Project Zomboid - S2E2 - Louisville, Fran-ce

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[Music] hello we're we're back with some more zomo it's been a little bit it's been a couple days since I've played anything it's been a couple days since I streamed in general honestly let me turn the game volume down just a little bit it looks I guess I don't know how it sounds but it looks pretty loud on the audio preview [Music] thing I saw today's um February 29th I saw the new Zomboy like news that was posted or like their weekly blog post it it seems good I'm very excited for um oh I personally I'm most excited for underground like environments like the footage they showed of the character going like down into the bunker and like looking around and stuff with that new lighting engine it looks so good that that and the Animals I don't know if the animals are necessarily this update but I I hope they're coming soon cuz I'm very excited to have like actual deer and squirrels and everything like that running around it's ironic to say but it'll it'll add a lot of life to the game and I can't wait to see how zombo players completely [ __ ] the system up and just I'm expecting like dwar Fortress level of like [ __ ] going on I'm expecting like infinite like deer spawning farms and like rat fountains and [ __ ] they'll probably all get patched out but it until it does I'll be very excited to see all the weird exploits everyone comes up with yeah we were here yeah oh this place looks like such a Survivor home already our school bus yes yes yes a pile of logs It's All Coming Back to Me God I feel like every time I play how's my not good I feel like every time I play zomo it's like here why we place you over here every time I play zomboid I need like 10 minutes to like warm up I need to get ready I need to get back in the swing of things sometimes literally 6 days five 6 days 6 hours okay we're almost at a week she's a smoker yeah I don't I don't remember what it was I was supposed to be doing right now oh that we're running out of places for me to put [Music] stuff I have no idea what that was we don't have yeah we don't have a marridge map Zomboy decorating I Bel love it here we go let's line everything up with the perspective okay my baseball bad yeah was about to break I was using the Crowbar which is comically loud I have a gun does it even have it doesn't even have am why am I carrying this put it up there whatever and a hammer electricity is off oh great the map icons aren't working oh well okay the gas station's down there oh that's right okay we have across the river up here we have Riverside I think down here we have this [ __ ] off Highway with like 100 zombies on it minimum um we have the food places up here that's right I think we checked a bunch of those houses out and they didn't have they really didn't have [ __ ] in them yes I forgot we need okay we need the generator book that's what we need because once we get the generator book then we can take the generator to the gas station and once we can put that there we can get gas to fuel the generator and to fuel the car and everything works the problem is finding that damn Buck cuz I didn't take the trade I need depress don't be depressed we found a generator oh it's 500 p.m. you know what let me I can turn a tree branch into a spear right yes yeah chip stone or a knife I think I have a [Music] knife this so many guns lying [Music] around okay time to find the chipstone I forgot yeah it doesn't work over there oh enable search thank you I don't exactly know how foraging works like I don't know if things respawn like am I just wasting time walking in circles around my own house where I've already checked checked for stuff I guess not is my Satchel oh I put stuff in the S do I have a scope off for Scavenging at least no oh well oh focus on Stones please we just got to be careful we don't walk right into a zombie so really I should be staying away from the the tree line as much as I can the very least the road should have some n the road doesn't count this is the one thing I will say I don't like about mods like I I know it must be an insane amount of effort to make these and do the upkeep and everything but you always like run into like one or two things where you're like a I wish I wish this worked normally I wish this was I was in like a vanilla location and not a modded one so the foraging feature would actually work speaking of vanilla versus modded apparently they're going to add something that's going to help fix these like obvious map seams where like the new map starts and the old map ends which I'm excited for what's that oh Dead zombie yeah cuz like none of this is functional searchable Terrain spear I was going to say let's make a spear and then let's do some spear fishing to see if that levels anything up that we want looks like it probably be easier to just hunt for a knife though yeah I know I know oh quiet I saying oh yeah I know that normally um uh to find Stones stones to find Stones you have to like look on the road specifically okay I I don't need you to place the same one uh paron me once it would be dangerous since I have to go looting tomorrow no I shouldn't do it part of me does want though to start doing like push-ups or something is something that like increases my strength because I think Fitness was what we leveled up last time and that got up very fast so if we can level up strength quickly and get better at like one or two shoting zombies that would definitely be a big help tailor uh I'll rate this until I can more tired I I had to run to get rid of it just want to wait a little bit further into the night before I sleep we we need to get carpentry up soon also we we really need to get like rain collector barrels or something up well what am I say no we don't because we have a river 3T away we just need carpentry up so I can build things so I can build furniture and storage and not have to drag everything all the way back here swear I hear the weird thumping noise we've nearly made it an entire week so I guess today I don't remember what's further up north pardon me one how much fuel do you have nothing well I'm sorry but we're going to drag you all the way up up the neighborhood cuz even if I stall