Project Zomboid - S2E1 - Fran's Big Break

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let's see am I yep I am okay so more zomo I don't know why my second uh episode of Zomboy is doing very well on YouTube and actually on Twitch I think it has well had it might be deleted now but it had like the most views like a VOD I've made has gotten so I figure instead of starting like a third or fourth series um I would continue some z boy [Music] today it's going to take a while to learn yeah so uh if you remember from last time uh we may or may not have died um I I flubbed my controls and got dragged down by a horde of zombies that I really should not have died to um so now where we're somewhere completely different as a completely new character continuing in the world um yeah it's I don't know I don't know if I should try and go back to my base and continue there cuz I really did like that weather station or if I should try and find someplace new we are like a substantial distance away from um like we spawned a good bit away from Riverside which was near where our base was so even if we want to go there we probably can't rush there and if I remember we got a we got a kind of [ __ ] up spawn I'm still annoyed that H I'm still annoyed that I died that that unceremoniously and it was going so well but as the darkest dungeon quote goes overconfidence is a slow and Insidious killer or in zomo a fast and imminent killer okay yeah this is our new character uh bran Stern uh she has a lot of the traits from last time like high thirst and conspicuous and deprived worked um yeah dextrous fast reader Brave cruel overweight Stout organized like we took a lot of bad like tra bad traits and we got a lot of good traits the problem right now oh we started as deprived so we didn't spawn with any items the problem now is that we've spawned here uh with the river back there boarded up house over there shed up there and a fair few zombies scattered around with no weapons and like not even bad weapons just no weapons period in the starting [Music] house power still on canned food can opener a frying pan thank you sorry meat Patty yeah the okay oh yeah this may be our temporary base a barricaded front door is a little scary but we might be able to use it [Music] oh okay where are where are the zombies I swear I saw when last I played there were zombies here please have the key in it this would be so sick huh oh lighter and cigarettes oh we have a key yes and in case you sorry in case you missed it oh our map is working this time that's Riverside this is where our base used to be we're all the way over here near I want to say West Point um which is a blessing in the curse okay wow you know what I'll take a tote bag anything in any of the seats any school bags no okay [Music] notebook if we can get like a gas can and fill this up this looks like it's in solid condition oh and we can modify it okay okay we have a new new project oh okay I I am feeling so much better about this start already and it's good quality I mean the windows are a bit [ __ ] up on one side and the brakes aren't the best but wow okay okay okay [Music] okay so we need a watch and we need a fuel [Music] can are where where are the [Music] zombies I genuinely don't know [Music] if there are zombies I'll find [Laughter] out scrap metal garbage bag rope is that an animal [Music] noise [Music] [Music] I have no idea what's going [Music] on where did all the zombies [Music] go what the [ __ ] [Music] okay I won't assume the game's broken like just yet Hammer I'll just grab it oh my God we are spoiled oh my God pencil eraser CD [Music] okay now now's about the time when I start getting worried about the water shutting off again cuz if you think I've been harping about it for the last in-game week there are zombies okay okay they're coming uh I'll take this one out to see if it has a watch watch yes thank you honestly h okay I know I know I said overconfidence was a quick and deadly killer but I think I can take these zombies on yes I need pants by shorts hello pants okay [Applause] huge I'll take the BR over the baseball cat I'll take the long boots over the rain boots oh do I have underwear I don't think my character oh I do do I have socks I do do I have a bra I don't think my character needs to wear like underwear underwear bras stuff like that I don't think it provides any actual protection even if I feel like it should but it's one of those RP things [Music] where did you come [Music] from this is a wall uh-oh okay okay that was stupid get me back over please [Laughter] no oh no okay okay the spawn isn't as safe as I hoped it was [ __ ] okay please oh thank God okay don't climb the [ __ ] fence new Ru don't hop that fence ever don't don't do it oh God I would have been I would have been so mad if I died there I knew it was risky but I was like oh there's no zombes he's over here it's the worst that can happen Okay so we've learned why there's so few zombies here learned a lot we learned a lot oh that actually scared me yes I know you need to relax God [Music] uhoh uh-oh okay I I miss I miss when I was wondering where the zombies were Che okay let me inside okay um [ __ ] I don't really know what to [Music] do I don't really want to be setting up a base here but honestly it's probably the safest thing for me to do right now he up this way just the two of you God I love having a strong character it may it it's one of those traits where I always undervalue it like go like no no it's it's it's fine oh God okay yeah it's one of those traits where I'm like uh it would be nice I guess but it's so expensive I'll just I'll just skip out on it and then I actually roll a character with it and it's the best feeling on Earth pack uh I'll take it I'm at the point where I just I need I need ways to like hold items effectively like perfect world I get like a big hiking bag come [Music] on there we go yeah just the one okay that's a weird animation hello come on yep there oh okay just two is there someone behind me or is that a random tree Russell that was hopefully a random this is just one of those like I just need to make this area as as safe as I possibly can so I can