Prophetic Word for October

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whether you are listening live or whether you are watching on the replay i want to prophesy over you that you are in a very powerful place right now don't look at what is happening around you don't listen to what the enemy is threatening know you are in a very powerful place right now you are getting ready to turn a corner i prophesy that over you in the name of jesus there is a powerful anointing that is being released over this month it's going to extend beyond october but it is being released it's about to hit your life it's about to shift your atmosphere something is getting ready to happen come on you have not been fought for nothing there's a reason that you have been fought there's a reason that hell has seen fit to unleash demonic contingencies against you but i came to prophesy today that the battle is shifting in your favor there is something that is coming alive in your spirit even now there are angels that have been assigned to help you that god himself has already gone ahead of you he's already prepared the way there is a very specific anointing that's coming upon your life there is a double d anointing that is being don't get your mind off the gutter i said it's a double d anointing oh yes there is decimation that is coming to the camp of the enemy and there are some people that that the devil has been using they they didn't even see it coming they're never going to see it coming but there is decimation that is coming into the camp of the enemy in the name of jesus it comes forth this month it comes forth in october in the name of jesus christ but there is a deliverance anointing that is coming forth over your life you say i don't know what i need deliverance from oh there is something that god is going to take you out of and there is something he's about to put you into he is about to disconnect you from the wrong he's about to deliver you from the wrong he's about to deliver you from all the strategies and the agendas of the enemy that have been spoken against you all witchcraft that's been spoken against you every word curse that was spoken against you all the slandering tongues that the devil activated to speak against you god is delivering you he's delivering you from all of that mess and he is shifting you into his best you're about to come out of a low place god is lifting you to a high place you are about to come out of uncertainty god is shifting you and leading you and guiding you into a position of of of security a position of abundance a position of establishment in the name of jesus it's a new month and you're about to turn a corner there is an anointing that's being released you are you are being hit with the favor of god right now i see good oil being released over you i see the windows of heaven opening i see the heavens opening i see the heavens opening i see angels that have been released i see that you are dripping in good oil i see that you are being anointed with the favor of god i see the lord seating you at a table and he said you will eat oh yes you will feast oh you will feast in the presence of your enemies now you need to get ready and i don't know how this is going to strike some people but it is what it is baby because this word is going to be it's going to be a quick work god is going to manifest things quickly things are getting ready to happen for you very quickly as a matter of fact for some of you it's things are going to happen for you even by the end of today even by the end of this week and there is a anointing that's going to begin to shift things very quickly for you but this word that the lord is going to prophesy today it's going to have massive implications you're going to see it play out in your world you're going to see it play out in your personal life you're going to see it hit your home amen you're going to see it hit you but you are also going to see it begin to shift and manifest on mass this word is going to go throughout the body of christ but it's going to have implications on the world scale on the world level i'm saying that there's decimation that is coming to the camp of the enemy but there is a great deliverance that is coming to the people of god for the lord shall be a a road he showed me a beautiful road i could not see the the end of the road i could not see where it was leading all i could see was that it went off into the future and he showed me and it was a it was a wooded road it was going through but he said i'm taking my people back there will now be a great return i said lord a return to what and then he began to open it up to me and he began to show me the things where where people of god good people of the lord like you people who love jesus just like you but but things have been stolen from you over time and uh things have been taken from you over time and the devil has stripped things out of the modern church over time but the lord said now there's going to be a great return and just as the lord led uh the children of israel by a you know a pillar of cloud uh by day and then a pillar of fire by night the lord said oh i'm leading my people on this road this is the road back he said there's going to be a great return and as we make our return watch me now as we make our return to our rightful condition and our rightful position in the lord jesus christ so too where will there be decimation in the camp of the enemy how many know that when you are restored to your rightful condition i'm talking about you are healthy you are strong you are no longer riddled with anxiety you are no longer riddled with uh with with stress you are no longer uh affected by the fear that the enemy has been just you know um just transmitting 24 7 the spirit of fear this these false prophets of baal just transmitting fear and manipulation and the psychological warfare that has been permeating the entirety of 2020 and most of 2021 but you are no longer affected by any of that no you are making your return to your rightful condition you are strong hallelujah you can do all things through christ who strengthens you and you know it you are an overcomer you are anointed for this you have been preserved and positioned and and you're getting ready to be propelled into your purpose for such a time as this god is not finished with you he's not finished in your family he's not finished in your nation come on here he's not finished healing the nations he's not finished restoring your family he's not finished increasing you so that you can fulfill all that god has given you to do and to manifest and to birth the vision that the lord placed inside of you for such a time as this so when you return to your rightful condition you are strong you are you are in position hallelujah but there's also people that are going to be returning to their rightful position where the devil has really worked very hard to get you off course the devil has worked very hard to get you out of position and i have it in my spirit real strong to tell somebody today look at me and you got to hear the word of the lord you got to hear the word of the lord god is saying to you that he's going to lead you back there is a great return that is happening in the body of christ amen and it's going to have global ramifications global ramifications but some of you here you made some mistakes just recently you made some poor decisions just recently you messed up just recently you fell to temptation just recently and the lord said but nevertheless you're here right now there is grace for you today there is forgiveness for you today there is redemption for you today by the blood of jesus christ and i'm not going to be one of these cheap penny candy preachers that says oh there's grace there's just grace for you now i'm going to tell you sugar you got to turn and go the other way you have to completely repent you've got to let the lord completely make you over take you over come on run things he's got to be your savior and your lord and if you will do that to because you're not listening to this by accident this is not a coincidence you're here on purpose god is saying to you i want to restore you and i can restore you have not fallen too far that his hand cannot reach you you have not done anything so bad so wicked that his head that hit the blood of jesus cannot restore you the devil is a liar no you can be restored watch this to your rightful condition and your rightful position and i prophesy over you right now that this is a divine appointment for you this is a date with destiny for you right now in this very moment god is going to lead you and you're going to find your way back and he's going to lead you forward on that road and you will be one you will be in among us you because you are one of us because you are one of us you're one of us and you will be on that road with us as we make our great return as we make our great return amen as people of god as children of the lord hallelujah as as this beautiful royal priesthood living our lives of destiny and and and and purpose for which we have been called and preserved amen and you're one of us and you too will make your great return amen and you're gonna shock them all i hear the lord saying you will shock them all all the haters and all the doubters who actually have the audacity and they were being used by the devil too by the way they were being used by the devil all those people who had the audacity to say that you would never make it out that you would never change that you would never become much of anything that you just got a pipe dream that you're just you know you're your head is in the clouds and you need to be realistic no the devil is a liar they can stay there if they want to but you're coming with us you're going with us you're going to be on that road with us you're making your great return this is your time this is a turning point for you come on october is your month october is your you're breaking out you're breaking free you're breaking through there is a great return that is happening in the body of christ and you are counted in among us you are here on purpose god is saying to you today i'm restoring you to your rightful condition and your rightful position he's gonna break sickness off of you he's going to break the downward spiral off of you he's going to break the addiction off of you he's going to break that anxiety off of you the anorexia is being broken off of you the alopecia is being broken off of you the cancer is being yanked right out of you in the name of jesus by the blood of jesus christ that spirit of infirmity it can't withstand the anointing it can't withstand the anointing that spirit of infirmity is shrieking right now shrieking right now gnashing its ugly teeth in the