and uhoh okay so one [Music] question why are there this many zombies here second question could this be any [Music] louder I don't know what mod I have that makes the Crowbar this loud but if I knew I'd turn it off [Music] oh I forgot let switch [Music] scenes I I don't even need to bother with the the skull bus right now oh zombies in the tree [Music] line best thing I can say about this weapon is it is getting a a nice amount of one hit or instant kills I don't know what the technical term is when you kill a zombie when they're standing up not after you knock down we did just get four long blunt though so it's probably helping a lot ooh ooh where did you come from I swear to God these zombies are [Music] spawning I also don't like the stuttering that the game is doing oh my God I'm going to have to spend today just clearing this whole place out the entire time I know I'm agitating the zombies over the other side of the wall I'm hoping that doesn't become an issue as long as I move slowly and keep my head on a swivel I should be basically safe my home is far enough away where I don't feel like I feel like I can run back there and be mostly [Music] safe oh that has some reach on apocalypse difficulty doesn't it uhoh if it's just the two of you that's okay it might just be the two of you Rosewood map I think we've read that before it's not just a to I I swear I swear these zombies they like don't immediately come when you make noise some of them feel like they just wait for you to get with an ey shot and then start moving I'm sure everything up here is going to be wonderful you know what let's just take this slow and methodically kill every single zombie possible even if that's all we get to do today it'll be worth it oh now why did you have to put a horde here come on I know I saw zombies up here it's one it can't just be one I saw like three in the trees there we are there's another God this Street's gotten so bloody it's crazy to think that every single one of these corpses is my fault here we go like I feel like zomo does a good job at making each zombie kill feel kind of minor in the scheme of things and then after like a week in the same space you just start to see like the amount of corpses you're leaving behind come on we got one I I I do not trust this tree line at all you know there's another scenario I have not considered where my crowbar breaks before I I can do anything significant although if it happens I guess that's just what happens hello thank you thank you how bad is it o o that's pretty bad oh your arm is missing I haven't seen that before I guess most of your arm is still there random junk uh metabolizers might be nice so I think I'm I'm still overweight right yeah I'm am I'm eating to keep up actually I'm losing my weight right a little although I've gained some I think I think default for overweight is 90 I want to like lose weight so I can lose the like sprinting debuff and some of the carry weight debuffs and stuff but like I I don't want my character to be starving cuz that oh there's so many up here yeah I don't want my character to be starving because once they are can you come this way okay let's be a little careful once once you're like significantly hungry you start your melee damage goes down by like 50% which would be fine if we like exclusively used guns um but we exclusively use melee weapons so not great not great I'm debating how much I I guess I'm just going to have to chip away at this these two groups until they're gone play it safe l two at a time cuz like it or not I mean this neighborhood is like my main artery to getting loot if I don't have access to here then things don't look good in general well come on come on come on come on thank you I can't remember if zombie eyesight decays over time I might be I was going to say oh might be because they're an older batch of zombies I don't actually know if that's a real feature what the [ __ ] was that God damn it you had to do a meta event right [Music] now I guess it's technically a good thing but still it's not actually solving the problem of a shitload of zombies being in these Woods it's just making the ones that are here less of an immediate threat yeah they all cleared out you know what I'm going to head this way you know I was just about to say I have a feeling over here is going to be a lot more clear because of all the noise and the zombies being all rounded up by the helicopter event I think that's what all of those guys were yeah eat the goo why not but it really is just the highway isn't it I was kind of hoping that like oh I was going to say I was hoping there'd be commercial stuff on the other side of this highway what do you [ __ ] know uh police oh interesting let's let's be a little careful just a slop oh if we could get if that thing has fuel in it or if we can get one of these police trucks like running I guess they're not trucks Jeeps as UVS fans are there any other yep what is this place I don't know I do see a pristine truck here though a pristine truck with food what's in here kback it has a fuel tank gasoline storage zero [Laughter] well girl can unlocked no keys unlocked oh I opened the crafting menu that's why I was lagging Louisville M keys in the trunk what are you Ruger mini4 and a Bushmaster a m o e no idea what these are but they're guns so I'm taking we have more chances I mean honestly we don't even need these vehicles I should you know before I leave and forget let me see if either of these have any gas in them cuz all I need is like just a little bit of [Music] gas oh no there [ __ ] what about this pristine looking car oh almost a full tank okay um let's hope this doesn't have a car alarm oh God damn it of course it doesn't Okay well still a good thing still good news we do know where we can get at least a little like a tank of gas well a tank might be generous we know where we can get a can of gas oh lots more food thank you more drinks thank you let's take a moment to relax here we're doing good we're doing good sorry if you can hear that it sounds like there's people outside the broken down door is a bit suspicious to the men's room why am I even looking around in here I don't like it I don't like this place watch I'm going to pop over here look behind it