Project Zomboid In Prince Edwards Island in Canada | Exploring the Lost Province Map | ep13

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and we're live what's happening you guys how yall doing good morning good afternoon good evening to you today we're going to be playing some project zomboid a little game called project zomboid lost Province Canada we're in Canada baby we're in Canada what's up Michelle my one Facebook viewer snow Beetle Boris Big Unit honey Boney [ __ ] it's good to see all you guys let's just jump right in this might be a little bit shorter of a of a um of a stream today thinking two to 3 hours something like that than it was yesterday because we were on for almost 4 and 1 half hours which is really nuts but real world Rim world just kind of does that to me it's like one of those like just one more thing kind of a kind of a deal I don't know where I am oh I'm home Perfect all right so this is the story of Jack farmer he's still alive baby two months 8 Days 4500 zombies killed 83 pounds and or kilograms or whatever that is a stone I don't know these crazy English people who knows but it's 83 I know he's not 83 lbs for sure um he's a slow healer prone to illness weak stomach shortsighted Speed Demon we are stout now a brawler and we are lucky feel little bit lucky and this is our our our stats and you know this is this is kind of a a unique place for me because usually I don't try to work on Crafting or whatever usually I'm struggling with everything but because we have extremely rare loot and uh in very high zombie counts as opposed to insane zombie count counts and insan L rare loot it's making things a little bit easier on me life is easier here on the on zomboided land what's up Max how you doing we found ourselves a lamp a couple days ago that's good and right now we we're kind of tired so we're going to sleep but what we've been doing is we decided that we were going to come over here and start working on this this is the city by the way y'all is it right here right here we're working on this right here in in fact this this little part right here here we've pretty much decimated we've done a really good job with it we've cleared it out there's a lot of like places that we can check out and stuff um it looks like I'm okay on food right now I'm satiated very nice do I need do I need more food if we have anything 2100 hours we do have time to to cook and stuff I guess uh we got some eggs I'm not going to touch those eggs because it's only one hung in hunger so it's not even worth it okay 25 water bottles lots of water bottles we got a lot of small hattic as well as a couple Frozen uh fresh cooked and Frozen um salmon which we're going to go ahead and eat that up snow Beetle will be proud let's also go ahead and get I guess a should we do a roasting pan we haven't roasted anything right let's uh let's let's go ahead and grab that let's see what we what we can roast up is this going to is this going to uh go down eventually it is see what we have here got a little peanut [Music] butter go ahead and open one of [Music] these we'll also open one of these and it's unfreezing right now right I think oh maybe I need to turn it on turning on would probably help right salmon so fancy I'm fancy smancy person do I really want to do uh I don't know I'm still on the fence we'll open some canned peas as well perfect oh it's cooking now it's fresh cooked and cooking we were already fresh cooked but it's going to go ahead and cook it up for us too how nice is that we've I guess this must be like some sort of a bug or whatever kind of curious maybe I don't want to do a roasting pan maybe I want to do a frying pan yeah we'll go ahead and and grab that let this cook up Abba Ian it's good to see you you should round up the water bottle amount to uh 30 we should shouldn't we hope you're having a good uh a good Wednesday it's hump day right little hump day a little hump day in your life it's uh it it's it's the beginning of my work week it's funny because like you know I got up and I was like yeah do I really want to stream today I mean I got so much stuff I can do you know I've been I've been going to the gym every day trying to at least uh there have been a couple times like when the snow came I didn't go for that week and I also injured my foot I think I have like I I would I I don't want to say a stress fracture but it's something in my in my ankle that SW that is making it swell it's kind of bothered me a little bit if haven't been wearing a brace when I do run and I've been taking ibuprofen every day to kind of like he you know deal with the inflammation and it's I mean it's going okay I mean I ran I ran today on it and it felt fine and yesterday it felt fine too but some days I mean I wake up and I'm just like o Jesus especially on these hard runs where I'm like running like much faster than I should be running it's just a it's kind of one those tough things all right let's see what we can make as far as this we have a frying pan I can only do peas I can't do corn on this a Hellfire Let's uh let's let's cancel that we'll grab a uh grab one of these empty cooking pots instead Go Fish I got lots of fish right now um confused beard I I really don't need it I really don't need a [Music] [Music] fish or else I would do [Music] it I don't want to fish all the fish out of the ocean I want to be like you know like random beans we can do split peas and some ters and some [Music] maters we'll throw in a little salt in in with it d is Let's uh let's also add uh some tomato paste hell yeah so what we can do today today I I was kind of on the fence about whether I should like continue to uh to impress you guys with my with my skills of building right now we are you can't see anything damn it little bit too dark up there never mind I have to show you in the morning like continue building maybe build a roof over our heads or whatever