Faith in the Face of the Storm

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning welcome to faith foundations how are you today you good how are you this is the day the Lord has made and we rejoice and we're glad in it and no storm trial anything can hinder the plan of God in this nation and in our lives amen amen praise God we're in faith today right praise God let's go father we thank you we'll give you praise and glory and honor for the day that you have made us have brought us to father we open your word this morning to learn of you we ask you to wash us in your word that we'll never be the same in Jesus mighty mighty name and everybody it's an agreement says Amen and amen and amen we have a treat today it's gonna be an exciting exciting day I want to thank all of you out there for the wonderful response over the last two weeks where I kinda I call it jumping in the weeds kind of jumped in the weeds of the things I have had more comments and responses to this I want to start off by saying again I am not naming dates for Jesus return does everybody get that okay I'm not predicting anything other than what the Word of God says and when it says it then we examine it and begin to look at things I have always been the guy that notices little details and I've always been the person that asked why and my mother that's the thing that she always talks about with me that I was always the Y kid because I said so but why and so I've realized that it's in her regard a negative trait but with my Heavenly Father it's a positive trait because I've learned so many things he's never offended by it when you are sincere all right so I've I've talked to so many people this last week mostly to be honest with you a lot of young people Millennials that are just overwhelmed by the amount of crisis that they see in the world anybody else just Wow can we take another hit of anything and earthquakes hurricanes fires all over the west coast there's a little dude over in North Korea and that's not a that's not a night making light of that that's a serious thing anti-fur here in the United States the word speaks about all of this stuff and pastor Terry is gonna tell us all about that at 10 a.m. so I'm not gonna steal her thunder whatsoever all right let me explain it this way how many of you have ever done jigsaw puzzles I've done about half of one and then get okay I'm done because there's either you know what I hate worse than anything is you get the whole thing done and there's like one piece missing you ever done that oh come on right so you take the two corners and if you would you would laugh at a person that took the two corners and was trying to make the two corners fit together right you'd say those don't fit together well that's exactly what happens in the news media and in the world people look at this isolated thing and this isolated thing and that isolated thing and they don't realize that they're all connected and if you do your homework follow the money follow the influence follow the things you'll find that they connect and that's all I've done with the word of god as I find this little thing and that little thing and realize that they're all connected to the to the puzzle so the two corners do connect but there's some connectors in between the between those and that's the way it is with Biblical prophecy the two things that we see do connect how do they connect and begin to look at that thing all right does that help a little bit not really the Bible has done that throughout all the ages the Word of God does that let me give the example what if I told you that in the genealogy the gospel is preached in the genealogies how many of you that's your favorite part of scriptures that begins nobody likes the baguettes I like the baguettes you like the baguettes we're just a little wired a little different are we mister shark but the baguettes there's so much in the baguettes there's there's the zoo life ahead exemption that's in there you knew that right yeah I won't even get there today well we'll touch that some other time how that God changed the line of David to get Jesus in this thing and because there was a curse on it come on and then what if I told you that the gospel was preached just in the genealogies in the people's names from Adam to Noah I'll give you example Adam Seth Enosh Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech and Noah that's the guys all the way from Adam to Noah and then we had a big flood right now let me give you their the definition of their names Adam means man Seth appointed eNOS mortal Kenan sorrow mahalia the Blessed One or because L is in there you can add God the Blessed God Jared shall come down Enoch teaching Methuselah his death will bring because when Methuselah died just when the flood happened right how'd you like to be the parents of that kid and that's the prophecy over your child when when your child dies judgment comes I'm telling you every time the kid had a sniffles people got right with God didn't they wouldn't yet limit ourselves not feeling where Lord I repent of all my country when you though his death shall bring Lamech means the despairing and Noah means rest or comfort so let me give you their names with the meaning and you tell me if the gospel wasn't preached right there man appointed mortal sorrow the Blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing rest or comfort look at that so there's the summary of God's plan of redemption hidden within the genealogy in Genesis in the meaning of the man's names you can never convince me that a group of Jewish rabbis deliberately contrived to hide the Christian gospel right there in the genealogy in the Torah it is by design and all of these points are in there let me give you you want another little nugget David was born where Bethlehem so rachel is buried there so rate David comes out of that line right Rachel is about to die in Genesis I think its Genesis 35 don't quote me on it she gives birth to a son she is going to die but you know in the childbirth and so she's going to name this this boy the son of her sorrows she's sorrowful and that's what she's calling for somebody overruled that and said we're not going to name him that we're gonna name him Benjamin Benjamin and which means the son of my right hand so the Messiah is going to be born in Bethlehem we have to have the son of God the son of my right hand born come on see it you see it now he is a man appointed of sorrows in Isaiah 53 so you have both titles of Jesus the son of David and identify her to who this man is right there going all the way back to to Rachel Matthew and Luke give us the genealogies two different ways and two different reasons and I I won't get into those math you will list 14 generations from Abraham to David fourteen generations Abraham David fourteen generations from David to Babylon fourteen generations from Babylon to Jesus so what what's the big deal well if you write Hebrew and if you write David's name in Hebrew Dollard violet it's how you write his name DVD they don't have vowels just to help you out so dollar Bob Dalitz so there's a numerical value to every Hebrew letter the numerical value is dollar as for valve as $6 that's four so four six four adds up to fourteen there are fourteen generations between and fourteen generations and fourteen generations and Jesus son of David come on there's little clues a little puzzle pieces all the way through the scripture and I'm so grateful for it because I dig them out I look for them and and what does it do just fun things in fact you can share parties know it increases your faith that the Word of God is true amen and if he's that meticulous with every detail of everything then he'll be that meticulous with this promises for this guy right here and if he said it's going to come to pass it's going to come to pass right so I went down the list of the ages in the church age over the past couple of weeks on the board and the law and the Feast of the Lord how they are fulfilled to the very day remember that that the fall season that they are all lining up that we had the four blood moons which boat to Israel we had the Eclipse that began in August and all the anniversaries of the significant days over the past couple of weeks remember that I mentioned that there's a culmination of these things of a celestial event that happens on the 23rd of September of this year I didn't get into that I didn't dig into that deeply for many reasons first of all is Senate it has happens in the daytime it's over Jerusalem it's not part of the United States it's centered over Jerusalem which is significant it is its constellations that are coming together that apparently haven't happened before from all the research that I have found it's not in modern history in any way it's almost a perfect description of what we read in Revelation chapter 12 and it's happening at the High Holy Days and it's happening the feast of trumpets atonement it's all the stuff lining up 500 years since Martin Luther nailed the thesis on the on the door to the date of this time period a hundred and twenty years since the Zionist Congress with Theodore Herzl hundred years Balfour 50 years Jerusalem reunification 70 years the UN Partition Plan all of these things peace and safety this year and it all is landing right here in the next month or two with the celestial thing that that revelation 12 I mean it literally looks like revelation 12 with what's about to happen celestially on September 23rd so you can go home and you can do your research now you will google it and find weird stuff I mean weird stuff alright but it's it's interesting it's it's about its Leo the Lion the Virgo Jupiter 12 planets all lined up it's a pretty interesting thing that's why I didn't want to see when I said that right then you know he does work skills no I don't but I just but the scripture talks about signs in the heavens for us all right so this is why I didn't get very deep into it I'm just telling you when you see all of these things then pay attention and light and and look up your Redemption I believe it's drawed night here's the deal regardless of all of that what we see in the news we need to be sober and we need to be awake and we need to be in faith Luke 18 and verse 8 is a verse I want to read to you Luke 18 verse number 8 you guys okay I didn't push this out in the deep end too far do it pump up your floaties so you go sink speaking of Jesus in the end I tell you that he will avenge them speedily nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he really find faith on the earth when he comes back guess what he's looking for yep faith so I'm in faith well pastor is it gonna be pre-trib or mid-trib or post-trib don't care I'm going I'm going blow the trumpet I'm gone I'm out of here maranatha even so come quickly right I mean I'm good for today tomorrow next week I'm alright with that right so will he really find faith on the earth will he find faith that's what we're supposed to be doing walking in the just shall live by faith I've been justified by the blood of Jesus oh come on now I feel a preach coming right there so I'm supposed to be walking and living and abiding in faith right jesus said in matters of faith a little is a lot how much faith is necessary to meet your need if you're like most Christians they would say a lot buzzer I need a lot of faith I need you to pray for me I need more faith no you don't honey you don't sorry that made friends didn't I just lost friends right there my facebook my friend pile numbers just went down think about it the Barrett biggest miracle you ever received and you ever will receive was the new birth how much faith did that take come on think about it for a second you heard the word taught you believed and you received it you accepted it that's how much faith that took that tiny amount of faith you use when you receive Jesus as your Lord moved you completely out of Satan's Kingdom and His plan for your life into the kingdom of God into the kingdom of light that one little step of confessing Jesus as your Savior I didn't even really know what I did at nine hundred times because I went to one of those churches come on I mean every evangelist I patted evangelist numbers who I was good at it they'd say how many got saved Oh ten or twelve but it was me every time same kid but it was you so the biggest miracle you ever received was the new birth it moved you from spiritual death into eternal life think about that for a second from darkness into the kingdom of light nothing will ever compare with the power demonstrated by God when he removed you he removed me from Satan and made me his own child I went from a dysfunctional family to a very functional family right then and right there well what about the curse I'm out of it gone a race there's no generational curse than me now I was taken out of that thing I was taken out of that system see the enemy will come and remind you of all your in-laws and outlaws and everything that's in your past no everything changed the bloodline changed I became a new creation that never existed before in that beautiful so any other need that I have in my life is eclipsed by my deliverance of salvation any other miracle is a lesser miracle than that yeah cancer healing anything else I mean to take me from eternal damnation to eternal life based upon I believe and I received that was it and that's the way we receive anything else Oh about to get happy so why do I have to have more faith to see here's here I go with my why questions right if everything else now is a lesser miracle as far as heavens concern why do I need more faith to receive a lesser miracle think about it right why do I need a mountain of faith to be healed or to receive delivers from oppression when I only needed it a little bit do you saved anybody will you need more faith Greg we've all condemned ourselves when we fail to receive an answer to prayer with I guess I didn't have enough faith have you done that okay mine the only guy in the room that's done that I guess I didn't have enough faith I guess I ain't pray enough we spend time trying to build our faith when really in a lot of ways that's not the answer I'm not telling you don't build your faith I'm telling you that's not the answer we're not needing more faith we're in need of liberating and setting free the faith that you already have liberating and setting free the faith that you already possess let me tell you about the day that the disciples failed do you know the disciples failed miserably on numerous occasions Matthew chapter 17 let's turn to Matthew chapter 17 I love this one okay I do need to warn you this may be a sacred cow tipping moment for those of you in the room if you hear that sound of a cow tipping just in your Li all right you may need to reset your neighbor I might tilt the machine those of you at home just go ahead and sit on something soft embrace yourself Matthew 17 verse 18 and 19 Jesus is called now by the disciples the day they failed to cast the devil out of a young boy now the disciples set this up have been successful before and now they're unsuccessful and so now daddy of this child is like you guys are worthless I should have gone straight to the source come on what have you ever done that I'll tell you what I drove all the way here to Fort Worth Texas for brother Copeland lay hands on me honey he's not here brother Copelan supposed to lay hands on me Jesus told me so he's not here he's in Anaheim California the Lord should have told you to go to Anaheim California I remember working for brother Hagin years ago and this guy came in with a with a deal like that and bless his heart he was desperate and he needed brother Hagin to lay hands on him I said sir he's not here well I'll wait no you don't understand he was on the road at the time he's not gonna be here for two weeks he's not he's not here how about brother Keith Morton note brother Hagin well his son pastor hegets here nope well there's Craig Hagin I mean we got to by the name Hagin his granddaughter's right over there nope it's Martha Hagin I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you he's not here and I'm thinking the man's faith is in this guy to pray for it yes I mean my lord Keith Moore okay that'll work right and so this is that situation these guys couldn't get it done I showed it on straight to Jesus in the first place not wasting our time so here's what happens and Jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of him and the child was cured from that very hour then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said okay why couldn't we do that a paraphrasing why could we not cast it out so jesus said to them because of your unbelief underline that for shortly I say to you if you had the faith as of a mustard seed you would say to this mountain move from here and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you how many of you have ever been to a picnic and all of a sudden you see a potato chip going across the ground you ever seen that I have I remember one time watch on a potato chip just move on its own across the ground and so I realized there's little bitty ants carrying the potato chip I thought that was only in the cartoons and I saw it for real I saw it for real happening remember that song just what makes a little bitty ant think he can move a rubber tree plant everybody knows an ant can't move a rubber tree plant how's it go but he's got he's got he's got high apple pie in the sky hoes okay never okay alright alright stop all of the praise and worship team is in the back and they're in the practice room and they are laughing at us that's one of my favorite little songs really is that's a little weird isn't it I used to sing it to the kids they still remember it when they were little the high hopes song but that's exactly what the Lord is describing I'm the little bitty ant moving a rubber tree plant come on so they're bewildered you're successful we're not your special Abba loves you more and has blessed you more come on now they're confused because here's the deal they've been successful at this before when Jesus first gave them the power of work unclean spirits and every type of sickness in matthew 10:1 they went out two by two using their newfound authority over Satan and they came back rejoicing that even the demons are subject to us come on now they've done this before and been successful at it is that right but now we're not now we're not successful at it so this is not the first time that they've come up against demons it's the only one of many times and this is the one time they weren't successful at now think about this for a second they went out in the authority and the power of Jesus and cast out demons and devils and were not born again think about that for a second he has not died yet and gone into the grave defeated he'll come on and risen he's not they're not born again they're not filled with the Holy Ghost and they're going out under his authority and the Devils are subject to them this gives you understanding is why when we'll be some in that day that'll say we cast out demons in your name come on remember that and he said but I never knew you they were never born again the devil has he is the original illegal alien he does not belong here okay somebody freaked out because I use that word and I'm not talking about people I'm talking about Satan come on your driver's license gives you more authority in this planet than he has