How to Break Into the Luxury Real Estate Market FAST?

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so how do you break into the luxury real estate market I could ask that question all the time my name is Kevin ward with yes masters comm and I want to just share with you today the very simple strategies for how to break into the luxury market not only how to break into it but how to break into it fast how to get into it like today so there's really two steps it's really really simple and I'm just going to give them to you because it's really this simple number one is you gotta talk to rich people that's it talk to rich people you just got to talk to view if you're gonna break into the high-end if you're gonna break into the luxury real estate market who buys and sells luxury real estate people that own it people that can afford it that's the rich now I want to just say this that immediately when I use this term rich then all kinds of beliefs and values and emotions people's emotions go totally hey rot or haywire when we start thinking of rich because people think rich is evil rich is greedy riches you know whatever rich is snooty they're snobs I mean they're the gambit of emotions and thoughts that go through the average person's mind in America and I want to say average it doesn't matter how much money you have that we kind of freak out over the term rich at least for a lot of you that are watching this video right now the reason you're wanting to break into the high-end is you don't feel like I don't know how to do it I'm not I'm not rich so how do I break into it well it's real simple talk to a lot of rich people talk to people that can afford to buy luxury real estate or that owned luxury real estate well I don't know what to say or how to say it here's the next key this is actually stolen to number one is that practice talking only to affluent people if you really want to get there fast usual I'm just not comfortable I'm not comfortable now didn't grow up listen my name's Kevin ward I grew up in a mobile home that's how I grew up I can restore remember the first time I sold a luxury home in Colleyville Texas in 1999 and I mean I walked into the house I've never seen a house in real life that nice I had never even imagined a house that nice and before I moved to them to the net area and started selling real estate and I still freaked out and I totally felt unworthy so I'm just letting you know if you feel that that's not an unusual feeling if you've never been there so you got to start talking to rich people now for those who that grew up if you grew up in an affluent area or you live in an affluent area you have an advantage because you already have some connections and relationships and so forth if you have connections and relationships start looking for those start identifying those and start building those relationships if you don't have them start looking for them and building them you've got to talk to people that buy and sell affluent you better connect with people who are connected to the affluent if you want some help on how to do that there's a great book it's several years old now my doctor Thomas J Stanley called selling to the affluent here oh he's written several books on working with the affluent working with wealthy people so for real in real estate luxury real estate who owns it the affluent do so you got to get into there and you got to get comfortable with them so the second thing the second big step is you've got to think rich okay now again I use the word rich on purpose because it's a little irritating to a lot of people but I just want if you're gonna work with the affluent if you're gonna work in the luxury real estate you got to be comfortable with the idea of rich people of being rich and of them being rich if you have a mental hang-up and say what rich is evil like a lot of people in America we were brought up that way word and and I let me just tell you this wealthy people are demonized in America sub pop culture and I'll just give you a classic example that my coach James melonchek talk would you kind of point it out to me how many of you have ever seen the movie Titanic no no most of you've seen the movie Titanic and the movie Titanic is just amazing love story the greatest love story ever and who's the good guy he's the poor boy who's the bad guy the rich one sees some rich guys the evil one the poor guy is the good one and if you watch in movies there's a pattern in a lot of movies where the evil no-good you know the greedy filthy rotten person is the one that's rich and the noble person that's happy and loves life and is in honest and loving and caring is the poor person okay well I'm just telling you right now there's a lot of greedy rich people there's a lot of greedy poor people there's a lot of great generous wealthy people there's a lot of generous poor people it's not a matter of how much money you have so whatever it is you got to get through to think that way part of the benefit for some of you of reading a book like this is it will help you get to a point of thinking that way stretch yourself get outside your comfort zone if you're not comfortable so in high-end neighborhoods get in there go to the open houses with it other Realtors have walked to this stuff shop go shop where they shop go test-drive a luxury car if you've never test-driven a high-end car a Bentley or a Porsche or a what Ferrari go touch one go look at them get in that mentality where you start feeling comfortable and stretching your comfort zone so that you get in there with them but literally it's that easy how do you break into the high-end market how do you break into the luxury market you just have to get there now what is the difference between the way luxury homebuyers and sellers think here look here's the deal because this is a big primarily a mindset issue how do you what do they look for what are the wealthy look for in a real estate agent it's real simple they are they look for competence that's what they look for they don't necessarily look for somebody else's wrench what they look for is competency when they when their car breaks down and go they go send it to the mechanic or the service department of the dealership whatever all they care about is is it going to be well taken care of and fixed right they want to be treated a little special sometimes because they they feel like they they can pay for that so they're willing to pay for that so they're looking for somebody who's competent they want integrity they want knowledge they want somebody who's absolutely competent and knows exactly what it is they're doing but if you come across and you present yourself as professional okay so think this when you want time I think rich upgrade a great do way you think upgrade the way you dress you know you don't have to upgrade where you live or upgrade what you drive right away just so you know okay when I let's say when I sold that first when I listed that first luxury home in Colleyville Texas I was driving a I think I still own my old Jeep and it was a Jeep Cherokee this was back in the old days a Jeep back to night in the 1990s a Jeep Cherokee that had over a hundred thousand miles on it is gray it was nothing fancy it was certainly not luggage it wasn't even a grand sure it was just a plain old Jeep Cherokee and they don't list with your hot work with you because of the car you drive but when you do walk into that neighborhood and that into that area how you carry yourself and you want to look sharp you want to upgrade the way you carry yourself and so forth but here's the thing getting into that is fast if you just start thinking intentionally that way and get yourself exposed want to break in the luxury market you got to get out there and talk to wealthy people start connecting start thinking rich read books like this subscribe to the rob report the rob report is one of the great magazines if you want to see the toys that the super wealthy nudists are looking at that stuff getting used to that stuff it's awesome it will help you think that way when you think that way you can work that way and start making those connections and breaking into the high-end market don't wait if that's your goal that's what you want to do start today start practicing well I don't want to call expireds there because yeah I don't know what to say or I don't feel just call them practice on them if you accidentally get an appointment oh well I guess you can go you'll figure it out you screw it up good practice get out there talk to them think rich talk to the rich make a huge difference it's very simple breaking in the luxury market if you'll just embrace life engage the opportunities that are out there play to win and always even when you're talking to them expect yes
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 88,179
Rating: 4.8901768 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, real estate coaching, real estate scripts, real estate prospecting, real estate seminars, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, the inner game, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate
Id: 2vFU3KP22Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2013
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