actually I can focus on doing what I need to do oh a purse and not having [ __ ] like that happen constantly like where where do they come from that's just what's confusing me I mean okay I know they're in the tree line but I want to loot this house but [ __ ] I want I I I want to loot this house but I need to nip these packs in the bud before they become like big oh okay I just need to thin these packs before they become hords cuz I can handle packs of like you know six seven zombies reasonably look you to weird I'll take the drugs [ __ ] I got to head back home I still don't even know if back home miss secure I don't have any sheets to put over the windows I don't have any [ __ ] okay empty gas can I may just sleep in the in the uh what's it called there is gas I may sleep in the Skool bus that may be the safest thing to do oh that doesn't seem like very much gasoline it's something yeah yeah like this is what I mean like I'm going to kill him and then two more are going to pop out of the tree line oh uhoh okay never mind I just hit the crafting menu hockey okay it's something FR pan water food [ __ ] yeah like this is more what I expected apocalypse difficulty to be not like getting lucky with the weather station and having like a completely safe little base to return to yeah no I'm I'm expecting to spend like the next 3 days just killing [Music] zombies I may have to stop cuz exert drowsy minus 50% melee and exertion minus 50% melee see okay just pull this one there we go and let's just hope let's hope we get lucky overnight [Music] all clothing okay sleep yes oh wish me luck oh can I not sleep in this [ __ ] silly bed okay well [Music] whatever wish me even more luck I'm alive you know what just just cook the meat Patty come on there we go it's something how are we looking no one out there okay it's a cold morning no one around the house thank God [Music] okay I'm going to steal as much as I can from this house or the starter house I don't want to be outside too much hey I will take almost everything every book every piece of clothing some of the [Music] [Music] food yes [Music] please if I could pick up the ooh maybe I can dismantle the big bed and move one of those small bats over to the house I mean I could also unb barricade this house not sure what would be better for me you know what let me update my uh this is home I've looted I definitely looted you I kind of looted you this okay I didn't know there are multiple houses up that way that might be a play honestly I'm just going to I'm just going to leave the guns here too I really don't need super loud weapons right now okay the problem right now is I don't have very much gas and I don't have a goal like even if I were to leave here I don't really have any place I want to go even though I do want to leave [Music] here let's see let's take another look through of this house I'm going to close the front door especially if there's meta events going on there's really just nothing there did I ever loot this house down here did I turn back I think I turn back oh metal work volume one my beloved I I need that the can oh oh I'm getting spoiled this might be a better house honestly it's bigger it's got more room it's got more exits in case I get trapped and the back is right up against one of the well it feels like intuitively it's more dangerous cuz it's right next to the fence that all the zombies are behind but since they can't go over it and it has good Sidelines never mind I think this is our house I sold myself what do you have a screwdriver thank you think I have one of those okay well well well well well now I have to move everything down here oh but that's going to be easy cuz guess who has a giant [ __ ] off car that can definitely itely go like this far that shouldn't be an [Music] issue you know what let's get some sprinting levels in this honestly like I part of me wants to get away from here as fast as possible but like this isn't a half bad place to make a permanent base just take all of this into your inventory okay I I'm happy with the new place I got to keep repeating it because in my brain I'm like okay like where are we going to go where are we going to go like I'm taking all my stuff do I want to look for a new base what I should look for a new base I should not I should just appreciate the pretty good good base we started with sa with water pick all the you even the junk items I just want I want to bring literally everything that isn't nailed down from this place all of our stuff okay and now how did I get to the front right seat Kentucky school district uh if if I can I can make this thing work for us no one Pops in while we were yeah no one's here okay first things first let's get all the perishables this will be some good food for the next couple days all the books the books are going to be a time time waster you know what let me just put you down sorry that this episode has just been me shuffling books back and forth but sometimes it's just how this game is especially early game you just need to what am I trying to say you just need to spend a lot of time organizing organizing is I think one of the most important things in this game like having a well organized base that you can like quickly get around in you know where everything is you can like oh I'm injured I need a need to get bandages and you just know exactly where to go to get them all oh I'm I I need like this material to craft and you just know exactly what cabinet you have it stored in sorry if you can hear that my neighbors are being a little noisy right [Music] now put the L in there tomato [Music] paste [Music] actually let me fill let me fill everything up with [Music] water [Music] water bot we can keep that onest tote bag just place over there and you can see how quickly with just a little bit of organizing a house becomes a ho [Music] [Music] okay we're pretty solid [Music] then okay the new the new problem what to do now that we have a base now that we have a functional liveable pretty decent home um there we go price options turn you off it might be worth it just to spend like a day or two um what am I trying to say it might be worth it just to spend a day or