your birth certificate I was born here this is my home this is where I was created come on I have authority in this planet just your human Authority well the devil made me do it no he didn't you didn't he didn't he can't you have to yield to it right how many of you accidentally got saved anybody yeah I don't know what happened I just said accident I went to Eagle Mountain with my friend I knew not to go next thing I know I'm going to heaven now I didn't plan on it it just happened anybody in the room you accidentally got saved huh okay one person reach your hands out towards this direction you didn't accidentally gonna say let me help you with something else you didn't accidentally sin then either it was an accident I didn't mean to yeah yeah okay don't ask me how I know that I've tried that excuse it didn't work with my parents and it doesn't work with me it's not an accident so here we go let's get back to this they've been confused over this because they've been successful before and now they're not successful so what happened have you ever done that where you pray for somebody or something and it doesn't happen and you begin to examine okay why didn't this work because this worked before but it didn't work this time am I the only one that's done that one to any other honest people in the room we're gonna we gonna have a healing line for something hearing them in we're gonna have a cast an outline no I'm kidding so the story is told again instead of in Matthew it's told again you don't have to turn there I'll just fill you in on it in mark chapter 9 for your reference if you want to write it down mark chapter 9 verses 14 through 27 gives you a little more detail mark fills in some details that other people didn't give in Matthew Matthew didn't fill us in but Mark tells us that the disciples were surrounded by a large multitude of people who were watching them now will that change the dynamic of ministry yeah buddy the first time somebody stops you at Kroger's and says I watch I've seen you I see you with that red hair at Eagle Mountain I want you to lay hands on me and all sudden all the all the checkout line stops to see this Ling would that change yeah I'm gonna tell you will it'll change you a little bit until you grow in it it will so they're surrounded by a large multitude of people who are watching them there's no there was a group of scribes who were questioning the disciples antagonizing them will that change anything if you don't think so try to do a healing line next Thanksgiving with your family yeah it'll change things and then it doesn't help matters when the young boy who needs deliverance falls to the ground and starts rolling around and foaming at the mouth that doesn't help things right come on the lady that we saw here with Billy Burke that remember she ran across here got up there played the piano well I had been talking to her on online and then pastor Bobby and I met her at the front door out here and I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you I gotta be honest Bobby picked her up I was holding the chair we put her in the chair and I'm looking at her thinking you're healed because everything I'm looking at telling me she's not and she said to me and I mean she's shaking and she's all twisted up she goes I can do this I couldn't do that before it I went okay I'll hook up with I can do this but I'm telling you I'm telling you I'm looking at her thinking I can't take her in there come on be honest and transparent before you we got her down here and then you watch the progression of that thing that all of it stopped didn't you you've gotta have to get out of your head concerning endtime things concerning all of it and you're gonna have to stay in faith I told this story before where I was a guest speaker at a church this lady I felt this impression to call for somebody with their eyesight I'm thinking about people with reading glasses like I have on or whatever you know and this lady comes down there and I find out she's blind I mean she's like blind blind blind blind like not I have thick glasses she's blind come on because the next thing I heard my spirit I was just laying hands on people I heard I want you to spit in her eye like I did I'm like come on get thee behind me and don't push cuz I'm already on the cliff and that you told that story once here before now this has only happened one time thank you Lord and and she I did it I made everybody I'm even the pastor I said you you people back there catching her close your eyes everybody close your eyes I mean ever but lady you're one good eye I want it closed I was in absolute in my brain confusion my spirit man said father I trust you I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna trust you I'm not going to be moved by what I see and did it and she let out a scream and fell to the floor and I'm thinking oh Lord I killed her you didn't have to kill her I mean it was it was not like a it wasn't a pretty little thank you Jesus it was a full-blown I can't do it I don't know how to make that sound scream and I thought okay somebody sings something please somebody please I didn't have Patrick I'd have anybody somebody please and she came up screaming even louder I'm thinking oh Lord she's totally healed totally holy and that has nothing to do with me because I'm telling you in my head it is possible for your head to be screaming all kinds of things that for you to stay with calm and your spirit man and operate in faith come on now so here's what he's talking to them about so why isn't this happening does it help that the kid falls down and is rolling on the ground the disciples are on the spot before when they go out two by two there was not multitudes following them they were able to cast out Devils without any distractions office it was in the privacy of people's homes now all eyes are upon them and they felt the pressure of the worried dad dad's Lee come on write the crowd the critical attitude of the religious leaders under this pressure they fail for the first time what was Jesus answer because I'm talking to you about when I return will I find faith in the pressure of everything that's going on in the world will you remain in faith he didn't tell them Jesus did not tell them they lacked faith look at verse 20 of Matthew chapter 17 jesus said unto them because of your unbelief now we have taught everybody that it was the devil in the child this kind and this and this verse it's just down here this kind doesn't come out but by prayer and fasting so we've put all the emphasis on that's a big demon had nothing to do with the demon everything to do with unbelief they've tried to analyze their failure they probably came up with the conclusions that they didn't have enough faith and Jesus explains this the small amount of faith needed to move the sin problem in the Christian life he starts talking about moving a mountain right so between the last successful case of casting out a devil and this a failure something unnoticed had crept into their faith life of the disciples something had crept into their faith life the problem with the disciples was not a need for more faith they needed less unbelief come on now to work the mustard seed has to be unhindered what I just said to you the mustard seed needs to be unhindered a little bit of unbelief will nullify the power faith in you faith was never designed to be in a tug of war I really feel bad for the little ants that took their potato chip from them they were working so hard I took away the entire colonies feast right just by doing that what it took for them to move that so far and that's just like unbelief that tug of war doesn't happen when unbelief is absent a mustard seed amount of faith will move a mountain into the sea unbelief acts as an opponent to faith and it pulls the mountain from the other side faith is nullified in the mountain remains Jesus told the disciples unbelief was the reason you couldn't cast out the devil it wasn't the power of the devil it wasn't this was a big one come on right imagine a mountain moving along without anything visible pushing it and if you lift up the the mountain you'd find this little bitty mustard seed size of faith carrying that thing just like I told you about with the potato chip the speck only asked one thing that little speck of faith only asked one thing keep me unhindered and free from unbelief that's all it's asking of you keep me unhindered and free from ember leaf when Jesus resistance to his healing and miracle power he didn't blame it on Lord I guess I have a lack of faith today did you ever see Jesus do that did you ever see Jesus say to himself oh you of little faith did you it's never recorded anywhere in there that he did that he realized the problem wasn't him that's he said that just which should set somebody free right there honey the problems not you that's not the faith in you it's the unbelief let me show you a few verses Matthew 13 58 he meaning Jesus did not do many works there because of their unbelief so Jesus went about he healed everybody everywhere he went no he didn't there's places he couldn't why because it was big devils and he hadn't fasted and prayed no is because unbelief let's go faster here we go in mark chapter 6 verse 5 and 6 he could do no mighty work save that he laid his hands on a few sick folks and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief in mark 16 14 afterward he appeared under the eleven as he said it meat and abraded them for their unbelief I'm seeing a pattern I look for patterns right I'm seeing a pattern in hebrews hebrews written to the church right in the in the New Testament the second Testament church age believers age of grace people right Hebrews 3:19 so we could we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief Hebrews 4:6 they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief Hebrews 4:11 let us labor therefore to enter into that restless any man fall after the same example of unbelief honey your problem is not the devil your problem is not the cancer or the pain its unbelief and I'm gonna tell you something sometimes it's not you unbelief it's the the situation you remember the Lord cleared the house Michelle and I went to pray for friends at the church we didn't know these people but it was it was a relative's of people that went to our church and their son was dying remember that it was the worst morning and afternoon I've ever spent the Sun is dying this little kid and they want me to go raising from the dead he hadn't died yet but to go in there and fix this thing and I go in there and the social workers are there and Hospice is there and all these nurses are there and all the other in-laws of these people are there and mom and dad are there mom and dad are all about getting the plans for him to go and there's not a single thing I could say to him and we were just sitting there thinking why are we here remember that why are we here because there's nothing I can do in this day and I don't have any authority to do it mmm because mom and dad hadn't asked me the seeing the case with Jesus when he cleared the house Jr's had asked the one who has authority over the child I had no authority to do anything we buried that little kid so pastor how do I get rid of unbelief let's do it in Matthew 17:21 look at this keep it in context howbeit this kind goeth not out by prayer and fasting he's not talking about the demon that was in the boy he's talking about the unbelief that was present he's not talking about the demon Jesus is referring to the unbelief there is no demon which is not subject to the name of Jesus Luke chapter 10 Ephesians chapter 1 you find it there's not a single the the smallest weakest believer with the blood and the name of Jesus can can send the biggest devil out he has no power nothing so he's talking about the unbelief this kind let me read it to you this way this kind of unbelief goeth not out but by prayer and fasting now do you see that verse differently how many of you this is the first time you've ever correlated that with unbelief it's not the devil it's the unbelief that was present that Jesus the first thing he said was the unbelief all right there are two types of unbelief rebellious unbelief and passive unbelief rebellious unbelief and passive unbelief let me define them for you rebellious unbelief comes from sin all right it openly defies the Word of God and the power of God exodus generation was guilty of this kind of unbelief the spies came back remember that their heart melted within them when they were confronted with the promises of God they hardened their heart and they spoke out against God and against Moses rebellious unbelief now I would dare say that anybody in this room anybody watching us on television right now believers of God loved Jesus you don't operate in rebellious unbelief you don't operate in that occasionally you might but you don't let me give you the next one this was the this was not the kind of unbelief that the disciples were dealing with when they tried to cast the demon out they had not the disciples had not hardened their heart against God's plan come on they they were facing the second type of unbelief and it's called passive unbelief so the Lord's answer cuts right to the problem this kind goeth not out the prayer and fasting passive unbelief comes from being preoccupied with legitimate things going on around you and the things of the world passive unbelief causes you to be preoccupied with things going on around you you are so into FoxNews and what's happening come on or CNN or whoever else you're so preoccupied with what that family's doing on reality TV or what this person is doing or what that's happening come on now I'm not coming against you I'm not well yeah I am too no I am yeah I am we gotta stop this there's an assignment that the church has to do we got to stop it in mark chapter 4 verse 7 Jesus warns of the thorns that choked out the word and make it unfruitful in verse 18 and 19 he describes the thorns of unbelief as the necessities of this age the deceitfulness of wealth and the lust of other things necessities are not bad the Lord knows what you have need of right wealth is not wrong things are a legitimate part of life but if you spend too much time concerned with things our fruitfulness is choked out God wants our time and when you find yourself in that situation he wants your time to be taken up with prayer and the Word of God he knows his word is the source of our life Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God that's Matthew 4:4 passive unbelief takes us away from the word to fill our life to overflowing with things that don't matter come on now listen I've even had to fast myself off of certain things come on now second Corinthians second Corinthians 10:5 gives us insight and passive unbelief Lissa this casting down imaginations or reasonings and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God unbelief comes without reasonings which which with reasonings which set themselves up you begin to here's the deal you begin to think about this storm and then and then there are other ones out there and then there's another one in though it looks like there's there's another one and if you look at that infrared map the whole world is surrounded by them you begin to wrap yourself up with all these things right I'm telling you as we see the Day approaching we need to be about the things of the Father we need to not be in fear because everybody at your work office right now is talking about fear come on now that little guy over in Korea shot another rocket what are we gonna do I wish we had a different president that knew what to do I tell you what I saw this I heard that I read that I talked to so-and-so about this come on right and they're just rehearsing and rehearsing and rehearsing I mean my lord you would have thought that this storm is is worse than NOAA's Apocalypse about to come down because every every analyst was giving every scenario about every single thing and we were watching we were on the program yesterday on the network and it went from a four to A three while we were on the program come on now and I'm not minimizing a three of three is a big deal but I'm telling you if you feed upon the negativity and the fear continually in this time frame of the High Holy Days and all of these things lining up all of the stuff that I've told you don't be in fear about that rejoice about that my Lord Jesus gave His disciples the remedy for curing this type of unbelief you got to starve it to death the best way to get rid of it is to starve it quit feeding it what I'm talking about is what brother Copeland has been talking about all year long total immersion total immersion turn the reality thing off why are you watching somebody else's reality which isn't really reality let's live in holy spirit reality let's live in prosperity reality let's live in health reality come on let's live in word reality let's live in Redemption reality let's live in rapture reality come on right that's the that's the reality that I am NOT beneath I'm above and only above I'm blessed coming in I'm blessed going out that's the reality I want to live in right so I need to stop listening to feeding on I to starve that stuff in my life brother brother Hagin taught me to live a fasted life didn't talk about going on fast all time live a fasted life what does that mean don't let things control you so when I get a craving for dr. pepper I put that thing down for a while I'm telling you I just went against one of the Holy Grails of Texas didn't I listen it's time the time is short and it appears that we must stay in faith jesus said will I find faith Hebrews 10:25 last first I'll close with this Hebrews 10:25 you know ok yeah out there you don't write listen to what Jesus said or the Holy Spirit said Paul wrote it not forsake the assembling of ourselves together that is the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching so what does he tell us as the day approaches go to church fellowship commune with one another talk to one another what are you talking about the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins remember him one was awake and ready to go the others were not awake and ready to go and I determined that I'm gonna be awake and ready to go what about you so that means I'm going to not forsake the assembling of my selves together I'm gonna make sure I'm around two other believers that are going to speak faith that are gonna be in faith they're gonna walk in faith I'm going to talk to other believers I'm I'm gonna be a light to the up to the lost but I'm not gonna go down and dredge up all the fear and the anxiety and all that because my Redemption draws nigh amen so what do you think is he going to find faith as for me in my house we're going to serve the Lord we're not going to be in fear and when they start talking too much stuff I did it yesterday went click turned it off said father I thank you that all these times are appointed by you I'm gonna lift up my head and I'm gonna rejoice because my Redemption draweth night even so come quickly Lord Jesus thank you for your hand to protection over Florida and over South Texas come on right and begin to speak the word begin to speak life that's what we're called to do to stand in the gap amen do you get anything out of this so are we in faith we're in faith all right we're gonna take a break we'll come back after the service in just a minute god