spirit because it's gotta go the power has been completely stripped it was always a facade anyway it wasn't any real power because the spirit of god now that's the real power and it's the anointing of the holy ghost that's destroying the yokes today and there is deliverance for you there is deliverance that spirit of poverty it's going from you now there is deliverance you will no longer be in the downward spiral of lack and poverty god's best for you is not a uh what do they call it one of those uh uh uh stimulus check honey that's not god's best for you a stimulus check a prescription so that you can manage your condition that's not god's best for you no you gotta get on this road with us you gotta walk down this road for with us you need to be returned you you need to go back again to what god said you can do and can have and who you are in him hallelujah we are making a great return to our rightful condition and our rightful position i have a question for you i have a question for you what would the people of god look like if we really did live in a condition of supernatural health nice try devil that can't stick to me nice try witch it just can't stick to you it can't come nigh you it's not that the devil doesn't try to put sickness on you the anointing just can't touch you can't come nigh you what will that look like if the body of christ on mass began to really live in supernatural health what would it look like if we live in supernatural prosperity it's interesting what's going on with the economy doesn't affect me it's interesting what's going on out there in the world all the threats and the mandates doesn't affect me it's interesting that they fired me it won't affect me watch what god does now oh you can take my little job watch what my god does for me now what would that look like who would we become how would we then move through life look at me look at me now how would you you let's make it personal how would you then move through life how will you interact with other people how will you interact with wicked people who try to tell you that you have to do this and you can't do that how do you now move when you live by the word of god and you see the power of god truly and realistically manifesting in your life it's not a pipe dream it's not it's not that you're reading about bible miracles from a long time ago and what happened to our biblical uh you know four runners and ancestors no it happens in your life for real let me tell you what'll happen everything changes for you everything changes for you you no longer feel you're righteous you're honorable but you no longer bow to their rules because you know that you have a completely different set of rules that you live by it's called the holy bible the word of god and you stand on his word and you declare his word and you speak his word with authority from a position of obedience and holiness and you watch things happen in your world this is october and there's a great return that's taking place this is a turning point for you say that it's a turning point for me it's a turning point for me you will live and you will not die who the son sets free is free indeed you will not bow you will not bow you will not be put in bondage no if you're coming under the broadcast this has to be said i i'm gonna say it holy spirit nope i'm gonna say it holy spirit if you're coming under this broadcast and you have been relying on government programs or assistance no shame i grew up in that grew up on it if you're coming into this broadcast and you have been in a cycle of poverty you have been in a cycle of drug use you have been in a cycle of alcoholism you have been in a cycle of um adultery you have been in a cycle of promiscuity sexual sin you have been in a cycle of confusion um delusion demonic influence in your life i break it off you now in the name of jesus i prophesy a shift in your direction the voice of the lord is saying to you right now open your heart to receive what thus saith the lord you cried for help you wanted help you ask god to help you it's here this is your moment and to everybody under the sound of my voice i want to prophesy god is arising and his enemies will scatter there is coming a supernatural decimation to the camp of the enemy and there is coming a great deliverance for the people of god and we are making our return to our rightful condition and position hallelujah there is coming an anointing and a glory on the body of christ that we've not seen yet but it's coming and it's already begun it's already begun and from this moment it will only increase says the lord from this moment it will only increase says the lord so there is something new that's on the horizon for you you need to be ready for rapid change you need to be ready for some very sudden changes to happen when a word like this is prophesied over your life and if you will have the faith to receive it listen now if you will have the faith to receive it because once i release the word now it's on god it's between you and the lord he will do what he said he will do always the word of the lord does not return void and i'll have done my job and now your faith will be stirred and you will say father i receive it i believe i will see it and then you better be ready because certain things are going to begin to happen very quickly for you very quickly to every storm that has been raging in your life i say peace be still to every demon on assignment in your life in your household to every demon on assignment within my earshot with an earshot of my voice that are with the people listening to me right now from my office of profit i declare you can't win this you can't win this back off back down in the name of jesus you will fall on your own sword you will slit your own throat you will slit your own throat you will fall on your own sword before you get the victory over god's people hallelujah to the lord jesus christ hallelujah to the lord jesus christ jezebel had to die jezebel had to die the lord showed me baskets and caskets this is going to be one of the things that permeates the month of october there are going to be some necessary deaths the only way to escape it will be full repentance for people that the devil has been using and you will see as a result as a result you will see plans of the enemy begin to unravel like cheap thread like cheap thread and there is coming a great deliverance for god's people a great deliverance i command every storm in your life to cease i say that worry and fear must go there is a word coming forth today and all it takes is one prophetic word that can change your life if it's a real prophetic word all it takes is one touch from the lord to change your life all worry must go all fear must go in the name of jesus the hand of the lord is upon you there is a strong anointing for this to be a turning point for you for restoration to come to you your rightful condition your rightful position and all the lord has planned for you in this season hallelujah a great return a great return a great return the lord said this he said in october watch as he finishes what he started in your life watch as he finishes what he started in your life this is very important for the people who have recently sinned or who have as they say fallen off the wagon recently made some mistakes and you know now this is no time this is no time to be messing around with your salvation this is no time to be messing around with your position in christ you need the lord to protect you to defend you to provide for you to keep you healthy amen to prosper you if you are one who likes to take notes this prophetic word for the month of october and by the way i'm releasing it in october in obedience to god but it's going to continue to work throughout the rest of 2021. amen and if you'd like to take notes grab something there's going to be a lot to write down a lot to write down and it will also give you the opportunity to follow along follow along and as you see these things begin to come to pass as you see the lord make good on what he said oh your faith is going to increase hallelujah there's a very uncommon grace to overcome and to succeed it's coming upon you in october very important for people that have been struggling with something for a long time you've been struggling with that sickness you've been struggling with that bondage you've been struggling to do what you know god told you to do what you know you should do you've been fighting against a goliath for a long time god said there's a very uncommon grace to overcome and succeed in october god will you know god ordains times and seasons he does and he changes times and seasons if he wants this period of time to be a time of uncommon grace for you to be successful and to overcome so be it receive it in the name of jesus hallelujah it's time for you to get free it's time for you to get free you've got places to go we need you on this road with us making your own great return to your rightful condition your rightful position in the name of jesus let's pray that i want to get into the the deeper part of this word oh father i thank you you're so faithful lord you're so faithful people will betray us people will try to manipulate us people will say one thing and do another tell you one thing but mean another but not you god you are holy you are just you are righteous you are faithful you said lo i am with you alway even until the end of the age god i thank you that you will never ever leave us or forsake us father i thank you for the people that are being restored even from this day from this day they're being restored to their rightful condition and their rightful position you're returning to you says god you're returning to you says god the you i made you to be says the lord oh father i thank you for this word i ask you god to help the people stir up their faith stir up their faith you've given me some big things to prophesy lord you've given me some real big stuff to say today i'm gonna be faithful and say it all lord i beseech you father in the name of jesus to help your people have faith to receive i want them to be blessed as much as they can to get all they can receive all they can access all that you're giving us access to i yield fully to you lord i say have your way as you anoint me with oil anoint the people lord as you favor me god favor the people here god as you restore everything that i have lost restore what they have lost oh god as you protect me o god and overturn demonic assignments and witchcraft spoken against me do the same for the people here god let everyone under the sound of my voice receive the same blessings that you are giving me and doing for me in the name of jesus amen and amen family i felt very stirred to say that there are some very