or we can go and just continue to uh to to thin out the uh the the zombie Menace In charlotteville or wherever that town is is it like Rim world what's H what's happening kbk juice it's called getting old yeah that's probably what it is that's probably you're probably right I mean really honestly like like used to be like an easy like an like a super easy run for me right would be like 6 mil an hour or um and and I would and I would do it for like two hours you know what I mean and like not and just barely break a sweat now I'm huffing and puffing with those 6 miles an hour man it's it's tough it is a it is a uh it's a challenge for me I'm trying to get it to where I'm I'm able to do a 10K below 30 minutes and that's been uh that's been a real big challenge now I should be doing a lot of weight work too but um I just prefer running you know what I mean it's like I I like I like it better for some reason and you know somebody somebody once told me it doesn't matter what you do in the gym you know as long as you enjoy it because if you don't enjoy it you're never going to go back but I will probably add some um some more some way work in later on I mean I like I like being in the gym and it's only like you know 30 to 45 minutes every time I make four bowls I'm going to make four bowls of stew and my goodness it's it's already uh past my [Music] bedtime [Music] beautiful we'll go to sleep a Mobility Scooter will help yeah so I I thought that maybe it was like cuz you know I've dealt with like cuz i' I'm a runner um I've dealt with like uh with with foot injuries and all sorts of injuries all all the time so I kind of know what to uh I kind of know what to expect you know and at first I thought it was maybe like a stress fr like in you know one of the million bones that you have in your in your uh in your foot but I don't think it is now because otherwise I wouldn't be able to run on it that's what I'm assuming not that you're wrong about that I think I think we're we're dealing with uh yeah a lot of fog this is upstairs I could build another um a couple a couple staircases up here and go all the way to the top and like start to uh to fix that this is our our stuff right here yeah it's pretty foggy we'll wait and see what what they say actually let's go outside and dump our U other stuff while we're here dump them [Music] cans [Music] what's up ball but you know I mean I en I enjoy it I I do need to go to Costco sometime this week um I found this new thing so I've been doing my with my with my family this is totally food and diet and all that stuff I've been doing hellofresh right because it's easy and um you know they give you like a sack and you can dump things in it so it's like really quick clean up and stuff like that and my daughter and wife really love it I don't really eat much from from it you know every once in a while I'll do it it's not it's not something it's not in my diet really a lot of pasta and things like that but I found this new app called meal lime have you guys heard of it it's uh uh basically it's kind of like a you know you put your uh what you what you want um as far as like what your diet is you know whether it's vegetarian or paleo or keto or just all the above or whatever and it it what it does is it processes like four um four recipes for you right you can edit it out and choose things or whatever but it it does it and then it makes a grocery list for you so it's it's kind of it's kind of a cool like little thing and it's designed to where those four recipes that there that they uh um share with you are going to minimize um waste which is kind of cool because that's one of the biggest problems with going you know with cooking stuff is is that you know you buy you you buy way more than what you need and then you wind up like wasting a lot of a lot of stuff about your diet with seafood seafood that's what this guy's diet [Music] is ah what what should we do today have a wood axxe here while I'm waiting we might as well just go ahead and equip this in both hands we'll start chopping down some of these trees that are uh kind of unwieldy at this point man Nature's just kind of taking over isn't [Music] it [Music] rest up I prefer to shop my uh to shop myself then I know what I'm eating drunk is eating athletic green and Y food like all the the the elite YouTube what is that it's the cankles drunk you think that's what it is it could be I am getting older man it's it sucks it sucks getting older it really does but you know I mean like as far as like like Gem and stuff like that the way I look at it is it's kind of like my own insurance plan right I mean it it helps we're just doing this while we wait oh man why must it be like that for do I have my betch it's in my the trunk of my car I was a hammer and you were my lady it makes you feel better about Downing a pound of ice cream indeed that is that's there's some truth in that kind of sucks but I'm going to have to uh I wonder can I I'm going to try something real quick I'm just curious if I can do this I'm not 100% sure I can before I uh something go over here and do all this stuff squidman subscribe to the channel squidman squidman come together with your plan save me da da da da save me come on in take your shoes off get comfortable baby thank you for the uh thank you for the sub moving us one step closer to internet fame fortune and glory and all that I wonder can I do this I can I can't damn it why must everything be so hard how many of these do I have I have 10 all right we'll unstack this one as well I I think you need a snow Beetle to to make the rest of that house for you what am I doing wrong you guys tell me inquiring minds want to know I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong I kind of do feel like I'm doing something wrong kind of jacked up that I got to do this like to make this happen you still need to move your bed upstairs yeah I'm