bless you whoo glory to God we have known and believed the love that God who is love have to us God is love he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God God in him here it is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he who is love is so are we in this world there is no fear in God to see what I just did there is no fear in love well of course not god is love they no fear in God come on Saints what what have we been thinking it of course there's no fear in love but that's God who is love and his love that's only inside of you and if you get that love and stir him up and get low of right up there on the table shelf there's no place for fear to live perfected love casteth out fear why because fear hath torment there's no fear in love perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect he hasn't he's not developing he's not growing in love now first John two five whoso keepeth his word in him as the love of God perfected you're right there in that fourth chapter look at the twelfth verse no man has seen God who is love at any time if we love one another God who is love dwelleth in US and his love is perfected in us let's you talk about it grows you're following the New Testament process planet it'll grow perfect love casts out fear it's exactly what time praise God that we have the victory already those of us that are believers those of us that are standing in faith we already are on the victory side we're not we're not defeated you're young seeded at all we are we are none of these things Paul said this concerning the things in going on in his life none of these things move me I am fully persuaded and none of these things moving that's the way you got to be none of these things we see move us my faith and my hope isn't God they got alone and it's all gonna turn out all right I love how you pointed out the news and the things in the media I want I was watching the news yesterday from a different perspective and I just closed my eyes and I was listening to what they were saying and every adjectives they used was fear-based oh yeah every everything they did to describe the things that are happening right now was fear-based and I thought we are we are just possibly if you will listening to fear yeah oh yeah and then you agree with it you'll find yourself you'll find yourself unconsciously you'll just agree with you oh boy that's true and and you can't do that because the minute you do you've started yourself down that path and you have to starve that thing out well and then that's where you wonder that's not your indirect rebellion to God no Hasse of unbelief no creeps into you and so you just can't do it you can't not go there and so the best thing you can do is be quiet then just be quiet it's okay to be quiet well yesterday April when your yeah sorry girl but yesterday's broadcast was such a positive and refreshing perspective it is it was a faith perspective on what's going on if you didn't see it you can go back to the archives on the website we encourage young Eagle Mountain or team IC or you go back and watch facing the storm the standard of faith we assert Arian and the team kept in Amos and also good talking about what the storm is and then facing it with the word of God and coming against this is a wonderful thing let me tell you about what is coming up there's a lot of good things that are coming up let me just roll the the thing about what's happening this week watch this come to it Kenneth Copeland ministries the event we're a part of the kingdom of God the most powerful thing in existence and the church is now beginning to find out who she is and what she is and how to function in the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and he adds no sorrow September 21st to 23rd be empowered at word explosion in Columbia South Carolina with special benefits for veterans and military personnel October 13 through 14 joined the Copeland's at the Venezuela victory campaign at the Palacio de eventghost a medic I bow in Maracaibo Venezuela November 9th through 11th the Copeland's invites you to the Washington DC victory campaign at the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge Virginia and in 2018 April 5th through 7th the Copeland's welcome you to the Branson victory campaign at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri for more information go to Christian org slash events alright so I want to make you aware something on our on our website you can go to and you can find out the president Trump's message concerning the surra cane to the nation and I'm gonna tell you something it's not fearful it's it's it's positive it's and that's what we need we need positive leadership again and so you can go make yourself available to that on our website also let me remind you about the men's conference that's coming up have you heard have you heard about the minutes ago I have the men's conference do you know anybody gets to go the men's conference do I get to go it's called build to last Men's Conference and it's going to be amazing September the 29th and the 30th guys do we have a spot for that that we can probably watch this now come back and talk about it man listen up because you won't want to miss this built to last Men's Conference at Eagle Mountain International Church Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th including an amazing time of worship by Michael Howell great food at the after party and Saturday morning breakfast VIP meet and greet and powerful messages from pastor George Pearson's pastor mark Barclay and pastor bill Winston mcplantz now and invite your friends your father's your brothers and sons to built to last twenty 17 mins conference here at EMI see Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th register now at EMI Sea Org [Music] [Applause] EMI is where you get all the information about that there are three levels of registration and level three is already sold out so yeah you need to move yeah going on this thing if you want to attend this listen Mart Bartley pastor George in bill Winston bill Winston that's all I got to say about that I want to go maybe I'll volunteer don't rent a camera or something if you weren't a southwest and saw bill Winston's message I really thought that the roof was gonna open up and Jesus were going to just pull us all out of there right then I'm telling you this Men's Conference will be like no Men's Conference I've ever heard of it with Mark Barclay used to be a Marine Corps drill instructor and I'm telling you he hits you with the word the the preacher of righteousness is what he referred to and then bill Winston and pastor George it's gonna be an amazing time yeah September 29th September 30th that's right before all the big deer season so come on down here these all right or you know this the wives can sign their husbands up that's great too we that's always encouraging it's important for us as women to go ahead and support our husbands in the spiritual things because they are responsible they the the weight is on on them to carry for our families and so this time of refreshing is is vital to not just the nation and the church but to your own personal family so I encourage everyone to to encourage their husbands to go ahead and go fellowship is important it's a very important thing for men to to do that and you're gonna your husband will come back different in Jesus name it will happen so a lot of things that are happening the partners are flying by we're still monitoring all the situation in the southeastern United States we're going into Church service right now white today is gonna be amazing pastor gary copeland Pierson's is speaking in just a few minutes from now let me pray for your father we bless our partners in the name of Jesus called them heal and hold and that faith is rising in the church and in the body in Jesus mighty name God loves you yes we love you and what Jesus is Lord we'll be back right after the service here we go you're watching to believers voice a victory Network real live faith [Music] good morning Eagle matin let's give God praise this morning together say this after me we declare the glory of the Lord over Florida right now we speak to Irma your day is over your day is done you have bowed your knee and we see the glory of God there miracles are taking place in the state of Florida right now in the name of Jesus now let's give God praise in honor and glory for that praise God [Music] that's God a spirit Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's wait and see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the power is 5 be strong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please stop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on praise God with me this morning thank you Lord for this time that you've given to us today all right if you guys go back to your seats we're gonna get back into worship in just a few moments but we have baby dedication this morning praise God so go ahead and be seated and welcome oh my goodness all of these families Wow come on give them a big hand everybody look at the church growing and growing and growing and growing well praise God whoa come on give them a hand this is wonderful this is wonderful come on over here a little bit we'll make room for everybody down there that's it that's it well pastor Terry are you ready for this marathon babies well let me let me read my scripture here this is from 1st Samuel Chapter 1 Hannah had asked God for a child and in verse 27 it says for this child I prayed and the Lord has given me my petition which I've asked of him therefore also I have lent him to the Lord that word lent their means to return and that's what we're doing today we are returning these children to the service of the Lord as long as he lives he shall be returned to the Lord and he worshiped the Lord there I like this from the New Living Translation he will belong to the Lord his whole life so father we thank you and honor you for these babies for these families train up a child in the way they should go and they will not depart father when they when we thank you and honor you for their lives now in Jesus name Amen are you ready okay let's start right over here and my hand might who are we who are we baptized I see who are with you death thinking okay let's go for a swim come on over here let's get a really good close-up of this one oh my who are we who are we dedicating today Jonathan this is Jonathan okay Jonathan come here to Pastor George yes oh my father in the name of Jesus we bring Jonathan before you today we dedicate Jonathan to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ and Jonathan you will fulfill the entire plan of God you'll never depart from the word of the Lord we pray over your parents and thank you that they will lead you and guide you all the days of your life and you'll fulfill the calling that is upon you these hands will lay hands on the sick and see them recover this mouth will declare the Lord and these eyes will see the glory of the Lord with long life will he satisfy you and show you his salvation in Jesus name we pray amen amen praise God for Jonathan everybody there we go yes I know I know who is this over here Victoria come back around this way you just really need to get close up all right Victoria hello ah si si si I'm gonna lay my hand on her and you're gonna pray over Victoria Lord we thank you that her name is from heaven and that she is more than a conquerer she's victorious she'll be victorious Lord in this walk of life spirit soul and body at an early age she will know Jesus as her Savior and Redeemer and we separate her Lord unto you and with thanks that's that that's what I'm talking about [Applause] should I go get another one of my own Thank You precious thank you but you just go up in super kids and you'll have one of these for yourself that's right great praise God for Victoria all right who are we dedicating here Caleb Caleb got quite a group here yes my goodness Isaac Kiana Sophia wonderful father in the name of Jesus we pray over Caleb and I thank you I thank you that he has a different spirit just like Caleb that he sees the glory of the Lord obeys the voice of the Lord Caleb we dedicate you to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ we return you to him today to serve him all the days of your life father we thank you for this I thank you that for all of these children no sickness and disease shall come near them and we thank you that they walk in the blessing of the Lord in Jesus name we pray amen let's give God praise for Caleb right now this one's just just got here hot off the press look at that name for 14 days that's that's right away that's wonderful in his name Ezekiel Azariah Ezekiel Azariah pastor Terry you've got Ezekiel Azariah Azariah has just arrived yeah father in the name of Jesus we thank you for this child that set apart to your service anointed of God healed whole well strong thank you Lord that your anointing and blessing is active and at work in this family to provide and supply wisdom or counsel and everything needed in the name of Jesus bless the Lord amen man and I see that you I see that you have plenty of help here yeah that's all yep they're right doctor changing your days are over yeah I think I saw an eye roll who do we have here Asher Asher what great names we have children you mind if I hold a sure can Wow Wow father in the name of Jesus we pray over Asher right now and I thank you I thank you that the Spirit of the Lord is upon you he's called you to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the year of Jubilee the acceptable year of the Lord and we dedicate Asher to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ right now in Jesus name Amen [Applause] Damien hi Damien good to see you okay okay back to you all right who do we have here this is the best part what this bird is beautiful and this is the trees a treatise and inter great names okay okay Terri you've got Vesper here father we just so thankful for these the lives of these wonderful children but we set apart best for now into the service of the Lord to the kingdom of the Lord to the love of the Lord we thank you Lord that her needs are provided spirit soul and body and you give her parents counsel and wisdom to raise her in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord with every means supplied in the name of Jesus amen amen amen okay well I gotta go over there now okay well okay oh she loves her pastor yes all right here we go Harley rose Harley beautifully Harley Harley Harley Davidson come here yeah Harley pop pastor poppy father in the name of Jesus we lift up Harley before you and thank you we thank you for the presence of the Spirit of God you will do all that you're called to do you will see visions of the Lord in the night seasons and he will speak to you and then you will speak to people in Jesus name we declare this so in Jesus powerful name you will walk and sew and harvest will come in mighty ways and you'll be prosperous all your days in Jesus name Amen amen amen well you get your exercise oh look at that isn't that wonderful what is your name Darin Darin that's great what a great brother you are oh my Oh get a load of these shoes though I mean [Laughter] [Applause] and this is Ariana joy Ariana and your other two Alexa Andrew Terry go ahead Lord we thank you for Ariana and this blessed family oh thank you that the blessing of the Lord sits upon them rests upon them the hand of the Lord is on them to lead to God and to bless you and that Lord she separated to you to your love to your blessing all the days of her life in the name of Jesus spirit soul and body amen thank you give her great Wow okay pastor I just want to note that from here all the way to the end is one family have y'all ever thought about having kids something hello hello who is this Maci Virginia Maci Virginia you won't come over here to poppy yeah okay yes I know how to do this yes you do know how to do it father we pray over Maci Virginia right now and we thank you we lift her before you to the throne of God we dedicate her this step we dedicate her this day to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll fulfill the wolf [Laughter] No now you will fulfill the plan and the will of God you will see the glory of the Lord [Music] it's the puffiness no in the name of Jesus we dedicate you precious you'll serve Him all of your life in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] oh man let's all stand up together are you I'll tell you something as we prepare to worship the Lord I heard brother Coppola say this one time that these these times of dedication our precious before the Lord and there is such an anointing up here I mean we laughing and they're so pretty and cute but still at the same time they are going to follow Jesus all their lives and sometimes children like this babies react differently to the anointing and I heard him say this one time that that often times that crying that you just saw that was a response to the anointing of God the the wave of the Spirit just came over her and she was as as we do we laugh we cry we run we dance we we have expressions in the spirit and that was one of the expressions in the spirit that you just saw under the anointing of God come on lift your hands to the Lord right now father we praise you we honor you and thank you for this time together in Jesus name Amen to return to the altar come on up let's worship the Lord together [Music] [Music] with us this morning say this is I hope this is a piece paintball is our God he will come through and free puppy food babe all this hog sickness with us this is strange baseball is our God he can [Music] Oh God yes Graci [Music] on the promises of Jesus [Music] we live cheetara's God is a night baseball this hog [Music] Oh [Music] rastaman Stephie [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh do your promises eucalyptus for your promise and my sauce [Music] ha [Applause] [Music] my sauces [Music] oh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Josef your voice is singing it great is thy faithfulness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] saga [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lord we pray that today everything we say everything we do will all declare and point to the bigness the greatness the wonder the awesomeness of our God hallelujah you are the king you are the creator you are the provider you are the Redeemer you are the savior you're the healer hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord holy spirit today reveal open our eyes show us Lord more of the Savior show us more show us more hallelujah thank you Father in the name of Jesus amen amen glory to God you all may be seated shake hands with somebody just tell them how big God is hallelujah oh thank you Lord God is good he's good here on the mountain god is good everywhere god is good all the time whoa I love the Lord this morning well I'm pastor Terry I want to welcome each and every one of you in the house here today if it's your first time here at the mountain would you raise your hand please I'd like to see our first-timers raise god per glad you're here very glad you're here and we want to welcome everyone who's watching this morning from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around wherever you are however you're watching television satellite iPhone iPad Android r2d2 I don't know we're we're so glad that you're here would you