and there's going to be like oh yep yep I was like if I come out come out of that [ __ ] door like just to see if there's zombies I'm going to get swarmed I had a feeling I heard they're breathing another gun we really don't need anymore 0% gas yeah the one thing that's really been noticeable about apocalypse difficulty so far they are they are not kind with gasoline they make this [ __ ] hard to find like reasonably hard I would say but a lot more difficult than scavenger so I feel like on scavenger you can pretty reliably like get a car up at least within the first week if not like even ambulance if not even sooner than that okay well [ __ ] me then I guess uh you know Let's ignore let's okay okay time to make for that I do I know I shouldn't be making little extraneous stops to like fight this guy but I do think it does make me noticeably safer in the long like just being a little extra thorough and making sure I get as many zombies as possible I do think it not noticeably impacts my survival odds I swear if this ambulance has a key in IT key in the back nope I will take the anti-press St how am I God I'm going I'm this is absolutely not going to be worth it excessive exertion just from opening up one car door that'll be worth it course not well damn I mean I guess we just sit here in this car for a while you know maybe we don't sit [Laughter] in maybe we don't sit in a hot car on summer's day maybe maybe our ambient temperature is going to go up a little bit just a thought oh God I'm stupid sometimes yeah I'm probably just safe for sitting on the ground there we go just sitting on the ground on the highway for 6 hour or 1 hour I [Music] am this is going to be risky but I very curious I can sneak through the trees what are the zombies around this house look there's certainly a few you know what if you want to fight me you're going to have to follow me through the trees I do not want to get surrounded by zombies hidden in the tree line nor do I want to risk pulling anything from that pack into the tree line where I can't see it okay there's lots of zombies I see one in the tree line you're not you're not full of me that's a okay no we're not doing this that's why we don't fight beyond the [ __ ] Trey line oh my God [ __ ] you is the other one coming [Music] too let's be risky let's see who's nearby no what no there there's one of you but you're not the one who took a bite at me you are one asleep here you are you're not the one who took a bite you're the one that was in the trees okay whatever I need to start heading home did all I do today let me rephrase that did I only kill zombies today yes did I kill a lot of zombies also yes do I think I spent today well I would say yes so far today didn't feel very productive we definitely put ourselves into some not wonderful positions but I'm I'm glad we cleared up all of this junk yes I know you're sleepy I know you're sleepy I'm just going to leave the bus here did I leave any food or drink in the back of you nothing scam I gra a can of beans I should have looked for chip Stones while I was on the highway relatively low priority on the how to not die is Eve list of objectives but still an objective here we go how am I [Music] bleeding how did I cut myself did I like cut myself with a knife while opening beams what the game what a game oh I had food drink on me I I am going to make you do push-ups for as long as you physically [Music] can so yeah for just one session of push-ups that got me nearly an entire strength level that's huge I might just try and take the next in-game day easy and just push up do push-ups in the morning and push-ups at night okay lie down that way I'll have like eight strength when I go out looting [Music] [Music] another day another day you know what that means we're exercising immediately [Music] yippee I wonder if I could power level this if I drank a Red Bull and I like laid down for a bit and I just got back up and I did another round of push-ups it's that easy honestly the only downside of this so far is that I'm effectively just kind of wasting a day will I still be able to do push-ups with exercise fatigue like does that only impact oh it hurts I see okay it hurts but we're forth of the way to the next level [Music] [Music] Empty Bottle let's be realistic let's add some empty bottles to the nightstand let's have a cigarette too and let's let's lie [Music] down yeah so I don't have like super exercise fatigue So in theory I can [Music] just oh what a refreshing workout oh so okay the downside is you just guzzle water doing this I [Music] see yeah let me just grab a saucepan with water you can drink right out of that today today is just going to be an exercise day since it seems to work oh okay I'll only go [Music] until okay it does seem to be getting less effective [Music] and you're sleepy [Music] okay I see what if I just took vitamins that way I didn't feel sppy easy I drank an energy drink surely there's surely there's no Health implications for doing any of [Music] this look I'm just just an agony Agony because I'm supercharging the rate at which I build muscle did I not have metabolizers okay I have it oh a packaging of metabolizers oh oh I'll take it okay oh okay too much pain to exercise so you literally can't after a point but you can you can get a lot of experience in a single day if I took wait if I took painkillers could that just get past that limit there we go severe pain oh our Pain's going away you know what that means 30 minutes of push-ups no less yes yes oh the agony the pain Make It Stop well you didn't give me 30 minutes of push-ups don't worry we just need you to do a little bit [Music] more I think we can do it with 10 minutes yep okay okay no more you're good okay just sleep just sleep yeah see we if we're already asleep we can be an Agony all we want and it just disappears like that now we have zero fatigue another point of strength we could go for level 9ine I mean really there's nothing stopping us and it would only benefit us cuz I I don't think these levels ever go down I could be wrong but we've gain two levels a third could couldn't hurt honestly I Emy would love to build a staircase like I can't even like pretend to place it on the ground but part of me would love to build