Proofreading And Editing With ChatGPT AI?

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thank you for subscribing to the channel it's much appreciated and for those who haven't subscribed yet it would be much appreciated I'll only take you a second and it's free so thank you right what I want to talk to you about today is should you can you um do I use artificial intelligence applications for proofreading for editing rephrasing yeah I do [Applause] now I wouldn't dream of using artificial intelligence for editing say novels fiction um Works where I need to come across the author needs to come across you need to come across um and you need to be able to people need to be able to distinguish your type of writing your style of writing from someone else's now I really think that artificial intelligence will take that Personal Touch out of it and it'll be more robotic which is basically what it is until you know it develops further I mean as it stands it's a great idea and I use it for non-fiction I'm using it right now now I've created this book in canva and there's a link here to show you how you can do that too using margins there's another link here for margins on their own um as you can see here there's a wider gutter margin on this side which is always an odd number put some videos there for you to have a look at and I'll also leave a link at the end of this video with non-fiction I don't mind having a mess about with it so if I copy this text now I've written this text um and I've gone to great detail I've gone into um I've really given a lot of thinking about and from experience as well so I do have an idea of what I'm talking about but that's not necessary doesn't necessarily have to be the case and um so you can right away basically now what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this now I think it's I think it's spot on but I'm still going to copy this and I'm going to put it into chat GPT create a new chat paste and before that I'm gonna put proofread and edit call on there and proofreading edit southeast Asia is home to some of the world's most beautiful coral reefs and beaches many beaches are known for their white sand crystal clear waters and stunning sunsets the coral reefs are home to a diverse range of marine life there are volcanoes including mount melapi in Indonesia and mount mail in the Philippines these volcanoes provide a glimpse into the Region's geological history and are also a popular trekking destinations I've put that together now I'm going to proofread and edit let's see what chat GPT has to say southeast Asia is home to some of the world's most beautiful coral reefs and beaches known for their white sand crystal clear waters and stunning sunsets the coral reefs offer a habitat for a diverse range of marine life the region is also known for its volcanoes such as mount merapi in Indonesia and Mount Mayon in the Philippines these volcanoes not only offer a glimpse into the geological history of the region but also serve as popular trekking destinations they're okay it's slightly clearer and runs more fluid than mine now then okay so I can just copy that now and paste it in to my space in my book or if I don't like the way it's worded I can put rephrase colon little space and run it southeast Asia about some of the world's most gorgeous coral reefs and beaches renowned for their pristine white sand crystal clear waters and breathtaking sunsets the coral reefs provide a natural habitat for a buried assortment of marine creatures while the region is also distinguished for its volcanoes including mount merapi in Indonesia and Mount Mayon in the Philippines which offer a window into the area's geological past and our awesome popular spots for trekking I much prefer that so I'm going to copy that and I'm going to replace the text I have in my book with it now I've already produced most of the book so I'm just going over it now and taking sections from it paragraphs from it and running them through chat GPT see how I think they look see whether I could compare it with a rephrase by chatgpt and see if that looks better which it does here now yeah I understand that a lot of people will be oh that's not writing that's not right we're talking non-fiction here now like I say it doesn't really matter that much it's going to be robotic but actually it sounds quite nice it gets the point across which is the idea so we also use grammarly so if I click on this grammarly integrates itself into lots of apps on your computer like um social media posts and things like that so you know you can just double check things that before you especially with Twitter where you can't really change it you know it's it's a good idea to have a grammarly app or similar running in the background so what we've got here we've got varied a varied assortment of I want us to change it to various Marine creatures yeah okay it'll save me some space as well while the region is also distinguished for its volcanoes at the same time I'm done grammarly's almost Happy what's this in addition I don't want an addition I'm choosing not to have that because I've got at the same time here on the next line and to have in addition and at the same time I don't really want those to clash I'm happy with that sounds great and I can continue with my book and do I recommend you use artificial intelligence yeah for non-fiction and for other projects or for doing a little proofreading like I say you can actually put proofreading let's just try it with proofreading take this again and leave out the edit coffee okay paste proofread colon space chat GPT do his thing the given text is already grammatically correct and no errors were found during proofreading brilliant so not only can I save time in producing my non-fiction book I can also save money from having my work proofread because no doubt if there was two let me just try it if there was two other let me just copy this paste it in here now a common mistake often is duplicate words like the the you've gone on to another line or you've typed the now this is this is more common than you think in writing colon space and get it started here is the correct text corrected test text I should say there was a repeated the before the phrase coral reefs in the original text which has been removed in the corrected version so I highly recommend that you don't try to write a book with it um completely or ask it to write you a book but once you've created your your book you can use it to proofread to edit and I would only go with edit or or rephrase if you're working with non-fiction like I say um fiction needs to be a personal thing right okay I hope that helps
Channel: Stephen Peel
Views: 9,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva, KDP, Amazon, kindle direct publishing, Stephen Peel, Stackin Profit, Paul Marles, Rachel Harrison Sund, low content book publishing, kdp, chatgpt, editing with chatgpt, proofreading with chatgpt, edit with chatgpt, ai proofreading, ai editing, self-publishing with ai, self-publishing with chatgpt, chatgpt videos, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, proofreading, editing, how to proofread, how to copyedit, copyediting, copyediting with ai, copyediting with chatgpt, proofread
Id: 8suHf89QbHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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