two uh like breing getting our skills up getting our Buffs [Music] up what 44 zombies killed day one or day two survivors killed huh yeah [Music] like yeah I think it's worth reading like mechanics one skill or reading like mechanics one and metal work one and just learning how to like use these skills cuz once we have what do I need to get this school bus up and running is like a like post-apocalypse death machine metal working four metal working six metal working six six 74 it's all metal working stuff okay okay so metal working is our number one scale so obviously we read metal working and it should go way faster than the other character cuz we have fast fast alerter do we have fast reader yeah fast reader and we have fast learner so we have a natural plus 30% on all XP plus the like time two skill bonus uh the books give I'll finish reading that honestly just read mechanics right now now get it out of the way huh I wonder if that was like a depressive train popping up know we'll get you a cigarette just read your book it's Li oh we have yeah I forgot I have the animation pack that lets you like actually sleep on the bed o a Spam B I haven't had one of those in a while here we go okay thank you for blessing our stream spam bot surely nothing bad will happen how are we looking not a zombie in sight oh you love to see it or I guess you love to not see it okay update the map home home home home this is our home oh byebye okay doesn't look like there's any more houses down that way so what I should do what I should do is keep heading north chiping chip away at the zombies up there fight as many of them as I possibly can have you why are you all walking down this way was there a meta event I missed flight jacket uh you know what I'll wear it I am kind of making a pretty cool outfit I think I want to get rid of the cop shirt as soon as I can though even in the apocalypse don't want to pretend to be a cop sweater jeans okay well it's good that South is still pretty clear did you have plastic bags gas cans okay so they can see me from a good distance away I see scissors in you I wouldn't mind some scissors peod thanks LP in my own code thank you you go he's easy easy easy easy okay part of me wants to keep going just keep clearing zombies but I feel like the smart thing is to take a little break actually loot the houses what we would love right now would be like take why is there a table out there what we would love right now would be a propane torch and a welder's mask you know what okay I was going to say before I spend like a minute trying to open all the windows let me just try the door let me just see if the aams razor it it just works I will be taking all of these kitchen knife empty mug sauce pan and Kettle both of you can hold water so much canned food Apple oh a saw and a crobar okay that's that's kind of that's kind of stacked is there anything else in the cabinets that we wanted no okay time to slowly waddle home hello we're [Music] home okay saw scissors crowbar all nice fill everything I have Place item wait a second the water got shut off yep okay okay but now now I'm Justified now I'm Justified it was a good thing that we were filling these up already okay now now High thirst actually has potential for making it don't there's a helicopter too oh God what the [ __ ] did you hear that don't know what that was don't want to find out okay one sec I I I need to leave for a second I'll be back oo I'm back sorry about that it's zomo time see just place a kitchen knife for now it's always good to have a kitchen knife around but I don't really have any immediate plans for it okay so water's out who okay I guess that's another huge plus of this place we don't have to worry about water we just need some way to purify it and you know I can make campfires or stuff like that let's let's take that watch yeah it's this has an alarm right oh No Just current time [ __ ] part of me does not want to live here but the more I think about it the better this spot really just is cuz like there's nothing down this way just trees and building or trees in the road a couple miscellaneous zombies [ __ ] yeah I really should just stay here okay but even if I stay here then what well I guess then I start braiding West Point that that wouldn't oh God I thought I heard a zombie I didn't see him I spawn around and there he [Music] was yeah I mean in a perfect world I would get a lot more G gas line for the school bus before I go anywhere else in this world I might just have to accept I might just have to accept that I'm going to be running on empty and I'm going to have to find gas on the way [Applause] see how are things looking up here pretty good pretty good yeah I could never take hard of hearing as a trade oh my God the amount I just I keep hearing a zombie I spin around there it is that saved me probably twice already oh if that shed has a generator if that shed has a generator could it there we go that house also doesn't look that bad but I'm I I feel pretty committed to the house I currently have maybe not as like a permanent long-term solution but definitely is the short term this 30% exp buff it goes kind of crazy I've gotten three okay you know what you know what let's do something a little [Music] risky just a little risky the fence stops maybe I shouldn't be risky I understand it from a gameplay perspective but I've never really gotten in zomboid how you can open all of these windows or like from the outside cuz I don't think you can do that like sure okay I mean if if if you're like opening a window that's like not locked yeah you can probably do that but like do people just not lock their Windows is that not a common thing a Game Boy mhm we drink water wherever we can get it from oh we can oh I haven't thought of that we could fill empty gas cans with water generator oh we got welding routes though I'll take that TR h [Music] [Music] the map look like my one I should probably just take the bus up here but my one hesitation with that is I don't see any cars or anything that could get me fuel getting fuel is the number number one right now I would say the books welding rods pills food oh I should have filled those up