a staircase going up to like a little Watchtower around the back here so I can look over this fence and see how many zombies there are more more just out of curiosity than anything okay we're losing weight that's wonderful gym gym goer that's new I enjoy working out exercise is twice as effective oh why didn't you say so I guess we are staying in and exercising today after all your hand's good for me I would hope so 30 minutes of exercise on the double like that's a good chunk that is solid I think that's from our exercise being twice as effective trade now is this exactly in the spirit of the game okay don't probably not this is a little cheaty but like I'll take it if I'm going to survive apocalypse difficulty like I I need all the boons can I smoke while sitting down I need all the boons I can get oh hell yeah especially if I can get this in before muscle pain starts becoming an issue look at that we've already almost leveled up no don't don't don't don't don't lie down may I was going to say maybe we can go for level 10 I don't think we're any in any danger from that I feel confident enough I'm going to to do another round of push-ups boom now we have strong which gives us extra knockback well extra knockback extra carry weight and 40% melee damage pack mule my carrying capacity is in C and my strength is more impactful oh wow holy [ __ ] I just jumped up like 10 carry points I'm still overweight but I wait I didn't know you couldn't get a 100 or 10 Fitness if you were overweight I guess it makes sense but oh oh and I only I only need to drop below 80 we're safe right we're good [ __ ] it why why don't we just get up to 10 why don't we just max out strength I I lit I don't see a reason not to I've never had a character even get up to nine strength before like if we're not getting any muscle fatigue or exercise fatigue from this this is like easy I don't have to like balance like six different pills and figure everything out I can just take vitamins while I get sleepy like okay 30 more minutes of push CHS then we lie down okay well the vitamins weren't helping as much as I thought they would but you know do I have more energy drinks I might as well use them use them while you got them I don't do I have any in the fridge do I have any in here already had some metabolizers I did I did I had bombar like am I making Fran utterly destroy her body yes this is probably awful for you just doing like four hours of push-ups in a single day just taking like caffeine and painkillers and forcing yourself to like do it probably the worst way to get strong but like it works for her [Music] so [Music] and this is great cuz this is also oh there it is going to say this is also counting towards our time uh come on how close are we oh we're so close we'll do it tomorrow we'll do it tomorrow this is count towards our don't eat food get dinner [Music] time I do want to start sleeping before I'm in agony though 10 strength is unless I [ __ ] up if I [ __ ] after this immediately it'll be tragic but 10 strength is really going to help us just cut through zombies I think I don't actually know how big a difference strength makes on your fighting prowess in this game although I assume it's a lot because I've had weak characters before God do they struggle to kill like two zombies at the same time there we go any other silly traits just strong okay max strength that is wonderful FR I think you you know what I think we're going to do things today so I think you've earned yourself let's let's get you something nice let's get some canned peaches eat all these of you in there and let's get you're probably sick of energy drinks let's sorry there's people outside let's get some can to though it's not too much I still I feel bad neglecting her like this but I need I can wash in the river oh my god I didn't even think of I need to to lose overweight oh I don't need her to lose weight it would just help us survive frankly I think she' be cooler if she was overweight this entire time I don't know how I I swear to God I just forget I have an infinite water source 6 ft in front of my house I'm so sorry I made you do all of that that in like musty multi-day old zombie clothes take your heet off breathe a little bit is this always what FR looked like huh huh okay now that we've we've just speedrun like months and years of physical development what now you know I would I would say let's just let's put our new strength to the test let's go back up north try and clear out whatever zombies gathered there the last two or 3 days let's just sit on the ground and get our there we go exertion back it's going to be a long walk anyway well we've already been streaming for an hour I didn't even realize time the time can fly so quickly when you're playing zomboid this is such a good game let's see grandma's going to be our first test subject [Music] hello that was pretty good [Music] okay we probably have to reclear some of these roads again okay I think that was the right choice taking the two days to train up stren oh and this is with the hungry debuff wait a second but you're motorcycle h my back on real fast oh oh I okay wait one sec we have to go back oh my God we have 29 carry weight are you [ __ ] kidding me that's insane that's so good oh God I have been sleeping on exercise spam put your put your Satchel back on I don't even need to put it on my back I can carry the Satchel around if I want that's insane God oh I think I left it the bus while I'm out okay get get food from this bus please thank you grab this just just eat a buch eat a buch I have beef jerky on me what am I doing poor thing I'm making you eat out of a can just a can no utensil oh we have 30 when we're not hungry okay wait let's see if our damage goes up at all okay maybe that was a lucky lucky shot okay would help if I didn't whiff [Music] I can't [ __ ] up now I'm getting confident I'm like we can do almost [Music] anything that attitude gets me killed got to say though three out of three one shots is looking pretty good three other four this house is crazy I don't know what this house does to draw all these zombies near hunting knife we actually need one of those so we can spear so we can go spear fishing and level up fishing I mean in theory once we