First Time Playing Project Zomboid ever... (help)

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foreign welcome everyone to project Zomboy I'm sure there's so many of you who have played this game throughout the years I am one of those people who saw this game a long time ago on Steam but I actually never oh I'm hearing myself who is oh my God why am I hearing myself so many oh I'm hearing myself sorry about that all right I had a I had my own web browser open all right anyways so yeah I was one of those people who saw this game in the theme store a long time ago and I never really got into the game never really had interest in it then one day recently I think I saw this game on sale and I really wanted to try it and I tried it on my steam deck first and I loved it um so I figured today we might do a little Survival on a character uh like uh making a new game or whatever I also think I I don't know if I remember seeing this correctly I think there's like challenges or something like that oh play style yeah there's challenges I think doing some challenges would be really fun to do um I don't know if there's any ones that you guys who played this game probably for a long way more than I have with you know maybe 30 minutes on this game have uh I have tried that liked or you guys have liked but they got some really cool ones um a really cdda you get out of the shower and fall badly you're blind drunk and you have a nasty cold on top of all this the house is on fire today is definitely not your day a challenge inspired uh by a really bad day from the awesome wonderful must play Dark Days Ahead oh okay yeah so they have a lot of cool ones I actually like these because I feel like there's like I feel like there's a lot of like uh it's better than just being thrown into a zombie apocalypse like some stuff's happening before it's pretty cool okay well I think we'll do uh we'll do the play style of um let's see apocalypse we have stealth Focus short lifespan combat best avoided Survivor is powerful combat longer lifespan a challenging playstyle Builder we'll do um we'll do Survivor uh Survivor I think we'll start with doing Survivor oh wow a lot of we have four locations to spawn in in Kentucky okay um Rosewood West okay um we'll do we'll do uh mole draw moldra so my guy uh his occupation will make him do uh builder for beginners I I think I I know a little bit uh I'm gonna I'm gonna gamble that I know what I'm doing even though I've never played this game before if I die I'll I'll do Builder but I want to try Survivor um we'll do that so I think hmm I'm gonna be a doctor my occupation will be a doctor so I have better first aid and a short blade so we're pretty we're pretty stocked up there so we can pick some traits and these are our negative traits here the uh yeah I don't even know what these calls are our downsides are our fatal flaws down here um so drives very fast and down here they have the Sunday driver that drives very slow I thought this was hilarious okay so um I don't really know what I'm gonna need per se I want something like uh uh ax cook nose cooking recipes I'll do cook um Fitness hiker low thirst low thirst so I figure we could use cooking for you know we find some rat or something we can cook it up on a grill or something low thirst help us out a little bit okay athletic faster running speed extra knock back from melee weapons okay um let's balance this out we gotta spend we gotta get 10 negative points wow these are these are bad deaf okay weak less knockback for melee weapons we'll do we'll do uh we'll do week I guess uh less knockback or no very underweight low endurance and prone to injury okay I think thin skin increased chance of scratching uh scratches lacerations or break uh bites breaking the skin unfit um these are really bad a slow learner do slow a learner Maybe slow learner's fine and now we have four to spend we need another four gets panicked when Outdoors disorganized hmm prone to illness needs more sleep damn it I need more negative traits higher chance to have food illness um damn it okay what should my fatal flaw be conspicuous claustrophobic disorganized stress and unhappiness decrease after smoking tobacco unhappiness Rises when tobacco is not spoked smoked well we'll get unlucky what's unlucky dude okay now now we're set okay all right so we're gonna make my character kind of close to the uh uh my character that looks kind of like me um for a name uh-huh wait what is this originally let's do jmw is her name North Filmer I don't know um is there a way to see the player model bigger no it's been so long doing that yeah okay we'll do um alt uh buzz cut uh I'll do that I guess scruffy beard holy crap I don't even know what to do we'll just do like goatee I guess this is not looking like me at all but it's fine I can't really see the player model at all I don't know how much more we can customize oh we can change a lot okay um long sleeve t-shirt [Music] let's make it red Yes red that looks more like pink let's make it red I think it's the closest to Red unless I'm colorblind I don't see any other this is like a salmon that's kind of a red it's a dark red t-shirt and [Music] sneakers so we can run around quietly of a tie on surgical gloves because why not I lied this does not look like anything like me but it's gonna look like JW filmer here so all right let him experience it learn all right place your bets in chat how long will I survive for this is how you died all right oh it's gonna be the um even the survival guide I don't need that the hell needs a survival guide okay so here we are in my office as you guys can see you know I just had a patient in here I had to kill him though some type of outbreak going on okay so um I actually don't know much of how the UI works we got a map in our bottom right looks at our inventory um we can loot wait okay covered we can take antibiotics I think yeah let's grab a loot all take all that stuff sleeping tablets and ooh scalpel yeah we're gonna take the uh scalpel I'm gonna loot all this too still got a bit of space include all that to antibiotics because then we start out in the hospital it's like the best place to be honestly okay here's my office is the average day foreign oh God someone said hit Q to open the freaking emote menu I'm luring luring freaking zombies over here over here okay there's blood on the floor who knows what that's from all right let's see what's in my boss's desk that [ __ ] empty notebook I don't think I need really I know this crap I don't need it I'm a slow learner anyways okay uh anything good in the filing cabinet over here is that clock still working hey does the scale work oh I don't think I can walk over there oh I can't okay okay I want to see if the scale works there's a zombie in the bathroom right good good we have a working bathroom I'm gonna drink out of the sink oh wait you know what I have a backpack I think do I have a water bottle anything got nothing got nothing foreign medical okay oh I hear a zombie oh the car is that my car that must be my car oh oh oh oh oh my God close the door oh God oh God crap why did I walk outside that was a bad idea oh God look at this freak Show it's gonna break my door down I gotta be ready to stab him I got this nice looking scalpel I'm gonna I'm gonna open the door yeah I died oh God all right nobody saw that right [Music] okay unlock that door all right well my first client post apocalypse um it's not looking too well he came in and tripped on the floor don't even know what happened to his head um how do I loot them okay he's got see he's got a key oh he's got a key okay I'll take that classic Rich uh the wristwatch boxers we'll leave his body here in case we need any uh clothes or anything like that he wants a hug raid a house yeah um hold on we gotta uh oh my scalpel's broken so we're gonna just put in container Corp yeah put it on him can I use his oh that's sick you can use that scissors as a weapon I love it that's what I like about this game all right I'm gonna leave the store unlocked case I have to run back okay I have a car wait hold on where's my car key oh no there's no gas in the freaking thing oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God he's I think he just took a chunk of my skin oh my God okay we're going back inside it's not a oh God close the freaking door oh my God he freak shows oh my God they're gonna break the window Hey listen I just got that window replaced get away I got a pair of scissors here they're just dragging their meaty claws all over that nice window that thing is gonna be shattered open we're gonna have a bad draft in here I'm about to go run out there and stab him oh did I get bit oh [ __ ] I got bit or scratch I got scratched hold on hey bandages don't worry I'm a doctor I can heal myself okay okay oh [ __ ] huh oh what door are they coming from oh um ah get on me oh I just took a chomp out of my arm no stop taking chunks out of my arm s stab him ah get away from me oh oh no no oh oh oh I'm now I'm a Zombie God damn it oh my God I survived two hours though in game