord and Savior and his bite is me we what we're walking in the shadow of it all the time everything around us dies the grass everything every living thing that's alive right now will die except you and me that's what is what we were walking through a shadow I'll go ready to go you prepared now let's bring this over into the faith side where it is now you have prepared a table before me in the presence of mine enemies [Music] this is a family table yeah but the devil still there who cares he can't come to the table [Applause] he's one of the dogs that lay under our feet and eat the clothes only he doesn't even get to do that glory to God it only took one crumb off of Jesus table to heal that sorrow phoenician woman's gone one crumb glory to God delivered her because healing is the children's bread come on glory to God think about it just give him good sets give him praise thank glory to God praise we just come up to that table Glo reading somebody said yeah the devil still here well who cares who cares his thing about him get your eyes off him get your eyes on Jesus get your eyes on the victory hallelujah the victory he's already defeated he's already finished we know exactly what's going to happen to him we can tell him his future we can read his teacher we can wait he the future he doesn't have any way to go he is done he's finished he's going to prison for a thousand years [Applause] what's going to happen to him do it again we know exactly what's going to happen to us we're gonna be gonna find forever [Applause] [Applause] he's going into the lake of fire forever [Applause] so who cares if he's a president the table don't get you high on the enemy get you high on the Lord of the feast glory be to God right in the presence of the enemy at that table Jesus just comes over an annoyance our head with oil and our cup runs [Music] Thank You fun well my dad was looking nothing he's done stick a fork in him his saddle hold on he's through Oh God low holy murder death Canada - shushing my daughter's frantic [Applause] guaranteed surely surely surely he has borne our sicknesses and carried our pain [Applause] surely goodness and mercy the compassion of God but he is good his mercy endures forever mercy endures forever and his goodness and his mercy will follow me all the days of my life well in the law [Applause] I'll take it go god I take it and when we grasp that truth then and only then can we reach into the realm of just seemingly the impossible like staying on this earth in good health yes for 120 yes sir yeah it's been done it's been proven Moses couldn't have done that no way in the world he could have done that in his own natural stream impossible for him but God strengthened thank God he did and you and I are gonna do it we're gonna do yes yes yes we are going to do this thing why because surely goodness and mercy are following us all the household thank you fast rate thank you sir dr. Pearson doctor have you forgotten as it slipped your mind that Terry and George both received their doctorates on the day that Casey BC received its accreditation as it has been affected you remember that a breech doctor yes sir thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise praise God [Music] thank you glory to God [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] while you're standing let's pray over this word today father we honor you and thank you what a powerful service this has been how deeply moving because the Lord you're in our midst the presence of God is here and now we go before your word and we thank you for it thank you for speaking to us thank you for talking to us in this word Lord that you had me prepare for today it's the direction that you wanted the things that you wanted to say and I thank you that you'll give me illustrate that I did not think of I thank you that you point out revelation that we hadn't considered before but Lord we praise and glorify you for your word we give you word first place make it final authority in our lives in Jesus name and everyone said amen go ahead and be seated if you would please well good morning everybody what a time what a great day this has been thank you guys so very much I want you to open your Bibles to proverbs chapter 14 proverbs chapter 14 and what I'd like to do is continue on in what we started talking about last week living stress-free lives living stress-free lives I had several different directions that I was going to go for today and as I got into my study yesterday it was obvious the Lord began to take me on a journey where this is concerned so it's it's obvious that it needs to be said obvious there are things that need to be discussed about this but it's living stress-free living in a place of peace in such a stressful world the world that we're in right now and so with the the couple of things I want to review with you that we talked about last week in proverbs chapter 14 are you there proverbs 14 verse 30 in the King James Version it says a sound heart is the life of the flesh but indeed the rottenness of the bones now the amplified translation says this a calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and the health of the body but envy jealousy and wrath are like rottenness to the bone a couple of other translations that I want to read to you the Living Bible a relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life you know these are all going to some of the things that brother Copeland was talking to us about just now about living a hundred and twenty years these are these are really principles principles to be able to live those hundred and twenty years live long live strong live healed live whole that at the the more you go forward in your life your youth is renewed like the Eagles and is continually being renewed well in the message translation it says a sound mind makes for a robust body a sound mind makes for a robust body and I like the new living testament I just wrote this a little while ago I saw this in my Bible a peaceful heart leads to a healthy body a peaceful heart leads to a healthy body so the things that we're talking about here are things connected