very particular and and very peculiar things god is doing in my life right now i'm not at liberty to speak on it yet but i assure you and and when i share these things and we'll be able to share very soon john and i are looking forward to doing so i i believe that many of you will agree it's very particular very peculiar and i felt stirred just now to pray to the same things god is doing for us he will do for you but as you come into this anointing and and we stay connected we need each other a house divided upon itself cannot stand we're going to stay close we're going to stay close we need each other we're stronger together we're stronger together hallelujah and i felt very very stirred to pray that the same thing comes upon you that's biblical the oil drips down from the beard hallelujah wednesday morning we'll talk more about this all right if the tech team can help me get together a few um things to make some some of the announcements about the things that we've been working on and what god is doing we'll talk more about it wednesday morning hallelujah but right now we got a prophetic word for the month of october to release glory to god a significant victory is near for you a significant victory is near write that down a significant victory i see double for your trouble coming double for your trouble turn with me to isaiah 61 verse 7. put your finger there and as you're going there let me just say this you will not be ashamed you will not be ashamed god is not going to let you listen look at me and you got to hear this now the god you love and serve will not allow he will not allow you he will not let you to continue living in a shameful place to continue living in a low place he will not let you be ashamed don't go by the way things are today god is not finished yet the lord is already working on your behalf there are cycles and processes that are underway in your life stay the course stay the course stay the course the devil wants you to get to get exasperated and frustrated and say something or do something that will take you off course no no no stay the course you say prophet i did something last night i got off course no today you're getting back on course today you're getting back on course in the name of jesus and you're going to be on that road with us we're making a return and you're with us you will not be ashamed you will not watch more loss occur hear me you will not watch more loss occur you will not watch as the devil takes more from you you will not watch as more loss occurs no you will receive instead a double portion and the enemy will know that you belong to the king and it will send shockwaves shockwaves through the halls of hell and the demons that were sent against you will know they failed and the wicked people that satan infested to use against you will see that their best shot had no effect at all and matter of fact didn't even land on you didn't even land didn't even hit you and you will not be ashamed but you will be restored and you will receive a double portion and the enemy will know you belong to the king isaiah 61 verse 7 for your shame ye shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double everlasting joy shall be unto them that's your word that's your word there are 500 of a i'm sorry father 700 700 i hear you i'm going to write it down 700 of us oh my lord there are 700 of us this will be our life verse says the lord this will be our life verse ephesians 3 and 20 will be one of your life verses and now isaiah 61 7 will be your other life verse you're going to have two life verses that as you go forth you'll be able to look at what god is doing in your life and say yes it is so it is all now unto him who was able to do the exceedingly abundantly more than i asked thought or even imagined he gave me more than i asked he gave me more than i imagined it's more but you will also be able to look around and say oh i have a double portion i live in the double i live in the devil the lord consistently releases the double to me the lord consistently consistent manifests the double for me it's double it's double whatever whatever area you were attacked in you'll have double whatever the enemy shot at in your life you will receive double in jesus name connected to this is the and this is a principle the double is a principle it's a bible principle it is saturating the month of october get ready it is saturating the month of october get ready there are some of you that you'll be able to give a car away because you have double you've got two there are some of you that the lord is going to lead you to in a new new direction begin to understand that if god wants you to have a second residence you'll have a second residence wrap your head around it today but that that that too is the double all the weight that you not lost a good way during the time that you are stressed and and and just under so much pressure god is going to restore you you'll have double health double vitality see this principle see how it can manifest in whatever way you need it to according to god's plan for your life this principle is echoed also in job 42-10 and there we see a very crucial contingency that is associated with the double october will be remembered as a month when many people here received the double there are 700 of us that this isaiah 61 7 it's going to be your life for us 700 of us let me know in the comments because you know you you you you do know by the holy spirit by the holy spirit bearing witness with you you know if you're one let me know in the comments if you are one of us sam one of the seven hundred i'm one of the seven hundred gideon hat is 300 we'll have our 700. hallelujah isn't that wasn't there a show the 700 club so we can't be the 700 club but we we will be god's 700 in the season amen amen there is a contingency as there often is that is associated with this double principle and that is forgiveness do you know why that is you see in job 42 and 10 when job prayed for his enemies when job prayed for the people who kicked him when he was down when job actually found it within himself to pray for the ones who betrayed him his moment of need came and they did not help his moment of brokenness came his moment of suffering came and they could have and should have helped but didn't through salt on his wounds kicked him when he was down job prayed for them and the lord restored him double what he lost do you know why there is this contingency of forgiveness that is associated with an with a double inheritance you know it takes a certain kind of person to be able to do that jesus said on the cross forgive them they know not what they do it takes a certain kind of person that individual does not live in their flesh they do not act from their flesh not that they don't have moments where they feel something not that they don't have moments where they how they wish they could but they breathe and they they move into into the spirit father help me i want to have the mind of christ i choose the mind of christ i choose to live on this higher level i choose to go into flow on this higher level i refuse to come down here i refuse to stoop down that low because if i come down there to their level i won't have what you are giving me access to up here and i must have it lowered i must be as close as possible to you and i want all that you have for me god that person is elevated i know a lot of people don't want to hear this but it's that's a fact nevertheless and they're not easily triggered by their emotions they're not easily manipulated by the devil according to the whims of the flesh not easily they stay submitted under the blood they stay bowed low at the feet of jesus they have to well that person can be trusted with the double they're not volatile they're not double minded so they can be trusted with the double the month of october will be remembered by many people in the body of christ as a month where you received double you will not be ashamed but you will receive double and in the land that the lord is leading you to you will receive a double portion in jesus name this is very key for you at a time when wicked people are trying to take many things away from you wicked people are trying to take many things away from you but god is getting ready to arise and the enemy plans enemies plans will unravel and the the enemy will scatter glory to god and news of what the lord is doing among his people will will go out and send shockwaves through hell hallelujah there is a return that is happening in the body of christ god is drawing us unto himself he says if you come up to me if you draw close to me i'll draw close to you and when you draw close to god supernatural things happen you have access to things that you'll never get out there in the world i don't care how what they say what they can do what they can give you devil's always trying to make promises there are things that you have access to in the presence of god that you cannot get anywhere else there are things that can be done for you things that can be done for you in the presence of god that cannot be done anywhere else oh you've got all kinds of good things happening in your life you've never looked better you've never felt better but there's that one thing that only god can do there are some battles only god can win for you if you're willing to let the battle be the lords hallelujah there are some doors that only god can swing open because they are big doors they're heavy doors there are some things that are only accessible to you in the presence of god we need this return we need to get back into his presence like they were in the upper room and then we will see upper room miracles again but i'm getting ahead of myself the lord said there's a supernatural reset that is coming forget about the great reset forget about the great reset that's going to be unraveled like cheap twine yes it will there will come a day in a time there will come a day in a time when the beast system is installed in the earth there will come a day and a time and you and i we see now i mean cats out of the bag cats out of the bag now we see now that what this was always about what it was always about was putting together a series of events that would wage psychological warfare upon the populace cause people to surrender their rights cause people just to to live in fear cause people to be under so much duress and confusion and uncertainty that they just agreed to all kinds of things because the plan has been all along the only plan castrate the church behead the church bring the one world government to pass install the antichrist that was always the plan it was never about anything else ever i don't care if you don't believe me today substantiation is already out there number one okay so