it's better than the first time I played I um first time I played about three days ago I was inside this house I look like a looney in a Suburban house I literally walk outside and this dude just proceeds to mall me for the like five minutes straight and I just die I killed one zombie though it's pretty good um okay we'll do a new character it's got a West Point West Point okay he's very off-putting very scared look at my guy go this is what a zombie doctor does in his new his new life here he's gonna just wander around oh it takes place in 1993 did not know that we're gonna do West Point um we'll do uh [Music] a burger flipper what up [Music] you're a police officer maybe we'll do a police officer um I'm gonna say we're gonna be good at running and uh yeah we're fit we want to be larger perception radius we definitely want that I felt like I was very kind of screwed with that huh and strong and now I have to take a lot back for myself okay so underweight [Music] um well fit doesn't even matter at this point uh we'll get rid of fit we have to get rid of 20 negative points so we'll do can I read books well that's that's I feel like okay that's uh negative 24 points uh underweight I guess underweight unfit and needs more sleep all right Seth Paul pollenko buzz cut police Trooper hat give him some aviators and we'll do a full beard it's been a bit of time since the Apocalypse it's gonna be kind of cool okay um we got boots I think yep okay there we go go to West Point you can graduate the U.S military in all right all right um okay here we are this is how you died okay we are Seth polinco our strength is pretty good um I forget what else is wrong with us um we have a lot of things wrong with us but it's fine we're we're a cop wait do we have a gun wait wait wait wait wait don't have a gun you know what we're in a police station they have an Armory right they have an Armory let's find the armory I have to I I've keys to everywhere um anything I can loot in here oh wait wait is that in here electric wire hard hat um I don't think I need a hard hat actually is there protection bite defense 100 okay we'll take that we're gonna wear it better than the trooper hat we have protection on the head always good always good to have we got a safe in here I don't know if I have the um it's very dark in here I can't see anything scroll wheel in uh yeah yeah I'm scroll wheeled in actually you know what I think I can actually um I can zoom in further with an option Zoom levels there we go okay maybe not is there another option to zoom in more auto zoom player one okay I don't oh that's uh if you're playing multiplayer okay uh I'm gonna make the font size a little bit bigger because I'm blind I want to see what that looks like yeah that's a little better I think I don't even know if that changed anything okay so we're in the police precinct here we need to find some weapons we got a hard hat right now so we're doing pretty good um we got matches we'll take that you can equip that as your primary weapon apparently I I want to know more about how I can use a match to kill somebody but I want to see if there's an Armory in here there should be right you'd think lights on oh that's so cool okay all right boss what you got in here he's got crayons on the desk imagine being a zombie to death with the crayon crossword uh I'm gonna take a pencil yeah we got crayons can you equip crayons oh my God I got crayons guys gonna beat his army to death with a crayon all right okay well I'm a little confused as to where I am right now here we go all right what's this guy's got empty mug and a pencil uh looks like we got more uh we got cigarettes paper clips um it's like a magazine I wonder if you could do that thing like you uh you can put things on yourself to protect yourself like you know World War Z where he takes like magazines and I don't know if you can do that or not can you do that let's read the magazine I don't think you can do that I'll have to figure out another purpose for it I guess okay spread uh press space while holding left click to shove zombies on the ground and stomp them that would have been very helpful yes I I did I just did play the tutorial like five ten minutes before I uh actually 30 minutes before it streams but I I didn't remember much let's go upstairs see what we got going up here oh it's dark down here that's dark up here all right let's see what we got what do we got in the uh evidence lockers nothing we'll take a pen bourbon take that playing cards okay I really should get like a life counter see how long I um make it oh crap what the hell here we go have like a uh time of um how long I can make it all right we got nothing really important in here oh perfect we got a fridge we got food excellent excellent oh yeah we'll take that take that take that I just loot it all okay well sugar packet tea bag sear I saw cereal somewhere cereal is very important oh can opener yes perfect we definitely need that okay [Music] [Music] I don't see any weapons around here [Music] oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I just saw a dead rat I see a dead rat I'm a Loner okay so there's nothing really around here it's kind of an office space I'm looking for anything really uh eat this real quick make sure my uh hunger is up to par [Music] yeah there's nothing really but equipment here just like typical pens paper Staples I was hoping to maybe see a off chance of a weapon or something but maybe not here maybe they don't have an armor here there's no weapons here I'm disappointed oh I'm at a bank I'm at a bank Knox Bank oh [ __ ] all right bastard oh oh okay okay okay I just locked myself out the door did not close he didn't even he didn't even notice all right all right oh my God crap crap crap crap we got a situation guys all right I don't know if they heard me or not sneaking around here in a taxi cab maybe that's got some gas in it if I'm lucky you've got to be [ __ ] me oh he locked it that bastard all right oh God that was a bad idea okay oh my gosh a lot of them oh my God okay okay okay they're still working out the door here damn it zombies have surrounded me [Music] okay thanks for the two e to close doors thank you I am oh and I'm scared which way do I go I'm gonna wait for one of them to break the door down and then I'm gonna run out that door once they come in project zomboid is a good game I know nothing about it I have uh about probably about an hour of play time at this point oh yeah stay zoomed out yeah that's a good idea thank you been playing like zoomed in the entire time let's see store is gonna break first do they do they break the door or they just sit here endlessly bashing the door open oh that door that door's about to uh freaking budge okay I don't think they're gonna climb to the window it's my Escape it's my escape hatch right there also Petey out of the bank and to the left out front of the bank into the left okay okay okay okay okay okay oh my God there's so many of them is this the PD here oh [ __ ] there's a cop right there [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay okay there's zombies everywhere dude you know I've uh I never actually got this far in project zomboid so we're gonna be learning together there's a cop right there okay okay okay okay okay what's this what's this I don't have time God damn it I gotta I gotta get it through that window okay okay I can worry about the I can worry about my bleeding arm later close the door [ __ ] close the door oh my God I'm spamming he's not closing the [ __ ] door oh my God oh my God oh my God okay all right all right oh oh God okay out the window we came in from out the window oh okay okay medical how am I doing how am I doing disinfect with some bourbon it's fine in the middle of the street full of zombies oh okay I didn't have time to clear the the clear the window you know what you know what [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there's got to be somewhere without zombies I mean how bad is this outbreak probably very bad if I had a guess I was a dead guy here maybe he's got a gun on him uh-huh uh okay okay okay is that a cop car no it's not a cop car hey guys how you doing how you doing dude I don't even oh come on oh crap I can't do it uh [ __ ] off dude this place this world is [ __ ] man I mean the the outbreak must have just happened if I had to guess I like most like apocalypse shows it's like months after like the humans are alive people killed a lot of them so there's like at least some safe places to go except for like I guess in a Downtown City well let's see this guy's got a gun on him anything anything can it open the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God hello we gotta oh that's alive that's he's still he's oh God oh my God oh my God check doors okay check doors got you got you got you you know what no gas oh guess Inga Inga no gas in it ain't got no gas in it or had something wrong with that I think there was something uh it was an out of gas I think there's link broken on it okay we gotta find a house somewhere we have to find a house I