DELIVERANCE AND HEALING | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] in the realms of the spirits when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry him to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I show you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah brother I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and that one is saying Emmanuel what is that when I go to this place I saw an address like eight one one one the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a two I saw a name I saw another name I saw a tree I saw a zero I saw a P it's like a baby or something like that [Applause] doing this Clary osto improv ADA Shalaka le monde' profaned in kishna gusta lava column and a leap rhondella Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the touch wherever you I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears in your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his great in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land a lake Ishta a vocal aprende le Kista vara kia say vivre to stay iike Levon Dilip Rhonda dia like Larry oh stove radically Kista evoke Attalla Mandy lies the constellation glory fondly known my frittata a Tuvok Ashoka provide iya Aman day langa title opera Delica okappa pocket Elam and a leap Rhonda vacati Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bar so far a Magoo's Aradia azekah Taliban tea Mandela cash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar Aleman de carava Tuesday cap risotto LeMond delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favour you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the salaam anointing upon you may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether you're a pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in their heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is prophet love you and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] [Music] I've been I've been taken captive by the truth and I al I don't think I want to get out coming to this class I'm just tapping deeper into the spirit and I've learned that you need a doorway into the spirit and profit movies is that doorway and you can try to do it on your own but you will not get far at all you need a doorway it's actually really nice to just be able to engage and then listen to everybody's experiences and learn that we're all having the same thing we're all going through the same thing we're all lost and in the dark about the same stuff and for him to clear it up it's just been great I decided to come to prophetic school because I want to learn I want to learn from someone that has a relationship with Jesus that knows Jesus that it expresses Jesus out that I see Jesus through there's just been deep layers upon layers on things that the Prophet has been speaking on that is just like mind-blowing for favorite school was no other option there was no other option for my life or my family's life I tell you this is the best thing we've ever done when given the opportunity for something like a prophetic school I had to I didn't have a choice I will recommend it for anybody who wants to walk on this earth with God there's nothing like this it's amazing that's not your father I hope you could be taking it do yourself and your future and your future generations the biggest blessing and favor and come and take part in this because you will not regret it I promise you I'm speaking from my own experience [Music] you have to learn to bring the battle to the devil stop allowing the devil to attack you you should be the one that is attacking him let me explain it those who clap may God give you more grace now listen and listen very well the devil in the first chapter of the Bible or the first book of the Bible in the third chapter Genesis chapter number 3 the devil is referred to as that 7 as 7 but if you move to revelations is called that old serpent that dragon meaning if you don't deal with the devil in the book of Genesis you don't deal with them in the beginning of your day if you don't deal with them in Deuteronomy you don't deal with them in the book of Acts you don't deal with him in the book of Revelation it becomes that old SAP and that dragon killing a snake is easier than killing a dragon many of you are dealing with dragons because you fail to kill a snake when God puts you in the garden where everything you ever needed is the devil will also be present [Music] because the one who holds on to what he has been given is the owner not the one who is given but the one who holds on to it is not how you start it's how you finish so if you don't deal with that snake and you let him become a dragon you'll be dealing with a dragon that is breathing out fire when you should have dealt with a snake that could you could just step on his head goddess tell me tell them you deserve it then God took me to some 103 and I saw the son of David now you have to ask yourself this question they did become King because it deserved it because he worked for it or because God decided that we will be because God decided so you don't deserve things because you work but because God decided Alleluia the devil's work is for you to disqualify yourself from what God has already decided to give I think this is for people in the back the devil's mission is always to do one thing to make you see that you don't belong where you want to be in that you're not qualified to be where you are you are desiring to be help us Lord because in his mind he knows that you have been taught everything that you have you have to work for it it is a problem but there are things that are from Jesus that you can never work for he can only give you I will fill the Bible says upon yourself under the mighty hand of God and he shall lift you up not because you deserve it but because it decided may god elevate you this hour everything may God lift you up this hour in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name runs what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before us okay go to my mama gonna God says that he's supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone it's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody call Kimmy Genesis does me maybe oppa Gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing one thing about jewelry you [Music] blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I am more than blessed to come and share with you my tea visitation that I had last night concerning today's service today we are gonna have a powerful deliverance and healing service it's gonna be a