that's number one number two you'll see god will show you ask the lord right now father open the eyes of my understanding let me see what's been really going on and he'll show you here's the problem with that it's god who changes times and seasons not the devil daniel chapter 7 reveals that a time would come when satan would seek to change times and seasons for the purpose of manipulating the the the world but he's not able to do so that same chapter reveals a small beast with a horn that protrudes from its face some of you remember the dream that i had the the encounter i have the holy spirit about that small beast watch as the lord unravels certain agendas of the enemy watch how dominoes begin to fall in jesus name and as that is happening out there and we leave that to the lord hallelujah we leave that to the lord there will come a time when certain things take place but the end is not yet no we are in the last days but the end is not yet if we can make our return and we will to our rightful condition and position oh what a formidable threat to the to the plans of the enemy hallelujah so there is a reset coming but it's a supernatural reset hallelujah your heart is being calibrated to the heartbeat of god and the power of jesus i prophesy the lord is making crooked places in your life straight the enemy knows that it's hard for you to focus on things like we're talking about right now when you've got so much going on in your personal world right but the lord is making crooked places straight in your life hallelujah and as you fix your eyes upon the lord jesus christ watch how quickly he restores you watch how the lord addresses the things and begins to that have been on your heart and begins to perfect all that concerns you this is october the month that will be remembered as your time of double portion where the lord just began to heap double on you double blessing double grace double anointing double oil double opportunity double for your trouble in the name of jesus double vitality double strength double energy in the name of jesus and i want to tell you my my friends things are happening very quickly very quickly uh two days ago on our wednesday morning prophetic hour that we spend together for prophetic prayer god gave me a sudden word to prophesy supernatural hair growth he said it was a word for many women there i said yes sir and i prophesied the word do you know that very morning we heard from one of our ministry partners that as she was listening to that word she rece and she sent us a screenshot she received a notification that a special serum or vitamins or oil for hair growth she got the notification that her item was shipping and she she her mind was born she was like my god talk about immediate confirmation oh yes and it's going to be just like that for this word for you there is going to be immediate confirmation immediate manifestation things are getting ready to happen quickly there is a supernatural reset that is being uh that is coming that's taking place your heart is being calibrated to the heartbeat of the lord god said that your faith is moving him and now he's about to move for you he said your faith is moving him now he is going to move for you the enemy came at you one way but they will flee from you seven ways in the name of jesus the lord said this is your season of vindication this is your time for a miracle your season of vindication your time for a miracle the lord said this to me yesterday and i wrote it down he said that you are precious to him you're precious to the lord now this really is affecting me right now because i i can i can sense and and i feel in the spirit that there are so many people here that you don't feel like you're precious to anybody people want to be around you for what they can get from you they like to be around you for how you can help them they say they love you but they don't show you that they love you and you don't feel like you're precious to anyone but the lord spoke to me he said that you're precious to him when he looks at you he sees your potential he sees your pain but he sees your promise and your purpose and he sees ways he wants to use you he sees ways that he's already planned to prosper you for the lord has good plans for you to give you a life a hope and a future hallelujah people are flaky they'll disappoint you they'll sell you out in the moments when you need them most like job's friend they won't be there for you i don't know how somebody can see that you're in pain and not respond i don't know how somebody can sit right next to you and see that you're crying and know that you're in pain and not respond i don't know how i don't get it i don't get it but that's people right that's people but the lord said not so with him he is with you he is with you in the times of trouble but he'll bring you to the place of triumph he's with you in your place of pain but he will deliver you to a place of prosperity and purpose and you are precious to him thus says the lord when he looks at you he sees your purpose your potential your promise and ways that he wants to use you and prosper you so right now i i prophesy right now it's a breakthrough season for you it's a favor time for you it's a favor time for you all the times that you've helped other people to get their breakthrough all the times that you've you you've you've given favor you've given blessing to other people now the lord said it's your turn to receive october is your time to receive october is your time to receive god is going to do something very personal for you in october i said he's going to do something personal for you in october that only he can do and he's going to confirm to you and you'll have your little private moment with jesus i am precious to you you do see me you do love me i am precious to you and this too is an important thing for you because it allows you to just your heart is going to swell with love your faith is going to increase whoa now you're being returned now you're on that road and you are returning to your rightful condition and position in the lord we need you there we need you in that position because god has things for you to receive and do and become in jesus name inherit and steward hallelujah so there are places and spaces inheritances and opportunities that you must receive occupy and steward i need to say that one more time write it down if you want to there are places and spaces inheritances and opportunities that you must receive occupy and steward now when you step into this when you when your faith stirs up and you you say i receive it and you really believe it with no doubt you're not like oh let's see no no no doubt first we don't cross our fingers in the lord we we're not superstitious it's not it's not a we'll see type of thing your heart is going to swell you're receiving the word i receive it i believe it your faith is stirred you're stepping into this that's what you're doing you're stepping into it and the moment you do bam a supernatural trajectory comes on your life it's like it's like a um it's like a supernatural uh uh switch clicks on that's that's exactly it and now you are propelled into your future you're propelled into your future hallelujah this is a right now word for you and i want to confirm this to you you have been fought recently you've had some very odd warfare recently you've had some very bizarre things happen recently listen let me let me affirm it when you have the attention of god you surely get the attention of the enemy if you are not being fought in some way shape or form i would be shocked i would be shocked the warfare confirms this word to you the warfare confirms that the devil can see that you are shifting that you are growing that you have stepped onto this road that you are making your return that you're getting ready to access the greater come on you're getting ready to flow into the the double portion amen and so that it's just your confirmation it's just your confirmation so i want you to write this down here's some bible for you to stand on we're not going to look these scriptures up um because i want to get to the word that god gave me for october but here's some verses that i want to invite you to look up you know when we're finished here underline them in your bible declare them over yourself stand on these words the this is bible for you to stand on ephesians 2 8 through 10 ephesians 6 and 13 jeremiah 1 and 5 philippians 4 19 romans 8 28 and 31 these are your verses for the season that you have been in but make no mistake family god is leading you someplace new in the month of october there are winds of change and waves of change that are flowing in your direction hallelujah and something supernatural is getting ready to happen glory to god i want to invite you to begin to pay close attention because this is something that is happening must happen and whether the enemy likes it or not it's going to increase greatly in october and it's only going to grow from here so please begin to pay attention and get your bible ready the lord spoke to me very clearly about this return how he desires for us to return to to that place of faith where we believe for the supernatural we believe for the miraculous we're hungry for the glory we're hungry show us your glory we we know that it's real these are not just stories it's not we we we wanted god yes the elders believed and they had faith and they obtained their good rapport we want to we want to see your glory we want to experience your glory we want a miracle i want to see a miracle i want my own god report and we're returning to that place says god and as we do we need to understand how it's going to affect our mind our bodies and our spirits all three areas all three levels of life mind body and spirit your return to this position of uh increased faith it's going to in fact it's going to affect your mind it's going to affect your body it's going to have a spiritual effect on you as well the lord showed me demonic fragmentation of people you said what do you mean by that demonic fragmentation schizophrenia mental illness bipolar disorder depression anxiety fragmentation of the mind he showed me various instances of that he showed me various forms of disease he showed me many maladies that people suffer lots of things that people suffer and they just live with those things they just live with it it becomes just you know part of what they live with and maybe like the woman with the issue of blood it's been going on for so long that it's just become a part of your life it's become normal to you i don't know who this is for but i need you to hear me because i'm talking to you that pain is not normal you do not have to live with it all your life that that that issue is not normal you do not have