have fishing going we don't have to worry about food or water well we don't have to worry about water once we have fishing going we don't have to worry about food ever Fran is in an incredible position if she can survive I I got to say I'm liking her a lot more than Walkin okay three is risky let's not push it three is still a dangerous amount of zombies I don't even know why I was worried don't say that hi there is going to be another zombie killing day I feel I just need to make this area as safe as possible for me the safer this area is the easier it'll be for me to go do bigger trips is there anything in thisx there a zombie no Postmaster General of United States what a shame two is there a bigger group just some some dudes chilling in the field this strength up Curry really is what the [ __ ] is that I'm sorry what there's a [ __ ] book since when can I use it oh if I could make a base on a house boat that would be lovely this is o a car this is a little risky but again the more zombies I kill the safer I am hungry that's fine okay exerted take these guys out and I'll let you sit down and have a nice nice relaxing rest there we go okay we're heading back God I am entranced by that boat I want I don't even know what I could do with it but I want it doesn't seem like I can interact with it though maybe it's just a prop okay I saw some zombies move up this way grab a few I just want to make sure I'm not getting surrounded three okay ooh this is going to get rough four okay I was worried for a second I was wor wor that was worried empty gas cans well that's well let me Sprint a little make make some space real fast I'm going to head back down by the grocery store I do need to get fit this up if I oh once I once I have Fitness moving up that'll be nice so I think strength impacts well strength and I think Fitness impacts endurance more it's crazy how much clearer everything up here is looking wait don't don't rush in exactly that's why you don't rush in we haven't earned the right to feel like this place is safe yet see there more than I thought I don't know what I hit there always check the mailboxes cuz they can spawn magazines and generators for dummies is a magazine yes you probably need to smoke okay good progress I might try sleeping in one of these houses that's I think back home takes a long time actually no what am I talking about on the way back home I should get um gas rolling pin knife food I don't I don't really need more food yeah now that we're a couple days without power it's only going to get harder and harder to find good fresh food not like we were used to eating that in the first place were we bathroom I I'm still carrying the sauce pan whoops okay this was junker house nothing too important hopefully if that car has gas we're in the Great spot kitchen knife I'm going to take the knives because I've had the issue of needing knives and not knowing where they are a lot escap fresh oh cheese books generators for Dums farming one guns one stealth I'll take them all partially CU I don't know what I have and what I don't have okay this house also a junk house now let's check out this car before we check out this car let's just walk on the road not take any dangerous shortcuts let's play safe safe and steady wins the the fight okay even while a little sleepy I should be able to handle [Applause] three now we have you up here and any stragglers is there anyone by the car yes do you have gas just a smidge just a drop let's saph in some gasoline wonderful wonderful wonderful not much but I'll take not much over nothing broken window broken barricaded window and what is this house interior front door 36 and 72 versus 19 and 87 not a question not even a question give it to me we have so much carry weight I think we can take a little less carry reduction in return for just more space to put things more room for things to reduce the carry weight ofar satel I like our exterior interior door say that five times fast oh carpentry volume one that's not I need it right now but I will take that so thankfully oh and it's the cool woman poster the Betty painting I don't know why it's it's almost habit at this point every game of zomboid I I take a Betty poster and I put it up in my base don't ask me to explain why I don't know why it started I do it basically every time now okay let's let's get home let's go home I still you know what let me take some vitamins just in case this is a big enough hole that I think it's worth trekking all the way [Music] back yeah this this walk takes us like 2 hours at this point maybe well 2 hours is exaggerating a little but not by much also again I don't know why like cow there come on dude I really don't want to be out fighting zombies like this I got a little close come on just fall over just fall over just fall over thank you uh just give me your gun saw the glowing Halo of light around your service weapon and I just had to take it I'm so sorry okay please don't be any more zombies on the way home I don't think FR can take it not being followed okay thank God going to lie down first just to make sure no one comes to Knocking then we're going to sleep o okay okay what do we want to do today honestly um I don't know what level is making crates out of curiosity carpentry level three okay you know what I need to use the bathroom real quick I'll be back sorry about that FKS took a little longer than I was expecting I I walked into my hallway and I like very faintly just smelled like smoke and so that that sent me into like like oh okay like paranoid like you know checking each room of my apartment and then like turning the furnace down stepping outside to see if it smelled like smoke out there um I even I even pulled up citizen that [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] to see if there is like a fire nearby but didn't seem like there was anything so I assume someone just had like a bonfire in their backyard and like the scent of it got trapped in my living room sason is insane every time I have to see that piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] like spy wear app like the more I'm convinced it's going to be the end of society cuz it's such a it's such a nightmare product like oh we we made an app that like listens in on