How to Create the Prospecting Habit - Kevin Ward

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hi there it's kevin award the founder of yes masters real estate success training and one of the hardest and yet one of the most important habits that real estate agents can create is the habit of prospecting how do you create the prospecting habit because if you can do that you are going to make money because one of the biggest challenges that real estate agents run into when they're getting started and really building their business and that is inconsistency we start we stop we start prospecting we get a couple of leads we get an appointment we get a deal or two pending and then we're so busy chasing that deal down and working with those buyers or working with that transaction that we stop prospecting we start and we stop we start and we stop and when you do that what you end up with is what I call yo-yo real estate and real estate is really yo-yo income that your income starts down here and these are prospecting your business and everything goes great you got a visit yet deals go in get money in the pipelines and then you quit prospecting to convert that money and then your incomes again because you have a closing and then you look around and go like I'm so busy getting this deal or to close that I quit prospecting if you want to create and if you want to create success for yourself and sustain success for yourself the greatest key is to create habits that will consistently support your business and support your success and one of those probably be initial one is the habit of prospecting masters in any field of endeavor those who are the best the elite performers the highest achievers they operate their success on the basis of having a great set of habits and so in this video I will just break down how you create the habit of prospecting how do you get yourself going and get yourself to a habit and when you do that what will it do for you so that's what we're going to talk about on this video today how do you do it and how do you sustain it so I'm going to give you seven steps to create an amazing powerful profitable successful prospecting habits number one the very first step to creating a prospect they have it is what I call you have to why it why am I going to prospect you've got to create start with the big wise simon Sinek wrote a book called start with why why are you doing this and what I mean by that when I say why it is you've got to attach the action of prospecting to something that is bigger than just the goal of prospecting well I'm my business to prospect three hours a day well that's a great goal but it's not very exciting it's not very sexy it's not very fun because you get prospecting and you get going it like oh I don't feel like prospecting today three hours is such a long time and if your goal is prospecting it's not compelling enough for most agents to keep them going so what helps is attaching your action goal your action commitment of prospecting to a big why goal and here's what's this going to do for me if I prospect every single day 2 hours 3 hours whatever your commitment is 3 let's say 3 hours a day 5 days a week why would I do that well because if I do that I'm going to get listings if I get listings I'm going to get sales by get sells I'm going to get income so what's the benefit of that well now I can do stuff now I can have a lifestyle now I can actually pay up bills I can pay off debt I can now have vacations I can get a new car and get a new house I can create financial freedom I can do all of the things that really you want to do they are the reasons you got into real estate so it's not it's not why am i prospecting it's why what will that do for you what's the benefit of prospecting and the benefit when you get right down to it when you boil it all down of well the benefit of prospecting is to get appointments what's the benefit of that I get listings what's the benefit of that I get sales what's the benefit of that I make money what's the benefit of that I get a have a lifestyle now I know why I'm doing this so I recommend that if you want to create really a sustainable habit of prospecting I trained agents to create a vision board create your goals of not the means goals prospecting as a means to an end which is the wine goals and get pictures of those and create a vision board that you post in your prospecting station so every day when I'm prospecting and when I don't feel like it I don't feel like prospecting but I do feel like having a new boat or a new car or whatever your dream is vacation or paying out kids way through college or being able to give more to my church or synagogue the ability to do the things that you really want in your life are directly tied to prospecting so start with the big wide that will motivate you on the days when you don't feel like prospecting because frankly all of us are going to struggle at times we're feeling motivated to do the grind stuff which is the things that I have to do every day that are required to be successful in your business so number one you've got to why it number two is once you've got the big one now you've got a comment you've got commit to it and that is I've got to now make the commitment what am I going to do I'm going to prospect three hours a day days a week one hour a day five days a week to whatever it is the key is you've got to make a commitment it's not a like I'm trying I'm going to try prospecting I'm going to try to do it three hours a day as yeah one of my favorite mentors of all time Yoda the Jedi Master said do or do not there is no try when you try to do something you automatically set the you you give yourself an exit and that is all I tried and you give yourself permission to fail there is no try you either do it or you don't do it and you commit to it which means you have to make the permanent commitment I'm going to do this now my suggestion is that you