to how we handle our minds the things that we think about the things that we meditate on the things that we allow to get down on the inside of us whether it be the word or the worry either one is going to have an effect and it's going to have an effect on the physical body and we talked about some studies last night studies that have been linked to stress linked have linked stress to bad health and I'll just give you a couple of examples of this in one particular study the participants under stress were three times likely to develop heart disease exclusive of any other risk factor just people that were under stress this other one here stress kills brain cells in the same way that binge drinking kills brain cells has the same exact effect the worry the care the stress allowing the pressure to enter in to the inside has the same effect on brain cells that binge drinking does inflammatory disease points the guilty finger to stress these are all the summaries of some of the things that we talked about last week but the other hand there were a couple of things that we mentioned one of them visiting a house of worship just once a week can extend life expectancy by nearly a decade so I know I'm going to see you guys a lot longer visiting a house of worship just once a week can extend life expectancy by nearly a decade then we talked about one way to get rid of stress this was found in first Peter 5:7 in the amplified casting the whole of your care all your anxieties all your worries all your concerns once and for all on him for he cares for you so that's what one of the things that we have to do where it comes to the pressure and the stress and the worry in the care we have to cast the whole of our care role the care over unto the Lord all of our anxieties all of our worries all of our concerns once and for all on him so say this after me in the name of Jesus I now cast the whole of my care all anxieties all worries all concerns all stress all pressure over unto Him once and for all for he cares for me because I shared with you last week dr. Avery Jackson was on the taping with brother Copeland a couple of weeks ago and these broadcasts will be out in October and and every one of us need to be watching those you need to be watching the believers voice the victor anyway but these these are really special and dr. Jackson who is a noted neurologist in the study of the brain talked about how there are certain things that God has set forth in his word to help protect us tell keep us living strong to help keep us in a place of divine health and one of those things that he talked about was not allowing stress and pressure to get down on the inside of us so we have to cast that care we have to we have to lay aside Hebrews 12 tells us every weight and the sin that so easily besets us so that we can run with patience the race that is set before us we're running the race but we don't need to be carrying all that stuff we don't need to be carrying all that care we don't need to be carrying the financial care or the family care well the physical care we don't need to be carrying that yes there may be things that need to be dealt with and issues that need to be spoken to but it God has not designed us to be able to carry the stress he is our caretaker the chastisement of our peace was upon him and so we can live in a place of peace no matter what's going on and no matter what is happening in our lives another way and that's what we're gonna get into today another way to overcome stress is through and this is interesting because when I started my study time yesterday I know I can I can sense the direction of the Lord I can sense when he is leading and guiding and directing because I'll start praying in the spirit and I'll get these little little just snatches of pictures of what to do and where to go and then all of a sudden I find myself in that place where here we are we are working together I am typing hard and fast information is coming down and usually that lasts about an hour and a half and then I sit back and go whoa look what the Lord has done so I know I'm convinced today that this word that I'm giving to you it's exactly what you need you didn't see that's the part that the pastor plays I talked to the Lord he talks to me and he gets me ready for whatever it is that we need to talk about so we're talking today about another way to overcome stress is through joy and laughter joy laughter [Applause] I know you're ready to do that I know you're ready to step into that but as I told you before Terry and I we've been doing that we have been really practicing that lately and I share with some of you last week those of you that were here I talked about when we go to bed at night and the lights are off and it's quiet enough snuggle up to her it's dark and I'll go hahaha go ah and then we just both go AHA together for a while and what are we doing we are we're rolling whatever care over under the Lord and we're allowing the the medicine of laughter to work on the inside of us you know some weeks ago I had been watching two youtube videos of mark Hankins called laughter at the best medicine and I'm going to be quoting a couple of things to you that he said and that's one of the reasons that as I was praying while Terry and I were gone on vacation to have mark Hankins come here because he specializes in that area the move of the Spirit the joy of the Lord and it's something that works on the inside of us and it's something that is so so important to our lifestyle in order to walk in a lifestyle being totally stress-free do you know that it is possible for a believer to live and walk stress-free totally stress-free in their lives no matter what is going on do you believe that do you receive that today well I want you to open your Bibles to second Corinthians chapter 2 we'll start here then we'll begin here and then see how the Lord has taken us in this 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 in verse 14 and this is something very important that we need to know when we're talking about living a stress-free life you have to have this image down on the inside of