Top 10 RAREST and HIDDEN Country (Names) in EU4!

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hello there I'm the student and in today's video I'm going to present you the top 10 rarest hidden country names that you can get in eu4 starting with a little more common Nations and ending up with country names that I would bet 99% of the players don't even know that they are existing so let's get right into this and start with number 10 [Music] this still fairly known country name can be get via a unique decision from the paper state after you conquered most of Northern Italy the decision then triggers an event that lets you become the kingdom of God on Earth as well as unlocking a unique tier three government reform for your theocracy this name is gotten after forming the Commonwealth as Lithuania instead of Poland which lets you use the Lithuanian and the Polish Commonwealth Mission trees both in the same game which most of you probably know the Lithuanian mission includes a personal Union CB on musavi and it is also a country name that is too long to fit into the great power list properly number eight is already a very hidden and unknown name the Native American Kingdom of Pueblo to get this name you have to start as one of the natives in the that region that have the Pueblo Mission tree and after you upgraded the Mesa ver Monument to tier three and United the lands of your ancient pblu you can take the final mission and trigger an unique event that changes your name to that of your ancestors PUO many players know that the Norse religion exists in the game but fewer people know that you can also actually restore the Old Norse North Sea Empire as well you can either do it via the Norwegian or the Danish North religion missions after you conquered and converted most of the British Isles or you can become the North Sea Empire simp simply by forming Scandinavia while being nor religion either way nud the great would be really proud of you and also you get a pretty nice new white map [Music] color as Japan you can even decide between three possible renames of your nation all of them require to finish the Shinto incident spread of Christianity if you embrace the Christianity you'll unlock the Christian missions that will turn you into the kirishitan Japan if you decide to fight Christianity then you'll unlock the non-Christian missions that you can either fulfill by becoming an absolutist Nation with 100 abso ISM or by granting six privileges to each of your three is Estates the absolutist path lets you become the shogunate and with empowering the Estates you can embrace the true Empire of Japan all three of these paths actually have unique very strong tier one government reforms so you should definitely check them out before you try it out in the area of modernday Vietnam you'll find D Viet in e in 1444 to rename your country into the modernday Vietnam which by the way means something like Viet folks of the South you need to take the Mandate of Heaven and take the last mission of the D Independence Mission tree that will then trigger an event that lets you choose to rename your country into Vietnam you could also choose dyam as a name which means something like the great of the South or you could just keep your previous D going back West again leads to number four the suuk Empire you can restore this ancient empire if you restore the nation of a room as Aku yunu that will upon taking the decision immediately change your name to the suuk Empire stepping into the shoes of the Empire that shattered 200 years before the game start also keep in mind that you are still technically room so you'll have access to the old otoman missions passers Haram air mechanics and jeries as well as the pop tier National idea [Music] set now that we're getting to the top three of this list it will get really interesting starting with total overworks of Italy and Spain if you get the revolution as France then you'll get an additional revolutionary French Mission tree that includes mission to subjugate Spain and Italy just as Napoleon did and if you fulfill the Iberian Mission with Spain as your subject which also a personal Union would work then they'll change their name to Napoleonic Spain and their map color changes to a mixture of your blue and their yellow same also works for the invade Italy mission that will change a random subject with at least 500 development and their capital in Italy into Napoleonic Italy as well as changing their color into a slightly lighter French blue no this is not a random native nation in the Philippines or something it's the Finnish name for Finland After You released and played as Finland and completed the left part of their unique and very interesting Mission Tre you'll find a mission that is called a Baltic Empire that requires you to conquer every province in the Baltic trade node completing this Mission will not only give you an Empire rank 300 Monarch points a second Golden Era and the ability to recruit special carolans units but it also triggers an event that lets you choose your Empire's name out of five possible options The Finnish Baltic Empire Finnish Empire greater Finland or keeping the simple Finland or the unique name of suomi as you can see every E4 player that owns Lions of the north DC should definitely try out playing Finland at least [Music] once number one of the rarest hidden country names consists out of three country names that 99.9% of you haven't seen in this variation at all and all three of them are on the same rank because they can all be created the same same way that is a little bit more challenging to do so I'll explain it to you right now in a little bit more detailed way so that you can get those names easily in your games as well and to become China the easiest way would be to form CM first of all mainly for one single mission that is down at the very bottom of the left Mission tree and is called Royal absolutism but you need to hold this Mission until you become revolutionary basically and to become revolutionary China you need to have a primary culture in the Chinese culture group as you can see right now with cantones over here and you also need to be the Mandate owner of the Mandate of Heaven so the Emperor of China and if you now trigger the normal Revolution disaster then you'll get this event over here which is called the Heavenly revolution of course after you chose to become revolutionary and this makes you revolutionary China with a revolutionary Republic reform but before you click this event very important now you need to click this mission to trigger this event of Cam absolutism which as you can see already the first choice gives you another tier one monarchy reform so you need to hold this event and now become revolutionary as you can see revolutionary China now and now you need to become a revolutionary Empire so a monarchy that is revolutionary and you can do it through the tier six government reform over here there we go I'm now a monarchy again and if you now click this uh first option over here it will change you out of the Revolutionary reform so you are no longer revolutionary and instead you are simply China and just like this you can become China in eu4 and with the same mechanic you can also become turkey and the gani Empire that works for Ottomans and the mugar if you find a way to get rid of your first tier one government reform without changing the government type so that you then lose the Revolutionary in front of your name and become simply China turkey or the gani Empire so you can see that I haven't promised too much in the intro with all of these unique country names that some even I myself haven't seen in any eu4 run of my entire 5,000 hours of eu4 background but maybe if you had seen more than I did in u4 then I'd like to read which of these nations you had already seen before and which ones were totally new to you as well so write it down in the comments anyways I hope you enjoyed this special video for today and we are going to see as always on the next [Music] Monday
Channel: TheStudent
Views: 16,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EU4, Eu4, 1.36, King of Kings, Papal State, Lithuania, Pueblo, Scandinavia, Japan, Dai Viet, Aq Qoyunlu, Rum, France, Finland, Siam, Ottomans, Mughals
Id: x56rKXTFwSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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