have a inventory what the button for inventory I okay okay okay okay I need a weapon pencil pencil dude do a John Wick Style okay all right ambulance ambulance ambulance dude [ __ ] God damn it help help it's just screaming okay okay oh okay you know what I'm gonna Drew come out I'm gonna juke him out oh God I see more of them oh my god oh there's even more of them in there ah come on dentist nobody's in the dentist office right oh my God oh my God ugly ass [ __ ] oh God I don't know how much time I have um inside my door they're outside my door oh my God how much oh God I don't have very long do I come on come on come on the way okay okay okay oh [ __ ] out of the way out of the way rookie I don't have I don't I can't lock the door you gotta be [ __ ] me TV on this you got any TV on this huh yeah anything oh it's got power oh there's a lot more details that I've seen okay okay okay okay get this [ __ ] off my screen there's so much stuff going on right now remove glass from hand most cars don't have keys right click on the hood to check mechanics smash any window with right click on them thank you so much Nick Chase I used the bourbon that I got it's good for drinking but I'm just gonna use it on my wound I quit drinking I gotta disinfect wait still infected I think we're good take the TV put it in front of the oh put it in front of oh thank you guys why didn't I think of that how do I rip it out wait tune in oh God oh God the TV's on how do I oh my God can I move the furniture how do how do I move the chair can I move the desk in front of the chair uh the the desk in front of the thing how do you do that get the [ __ ] off my screen hold on uh tab to pick it up wait what dude they're they're I think they lost me I actually I oh my God wait I gotta turn the TV off dude I gotta turn the TV off oh my God turn that [ __ ] off they're going to be oh my God put volume to max dude turn the TV off Dude where's the power cable I gotta snip that [ __ ] oh he's turning it off turn off I'm so confused okay um I am bleeding out I think there's blood all over me V inside cars switch seats thank you so much oh god oh they found me they found me oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm not ready for this dude I can't oh nightstand icon in left of screen left of screen this thing oh pickup [Music] go pick up you [ __ ] oh God might have to fight my way out of here they didn't teach me this in the tutorial okay that's too heavy to pick up I think oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh he's picking it up okay hold on putting in the chair in front of the door chair in front of the door okay okay okay turn off all right we put the T in front of the door if I can find tweezers someone said I need to find tweezers there's a spoon it's a needle oh God fresh corn you know what would be really great if this guy had a gun all right pickaxe or something I don't know I need something he a key oh wait wait wait oh this is just for the door I think I don't know what I'm gonna need of a paper clip I'll just take it it's free space jump out the window that's my plan though I I probably will end up breaking my limbs doing so but you know hey can opener I don't know if I have that or not canned beans let's do all this crap take the dish towel and my health is doing bad right now I think oh crap all right remove bandage dirty bandage okay hold on I don't think I have any more Band-Aids I'm gonna have to go out and get some more oh it's in wait it's not infected I don't think I needed to do that crap okay um yeah it's probably a bad idea to give myself a short sleeve shirt it's probably oversight um let me see I I might have um do I have any big shirts striped t-shirt um belt can you do with the belt these Tripper pants okay needle for wound suture use it with twine I don't think I have twine I ain't gonna die in here today nope turn this bad boy on I got no bandages I can't heal myself see what else he's got in here baseball cap oh a duffel bat wait wait wait wait wait duffel bag okay we need that for sure suit jacket uh we're gonna wear this and help us a little bit oh we've got duct tape duct tape perfect I'm taking CDs for some reason Suit Jacket we'll grab that um can you can you rip this down to oh craft rip clothing let's see can I make Rags like in Daisy and put use that as um see rags dirty rag apply uh I think I need to watch the rag right I need to clean the rag don't say I'm dead yet they haven't gone through my door yet we're fine and look at this we have all these books in here I think we're gonna do fine I'm gonna read all these books real quick still I'm too dumb to read this book I'll take the book though I don't know how far I'll get but I'm gonna try my best I bet oh you can take a book and use it as a weapon I might actually use it as a weapon I mean think about it books pretty damn heavy is anything in this desk I don't know if I searched this thing or not oh wait hold on oh yeah I probably should have checked here never mind there's nothing even in here toilet got anything in it nope ain't got nothing in it yeah it's got nothing in here dude you think they'd have some medical supplies but they probably ran off with them so this is what we're kind of down to here um just kill them with boring education exactly so oh damn it I got rid of my bourbon didn't I do I still have bourbon oh that sucks that really sucks okay so I don't think did I loot all the fridge I did okay well we're a little bit screwed but it's fine um we have critical damage rip sheets I'm gonna I'm gonna bandage myself with rip sheets cue to open doors quietly thank you oh hey here we go here we go here we go okay dirty rag oh oh disinfect um um the bandage is freaking dirty I'm bleeding bad I think I'm gonna have to put on um I can't put on a dirty band it's gonna get infected I guess it's gonna have to do we're gonna have to we're gonna have to bandage with the with the rag we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to do we're gonna die either way so okay I'm trying I keep hitting escape to close the thing [Music] no no no no no no damn it hit queued oh my God I keep falling for it I keep forgetting Q is the screen button okay okay what's down there I can't see beyond anything out here I'm probably gonna die doing this but it's fine fine [Applause] God damn it I just literally after all that got dirty rags man fell from a two-story window and broke his neck [Music] after all of that oh my God somebody clipped that please oh my God FML dude [ __ ] I I mean who the hell dies from jumping out of a two-story window maybe you sprain your leg like I guess my guy was already on the way out like he was either gonna turn us into a zombie in that room and become a zombie or he'd he'd go out like a man and and splat on the ground down below him I mean it's horrible to say but I mean I actually thought he was gonna survive it so I don't know Nick skinned you know what we're getting thick skinned how all the movies seem to end I know right I want to know like what's a realistic zombie apocalypse and you know like we need less sleep iron gut angler I need to heal myself um after playing for a bit I know a little bit better about what to do I've heard people say what this game kind of you have to do it's like the attention and detail is everything like if you have dirty rags you put it on your wound you're gonna get the wound infected you got to clean the bandage first you know clear the glass out of Windows yada yada um low thirst low thirst okay now we gotta get rid of 22 points uh we'll say unlucky um is one unlucky what could go wrong for you often does that's four that's not worth it I need 22. deaf is I don't know if I'd want to do deaf uh week underweight prone to injury unfit we'll do we'll do that we'll do that do we oh [ __ ] I'm already unfit I need 12 points to go less knockback from melee weapons decrease carrying weight negative two strength panics when performing First Aid on self cannot perform first aid and others get stressed okay um do fear of uh enough fear of blood dude okay do that one and then slow learner we're gonna be um let's be a I'm gonna actually save this dookie save that so I'm gonna keep doing it we'll do that um Park Ranger Construction um carpenter carpenter sounds pretty useful in this world let's try try Carpenter um okay oh wait wait wait wait wait wait we got six more points uh to spend here hold on hold on let's use a good one let's get a good one uh gymnast ax cook eagle-eyed uh faster visibility fade high visibility Arc best healer all right what do you guys think should we do which out of these six should I do well we have a lot of sixes actually I have only I can use any of these on this list here what's a good one doing one shot RP of this game oh yeah definitely never go with can't read first time I played I didn't think it would matter yeah um well I can I can read but I just have decreased XP gains you know what I'll just get rid of this to be honest I I think I'll just get rid of it and we'll save that let's save it dookie um that way