you you have to have this this reality of where we are in Christ on the inside and second Corinthians 2 and verse 14 now thanks be unto God which Oh causes us to triumph in Christ and making manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place thanks be unto God which always always he always causes us to triumph in Christ they always no matter what is going on always he always causes us to triumph no matter what it is like I said before financial physical family no matter what it is job no matter what it is thanks be to God say thanks be to God which always causes me to triumph in Christ that's 24/7 that's 24/7 we are walking in that triumphant place we're walking in that place a victory get your eyes on victory get your eyes on the victory that belongs to us so thanks be to God which always causes us to triumph in Christ so we have to start there when we're talking about this and talking about joy and laughter in the effect that it has in our lives and one of the things that mark Hankins said he said our joy is the celebration of Jesus triumphant Hell of Satan's defeat and our victory in Christ every time we give praise to God every time we thank him every time every time we laugh before the Lord every time we danced before the Lord every time we do something like that it is a it's a demonstration of our celebration of Jesus triumphant he'll end of Satan's defeat say Satan is defeated because of what Jesus did for me and he gave us the victory in Christ so no matter what it is no matter what's going on that victory is yours it's now it's now I already have the victory already have the victory it belongs to me now triumph is a celebration after the victory is won that's what triumphant he's made us he's caused us to triumph in Christ and that's why we can count it all joy in every situation because we are already world overcomers this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith we're already world overcomers we're already triumphant in Christ but if we don't rejoice the devil will think he's winning you can test yourself on this if you're not rejoicing and praising God and really stepping over into a place of holy laughter then the devil thinks he's got you he's got you one of the things that mark Hankins quoted was Martin Luther on the the best medicine laughter the best medicine Martin Luther said this I often laugh at Satan I often laugh at Satan there's nothing that makes him so angry as when I attack him to his face and tell him through God I am more than a match for him say through God I am more than a match for the devil and then I'll quote mark Hankins he said the devil is used to us getting concerned and worried was worried and stressed he's used to people doing that he's used to people being worried and concerned stressed out over things that are going on he is not accustomed to being laughed at he's accustomed to being respected he doesn't know how to take it when he comes against us and we laugh at him haha I spent time laughing in my study yesterday just practicing that just practicing it it seemed it'll seem strange to at first but I'm telling you it works on the inside it works it is a if you will faith laughs faith laughs I like when Gloria and I tape I wish I wish we could take some of the things that we do in between our broadcasts Gloria some of the things that you say are a riot they're just a riot and we call them glory isms we have we have quite a collection of glory isms both on and off the camera there are some things that we probably shouldn't put on camera that you've said before but anyway you do say funny things and one of the things that she said she looked at me we were broadcasting or we were taping was a couple of weeks ago and she looked at me and we're talking about rolling the Kerr and all of that she looked at me she says faith sleeps faith sleeps I'd never heard that before I had never heard that statement before faith sleeps if you're having a hard time sleeping at night you're not in faith because faith sleeps faith sleeps faith rolls the Kerr over under the Lord faith sleeps and as I've told you before and Kenneth you were gone last week when I was talking about this but I was sharing about when I was executive director the first time back in the late 80s into the 90s I lost a lot of sleep at night I lost a lot of good sleep during those years just worrying worrying about the ministry worrying about TV bills worrying about this worrying about that and when I step back into this the Lord and I talk about it and said I'm gonna plum not losing sleep over this time this one great thing about age isn't it you learn didn't you learn so really since I took the position it two-and-a-half years ago I've had some of the best sleep at night I've just whatever it is just roll the care over under the Lord and just keep a place of being stress-free and I do when my head hits the pillow after we do our Haws we go I go I go right to sleep it's just amazing it's amazing to be able and I the older I get the more I'm developing in that for real for real when things come up in the ministry I just don't take him like I used to I immediately go before the Lord I immediately pray in the spirit or immediately begin the laughs haha well we got a problem down there ha ha ha [Applause] hahaha so mark says he doesn't know how to take it when he comes against us and we laugh at him and I can tell I can tell that that holy laughter has had an effect on my thinking effect on my body my attitude is different because I have a goal one of the goals that I have in my life is not to turn into a grumpy old man don't know elbowing in this church this morning know the older we get the more joyful we should become the older we get the more healthy we should be the older we get the less stressful we should be because we've learned how how to roll that over on to the Lord and not hold on to it because when you're stressing out you're holding on to it you are you are massaging that thing you are holding on to that thing you're carrying that thing around like a crying baby I mean you're just you're just holding to it and when you laugh at