not worried about it bed schm who [Music] cares kind of lame that I have to do it like this right I don't even know if I'm going to be able to get over here I might be able to always make the uh second floor now now you tell me I think I [ __ ] up I think I done gone and [ __ ] up I don't think I did actually we just assemble [Music] this Ah hell [ __ ] I can't I I can't even do that all right [Music] whatever need a sledge all I want to do is put in my windows that's it that's all I want to do why can't I put in my windows why Ain going to be pretty but this is what we're going to do wait a minute I want it to be nice we need we need the nice look look at my rotten sausage just sitting there on the ground that wouldn't be very tasty now would it what the hell are you even doing just hey you know what just simmer down uh Ian you'll see in second okay God bless everybody's like all all like trying to be all judgmental and stuff with me now I got to find like some dumb uh what do I have I have two two legs that'll be good enough I'm trying to make this this area a little bit safer you know Dr is getting his Rim fixed by building in [Laughter] pz man that that R world this this you got to you got to admit y' that this that storyline for Rim world is epic at this point how I've managed to like to do anything in Rim world is just like it's just like dumb I don't even know I'm getting there man and I'm getting there the idea is to uh cut off this side just in case we get any in the rare event that we might actually get something here I don't see it happening but you know go rest [Music] is what you mean there's only two logs here John Sean if you want a cheese just do a two uh do a wall frame and build a chair inside your walls to stop Zeds from attacking you they uh they path and can't ask uh and can't ATK the attack the wall frames because of the chair I I'm not going to cheese it I'm going to make the most beautiful base ever it's going to be beautiful that Sprinter yeah I can see that Sprinter cheese I've I've seen I trust me I've been on multiplayer enough to see all the all the [ __ ] that you guys do that's not real now that this is very real either but oh I need another plank I was a plank and you are my lady all right let's see what do I want to do here guess I need to unstack what to do what to do oh wait a minute I have all that like left it all over there let's go ahead and get this I'll go ahead and move this over here that'll be a door frame right there it'll be beautiful [Music] that may be it we'll go do other things tomorrow maybe tomorrow we'll uh we'll eat some stew though for right now let me eat this fresh bowl of Stew when does a gaming start Mr streamer it's coming it's coming don't you worry about that that was beautiful I don't need any lip from you Ian oh yeah I need to rest too don't I it's happening tomorrow man that's when the game is going to is going to start for real and I'm tired already I guess I'll this work like like really wears you down huh [Music] is [Music] [Music] all the extra weight you got to I guess that's yeah it's just wearing me down isn't it we could technically take over all this if we wanted to but why would we want to do that can't do it there [Music] [Music] fall off the second floor to see if it kills you you can just about I I I know um I've I've been uh testing it a little bit this last uh when we were building that second floor it's pretty it's it's it's pretty hardcore [Music] no Nails already went round Nails think we got some Nails in [Music] here [Music] is is that the room where you're going to put a mannequin wearing a baklava uh Bal clava a baklava baklava is a dessert right not [Music] a oh we'll get a door going as well I think I have some stuff let's see thought I had something maybe I [Music] [Music] don't maybe I don't crazy maybe it's in here [Music] [Music] we can go down the street and grab ourselves a uh a door now this where he is going to keep the uh stripper Jets just pop in and say hi and have a great Wednesday hey wing it with Ethan thank you very much I appreciate it thanks for the lurk and the the hello and all that now you is 30 buckets of plaster and paint I know right yeah that's not this isn't going to work we're going to have to we're going to have to pause this and and see about anything else do we have any things we can read I can grab this window well we can do one window it's going to be kind of [Music] weird I wonder can we do this let's see oh no I was I was curious if I could disassemble [Music] it [Music] [Music] yeah I'm going to need a um a uh a sledge they're looking for a sledge and a uh Whatchamacallit something else drunks building style is the Martha Stewart meets hobo Joe I I I don't know like it was in like I don't have like a plan that's the problem you know I don't have like a there's not like a set plan of what I'm doing you know I'm just like H you know what I'll throw a little bit here a little bit there we see we'll see how it [Music] works we'll go out into the world tomorrow hit R to turn the window around and you can place it from the inside really okay well well [ __ ] that's the whole reason why I would even built this the staircase I don't think I could let's try it think I have another window someplace around here don't I what I do with my other window maybe it's in here what did I do with my window well it's not [Music] there not there not there could have sworn I had a another window fact I know I did weird okay not a big deal we'll uh we'll eat something and and get out of here how much water do I have Let's uh let's go ahead and fill up our water [Music] bottle check our uh check our our little uh stuff over here still young cabbages okay not a big [Music] deal 65% we're fine all right let's go out into the world what side are you on for the axe versus crowbar debate well I'm right now okay so I like I really think that the