it's balanced now I got carpentry first aid Fitness short blunt and strength uh I don't really want to screw with anything more because uh you know oh my God look at my guy Joseph ring Joseph ring I like him let's get a let's get him uh let's get him a visor advisor would help a lot yeah he's got spiky hair I like it I like it um Lumberjack t-shirt we need we do not denim shirt denim denim seems pretty strong um long sleeve t-shirt let's get him in uh uh uh baggy jeans maybe long denim shorts denim shorts baggy jeans dust mask tank top and safety goggles dude we're going in we're going in strong on this one honestly Sunday driver l I hate Sunday driver all right we're Carpenter and we started in a pitch black room this is what the [ __ ] is this like a torture house what is this okay is there a light in here it's a very dingy looking place okay and scrap Electronics word search all right uh light switch the light switch that is drink some water during the water it's in this box I already searched it nothing here nothing in here nothing in there got nothing anywhere press Q to whistle yep not falling for that one again I've done I did it like three times after I knew what it did I like the tutorial it's like oh yeah hit Q to get the antidote and he's like oh just kidding there's no antidote you're screwed now bye is there a light switch in here too there's nothing in here okay I'm getting out of here this this is the worst house I've spawned in yet this is awful is it the more you play this game the worst spawns you get or is it all randomized it looks like we spawned it at night time dig Furrow with hands investigate this area foraging search system um what does that sound oh my God are those coyotes oh my God broken glass uh equip primary do we have anything else Hammer anything oh that's cool you can have a search mode that's pretty cool uh what else we got all right we have basic we have bare bone basic stuff yeah I don't want to buy this house is for sale dude oh my God owl scared me hey we're getting this we got this one oh my [ __ ] god ah Jesus Christ help piece of [ __ ] all right I'm gonna get him brief socks two pants we're gonna take this stuff we're gonna make Rags out of it uh we don't need that take their underwear too I'm gonna wear those zombies underwears his underwear all right okay okay can I climb into this window there's a sink in the way maybe I can climb into it yeah climb on the scene grill brush this could be useful oh hello this is a way better house I should have spawned in here canned all right food food food food good good good good good good good mushrooms mushroom soup sounds disgusting oh bread knife thank God never have I ever been so happy to see a bread knife Tumblr can be used to collect rain water when placed on the ground outside okay I'll take that then take that teacup collect rainwater okay so a lot of this stuff is just yeah we can use this to collect water get that survivalist mindset where's the light switch in here you got a light switch in here oh there's already light in here okay take the pen you know our epic battle using a pencil against zombies we lasted a pretty damn long time with that got a pineapple and a beer bottle in here all right doing pretty good yeah find a can opener yep that's like the day I know that from the daisy days so important to have a can opener is worth like a gun honestly the most valuable thing there is was that a doorbell they're not the adorable zombies just freaking ding dong ditching are there other um like humans in this world [Music] uh thank you Nick uh chase by the way Yeah clean dirty bandages it sinks I did not see that till right now I don't know why Mercy Dragon Dave the two uh shift in E near curtains to close them thank you I love that advice that's great guys been great thank you so much for your help help me survive an extra five minutes I don't know how we're gonna die this time place your bets in chat how long we're gonna live for is there a light switch in here I need to loot this from there's a there's a closet in here oh oh yes yes we got a rifle thank goodness [Music] uh I'm gonna go AFK for one sec hold on chat hold on one sec [Music] all right chat I hope you placed your bets on how I'm gonna die you have to lock it in foreign over there okay well we have a rifle 308 round we've got the MSR both hands [Music] is it loaded how do I know if it's bullets in it racket okay we're gonna Crouch flamingos all right we're approaching the house yeah we came in there locked their freaking window oh don't use the gun don't use the gun okay all right we'll use the um use the bread knife oh these smart people locked their doors those smart people [Music] okay should I get to this window here oh my God if they lock their windows and stuff I feel like there'd be some good loot in here Q uh oh yeah yeah hit Q to lock pick yeah yeah help over here help dude I'm making so much [ __ ] noise how do I how do I get this door open it's gonna be a way to get in here I don't want to smash the window because you know why dude you know what do I smash the window what's this stuff hold on see and get over here a magazine potato take that thank you oh oh I just hopped oh my God bacon we got a bunch of stuff guys zucchini pickles Juice Box grapes butter beer can bacon oh excellent we're gonna be eating like kings tonight okay my guy's probably thirsty oh Phil Phil all yeah we're gonna fill all I'm gonna close that shutter by the way close that click H for fast medical check I'm scared to hit H because I feel like there might that might be a h for medical oh thank God okay it's not you press Q to open the medical menu help help please help me he's killing me slight damage I don't know how I got damaged um but we're fine we're doing fine Joseph ring is gonna survive the longest out of any of my playthroughs as of yet this house kind of sucks not gonna lie it's not really that great hairspray lipstick toilet paper oh equipped to mute sneezes and cops I like the attention detail in this game bandages are a must I don't need bandages um I guess I'll take toilet paper you can make maybe make a bandage out of it gonna drink out of the sink oh uh am I hungry could could do with a bite to eat oh I am over encumbered okay I always have this problem playing Fallout all right I have to dump a bunch of stuff night yeah I'm a little bit over I need to get a backpack or something so we'll start eating um I don't have a can opener so I'm a little bit screwed um ug of water uh pickles uh eat the pickles try to get our weight down [Music] here it's ripping some sheets um tumbler of water bikini fresh [ __ ] we need to get rid of some more stuff let's get rid of the underwear we don't need the briefs the zombies later took zombies underwear all right let's see how we're doing here okay can only stay out the window here Nick Chase thank you again for the five you're taking damage because you're carrying too much drop something before your legs break okay yeah um what's really heavy the gun probably but drop this 17. um what else is what's the heaviest thing I got your can still drop that too no I need that damn it water is heavy yeah I'll just probably drink the water to be honest we're gonna clean we're gonna use all the water to clean the rags rip sheets uh drop the toilet paper tomato paste tumbler water all right um we're almost down there bowl of water foreign we're getting closer we're getting closer I I just want to quickly dump out all this crap in my inventory that I'm not going to need broken glass I don't even know why the hell I have this I can't even get rid of it actually dog food drop the gun I feel like I might need the gun in a worst case scenario you know what I mean all the all the zucchini something doesn't feel right I wonder why what else juice box drink that let's get rid of it all run your pockets casually empty's kitchen on the floor I know right everything I just took I need a backpack desperately dude oh my God I still have so much get rid of the mug you go to the dog food 13.2 dish towel canned peaches canned corn let's get rid of this Quake which one does better for calories all right we'll get rid of this 12.4s need to get rid of like we'll get rid of butter I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with butter no idea drop the pen that's what we needed all right we're good we're good to move now oh my God the fog is insane okay all right we're gonna cross the street the zombie packs over to our left we're gonna move over to the front of this house here I doubt this door is even unlocked but try these guys putting flamingos in the yard a bunch of freaking hipsters thank God no no no no no open open open open for the love of God please can't oh my oh my God if I have a kitchen tongs muffin pan don't need that I don't need that beer bottle juice box plastic cup we need a backpack grapefruit we can't have anything oh [ __ ] oh my God we got a zombie over here stop oh it's not even my house it's fine I'll grad oh God it's not good headphones sleeping tablets early combat can be