welcome all of the folks so it doesn't matter whether you're in the house out of the house you're a part of the household and we're thankful to God that you're here today hey you know we just dedicated those sweet little babies and that's wonderful that's exciting but you know what there's another there's you can come right down the timeline and there's a couple other people we want to celebrate today and that would be me make sure I don't forget anything Johnny and mural Allen now they celebrated their 50th win of anniversary this year and we missed telling it Johnny and Muriel are you in the House today where are you [Applause] praise God [Music] so forgive us for not pick it up and you got a shot again did you see them you guys get a shot of that praise the Lord did we get I didn't notice did we get them on the screens yes yes some say yes someday no I'll go with the yes okay and then of course our own church mascots practically ed and B deal where are they 61 years this month praise God praise our Lord hallelujah that's just awesome so we thank God we're you know we love to celebrate we just celebrate Jesus whether it's whether they've been here just a couple of days or been married for such a long time both are a witnesses to the goodness of the Lord well speaking of the goodness of the Lord I want to play for you I'm gonna show you a video which is a quick synopsis of what's happening in with the disaster relief we just did this this week and it's already a little bit outdated but the video is so great I want to share it with you let's show the video [Music] Kenneth Copeland ministries respondent in faith and action we partnered with the Fort Worth Police Officers Association and sent a van full of requested essential supplies to the first responders in the Houston area our team was included in a convoy of 104 twork police officers going to serve in Houston our disaster relief team is now deployed in South Texas there are about 1,700 KPM partners in the affected region and they've checked on 700 of them so far next week they'll be in a Houston area that experienced extensive flooding the Dallas Jewish community contacted EMI speed to help get food to the Jewish communities in Houston we responded by securing a refrigerated truck that had made several trips picking up and delivering kosher foods to the Houston area coming alongside to support their efforts for a thousand Sabbath meals have been sent in with the food that has been transported over 10,000 meals have been prepared in Houston KCM has partnered with Operation Blessing sending a large financial donation in addition when they needed a chef KCM sent our head chef David Adams to cook for their volunteers and those in the community serving over 200 meals a day Thank You partners we're connected with those in the community and nation to help people and share the love of God in tangible ways we've only just begun pray for our teams as would go out ministering to churches and partners continue to pray for wisdom and favor for doors to be open so we can assist people in times of need and be a resource for the gospel of Jesus Christ [Music] and we mentioned that we had reached 700 partners as of the time of that video that it was made but ste Poteet and the team that have gone down there already that have been I talked to Steve list a day before yesterday and they had made contact with about 2,000 of the KCM partners so we're very blessed this morning we're very blessed this morning I believe that we have Steve it would good Steve there he is there Steve right now hi Steve good morning good morning so where are you right now we're still in the Houston area we've been working primarily between the coast and Houston but were more in Houston proper now okay so when will you be headed back back to the house we're actually headed back today to resupply get some more resources and everything to turn around and come back and help even more partners praise the Lord now Steve as we talked the other night you were telling us and you when you went down you went to where the storm where Harvey made landfall the hardest hit tell us a little bit of what you've seen across the board what is what we're seeing on the news exaggerated is it like that you know as far as the widespread devastation it is a little bit exaggerated not everywhere was affected but the areas that were affected were affected very severely you're correct we started out in rockport Port Aransas Aransas Pass and those areas had a lot of wind damage almost every building had significant damage to and then we've been moving over into areas that were more flooded and having anywhere from some of the smaller ones would be six inches up to eight 10 feet of water in their home there are still a lot of areas with water standing yes ma'am particularly when he get into Houston in those areas that they've released water from those reservoirs protect the levees in the dam system because if those were to break it would be basically like a tsunami tidal wave that would go through and wipe everything out so they're doing those controlled releases which keep REE flooding some areas that were already flooded and those areas are still under at least 10 feet of water we got word about one of the overpass areas that it's holding about 25 hard when I spoke the other day there was a stand out fact that you shared with me and tell us tell us about the people that are partners with Kenneth Copeland ministries that have been hearing the word of faith and that we have been praying for staff our intercessors the church not just over this storm but we pray for our partners every day tell me brother Steve did those prayers have any effect anywhere oh they absolutely did as you well know prayer is the most important thing it is the most powerful things your words are extremely powerful they speak life or they speak death depending on which words you choose and our partners who are trained in the word and spoke life spoke protection and spoke about their covenant pled the blood of Jesus over there huh and over and over since we've been doing that we've seen that over and over since we've been doing this for all these years you know we've been to tornadoes where entire neighborhoods are wiped out powerful now that's not to say that you haven't found people that needed some assistance and that we've been there for them and we're not here to you know you don't don't judge anybody else you just need to look in the mirror that's the only just the only place you need to sit as judge so where they're helping those partners you're helping them you go in Steve just tell us in a nutshell what you do when you when you make contact with partners what is it you provide for them so obviously the first thing we do is we provide prayer and encouragement but then on the natural side of things we will actually help them assess their home make sure that they understand the next steps with insurance make sure they understand steps with FEMA whoever it is they're going to have to deal with through this and make sure that they are aware of every step they need to take and also like we've even been in homes where teams have come in and muck them out as they say let's have to come out so you can get that wall dry or mold and mildew we'll start and if it's bad enough it'll actually wick all of the cases where there's not teens around or they're not able then we will do whatever it takes to help them take care of things first of it with some help that she had there with some friends but we just do whatever it takes and then of course those people who maybe we're not covered by insurance maybe their insurance company didn't write them a flood policy a lot of these people are in a hurry that is not considered a flood zone so therefore they don't have flood insurance so we help them with some finances to help them take care of some of those repairs or to at least cover some of the expenses they've had to date and then we pray over them that God sends the laborers whether it be us or some are putting together teams there that restoration process by the team there we thank you for the work that you're doing hurry home today we want you to rest up gosh we'll probably give you I don't know 1224 hours and we just want you to no we're glad you're on your way back and we bless the the work that you're doing thank you Steve a man and I just want to thank the church you guys are the ones that make it possible for us to go out and help everybody and I just want you to know that you have a part of this and you have part of the reward and without you we couldn't do what we do and the partners here are so grateful to you so keep them in mind keep them in prayer and consider getting involved so we can continue to take care of our family praise God give Steve and and the the Lord a shout of praise bye Steve bye now I don't want to mislead you in that and think to make you think that we sent a team down and we're rebuilding every partners house but what we do help sometimes they need finances just to be able to get a hotel room for a free night so they don't have food or they don't have the funds that they need to get their hands on what it takes to do some work in the house and and lend a hand where we can we do want to expand that base Brian come on up we want to expand that because there are thousands of partners and as we know with this thing that has been bearing down on Florida and perhaps other states that there will be other follow up and work now we we are contacting partners through the Kenneth Copeland ministries the telephone and of course that not everybody has cell phone or phone service right now but yesterday you had a meeting with volunteers our first of several I'm sure yes we had approximately 50 people show up for our emergency response team we was informational training and really to assess the level of how we could deploy so up to this point we have 10 people that are able to go this coming week it's looking at 11 or this coming Wednesday at 11 o'clock we're gonna leave based upon who's available in the housing we're going to this trip be going with Operation Blessing in the Beaumont area which is really the last place that was really hit the hardest and still need the most help in fact that's where David's at and so and then it's also wise because then we can get re trained with our leadership and team as far as procedures process is under a very structured environment and then as we go forward more teens will be coming down on a weekly basis so we're planning on the following week another set of people that are able to come down with the train people that are qualified to know what to do we've also got a couple leads that are going to be down there for the whole two-week period of time that know the whole operation so the bottom line is that they missed the training yesterday they can still come because we want it's going to require a bunch of people in order to do what we've got to get accomplished how can people find out more information right now no matter what level of information they have or don't have what do they do can they they call use it on the city what do they do yeah so on the website if you go to hurricane Harvey there is information on there also and a link that links you to the application Harvey under our website you marci emi correct and then also if you're on the city we have posts on there also we have an emergency response team that they can enroll in and then there's communication in that area also if they're outside the church we're not excluding church members but if someone wants to come in with a outside and they can email info at EMI Sea Org and we'll send them the information along with a link to get enrolled hi Scott so we are coming under the tutelage of Operation Blessing is we strengthen and grow but there are things we want to learn to do as teams for ourselves but there's no sense in reinventing the wheel with some folks that have been driving on 18 wheels at a time those guys are amazing and I was really glad to see that part of president's trunk president Trump's donation money went to Operation Blessing so I'm thankful for that and thank you Brian and thank all of you that are participating in this praise God so we want to take this opportunity and be watching you know as we're praying and we've had a lot of Prayer how many if you saw our special broadcast yesterday quite a few of you in the face of the storm I though I wish would have titled that faith in the face of the storm but we with captain Amos are you in here this morning captain captain captain over here you you used to sit over here so captain Amos who meteorologists been with military for 43 years now in civilian work in that same field and because of that he is so knowledgeable and up-to-the-minute on information he helped us as we stood in faith we made contact it was a wonderful program and you can still get that by going to KCM dot org I think even more specifically KCM dot org slash Burma and you can watch that program along with a lot of other things that I'll be mentioning to you today but you say why are we pray hey we prayed about Harvey and you can just feel the attitude rising up I saw some things and it Burton leak came across some things yesterday comments just just silly immaturity does prayer work what we still had a hurricane but I want to just take a quick moment and compared to you Katrina and Harvey now Katrina was a smaller storm can you believe it Katrina was a category three Harvey a category four the scope of Katrina itself as a storm was not near as much as Harvey was but now let's look at the comparison and the results in Katrina Katrina affected I believe a captain did you say five states with major impact that went all the way up north and to the east there were other states that were impacted either directly you know or in some way by the storm or had an economic big hit because of the refugees and the people fleeing to the other states however Harvey was 13 counties and a little bit of western inner parts of Louisiana what about FEMA's response could we measure FEMA's response in Katrina and FEMA's response in Harvey what about the state and federal cooperation city state and federal cooperations some people have even called this seamless with Harvey such a spirit of unity cooperation preparedness one two three four in line ready to go and in Katrina it was there was such a mindset of confusion and and and control and not knowing what to do and the bottom line of it is this in Katrina 1836 related deaths in Katrina in Harvey to date 70 70 now while every life is important and we don't take that lightly nor do we put you know our thumbs under our suspenders and give them a good snap and say well look at what we did no no no we have to evaluate and say lord we thank God for what you you were able to do on the level of faith and unity that we had but teach us Lord just like brother Greg mentioned in his class today and the disciples said why couldn't we cast that one out and he said because your unbelief you're not developed and you're going to develop through places of prayer and fasting you're going to have to have identified time with the Lord to identify how to come up and get rid of that unbelief but the more we grow in our faith and in our belief then the storms were going to continue to come undone it wouldn't matter if a storm the size of the United States swept across the whole continent it wouldn't matter in the face of faith if our faith is developed and ready and that's what we're growing in we'll talk more about that today so Lord we thank you again that our mouths it's knee in Jesus name we thank you Lord for all that you did in Harvey we thank you for recovery and we thank you Lord that Jesus has been revealed to people all across this nation we thank you lord their armor irma will not do as the devil has designed for it to do we stand in faith and agreement with our partners with the believers with all the saints and everyone who is believing and trusting you in this hour in the name of Jesus praise the Lord now if you want you can get more of that information already mentioned at KCM org slash praise the Lord well we have other announcements today and I didn't bring my sheet up here so I think what we'll do is we'll go to the video announcements and we'll see what all is happening here on the mountain [Music] hey everyone thanks for joining us for service today we want to say a special welcome to all of our guests and ask you to fill out a welcome card which can be found right under the seat in front of you if you fill out that card it gives us an opportunity to connect with you you can drop that card in the offering later in service or bring it to our guest reception in the hospitality room where you can exchange it for a free gift at that reception you'll get a chance to meet some of our church staff and leaders and ask any questions that you might have now let's take a look at what's happening here on the mountain have you been enjoying believers Institute this month pastor Greg will teach next week Wednesday September 13th giving a message title of Joseph how the pattern predicted will wrap up the last two weeks of the month with KCM board member and former president of pilgrim pride corporation buddy pilgrim as he continues a series called thriving instead of just surviving also you don't want to forget about sharee Robertson's discipleship class at the same time in the hospitality room we'll see you each Wednesday for bi right here at 7 p.m. Matthew 28:16 tells us go therefore and make disciples of all the nations but how do we do that it starts with simply telling people about Jesus do you want to grow in your ability to share him with anyone you meet or if so then join our outreach pastor Brian Sanders Saturday October 7th from 9 a.m. to noon we'll start in the living room with some practical teaching and then we'll hit the streets of Fort Worth with the gospel we know you'll be glad you came radiant women we're ready for this month's thrive service Tuesday September 26th at 6:45 p.m. in the chapel we have a very special guest help us welcome dr. nikki walden medical director of body logic md of dallas where she helps patients find practical solutions to health challenges associated with aging we're excited about the message she'll bring to us about what we can do both in the spirit and in the natural to walk in divine health bring a friend and come ready to worship and fellowship with your sisters in Christ we'll see you there hey everyone pastor Blake here you know we may be heading in the fall but spring will be here before you know it and we're already gearing up for growth 1440s 2018 spring retreat but I'll let you know that we have positions available for church members who would like to chaperone help with registration be cabined leaders or more applications are now available and will be due by December 10th you can simply email me at be Sturm at EMI Sea Org or give me a call at eight one seven two five two two nine five nine we'll announce our final crew selections by January 14th thank you for your willingness to serve men listen up because you won't want to miss this built to last Men's Conference at Eagle Mountain International Church Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th including an amazing time of worship by Michael Howell great food at the after party and Saturday morning breakfast VIP meet-and-greet and powerful