Crowbar is I think the Crowbar is better early on because it affects your maintenance you know what I'm saying like I think that honestly I I I think that the higher you can get your maintenance the better off you are before you're using anything else but the ax is like like right now with a if I was to do an axe right now I would like completely kill it you know what I'm saying like it'd be like it's one shot kills and uh with my skills being about the same long blunt it's about two or three shots and I think that the I mean I might be wrong about this and somebody will will correct me I'm sure if I am but um I think that the Crowbar actually uses more energy than the axe I should have eaten something shouldn't I are you let's attack more aggressively and push forward as you as you slay I'm I'm pretty aggressive I think anybody that's watched me would say I'm pretty aggressive I'm I'm I'm like a but I I do I do move back a lot more but I think the ax is the ax is better probably you know higher up you go I mean that's what you see you see all the all the like the people that have been playing this for like a gazillion years it's always either axe or spear you know I mean those are the uh those are the two I like short blunt because of the knockdown effect but um yeah you can the axe is just is just better from from from a standpoint of like of like a durability though the Crowbar beats it by a long shot damn it why must you why why must you be in the way zombie I wasn't trying to hit you love me love me say that you love me have any single player mod suggestions um what do what do you think just have high maintenance and weapon skill to solve that issue yeah if you have high maintenance uh and a high weapon skill you're pretty much I mean like right now it's mine to lose you know what I'm saying like with with what my skills are mods h i don't have like any like say uh like favorite mods I mean I like craft Helper but I just like craft Helper because of uh of what it what it does for you you know what I mean but it's not like a mod that I don't like mods that like make things easier look at that I think that changed I think that actually changed where all them zombies so we spent about an hour hour hour and a half up here in this uh subdivision I might go in here just to look for food I was wondering why it wouldn't let me do this one one shot kill that that was the reason and and grab whatever food we can find in the subdivision for just cuz I need food right nothing in here nothing in there thought I saw some more over here yeah there we go metal work magazine we're still looking for abist herbalist herbologist what what's wrong with me just going to make sure there's nothing over here feel good about like uh hav pulled all this stuff out CD can of tomatoes let me open up this this can of chili the uh study of herbology all right that's all I need stop it I can't even beautiful I'm not hungry anymore we we were hoping that these would have like pop this no alarm no whammies no alarms no whammies hard candies pretty freaking quiet I'm full already the 67 still no generator book yeah I I had the same problem I don't have the problem with that as much as I have uh problems with um finding other things oh [ __ ] that's where all my stuff is I forgot I forgot to pull off the the sheet ropes I just found a propane torch on day 65 you're doing insanely rare loot right we we still haven't found we we found like the uh the other stuff we we we just haven't found the um another generator we're looking for a second generator and we just can't find it anywhere [Music] got a few over here we'll uh we'll go ahead and decimate this this this area where didd she come from out not many not not many they have to worry about where's it coming from oh right here weird radishes the most useless uh thing you need you can possibly have all right so that's done and this looks done as well nothing here oh let's go over here sometimes there's white wine yeah that's going to say I figured there's some white wine in there for me mhm no alarms a fancy plate all right nothing here did we check the uh mailbox we've already been in here good way to spam exercise low Fitness and strength what are you talking out feel like we've already been in here I think we've already been in here but I don't know if we've checked everything oh yeah we have been in here is that that weird ass uh uh weird ass door if you're fast enough you can cheese the beer to give the effect of drinking alcohol with actually actually out of really can you things that you learn there's my group right there we'll go ahead and and let them get got a there's another group too let me whiff a little bit w oh you're right I can't see uh I can't see beyond the the trees those little trees kind of like mess me up now full again well rest up imagine bandaging your arm with long uh long strips of slice Swiss there's a propane tank behind that house there's lots of propane tanks all around here this is one of the things that the map has is like an ass ton of of of propane tanks it's like it's like silly the amount of uh propane tanks this thing has have no idea why I need that what's in here nothing I guess think he'll pass by before the apocalypse won wonk I feel like there was more over here all right yeah one more [Music] we're not hurting for any [Music] food [Music] [Music] feel like I'm going to open one of these doors and it's going to be just bad for me you know what I'm saying that come ch ch ch ch [Music] cool should I tackle these guys I'm going to you know what actually I'm not unless we have uh vitamins enough I tried to get in here right yeah was locked I'm tired again tired tired again have fun drunk it just dropped into tshia like hey Diamond thank you so much I appreciate it we've just about cleared this entire man it feels good it feels good to to like actually like see all the things that