How To Use ChatGPT For Beginners 2023 (FULL Tutorial)

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the chat GPT is undoubtedly the most powerful tool that we have access to on the internet right now and in this video I'm going to take you from a complete newbie to a chat GPT prompting expert also be sure to use the table of contents if you want to skip ahead or move around in the video as all 52 chat gbt prompts are organized down there okay guys so we're going to be covering absolutely every step in this video starting with the sign up process but once again keep in mind there is a table of contents down below where you can skip ahead at any point in time if you're already familiar with any of this but if you're looking to access chat GPT you're going to want to start off by visiting and then you're going to begin the sign up process now chat GPT itself is free to use they do offer chat GPT plus which gives you access to gpt4 the main perk there is that that chat bot can in fact access the internet but it's actually not as great as it sounds so far or anyway from my first hand experience but like I said at some point I am going to do a full video about gpt4 so make sure you subscribe and hit the bell for when that comes out but for now if you already have an account you're going to click on login and if you don't you're going to click on the green sign up button from here you simply enter your email to create a new account or if you want to link a Google apple or Microsoft account you can do that as well I already have a chat GPT account so now I'm going to go ahead and log in but if you simply just create an account you will be exactly where I am at in this video you can also consider opening up a tab and using this while we're doing the video together because you can follow along step by step and do all of these examples as I'm doing them so you may want to consider doing that too okay guys so as soon as you create an account this is the screen you're going to see and this is where you're going to be entering prompts into chat GPT now before we get to starting off with the prompts I do want to give you a lay of the land and sort of talk about some of the limitations chat GPT and things you should be aware of as a power user so first of all right now chat GPT is in research mode which means they're trying to get as many people to use the tool as possible so it does cost them money to run these different operations but it's a cost that they're basically willing to spend in order to have people using the tool to improve the tools themselves on the back end just understand that it is a new tool still in research mode it can be finicky and you shouldn't treat it like it's the dictionary for example and just to show this to you I want to point out the disclaimer at the bottom of every chat window and it says this is a free research preview just like we were talking about chat GPT May produce inaccurate information about people places or facts so research mode check your facts but other than that it's a very powerful tool that tons of people are using so let's keep going so the first thing I want to mention here is the chat threads on the left hand side so once you start using chat GPT every time you start a new prompt here in this window a new chat thread is going to be created now these are actually super useful for a couple of reasons you can use these to keep organized as well as store past prompts and basically workflows in chat GPT that you have used before so you can pretty much train chat GPT in a chat thread to do a particular function for you and then once you get it to do exactly what you want you can simply change out those variables for the different variations you're looking for and then keep that chat thread in place that way you can reference it and use it at a later date so I'm just going to click into a couple of my previous chat threads just so you guys can see a visual of this but it is going to automatically name them something to do with your first input but for example we have Chihuahua shedding tips this was for a recent YouTube video that I did so this is stored right in here but just to show you an example of how it remembers what we're talking about I can go into an old chat thread and just say 10 tell me more and click on enter and it's going to talk to me more about chihuahuas and shedding even though this is a chap that's over seven days old but for now we're gonna go ahead and start off with a new chat window and we're going to begin with some basic prompting so what we're going to do and this is something you're going to want to get used to doing as you're using chat GPT is navigate over to the new chat window and the reason I'm saying that is because we just talked about how these chat threads have a memory in terms of the previous conversation well what you may find is that if you're talking about horses for example and then all of a sudden you're looking for something totally unrelated and You Begin asking in that same chat thread it might still think you're talking about horses and bring the conversation back there so it's sort of a good habit to get into to basically start a new chat window every time you're looking to change the topic because not only will you be able to revisit that if you need it you're also making sure that you're not bringing in that past conversation into the new one you're looking to start I'm going to ask chatgpt to explain its knowledge cut off to us and then I'm going to tell you exactly what that means so I just typed in what is your knowledge cut off I'm going to click on enter so Chad GPT has said my knowledge cut off is September 2021. this means that I'm not aware of events or developments that have occurred after that date so this tells us about the data set that chat GPT was trained on it basically knows everything that happened before September 2021 but