police broadcasts and puts puts bullet points all over your map of where anything from like a murder to you know maybe someone held a gun at some point in the past two weeks we're going to put all of these dots around and we're going to try and scare the [ __ ] out of you so you buy our like more expensive like the not free version of the spyware to I don't know I have no idea what it could even do it's just such a disgusting thing to exist like I only have it because it tells me where like fires are it tells me where fires are and I got a tornado like warning through it once so I was like okay well I'll I'll keep it around but beyond that it is such a piece of [ __ ] I I I hate the idea of it so much it's such a like I don't know it feels like such a uniquely American thing in like the worst way possible like yeah let's let's make an app that convinces loads of like impressionable teenagers in early 20s like white people move who have moved to a city that there's crime everywhere around them 24/7 and that they're going to die they're going to get robbed or shot or whatever the [ __ ] and then you look you look at s and you're like okay like I'll actually look through some of these see what they're talking about in 90 95% of the time it's literally just someone called the police and said they thought they saw a guy with a gun standing somewhere or someone called the police and thought they saw like a person with a knife like it's it's so it's such like an obvious fearmongering app all it wants you to do is be scared and I hate it it's so G how do I level up Fitness can I power level Fitness too improves Fitness well well well strength Fitness strength and fitness okay well what's I guess I don't really know what the difference is but I guess it doesn't matter drop the duffel bag let's just do as many situps as we possibly okay that was basically the entire 40 minutes of CNS that was impressive thank you FR I wonder if by leveling up Fitness it'll give me more endurance so then I'll have to worry about doing this like little lie down Loop less come on that got so close wow let's grab a water bottle down it in record time if there's a way I can get rid of high thirst I would love it because obviously whatever I did to turn off the gain traits mod is not working because I I'm getting a bunch of traits oh don't do those situps yeah see now I have well I still have fit I have Hardy your maximum endurance is increased by 25% what did I say what did I I say level six fit this we can't I don't actually know what the best method of losing weight in this game is it's it you're not normally in a position where you need to lose weight I tend to take overweight under overweight over underweight most of the time because underweight just seems a lot more frustrating but I rarely have ever survived long enough to actually need to get rid of overweight or I get in a position where I just don't have food and I naturally lose overweight see smoke [Music] something I mean for how many zombies seem to just pop in at random on this side of the fence my house has been very safe I've been very happy with it I I love how apocalypse Survivor I'm just not going to eat anything tonight oh how many zombies have I killed 279 Jesus have I gotten any other traits I feel like I have even more no I don't think I do I forgot I had this mod installed this mod is a lifesaver just giving you a big list of like everything you've listened to everything you've watched I really I appreciate it especially the recipe section how to use generators God I [Music] wish oh you know uh no we're very tired I was going to be like you know while we're up let's go refuel the school bus no I I will just wait here and then go to [Music] [Music] sleep let me see if this helps at [Music] all o okay maybe don't get down to [Music] starving let's eat like the bare minimum I don't even know in retrospect if you can get multiple down arrows for losing weight you might only be able to get the one okay you know what let's settle into a routine [Music] we're going to alternate exercising and [Music] reading blah blah blah blah solve that now we exercise some more now we read this is how you m Max now we stop reading now we exercise now we read don't equip secondary what are you [Music] [Music] doing here we go there we go Fitness level eight anything new o if there are three zombies near you while you're exhausted oh three zombies near you while you're exhausted or very tired gain full endurance and restore fatigue second wind has a cool down of 14 days however it is half if it didn't recover any fatigue [Music] I have another bottle of water somewhere we are running kind of on water I'm going to need to start a fire at some point oh we drank that water immediately do we have any more ready to go a couple mugs and another saucepan okay that's not that bad can we lie on bed and we can [Music] we finish our book open the life of the chapter smoke a cigarette and exercise some more [Music] t t d [Music] [Music] [Music] da let me place you down you lie in bed create more light [Music] fors there we go now we can put you on the bookshelf and now we have two more skill Buffs going oh you love to see [Music] it you know what I'm going to go refill the the bus today I don't know if I'm going to bring it back but I'll I'll refill it yes I know you want some sleep I know I know I know something how are we looking oh not bad the only problem the only problem is where do I even go we have have the parking lot I could drive the school bus over there get more gasoline but then what would I do after that what I need I need to find a bookstore a bookstore would be lovely cuz if I ow I don't know why my hand just started hurting if I find a bookstore then very tired I can probably fall asleep I'll have a good shot that actually finding um what's it called the generator magazine [Music] one okay let's sleep we could push Fitness level 9 tomorrow I don't think we really need it though oh it's raining outside that's kind of annoying but it's [Music] fine you know what I don't really even need a bathroom anymore for okay I don't have a propane torch or a gas or not gas mask welding mask okay okay so what we do okay plan a we take the school bus to this parking lot