while I had the chance oh Hammer bomber okay do I continue looting to day the answer is probably not right um I'm going to read electricity volume one we're going to go to bed and then we're sorry and we're going to take the school bus up north and loot as many of those houses as we can and hopefully we draw out some of the straggling zombies just left in the woods but also hopefully there's not like 30 in there and it just becomes a nightmare here we go smoke a cigarette let's you know what let's exercise a little bit I forgot yeah you have different animations depending on your skill there we go that got me up quite a bit honestly it might be worth it just to spend like a day just like or a couple days just grinding out as much uh Fitness and strength as I can cuz they really they they do give I'm sorry I I forgot you would hate that they really do give some nice bonuses lie down and sleep yes got shot to the West [Music] we woke up at 4:00 a.m. which seems early but I did go to sleep kind of early uh do more squats please I have time to kill yeah oh my God two two 20 minute sessions of squats just it can't be halfway up a fitness level I it might be more worthwhile to just I don't know no one [Music] around not a zombie in sight okay you know what this means it's looting time uh actually wait I gra this it's a nice reminder to drop these off though okay okay I [Music] see I have noticed once this thing gets any amount of speed its handling becomes awful so it's probably best to drive it at like this speed like 20 M 25 M hour God it's so much faster than walking oh what is everyone going bingo I got to play I might play Resident Evil 4 for the channel at some point I want to play I've been waiting for one of the uh definitely legal sites I use to get a copy of it in stock oh oh oh oh wo okay don't squish okay fine what is happening holy [ __ ] God bless having high strength and fitness where did that pack come from I know I thought those were gloves for a second I do want gloves wow okay I guess without the fence to protect me it's a bit more dangerous still I we handled that we handled that well I'm [Music] glad let me just go and preemptively meet our neighbor at the front door how we looking that door is already broken in I guess that's where she came from okay it's looking moderately safe I just realized my character at least from a distance kind of looks like Resident Evil 2 Leon Kennedy like a little bit seem blue vest police stuff going on is there like another pack down here what is going on pull [Applause] back yesh oh my God they don't stop coming where what is going on it's it's just a Non-Stop Trickle God what is wrong with this place okay maybe this was a bit more dangerous than I was expecting already I've killed like 20 zombies today God let's have an energy drink honestly I think I think like taking the smoker trait might actually be beneficial cuz it seems like you can just so easily get rid of stress that way like I've never had stress be an issue God God there's so many of them what's that up there oh a food market that that would be nice I know I know you've done Exercise today your legs hurt okay uh I of you milk you know what just drink it I think if I just had to drink like a pint of milk I don't even want to think about it I I I can't stand milk vitamins take those okay you're looted you're looted you're looted you're looted I want to push North there's zombies that way I want to push South there's an infinite trickle of zombies for some reason maybe I can make it to this house be okay I'm definitely feeling the apocalypse difficulty with this spawn wor than the last tell you that much three zombies is still manageable Rosewood I don't think I have that one yet you know [ __ ] it I'll take it don't like the baseball quality getting this low it's spell bad quality [Applause] cigarettes I'll always take cigarettes [Music] wanted to leave the front door open oh this guy this guy was cool dying in the bathroom with nothing but your underwear and a Monster energy drink what a champ oh weapons okay I got to drop some of this off at the school bus we'll be fine yep I know I know you're exerted you're tired it's okay everything will be fine I of you there you go [Music] a backpack would be lovely I still have not found any kind of backpack there we go I kind of want to start working towards the food Mark ooh that is a crowd in a half [Music] though [ __ ] okay what do I want what do I want I think I want the food Mark [Music] okay let's kill some time rest up and let's begin the process of making this place safe if we even can okay so don't play this stupidly Eve don't be stupid grab the small smallest little slivers of pack that you can literally even if it's one at a time that's fine oh you have a satchel please oh thank God I can carry things I can carry things okay it's already worth it even if I even if I can't take out anything else even if I have to run away and abandon the school bus it's worth it I don't like how they're all looking the wrong way there we go three is manageable what one two three okay like already this is seeming feasible pull another two this is also if if you don't play the game that much and you you find you're struggling with the combat this is the best way to do it if you need to take out a pack of zombies and you don't have a gun SL you don't want to use a gun peel off one to two at a time lead them away kill them rinse and repeat like already we've slim this down to like half its size pretty safely move in grab some more zomboid is a game about patience not really but you sound smart if you say [ __ ] like that zomboid is really a game about being given awful odds to survive and then figuring out how to exploit the game like this doesn't even I think some people would classify this as being like a little cheaty or a little exploitative of the AI in the game I could not disagree with less I think zomo is just one of those games that when played properly I'm sorry about my neighbors it's one of those games that when played properly it just it feels like you're cheating like that does not feel like a pack of zombies I should have been able to defeat but it