tough but if you hold space and push the zombies in something you can yeah mitigate some of the zombies yeah um I have done that a few times oh [ __ ] I'm out of here they just smashed the window I need a backpack oh my God I think a zombie just hopped [ __ ] okay we're gonna go oh my God oh God I might have to get the gun out hoard or not dude that window even close oh Jesus Christ that scared the [ __ ] out of me dude that actually they do so good with horror in a 2d game that's insane that's great that's great all right well we are a bit [ __ ] right now we are we are quite [ __ ] we don't have any backpack whatsoever you turn the lights out to lose oh [ __ ] okay I'm just gonna turn the [ __ ] lights on oh my God dude no [ __ ] you oh come on come on I can't move [ __ ] no get off get up no no no no they're taking flesh they're taking my flesh no oh what the [ __ ] I got killed by a cop God damn it all right I didn't last that long as the other one I did um let's go and try the um let's try the challenges it's over here tonight Rest In Pieces okay let's um all right check and decide should we do another uh should we do another run or should we do like a challenge even though I haven't survived that long anyways it's a solo a storm is coming clouds are gathering over Kentucky the crack full of Thunder can be heard in the distance as Skies darken the dead that stumble over the earth grow Relentless or Restless Studio these are kind of cool um hmm Winter's coming so we have a lot of different ones so there's winners coming mid July but suddenly there's a chill in the breeze it's a mere in a mere three days time a winner will set in like no other before it you awake in an isolated location you have meager supplies and the undead Awards might be slowed by the intense colds but they are no less deadly um that one seems a bit difficult I don't know how to build all that well yet so [Music] um Studio oh look at this what are the best movies are filmed King mouth Island got some cool challenges [Music] um a really hard cdca you get out of the shower and fall badly or blind drunk and have a nasty cold on top of this house on fire today today's definitely not your day let's try it um I'm just gonna load dookie would be Rudy seal okay let's do it no hope of survival you are going to die yeah yeah yeah okay so um oh God the house on fire and I'm naked this is not a good start okay oh my God there's zombies outside oh God okay the fire's spreading take the fork grab that okay hold on come on oh God [ __ ] off oh God oh God get off me [ __ ] you how do I get out of here how do I get out of here oh my God I chew I'm sneezing I'm drunk everything's on fire my prize collections are on fire get off oh my God I just took a chunk out I'm like [ __ ] you stop biting me I'm running I'm out of here are you kidding me [ __ ] [ __ ] get up stop oh my God holy [ __ ] I'm come on go run dude run hold up I'm right out of their grasp I'm right out of their grass oh okay I to be fair I had no idea what was going on let's try it again let's try it again let's run it again oh wait did I not have any skills no I I get skills let's try it again okay you gotta be kidding there's nothing here now my house isn't even on fire anymore oh wait is it continuing off of where I just died at oh it's a zombie over there oh God they see me oh my God this is very difficult yeah see how long I can survive this for to be honest okay so my guy is drunk I keep sneezing uh I have hordes on me and I got absolutely nothing absolutely nothing and I hear oh get off [ __ ] you get off oh my God help help help oh I am turning into a [ __ ] human apple right now yep human Apple oh [ __ ] God damn it [ __ ] you need to get cloth to cover wounds yeah I lasted um what is that like is that two minutes two minutes custom sandbox run let's try it dude I I did not survive that long that's sad I mean it is a difficult one for say uh for sure all right let's do it all right so let's do solo what's custom sandbox customize your very own zombie apocalypse die in the way I die in just the way you want okay so you can have mods that's kind of cool I uh I'll have to look at this mods let's do Rosewood zombie count uh normal ER uniform Urban focused I guess six months later survival one week later initial infection initial infection that's cool I like that initial infection okay we're gonna be James Wilson survivalist extraordinaire you guys have never seen anyone like it before this guy knows how to survive he's an expert survivalist Bear Grylls looks up to him you guys are going to learn a lot today I don't know about this hair but we'll work with it all right we need to get as much heavy clothes as we can so let's get a denim shirts good t-shirt I'll do a long sleeve t-shirt baggy jeans I think it'd be harder to bite through a lot baggy jeans I could be wrong though sneakers a mask let's get a dust mask just extra stuff safety goggles and a visor we look crazy but it's fine because we're gonna survive what possessed me to play pz well um I don't it kind of looks like it's a game I wanted to try for some time and I feel like I wouldn't have as much fun as if I was just recording the game and I definitely want to do a lot more of just like games like I want to play and just just literally just straight up to stream games like um I don't know something that isn't GTA I do GTA a little too much so it's kind of nice okay all right all right all right shut off my screen oh my God oh initial breakout guys oh I've always wanted to see this okay loot all little scrap I got a nice backpack too I think all SW sweep the nation so they have no idea what what's going on with the world right now spatula sauce pan oven mitts uh can I equip these no I don't need them then dish towel I'll take I'll take one dish towel what's going on outside words people's there no the reports confusion okay we're not getting much information out of that books books books books books VHS who the hell is VHS in this day and age okay we'll take a book and equip it as a weapon electrician can I read this it's read how to be an electrician real quick um we'll do this and farming uh frying pan and griddles are good starter weapons yeah I don't know why I didn't think of that uh the amount of times I've used that in Left 4 Dead it's definitely saved my ass turn the volume to two is every channel like this oh it's every channel that's that's that's actually scary that's definitely scary okay all right let's get the outbreak's happening um I need a loot more stuff all right let's see what else we got in here adhesive bandages uh grab all those oh crap we're just uh grab all those bath towel first aid kit grab that Foundation makeup very very important for that oh oh oh we got a pipe wrench excellent excellent plunger oh I'm way over I'm over limit again I'm taking tweezers too somebody said I needed that we'll drop um oh [ __ ] we're gonna have to drop something we'll drop the electrician book that took some weight off paper bag um drop the plunger 12 I need to drop another salami wreath eat the salami that did nothing for me okay there we go all right we're doing pretty good doing pretty good starting off strong here any backpacks anywhere anything fanny pack yes okay we're gonna take some pants rip them into rip it all and put it in the fanny pack gives us a little bit extra stuff so that's good all right use it as a safe house yeah use the yeah I figured I would use this house as a as a starter carrying a little too much oh [ __ ] again eat it eat all the radishes processed cheese [ __ ] what else is super heavy the book got the book we don't need we don't need the book dude my guy can hold nothing at all what else is super heavy cheese it's cheese heavy weird question but is it I'm gonna drop the egg cards I mean who the hell is going to eat an egg and post-apocalyptic world I mean if you have a farm maybe bread knife can opener take that I'm right at the limit I'm gonna take the kitchen knife as well damn it I'm over again I'm gonna drop uh drop chips there we go okay we got all the Basic Essentials here oh wow okay so the world just ended the initial outbreak has just happened I'm coming out of my house like Bill from The Last of Us right now oh oh my God that is that Davey lumen oh my God David what happened why is this reminding you Pro so much oh [ __ ] okay what he's got what he's got what he's got what's he got he's got the Green Jacket light defenses Plus 10. all right I'm gonna wear it might be better than mine all right we got a little bit more defense is that a Homer Simpson's car come on I already got a new what do you got in you gold ring pants blue trunks credit card maybe we can take the car we need a backpack oh wow we got a lot of tools in here dude the initial outbreak is terrifying oh my God all your friends neighbors family like everybody they're just turning I have to beat one of these guys to death first oh he just took a bite out of My Flesh oh God oh my God I can't [ __ ] move all right oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] God how