commit to a certain period of time now how long does it take to create a habit so there are two ways you can do it a minimum this is not the best but a minimum of 30 days would be the minimum commitment so I'm going to prospect every weekday or whatever your schedule is for 30 days better is the best is 66 days that's the best because in the latest research latest research on create and hardware habit they're saying 66 days on average is what it takes to make a habit so ingrained into your psyche so ingrained into your mind that it becomes automatic that it's easier to do it than it is not to do it and that's 66 days which basically be a little over a two month commitment so mate you have to make a commitment I'm going to perfect every single day now when I say every single day I'm talking about every day you're working so if you're working five days a week Monday through Friday commit I'm going to prospect every day Monday through Friday for the next two months and a week make that commitment you have to meet you it won't happen if you don't commit for example let's say you went and got a job at Starbucks when you get job at Starbucks are you committed to showing up every single day and when you show the store actually working doing exactly what you're supposed to do Mayweather you're a barista you're making the drinks or being the cashier whatever it is your commitment is you're going to do exactly what you're supposed to do every single day it's not like I want to only show up for work you know I'm going to show up for work 80% of the time that we work at Starbucks they would fire you or at McDonald's or at a Home Depot or anywhere else that if you if you're working for American Airlines it doesn't matter Apple Google wherever you're working if you had a real job and you didn't commit to show up every day and do what you're supposed to do every day you would be fired challenges in real estate you're self-employed you're your own boss so you either have to do the work or fire yourself and most agents don't fire themselves they just go out of business because they're not willing to do the work you have to commit to this action because it's critical it is essential to your business success so make the commitment number three the third thing once you commit to it is now you've got to go public with it and that is you've got to post it and when I say post it what I want you to do is I let's say you commit to 66 days I want you to create the poster board or a sheet of paper but the bigger the better and you literally create the calendar of the 66 days and every single day it's posted there so when you show up it is your 66 day commitment and you post I've got a 66 day commitment here it is it's posted and every day you check off boom boom boom what that does 1 it gives you the feeling of accomplishment as you check them off and 2 every day when you walk in your office you don't forget the commitment because the hard part is during the creation of the habit this is the most critical phase it's while you're creating the habit once they have it is created after 66 days automatic you don't have to think about it anymore you just show up and do the work but until it becomes an automatic until you reach what we call automaticity which means it's automatic in your brain every day it's just an action you do every day until you reach automaticity it requires some willpower it requires some discipline it requires attention it requires that you don't forget about it or get distracted so pushed it make a big deal about it number four is nothing you have to put it up in your office you actually have to put it in your schedule you schedule it which means it's not like okay I'm gonna project three hours a day well when are you going to prospect today well I've got this this and this and so I'm going to do it after that you can't do that if it's not in a daily schedule in your calendar you won't do it because life's life is too comes at you from too many different angles there's too many distractions there's too many things pulling at our time that if you don't block the time if you don't time block that two or three hours a day it's not going to happen so you've got to put it in your schedule where that it's there every day schedule it so if you're prospecting I demand that you park for example from 8 to 11 a.m. great time to prospect if you want to later 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. right after that I recommend lead follow-up because you're going to be generating leads you want to make sure you have time scheduled to follow up but the key is it has to be locked into a schedule and the next thing is with the schedule then you probably need to set a reminder and that is I like alarms you can do it with a timer get a kitchen timer and you set it so that when you show up at the office in the morning you're like okay I got 45 minutes until i prospecting time starts boom set the timer so that five minutes before prospecting starts the alarm goes off and you're like oh I got to get ready got five minutes to go and all this goes into a routine preparing the prospect getting the numbers who you're going to call or if you're in a door knock who you're going to go door knock oh that's got to be prepared that's preparation for this time right here so that when this time hits 8 a.m. starts I am either out the door knocking on doors or I am on the phone calling people you have to have it in your schedule so I need a calendar I need a tight an alarm or end or a timer all that so that it's that you're having you got structure you've got things in place to make sure you don't get distracted you don't forget you don't dodge it all of this is is happening to give you the support that you need until the habit is created number 5 number 5 is to get it into a habit is once you make the commitment now you have to leverage you have to let your commitment respect now what does that mean that