you're clearing out you know slowly but surely moving moving into town feels good man ah sorry I stay here should I stay n there's no there's no two stories I would say i' stay there but um I don't know I I don't want to I don't want to to uh toss them bones you know we can drop off our food get something to eat check on our on our veggies cuz cuz soon we'll be able to start doing trapping and stuff which will be really super nice go home and and and look for your One A Day for men I know it's it's it's like I got really tired and stuff you [Music] know my only thing is I really want to find like a two-story that's uh that's that's defensible so we can stay stay gone for longer than like a day you know what I mean cuz this is this is a long trip you know but I do like our base driving like you're tired indeed I'm just trying not to not to run into anything at least there aren't like any cars on the road you know wonder what do we have can we drop some of this stuff yeah we we'll go ahead and drop that drop that [Music] we're about full up aren't we the never- ending rotten meat wave what is this is is a church that you drove past the twostory or just a high roof it's it's it's not really a two-story it's a um it has like a staircase on it um with no door so it' be might as well be just be in a one story and the two story that we did find we can't get up to the uh to the roof it won't let us it won't let us in for whatever reason one of the bugs of this of having this place I'm going stretch my legs y'all [Music] we are going to continue on I need to find a uh you know what let's we'll go out and get a uh I don't think can what can I do with carpentry here I can build a wooden crate I can build a bar furniture build a small bookcase not really much of anything I want to put my soap you know put my soap and all that other stuff in there for they're all just young cabbages and seedling strawberries let's see what the uh what the what the temperature and all that stuff is going to be it's 56° right now it's getting it's starting to get cold it's uh 9:18 what's that uh July 7 August September it's in September almost to October Chris mccuan what's up man how you doing come on in take your shoes off get comfortable KNX power grid blackout now would this actually be in real life would they actually have like an automatic uh emergency broadcast system that would tell all this stuff in 1994 would it have it even happen now big fog let's see if we can break down some of this stuff I really don't want to be around with thick fog yeah we're going to have to wait Rodman designs what's happening man how you doing it's too thick for us to go out I mean it's already kind of hairy anyway beautiful what else do we want we want we want to grab some stuff we're we're going to wait this out Forge for items can't see either way fog or or reduced uh Vision we probably do need to work on our our foraging let's see if we can yeah it's going to be too thick why do I hear things craer the gamer how you doing yeah it's way too it's way too thick with uh stuff let's let's see what we can get over here I think we can grab uh some other things over here while we're waiting I wonder can you think we can uh grab for [Music] well I can stick it in there stick it in stick it in in [Music] here [Music] [Music] we got a couple more shelves down there [Music] here try to wait out this fog you own everything now so yeah the thick fog is just it's just too dangerous to for me to like try to try to uh do any kind of combat in this I know I'm I'm relatively safe up here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mark Moody Mark Moody Mark Moody [Music] [Music] [Music] good deal so we can stick stuff in here we'll probably end up doing uh I guess my beta blockers bandages and that kind of stuff and [Music] here we'll keep one just in [Music] [Music] [Music] case kind of weird how like this doesn't uh it's not really uh doing [Music] anything I want to see drunk uh ride a skateboard in the fog Jesus man f is in this thing always makes me think of the last few minutes of the Miss Good Times yeah it's it's not a it's not a good time to be going out for sure definitely not a good time for going out oh I didn't mean to do that what I what did I do with that definitely not a good time to be going [Music] out [Music] looking [Music] good think that's it what else do we have in here a man this fog like you got to be kidding me right [Music] [Music] wa we got like a ton of food it should clear about by by about 2 p.m. that works for me we'll cook a little bit and uh we've got we've got more stuff over here right now we we could actually U maybe do something here we have rotten salami we got a fresh cooked halet hattic rather and uh yeah we'll go ahead and and pull this out I'll drop that on the ground [Music] go fishing yeah that's probably what I'm going to [Music] [Music] do trading place I remember Trading Places that's a great movie [ __ ] about burn that [Music] [ __ ] fishing abundance is zero that's the reason why I stopped doing it what oh look looks like it's done now scre this we're out oh it's without a line the fog has been lifted yeah we're not going to worry about food let's go and do it are clo do uh not getting destroyed they haven't been yet Al Boris as weird as that sounds is that weird maybe it's cuz my fishing skill is so [Music] [Music] high where are those zombies I knew that there were a couple that were uh that were on the road on the road again I just can't wait to get on the road again [Music] they're like trying to get to my house there might be one or two up here as well thought there was one ah there he [Music] is yes one thing you have to check every 12 hours otherwise it can be destroyed ah they haven't been destroyed at all I haven't I haven't been paying attention to them because I have all this fishing tackle and I know that Pikes are are pretty