night of breakthroughs it's gonna be a night of prophetic deliverance and breakthroughs and and I'm more than excited to be here to speak to you and I'm gonna share with you this because I thought that it would be necessary for me to speak to you about it last night I had a powerful powerful visitation a mighty mighty visitation now every time God is about to do something the Lord will always send angels or an angel or somebody to announce what is going to be happening so I am I am more than excited to just give you a little bit of this because tomorrow is it today it's today right today's service today is gonna be too much actually after I finish this I'm going straight to pray last night after we finished the livestream I sat down and I was talking to my son and I was telling him I have to wake up and pray because God is telling me to go and pray so I don't know if I should sleep for for an hour wake up to pray or what I'm supposed to do but I'm gonna figure but I know I have to be up praying tonight so when I went to bed I tried to lay down but my spirit was not letting me so I decided to go into prayer and mighty things happened after I prayed and that's what I'm gonna share with you just a preview usually I don't stream on Thursdays because service is coming up but I had to do this to prepare you for tonight you don't want to be somebody that is gonna miss the right because there is a powerful thing that the Lord Jesus is gonna do in your lives today so those who are in on YouTube god bless you god bless everybody I'm not gonna be here too long because I have to go and pray but I wanted to share this with you so whether you're going to watch it online or you're gonna be in the house I don't want you to miss it hallelujah I don't want you to miss it I don't want you to miss it it would be a shame if you miss it because you hear testimonies of people and you believe you know that you are supposed to be part of it glory be to his holy name I want you to be part of it so that you don't miss it so this is what happens I periscope are you there periscope are you there it's just gonna be too much god bless everybody on periscope god bless everybody on periscope and and Facebook are you there facebook facebook facebook okay I'm seeing so many people excited that is good god loves to go where he celebrated not where he's tolerated Maya Mendes God bless you God is gonna do something incredible you don't wanna miss the night now listen to this and and and listen carefully so this is what happened so I get to the side of my bed I kneel down for some time and I go into prayer and I begin to pray speak to the Lord completely giving myself to the Lord because I always know when God is about to speak to me or visit me at least most of the time but this time as I'm praying and and praying and praying after I prayed I went and laid down on the bed when I lay down on my bed immediately I was caught up in a vision and when I came out of the vision I began to see things in my that really shocked me now every time God is about to do something that is beyond what I have seen what God always does is he does it this way he will always send an angel many times it would be angels that I already know that I've recognized that I'm already acquainted with but last night I met an angel I have never met before I thought somebody would be happy I met somebody I never met before and he came from the order of eons meaning ancient ones eons or pure light however you want to call it he's from a group of Angelle angels called eons I think I taught this in prophetic school and man was I blessed man was I blessed and I know that you're gonna be blessed because of it also hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and this these angels are actually described in the Book of Ezekiel they are described in the Book of Ezekiel I'm gonna I'm gonna read it for you but I want you to know that something exciting something powerful something life-changing is about to happen to every single person that will be there tonight and whether you're gonna watch from home whether you're going to watch it in whether you're gonna be live with me it won't matter because distance will not be a barrier because the Lord God Almighty will visit you wherever you shall be glory be to his holy hallelujah are you ready to hear this so as I was praying as I was praying I fell into a vision and when I came out of the vision I opened my eyes and there were six angels three on the left side of my room and three on the right side of my room so I was wondering what I've never seen these guys before then immediately I saw one of them stood like came forth in the in the center like like I'm laying on my bed like this is like right here the others on this side but it looked like this angels were were ministering under him so he stood like right in the center of it like in the middle like so I'm on my bed like this I'm looking at him here and he stands there he was very very tall and he had the big wings the wings were huge like one of the one of the I think when I was sharing with with with with somebody I don't know if it was you or who it was I said one of the things that was just amazing me was how big his wings were his wings were huge big wings no many times when you see angels sometimes you don't even see them with wings but this one came with his wings his wings were huge big wings and he was really really big and he had a flaming sword on on his right hand and he stood there and he spoke to me and he said my name is Gambia and I'm sent from the presence of God to help you with what God is going to do in tomorrow service and he shared a lot of incredible things to me he even gave me names of some people that I'm specifically supposed to pray for and he stood there he spoke to me for some time and then it explained to me some things that are personally for me but it will always be for your benefit because whenever God ministers to somebody is always for other people it's never for himself but it's for others I don't know if I'm the only one excited about this let me tell you if you know if you know God God is a God of order and because he loves order he does everything so systematically and you are about to really be blessed by the Lord Jesus it means tonight to be a significant night glory be to his holy name so he stood there and he spoke to me and then he took me to scripture now go to Ezekiel go to the Book of Ezekiel I'll show you something Ezekiel go to Ezekiel chapter 1 Ezekiel chapter 1 hallelujah are you ready for this so if you read Ezekiel chapter one from