was I do wish one thing I hope a mod adds or they add to the actual game someday I hope that zombie is fake getting killed like a zombie would drop to the floor and act like it's been killed and then you know half an hour later it would pop back up and keep going all my baseball bats oh it's not looking good bad heads is it over I think I have glue and stuff to fix it back at home a throwing knife sure [ __ ] it more okay you know what you know what I'm not going to worry about that huge pack of zombies up north I guess not huge unknown siiz pack of zombies all the way up there I'm just going to treat this as a victory CU it was and I'm going to try and get into the food Mark and maybe even get some food question mark of course it's locked all the all the fresh produce is going to be rotten it's been over a week since the apocalypse started clothing I forgot these could give clothing you know what I'll take that tool box I'll take the cleaning liquid and the bleach too oh it's so nice having a bad backpack even one is kind of shitty as a satchel please be some good stuff box of nails box of screws Oh that's oh not the greatest but it could be so much worse I'm so happy we got some useful stuff regulate barbecue sauce yogurt take it all eggs yep oh water water my beloved okay money [ __ ] oh all these preserved [Music] Foods it's worth it it's uh okay wait wait wait wait wait what's is the back oh the back is clear chips licorice preserve Foods a muffin okay oh that's good this is wonderful is like looting a grocery exactly what we need right now no put it plainly no we don't really need food right now we're not hurting for it but I I will take food over getting nothing all of you all of you oh I have to snack on something I say well how convenient it is hot outside though what are the odds you think another horde of zombies has moved in behind this house they have not you'd love to see [Music] it okay time to loot this place dry yeah eventually I would like to get some of the furniture here like the big um sorry if you can hear people outside I guess it is Friday night what was I saying I don't remember oh yeah like the uh the deep freezers and stuff those would all be nice to have but I have to make another trip back wow even even small grocery stores can really ooh I don't like that even small grocery stores can get you a lot of food cuz all they have are food every spawn is food every box is food every shelf is food especially when you're playing modded there's a lot of damn foods that can spawn okay I'm going to try one more trip in unless that group of zombies has moved up north it doesn't look like they have but you know I might I might just lure them and kill them if it's only seven that's [Music] manageable uh-oh okay well remember when I said seven was [Applause] manageable [ __ ] um you know what I'm just going to ignore it I'm going to grab the loot and I'm going to drive back home and everything will be happy I don't think there's that much left in here well there's enough that's worth coming back and looting it all but in total it's not that much just a lot of can stuff and let's get going home I got to drive back I got to fix my baseball bat it's on this [Music] side wait a sec oh I don't like that yeah one one thing I am noticing zombies here repopulate so fast there's so many of them oh maybe it's not the turning that sucks maybe it just is awful offro yeah that that's probably it first things first I just want to get the stuff that needs to be refrigerated out swear I had more stuff than that that needed refrigerated but that's [Music] okay okay uh do I have glue I swear I had glue but I can't remember if I actually have it I'm getting worried I think the answer is no I don't have any [Music] glue don't I don't I have duct tape or something is in the back the bus oh let's check fast tuck tape it's [Music] [Music] [Music] something [ __ ] I don't want I don't want to leave zombies out I really don't I know I'm being overly paranoid I know I'm wasting time and putting myself at risk in in the short term [Music] but here we [Music] go and I'm just going to save looting the trap for [Music] tomorrow I want you to lie down do you pant more when you're exerted oh huh okay wait I need you to do squats oh wait put on back where on front oh sure okay gunshot to the West this like the third night in a row we've had that event oh boy I don't remember that corner of the room being so [ __ ] up maybe that's just part of the environmental Decay okay still good no zombies around the house can I I'm am so close to getting a fitness level you know what let me just okay wait stop just put it on the ground please thank you no exercise there we go fit this level equip up back on front why are we playing the scary music Someone outside I guess getting exerted was enough of a trigger that it played the scary version of the song okay f fness level six doesn't that give me something yes that gets me fit I don't know what that means 131 kills God [Music] okay okay time to try and sort all of this feels kind of feudal but I'll give it my best shot he yeah the Rosewood map kind of want them offset visually okay mechanics you go over here all the food is going in the back for now Minecraft cereal you got to have it I don't know which mod adds like the Minecraft series but I'm happy it does cuz every time I see it I'm like oh that's so silly you doing here we go oh I I put all the food down I did not put all the other stuff I had that wasn't food back yet [Music] okay lots of cereal that [Music] trip uh we can just place the gas can down here I guess we can place it over there instead we had so much stuff for my trip I shouldn't be complaining I shouldn't it's better to have too much than too little in this game but man I might try Scavenging today if I can find rocks and some sticks I can make like a basic Stone Axe and then I can cut cut it down or cut trees down use the cut down trees to do things or saw them get carpentry experience and maybe build some basic furniture that I'm missing I would like some more storage that's one of the things that's quickly becoming apparent to me so I probably want more storage