here's the thing if you stick around to the end of this video I have a trick for circumventing this so if you are looking to get chat GPT to reference current information and you don't want to pay for gpt4 you can still do it so stick around till the end now the cool thing about chat GPT is it can actually give you instructions on itself so I've typed out what prompts are you able to work with and now I'm going to click on enter but I just wanted to show you that if you are getting into this at a later date and you end up wondering okay what exactly can I do with this tool well you can just enter simple prompts like this and get a refresher on the different prompts that you can do and all the different functions within chatgpt so now we're going to move into the learning capabilities of chat GPT so the first prompt we're going to cover here is called a simple question and this is where you ask chat GPT a very simple question such as what was Abraham Lincoln known for so I typed that out we're going to click on the green button here or we can click on enter now a few things I want to show you here if you're getting a weird answer you can click on stop generating immediately because sometimes if you have stuff in the previous thread that's confusing it or maybe your prompt itself misled the AI and you don't want it to continue you can just click on that stop button or if you clicked on it by accident you can then click on regenerate response and now you're going to get another response and the interesting thing is these responses will be different so now we've been given a very thorough answer about what Abraham Lincoln was known for and I also want to show you because we did end up getting two responses you can click up here to toggle back and forth between them but truthfully this is a pretty complicated answer and let's say you were looking for an answer for the conclusion of your essay and you literally needed the answer in about two minutes well let's move on to the next prompt which is a simple question in simple terms now this is also the perfect opportunity to show you how you can go up here to your prompt from before and click on this and simply change it and that way you don't have to retype all this stuff so what we're going to do is take the first prompt and add as simply as possible to the end of it and see how that changes the response so we're going to click on Save and submit and now it's going to generate a brand new response for us now this time it went from a mega paragraph to just about three sentences and this is a very simple response so the next prompt I'm going to show you is clarification and this is where you can ask questions about what you're learning as you're going and this is a huge differentiator here between chatgpt and Google and I'm just going to type in why did he do that and ask you know why did Abraham Lincoln do all of these things in history so just like that we're getting the factual reasoning behind Abraham Lincoln's decisions over his lifetime and presidency so the next prompt is going to be a complicated question so we're moving out of Abraham Lincoln territory this would be a perfect time to start a new chat window and now we're going to Source a complicated question from the internet so I found this resource the other day of 57 difficult questions we're gonna pick one of these bring it over to chatgpt and see how it handles it so we are pasting in the difficult question is it true that the U.S needs to eliminate its national debt definitely a Puzzler and one that's open for debate but let's go ahead and see what chatgpt thinks so right off the bat it's interesting here because chat GPT is giving you a reminder about its information cut off so it starts off with as of my last update in September 2021 so it will continue to remind you about that cut off as you're using the tool so as far as the answer goes here it does share both sides of the argument for example you can see right here where it says some argue that borrowing money for critical Investments like infrastructure blah blah blah it will show you both sides of the issue and it is super helpful for any topic that's heavily debated like that so next we have stem or science technology engineering and math you can use it for these types of problems but for the sake of time I'm just going to show you a simple math problem calculation in chatgpt so what I typed in here is solve the following equation for the unknown variable and then I put in a simple algebra equation and now we're going to go ahead and click on enter so just like that it's not only solving the equation but it's giving you instructions on how to do this so if you're ever stuck on your homework and you have a math problem that you can bring into chat GPT this can be super helpful in terms of tutoring so just like that we have our answer here where after solving for x x would equal 14. the next prompt I want to show you here is learning a coding language now you can also use chatgpt to write code but that's going to come later on in this video when we get into the different things that chat GPT can create for you but you can still use it to learn code so let me show you how to do that with a simple prompt now chat GPT is familiar with most of the major coding languages out there but for example python is a very popular one so my prompt here says start teaching me Python and then I'm going to go ahead and click on enter and I think this response is truly going to blow your mind here so it starts off by giving you instructions on how to locate and install python but then it's able to actually give you code and bring it up in a coding window giving you um you know visual examples as you go teaching you the coding language and let's say you went through and completed all of these steps and then you were looking for more tutorials steps from chat GPT you could simply use the