do I Sprint again oh my God I gotta [ __ ] go dude I gotta go I have a backpack well uh I don't know why I Can Only Hold like so much stuff all right oh my God I left the [ __ ] door open I left one of my doors open I left the door open [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay take your hammer and plank it up what what ah damn it that sucks I turned so fast we're gonna do that again that was fun I do Riverside oh man sorry guys okay guys the guy's a hacker [ __ ] cheated I didn't know I had a backpack on okay I guess I do like I see the backpack but I only have so much space with it oh wait hold on a second oh it's a separate thing entirely oh okay all right I didn't know that I think I remember that in the tutorial now they're separate inventories okay I did not know that all right I thought it was like combined when you get like a you know a backpack a fanny pack whatever it's like it's all together okay that makes sense aluminum yes perfect okay we're gonna take um I'll take some pop I guess drink all it drink all the pop grab one grab one of those dish towel grab that uh we need some more medical supplies beer can lard yes just lard in your kitchen yep as one should just have lard in your kitchen uh frying pan I'll equip that yep that sucks I actually thought we were gonna last pretty long there quite disappointing grab those sewing kit good good good vitamins bandages all those gravelos all right more vitamins pencil alarm clock yes for any reason you need to take your alarm clock with you probably be used for uh I'm assuming people use them as a distraction maybe for Zombies Fight I guess pretty damn cool all right take the bourbon we're gonna need that to clean bandages juice box we have it really easy here definitely definitely have it easy here take another dish towel screw it uh kitchen knife take that all right um okay well here we are outside my trailer house the outbreak just happened man see what my neighbors got my neighbor got anything cool over here [ __ ] he locked the doors wow doors wide open but his windows are locked didn't clean his dishes either before he left um what else you got in here baking tray I don't really know what I need per se um I guess we'll take all that stuff I don't need a paper bag I for some reason taking paper bags with me oh something's on in the t swim over here bottle disinfectant perfect we need that sewing kits tweezers I think I have tweezers but I don't know all right we're doing pretty good we got we got a lot of good stuff on us um be cool if there's like a large oh oh it's a gun oh it's a gun oh my God we got a gun grab sheets this is um no this is not uh moldra this is um I forget what it's like the second or third one this is gonna film my inventory up [ __ ] [Music] eating loud ass chips right beside the window uh okay we got one out there gotta we got a freak out there he's got his last resort yeah yeah yeah it's true I got a baseball bat now so we're gonna use that um they don't drop that gun because I need that anything else in here I don't think I need anything else in here um I think we're good all right oh crap all right speed him to death give me your zombie oh my God he faces the wrong way beat the [ __ ] out of this guy oh you gotta be kidding me oh there's too many of them there's two of them but come on come on come on Freak Show oh yeah I'm Negan all right what do you got what do you got nothing good I get bit minor pain oh [ __ ] okay unpleasantly hot well I need these layers ain't nothing good here am I infected no I'm not um we just bourbon all right we're good uh we definitely need to get some better clothes let's go loot the zombies they might have better stuff basically you need everything or anything and eventually you'll need uh everything once you get set up with the base but make sure you grab the honey okay yeah I don't think this lady's bra is going to help me against bite defenses unfortunately screwdriver I'll take the screwdriver it sounds like something I might need thank you Darkness welcome back by the way um anything else did I loot this person already I think uh all this stuff isn't that great so I think we're we'll continue marching over here oh there's a lot of zombies they're all spread out though it's low zombie population so I feel like I could take them that guy looks like he might have a good jacket on him so let's go beat him up you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me that's for bite me all right I thought he had better clothes than I did bite defense 10. they're all the same as mine crap okay this is not good I definitely prefer this over the uh uh I prefer this over the other time I I played that was way too intense for me for a new beginner I was a little insane [ __ ] God damn it I spoke too soon what did I die of what did I die of what you're kidding me oh my God you've got to be [ __ ] me baseball bat is better with both hands yeah I probably should have hit it with one [ __ ] hand unlucky honestly uh yeah so I was playing on Rosewood I'll do um I'll do river wait did I do Riverside I did Riverside I'll do um damn it I wish there was more maps they're different Maps I'll do West Point again I like West Point it's kind of nice um so let's look at our our thing here so we have unfit and low endurance that's that's kind of fine I have uh I have decent skills I don't really know what other skills I could have um [Music] foreign [Music] but then I have to balance it out with something so I'll I'll add that I'll add strong um I'll add this all right [Music] not West Point pillow in sheets okay earbuds comic book all right all right all right all right all right where the hell am I oh okay so take the baseball bat out both hands that was my first mistake I used a baseball bat with one hand for some reason don't know why put the hammer back my backpack all right my school bag book a book okay you got shot in the head that happens in this wait what did I I got shot in the head wait for real wait so there are people I I did ask earlier but I didn't actually read chat after I asked a question or I missed the uh the response so there are other people in this right like other like obviously not players but like there are NPCs with guns right they shoot you nothing really important in here uh only a multiplayer so wow you're the only person left alive okay so the game wasn't bullshitting us all right can you loot cars probably could loot cars right foreign cars locked first time actually looking at a car up close in this game NPCs are mods okay I got you all right uh car is uh good condition good gas brake suspension Bodywork engine power 275 horsepower it's a mic it's like my first car want to drive a car no key for this car found how do you how do you how do you steal a car where'd you get the keys from no open window the keys are in front of you James what where are the keys oh who the hell who the [ __ ] leaves their keys in front of their car you might as well just leave it in the car all right guys first time driving a car thing just explodes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh man it's like my first time driving just see my dad in the passenger seat oh this is so cool oh I can I can run through him right yeah that's just I know I'm gonna mess up the car doing this but that's half the fun of it I'm gonna wipe this whole town out oh crap we hit a tree how did they get back up I gotta run this guy down more oh I got him I got him oh God they're getting back up they're getting back up [Music] oh yeah oh yeah yeah look at that we're free riding yeah oh [ __ ] okay that was a bad idea driving into a tree I think a car's little you're gonna break the only working car it's all right we have uh other houses to uh to test out let's pull up uh to this house here nope [ __ ] I'm so I'm still bad at melee I have no it uh uh nothing better than me okay I wonder does he have car keys on him we have another car nope guess not there's uh zombies on their way a bandage yeah yeah got you guys wait what how do I what what why can't I heal hold on what I messed there's something wrong oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hook up um why do I not have wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God I didn't grab medical supplies you've got to be [ __ ] me okay I for some reason misremembered I didn't find any medical supplies or I didn't take any I don't know what what's true okay all right rip the sheets okay yeah okay okay um let's go to the bathroom I think I was just in the bathroom was I was in the bathroom bedroom closing there okay okay okay okay what do I have a dirty rag bandage all right we're good we're good minor damage doing pretty good um all right all right we're doing all right yeah they're doing all right yeah all right yeah all right yeah buddy Jam take the bread I'm gonna eat the bread not one-fourth of it take the whole damn thing damn it eat all of it eat all that food that bread that Bread's hard to come by Boy what's we got uh can opener I definitely need that I actually oh my god wow I have