all of you gets to go in here too oh it's full uh guess go in here then why do I have a screwdriver equipped good [Music] question [Music] H I also I feel like I need to find some new weapons that too is kind of concerning [Music] me cuz we're eating beans no no don't no stop stop oh my God it's just a PNG a b [Music] PNG okay you know what I'll just actually eat something and and make room and put it in there there we go so what to do put me in SC scavaging mode hey I got the [Music] stone to just making sure there's no zombies around around a bird pepper here we go the game's going to lag chip of stone do we have a chip Stone we do I craft enough how do I make a stone axe I need a tree branch and that's it okay then let's swap you to [Music] firewood I don't like the Dead zombie in the forest oh here we go and then I'll rip some of your clothing then I should be able to craft my stone axe in fact I'll make two okay now that I have stone axes walk back home I'll start cutting down some trees there we go we have logs I can drop them over here I have to say I like how different this character is already feeling to like Wen or whatever his name was I'm still mad I died don't get me wrong I'm still I'm I'm mad but like I don't know I think Fran is making a name for herself Wen tried to you know he didn't try living on the land he just scavenged and survived that way survived her a week that way well fr's taking a much more like rudimentary uh survivalist approach that's something I've I've always admired about zom blade even characters like the characters in this game only differ based on like a couple stats they don't change that much but even just not not counting how you play them like intentionally playing with limits or focusing some things like the way the game shapes your characters it just based on what you have access to is really interesting to [Music] me like FR forming a completely different story than W ever did drill why they want to drill like I say I will say friend has fought much harder for her survival than walking did Wen kind of got handed a an easy ride and that went to his head meanwhile fr's fighting for like the most basic scraps of anything gra quiam what can we make Rin collector yeah carpentry 4 you need carpentry 2 for the basic shelves okay maybe I can't do much with carpentry until I get the the skill Buff books but still we can make stone axes now which is big big in its own way big in a small way so medium I don't think I have any of the entry level carpentry books to no I don't okay well the plan for today I'm not going to take the bus but but plan for today is kill zombies and hopefully loot some more houses and hopefully get a carpentry buck maybe find some new weapons as well I could make do with a hammer but I'd like to find some Alternatives if possible you are cool I want your helmet what else do you have a holster a gun jacket that that makes me take off something right oh goodbye police jacket let's go riip boo ah we're part of the wild raccoons that's so much better okay big upgrade big upgrades oh again thank you audio cues you take out one pack another pack takes its place cop I would take a a bulletproof Fest and gloves gloves guns okay I need to take some of this off I don't need a t-shirt my baseball bats already about to break oh a mapa mold I don't know if I've read one yet what's our map look like I want to check this house uh I want to make sure this house is safe for me to check out first I know there's at least one more cuz I saw a guy in the brown shirt kit sure there you are [Music] [Applause] buddy okay I feel safe enough to check this house out you know [Music] what I don't want to but I need some weapon for when this baseball bat breaks you know what stop taking food I don't need food right now gun case I'll take the ammo I mean first a h sure sit down for a sec I'm try and check out this house not too hopeful cuz it looks very R sacked there's a generator oh okay I'm so glad I check this place out so you have uh let's see 1987 19 you're worse oh okay bring it all back screwdriver electric wire light bulb take the ladder propane thing okay time to swap some things around he don't have an alarm oh an angler book yes guns guns guns uh I'll leave it more guns okay it's going to be a bit more of just a preemptive what am I going to Loot next time I come out food good chunk of food I'll take all of these I'll take as much water as I physically can there we go uhoh I have to go home fast why are there zombies [Music] everywhere I don't want to spend a night in a random house I really don't no please please just let me get home you know I'm just going to did he follow me all this way no yep yep yep yep here going the bed we're going to bed don't worry place these like people place traffic in their house okay there we go we'll just drop like the first a kits on the floor wait yes [Music] [Music] okay I see you I see see you you're not even worth using my weapon [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] da [Music] okay God this light switch is so finicky [Music] what is its problem Oh wait a second oh the power went out oh okay it's like why isn't he turning the light on it's just a light switch buddy you just got to flick it no it's oh no okay it's not okay we're doing surprisingly well like we're handling this like a champ so far in my opinion we have food food's not food's not an issue at all water is not an issue at all because if we need we have a river and if we need to purify it we can we can purify it I don't know how we purify it effectively but we will oh that's why everything weighs so much I have my [ __ ] propane tank on me there you go now you're now you should be happy okay perfect world perfect world we find a way to get gasoline but it's not a perfect world gasoline right now is our number one resource we have none of oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay new idea [Music] okay new idea I go looking for gasoline which doesn't sound like a new idea you might be going Eve what the [ __ ] you've just been saying for the last half hour how much you need gasoline but I follow the road South instead CU I vaguely vaguely