we refill get gas from the one car and then we drive the school bus down this highway all the way to Rivers side we go like here we camp out and we do like we make a Ford operating base over here the plus side we would have a Ford operating base and we would be in a new place place with actual commercial buildings to loot not just scattered houses most of which I've loed these ones I know for sure bad the con is actually driving down the highway cuz it's probably going to be a oneway trip well one way trip unless I find gasoline where I'm going but also I mean with how many zombies stop feeling so depressed with how many zombies I saw on that other side it's I don't know the second option is to go to um across the river essentially we just take the bus from here cross the bridge and go over here this would be the smartest option because I'm pretty sure there's a library or there's a school on the edge of town and there's a library on the second floor cuz I've had a few games in like this spawn area the pro is that it would be a smarter thing to do the con is that it's not very exciting cuz I'm familiar with the area and it would just be a lot of just slowly creeping the the school bus over there and it wouldn't open this up to much in general cuz really there isn't much in that town I mean there is especially compared to here but you could do a lot better no my stale mayonnaise okay the plan the plan the plan the plan the plan okay the plan is drop all of your junk on the floor I'll sort it later she said says with no intention of sorting it later I'll take care of it later very hungry come on oh whoops here you go have just eat a can of Pringles please see and part of why I'm not super sold I I kind of wish I had I love the school bus but as is it's just kind of a huge [ __ ] Target it's a huge Target that doesn't seem very WR strong and I'm kind of worried about stalling in a horde of zombies especially when it off-roads like painfully slow we'll try let's just try taking it to the gas station or not gas station to the place with the vehicle that we can siphon gas from and transfer it over ooh okay hello God damn did my swing speed get faster from leveling Fitness I didn't even know that was a thing that could happen okay as long as I play this safely I should be safe which know that I say that loud is a self-evidence statement sip of water yeah yeah yeah just open your mouth okay I I I feel like fr's kind of cracked now only plus 30% experience doesn't sound that great and then suddenly you know you're able to level up all of your athletic skills to near Max what are you sad about this minus 40% action speed do I swing even faster when I'm not depressed hello oh do I do I still have no I I dropped them probably going to say do I still have those anti-depressants on Me Maybe I'll find do you have any anti-depressants man no olive oil these olive oil has lots of calories rotten exploded milk cooking pot another thing to store water in it's not like we're at a deficit but I don't know sometimes you just you see an item and you're like oh let's take it like that dish towel Cas being too soggy and wet is an issue for us another crowbar I will take it just so that when this one breaks I can just keep going otherwise yeah this place seems kind of ass it's just a diner nothing too crazy the real the real treasure is over here did I drop the please tell me I put the gas can back in the bus oh thank you going to say don't tell me I dropped my gas can in my living room like on the way here Phil oh water what am I doing what am I pushing this oh wait write what it says on the tin you're the one with hi hello you're the one that has gasoline oh okay hi where's everyone going every zombie just feel like moving to the right today I guess so everyone's gone to the Raptor except just everyone walking 10 ft West oh that was a [ __ ] joke I'm sorry maybe there's a meta event I didn't hear everyone's gone the mold out oh a full can do we get more than one can of gas out of this thing if so I kind of want I kind of want to do the dangerous plan well okay we could also do a third plan which I hadn't thought about till now and just head north we could totally do that ghost is clear I don't actually remember oh hang on let me let me check something real fast I'm definitely not opening up the zomboid map project trying to figure out where I am sorry if you can hear people outside okay [Music] okay okay wait maybe we do want to go north I I didn't realize there's a train yard on the the map military homes like sure I mean getting closer to Louisville is probably not the smartest thing in the world but I mean if I want to go there eventually yeah because over the river I mean it's a it's a cool mod I like it over the river only gives you like there's a stadium since when I just remember over the river giving me infinite small houses to loot that's about it I guess there's whole ass like construction sites and wow okay that wouldn't be too shabby either but we're going to head north cuz I don't think I've ever been to some of these places on the map there's [Music] also some things we would want well not things we one there's a Skool which would be nice to L we could go actually we could swing to back down and try and get to the mall can we get to any of the stuff we want actually yes okay we would be able to so if we go up the road we want to take the first right we see and then take another right and get down to a cafe I got you sorry for looking that up in the middle of a in the middle of streaming the game but I wanted to see how viable that plan would actually be and actually I think it would be kind of cool I've like I've said I've never really been up that way before I don't tend to stick on this side of the map I used to oh my God two cans of gas you spoil me I used to spawn over here all the time and then I started spawning basically exclusively in Riverside in West Point or Rosewood I forget which one but I'm a lot I'm a lot more used to the west side of the map than the East Side especially like post adding um what's it called adding Louisville I've barely I've barely touched Louisville other than it like running away from it whenever I spawn in how much more guly do we have another full cam this