verse from verse 15 he says now I beheld the living creatures behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures with his four faces now the word wheel there is off a limb of a limb the word of a limb is wo wph aan or fan when there are many it's off a limb when you see wheels wheels is a kind of angel wheels is an angel but it's an English interpretation that what is actually orfan for one and off a limb if there are many and offer limbs are coming from the place of yawns there yawns what is called yawns and the angel that I met last night was an awful him he was one of the Aeons and his name literally means the reward of God reward of God so God is going to reward some people tonight for every prayer that you have been praying for everything that you have been putting before God for all you're giving God is about to reward somebody I don't know if somebody's catching hallelujah Juliet or tea no god bless you that is powerful that is just powerful that is just powerful hallelujah now look at this mm-hmm look at this now are you ready and I believe because of tonight many will start to have angelic visitations to type Amen if you believe this I'm not gonna be on here long I'm just gonna be here for a second and then I'm gonna be out because I have to go and pray now listen to this he says there appeared the appearance of wheels now remember the word wheels is off on or off a limb if there are many and their work was like unto colors of Beryl and they fall they for had one likeness and their appearance and their work was as it were I will in the middle of a will so these angels usually work with cherubims because the four living creatures that appeared to Ezekiel cherubims but the cherubims came with the awfully so that shows you how ancient there you have a question it's a color it's just ancient English it's just color that was bright in them hallelujah you can look you can look up the color later now when they went when they went they went upon their four sides you see they were following them and they turned not when they went and as for their rings they were so high that they were dreadful hmm are you listening somebody now the word rings there is the word gab and gab means they're back they was so high that they were dreadful and their rings were full of eyes round about them for so we know what those are that's wings and when the living creatures went the wheels went by them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up whatsoever the spirit was to go they went there and the wheels were lifted up over against against them for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels when those went those went and when those stood though stood and when those were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels now this is the likeness of the wheels and the likeness of the feminine meant upon their heads of their living creatures was as the colour of terrible crystal stretched forth over their heads now when you saw them you you saw they looked like the wheels and the wheels looked like them let me explain God is so good God has favored as children of God a last generation God has favored you the Lord has favored you there's just gonna be so many things that were happened tonight and the Lord spoke to me through the angel said bring everybody that is sick bring everybody that needs deliverance bring everybody that may need a breakthrough tonight is your night says the spirit of the Living God tonight is your night says the spirit of the Living God so I want you to come expecting I want you to come prepared I want you to come expecting I want you to come prepared for the Lord God will do mighty things amongst us today I didn't want to say too much about what I was told but I wanted to let you know that a last nation it's about to be a problem tonight the devil is in trouble in our way he has never been in trouble so I want you to make sure that you don't miss it I want you to make sure that your life and you are there with me it's gonna be a night like no other I want you to bring pictures of your family members that you want God to deliver or bring healing to I want you to bring their picture or anything that is going on with them that you want somebody that is in the hospital bring a picture of them the Lord Jesus will visit them and the Lord will do a mighty thing in their life so I want you to be ready I want you to be prepared and I believe that the Lord Jesus is gonna start it tonight it's gonna begin tonight so whether you're watching on YouTube whether you're on Facebook wherever you may be it's gonna be amazing tonight so I want you to be ready I want you to be prepared and I want you to be prayerful remember our fast is not over I want you to keep fasting and praying because God is gonna visit you tonight in a mighty way so I love you and I know the Lord Jesus loves you more and I want you to be ready tonight will be a deep night and there will be no area where ever you may be I want you to have your bills whatever maybe God is gonna remove people's debts I'm even gonna pray that people's credit scores are gonna change you're gonna be shocked that your credit score that was so low things are just gonna disappear off it in the name of the living Jesus may the Lord Jesus bless you let somebody know to let somebody know that tonight would be a different night in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Shalom Shalom god bless you blessings everybody this is prophet Lavi and i'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and would be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things it's going to be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] blessings everybody this is prophet Lavi and i'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether you're a pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things is gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is prophet love you and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 1,807
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christianity, neon steve church, pastor steven furtick, zac poonen, elevation church, revival, jesus, preacher, rt tv, holy spirit, preacher season 3, supernatural, church clap, praise the lord, blood of jesus, god's country, jesus is the one, preacher scene, zack fox, faith, heaven, healing, gospel songs, steven furtick sermons 2019, allfather, steven furtick 2019, gospel music 2019, salvation, spiritual growth, arseface
Id: 5JOdJ8rLXlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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