messages from pastor George Pearson's pastor mark Barclay and pastor bill Winston mcplantz now on invite your friends your father's your brothers and sons to built to last 2017 Men's Conference here at EMI Sea Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th register now at EMI Sea Org [Music] [Applause] for additional information on any of these events or to see what else is going on around the mountains check out the city follow any of our social media channels or visit EMI Sea Org hallelujah men of EMI sea I'm proud to announce that level 3 tickets for the men's conference have been sold out we still have level 1 and level 2 so if you're interested make sure that you go ahead and register now you don't want to miss your opportunity it's offering time glory to God glory to God if you would go ahead and turn to Luke chapter 21 and while you're turning there I want to let you know that I'm going to give you two opportunities to release your faith in your giving this morning we are we are receiving our regular tithes and offerings for the church for the church operations but we're also receiving donations for for disaster relief now I want to the reason I said I'm gonna give you two opportunities to use your faith is this I don't want you to sit and think well wait a minute I got to give my tithes and offerings so that doesn't mean that means I can't give to disaster relief we're not that Church that's not who we are we have faith response and we have all sufficiency necessary to abound toward every good work and charitable donation amen amen so if you're giving buy envelope for your cash creditor Devon get debit giving you can give on your give your regular tithes and offerings by designating that but on the other line you can give to disaster relief and designate the amount if you're giving watching online you can go to EMI C dot org slash give and you'll have the opportunity to give your regular tithes and offerings like normal and Oh after that make sure that this is another part of it you can scroll down and you'll be able to give to disaster relief just click on the disaster relief icon and if you're texting to give you can text three six six zero nine pm see and the dollar amount for Todd's an offering giving but after that you can text three six six zero nine keyword relief and the dollar amount they have to be two separate transactions amen how many of you are wondering why I have a football in my hand no it's not because today is opening day it's not because the Cowboys are playing this afternoon so I was headed to a small group meeting last night at EMI see small group meeting last night to watch football and pastor Terry called and said hey can you take care of the offering message and I said absolutely and then when I got off the phone with her I immediately I do everything I do what I always do whenever I'm asked to do offering immediately when I get the call I get off and I go Lord what do you want me to say and it came up so strong in my spirit he said this he said John keep your eye on the ball and stay on offense keep your eye on the ball and stay on offense see in football you have two sides of the ball you have a defensive side of the ball and you have an offensive side of the ball and the people who have an offense who are on offense on the offensive side of the ball have the opportunity to score here's the thing as the Church of Jesus Christ the body of Christ is never ever on the defensive we are always on the offensive we always have an opportunity to prosper we always have an opportunity to score you've all you are always forever and ever been positioned to be prosperous you've been positioned for blessing you've been positioned to put points on the board now what happens in the natural is we get an opportunity to be distracted by natural things natural disasters natural sickness carnal things things that are happening in the world let me tell you something when you're playing against the devil he's always gonna have a defensive scheme that is built to distract you from what's going on on the offense and if you're not careful you will be destroyed did and you start looking at what he's doing as opposed to looking at what the kingdom is doing you start listening to what he's saying as opposed to listening to the play caller that is the Holy Ghost on the inside of you you'll start focusing in on movement on the other side of the line as opposed to looking at what the kingdom is doing and how the kingdom is advancing and how we're accomplishing things in this season of harvest in this season of prosperity we have to keep our eye on the ball there's so many other things to look at we can look at Harvey we can look at our mo we can look at wildfires we can look there's so many opportunities to get distracted and to think while we focus on prosperity when people are suffering while we focus on on giving when people are are going through things on the coast let me tell you something now it's the church's finest hour and if there's ever been a time to press into debt to press into debt debt cancellation to press into supernatural wealth transfer to press into prosperity it's right now because governments are not calling for people to come up with strategies governments are not calling for people to come up with different legislations governments are calling for the Church of Jesus Christ to raise up and enter into a place of prayer and intercession and to abound to every need according to what God has blessed us with I'm so thankful for our church leadership here because we have the ability to respond but we're not reacting there's a very big difference we have the ability to go out and respond to the needs of our partners to the needs of our friends to the needs of those who are looking for help but we're not being reactionary we're being strategic we're watching to see what God would say you see Luke chapter 21 verse 8 says this this is Jesus talking about the end of days that he actually talks about destruction he says in verse 8 the first part of verse 8 says as he said take heed that you do not be deceived the amplified bible says it this way and he said be on your guard and be careful that you not be led astray verse 28 and when these things begin to happen look up somebody say look up somebody say look up somebody say look up keep your eye on the kingdom keep your eye on what God is doing keep your eye on blessing keep your eye on prosperity look up why because your redemption is drawing near the word for redemption there is not just to be as that it's it's not something that we need to pass over that word for redemption literally means to be ransomed in full the fullness of the church the fullness of your faith what did Jesus he's the author and perfecter the completer the the fullness of your faith is found in the love of God this is not the time for the church to draw back this is our time to keep our eye on the ball and stay on the offense we're not defending ourselves against the attack the attack of the enemy oh no we're taking the fight to him we're taking the fight to him this is the hour of our greatest harvest are you ready to participate in the greatest move of God that this nation has ever seen it's time to stay on the offensive so if you're giving this morning you have two opportunities to get on the offensive you can give to disaster relief or you can give your regular tithes and offerings matter of fact I would venture to say that you have two opportunities to Inc to bolster yourself and prepare I see to Elam elopes I see two envelopes I see two envelopes I see responses all over the room we're ready to go on the offensive side amen glory to God hallelujah come on guys [Music] all there is no God as big as mine too big a problem to just get mine and make Jim what the devil try [Music] that's me all the way the backs against the wall and you're not tansy so time and the enemy is quickly closed [Music] [Music] what does that that's me and he's telling you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory to God glory to God father we come before you with these tithes and these offerings today we lift them before you we worship you with them and honor you Lord God as we prepared to declare and make our confession of faith over these I'm declaring right now that the the anointing of increase is on you the spirit of increase is on you you are increasing more and more you and your children I'm declaring that every bill is paid every need is supplied every debt is wiped out we're walking in the double we're walking in the multiplication we're walking in the supernatural realm of wealth transfer we're walking in a place where these windows are open and the blessing is pouring out I said the blessing is pouring out say this after me because we are tithers the windows of heaven are open and the blessing is pouring out because we are sewers we are furnished in abundance for every good work [Applause] we receive jobs or better jobs raises and bonuses benefits sales and commissions settlements estates and inheritances interest and income rebates and returns checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer bills paid off debts demolished royalties received properties acquired we are getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and our airplanes God is bringing into our hands see even some great big whopper chunks see we command our harvest to come Parvez come to us now harvesting angels go get it bring it to us right now in Jesus name give a shout of praise and victory to the Lord right now thank you lord guys you can go ahead I am honored and and pleased to present to you my wife of 40 years as she comes and delivers a mighty mighty Word of God to us welcome pastor Terry this morning [Applause] Oh [Applause] add your faith please together with me as I believe today for utterance there's so much to say as always and I prayed this morning and I said Lord put a guard over my mouth that everything out that needs to be let out and keep everything else in that doesn't mean to be said today now thank you for that lord I believe I receive and that Lord I not only have the right words but they're filled with the right spirit they're filled with grace grace father by faith I take hold of the grace of God that empowers me to say what you want sent to your people today today and that Lord through this word the word of faith will be preached and it will be changed from glory to glory because you are faithful to your word we thank you for it in the name of Jesus amen amen you may be seated bless the Lord well we've made alluded to some things already this morning but I want to call attention to it sometimes in our tendency we we can get to a place where we think we're in faith when really our faith is not as deep as we presume it to be and a lot of times we really don't know until it's under pressure so we don't want to just skim across the surface and say yeah yeah we believe that right sure praise God but we want to take a serious look at the situation and answer some serious questions there are a lot of things happening in the world right now I came across a a visual yesterday day before aubrey sent it to me that summed up a lot of what's going on in one picture and in that picture it started to list all the different areas that need to be prayed for pray for Washington pray for Oregon pray for Montana pray for Texas pray for California pray for Florida hurricane Harvey Hurricane Katia hurricane Jose hurricane Irma earthquake in Mexico 8.1 strongest earthquake to hit that area in a hundred years creating a tsunami not massive like the one that we saw of course before but nonetheless 8 to 10 foot waves fires across Montana Oregon Washington California Idaho Utah Wyoming Colorado and Alaska 8 million acres have been burned to date this year what about North Korea you know I think because so many of us baby boomers we grew up seeing things little tags and there were little tags maybe said made in China made in Japan made in Korea maybe sometimes you come across clothing that's inexpensive that you find in discount stores and retailers and it'll say made in Korea made in Vietnam and because of that we have a reduced idea oh that's just little over there and because the people are smaller in stature than there's perhaps we perceive Americans to be and we think well that's not really a threat but this is a very real threat I won't go down the path of this today but I had a night vision what's the night difference a difference between a night vision and a dream in a dream this is our dream but in a night vision you're awake while you're asleep and I was awakened and in this dream this night vision I was awake I could actually here George getting dressed in the other room and I opened my eyes and I saw on the television that was in our bedroom a small TV and it said war and I heard an announcer I didn't really take note too much to what he was saying but there was an announcer with a fevered passion in his voice declaring war I pondered on that and then my eyes opened fully and I realized that that was not really on the screen naturally speaking but I also had a sense of knowing that that was concerning North Korea and I was to pray that was over 20 years ago so this is not something that we should take lightly and just say oh it's just Korea it's just them it's just that so as we look at all of these things North Korea the Middle East eisah al Qaeda and all the Bible players coming into position that we see prophesied in the scriptures both in old and new Testament Russia Turkey all the Arab nations Israel and we see all of these nations coming into an alignment in a way that in some cases never have in other cases have not in thousands of years and so there's a question that comes out this as hey what's going on if we don't address and have an answer in the face of that question under the surface of all of our faith confessions and scripture quoting there is an undercurrent of doubt an undercurrent of fear and insecurity as I mentioned earlier people are saying what we prayed about that hurricane well we prayed about that maybe there are people that were praying and believing in is the best that they knew power that they have been taught to do and yet their house was flooded or the roof came off or they lost their car or all the above maybe there are some who lost loved ones or whose lives were affected damage touched in some way economically or others and they're wondering and you see a typical headline I've seen it with Harvey I saw it with Herman where's God in the middle of all this and if you don't have an answer for that for yourself not just an answer for other people but an answer for yourself then that same undercurrent of doubt fear and unbelief will undermine your faith now whether or not there's a hurricane it faces the new face there are storms in our lives I want to read something to you and this is our position and it's that over it this is the offensive play you think I knew anything about that did you the world is in serious trouble but for the household of faith and those that will cling to my word and listen very carefully and do this thing that I've demonstrated before you tonight and night after night you can do it you can stand in your place and worship and you can praise in the face of Hell itself you can praise yourself into that place where you say ha ha ha everything is going to be all right the world I tell you again is in serious trouble some very hard things are coming in different places around the world and this was 2010 very difficult times in a lot of places there that way now but they'll not get any better they will continue to get worse and worse and worse it's on a downhill run that the world cannot stop but for the household of faith everything is going to be alright everything is going to be alright hallelujah oh yeah oh yeah you'll have to make a stand you'll have to fight the good fight of faith but when did you not have to do it these are dangerous times they're dangerous times financially they're dangerous times in the earth because the earth is weighted under a gross weight of sin and there are things in places and situations under the earth and in the oceans and in the heavens that are being rattled and shaken and the earth is trying to break in different places well stand on my word and it will not come now you praise and worship my name don't feed and feed fear and feed trouble into your life and into your mouth no no no no quit living in that house get back over here in the household of faith feed on my word not on the bread of sorrow feed on my word look in my face praise and worship praise and worship in church praise and worship preach the word praise and worship preach the word praise and worship preach the word everything is going to be alright hallelujah for I've said and will continue to say it until it becomes solid and strong in your spirit your time has come it's your time to excel it's your time to do exceeding extraordinary things in the financial world in the medical world and on all the areas where the world is in such dire trouble and so confused they're confused beyond their ability to understand how confused they really are and they're hurting because of it and they're crying out because of it people are trying to take advantage of other people because they're so confused and because they're so troubled I'll tell you right now there are politicians and so-called businesspeople and thieves of all kinds of demonic folks that are trying to take advantage of my people during a confusing time and I'll tell you right now saith the Lord you can write it down and know for sure I won't put up with it and I'll stop them from doing such a thing you're going to see some things happen fear not I have my eye on them they'll go so far and no further their end is already determined and determined and I'll not put up with it says the Lord of Grace I'll not put up with it they've pushed me pushed me and invited me out of their lives and they're thinking and in many cases with many personalities and many people that are in the forefront of the news in this hour I've already turned over to a disobedient reprobate 9 I am the Lord God and I'll not have my people run roughshod my people that are crying out to me hallelujah thank you Jesus so that's the end from the beginning and that's where we're headed so we appreciate those words of the Lord we appreciate that spirit of prophecy that comes upon brother Copeland as he stands in the office of the Prophet but there's still the time that we have to go back and look to see what the scripture says and look at what Jesus said so I'm going to read through for you and I'm going to ask you to to be a little grown-up today can you be a little grown-up we've already had some pictures already had some videos now if you can hang with me without the animation let's see what Jesus said Luke 21 I'm going to read through a lot of verses because it's important that we see all of this in context and hopefully unravel a few things for you Luke 21 verse 5 as some spake of the temple and how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts he said jesus said as for these things which you behold the days will come in the in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down and they asked him saying master when shall we see these things what signs shall there be when these things shall come to pass he said take heed that you do not