to live with it all your life the devil is a liar but i want to begin by sharing with you what god showed me there is nothing going on in your body that the power of god cannot fix undo overturn or renew nothing nothing let's not insult the lord there's nothing going on in your body or in your mind that the power of god cannot fix undo overturn or renew the problem has been that many don't believe it they don't believe that many more do not know the protocols that are required for full biblical deliverance or restoration just bear with me stay with me i'm going to show you this in the world let me prove it to you let me prove it your anatomy the bible says in psalm 138 14 that you are fearfully and wonderfully made i'm going to put that scripture up on the screen for you psalm 138 14 isn't that right that's what the bible says you're fearfully and wonderfully made well who made you who made you god made he knows every inch of you inside and out he knows how your organs work he knows how your brain functions he knows how your reproductive organs work he knows how the veils of your heart work together he knows how your cells and sinews and muscles and bones he knows all about that structure he built it he designed it do you know that the best doctors in the world and we we appreciate and love our doctors our medical doctors amen but do you know that the very best ones and they they still can't figure everything out they never will never never they're a created being they have ability and talent and intellect god gave that gave it to them glory to god and we appreciate them there are times that the lord will use a doctor to help you amen we know that but they will never figure out what only god knows and they will never be able to do what only god can do in your mind or in your body hear me now they did not make you that's why god made you when my vehicle has a problem my car i am not going to go to the craft store i'm not going to go to michael's i'm not going to the craft store all right guys got an issue with my car let me get some i'll take some of those pipe cleaners let me get some glue sticks um and uh i i'm not going to go to the craft store i'm also not going to go to a really good plumber talented primer plumber man they know what they're doing i'm going to go directly to the manufacturer specifically of my make and model of my car matter of fact i don't want just any mechanic i need you to know about my car specifically we are making a return family we're making a return to going to our manufacturer for our full healing our full deliverance there are things that only go you got to hear me now there are things that only god knows about you he's not going to take make his best guess he's not going to shoot his best shot he's going to put you on the potter's wheel and simply begin to restore you like only his potter's hands can hallelujah the lord said that we have normalized sickness and that was never his will i know this is a hard word for you if you've been dealing with something but the lord sent you here today to receive this word you know why because it's a turning point for you that's a turning point there is a better place for you and it's time to make our return to that better place your rightful condition hallelujah we have normalized sickness but who helped us to do that satan satan he's the one who comes to steal kill and destroy but who gives life more abundantly jesus christ the one who created life come on the one who rightly cares about the lives he created the lord jesus christ john 10 10. so now in the bible as we read the word of god we see sickness and demonically induced infirmities of the mind and body did you catch that breakdown those words are very accurate very accurate all sickness and all demonically induced illness of the mind or body we see in the bible all of that disgusted and offended jesus it disgusted and offended him amen so much so he became famous for healing and freeing people everywhere he went let's look at matthew 4 23. we're making a return family it has to happen say this out loud this is say it said ah this is the season i get healthy and stay healthy this is the season say it this is the season i get healed and stay healed in jesus name in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah mark 4 23 and he said unto them oh hold on mark four where am i is this four okay but that's i have the wrong scripture here we want this one let me look it up quickly and i want to thank you for hanging with me matthew 4 23. a little title in my notes matthew 4 23 glory to god and jesus went about all galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of dis-ease among the people amen and he was known for it he was known for it in luke chapter 8 verses 1 through 3 some women are specifically named and mentioned who jesus healed of infirmity of demons of infirmity of sickness of demonic possession these things offended the lord jesus christ why because we were not created to live that all sickness is from hell you need to you need to hear me now all sickness is from hell but the lord jesus christ wants to deliver you he wants to restore you and i prophesy that from this day you are making a return to your rightful condition which is the picture of health the picture of health if you have sickness or pain or or or a malady a malady you say what's the melody okay um mental malady a a bondage addiction a depression if you have any type of sickness pain or melody in your mind or body i need you to say this right now today and just let the devil know that you know say i am healed by the stripes of jesus i am whole by the stripes of jesus according to first peter 2 24 and you keep on saying it and you keep on saying it and you keep on hitting it by declaring the word of god and you watch how things begin to shift and if you really want to take matters to another level i dare you praise him like it's already done praise him like it's already done oh god i thank you i thank you for my restoration i thank you for my healing god i thank you for my freedom lord i thank you that i have received my double portion of health and rest i thank you god oh you did it for me praise him like it's already done keep on praising him keep on praising him your faith is moving god that's faith that's your faith being released when you say it like it's already done when you declare it like it's already done when you praise him like it's already done that's your faith being released and your faith pleases god your faith moves god and as your faith moves god he's going to move for you he's going to move for you and many will testify that you have made your return to your rightful condition of supernatural vibrant health that the lord is restoring you mounting you up with wings as eagles glory to god now in the bible we see and i'm specifically talking about deuteronomy 28 we're not going to read the whole thing but we'll turn there deuteronomy 28 we see in the word of god that health health and the lord keeping you healthy and forbidding any plague to he can't even come by you can't come near you and we see that that was a part of your covenant with the lord that was just one thing that he did for you blessed you with according to your covenant that was a covenant right under the blessing capital t capital b the blessing the abrahamic blessing the abrahamic covenant one deuteronomy 1 through 14. you can read all about that but now look at this from verses 15 all the way down to the end of the chapter i mean it goes on and on yeah verse 68 you read about the curse and things that come upon people under the curse i want to challenge you don't flinch away from this open up your bible and read deuteronomy 28 15 through 68. it's going to shock you how many conditions are mentioned there how many sicknesses are mentioned how many diseases are mentioned diseases of the body diseases of the mind and you're gonna say some of you are gonna say my god i've been living with that and i don't have to you are returning to your rightful condition supernatural health is your portion i'm not naive and we're not in denial i understand the devil will try to attack you but you need to hear the prophet of the lord today and prosper if the devil tries to attack you in your body or in your mind that's when you open up your mouth you declare the word you say i don't think so back off in the name of jesus i'm healed by the stripes of jesus christ i'm healthy by the blessing of the lord go from me and never return and if there's somebody here that it has already taken root in your life like the woman with the issue of blood listen i uprooted today in the name of jesus i uproot every tree the enemy planted in your life i curse the roots in the name of jesus i declare that you will live and you will not die you will be free because who the son sets free is free indeed i cancel that demonic assignment of infirmity i cancel that demonic assignment of infirmity in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ do you receive it do you receive it receive it in jesus name now we can look back over the history of the church and we see a sta i began talking about this this last wednesday but we can look back over the history of the church and we can see a steady removal of the supernatural from ministries they steadily removed the supernatural it got less and less and less and now we're here and now we're here where sickness is normal but miracles are not now we're here at a place in many mega churches where it's normal this sickness is normal but miracles are not no miracles are flowing no holy ghost is present but i prophesy in the strong name of jesus there is a great return there is a great return and many i feel the anointing all over me right now my god and many of us are stepping on this road and we are making our return to the old way to the old way we're going back to the old way come on we're going to the upper room glory to god we are going we are making our return glory to god to a place to a life where miracles are normal not sickness we're we're miracles and freedom liberty is normal because where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty not bondage we are making our way to a place where liberty and health and miraculous moves of god those things are normal in jesus name and we will become known for it you know the bible says that in deuteronomy 28 that many are going to hear they're going to see the blessing of the lord on us deuteronomy 28 and 10 and all the people of the earth shall see that thou art call by the name of the lord and they shall be afraid of thee the lord spoke to me and he said this is one of the reasons why this is one of the reasons why at a time in the world where they are engineering sicknesses and laboratories