prompt keep going at any time and it's going to continue giving you more information about whatever you just talked about last so if you wanted to learn a coding language for free you could hop over to chatgpt and do exactly this learn that type keep going learn that type keep going and then become an expert at that coding language in no time at all the next prompt I'm going to show you is using chat GPT as a study assistant so for example you can ask it to quiz you about a topic like American history it's going to give you a list of questions and then you can actually answer them and then ask for feedback on how you did if you do them in a numbered format but what if you instead wanted multiple choice questions well you can also do that with chatgpt with slightly different prompting so let me show you that now so this time what I wrote is ask me a multiple choice question about the Civil War and then after I answer tell me if I am correct and then I'm going to click on enter so now we have a multiple choice question which battle is considered the turning point of the the American Civil War and then there are four different choices a b c and d I'm not 100 sure here Gettysburg sounds the most familiar so I'm gonna say B and let's see here I was correct so I actually got that one right so uh but anyway that's how you can use chat GPT for multiple choice questions now there's one final learning prompt I want to show you guys which is the explain prompt this is super helpful where if you have a big concept that you're looking to have explained you can just say explain blank to me so I've typed in explain gravity to me I'm going to click on the green button here so we're getting a pretty good explanation here about gravity once again keep in mind that if you wanted a simpler explanation you could ask for exactly that so now we're going to move into the assist related prompts of chatgpt and how you can turn this into your free virtual personal assistant so the very first prompt I'm going to show you guys is list generation this can be super helpful for so many different things whether it's ideas or even content no matter what what but the first list example I'm going to give you here is best side hustle ideas you're typically going to get much better information here and it's not going to necessarily have affiliate links and things like that but you may also find that this is a bit too broad so the next prompt is actually super helpful for that and that's what I call curated list generation so this is where you're going to ask chat GPT for a list of something based on pretty specific criteria so instead of just asking about side hustle ideas we're going to ask about the best side hustle ideas for outdoor enthusiasts so this is one of my favorite assistance tools for chat GPT is it using it to get a list that just doesn't exist anywhere else out there so the next assistance tool you can use chatgpt for is responding to social media comments so I'm gonna go over to my YouTube channel grab a recent comment and what I wrote here is please write me a response to this comment on my YouTube video I'm going to go ahead and paste it in so this is giving us a really really long risk response this is definitely something where we're going to want to go in and edit our original prompt so I'm going to go ahead and go back up here and then ask for a very simple response instead of just a long form response that will be a perfect response for a YouTube comment the next prompt I'm going to show you is responding to an email using chatgpt so I get a bunch of emails every single day about different brand promotions and things like that and I generally don't respond to most of them but I'm going to jump over and grab a random email I've received and we're going to ask jgpt to write an email politely turning down the offer now you might notice that chatgpt is running a little bit slow right now if you watch carefully and you may find this is the case because once again we are still in a free research preview so and actually this was a really good example here of how we got a network error so you may actually encounter these errors as you're using chat GPT and oftentimes all you have to do is click on the green regenerate response button another good troubleshooting tip is just starting in a new chat window if you're ever having any trouble and it is a very good email here politely turning down that offer so if you were looking to respond to things in your inbox and do it at a much faster Pace use the different chat windows for different types of responses and then just jump over here and paste in your emails and get things done much quicker the next prompt idea is using it for captions so you can use this to get ideas for social media captions for a post for example so what I've written out here is give me five examples of Instagram captions for a beach photo in Miami so just like that we're getting five different examples of captions with some hashtags as well so you could also ask it to make these more interesting make them more relatable and pretty much give it feedback on what it has given you and it will change those and tweak those the way you want them the next prompt you can use chat GPT for is help with things such as a YouTube video title now there's a few prompts I'm going to show you here within this but the first one is shorten this video title and make it more enticing so I just copied a random video that was on my home page so this gave us a slightly different title variation I don't know if it's that much shorter but if you didn't like what it gave you once again you can regenerate the response and this can be helpful for getting different ideas this one is definitely shorter you can also use it for video title ideas so for example I just asked it to give me five examples of titles for a video about house hackings so if you were looking