means you've got to get leverage on yourself which means I got to have the push something with leverage on me that forces me to do it no excuses no exit no way out from the commitment so how do you get leverage on yourself well - you can get leverage on yourself pain or reward so the pain would be the penalty and the penalty would be having accountability partners they'd say okay if I don't prospect I owe you five bucks today if I don't start at eight and Technik that way straight through to eleven then I owe you X you may want to check to somebody that you don't want to write a check to that if that you get somebody you trust that will hold you accountable and if you don't do it they're going to give that check to the person you don't want it to go to that would be pain so that if you do it there is a penalty another leverage that you can put on yourself is a reward and that is what is there what I get after I do it so after I've completed the 66 days or the 30 days or whatever it is after I've completed it how do I celebrate the victory what's the reward and you got a reward you're another thing you can do is you can reward yourself every day just little things after your day to celebrate yes every day that I prospect my three hours I get to do this and it may be going to get you know a Starbucks or it may be going to whatever it is you pick some reward that makes you feel great so you can use the penalty of when I don't do it or and or the reward of when I do do it what motivates you the most what's most likely to force you to do it having account having a coach having accountability partners having other agents that you play with that also keep you on track and just make a commitment say I've got to text you every day at 7:59 you're going to get a text from me say I'm strong now at 11 a.m. when I'm done and get off my last call detection is they've done and I'm going to report my numbers to my accountability partner or will play partners or your coach or whoever it is having that in place gives you the support until the habit is totally completely formed now the beauty of this is once it's complete the habits completely formed you don't have to focus on all the this is the hard stuff this is the ugly stuff it's not sexy okay when you start new when you create a habit that is powerful you understand at the beginning there's going to come points where it's hard there's going to become points where you mess up and it's going to be ugly and you're probably going to fall down you're going to have to get back up and keep going forward but when you get to the end and that habit is formed it is so beautiful it is so powerful and you're powerful because you don't have to use willpower anymore you don't have to use discipline anymore because it's a habit it's automatic so Largent get people around you go public with it let them know here's my commitment if I don't do this I owe you diff I don't do this this and then whatever you set up you have to honor it you have to keep your word and then once you do that number six is very simple you have to do it you just have to show up every day and do the work you got to run the miles once you've made the commitment the trajectory to greatness is set your success is already the trajectory to your success is set you just got to run the miles you got to put in the work I'm actually showing up and actually doing it and then the second step is is happens without any effort and that's this that you number seven is you automate it you make the habit and what I mean by that is not it's not a technology thing it's that the habit becomes just the automatic response every morning I get to the office on time I get prepared I get up with what I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to visit that day it's all set up I do my whip play I get there I get fired up I get my I do whatever warm-up ritual you've got and then boom when the alarm the timer goes off at 8 a.m. boom I'm dialing boom I'm out the door and I don't have to make myself do it anymore because it has become a habit and when you get to that point but it's automatic that you just do it over and over and over every day it no longer do like I know I try so hard I just it's hard all the stuff about hard right here this is hard everything right here that I'm talking about to commit to it posting it scheduling and leveraging it and doing it that's hard that's only hard until the habits created once the habits created it will never be hard again if you do the work once you maintain the consistency then I'm not saying you're not going to work hard but I'm seeing emotionally it's not going to be like having to torture yourself and drag yourself into the office and you don't phone up and it weighs 100 pounds and put the headset on or whatever it is it's not going to be hard it's going to be effortless because the power of automaticity has now taken over the greatest achievers in the world in any area in any industry whether it's whether it's business whether it's performing arts whether it is athletics whatever it is the greatest achievers in the world run their life by having powerful habits and one of the most powerful that you will ever create in your life as a real estate agent is the prospecting habit once you create the onion you can stack other habits on top of it that will just make you more and more and more powerful you will always be able to expect yes you're going to have great success do the work commit to do it today
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 52,944
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, real estate coaching, real estate scripts, real estate prospecting, real estate seminars, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, the inner game, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, new agent
Id: Fh5cp_XeLvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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