big with uh you know you can get you you can get Pike with the other stuff but with the fishing tackle you can get all sorts of like I guess this has like like fish uh like Canadian Fish Mod or something like that with the map mod I guess Get Wrecked you damn [Music] zombie in case anybody's wondering I've destroyed this town if everybody if anybody's wondering where all the zombies are they they they I I I I put him to I put them to bed and now I'm just uh trying to put all the rest of the zombies to bed need more painkillers like I need a hole in my head drunk's the new mayor no zombies [Music] allowed go down here and uh see if the if any of these cars these little cars have anything I might hold off on doing anything with that car but I am kind of curious if these cars have anything they do well I didn't vote for what [Music] this will get us get us through for a second we could probably uh stay at that house I would say that the chances of of a zombie coming in and getting us is probably going to be fairly low and I might end up doing that there also might be houses down here too yeah we'll go down here that another crowbar attached to that guy's back it is I should probably turn this car off I don't have a katana this time around where's 's uh where's crowbar boy ooh anti-depressants Mind If I Do down here a gun on her no weapons I want take you to funky town I'm still getting p panicked which is really crazy I'm 2 months in why you think that is there we go come this way rest up ah [ __ ] really I'm tired again why am I tired all the time ain't going to lie I'm kind of I was kind of hoping that I would uh that'd be able to close this out maybe stay in this this little building over [Music] here I'm kind of curious how many more there are over on this side not a ton like a hospital [ __ ] got to watch out for them trees man I wonder if I I can even I should even bother well we got civilization over here but I just don't know if this is the place to to stay [ __ ] [ __ ] tired I can handle him I think I can handle one I'm pushing it I'm pushing it I'm okay as long as I'm not tired yeah we're going to we are pro I can't help myself I want this one where can we stay I don't want to go all the way home yet I'm not ready to go home playing with fire yeah I'm playing with fire but that's all right because I'm my my skill level is so high I'm not real worried about it you know but I do need to find a place to uh to stay I'm thinking I'm going to stay over here this is where I'm playing with fire where is it right here we have any food [Music] I didn't bring any food I'm going to play with fire see I just can't get up there what what that what's bad about that sleep here yeah we're going to sleep here this will be it this will be where we sleep move the TV that's blocking the stairs is that what that is oh you're so smart well this is where we'll stay [Music] we don't have any food this will be our forward op operating base right [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] F oob that's what them military people call forward operating places [Music] works for me this this way we should probably bring food and stuff over here [Music] too [Music] for operating [Music] [Music] [Music] blazes [Music] all right let's see let's let's head out and I wonder if we have any food in [Music] here oh we have food [Music] perfect [Music] not a lot of food but a little bit of [Music] food let's do [Music] it [Music] then got it stuck in her [Music] [Music] head I am kind of curious what's next to the hospital I'm not really too concerned about the hospital because I'm never going to die but I mean everything else you know there there's a potential you know um food or uh I don't know maybe there might be an herbalist there who knows you know like some sort of herbalis magazine like you know what people I mean that's not unheard of right I mean there might be something there I'm not even bother checking these guys you always die well that's what the game is about Ian it's it's this is how you died I could get bored that's there's always a potential for that oops [Music] [Music] wonder what's up [Music] [Music] here going need to take some beta blockers where's a katana when you need it [ __ ] all right ah most of the doorbell cameras are connected to they record 24/7 what are you talking about he's got himself a hunting knife in bed didn't him what is this up here might need to rest up I did work as a monitoring um operator a ring always on or just movement I'm curious about that yeah I think it's I think it's just movement right I did work as a monitoring operator for a few months man [ __ ] people do uh is beyond words we were funny monkeys boys so most of doorbell uh cameras are connected to NVR and they do record 90 uh 24/7 do they really [Music] huh this looks relatively safe I wonder what this [Music] is surprise [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] me a lot of them in that building now isn't [Music] there m help [ __ ] going to getting hairy up in here wonder if spios has something to eat I'll just hang out here for a second dang I drank the Kool-Aid calling Alexa she U she skynight knows what it's doing yeah I have like my my stuff only reason why I do it is is for uh for any kind of Amazon packages you know what I mean anytime we get packages or whatever we have had like a I mean it's so weird when you think about how much things have changed right so back in like the like the early like like the 80s or whatever you know you would have like people coming over selling magazine pres uh subscriptions and like uh doing door to door for candy and [ __ ] like that right that stuff's gone it's gone it's like it's almost to the point now where like if somebody Rings your doorbell you're kind of freaked out a little bit you know what I mean it's like it's like a weird a weird deal you're just kind of freaked out about it