and then unleashing them at a time in the world where they are flying planes over whole cities and states and releasing sicknesses through the air oh yeah at a time in the world where it is being plotted and planned by wicked demonic people to make other people sick you bet you bet they're gonna be they're gonna be scared when they see that it does not come now you it's not affecting you they can build all the 5g towers they want to it's gonna it's gonna terrify them the lord spoke he said that's one of the reasons that many people will fear you people and and then other people are going to fear because they don't understand it and people do tend to fear what they can't understand but the lord would say to you that this supernatural blessing on your life is going to be a beacon for so many who are in darkness it's going to be like a lighthouse in the darkness for so many people and what you have and how you live and god's goodness on your life and god's protection on your life and the grace of jesus on your life and the protective power of the blood on your life and the the prosperous blessing of the lord on your life is going to just be a beacon for other people and they're going to want what you have and you will say well come with me you got to get on this road it's only by the name of jesus amen that you can have this access but you will be saved by the blood of jesus and you will be given access to this road hallelujah this place this road that takes you to this place in god hallelujah and this too is how the lord will begin to use you to to be a sign a wonder and a miracle for other people and to help bring the harvest in in jesus name now god gives gifts to whom he chooses we know that and we all should lay hands on the sick and pray for the sick amen all of us we should all believe on that we should all do it it's biblical it's just part of who we are amen but god does give gifts a special gift a special anointing to whoever he chooses that's the bible that's what the word of god says let's go to first corinthians chapter four i'm sorry chapter 12. first corinthians 12. i'm gonna begin to read in verse eight four two one ah no no no let's go to verse four that's why i said four now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations but the same lord and there are diversities of operations but it is the same god which worketh all in all watch me now but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to prophet with all so these gifts are given to benefit us to profit us the manifestat these gifts are given to people by the holy spirit by the spirit of god to be a benefit to us come on here for to who for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit same spirit just different gifts he's given out just giving out different gifts to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues so we are all supposed to lay hands on the sick amen and if there's any sick among us we call the elders we anoint with oil glory to god but hear this there will be some who have a special gift a special anointing in these very specific areas i know i got prophecy i know i got the working of miracles i know that i say it humbly but confidently because because i got to be able to do what god tells me to do so i can't just be like little mouse well yes it's sort of sometimes no you guys the righteous are as bold as a lion and there are going to be some who have wild healing anointings uh evangelist ted shuttlesworth senior comes to mind somebody who used to work for me i'm going to tell it just a couple months ago it's a couple of months ago someone who used to wear they were working for me full time as well someone who used to work for me had you know health problem after health problem and i finally said i'm gonna don't worry john but i finally said listen there is there is an evangelist who has a very uncommon anointing for healing and he's he's going to be in pennsylvania not far from us i will pay for you to go i will send you and they did not want to go and then i tell you that day i said their days are numbered with us they don't believe for the miraculous they don't want the miraculous they don't want to grow they don't want to be free and here's what you need to understand why am i sharing this with you because as you as you step onto this road in jesus name as you step into this supernatural space the supernatural place that the lord is giving you access to in october and as you begin to see real miracles in your life as you begin to live according to your true condition and your true position but by what the lord intends for you there will be some who don't want it they'll call themselves christian they'll believe themselves to be christian but they won't want it they won't want the supernatural they won't want the miraculous power of god they won't believe for it they won't admit to themselves or god forbid anybody else they don't have the faith for it but that's the truth and then you've got to be prepared for this the ones who don't receive sometimes begin to resent the ones who do so don't be surprised if some people who don't get theirs end up really resenting you for getting yours they'll resent you for getting your healing they'll resent you for getting married they'll resent you for for the prosperity that you flow in while they're still you know floundering i'm not celebrating any of this i'm speaking from my office of profit and i'm telling you what you're going to see in the month of october i would that it were not so but it shall be so it shall be so watch for the rise of wildly anointed men and women of god watch for the rise of wildly anointed men and women of god who are flowing in on common anointings to release miraculous uh gifts and miracle power of god in all of those specific areas in all those areas and we need it we need it verse 12 of first corinthians 12 for as the body is one half many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is christ we need each other the people who have stripped these gifts or limited these gifts will have to answer for it they will have to answer for it i pray they repent before they have to answer for it i really really truly do but as for you the lord is pulling you into a supernatural october he is pulling you into this place it's time for you to know the god who restores fully again not partially it's time for you to know the god who restores fully not restores you partially but then you still have to be on this medication not who restores you partially but you still have no no fully fully fully matthew 4 23 that's who we are that's who this jesus is hallelujah and that's where we're going on that road it's time to encounter the genuine miracle-working power of the lord genuine miracle-working power of the lord some of you need to get ready in the month of october you're going to see your first restoration miracle in your family there are some people that a lot of people in your family already done wrote them off it's the truth you know it and i know it and the lord certainly knows it they they say they do someone love it they just wrote them off well they but you're going to see your first restoration miracle in your family will you be ready will you be ready will you be ready will you be ready when the doorbell rings and your prodigal spouse is there will you be ready when the doorbell rings and that long-lost friend is there will you be ready when you get a notification a text message notification and and your prodigal child or or or somebody that that you know has been in deception or sin or or illness has texted you because they've had enough and they want this jesus that you have will you be ready there are some listening that you will see your first restoration miracle in october there are some listening that you are going to see your first healing miracle in october that girl with the hair oil she's not ready for how beautiful and luxurious her hair is going to be that was just the lord confirming it for her i don't even know who you are they told me you're a partner i want to tell you something and your husband is going to he's going to tell you that your hair is one of his favorite qualities receive that in jesus name there are some people here that you you're going to see you're gonna receive your first miracle money in the month of october where the lord does something for you miraculous and and it leads you to receive a miraculous sum of money and you're gonna see your first i'm not talking about provision now that's just you know that's just your right as a believer according to matthew 6 33 you know that right matthew 6 33 daily provision is your right as a follower of jesus all your needs are met that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about ephesians 3 20. i'm talking about philippians 4 19. i'm deuteronomy 8 18 in the name of jesus a wealth strategy a wealth transfer in jesus name a commodity being given to you that is worth tens of thousands hundreds of thousands a million dollars i'm not exaggerating and if you have if you're doubting that well don't worry then it won't be you i i'm not i'm not being sarcastic or nasty don't worry it won't be you don't worry but there's some there's some listening right now is there a man named isaiah here is there a man by the name of isaiah you're a prophet number one obviously with a name like isaiah you really had no choice glory to god i know my mother named me joelle joelle joe my middle name is lynn lynn get it well names like that you have no choice but see now it's a time of your activation sir now it's the time of your activation and you do believe for the miraculous and you do believe for millions and that is why you will see it in jesus name yeah and you'll have that same prophetic anointing that god put on me i don't know whether to give you a condolences cupcake or a celebratory cupcake amen glory to god no god is good it was there was just a little joke god is good i'm gonna have the same type of anointing that i have the same type of anointing that i have got away with words it's always going to hurt your heart the people who walked away from you it's just how you are it's your thorn it's your thorn but that's also what makes you think and speak in a poignant way which is necessary so that you're able to convey the heart of the father but you will walk in wealth and you will walk in favor and you will release it says the lord you will release it i'll keep you a step ahead of the enemy he'll keep you in a place where the enemy can't reach you receive it in jesus name hallelujah well i prophesy over everyone under the sound of my voice there is an anointing that is being released and we will now see that 2022 will be marked by by rumors and stories that spread like wildfire of