vaguely have remember oh cuz it's foggy we can see the trees on the other side I vaguely vaguely vaguely remember there being either a gas station or a lot like a bunch of those parked crashed cars on the road down this way on a previous playr like I think this eventually leads to like a Bridge yep and we might be able to get there might be vehicles on the bridge we can loot gasoline from am I the smartest person on the planet does this car have any gasoline in [Music] it it's a wreck no it does not you on the other hand police bag yeah give me whatever those gun things are and oh a rifle sling I will wear this actually oh this one's also a wreck okay I didn't know you couldn't take gas from Rex I might this might be a foolish trip we'll see we'll see though I also thought building a base on this bridge might be a smart idea I don't know if I want to do with this playthrough but just in general come [Music] on ooh I don't think we have a wrench oh these look like some actual vehicle these would be nice actually to have don't open the crafting menu [Music] how would I siphon gasoline from [Music] you gas tank 0% remaining well mot point there's an empty sack [Music] cool you seem like an actual car you're not duct tape box of cat food confusing but I'll I'll take [Music] it let me guess no guess H okay 3672 hold on a second [Music] I still don't think it's worth swapping but that's not half bad come on please no no these all look like wrecks don't they why tarp empty gas can okay they are [ __ ] flocking to me since went to zombies have [ __ ] supervision oh my God how are okay we're heading home are we heading home yes we're heading home don't even think about it you don't go for confidence etc etc etc etc etc etc etc okay well I just wasted a in-game day but hey now we know now we know if I want to get any gas oh that's not this is the bridge this isn't the bridge to Riverside this is the bridge to across the river which is like a different a different location what like a modded town hello hello Mr zombie it does look like there's a parking lot down there though fall over thank you oh it was right here the whole time this is why I remember there being gas somewhere near here oh don't get over excited Eve don't get over excited oh this is actually huge if we have a consistent source of gasoline this close oh my God I mean I wish I'd come here like a day earlier so I didn't have to bangle with generators to get it working but oh God oh and it's surrounded by the river I I could probably be convinced to make to move my base here in like the mid the midterm longterm midterm yeah and benefit we're never going to have to worry about get finding cigarettes for the rest of our life oh into his water huge huge huge huge don't like broken down door I also I like how public bathrooms have like toothbrushes and toothpaste and adhesive bandages in their loot pool let's check door number three door number one and door number two o a customer hello see like where on Earth Earth did you come from High [Music] extinguisher hot dog hot dog roller oh we have so much food and magazines too it might not be skill books but skill magazines are just as important to me right now March Ridge this is a Louisville map yeah oh God every time I get reminded of the scale of Louisville like we spent like a week in like this stretch of road Louisville is this God I would love to loot it the goal with one of these characters is to get to Louis [Music] bille like the goal is to get there to bring like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and to just take care of the place cuz I've never done it I remember seeing like oh we added Louisville and then I saw it and I was like oh I'm good no thank you that looks scary and like even even when I get unlucky and get like thrown into a Louisville spawn with like the mini spawn thing um I either die like day one or I spend like the first week on the Run just moving past the Louisville like City Limits okay let's put you in there let's go get that generator let's take out zombies on the way and let's go get that generator and then tomorrow we'll go back down to this gas station set up the generator and come back I'll siphon gasoline out of my uh no I'll drive it down with the vehicle and then I'll siphon out the gasoline there oh wait a SEC do I know how to I don't think I know how to use a generator I don't think I pick that trait to start with God damn it oh [ __ ] um okay now that we have a semi good way to access gasoline concern number one find the [ __ ] how to use generators magazine and find it now I'm not going to get lucky in have in the mailbox am I you know why am I using a frying pin I should be using a crowbar okay I remember why I don't use the Crowbar often I think I have a mod that adds like a a sound effect to it and it's not very balanced yeah oh God don't hop defense when you're this [Music] encumbered this one's going to take a little bit take generator yep okay now drop it and just put that on your back and go to bed sorry if you could hear that that was loud you know what though let's let's let my character eat something she's done a lot today she shouldn't go to bed hungry we have all this stuff we need to eat let's just eat half a tube of mayonnaise everyone's favorite now let's sleep yep okay things are falling into place we'll load the generator into the uh bus we'll drive it to the gas station we will put the generator down siphon gas from the bus fill the generator with it oh [ __ ] by way I forg never mind I forgot we don't have how to use generators it would have been so clutch if that was one of the magazines at the gas station okay let me read some of these magazines me also grab this propane tank and put somewhere else let me sit in my chair let me sit in my chair and read all the magazines I got none well other than Lane's Auto Volume 2 I don't think any of these are too incredible Hunter seems fine make traps get some meat it's always good to have this information though the the worst feeling in the world is needing to do something and not having the skillbook for it okay all of you get dumped in here all of you get dumped in here what are we