to just get ideas about titling videos or even optimizing titles this is a super easy thing to do with chatgpt this next prompt is for getting metadata which is things like tags for YouTube videos it could also be hashtags for Instagram posts right now I'm asking chatgpt for a comma separated list of tags for a YouTube video and we're going to say it's on Chihuahuas and I'm going to say Do not exceed 500 characters as that is the character limit on YouTube it definitely wasn't as many as I was looking for for but if I ask it to keep going it will give me more tags so knowing these different prompts is super helpful because then you can oftentimes get chat GPT to do exactly what you're looking to have it do and then my next prompt here says give me 10 hashtags for an Instagram post about chihuahuas if you're looking for tags hashtags metadata chatgpt is super helpful for that the next prompt you can use chat GPT for as an assistant is any type of templated document so maybe it's a lease agreement for example or a privacy policy for a website what we're asking for right now is a privacy policy for a website and thebusinessname dogs LLC you don't want to take something like this and assume it's completely factually correct you know this disclaimer down here is definitely there for a reason so you don't want to be just thinking that again this is the dictionary and that everything here is fact now the next thing you can do with chat GPT is use it for analyzing a contract or legal document so we're going to take take that privacy policy that I just generated and now we're going to ask chat GPT to interpret it for us and tell us what exactly it means about our personal data but if you were for example in a lease agreement and you were wondering hey can I get out of this lease you could copy and paste that in and get answers to questions like that so what I've typed out here is tell me what this site is doing with my personal data based on this privacy policy and I'm going to paste in the privacy policy that we just generated now this is giving us a pretty complicated answer so I'm going to stop generating it and we're going to ask it for a simple explanation instead of that long form explanation so as you can see here guys it's now giving us a much simpler explanation about what was covered in that privacy policy if you're just trying to get a quick question out of a legal document you can definitely use chatgpt as your ultimate assistant for this the next prompt that chat GPT can do is find quotes that somebody has said as long as they have a decent level of historical significance so for example I'm going to ask chat GPT to find us a quote that Warren Buffett said related to earning compound interest it gave us a little bit of information about Buffett himself and then it gave us one of his quotes right here the greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function which compound interest does refer to exponential growth of money so definitely that is related to compound interest if you were doing any type of Journalism or things like that and you needed to find a quote from somebody you could use chatgpt of course you'd want to verify that quote but it's a really good database for things like this the next thing it can assist you with is recipes so for example what I just typed out here is give me a recipe for sweet potato fries with truffle oil and so just like that it's giving us a recipe here for exactly what we asked for including the ingredients as well as instructions now the next thing you can use it for is queries so let let's say for example you were a thumbnail graphic designer and you were reaching out to popular YouTube influencers well what I've typed out here is I offer a thumbnail design service please write me a cold email to send to Graeme Stefan offering my services with relevant points about him included so just like that we have our cold email and I did want to prove that it does have information related to Graham Stefan because right here it mentions I am genuinely impressed by your insightful content and expertise in the world of real estate investing obviously Graham is very well known for his real estate investing content and strategies this definitely nailed it in terms of this cold email now the next prompt is using Chad GPT as an assistant for your resume and I'm actually planning on doing an entire dedicated video just on this topic because there's so many powerful ways that you could use jgpt with your resume cover letter and just getting employed in general so make sure you guys subscribe and hit the bell for that upcoming video because you're definitely not going to want to miss it so what I typed out here for a random example is I worked at Walmart from 2015 to 2021 as a front-end supervisor before leaving on good terms for another job please write a description about this for my resume and then we're going to click on enter so now it gives you a fillable template where you can put your own information in so you could pretty much build an entire resume right here I mean this is basically a resume let's be honest here you have education skills fill out your references all you need here is a cover letter so what we're going to do is find a random job opportunity and then we're going to copy and paste over the job description and what I've written here as a prompt is please write me a cover letter tailored to this specific job opportunity so I just pasted in the job description for a cyber security related job but let's go ahead and click enter and see what it gives us for a cover letter now of course you'd want to make sure that you weren't fact qualified and had all of those requirements which is of course a no-brainer because it is going to assume that you have all of those qualifications and then write your cover letter as such so if you are applying for jobs just doing a customized cover