be deceived for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and the time draws near though he not therefore after them but when you shall hear of wars and commotions be not terrified for these things must first come to pass but the end is not by-and-by he said to them nation shall rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom great earthquakes shall be in divers places and fearful and famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven but before all these things they shall lay hands on you persecute you delivering you to the synagogues and in prisons being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake it shall turn to you for a testimony settle it therefore in your heart's not to meditate before what you shall answer for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain say or resist you shall be betrayed by parents and brethren and kin spoke and friends some of you shall they cause to be put to death and you shall be hated for all men for my name's sake they shall shall not a hair of your head perish I want to point something out right there it may not come back to it but there's an oddity here between verse 16 and he said some of you they'll put to death verse 18 says not a head of your hair shall perish this in verse 18 is an idiom a Jewish idiom it's the same it's a saying and that saying can have several different contexts but basically what it's saying in in an idiom sense is you're not going to lose anything that's really important and your enemy's not going to gain anything that he thinks is near this same phrase in Matthew 10 where Jesus talked about he said laid to Alan those of you if you hold on to the natural life you're gonna lose it but if you will lay down the natural life and reach for the high life you won't lose it you won't lose and in the same context in that same chapter he said now remember that the the Father loves you and he's so aware of birds that he is aware when each one of them lands King James says falls but in the Greek is every time one Lance if you ever been in one of those area where there's absolutely it feels like thousands upon thousands of those black birds around here and they all just they land in a massive just blanket of black birds everywhere God is aware and sensitive to every single one of them that he knows when they land and then jesus said now your worth so much more than those birds even the hairs of your head are counted you're so precious to Jesus that he still he is sensitive sensitive when a bird lands but he knows and senses that when even a hair falls from your head and he's aware not one of them is lost out of his sight and you know that's not in the magnitude of what what what God is who he is and the very nature that makes him thanks God to be God that's not a parable that's not an example that's not an analogy he really knows and really knows mind-boggling naturally unfathomable to the degree a sensitivity that he has let's keep reading verse 19 and your patience possessed you your souls and when you see Jerusalem encompassed with armies know that the desolation thereof is near let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains let them which are in the midst of it depart let not them who are in the countries or out in the countryside enter in for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled but woe to them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled there shall be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity sea of the waves roaring men's hearts failing them for fear for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory and when these things begin to take pass look up look lift up your heads for your Redemption draws night praise the Lord so I want to go back now and we're gonna take some of this apart you know without some basic understanding of what Jesus is saying who he's talking to and what he's talking about and too often it gets confusing to us because of our Western Way of communicating the the Middle Eastern the the whole Middle Eastern way of thinking they communicate in a different way God communicates in a different way the Bible says that he declares the end from the beginning and the Bible is written that way and so many times you've got to get to the end and then go back or you read all the way through and if you don't know that and you try to get it and put everything in a chronological manner with one at peace and then he says but then before that and he talks about a time period of time and then he says we picked up where he left off and says now that's really gonna be like there he gets to happen which is you go back here then this is what you need to do one as well as many other passages you can today so now let's go back and what if they were looking at the temple and he there was as they were talking about the temple adorable Edinson for him and the spirit of prophecy came on him and he began to talk and he said to them there's a time that's coming i'm the amplified now when there shall not be left one stone upon another that will not be throw down and they asked him two questions they said damn teacher when will this happen and what will be the son that this is about to happen tell us the son you know it's not it's not uncommon it's not wrong to expect sons jesus corrected the unbelievers when all they wanted was a sign and they had no faith but all through the scripture there are signs and when you look by faith for the sons the signs will talk to you let's hold our place there but look in Acts chapter 1 verse 6 when they were assembled they asked the Lord is this the time when you will reestablish the kingdom and restore it to Israel so they're always asking about this they're always asking about when things are going to happen and he never rebuked them for asking there was a group he did review but it wasn't then and What did he say verse 7 he said to them this is the way it reads it's not for you to become acquainted with or know what time brings and the seasons which the father appointed by in his authority what that makes it sound like he doesn't want you to know that makes it sound like well since it's the church age all the signs of all their Jesus rebuked he rebuked the believers of the day the Jews of the day he rebuked them for not recognizing the signs he rebuked them for not recognizing the what the scripture pointed to he said you didn't recognize it so ain't deaf dumb blind and just you can do about it you're not ever gonna know it's not what he said and it's not yet but for you to know 16 where he said to them there are a lot of things that I these Spirit comes he said he's going to got to come the things that belong to the father that I have he'll reveal it to you and I have everything then we are up to the fullness of the hope and what happened they went from is this one Israel's the next one the sent if the power of the Holy Spirit 'no somebody that sees and who the Holy oh and I mean 10 days after he says the time the tunnels have happened then and we then but the greatest insight always comes the Janelle what's for you what's for me scripture they understood the times the sons of Abraham yes and we are that we have that cleared up we go back to on your guard and careful that you're not letting to the Jewish person the the main thing was they were looking for the Messiah we see that even in the Gentile world I've got the end crazy religious things crazy religions there are a few hundred followers others that gather decades centuries and millennia but there are also people that say booze I'll tell you the way to get there I'll tell you the way the happiness you just need to just drink this thing this is it this is the highway Louisville [Music] her body's looking for an answer and he said his the way the insurrections disturbances disorders confusion don't be alarmed don't be panic-stricken don't well this must take place but the end will not dim against Kingdom mighty and violent earthquakes in various places famines malignant contagious infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating the beside signs from heaven and we're gonna meet chitin so what is he talking about what cup what is verse eight through since Cain and Abel the earth is there are markers in the heavens signs from heaven that tell where we are on the timeline of God's timetable and God's prophecies and what Jesus was referring to in the addition to that these particular things they concentrate together and they escalate at times of transition times of transition into another age times of transition as time takes great leaps you know time though it moved along in terms of days weeks months years it moved along but then suddenly there became ages think about the Middle Ages ha how long was the Middle Ages there's a long middle and you have the Industrial Age in the post-industrial ladies in the modern age in the post modern age you've got that when knowledge begins to expand and suddenly with every one of those there's a major leap forward with every one of those leaps all of these things begin to to to accumulate concentrate escalate one form or another but again the marking and the definitiveness of the age from the first coming of the Lord to the second coming of the Lord is marked by the science from heaven are we in this time now are we in the time of wars insurrections are we in the time when there's reason for alarm or panic are we in the times when nations against nation Kingdom against Kingdom has it every ever seen even when of course nations have always fought nations but the Kingdom against nation where there is such an atmosphere that every people group is against another people group whether it's the age gap the generation gap the gap between the the men and women and the sexuality identification I looked it up yesterday just out of curiosity and one place said gave 71 different gender identification terms I can't figure that out Facebook identifies 5151 options to put on your your agender identification they'll go home and look that up don't mess with it trust me it's not that hard where are we so the strife and the division between the races between the age between gender sex management labor my goodness they're trying to stir up the north and the south again I mean as if we didn't have enough to argue about let's just dig up something it's about a hundred and fifty years old bless the Lord but what he says here in verse 12 he says now but previous to that so in other words all of those things are gonna run through the length of it you can see all of that he says now that's gonna happen all along he said but before that comes to an end not before it all starts but before it comes to in the end he said let me tell you what hat is gonna happen and what he begins to describe here is a release of persecution and betrayal and attack against Jews and the church there'd always been attack against the Jews but now there was a partner in the persecution and the church was persecuted the church was tortured the church was was was under the eye of all the nations and he says this gonna start from within this is gonna start as they dragged you into synagogues dragged you into places persecute you put you to death and he says all of this is going to be unleashed now in verse 20 it gives a very specific very specific prophecy so 12 through 19 is this now is something that's beginning defining the age in verse 20 this is what started it off when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies and you know and understand desolation has come near and he describes to them what they are to do he said if you are in the city you need to get out if you're in the country don't go back in and when you see the Armory's surrounding Jerusalem pay attention because this is the time of vengeance and you better pay attention and it's going to stay this way you are going to lose control of Jerusalem he said we'll be trodden down by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled that happened in 70 AD very specific times so from verse 20 through 24 he's talking about very specific now those things in essence those things in nature those things in character repeated themselves over and over but the specific was to Jerusalem now the wonderful story of this is sad and yet wonderful is that the Christians who had heard Jesus say this followed that and when they saw the armies surrounding Jerusalem in 70 AD they left and the history says that not one Christian died as the siege of Jerusalem but those that were determined and had not heard that word they stayed and there was almost nothing left of the Jewish people in Jerusalem but that ended in 1967 in 1967 another era began not an age but another era another leap in God's spiritual clock 1967 Israel gained full control of Rousillon they were what about the mosque that they're the big gold dog what about that you know Israel still has control of the temple site they still have it they own it but they handed they handed that piece over to Islamic control there and so that has they Israel could move in and take in over that anytime but in the face of international pressure they don't that's what that's about but the time is coming but the beginning of the end of that 1967 the time of the full of the Gentiles no more no more and I'm telling you it will never happen again why don't we pray why don't we stand why do we believe and urge our country to be on the right side of that well I'm not concerned because that if we don't that is that Israel will be divided and that Jerusalem will be split that's not going to happen I just don't want to be on this side of the backlash of what happens when those try to make that split now in verse 25 there will be signs in the Sun the moon and the stars we made reference to that over here in verse 11 he said great signs from heaven what are these signs well if you've been listening to pastor Greg the last few weeks you know a lot about it you know more than probably the greatest majority of the body of Christ said to say the signs Genesis chapter 1 he put the sun the moon the stars he said everything in place and he said they are for signs and for seasons well they have a daily purpose they are signs they tell us when it's night and when it's day they tell us when it's spring summer fall winter they they they're there they tell us that those seasons but greater than that on God's time clock in Leviticus 23 we find out that there are our seasons and there are signs appointed by God and that that he attached to those that calendar he attached seven specific specific dates feasts we call them in English modes and Hebrew meaning appointed times and every one of those modes represent the first coming of the Lord or the second coming of the Lord all of those fees that represented the first coming of the Lord had been fulfilled but now we are beginning to approach where the signs in the heavens the stew the Sun the moon and the stars are identifying that we are at the second coming of the Lord and we should know what those things are we should be aware what they are you know whether you're aware of them or not will not change Jesus coming but it may change what you're doing when he comes Jesus said when he comes he's going to be looking will he be looking for fear it will he be looking for though it will he be trying to rescue all the scaredy-cats will it be will he be just trying to rescue all thus there are just a beat down wore out and pitiful hiding in caves no he said when the Son of Man returns will he find hey so it's important what you're doing when he comes there will be signs in the Sun and the moon and the stars and upon the earth there will be distress of nations in bewilderment and perplexity without resources left wanting embarrassed in doubt and not knowing which way to turn I tell you our government in this this situation with North Korea this is huge what do we do how do we handle it what answers do we make military economic national sanctions what's cyber per pecks that perplexities what do you suppose the impact of two major hurricanes and eight million acres burned with countless homes destroyed in fact how do you suppose that's going to affect the economic situation we need to pray we need to pray praise the Lord I want to put something that picture up right here guys of President Trump and his cabinet can you show this please you got that handy there look there it is do you see what that is that's Camp David yesterday that's President Trump in his cabinet in prayer [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now they're praying because we're praying now we're gonna pray because they're praying thank God so nation's in situations not knowing which to turn at the roaring and the tossing of the sea approval uproar app roaring of the oceans men swimming away expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world for the very powers of the heavens shall be shaken and caused to totter you know the earthquake that happened in 2004 in that enormous tsunami that followed it horrible 250,000 people were killed in all of that that earthquake was so severe it actually moved the earth on its axis hey that's what he said that the roaring and the tossing of the sea immense hearts failing them with fear for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken what else could he mean about the powers of the heavens well here again we have the Sun the Moon the Stars and we understand now more than we ever have but even in ancient times they understood that the placement of the celestial beings and how the earth fit into the universe as little as they knew then as much as we know now it has not changed this fact that the placement of all of those in the gravitational pull and placement and the energy that comes from them greatly determines our dated it determines our day-to-day atmosphere and when those things begin to be shaken and when the the hold that that was put in place that God put in place in Genesis chapter one and when the curses finally had its effect that God jumps has jumped off the earth and affected even the celestial beings to the fact that tides rise and hurricanes come that even the the the the security of being in place and everything the way God put it in place is starting to shake unpredictable uncertain means hearts begin to fail this tells me that there's much more to come much more to come from men's hearts to stop beating because of what they see happening what would it be like if you're standing there and a tsunami started coming at you what what what I tell you what they did in 1929 they jumped out of windows not even enough foresight for 10 years to hold on for 10 years and jumped out of windows immediately no internal stamina or strength now before we go any further here let's look at this and see what Jesus said most of all well I'll take that back we'll start looking verse 28 and Jesus said and when then they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds men they will see so all of these things take us right up to his coming and What did he say look up lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near baby look up lift up your heads well is who you're supposed to walk around looking up in the sky well remember this that in the Greek word the same word that's translated air is also translated spirit to be caught up in the air to be caught up in the spirit look up he said look up lift up your hands so not just a physical head but look up