the devil that stress just melts from you when you declare the Word of God over that situation when you go to the word and you read you read Deuteronomy 28 and declare what you not only what you've been redeemed into but you what you've been redeemed from I've been redeemed from the curse of the law that brings joy into my life well God laughs at the devil and so should we he does he does let me give you a couple of scriptures write these down some too for in the amplified translation he who sits in the heavens laughs the Lord has them in derision and in supreme contempt he mocks them so where the devil and his adversaries are concerned he laughs at them he laughs at them you need to learn to laugh laugh laughing in the spirit is a wonderful thing it empties your mind of all the care in the worrying haha so God laughs at the devil so should we some 37:13 write that down some 37:13 in the amplified translation the lord laughs at the wicked for he sees their own day of defeat is coming so we know we know that the Lord laughs I know that Jesus laughs Jesus must have laughed he must have laughed because he had children coming around him all the time children do not hang around old sour people they will have nothing to do then but someone who's smiling joyful and understand that smiling this it works parts of your face to get rid of wrinkles it's a smile smile I choose to smile well turn over to Psalm five let's take you to another place about this we're talking about the joy of the Lord we're talking about living stress-free we're talking about the the the the holy laughter that you and I and we'll practice that in just a moment because it will do us good it'll do us good we should be living in a state of perpetual joy but pastor you don't understand you don't understand what's going on you don't understand what's happening no you can live in a place of Perpetual joy it Jesus my joy I leave with you use it use it and you can be joyful you can be joyful at some of the the hardest and most difficult times now let me just let me quote this scripture do the 112 psalm verses 7 and 8 that should be a picture of us it says he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord his heart is established he shall not be afraid and this is why we talk about putting the Word of God down into our hearts speaking it out of our mouths listening to it all the time getting that word down there because when the devil puts the pressure on you push the squeeze on you the only thing that comes out is the Word of God the only thing that comes out is ha ha ha the devil doesn't like that he doesn't like it when you're joyful in the midst of his activities he doesn't like it when you are praising God and glorifying him right in the midst of things that are going on discomforting things that are happening so we will not be afraid of evil tidings might say my heart is fixed trusting in the Lord my heart is established I shall not be afraid [Music] we should live in that continual state of joy of joy you know some people have said well I've got I've got good days I've got bad days no and I was studying this I was writing some of these things down and I know the Lord had me write this down it is not good God's will for us to live bipolar lives now there's something there's something about a word person a joyful person a person who knows who he is in Christ that lives a very steady life a very very even-keeled life and that the Lord used I've never used that word before I don't think I've ever preached that word before bipolar up what did different personalities different personalities and we have to be really watchful over ourselves even even in our families between husbands and wives you know what do what sometimes a wife will wonder what am i what am I going to wake up to this morning what's he gonna act like what's he gonna be what kind of a mood is he gonna be when he comes home or the same thing with a wife what she's what is she gonna be like am i walking on eggshells or my continually walking on eggshells no we should be encouraging one another we should be joyful with each other now say this after me I live a stress-free life I mean let me read but I didn't say that right I live stress free every day of my life I live stress free every day of my life now some 5 in verse 11 but let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice how many how many of you put your trust in the word let me see how many of you put your trust in the Lord let me see what's this but let all those that put their trust in the rejoice let them ever shout for joy Piku God let them ever shout before you know I looked up the word ever ever you know what that means very interesting in the Hebrew it means always so let them always shout for joy it means perpetual perpetual on and on and on it means everlasting everlasting and eternal or eternally eternally and then this thought came to me our eternal rejoicing rejoicing should begin now right here right here don't worry to God [Applause] we are practicing for heaven right here there are times in services that happen several weeks ago David when we were we started our music we were about an hour into the worship time that we had and I could just tell we we were we were literally touching him heavens sank down in here came to us and I really believe those things will happen in a church that we are practicing actually the atmosphere of heaven thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven we should be experiencing days of heaven on earth and there are times when our worship and our music and our songs is a reflection of what is going on in heaven and I believe there's also shouting going on in heaven I believe that heavens atmosphere is just thick and replete with the joy of the Lord glory to the Lord so we begin that now there's so much that we begin now the way we think the way we act the way we act towards each other you need to check your lousy attitude at the door in heaven it doesn't it won't work there your anger your being upset your moodiness the whole thing the whole thing you're gonna have to check it at the door because it doesn't