letter like this can really separate you from the other people out there because the majority of people are just not doing this yet the next prompt is also related to careers employment that General realm you can use chat GPT to help you with job interview prep so what I've written out here is I'm interviewing for a job as a security consultant for Microsoft ask me some mock interview questions so at this point you could work your way through this list of questions or even just kind of get ideas of how you would answer them mentally and I'm telling you just by doing something like this you'd be way more prepared than somebody who did nothing at all in terms of interview prep so the next thing you can use chat GPT for is data manipulation and data cleanup so this is one of my favorite things that you can do with chechi PT and we're actually going to start off by getting a list of 20 random names that way I can use this for example sake so now we have this list of 20 random names but let's say for example you were entering names into a database and the format required was last name comma first name but you can actually ask chatgpt to fix this for you so what I typed out here is change this list of names into the format last name comma first name if you think about how long it might have taken somebody to do that if they were doing it manually this is one of the areas where AI Technologies can be pretty scary the fact that you can do this within a chat bot for example versus having to use a program or Microsoft Excel just blows my mind but there's going to be one more thing we're going to do to manipulate this data and I'm going to basically ask chatgpt to now alphabetize this list of names and now chatgpt has taken the random list of names reformatted it to last name comma first name and then alphabetized that list so maybe you were doing wedding invitations or I don't know what but you know there could be some scenario where you're looking to organize data get things alphabetized reformat things you can do a lot of it right within chat GPT the next thing you can do is ask Chachi PT for Excel related formulas so if you're looking to do something in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel you can literally just figure out the right way to ask the question to chat GPT and it will give you the exact formula what I've typed out here is right knee and Excel formula that calculates the average of cells A2 to A7 it does return that and it also does it right in this programming window all you have to do is click on copy code you could then bring that right over to Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel and it will work in both places the next prompt I'm going to show you is related to SEO or search engine optimization you can use it to look at a competitor's article and identify the top keywords within that article The Prompt I've written out here is extract the top 10 keywords from this article and I'm now going to copy this entire article here about the best air mattress in 2023 paste it in and then it's going to give us our list of keywords even though this would have been a daunting task in other ways of handling it this took no time at all this massive article that we pasted in we have now extracted the top 10 keywords which are air mattress king coil luxury air mattress comfort inflation support etc etc so if you were then working on an article yourself in this Niche you would want to work in a lot of these relevant keywords in your piece to make sure that you know you're covering all of the bases with your particular article the next thing you can do is create marketing material so anything that you're trying to create it could be a flyer a door hanger you can ask chatgpt to create these things for you now obviously it can't go off to the print shop and make the designs but if it can definitely assist you in terms of creating the content for that so this gives you a template here for a dog poop scooping service you could copy this over and put your own information in it or just use bits and pieces of it or you may also just use this to get ideas of what you may yourself plan on putting on your own flyer or things like that so the next prompt here is to get feedback on your written work so if you have anything like an essay or even an email that you're going to be sending out whatever it is if you have it written out you can ask chatgpt for feedback on it so what I did is copied one of my video scripts for a vertical video I did and I'm gonna ask chatgpt to critique this video script and suggest some potential improvements so let's see what it tells us this says the introduction for example is quite direct but it could be more captivating consider starting with a question intriguing statement or relatable scenario to immediately hook the audience so that's very solid advice uh Chachi PT is great for for this the next thing you can do here with chat GPT is get a summary generated of an article or really any large amount of text so let's say for example you were looking at this article pros and cons of Doggy Daycare and it's a four minute read but you really don't want to spend four minutes reading the entire article you just want the gist of it so I pasted that in and clicked enter and now we are getting a summary generated of this it's just the key points of the article The Prompt that I went with was summarize the key points in this article and then I just pasted it right in the next thing I'm going to show you is you can use Chachi PT to lengthen a particular passage so what I did is I copied a random section from that article we were just looking at there about Doggy Daycare and I'm going to now ask chatgpt to lengthen that text and now chat GPT is going to take this and basically go into more detail so it has pretty much tripled or quadrupled the amount of information here so the next prompt with