is [Laughter] unbelievable oh God our prayers have been answered now if only we had the smaller car we have a gas to siphon no okay we're out God that was so much more gas than I thought holy let's see how much we got that's got to be at least like half a tank right oh almost full okay we're heading north if I die on this trip uh then I'm sorry for making a foolish foolish decision that got me killed is it the safest to also go on this trip in the middle of a thunderstorm when the roads are Slicker no we'll manage we'll manage what I'm hoping I'm hoping this is the densest the zombies density is I'm really hoping the place I'm going to is not that populated cuz if it is I might be in trouble right turn coming up thank you mildly ACC thank you mildly accurate road signs why is there a car alarm it's a little tense it's a little tense a bit we don't have the best turning radius oh I'm starting to regret this oh my God even the game's lagging oh [ __ ] just keep going just keep going don't Offroad too much please go slower why did you turn off okay holy [ __ ] stop who who turned the AC down to 48 [ __ ] degrees in here okay okay we got to fight we don't got to fight we do not got to fight you know what [ __ ] it just ditch ditch the bus I I why the zombie density do they see [Music] me I need you know what just eat the sick of butter eat the [ __ ] stick of father I need all of the advantages I can get right now I know I know you're set you're set I'm sorry we have bigger things to worry about right now so getting home [Laughter] oh boy what the please just stop just are these walls one zombies can climb excuse me for a sec while I look at the map um where the [ __ ] am I oh I'm north of where I want to be I need to head south okay I see if this gets me killed I'm going to please don't see me I mean the school bus is pretty open it's not too late for me to double back is it I think that big I think that big horde is the one that was chasing me in here I mean listen I can I can take on a couple zombies I've killed a few zombies in my day they can attack the CRA oh I did not know crawlers could attack fences okay okay okay okay not that [Applause] many there just kill them please okay peel off some more peel off some more just handle this one one Clump at a time it's 5:00 p.m. there's a good chance I won't be able to get to where I want to go much less have it cleared up out so if you're wondering why I'm bothering to kill all these uh it's not for fun I'm probably going to have to stay the night in one of these houses she is [ __ ] that fence up hey turn around arm warmers it would be cute but I'm very warm as is okay that's good though that's good I think's still a pack down there for sorry did that guy have two two a denim shirt with a denim jacket that [ __ ] that is such a cool outfit I will take any drugs I find quote me on that I will grab whatever drugs I can find this is an unpassable fence okay that is good to know this is I was wondering where the Jersey zombie came from this is like the football game act the football game event what the does the fence oh the fence continues oh the I not safe I cannot stop paying attention get get your [ __ ] hand yeah okay zombies can get around it but if I head a little bit South then I should be safe from zombies from a lot of ankles of attack need a slice of hand yes yes yes yesh yesh there's a oh there's a way through they they found the a hole in the fence small Zomboy cup peeve I really wish the chain unclimbable fence or unbreakable fence and the like little short fence or two different colors of fence where are they going do they seriously go all the way around there they know how to do that that's impressive it's okay as long as we have a triple we can kill it it's just when there's like more than one or two at a time that things get dexy come on come on there's more of here don't get trapped do not get trapped just in case just in case level of Maintenance don't actually remember what maintenance does okay I'm getting seved out being in this alley can I just like swing in the backyard o I should not have swung to the backyard okay I'm I'm worried about my endurance now that however many zombies are inside that house can come out now oh that's the endurance pop oh [ __ ] I was going to say over here seems safe it doesn't that's a s sit on the ground we're just going to have to watch our surroundings like a hawk I'm thinking one of these two houses would be the saf hisory problem is all of these houses have broken windows and you ever just regret a plan immediately oh I should have North I should go a Louis B Just the outskirts they I can handle the outskirts of Louis though what's what's what's even out there just a few zombies in the woods overconfidence is a slow Insidious lover climb over the fence please oh I saw that I knew that was happening oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I did not know they could knock the weapon out of your hand that is so oh please tell me scratched TR what can I okay I'm just going to [Music] okay I think I'm going to call it there for today leave on a bit of a cliffhanger I got scratched which I think is only on by default like a 5% chance of zombification so I should probably still be alive um I've been streaming for like two and a half hours so I need to give myself a Break um yeah if you're if you're watching live um thank you for sticking around following me at uh I should really know my twitch thing off the top of my head shouldn't I that seems like a seems like something I should learn following me at the queen in yellow on Twitch and if you're watching on YouTube um you should you should hit the like button and the Subscribe button and then if you do both of those that unlocks a hidden slay button which you can use to slaughter your enemies and slay those who depose you I need to figure out how to make an for videos huh okay well thank you for watching I hope to see you around [Music] byebye
Channel: Eve The Puppy
Views: 177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zomboid, Project Zomboid, PZ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 29sec (9749 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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