signs wonders and miracles occurring in the body of christ people being healed completely restored from from all manner of sickness i'm going to write down i'm going to read what i wrote down brokenness you know what i'm talking about people who are they just got broken whatever it was knocked them down and they could never fully get up it just knocked them down and they never they're existing but are they really living they never fully got up the divorce the breakup the sickness the surgery whatever it was and they never fully got up but god said there's going to be rumors and stories that spread like wildfire of people being healed fully of sicknesses brokenness infirmities addictions cancers here's one listen to this and deformities from both birth and accidents there's something to believe for deformities from birth and deformities that happen from accidents you mean like a creative miracle yeah yeah because there are rooms with body parts in heaven they really are they really really are and there's rooms with books and i don't know what those books are about let me get out of the book room i don't know what they're about it's very intriguing to me because i suspect that those are books the lord wants written and then he gives those assignments to people and then he writes them through through through his scribes i suspect that okay i hear you guys so there's a scribe anointing that's coming on some of you in the month of october there's a scribe anointing that is coming on some of you in the month of october start your blog start there don't don't run don't jump to the book start with the blog and that'll get you to the book start with the blog god will god will establish um he'll send you people to to be your your your your receivers the ones who receive what you're writing amen and then those will be the same ones who will order the book but you start here amen that's for a mother that's for a mother the lord says to tell you that you will write about the healing journey that you were on with your son amen hallelujah but there are many here that are going to tap into the scribe's anointing yes and there are many that are tapping into the miraculous anointing there are many that are tapping into the prophetic anointing hallelujah this is october and there are even more that are tapping into the double portion anointing god giving you double for your trouble double for your trouble in the name of jesus we're going to see all manner of sicknesses brokenness infirmities addictions cancers deformities birth accidents deformities from birth and deformities from accidents healed and fully restored and nobody can deny it nobody will be able to deny it cycles reversed situations undone by the power of jesus cycles reversed situations completely unraveled and undone by the power of jesus well this word for october really ran a whole gamut that's because there's a lot happening right now it's a lot going on right now we're going to see the lord muzzle the enemy and shackle him certain things that were unfolding will now begin to unravel and you will see it with your eyes and that will give you time says god to fulfill your assignment to fulfill your destiny to receive and to become and to do all that god is calling you to do in jesus name and we are making our return to the old way the true way the pure faith the pure faith before it was contaminated by worldly ideas or beliefs the power of god the miracle working power of god get ready it's coming in jesus name and there are many of you that are going to see and receive your very own first miracle this month your very own first release your very own first supernatural restoration this month in october hallelujah this is a time of reset for you it is a turning point for you hallelujah and there are many that will look back on this time this month of october and you will be able to point to it like a time on a map that was when you accessed a whole new season a whole new level in your life a whole new season a whole new level it went down in october yes september was a month of warfare and just craziness october october fire october miracles october activation october manifestation in jesus name in jesus name lift your hands let me pray for you father i thank you for this word i thank you for the detail lord i thank you for your attentiveness i thank you that nothing not one part of this word will fall to the ground o god i thank you father that enemy agendas are being overturned right now in the name of jesus i thank you lord that healing miracles are going forth among your people right now in the name of jesus god i thank you for deliverance miracles right now among your people in the name of jesus god i thank you for financial miracles right now in the name of jesus among your people god i thank you that you are taking what the enemy meant for evil against your people lord and you are turning it for their good god that by the time it is all said and done you will cause things to go in their favor god i thank you that as certain doors are closing you're already opening new doors that as certain doors close you are the god who opens new doors god i thank you for it in the name of jesus god i thank you this is a destiny time this is a a manifestation time i thank you father that we are making our return that we are stepping onto this road god that we are moving into miracle world miracle world miracle world where where your miracles are are normal where it is our normal god where the supernatural is perfectly natural to us god i thank you lord we want to live in miracle world we want to be saturated by the anointing of the holy ghost god we want to live in this place we want to see you move among us we say show us your glory god i say thank you god father i thank you for the 700 for whom that double will be their life verse god the isaiah 61 double will be their life verse lord that they will live in the double they will live in the overflow of the double god i thank you for that in jesus name i speak miraculous healing i speak miraculous prosperity i speak miraculous favor over everybody under the sound of my voice in the name of jesus this october it comes forth in jesus name i thank you for restoration i thank you for deliverance in the name of jesus i thank you for the double d anointing god that there will be decimation in the camp of the enemy there will be destruction in the camp of the enemy that you will destroy what the devil meant for evil god but you will turn over our good and there will be deliverance coming for your people deliverance from wicked mandates deliverance from every wicked word spoken over them deliverance god from every lie spoken over them deliverance from every false accusation in the name of jesus yes god and i give you all the glory i glorify you god i bless you lord i say that you are worthy of all the honor you are worthy of all the praise you alone are worthy o god i thank you lord that you are leading us back to the old way to the pure way that we are making our return to miracle world we're making our return to miracle world where you live is in miracle world we live there it's who we are many won't get it many will be afraid of it but it's who we are miracle world miracle world it starts in october it starts with you tapping into this in jesus name amen if you're here and you need to receive jesus this word spoke to you this anointing is touching you you heard something in this word you want it to be yours you want this god you want this miracle life you want this miracle world but you know that you need to start by giving your life to jesus this is your moment this is your moment my friend i want you to pray with me right now i can't do it for you i cannot do it for you i cannot but you can i'm going to lead you in the prayer just repeat after me very quickly and let's get you started amen say this say dear jesus i give my life to you i repent of all sin i turn my back on sin i'm turning to you jesus take me over make me over i confess you as the son of god and my savior amen and amen let me be the first to welcome you or welcome you back to the family of god hallelujah hallelujah if this word spoke to you you're already a follower of jesus but this word spoke to you you want me to pray for you you say dr dolan please pray for me i receive that i need that i believe it will you stand with me in prayer yes i will yes i will my prayer team is literally on standby right now we're going to monitor the prayer requests as they come in go ahead and put your prayer hands in the comments a little emoji prayer hand emoji and we're going to go back we're going to look for that we're going to pray for you tonight amen today on and tonight same thing with the prayer request if you want to send me a confidential prayer request you may do so today and tonight we're going to be praying for you amen hallelujah if god speaks to you to sow into this word do whatever he tells you to do if he tells you to sow into a supernatural blessing for the month of october if he tells you to sow for a prophet's reward do whatever he tells you to do if god says so 700 because you are one of the 700 do it if he tells you to sow 61 because that isaiah 61 is your verse do it whatever but but just do this say lord what would you have me to do i know the seed is not leaving my life it's leaving my hand it's going into the ground it's prophesying to my future where it will become a harvest that will come to me inevitably i want to sow in good fertile prophetic soil i can't i won't reap a harvest if i keep these seeds in the seed packet i need to plant it in this fertile soil but ask the lord what would you have me to do i'm going to believe with you for a beautiful harvest i'm going to believe with you for a supernatural harvest the lord knows your name he knows your need he knows your location he knows how to get to you amen i want to be very be very clear it's not necessary it's not necessary for everybody this word is this word god is going to do what he said he's going to do absolutely but if you are like me and you understand seed time and harvest if you understand that the bible says what it says about sowing and reaping and you you get it that seed produces after its own kind you want a financial reward you want a financial harvest you must sow a financial seed this is just bible 101 if you know that then just ask the lord what he would have you to do ask him the bible says when you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet that's how you access a prophet's reward matthew 10 41. you can also look up ephesian malachi 3 and 10 luke 6 and 38 this is the bible this is the bible and i know that some people you know they're just they're just receiving and they're just digesting the word