chat GPT is translating a passage of tech and there's definitely other ways you can do this but it is pretty handy to be able to do this right within jet GPT so I'm going to ask it to translate this flyer that we just had generated into Spanish and show you guys the outcome and just like that it's now taking this passage that we had it manipulate and uh lengthen and now it's Translating that into Spanish for us now the next thing that I'm going to show you is that you can use Chachi PT to change sentences from passive voice to active voice or possibly the other way around so what I wrote in here is change this sentence from passive to active voice and then I pasted in a passive voice sentence which reads the ball is being chased by the dog so once I click enter it's now restructuring the sentence the dog is chasing the ball that's now written in active voice just like that so if you were looking to change the structure of your sentences in a blog or maybe it's just some type of professional doc document that you're writing you could use it to identify passive voice and then also change passive voice just like this so the next thing you can do is use chat GPT to replace the same variable in a block of text so let's say for example you have this passage right here talking about a company that had five percent growth in a given quarter but let's say all of the sudden there had to be a correction made and that was now going to be four percent well you could go in and change every single one of those manually or you could use chat GPT for this task so what I've written out here is change all instances of five percent to four percent in the following passage and then we're going to click on enter and just like that it changed all of those five percents to four percents now there's only three in this case so maybe that's not a huge deal but imagine if you had just written out a you know 30 page paper and then at the very end you realized that one of your calculations had a rounding error and you had to change that percentage in 150 different places but you could use Chad GPT and do that in no time at all whereas it could take you hours to do it otherwise the next assistant feature that chat GPT is really good at is outlining so if you're looking to do a e-book or a presentation or even a video whatever you're trying to outline this can be super helpful for that so just for an example here I have right knee and outline for a documentary about Teddy Bears I'm going to click on enter and then it's going to break this down section by section so just like that we have an outline for a documentary about Teddy Bears maybe I'll send this over to Netflix later probably not though just because I don't know if anybody really cares about the origin of teddy bears that much but if they did well you could easily put together a documentary on it using a chat GPT outline to start off with the next assistant feature here is related to helping you cook with whatever you have in your fridge this has always been one of my favorite prompts because of of just how applicable it is so what I typed out here is I have eggs broccoli chicken and cheese in my fridge what can I make with this and then when I click on enter it says here a broccoli chicken and cheese frittata is one example it then gives us a rundown of the ingredients the next thing you can use Chachi PT for is troubleshooting and I actually did this myself the other day because I was using my editing software Final Cut Pro and I hit something on the keyboard and I had these slanted lines running across my timeline and I had no idea how to fix this I had been going on Google clicking in to links on forums and I was not finding the answer and I finally said maybe chat GPT could help me with this and in just a few seconds I had the answer about what I had done as well as the steps on correcting this so if you're troubleshooting anything with a software or you come to a roadblock with a commonly used thing you can typically use chat GPT as your assistant in troubleshooting now if you are in the dating world right now you can also use chat he as an assistant with openers there I will say that these are not always the best but they might be able to give you some ideas but what I've written out here is give me five openers for a funny message to a girl who likes golden retrievers I'm gonna pick the cringiest one and then I'll read it out loud honestly the very first one seems to be the most cringy it's asking if you believe in love at first woof I mean you know if you guys want to test this out see if you get a response why don't you let me know in the comment section below it might be so cringy that you do get a response and maybe this gives you an idea for a message that you wouldn't have sent otherwise the next one is a fun one as well if you guys remember the 20 Questions game you could play well you can do the exact same thing with Chachi PT you can ask chat GPT to play 20 Questions with you and it starts a game of 20 Questions explaining the rules so you can play games with the AI and then the final prompt in this category of assistance with Chachi PT is recommendations so I'm going to give you guys a few examples of this but let's say you're looking for gifts for example for somebody who has a particular interest so what I typed out here is gift ideas for a Harry Potter Super Fan just like that okay it's giving us some advice here about complete book sets the film collection Wizarding World merchandise interactive wands and a lot of different options or maybe you're looking for book recommendations it could be for yourself it could be a gift as well but it's also really good at that so for example I have best books for sailing now once again it is reminding us that anything that has been published since September 2021 won't be included but you know probably sailing books aren't published that often