exist in heaven no heaven is the atmosphere of love and that's what the Lord is wanting for us certainly we do not know everything there is to know about living this life of faith but we are pressing into it and going deeper and deeper and deeper and the more we walk in the love of God in our homes and with each other the more we will experience heaven on earth the more the joy of the Lord will rise up within us because we won't be hating anybody but we'll be giving God praise and joy an honor I give praise for our nation [Applause] we were up in Oklahoma Friday we were visiting Aubrey and Aubrey took us to a bookstore a really nice bookstore real it's really well laid out some books in there that I'd never seen before but as I was walking around this bookstore it's not it's not like a Barnes & Noble or something like that's privately owned company bookstore and I'm walking around but I took notice of something and I took notice of all the mean books that were written about Donald Trump there was a whole table full of them I thought I did not know there was that many books written about that man about one bad thing or another and you think about what's going on in the nation right now and what's taking place you know what it is it's an awakening there's an awakening taking place there's a new birth for America that is taking place there are some birth pangs that are happening and some things some weird stuff that's going on but it's okay because we're before the Lord praying over our nation and everything is going to be alright everything is going to be alright we have made progress in this nation the news doesn't tell you about it they don't say things about it but we've made tremendous progress we've invoked the blessing of the Lord on our nation because of what our president has done so we can rejoice in that and if you happen to be watching the news one day which Terry and I we've been doing that less than less aren't we you know we used to tune into Fox right it I guess it was six o'clock we're all done and we've been wheel tuned into it and about I don't know four minutes into it ago let's just watch something else let's watch the word let's let's watch something else because you just have to look at and go hahaha I'm telling you things are coming together it's it's really some things are coming together in this nation it's a glorious thing and you and I don't need to be walking around sad-faced about it we need to be rejoicing and praising God because this is the hour of the church this is the hour of the body of Christ we're not going backwards we're going forwards we're going up hallelujah so our eternal rejoicing should begin right now so that scripture but let all those that put their trust in they rejoice let them always forever perpetually and eternally shop for joy because you defend them let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee how many of you love the name of the Lord then you ought to be joyful in him hahaha hahaha don't you appreciate mark Hankins haha for thou or Lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou surround him with a shield that's good news that's good news so this is perpetual joy prot let me read this to proverbs 1515 all the days of the afflicted are evil but he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast merry means joyful merry means to rejoice merry means to be happy on the inside so it's saying here that he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast non-stop non-stop it just keeps coming the blessings just keep coming the hits keep coming the blessing keeps coming the passions translation says everything seems to go wrong when you feel weak and depressed but when you choose to be cheerful every day will bring you more and more joy and fullness say that happens to me all the time all the time when you choose to be cheerful every day will bring you more and more joy and fullness I'm not talking here like a motivational speaker I'm talking about what the word says about this this is the word this is the word hopefully it motivates you but it is the word the amplified translation says he who has a glad heart has a continual feast regardless of circumstances a continual feast the Lord provides us with this continual feast regardless of what's going on regardless of what's happening around us here's another one Psalm 90 verse 14 you can write that down Psalm 90 verse 14 in the NIV satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days that's another one talking about being glad all our days are you tired of being joyless are tired of carrying stress we'll cheer up because the joy of the Lord is your strength this message was paid for it by the blood of the Lamb 1st Thessalonians 5:16 in the amplified translation be happy in your faith and rejoice and be glad hearted continually and always be happy in your faith and rejoice and be glad hearted continually always so the assignment for this week is to practice this is to practice this in the middle of whatever is going on whatever is taking place especially you husbands and wives who are in here today you need to be encouraging encouraging each other you need to be cuddling up at night and going turn to proverbs 17 proverbs 17 and so laugh be stress-free and be and be healthy proverbs 17 laughs be stress-free and be healthy see there's the connection there there's that there is a scriptural connection dr. Avery Jackson was talking about that he was talking about laughter he's talked about exercise he talked about laughter he talked about taking authority over the things that you think he talked about brightening up our brains lighting up our brains by our giving and the things that we do for other people and here in Proverbs 17:22 we find our scripture a merry heart doeth good like a medicine a merry heart doeth good like a medicine so when we're talking about a merry heart again if you look up the Hebrew he's talking about laughter he's talking about Joyce talking about rejoicing rejoicing in the Lord and I looked up the word medicine and the medicine is simply a cure it's a cure and it is a healing so that process