i'm blessed that you're here please please do digest the word please do chew on this i believe this was a meaty heavy weighty word i'm already glorifying god for the harvest for the outcome for the blessings amen do you know yesterday somebody we're gonna put the information on the screen and tell you how to sew i would be so irresponsible i i mean listen i've i've heard some really good preachers uh preach a good word and never give the opportunity to sow never teach on biblical finance uh maybe they don't know about it i don't know i don't know but for me i know about it and i would be irresponsible if i did not give you the opportunity to sow into this word and if there's a specific area in this word that spoke to you just like oral roberts told my spiritual father dr mike murdock he said the most powerful thing he ever did that changed his life in his ministry was giving his seed an assignment giving his seed an assignment i tweeted this last night there was yesterday's a man of god was such a great blessing to one of my children just just poured into the life of one of my children didn't have to didn't ask for anything didn't have to do it just spontaneously just gave and and just poured out and just was a blessing to one of my children the lord spoke to me very clearly he said sow a seed of 400 into that man's life can i just say this i've never met the man never even met him immediately no question no nothing i sold my seed and i will be very transparent and tell you i said this is to honor you the lord moved on me the lord spoke to me to honor you with this seed of gratitude and honor and then i attached an assignment to my seat as well i absolutely did absolutely do you know that person responded and said this was a great blessing for me and my family today see you don't you don't know what god has in mind you don't know what god has in mind he you don't know what he is going to do with your seed amen but what is in your heart for your seed what will you prophesy over your seed was there something in this word that you need in your life you need and was it something specific the holy spirit had me say was it was it about the woman with the hair oil was it was it about the the the cancer was it about the miracle money what what was there something specific talk to your seed prophesy to your seed go into my future i sow you in faith i i thank you father for the harvest that is coming to me in the area of and give it say it speak it by faith call it forth call forth those things that are not as though they are in jesus name that's how the elders obtained a good rapport they released their faith they believed by faith they acted in faith hallelujah acted in faith acted in faith acted in faith what actions do you need to take in faith maybe it's not easy maybe it really requires for you to take a leap uh-huh maybe god is trying to break through a barrier maybe he's trying to break a wall break a barrier hallelujah i believe this word today is breaking many barriers i know it was a hard word for some people i know that i know i know some people are convicted right now because you know regarding medical issues don't be understand that it's a turning point now it's a turning point you look back at the month of october and you'll say that's when everything shifted from me and i accessed miracle world i no longer live in that world i no longer have one foot in their system and trying to be no now i i live fully in miracle world amen amen amen miracle world miracle world i am going to i am personally going to take holy communion as soon as i'm finished here and i'm going to sew a 700 seed i'm going to personally do that for our miracle gideon had his 300 we got our miracle 700 isaiah 61 and 7 is going to be our life verse amen amen amen father i thank you for everybody present i ask you to multiply the seeds that are going to be sown today father i ask you to honor the giving of your people i ask you to honor the giving of your people father some of your people are going to give sacrificially today as they do so i ask you to multiply their seed i ask you to bring forth a swift harvest a rapid harvest an abundant harvest shock them lord shock them shock them in jesus name father i ask you to release uncommon unusual harvests let there be a harvest in homes in vehicles in jobs in miracle money in children coming home in marriages in health miracles in financial miracles in wealth strategies in ministries in businesses let there be miraculous uncommon harvest come forth let it be things are lavish even exotic in jesus name even exotic even lavish in the name of jesus yeah because some people need to see god do something so outstanding and so just ridiculous that they say oh my goodness let me stop telling god what i think is reasonable god is not concerned with what is reasonable or practical he's a supernatural god he did not pave heaven with asphalt honey he paved it with gold father please help us to come up to your level please please please please please please help us to come up to your lord the more you have the more you can give the more you have the more you can do the more you have the greater example you are of who your god is see that see it in jesus name in jesus name last month i gave my i don't know if i told this yet but i'm gonna tell it it's for october it's for october last month i sowed a seed into my spiritual covering it was five thousand dollars in case anybody's wondering but i said i'm i'm not going to put it in an envelope i'm not i'm not i'm not i went to louis vuitton and i thought let me just get something small to put it in and honestly i thought between you and i i imagine getting like an envelope they have the envelopes or something small i was going to roll it up i really was you know i'm part of italian i was going to roll you know a lot of cash i was gonna roll it up and put it in there and they didn't have anything like that and then i saw this box that they had it was a nice box it was two thousand six hundred dollars i said i'll take it there's a lot more than i wanted to spend but who cares at that point you know i'm gonna saw a seed of honor and i wanted the envelope to be significant do you understand about sewing up you sew up so up this is somebody who has already done everything i'm still praying for god to do in my life this is someone whose ministry has already done all the things that are still my goals this is somebody who just a couple of sentences to me gives me so much wisdom and strategy for my life my marriage my children my ministry i told the guy in louis vuitton i said i'll take it and then i i knew it was going to be good because i wanted it you know what i'm talking about sometimes when you give a gift and you really want it that's how you know it's a good game run it he said well this is the last one i said okay i'll take it and then i was sitting with dr murdock he looked so good that day then he john the first anyway i was sitting with him and i said sir i brought you a gift i was in the louis vuitton bag and he took it i said oh and he opened it up and he saw the way i said oh how'd you know i love boxes i didn't know you love boxes and he's going crazy over the box i said sir that's just the envelope this is just the envelope i said open it you open it and you saw the seed and then i learned later on i learned later on he he said thank you for the seed i said it's a small seed and he looked up at me real sharp he said this is a small seed because it's five thousand dollars i said yes sir this small seed because i'm believing to be able to give much more i'm believing to be able to sow so much more into ministries into the work of god i was prophesying to my future and then i found out later it blew my mind i found out years ago bishop davidoy at depl invited dr murdoch to come to his church and preach dr murdoch forgive me if i get some of the details wrong but as i recall dr murdoch took his own plane as far as he could go and then i think they could only go as far as legos and then they had to charter and he preached for bishop oyadebo and as he finished and was leaving some time later bishop boyadepo gave dr murdock a louis vuitton suitcase and how funny john same thing he thought that was the present the same thing same thing he thought he's oh it's a nice suitcase he said it wasn't until he got on the plane but he opened it looked inside and there was 250 000 in cash i want to be able to do that i really do i want to be able to sew like that into ministry i want to be able to sew like that into my community i want to be i want to be able to buy up pieces of real estate for the lord's work glory to god there is such a thing as sowing into good prophetic soil and there is such a thing as sowing up how did i get to the point where i could even right because there was one day when i broke my alabaster box and sold all that me and john had fully understanding now we cannot pay our house bills now now we literally do not have money to pay the bills literally and i can remember that day like it's yesterday we were in atlanta and i was in a service with dr rodney howard brown but i'm going into way too much detail at the end of a word amen my point to you is there comes a moment that you gotta shift and there are some of you here that are being talked to right now to sow a supernatural sacrificial seed do what god is telling you to do i believe that some of you here are cut from the same cloth that i'm cut from just like i'm cut from a similar cloth as dr murdock and this too is part of your miracle world the connection and the the the threads that god is using to knit us together amen i know i i really pray that it's making sense to some people i'm just trying to articulate what i see in the spirit well that's that glory to god what time is it here on the east coast it is 1 53 in just one almost 2 pm eastern time here in western new york but almost an hour from now we're going to be live on the ptl network glory to god hallelujah so if you don't watch our show the prophetic hour on ptl please join me today in just over one hour amen so i need to wrap this up and let you go to get your little breather make yourself a little cup of tea or whatever you're gonna do and then i'll see you back again at 3 p.m i'm praying for you we love you with the love of jesus i'm going to be praying over your precious seeds i'm going to be praying over your prayer requests and i'll see you at 3 o'clock god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JoLynne Whittaker Ministries
Views: 21,736
Rating: 4.9498954 out of 5
Id: sABSqx0zBZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 23sec (7283 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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