missing lock picking for dummies another metal work magazine locksmith handbook to engineer magazine one teaches me how to use a noise [Music] maker metal work 5 teaches me how to make metal stairs I would like a propane torch and Welding mask first please motorcycle models oh whoops I mean to skip metal work fine something specifically for ArmaLite rifles I don't think that's useful but while I'm here when in r let's just take care of every single skill magazine we have that way I don't have to worry about looting duplicates oh here was the glue see what I mean when you don't have an organized organized base okay none in that any magazines here good cooking I'll take it am I ever going to make a corn dog even if I survive 3 years probably not but you know that would be fun I don't know how you're expected to get like hot dogs but okay how we looking outside doing [Music] fine Part of Me Okay new new Mini not new Mini project I I I feel so trapped by this highway gas station um I guess I don't really want to but I think I have to go on a little journey I think I'm going to have to go on foot further south than the gas station I think I'm going to have to do that cuz I I don't know I don't know what the right play is in my situation it might be just keep going north looting all those places since I've already put a dent in it but like oh [ __ ] whoops you know keep going north I put a dent in it uh we're making progress but like h no I probably should go north shouldn't [Music] I let's go north let's make another another big looting trip with the bus today yeah I I really really really really really really really really really really hope that there's someone I can take gas from that there's someone with like a fuel Barrel in their house house or just [Music] anything oh group of five is a bit dangerous plus any others I haven't seen yet sorry about the noise [ __ ] [ __ ] definitely was not worried at all me I I I I I don't worry I I would never be worried oh I wish I could see what they bit probably one of my gloves it looks like um maybe loing North is the wrong play uh there's at least two more [Music] houses hello Goan we are critic I I shouldn't say quotes if I don't remember them oh yes I'll get sheets for my windows while I'm here I'll get canned food because I literally even if it's not exciting I should never turn down caned food [Music] for Broken Window there's a chance there's a zombie in here okay let's see oh this is weird that takes a lot of exertion wow Boy Scouts handbook I don't think the Boy Scouts handbook teaches you how to make improvised flamethrowers just my opinion Scavenging for beginners that's good that's when we can actually train up get rid of you fresh food I love to see it melted ice cream I think is always worth getting lots of food hopefully there's something more exciting on like the second floor there's definitely zombies in more houses why is there broken like second floor window oh I should wear a belt yeah I was thinking about that earlier how I didn't have the option to attach things to my belt like oh I guess I guess I'm not worried [Music] I wonder what's across the highway it looks like there's a road oh wow I didn't realize I've already been streaming for 3 hours zom really sucks you in sometimes yeah my characters went from I guess 7 Days yeah my character has survived seven days and that's all been in one sitting cuz she just started life that's a lot of zombies I don't like them hanging around I'm going to be honest I think it's worth taking some of them out even if they're not like immediate threats it sounds like it's shooting a gun oh and of course that's going to [ __ ] everything up God damn it okay okay okay oo okay an essential part of playing Project zomboid is knowing when to cut your losses in Escape a dangerous situation oh you didn't have to scare me like that [ __ ] school bus bastard of course right when I need to make a getaway the [ __ ] school bus stalls twice it's never had any issues stalling before Oh God damn at least I got my cheese flavored [Music] [Music] chips I got I didn't get nothing from that don't let me be overly negative I just didn't I didn't get what I needed from that I didn't get whatever put the sheets up I'll feel a lot comfier no and they can't see me there we go [Music] God well [ __ ] where did I put those Nails I was thinking earlier I wanted to see if I could get a carpentry level one book before I did anything just to make the process easier in the long run but doesn't look like that's happening so I do think I know it's dangerous I know it's like not the greatest idea in the world I do want to barricade at least one of these windows I don't really feel like I'm at risk at getting like swarmed in my house because of this fence behind me I I feel pretty like safe quite asterisk I don't I don't think not having easy multiple escapes is really going to [ __ ] me up right now it's more than anything it's just for the peace of mind so I guess getting the curtain was kind of unnecessary H okay you know what I am going to call it here we made a lot of progress today we we did a lot um that being said I'm I'm getting a little tired and I I was going to end it when I came back anyway um I just came back sooner than I expected so I'll I'll pick this up soon enough um zomboid is not going anywhere it's it's going to be like a consistent like pretty regular stream for me um yeah otherwise I'm going going to I I don't know what I was going to say uh if you're if you're watching this right now on Twitch I don't think anyone is but if you're watching this on Twitch uh thanks for hanging around and if you're watching this on YouTube uh I hope you have a wonderful day and also you're very cool and nice nice and kind and loved um yeah thank you for watching uh subscribe or I'm going to attack you with a [Laughter] hammer okay [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Eve The Puppy
Views: 520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bC9fcdClPcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 13sec (11713 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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