and there's a lot of things that can be said about that one of the things that that yesterday I was thinking about this laughter and joy are stress breakers they are if you will stress inhibitors they will stop that it'll stuff you can't you can't keep stressing out when you're laughing when you're joyful when your rejoicing before the Lord oh lord thank you I praise you I glorify thank you for all the goodness and good things that you've done in my life and I thank you Father for this thing that is set before me here in the name of Jesus I receive wisdom and answers for it in devil hah hah hah hah hah hah there are there are medical and scientific benefits to laughter and joy there are let me give you some of them just a few of them first one laughter relaxes the whole body it does just in the natural it relaxes the whole body a good hearty laugh release physical tension and stress leaving muscles relaxed up to 45 minutes so I know now why dr. Kolbert has taught this and dr. Jackson has taught this that that What did he say ten belly laughs today at least at least 10 belly laughs a day will affect you on the inside talk about getting rid of stress I mean who puts it'll Epps it'll absolutely put stress out of your life last love laughs laughter haha number two laughter boosts the immune system laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies thus improving resistance to disease to disease these are these are medical studies that connect with the Word of God a merry heart doeth good like a medicine so laughter boosts the immune system laughter trigger triggers laughter triggers the release of endorphins in the body where the Copelan calls them dolphins and I do I get an image of dolphins coming up out of the water you know his name is flipper flipper even the word endorphins makes me happy oh my endorphins are being released laughter triggers the release of endorphins in the body they are the body's natural feel-good chemicals endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve pain they lower blood pressure help the digestive system and fight off disease that's what laughter does ha that's what joy does and joy is not just a burst of laughter like that but it really is an attitude it is something that you carry with you it is something that becomes your own personality what kind of a person is he oh he's a joyful person he's smiling all the time he's just laughing all the time he just seems to enjoy life is that a picture of you mad mad some guys don't want to say Amen because their lives with laughter protects the heart this is good laughter improves the function of blood vessels where are my blood vessels and increases blood flow which can help protect against heart attack and other cardiovascular problems a positive link between laughter and healthy function of blood vessels was first reported in in 2005 by researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center they found that laughter causes the inner lining of blood vessels to expand in order to increase blood flow [Music] now I think there's something with that the combination me that between that and not eating a lot of biscuits and gravy I think that that's it you know when I first came to Texas when I first came to Texas I was introduced to some of the delicacies of life I came I came to the Northeast we just had hot dogs and beans that's about all we had but when I came to Texas man the food that was set before me chicken-fried steak gravy broccoli and cheese green beans and cheese vegetables and cheese and goodness I remember I remember the first day I had biscuits and gravy yeah I do it was brother Copeland we were out at Meacham and we were getting ready to go on a meeting with you well the the across the street from Meacham was this little restaurant breakfast place and the guys on the road took me across the street because we were there early and when the guy said to me have you ever had biscuits and gravy and I said what are those so they brought thee flesh what'd she say no biscuits can gravy is child abuse Oh child abuse asylum biscuits and gravy so they put the biscuits and gravy in front of me oh it was so good it was so good and all of these wonderful weeks after church we used to go with Kenneth's parents Nani and granddad there was a place here in town called Massey's Massey's and we'd spend the whole afternoon sitting and eating I thought Texas is like heaven it must be like heaven and we would sit there after church and honestly we would sit there it seemed like it'd be close to five o'clock in the afternoon it takes a long time to eat chicken-fried steak and gravy and all of it just it takes a long time it takes a long time to eat all those rolls that they sit before you and then one day I woke up from that dream and my wife and her father-in-law told me we don't eat those things anymore we eat healthy so then I had to acclimate my mouth to just like a whole different way of eating well laughter causes it laughter and eating right causes inner lining of blood vessels to expand in order to increase blood flow ha ha ha laughter is the serious business of heaven that's what mark Hankins says but it really is it's something in it I'm talking turn to Habakkuk Habakkuk just go to Malachi and start driving the other way in towards the front Habakkuk I have been doing this I have been practicing this in the position that I have here Kenneth Copeland ministries we're believing for a lot there's a lot that needs to be done there's a lot that needs to take place and so you have to keep in a place of faith especially with brother Copeland brother and sister Copeland they've got vision I've got vision who could ask for anything more but he's got vision and I was doing I was doing this the other day I was telling the Lord helped me as I develop my faith and get up there where he is I want to I want to fly in the sky with him where he's going in all of this but you're dealing with finances and you're dealing with issues and people in this and that and the other an Inside Edition and things like that which is actually outside the dish not really like that I really like