so I think the information here would still be pretty good so now we're going to move on into the create section of prompts this is my personal favorite this is where you are having chat GPT create things for you I think you're going to be amazed at just how many prompts we have in this category so make sure you stick around for all of them so the first thing we're going to create here with chat jpt is a tweet so what I've written out here as a prompt is write me five tweets about the following piece of news I then jumped over to this recent news article here about the Federal Reserve launching a Fed now instant payment service that could potentially bypass venmo and PayPal okay that could be pretty problematic for those payment providers or service providers I'm going to paste in that headline and it's going to give us some examples of potential tweets that we could run with if we were looking to cover that piece of news so there you have five tweets with hashtags and emojis you could then pick through those grab the best one maybe tweak a few things and be up and running with a current events tweet in no time at all the next creation prompt here is to write an entire blog article what I wrote here is write me a short article about how to hire a moving company in Boston Massachusetts so maybe you were doing a local targeted SEO blog in Boston Mass and covering all of the different services and then you are going to sell leads to these different service providers so now I'm going to show you how to write an article about anything even if it's brand new information this is one of the most common problems people face with chat GPT is that they're looking to write about something where the information is more current maybe it came out last week or at least since 2021. so for example we just covered that Federal Reserve payment service and how that could affect PayPal in venmo well if you just straight up ask chatgpt that question it's going to have no idea because it doesn't have the ability to surf the Internet but what you can actually do is give it reference material from the internet and then it can use that reference material to structure the article what I've written out here is please write me an article about and again is Paypal doomed because of the Federal Reserve instant payment service and then I'm saying based on the following information I then copied a couple of sections from that particular article just for reference material and then I'm going to go ahead and let this run and this is also a good teachable moment here guys my session did just expire so I am going to have to log back in in you may have to do this yourself periodically and it's now writing an article outline for us or what you could then build off of related to exactly that now of course you would want to read both of these passages making sure there's no plagiarism present because it's not guaranteeing that you know it couldn't be copying over sentences or sections like that but it really has expanded upon what we gave it in terms of we gave it you know three short paragraphs and now we have a hashed out article so if you were looking to cover something like a current event you can give it that reference material and one of the things I would also recommend doing is sourcing passages from multiple different articles and that can also help with any plagiarism concerns so the next thing you can do here with chat GPT is use it to create a full-blown ebook now there's a few ways to go about this you can just straight up ask it to write an ebook and then just keep prompting it with keep going keep going or what I find to be a better method is asking it for the outline and then taking that outline and and going section by section and asking chat GPT to basically write that section for you but just to demonstrate this I've written write me an ebook about Canadian Timberland well right now it's actually writing my outline so once in a while Chad GPT will get a little bit lazy and so for example I didn't ask for an outline but it's giving me an outline probably because it's less work but what you could do from here is then take these different sections uh actually sorry I spoke too soon it's now writing the ebook down below I wrote the introduction for us anyway so if you liked the way this looked and you wanted more you could just type keep going and now it's writing chapter two for you so you would just have to keep prompting it like that as you go and it could hash out this entire ebook for you which you could then build off of for your own creative work now earlier I showed you guys how you can use chat GPT to learn a coding language but you can also use it to write coding so just for an example of this what we have here is write a python script to open photo profiles and rename them to the size of the file it's a pretty useless code that wouldn't really serve a purpose but it will show us whether or not we can create code with chat GPT so just like that with chat GPT we've not only learned a coding language but you can also write code with it and you could use this to do your own coding for an app idea you might have yourself or maybe you're doing paid freelance coding work and then leveraging chat GPT in the process you can also use chatgpt to write a screenplay for an example I wrote start writing me a screenplay about a Furniture maker who invented a one-legged stool this is now writing a screenplay for us about exactly that if you're wondering why you know for example the Hollywood actors and everybody are on strike over this technology it's because it really does take a lot of the work that writers have done previously out of the equation now the music industry is not safe from AI Technologies either because you can also use chat GPT to write a song so I asked it to write me a country song about catching frogs by a pond in Tennessee and just like that