it's kind of weird how that that stuff is [Music] changed where' that guy come from the roof oh he did he came from the roof [Music] wow look at that oh mama this might be too many better have something good in it anyone read any recent articles about Rogue AI that intentionally used to countermeasure training to give bad answers even when programing programmed not to I I haven't I haven't seen that I have seen like some of them giving like like false stuff I'm just curious if this has any gas in it no gas okay what do you think this is you guys lot of death that's what it is this is a hospital too there's like a Hos a little miniature hospital and then a big hospital well everybody was hanging out look there's somebody on the roof hanging out a re-education center there's a there's an ass ton of zombies in here for it to be like uh I mean I just don't even know if this is worth my time [ __ ] that was almost a that was almost a a fat finger death [Music] I mean look at that it's not worth it drive on by drive on by babe go this way [Music] du on [Music] it [Music] oh look we're in the [Music] ocean wonder what this is guess nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd is [ __ ] yeah this ain't going to this ain't going to end well for me I already [Music] know [ __ ] [Music] off it's just too many you know what I'm saying it's just too [Music] many I we could probably uh we could probably uh take [Music] this there are too many sexy cars uh here distracting [Music] exactly but we I I know for I know for one thing we're going to we're going to head back and uh start to uh start to gear up all this all the stuff that's um this Ford operating base and just kind of uh go from there cuz I'm starving like Marvin already and it looks like that's going to be the town right so we got a hospital Long blunt and axe look at that no lag Al Boris no lag always get me nervous whenever that happens why does she equal starving like Marvin it just does man I am starving like Marvin I wish we we probably need to find some lemongrass and some uh jins sing a lot of J jining would be nice stream cut out on you yes it's not it's looking it look it's looking okay on my my end no drop frames we've been really lucky here the last like two weeks it seems like uh whatever Comcast did I guess it was the uh the notion that uh that um I'm this fiber company is coming in to uh steal all their customers all of a sudden they just get like all all for real and and and good you know I mean CU we haven't had any problems at all it's pretty shocking how uh how few of problems we've had you know what let's Forge just one look how big my uh circle is pretty amazing right oh a pine cone your neighbor got laid off from work maybe so I guess that's a possibility too huh oh look at there we put it in my in my weeny warmer I for lemongrass and indeed I get it see what else we have net what's happening I'm from Indonesia welcome welcome from uh I'm from uh from the USA also for Memphis now we need is [Music] gensing I'm sure I'm looking in the wrong spot it' be nice find some food too you know once our cabbages are done we'll set up traps stick that little Cricket in [Music] [Music] there yeah come on in take your shoes off get comfortable net thank you uh thank you for for watching and thank you for um for commenting like uh like leaving a like joining in on chat I appreciate [Music] it there's nothing here oh we can go fish we go fish Let's Go Fish we happen to find something we happen to find [Music] it oh another Cricket goes in my weeny warmer and there we go look at that really crazy I mean you think I would I would probably need to uh to do this more often because I am a uh a park ranger [Music] if you have any questions about the game at all uh Ned feel free to ask u i I might answer you but there are a lot of people in in chat that will U that are pretty much uh vets in this game they know pretty much some of them know more than I know oh let's uh let's check our me grab one of [Music] these [Music] is [Music] wow I must have been almost almost out [Music] huh that's really crazy glad I did come [Music] home [Music] 77% drug is a great driver I know right what I'm a great driver I don't know what you're talking about what is this uh this shenan Shenanigans going on look we got another we got another little area that we can uh do stuff in let's see what we got we'll fix we can fix this uh fishing ride can't [Music] we we won't even worry about it we'll just grab one of these grab one of [Music] these wow the hell's going on there now when I'm tired Does this does it affect the chances of finding of getting enough fish as well big Brook trap trout sounded a lot bigger than what it actually is only got two of them what a bummer I never fish or set traps always Farm you don't need to see Fish to be fish but what what if you're like tired though you know what I mean like you're you're like really uh feeling it or whatever what happens then one of the interesting things about this watch this see my Hunger plus is a minus 40 right now I think that once it's cooked it's going to jump up I might be wrong about this to 52 right so so that's the reason really why you want to cook first because if you uh if you cook first then you slice it up you'll have more it it will like give you more fish and I have no idea why that works but I guess it just does what's your weight now my weight is is hovering it's like an 81 it's good it's good [Music] enough what kind of food we [Music] have lots of dog food dog food and chocolate is what I'm taken we also take the chips too that looks good six cans of dog food orange orange soda three chocolates and some chips sounds good enough right [Music] 81 kgrs a bit of a of a chunker not yet I'm not I'm not a I'm not overweight I I'm just I mean I might have like a little you know a I might be able to pinch an inch but hey it's better than