that anyway but I'm just endeavoring to flow with the spirit and do what he has for us to do and I'm just finding it I laugh about this one Terry and I we say ha ha ha to each other but you know what does something it does something because sometimes between a husband and a wife there are conversations that because of doubt enough in belief they can start spiraling downward and somewhere in the middle of that conversation somebody's gonna have to say ha ha ha or or but ha ha ha because what it does is it gets us back on a track it gets us back on the word it gets it's like a slap across the face I needed that I needed that but I also can tell though that that this this place of joy and laughter it does something it it affects the physical body and even even noted hospitals have laughing rooms where people go in and they'll watch different things that watch Laurel and Hardy or their watch the the the Marx Brothers or movies like that that will cause them to laugh that is a biblical principle that's a biblical principle that we are seeing here and this last in Scripture I want to show you in Habakkuk 3 and I'll give you I'll give you this statement we must laugh the most when pressure is the highest when it's really bearing down that's when you laugh at the devil devil I am triumphant over you because of what Jesus did in the pit of hell I've got the victory over you ha ha like Keith Morrison I'm full of joy and I've got the victory I'm full of joy and I've got the victory I'm full of joy and I've got the victory now and so we have to laugh the most when the pressure is the highest in this scripture in Habakkuk three has ministered so much to me in verse 17 I'll read it to you from the New Living Translation even though now note those two words there even though even though can mean in spite of or although even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there are no grapes on the vines even though and musicians come on make you a cure even though the olive crop fails and the fields lie empty and barren even though the flocks die in the fields and the cattle barns are empty yes so yeah yet I will rejoice in the Lord that is a choice right there the choice is yours whether or not you are going to be in joy over this situation yet I will it is an act it is an act of faith it is an act of your determination on the inside I will rejoice in the Lord I will be joyful in the God of my salvation the sovereign Lord is my strength he makes me as sure-footed as a deer able to tread upon the heights I'm telling you it does not matter what is going on what is happening what is taking place I will rejoice in the Lord and praise we'll turn it around it'll turn it around praise has a direct effect on the enemy it shuts him down causes him to flee this spiritual force we're talking about it is a laugh of faith sometimes you need a laugh of faith need that laugh of faith I like what Smith Wigglesworth said faith laughs and impossibilities going on DirecTV is going to be so many millions a year extra that's awesome that's awesome [Applause] to fix to fix the runways can be millions of dollars how many K CBC's students every one of you that are believing God for the finances to finish your studies stand on your feet [Applause] with that put that scripture from Habakkuk back up on the screen please you all remain standing put the the that scripture from my back up back up on the screen please all right yeah while we were sitting there it rose up on the inside me James author dachshund Jew knew this scripture when he said counted all even though the fig trees have no blossoms and there are no grapes on the vine even though the olive crop fails and the fields lie empty and barren even though the flocks die in the fields and the cattle barns are empty yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will be joyful in the God of my salvation the sovereign Lord [Applause] [Applause] he could have said he could have said as written in the book of habakkuk counted on short then the other thing that just and it was tied all running together with you guys finances well cuz I heard this read right after that joy fruit of the Spirit love fruit of the Spirit the next fruit after joy is peace so you just have peace concerning your finances think about what pastor Greg put up on this screen this morning God's already speaking to people concerning your finances God's already speaking to people concerning their glory to God hallelujah God's already speaking to people he's already speaking to people I said glory be to God do you remember what happened to Daniel he went although he went on a on a partial fast eating no Pleasant bread for 21 days it's obvious what he was thinking he's thinking the same thing as pastor Gregg's illustration of pills or has God heard me the angel came to him and said fear not Daniel Kenneth is saying this morning fear here not KCDC student he said fear not Daniel we heard you the first day [Applause] but the devil came in here and we've held me that angel says 21 days Daniel did not have the power of the name of Jesus you do we to go I don't know what yeah I think we got it I think we we got something glory to go yeah we've got something yeah yeah yeah I like it when you do that and then you don't tell me what it is [Laughter] [Applause] go and be seated well that brings me to this point pastor Terry I want you to come up here it's her birthday tomorrow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and it's our anniversary of the day after that 42 years 42 years and now Terry you heard what your dad said about this and I asked Terry I said what what do you want to do for your birthday with the Church d1 when flowers do you want cake do you want just no she said thought about it a little bit and said I want to receive an offering for Casey BC so are you do hey you were being your prophetic self so would you excuse us for just a moment [Applause] before we wanted to be a blessing to the students and technically legally and so forth we can't just do that we're not set up for that but you can you can be a blessing to the students you can be a blessing