it's starting to write a song for us now maybe this is not the best song in the world but what you could do if you wanted to is to just regenerate the response and then keep regenerating responses and then just keep clicking through the different versions to get ideas for a song that you yourself might potentially be writing so now we have two versions of the song and just like I showed you earlier you can toggle back and forth between those different responses another example of creative writing that you can do with chat GPT is poetry so for example I'm asking for it to write us a haiku about horses I believe that's how it's pronounced I haven't been in an English class in quite some time and so it has accomplished this task for us another creation prompt for chat GPT is you can ask it to write something in the style of a famous right Fighter for example what I've typed out here is write me a bedtime story about trees in the style of Robert Frost and then just by doing that it's now writing in that exact style now of course it would have to be a well-known uh published author for example for it to do this now the next prompt is another one you can use to kill some time similar to playing 20 questions with chat GPT and that is the fact that you can have it write a Choose Your Own Adventure story about whatever topic you're interested in so what I wrote here for a prompt is tell me a story about chihuahuas in space and let me choose different options about how it continues and it's going to start writing this story for us about Chico and the cosmic adventure and then it's giving me different options here about how that story continues so from here you could choose one of these different options of option one two or three and ask it to continue the story the next prompt idea is having chatgpt create jokes for you so as mentioned earlier you could have it write a joke in the style of a particular comedian or you could be more direct and say something like write a pun chat GPT returned a pun right here for us it says why don't scientists trust atoms because they make up everything okay so definitely pretty punny on the comedic scale you'd have to let me know if that's funny or not it's probably somewhere in the middle but you could definitely use it for research at the very least if you're having maybe writer's block with your you know comedic routine just for another example here I put write me a joke about dogs in the style of Kevin Hart and I'm gonna see what it says for us here and now it's actually writing something and the voice of Kevin Hart so that's pretty impressive so yeah you can definitely use it for that type of task and then the final creative prompt I'm going to show you is that you can use this to create comparisons of different things so because chatgpt has access to such a gigantic data set it's really good at doing comparisons between two things now there are some caveats to that for example um if it's things that get updated over time it's not going to have access to that current information but if they're things that don't really change very often it's very good at those comparisons so just to give you an example here I put write me an article about FHA Loans versus conventional mortgage and now it's going to do exactly that for us so one example of what we have done on my blogs is comparison content about you know Robinhood versus Weeble for example chatgpt would struggle with that because it's only going to be able to write about the features that those had up until September 2021 you could definitely as a workaround bring in your own reference material about both of those apps so that's one option for that so just like that you're now a chat GPT expert because you know how to do all sorts of different things with chat GPT in terms of improving personal efficiency creating content maybe even entertaining yourself with it in all sorts of different things now I am planning some future videos around chat GPT such as is ways to make money with chat GPT including a full tutorial on building an AI blog using jet GPT for your content I'm also going to be doing a video about chat gpt4 in what that paid tool can do for you above and beyond the basic chat GPT plan so you're not going to want to miss any of that make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell right now so you're ready for those videos when they come out the last thing I want to mention here guys is that I do have a book related to the side hustle Journey which is available in person at Barnes and Noble it's also at libraries across the United States and it's on Amazon as well as an author narrated copy over on Audible from side hustle to main hustle to millionaire is a step-by-step guide on how I launched my digital side hustles in basically grew my portfolio of online businesses it also comes with access to a private Discord Community via the secret Link in the back of the book so be sure to check that out if you have a copy so we can interact over there thanks so much for tuning in guys don't forget like subscribe Bell and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ryan Scribner
Views: 21,983
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Keywords: how to use chatgpt, chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt tips, chatgpt tips for beginners, chatgpt 2023 tips, chatgpt tips 2023, gpt4 tips, chatgpt 2023, full chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt guide, what is chatgpt, chatgpt explained, open ai, gpt, gpt 4, chatgpt best tips, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt how to use, what is chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial for beginners, tutorial chatgpt, chat gpt tutorial for beginners, chatgpt prompts, chatgpt demo, openai chatbot gpt
Id: ewr5_MdSpvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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