in the sky no I'm sure there are plenty plenty of things to see in this guy but to look up and what what is your thinking what is the filter through which you filter your decisions and your choices and your life are you looking through the prism of fear you're looking through the prism of faith are you looking through the voice of what the world says are you looking through the voice of what the word and the Spirit of God are saying well we know what we would like to think we're doing but are you we'd like to think that we do those things but sometimes you know I've mentioned to you before we got caught there in Guatemala and got caught in a crossfire between the Guatemalan rebels and the Guatemalan military and there we were our little three car loads of people got caught in the gunfire between 40 people were shot that day and we're smack there in the middle of it and I got curious and you know I'm look I just you know I mean I'm looking up like this George grabbed me by the hair of my head caveman style and he grabs my hair he jerks me down to the ground throws the end of dirt bullets are going everywhere good egg backlash is going and I hear somebody praying in tongues in the name of Jesus praying in tongues loud in my mind as they yeah that's that's right then even then and yet am i I'm looking like oh but I really want to look but I hear this voice tongues and Bolden and I heard Jim circles say that's right that's right pray in tongues pray in tongues and the tons of loud or letter nun think that's great and then I realized it was me my spirit my soul in my body I mean if they weren't tied together tight they would have gone in all three directions my head was dingdong and wanted to see what's going on my heart's beating so hard I'm pounding up off the rocks that we're throwing laying down in the dirt my heart's beating and out of my spirit came the name of Jesus and praying in other tongues and so I was really great grateful and relieved after all that was over that with that evening I was so thankful so relieved that that's what came out not something else I was thankful for two reasons I was thankful because it saved my life but I was also thankful because I might have lost my birthright had I said something else then my dad being a Coplin and all that you understand I'm kidding but it was important to me and sometimes you don't know until there's some pressure and you hear what your mouth is saying so what did Jesus say what was his warning in the midst of this he was very specific in this verse 8 and 9 the first thing he said before he even elaborated the first thing he said before he tells them that there's going to be distress and trouble and persecution and some are going to die and the nation's and civil trouble and and all of these things that he's about to describe the first thing he says in verse eight don't be deceived many are coming he said you know deception is a funny thing you don't know you're deceived so if I was to ask in here how many of you in here are deceived today you don't know I might ask you how many of you have been deceived before few honest hands winner Bible tells us there are a lot of things that are deceiving just to name a few the Bible says that alcohol and substances and things in which we look to for comfort relaxation entertainment escape addictive addictions it says that they deceive if I can just have this if I can just do that just one drink just one shopping trip just one snort just one smoke just one little peep just one click just one time just one more time and he says that's deceiving Romans 7-eleven says that sin deceives sin will lie to you sin will always present itself wickedly I mean beautifully but it's wicked Galatians says don't be deceived for God is not mocked it's deception to think that you can sew one thing and reap another it's deception to think that just one one won't hurt was that somebody was telling me the other oh is Rachel my niece Rachel she said that she really the other day she said I was just really wishing that I had grown some fall pumpkins she said I just thought that would be so nice but she said we didn't think to plant any and so and their their family garden they had squash and other things but she didn't plant pumpkins she went out the other day and found a pumpkin vine growing with a seven eight big pumpkins starting to sprout on that and she remembered back that there was a that that her husband and I forget who else it was Rachel that had been spitting pumpkin seeds last year had a contest and God was faithful bless the Lord but seeds so whether you know it or not will produce the Satan it says that's evil people just seduced to deceive and Satan is the master deceiver what is the opposite what does Jesus say he says that the truth will make you free it's the truth that is the only guarantee against being deceived deception by its nature is a lie and the attempt of Satan to get you to believe the lie as though it's true but Jesus said you feel know the truth you'll be free how do you know the truth you better prioritize it and you better never assume that you know it there's a lot of difference between knowing the truth and assuming that you do I've had a taste of both one can get you in a lot of trouble and the other will say free so there has to be a great prioritizing of putting having the truth in our lives the truth jesus said thy Word is truth it starts no serious Christians read their Bibles a lot more serious Christians do what their Bibles say serious Christians look at their Bibles and they let it direct and determine and they don't try to make the word fit their lifestyle but they change their lifestyle to fit the word serious Christians do what it says not only in their one-on-one time but they do the word they speak the in Deuteronomy it tells he says this is the way you raise your children you talk about it when you get up you talk about it while you go through the day you talk about it when you go to bed you write it on the doorpost you write it on the gates you write it on your hands you write it and you stick it on you put it in a little box on your head you put it in a little box on your arm and you wrap a strap around it and you quote it you quote it to them you have them quote it to you you make it the topic of your conversation you put it in front of your eyes you put it in your ears you put it in your mouth and besides that you meditate on it all day and all night and then you'll be prosperous in all your ways and it won't be deceived and you're very aware of the corporate anointing for it's in a place and in a room it's in a time it's in a it's in an environment like this where the Saints come together and together we go before the work there's a place of the anointing and the preaching of the word that will not happen while you sit by yourself in your room it's about the body of Christ and letting the Lord Jesus speak to the church speak through his church be the church work with the church love the church what else did Jesus say in verse 9 he said don't be alarmed don't be panic-stricken and don't be terrified this fits very well with verse 19 he said by your steadfastness and patient endurance you'll win the true life of your souls King James says you'll possess yourself what are you what is your soul you're not talking about that whether you're spiritually whether you're born again or not the whether or not you lose it or keep it together in plain straight talk whether or not their emotions are running you whether or not you know the difference between being led by the spirit and some feeling that you have yielded to over and over again whether you're he wants you to do versus versus what you want to do and to discern the difference so many of us so many times all of us have been guilty of it working on the assumption that because I'm a Christian and I have good intentions and I know the Lord then because I want to do it this way it must be what he wants he must agree with me on this one but that can be a costly deadly decision and lack of discernment and he said with patience and endurance and steadfastness not moved not running off do you know how many people could and should be in this service today easily moved I'm not picking on anybody or know anybody like I said you need to put a mirror on the back of every chair in this room there I've got one every time I look up I'm right there and from that monitor looking at myself I had my own mirror but to be patient steadfast unmovable unshakable and unswerving wear the things of God are concerned and at the same time very pliable and flexible and discerning the difference between the voice of the Spirit of God and the voice of the flesh I think it's well compared to a horse a big horse kind of George said he did this one time only George but he said he did an experiment as this had never as if this had never been proven before but as we were riding horses one time he tried he tried to push the horse from his middle you got him he just pushed him my horse didn't do anything probably tried to slap him with his tail like what are you crazy tried to push the horse hooked up to the side of the horse and pushed thousand pounds 1500 pounds whatever they are he's not moving and yet at the direction from the right way from the master the mirror touch of the rain on the side of his neck and he'll go wherever you want him to go at whatever speed you want him to go the Bible tells us that we are to be rain trained we're to be sensitive following him and yet immovable and movable by just our want twos or the pressures of life or the doubts of the questions people that think that face stuff must not work we pray it and Harvey still came well if you'd been here today you'd find out while Harvey came jesus said this stuff's gonna come but here's what you do in the middle of it so he said don't be alarmed don't be panic-stricken he said hearts are gonna fail people he said over in verse 26 you know I think there's a two-fold meaning to that I've literally seen it happen I have two people that are very close to both of them very close over the last twenty years one 9/11 and it took the life out of him this is will to stay it's will to live and was gone within three days just his heart his spirit the determination to stay the other person was faced with cancer severe cancer and it conquered it miraculously once before but the cancer returned and came with a vengeance now I was actually his family member and I was sitting with him and he we're waiting for tests and he said you know I've been watching the news lately and I've been hearing all these things now this is 20 years ago and I've been seeing all the things that are going on and if they tell me again that this is cancer I'm not gonna stay I don't want to face it well two days later they did tell him that it was cancer as he laid in a hospital but in fact told him it was cancer that that next day went into the hospital then the next day while he laid in the hospital bed and the doctor came and reported to us he has about four months to live and as he was saying those words to us someone in the room hollered out he's gone his spirit not enough strength to sustain so your heart can fail not only the physical heart but this the very inner core of a being can can buckle can fail Jesus said I pray that your faith fail not faith is available but it's very clear how to keep it so that it's strong what is the answer to not panicking to not being terrorized to our hearts not failing my dad says that fear tolerated is faith contaminated perfected matured love casts out fear we must first of all know and believe the love that God has for us but the second part of that is that we have to walk in it Jesus put it this way you don't forgive forgiveness won't be working in you Jesus is not it this is not a we either do it my way or I'm not playing this we're talking what God said here is if you don't forgive the ways this things works is forgiveness won't work in you you can't push away with one hand and try to take from the other so we have to know and believe that love the love that God has for us but then we have to walk in it I'm a willing do it yeah I know the pressure gets on you I know that they said things I know that they did things I know the hurts come I know the opportunities for offense but you need to listen and learn what walking and love really like really sounds like and it's not only it's not just about takin a beatin when somebody's being ugly it's that's that's that's not it it's a place of faith where you grow to such a place in the love of God didn't matter what anybody else does it's not it's it's it doesn't beat you up you don't lose your joy cuz you know the love he has for you not walking in love is a response to fear that's rooted in self-centeredness and it will route your the fear deeper in your thinking and in your trained behavior not walking in love is a response to fear rooted in self-centeredness and it will establish fear deeper in your thinking and entrained behavior when your behavior is trained in fear when you have when you have trained your behavior the way fear behaves you don't change what you do you don't force it to line up with the love of God that he has for you and you have for others then when the pressure comes on the trained behavior is what kicks in and when train behavior kicks in then the response is there and it's hard to overcome though not impossible so we're not to be afraid he tells us we don't have to be afraid but there's a condition you don't have to be afraid if you know the truth you don't have to be afraid if you walk in love you don't have to be afraid if you hear and obey but if you don't obey and if you don't walk in love and you don't walk by faith then there are some things that you better be afraid of and be pay attention to because the Bible says that the world is full of the curse in other words don't presume don't be certain that you're not deceived and be certain that you are walking in love and not presumed that you're in faith then what did Jesus say now in verse 28 when these things begin to occur what what has begun to occur well all of those things that he said would start at the beginning before 70 AD but all those things and the sun's the Sun the Moon the stars and how they have fallen into place exactly on those Jewish holidays those modes those appointed times you can go to kcn org slash OMA and you can get links to pastor Greg's teaching over the last C week go back look at those listen to those the other things that we have there but he said what are you supposed to do he said look up look up even that the heavens are doing what they're doing and the earth is doing what it's doing and all these things look like they're coming apart look up look up to the eternal things look up to the things that can't be seen with the eyes because then the things that are eternal are the things that can't be seen and they will change all the things that can be seen they'll change the effect so we doesn't matter at the moon if the moon caused our tide fifty feet high bless the Lord in the name of Jesus when you're looking into the eternal when you're hard established and in faith when your heart is established in love when you have set your eyes on him and you're not deceived and you know in whom you have believed and the word of truth is in your heart and it's in your mouth because it's been doing in your eyes and going in your ears and you're looking to that then it doesn't matter what happens in the face of Hell itself that word sin bless the Lord all right word of the Lord came to me after Katrina you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus there is nothing that you cannot either prevent there's some things that you can't prevent but if you can't prevent it you can change it you can alter it we've seen changes in this armor thing all up and down bless the Lord you can change its outcome where your concern you can change what happens and you can be an overcomer no matter what happens to everybody no matter what happens to the nation to the community to the no matter what happens you can be an overcomer because you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus look up look up look into the word look into it keep looking keep looking and then he says lift up what does it mean lift up well the Greek word there actually means the unbend what does that mean get up get up don't just look in the word do the word don't be a hearer only be a doer be a responder respond learn to respond teach yourself to respond make yourself respond make yourself not be a lazy Christian make yourself get up and come to church make yourself get up and go on Wednesday night make yourself put those messages on make yourself listen to the network make yourself get up earlier and spend time with the Lord I said make yourself the very mission of this church is to take a group of people disciple them intensely in the Word of God teach them an uncommon faith and help them stand victoriously in life there's a disciple that happens in there and if you're just gonna be with you if you think this is the message where things are gonna drop on you like ripe cherries off the tree brother Hagin said forget about it you're gonna be disappointed discouraged and swept away [Applause] lift up your thinking lift up get up be in action why the country team across nine your juries Redeemers drawing heights covenant talk being mindful of the covenant thinking about the covenant being aware of the covenant we talked to Steven Sheryl Ingraham in Orlando and Clyde Oliver in Melbourne Florida in Florida yesterday and both of those pastors products have being discipled and trained under this ministry and both of them well guys are you staying there yeah we prayed about it the Lord said stay well what do you believe it but well I'm believing for Psalm 103 I believe it for Psalm 89 I'm believing for Psalm 107 I'm believing for a sailor 54 I'm standing on my covenant how came the Word of God and bigos smiles on their faces laughing doing just what that word said laughing laughing laughing I said Steve let me just ask you you know we never prepare we never prepared for defeat we believe we are conquerors but I said that people asking what would happen if you know something happen if we church got blown away or what what what I mean he said though I don't have to say what if I'll tell you what happened when a when a tornado came through and blew my church away 20 years ago I'll tell you what happened he said I said oh god I need strength and the joy of the Lord came up on me and I've been smiling and laughing about it ever since I'm still here and I came out on top obeying God grow it in the Lord you know finding out he wasn't exactly where he thought he would be but you don't ever get where you want to be by going back to something worse than where you were where you are this is covenant talk I wrote this down this morning the tide of the game pull that out brother John the tide of the game is turning and the big will is a [Applause] [Applause] but I want to tell you something Jesus said he said here he said all of that's gonna be happening and he said then they will see they will see the Son of man coming what does that mean well there's all this stuff is gonna come he said but I'll tell you what the devil he's a stupid beyond stupid blind beyond blind he always over plays his hand because in the middle of all the Hurricanes the storms