to the school whatever the Lord leads you so if those students were to stand again and you were to pick them out and just do something on your own to bless them to help them as they stood in faith believing for their finances well that's between you and the Lord and the students and I'm not in the way them not telling you what to do we just have to let it go at that if there's someone want to give to the school who will always take well I don't want to get no way not only things the students the ones that we're standing stand up now come run down here yeah that's good that's good come on amen victory Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see it is [Music] praise God praise God stretch your hands out to them right now as men are affect stand-up everybody stand up thank you Lord Jesus thank you Father now all of the students that are in this line are you the guys that stood for the finances every one of you stood for finances okay the only way that I see to do this is for you to come and adopt a student and bring them something bless them bless them because we've got plenty of people on this side the middle and on that side and so what we'll do David's gonna play that song again and just as the Lord leads you just begin to come up brother Copeland is that good is he going is that good hello [Applause] Oh that'll work I thought you said you had a word sorry okay guys are you ready are you ready to bless the students one two three go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] watch me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on lift your hands and give God the glory ha this I want to tell you this before we go and Terry where'd you go oh all right oh you have money on all right sorry from mark Hankins this is a quote for mark pick out something that looks impossible and go ahead and laugh at it [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] the devil will say it's never going to happen it'll always be that way and you say ha ha ha say I'm not gonna live under stress said Jesus bore my griefs he carried my sorrows and the chastisement of my peace was upon him now this is what Mark said if you will laugh you'll get the benefits of it even though you don't feel like it your body can't tell the difference between a real laugh and a fake laugh it's not really a fake laugh it is a fake laugh [Laughter] see their faces and any time through the year as this goes on but just just keep blessing hallelujah more people got want to come to this school thank you for my birthday present [Applause] well bless the Lord we thank you so much for coming today if any of you that don't know Jesus as your Lord then you can come up here and any one of these people right here that's right pray for this road you can just practice down here right now to be ultra ministers some of you may need to make your way back to your seat so we have room but if anybody has any thing any need in your life then we invite you to come to this altar today and let the Lord take hold of that and eradicate it in your life if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life this is your moment this is your time and this is you oh yeah I didn't get to show these when I got to came in we drove in this morning in the garage these were from the date from this SKA the little kids their hands this one butterfly was my favorite it's feet as little feet says she speaks her words are wise and I got all kinds from a demon Bella Chloe Satan Noah anyway Katherine Rex that's so cute so I wanted to share my my special cards that I got this morning so Lord today we'll go forth from this place with joy unspeakable full of glory Christ in us the hope of glory and we're so thrilled with you Jesus in our lives and so all day today we are reminded that you are a joy you are a joy filled God and our lives are filled with the expectation of our manifestations Jesus name so as you go today you remember this that what I want to let them know out in the lobby there's cupcakes and gravy No God loves you we love you Jesus well glory to God what a phenomenal service it was the move of God in the in the room was just magnifico will end up on the same word we started with earlier it's gonna be phenomenal phenomenal week for you I'm praying the blessing of God over you if you're a part of the body you're a part of the blessing pastor Greg talked about that you're gonna roll the care of the Lord over a row of care of any stress in the situation over on to the Lord for he cares for you want to remind you if you're here local in Fort Worth Wednesday night is our real life classes where we have classes concerning the faith application or how to apply faith principles to your real life everyday life but if you watch us if you tuned in whether you tuned in online or on the network homegroup is back I'll be hosting home group this week and we'll be talking about the about back to school and how to deal with going back to school how to prepare your children to go back to school so make sure you tune in to that so make sure you tune in to that that's it's gonna be a phenomenal phenomenal week we believe that the blessing of God is chasing you down this week also if you're watching us remember this stay tune on the network if you're watching us on the network we're gonna be joining Jeremy Pearson's and legacy TV and then right after that as soon as that's over revival radio will be taken off and it's part four of the four-part series between bro with brother Copeland and Jerry Savelle it's gonna be phenomenal let me pray for you week and we'll see you later father we bless our partners we bless our friends we bless our faith family we believe that there's a move of God happening on them everywhere they go in Jesus name Amen remember we love you God loves you and Jesus is Lord [Music]
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 2,560
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: elahKbKqQqk
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Length: 204min 22sec (12262 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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