a lot of cans um that guy hungry discomfort minor pain getting uh getting Hunger absolutely absent okay yeah we'll we'll open some food this game is really fun honestly I like it I like it a lot it's a great game um except when I fall out of a window and break all my bones awful time try the TV yeah just turn we'll turn the TV on full blast dude uh I'm moist that's a very weird description I gotta find better clothes I guess oh a bathroom perfect and you got no what you got nothing to loot in here really you got nothing what do you get what's benefit earbuds nothing Electronics all right um matches oh key I don't know what this key is to but I'll take that matches lock is broken all right we got a working car I go to the fire department yeah here we are with my first working car I definitely didn't use to just drive downtown and run a bunch of people down all right well be more careful with this car now I don't wanna lose it oh look at that so nice being the only person on the road got no other cars to worry about there's an ambulance back there out of the road did not see that one coming all right I gotta find downtown is there a map a map okay I cannot I do not want to be looking at the map right now uh shift W for cruise control oh that's actually kind of cool I do not want that on though get in the car what are you doing hit e by accident guys trying to die um what do we got here what is that what is that I can't tell what that is excuse me going for a nice Sunday stroll oh wait is that a police car an ambulance back there the top right of my screen what is that hey I think I remember this area is where I fell out I think this is one of the buildings I ran into in a panic we have the town hall wow initial outbreak's kind of crazy that's a um that's the bank okay so the police station is if I remember correctly it's right over here right here okay uh this is gonna be a pain in the ass I'm gonna use the car as a weapon I know some people might disagree but we have to use this car to our advantage and right now we need to clear out a lot of the infected in this area so I don't have to kill them my melee skills are not that great I feel like using a car is a pretty good tool anyway so take a police car oh yeah you're gonna take that police car for a nice Joy Ride that's what I'm doing an apocalypse wanna kill as many as I can in the street and then we'll go inside the police station okay all right all right search the trunk of the police car I will once I am done killing him oh my God that one is a crawler he's got a knife in his back might take that oh he's got a gun in his back he's got a gun in his back all right we're gonna we gotta hurts up how much time I have for a horde shows up is that gun where's that gun where's that gun this guy got what's this guy got oh wait did I just see a millet oh military boots where are those where are those oh wait wait wait that's actually way worse not the camo shorts [ __ ] take this take that we need the ax uh hiking bag um capacity we'll take this we'll take that we'll take that oh my God [ __ ] okay uh I had a stone ax where is it oh my God where is it where is it where is it where is it next equip in both hands right door is wide open guys come on oh there's a gun on the floor I think no it's a key it might look like a pistol treadmills or something in there jail we're taking over the city thank you interrogation room cool cool hang in here attach the weapons to you uh what does that mean oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] no no oh wait [ __ ] I'm out of here I'm Audi oh God I'm gonna [ __ ] die that's fine fine myself all right sheets use the rip sheets I no damn it no God damn it God damn it no so when you get bit you're [ __ ] you're you're basically [ __ ] that I mean that makes sense zombie apocalypse that's how so many zombies foreign use the cop car Sirens it will help I want to do it again uh what was that that was what what map was that West Point let's try it again all right oh man here it is day five I've died so many times and I forget what day it actually is frying pan uh I already have a weapon in my backpack I think we'll just take that out both hands get that out get that ready to go always turn the car off the engine noise attracts zombies okay yeah that's the attention to detail I probably should realize that's a thing a bacon that's good that's a good news eraser farming pen radio nothing nothing you know what um you can use a radio right equip is a primary secondary item can you go to the secondary I wonder can I take this out how do I use okay can I can I turn the radio on and then drop it and then like have them distracted on it I feel like that makes sense I just don't know how to drop it like say you have it out how do you drop it where's my uh baseball bat baseball bat take that band get to the police station okay let me get some supplies first because uh take oh me Cleaver definitely want to grab that all right got all of that um anything else I think that's about it always room in here I didn't go in here yet oh chest might be something in there baggy jeans we're gonna rip that up um actually wait yeah wear that bag of jeans better than our jeans for some reason foreign okay all right oh I think the door is locked damn it how do you where'd you get the keys from Shoot when you get the cop car uh keep the sirens on okay yeah I need keys I don't know if anybody left keys for me here unfortunately unfortunate unfortunate you leave the keys anywhere else attach your bat to your back okay um where is my bat uh well that's the cleaver oh here's the bat right here attached back and then I hit one to get it out okay I'll have the kitchen I'll have the me of a kitchen knife and I'll attach that to my belt left a meat cleaver attach it to my belt right we got a whole bunch of weapons now any keys anywhere around here okay wow it's an initial outbreak it's not too too bad um broken damn that sucks okay oh my God you gotta be kidding me oh my gosh I'm not a human [ __ ] Apple I'm okay I gotta get out of here I got bit okay this is not looking good for me right out the gate oh yeah I got no medical supplies all right well we're kind of screwed right now unless we um tank top wet rip the clothing up school bag long sleeve shirt oh my God screw off man ah damn it on come on come on come on [Music] [Music] all right while they're distracted on that I'm gonna go to my neighbor's house come on come on open the window [Music] all right now not climb back out the damn window [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they saw me all right good old blinds trick right there [Music] uh I think I'm doing good on medical stuff now I mean obviously oh no they found my freaking house oh this is not good this is not good not good not good at all not good where okay denim jeans is gonna be way better Lumberjack shirt Lumberjack shirts worse okay fifty percent chance oh where do they just break into where did they just break that window I'm terrified I'm so scared right now if you start getting hot or nauseous you're deaf infected and will die yes oh okay so if you get bit you're basically dead no matter what you do uh when you equip new clothing the old goes into your pocket inventory so you need to drop them or move them to the backpack oh I appreciate it thank you um I think we're I think we're doing all right um we have pain I don't have uh any medicine for it though maybe I'll sleep so it's daytime uh better visibility zombies can practically freaking see always so you know oh God I didn't mean to do that what did I oh my God what am I doing bad quality good hey let's try sleeping I haven't slept yet how do you sleep oh God the TVs on I turn the freaking TV off turn it off all right okay we got the TV off okay um I'm thinking maybe um we'll take this thing disassemble uh I'll take the couch and put it in front of the put in front of the door here wait what no I'm not trying to pick up the damn floor dude and try to put down put down not the not the oh my God not the freaking radio the damn chair oh my God okay I I kind of understand now I I kind of understand so to pick up this stuff I have to pick it up and then tab to switch the mode okay I understand now so we have the TV and then uh that's not what I have watch when jmw gets helicopter event let's put the radio down it won't let me sleep not tired enough to sleep yet okay I see why all right foreign do these 2D games are freaking terrifying I has a zombie right there okay we're gonna be careful hit R to cycle through stuff to put down okay appreciate that so the tutorial I don't remember really telling you much about that and maybe I missed it but I don't know I like to learn more from playing the game and uh you know dying in Ridiculous Ways you guys have already seen oh God zombie knocking on the door right now oh zombie excuse me crap you've got to be [ __ ] me oh my God I'm terrified I can't see them I can't see them I'll [ __ ] this bat give me my bat come on come on come on come on out of the way I want to see if that door's open [ __ ] okay come on hey dude you want to run what there's a button to run I forget what it is okay okay we're all good we're good we're good we're good we're good The Window Man don't [ __ ] close the window open it no you idiot jump through the [ __ ] window what what are you doing oh my this guy deserves to die honestly let him [ __ ] die oh my God I'm so mad at this guy I'm gonna die I'm definitely gonna die I'm just gonna go down Swain dude I I hate the [ __ ] melee just freaking swing where I want to swing damn it Jonathan God damn it I still had the TV listen my guy wanted to open and close windows while there were zombies behind him I don't want to hear it okay honestly I don't you know we're gonna wear a change out let's go to West Point uh what all right choose what map guys what do you think what's a good map Rosewood [Music] too much weight oh maybe I maybe I didn't really see that I wasn't paying attention [Music] you're also starving to death Rosewood is a good starter map yeah dookie [Music] all right let's do it again this game's kind of Addicting not gonna lie it's really fun I got a note in the fridge here you read that note avocado a bunch of food we'll take that all we'll take it all is that a meat Patty I just took I took a meat Patty I think yeah it's a fresh uncooked meat Danger's uncooked okay let's uh let's cook it on the stove he's cheering it on all right um okay how does this work how do you cook food put in container oven wait no you nope can you put it on the stove wait I'm so confused hold on a minute settings temperature 400 oh that's so cool you can change the actual temp uh temperature and the timer so I'd say four 450 for meat 400 somewhere around there of a timer for yeah all right I don't know if I'll ever get that meat back but we'll see it might catch the house on fire but you know say my problem uh I'll take the kitchen knife with us we'll attach that to the belt right me Cleaver to attach that to our belt left and um get our trusty Baseball Bat Out attach that to back and we're swing that with both of our hands okay cool all right chaps all right so let me try something so let's try uh picking up something I still don't know how it works so an item here I don't care about the TV so to place an item all right so pick up so you hit pick up guy picks it up objects on this tile okay R just okay you swap through items and then tab just change the mode so then I put the TV down here oh food's done okay so I kind of get it now all right my food done foreign it is it's in the stove I put it in the oven I don't know uh where the meat went I uh you know what is it back in my inventory where did I put it I put it in the oven why can't I why can't I see it is it in the oven dude this house is about to catch on fire don't trust me to cook things oh wait um can opener oh this is a different thing oh I didn't know this was a thing okay all right I don't even know I'm just gonna leave the oven on I don't really care about that meat to be honest we're fine without it I want to leave for some medical supplies before we dip out um you ate it there's no way I ate it no way I put it I dragged into the oven there's no way no way belts okay we'll start ripping up this clothing unless it's better than ours no it's not so we'll rip this up all 11 pieces of it oh crap it's gonna add some tremendous weight you eat the you ate the meat raw there's no way I ate it off uh there's no way I freaking ate the meat there's no way [Music] crap where's the uh rags okay [Music] I already went in here there's nothing in here um bathroom is awful there's nothing in here sucks light switch or anything is on in here it wasn't even on this entire time excellent it's great all right well let's go outside oh zombie over there we got one over there little bastard oh it's locked you gotta kid me how dare you lock your your truck during a zombie apocalypse very uh inconsiderate to us that need it all right how the hell am I gonna kill these guys I don't want to die oh is there three of them oh [ __ ] oh God okay okay we're doing good I don't I don't think I got bit go out the back door it's fine you know what turn this bad boy on oh wait do I twice [ __ ] like an opening window simulator dude hold e to get out right yeah holy all right so I distracted with the good old TV and dip trick up to the street to the right up a bit more you'll find a dirt road with a cabin that's really good for bass survival up the street to the right okay so we'll head north then or whatever Direction This is you're dehydrated in Poison James yeah yeah uh I don't know what to do about poisoning okay I'm uh unpleasantly hot I don't think I got bit I don't maybe I did did I get bit am I gonna die I'm like am I gonna die I'll just start eating I'll just start eating some Tomatoes we're fine it's all right tomato a day keeps the zombies away um there's I don't remember eating it I will drop the sausage we ain't gonna need that and gotta I can't figure out how the stove works I think it'd be cool if you could sabotage a an oven I'm pretty sure you can this game seems like you can do anything in it so I want to know if you can sabotage an oven and just set an entire house on fire like lure them to a house and then just set it on fire that'd be kind of cool I'll have to look into seeing if you can do that or not like the street in front of the house you were just uh in okay so I'll have to head back this way then oh oh God I don't like the melee in the game that's one thing I don't like it's very it's kind of hard to see where I'm really swinging okay um uh bloody clothes cigarettes oh Louisville map read map Lewisville Kentucky where the hell am I I don't know where I am I have no idea where I am uh uh am I in the woods okay I don't know where I am and we'll figure it out in due time we'll be fine I won't Liz don't you worry it's like you [ __ ] Treyon Smith thank you so much for the 10. I love your terrified screams uh I don't but I appreciate you do all right let's see how far I can get um instantly regrets playing projects on Boyd see how far I can get don't mind me my Vans backpack don't mind me see if I can get to that cabin what if I was secretly a pro at this game and nobody knew it was just a pro with this game oh God is somebody in here and then get in here anything good in here nothing good nothing good mutton get mutton the hell is that oh my God she's in the [ __ ] house oh geez is she a cop wait wait I think she's a cop wait wait wait wait what oh my God it is a police it's a police officer just kill the police officer holy [ __ ] night stick ooh ooh belt right belt right we're gonna beat zombies together uh beat zombies to death with a baton better shoes all right uh pants are actually worse surprisingly don't know why I'm a cop going downtown look at this look at this 80s rocker over here don't get cocky oh wait yeah I got too much I got too much uh uh drop this drop that thirteen I still got weight on me um what else I was gonna drop drop the meat cleaver drop the drop the butter drop the drop the chicken um and drop the grapefruit and the the dirty rag I'm gonna go out swinging okay yeah an army bought 100 weapons holy [ __ ] that's insane oh we got a grill hey hey look at that hey nice house you got in here turn on weapon outline oh all weapon outlines all right well um it is coming up to that point where I'm probably gonna end the stream um so I'm gonna end it in a battle against the Dead oh my God that's not the way I want to go out no it's not the way I want to go out man oh my God no this is such a stupid way to [ __ ] die no man what man oh you [ __ ] suck yeah I am getting I am a human Apple I am just getting bitten like freaking crazy oh [ __ ] all right well um I do want to play this game again at some point uh there's some stuff I gotta go do um but I appreciate you guys coming to tune into my stream I definitely want to do a lot more games like this in the future like just some random you know games like this I don't know what you consider it's an indie game or what but it's a lot of fun I definitely want to do it again sometime soon if you have games you loved love to suggest me to play on stream you can follow me on Twitter at gnwfilms underscore YT or you can join my Discord at jmw films it should be it should be in the description of the stream and uh for you twitch guys it should be uh on my uh should be on my page there as well but in any case thank you guys so much for tuning in and uh I'll see you guys next time thanks so much for watching
Channel: jmw
Views: 37,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jmw, jmwfilms, scp, second, channel, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Review, Let's play, Tips and tricks, Guide, Beginner's guide, Tutorial, First impressions, Gaming channel, Multiplayer, Single player, PC gameplay, zombie, project, zomboid, steam, 2013
Id: J10fjS2XOaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 21sec (8661 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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