the fires the depressions the the recessions the wars the rumors of wars the fights the distances the divorces just in the middle of all of it there's a Great Awakening in the there's a Great Awakening I never will think Jesus all of this is a process it's a process it's going to culminate in an event but it's a process it's a process we've been in the process it started 1967 it started but this thing is speeding up it's ramping up now and we're seeing those birth pangs come in and then once come in on top of the other on top of the other on top of the other you look this way you look that way and in the midst of that when the devil is trying to make everybody think that there is no god bless the Lord they're gonna seek Jesus in the middle of it because Jesus is still the answer he has the answer I'm saying Jesus here's the answer now those people that mock and laugh that's foolishness because they mop the very thing that they need so what do we do we pray we believe we intercede and we stand up as Jeremy said as witnesses proof that the word is true proof that the Covenant is true hallelujah hallelujah we're more than conquerors through him who loved us and I realized that things happen I thank realized that they we've had losses ah but I'll tell you something there are a lot of things that go on in the spirit a lot of things we have to learn and we don't the way the Bible says we continue to grow up into him well you know there's things pull on your faith a lot of things but not all things are bad doing what God tells you to do pulls on your faith takes your faith you want to put more on your faith then then what you're ready for a lot of times people step out and what they no faith should be able to do but their faith isn't there and so they failed brother Hagin said one time many years ago and they had gotten a new house and then things that God was telling him to do and his wife Aretha came in and said I need new curtains he said oh Riza I cannot hang one more thing on my faith so you're gonna have to get those curtains on your faith because if I add those curtains to the rod of my faith it's all coming down so we grow and we learn and we understand the psalmist David East and I will not exercise myself and things that are too hot for me maintain monitor yourself and know what your faith can do and what your faith is not quite ready for not know how to really give relief in some areas now in January pastor and I were given an additional assignment to pastoring this church and while in some ways we were surprised by it not looking for it and yet there was a stirring in our hearts that we recognized then what that had been there was oh that's what that was and so we're ready for it but I'm telling you it's a it's been a big task and every day every day believe in God to move and operate and function by the leading of the Holy Spirit what to do what not to do how to handle and you know when the a lot of things come to the surface some things that are are not bad but they need to be changed some things are wrong some things you just and to grow and in a lot of ways sometimes you feel like you're under the hood working on the car while you're driving down this is this take some creativity and a lot of faith a lot of faith so this word came at the beginning of the year at the same time we got this a job and the Lord said through brother Copeland more than one occasion very firmly bear you might remember this and the Lord said get your house in order well we didn't realize that we were going to be part of that assignment the church we're still looking to get our house in order here at the ministry things that need to be put in order there we were also thinking about our own lives and so forth so overall this year it's not like when he says to do that you know everything you you'd faint right out in the floor if you knew everything you needed to change all at one time from God's perspective but he leads you so you respond to him you respond to him you build your faith you respond you build your faith you respond and with every response there's a depletion or a usage of your faith so you build it back up that's why you get you you keep you keep feeding you keep paying you get hungry you get in a mode to where you are absolutely so determined that they're not going to say one thing that I might know I might need to hear and I miss it that's not gonna happen I'm hungry I'm hungry so you're doing that you're living that way you're changing your lifestyle but then Revelation comes and so through the year there were some things that started to come to me that I needed to do to get my house in order and he's helped me there's some things I needed to change some things and and the little changes in dieting and I've made several different course corrections and and some of that's a process you know the Lord's helping me to figure some things out there were some health challenges and so the Lord's okay we're we're got some help through dr. Walden who belongs here in this church is marvelous that she's helping me okay did we need to find out your body's needing this and you need that and and so just pay attention get my house in order well for about three years I've been in a lot of pain particularly in my left foot and it didn't because I wear heels or not wear heels but I did find that there were some that I couldn't wear very long and there were been times that I've been on my feet for a while and literally been incapacitated and that first hit me at first I was actually at the mall shopping Christmas shopping a few years ago and when it hit me I it took me about an hour and a half to get from that store to my car because I would walk sit walk sit just find a place right through the store find a chair do something sit and so I've been attending to that and praying over it and believe in it but there was an urgency that started to come up in me a couple of months ago that that voice came up in me strong get your house in order there are things you need to do you put off you know and where I thought I was in faith on some things that I realized I was in Assumption and then my faith going out so strongly over you over this congregation over this ministry over our partners and the this the intensity and passion that I have for that and I really got this sense clearly the Lord said go get that fixed because to push with this any further I'd had a doctor look at it and he said if you push on this any further this is a risk of ripping and if it rips he said I said we're talking a lot of pain I thought there's more than more than this so and about it was about ten days or so I'm going to have surgery on my foot and I'm going at it absolutely knowing that I've heard the Lord now if he changes that and he says to me do something different I will but I'm doing that to preserve a higher assignment I'm doing that to preserve my faith in a higher point in a higher place is that God's will that I have surgery no it's God's will that I'd be pain-free and get my mission accomplished now I've watched enough steady to on that to know exactly where that that's but now there are plenty of things that I didn't I had opportunity many times where they said you need surgery but I've had growths disappear things change blood disorders correct glandular just those all kinds of things just poof gone to be led to not be deceived for me to press past what the Lord told me to do would be deception either out of shame because of be afraid of what you might think and and because I may come in here in a couple of weeks in a black boot on my leg that that means you're not gonna trust God you're just gonna go by the way of the surgery you better not you better not do anything based on what I do other than to go to the word and trust God and build your faith so you don't need the surgery but do what he tells you to do don't have judgment for anybody else Corinthians says to judge and see if your faith is producing the fruit that it's supposed to not anybody else's bless the Lord bless the Lord God is good bow our heads father we thank you for the word today and I appreciate your patience in this room today as I went longer Lord we take this opportunity to repent to repent Lord for presumptions we've all done it Lord sometimes knowingly sometimes in ignorance and in your genuine love and goodness you have and in your grace you have had such mercy on us and you have snatched us out of the trouble out of fire you have kept us in situations that we didn't even realize that we were on the brink of disaster but your and your goodness have helped us and we know that and we're thankful but we repent Lord for everything especially the things that we knew to do differently we haven't we repent Lord for being prideful turning our back on time with you when we've chosen earthly worldly desires over you the times that we have chosen satisfactions and look for our comfort in substances whether there are illegal substances or chocolate we repent Lord because the Holy Spirit is our comforter we look to you and we're asking Lord by faith for your assistance in your help help us Jesus help us help us by flooding the eyes of our understanding with light strengthening us in our inner man by the Holy Spirit and that Lord will be bold and strong and courageous not lazy not ignorant but they quick and obedient to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd because the Shepherd is always looking to lead us out of trouble and if we're in trouble it's never your fault that we are never is it your fault that we are Lord that we would be as the Hebrew children in Daniel and be of an excellent spirit different people of faith that understand faith should be different and not afraid to be different but to be different so we are positioned to help others thank you thank you we repent I used to repent your own heart you just [Music] thank you lord thank you now let's say this together Oh God in heaven I do believe Jesus is the Son of God sent for me took my place suffered my punishment bore my sin and was raised from the dead so that he could give me his victory Jesus you are Lord of my life today forever every day you tell me what to do how do it you're the Good Shepherd and I follow you I don't follow the strangers voice I follow your voice and you always lead me out of trouble Thank You Father even in the face of the storm that's not trouble for me because of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus there is nothing that I cannot either prevent change or overcome I'm more than a conqueror through him because he loves me in the name of Jesus praise the name of the Lord hallelujah glory to God [Applause] well I thought that was an outstanding absolutely outstanding message I get so fed by what pastor Terry says and it's amazing she's the one and I'm really thankful that for this because I just got back from the partner meeting in Anaheim yesterday and we had talked about this and I just told her to take the message and she she basically for lack of a better term produced the service cut that all together it amazes me how she can multitask it's amazing guys isn't it amazing how your wife can just do it all and so I just thought that was absolutely outstanding and we're in agreement you'd be in agreement with us where this procedure is concerned it's gonna be a supernatural recovery yes a supernatural recovery and we've give God Thanksgiving an honor for it now one more thing before we go in alter ministers if you would please come we've been staying in touch with a number of different people in Florida as a matter of fact I don't I don't normally recommend for you to do this but I was texting during the service to Billy Burke Billy Burke is in Tampa Florida and pastor Billy if you and Melanie are watching us right now we are standing in agreement with you that no evil or calamity shall come near your I sent him Psalm 91 10 there shall no evil before you neither shiny plate come near your dwelling the NIV translation says no disaster will come to your tent so we're in agreement with you we are an agreement with our partners and we are an agreement together I'm telling you Irma is falling apart she's falling apart coming up hark the Seas so so is the plan of the devil in it I'm telling you we're coming out of this this nation yes of what you did on that picture the president Trump sent out a video and he said we are going to deal with this in complete unity yes amen no just agree with him is dead in this nation strife died a couple of weeks ago and it's gone it's buried it's out of here and we are unified and walking as one together and where this hurricane is concerned it is it's dissipating as falling apart and we're seeing miracles we're seeing miracles take place right now and I would recommend to you as a homework assignment I would read not Psalm 91 and take communion take communion when Pastor Terry was telling you about going to Guatemala and we that day when we were driving away from that situation that we were in I took out my Bible and I started reading Psalm 91 and it has made such a difference in my life before we went on that trip we did we did thank God so as we prepare to go I pray over everyone here you are surrounded encased by the blood of the land you are redeemed from the curse of the law we are redeemed from destruction annihilation sickness disease poverty lack thank you death we are a demon and we walk in the blessing of Abraham we are blessed coming in we are blessed going out we're blessed in the city and we are blessed in the field and no evil or calamity can come near our dwelling father we thank you for the word we thank you for the angels we thank you for the blood and we thank you for the name which is above every name the name of G and we declare victory in Florida in Jesus name a victory of the Lord in Florida now those of you that do need prayer before you leave to you feel free to come to this altar and receive from these people and as we prepare to go we want to remind you that we love you God loves you and Jesus what a day no fear we are on offense you know I was reminded of of what Jesus said when he spoke to the disciples he said the gates of Hell shall not prevail gates are defensive gates are to keep people out we're not on defense we're on the offense and and the kingdom of God is being established in our lives and and thank you so much I love pastor Terry I mean we are standing with her so many people on the online chat talking about it that we are standing with her in faith in the direction of the surgeons and the recovery is gonna be an amazing event to watch how quickly this thing is going to go time benders the God's gonna redeem the time on this and so we're standing in faith with her let me tell you about some of the things that are coming up Anaheim was a great success and just done but coming up next is the word explosion in Columbia South Carolina coming to your way on the East Coast September the 21st 22nd and 23rd Columbia South Carolina word explosion where the Copeland will be there we also have a booth set up there for the Kenneth Copeland Bible College so I encourage you if you've got interest in that come by talk to somebody in person about Kacie BC we have a new acronym now to use Kenneth Copeland Bible College which are beginning this time next year we will be in session so word explosion Columbia South Carolina September 21st 22nd 23rd then Venezuela on October the 13th and 14th and then Washington DC victory campaign November 9th the 10th and the 11th Woodbridge Virginia but before all of those things happen we have the built to last Men's Conference right here at Eagle Mountain International Church you saw it in video announcements and before the service but if you want to see it again let me show you a little clip about Men's Conference men listen up because you won't want to miss this built to last Men's Conference at Eagle Mountain International Church Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th including an amazing time of worship by Michael Howell great food at the after party and Saturday morning breakfast VIP meet-and-greet and powerful messages from pastor George Pearson's pastor mark Barclay and pastor bill Winston make plans now on invite your friends your fathers your brothers and sons to built to last 20 17 mins conference here at EMI see Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th register now at EMI Sea Org you won't want to miss that coming up that Men's Conference gonna be a very special event register now the things selling out quick KCM dot org slash forward slash herma KCM dot org ford slash herma that's where you can watch all of the videos from yesterday and and the teachings from a few weeks in faith foundations all of these things that you can catch up on to build your faith and there's things before we go out as we go out today i'm gonna they reference pastor reference president Trump and his address to the nation so as we go out today I want you to stay tuned and I want you to watch that watch that in about thirty seconds from now but you don't want to miss what he has to say to the nation so make yourself available to all the things coming up let me go over them again word explosion Columbia South Carolina September the 21st 22nd and 23rd and then Washington DC in November Men's Conference coming up all right we will be back here again next Wednesday for believers Institute father we pray for our partners we bless them in the mighty name of Jesus I thank you that they are healed at whole and prosperous and they're not in fear we thank you for the victories that are gonna happen in Florida in the mighty name of Jesus we pray remember that God loves you we love you and Jesus is Lord watch this address from the president [Music] my fellow Americans as hurricane Armour approaches my administration is working closely with our state and local partners to help save lives protect families and assist those in need this is a storm of absolutely historic destructive potential I asked every one of the storm's path to be vigilant and to heed all recommendations from government officials and law enforcement nothing is more important than the safety and security of our people we are doing everything we can to help with disaster preparations and when the time comes we will restore recover and rebuild together as Americans in times such as these we see the strength and the resolve of the American spirit and we see the kindness and courage of our people with gratitude for our first responders and prayers for those in the storm's path America stands United and I mean totally United from Texas to Louisiana from Florida to Puerto Rico and always the US Virgin Islands and everywhere in between that has been affected by these terrible storms we will endure and come back stronger than ever before down brother Keith Moore you're watching the believer's voice of victory the network [Music] from the day you were born to your first breath you opened your eyes and then came below he was watching you but all of your life you couldn't shake the lot as in your hand saying you're amazing but you were made he does you can mistake [Music] you
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 1,717
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FZzMpdv4Cmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 58sec (13738 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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