the other option which is be like so thin that you can't like you know you can see your ribs and stuff you know got some meat on my bones baby kind of wondering do I have water I have two water bottles that should be enough and what's with all these zombies my house not your house mine we'll go to our our fob our forwarding our forward operating base and we'll start to take care of this town [Music] now everything's taken care of I don't really have anything to worry about we might end up taking out that uh that hospital just because [Music] probably need to find another car too I bet you this car is trash so we started watching me and my wife I mean and don't don't judge me for this we started watching 90day fiance just because it's easy to watch and there's like there's nothing else on right now and I gotta say it's really surprising how many people like you know like like literally there like there's a ton of people that are like yeah you know they're just in it for the green card and it's really surprising how how few there are that are actually in it for the Green Card like usually it's like uh like I don't know like one or two people not many like uh like over like the three seasons that we've watched one is I know and it's surprising it's also really surprising and how how people like stay together why am I heavy probably cuz of that [Music] [ __ ] where'd she come from jeez Louise I was not expecting that yeah they they're staying they they actually have it's crazy like like a lot of them actually work out now you know I have a theory for that I think that the ma majority of us Americans we want to bail on on things as soon as things get like remotely like bad and I think like the people like in other countries like like Brazil and like Colombia and uh the Philippines um those kind of those kind of people I think that they have like a different a different attitude when it comes to what marriage means um compared to us Americans cuz you know like was there somebody right there did I see somebody no um cuz you know I've seen like um i' I've I've heard I've actually heard people say you know well you know if doesn't work out you can always get uh you can always get get divorced and I don't think I think in other countries they just don't they don't look at it like that maybe I'm wrong about that is that what it is because every a couple that I've been like really surprised now it's never it's it's the ones that I that that do dick over it's been it's been like and and you know it's never like the like you think that it's going to be like the old guy you know that's that's with the young girl that those are going to be the ones that that are like in it for the green card it's never like that it's always it's always the uh 40-some year old woman that's with a with with a 27y old guy you know but I saw something yeah another hunting knife we'll grab that what you doing over here a c cougs party here we go the world RS are American America speech what what it's it's really but it's really it's really weird I um I got to say I'm I'm I'm very surprised it ends up who ends up like uh bailing on on a relationship and and who uh who sticks around cuz I always I felt like it would always be like the old dudes you know what I'm saying like the the 60-year-old with all the money but not uh anything else I'm going to be fine this is mine to lose [Music] baby zombie free zone you've been sighted zombies just don't know if I should even bother going in there but I feel like I need to take care of the hospital because I think that that's going to be that's like on the back side of it [Music] [Music] let me eat my big old bowl of Steel was that another axe oh yeah [Music] I got weapons Galore you're hoping it's the old old dudes no not at all not at all not at all I I mean I'm very happy with I I couldn't you know to be honest with you to be perfectly honest with you I could not I mean my my wife is five years younger than me right and uh we still just five years just five years there is a lot of like things that you miss right like there's like like all these like you know you have like I mean you have common ground with something things but like as far as like growing up there's like there's like all sorts of like inside jokes and stuff from the generation even though we're technically in the same generation she's a generation X2 it's it's like I saw Nirvana right um when I was 19 in front of two with 200 people in the audience right she wasn't even she she was like at that point she was like 14 you know what I'm saying I mean it was she was she was young and so like like all that stuff and I remember all like the metal and hating the metal and all that junk when I was like 16 and 15 and 14 you know she was like she didn't even hit puberty yet so there's like there's like this huge this fast I couldn't even imagine I could not imagine dating somebody that was like 15 years younger than me I just couldn't imagine it there would be so much missing 10 years would be a stretch let's see what we have here [Music] I think I aggroed the entire uh the entire Hospital I push you yeah so I couldn't I couldn't imagine it I couldn't imagine uh I could no I I I could probably see myself like sleeping with somebody 15 years younger than me but an actual like like an actual uh relationship where you're doing relationship stuff I yeah I couldn't see it I check these bodies for for anything painkillers I mean there just not be a lot of common ground you [Music] know [Music] Jesus this is going to be a tall tall [Laughter] order now we've had that with this discussion before she's the same way I mean as a as a as a woman she couldn't see like dating like somebody that was like 10 years old younger than her you know what I mean it's like so obvious too like like you uh you have this 41-year old woman that's you know like guys are pretty like visual right this 41 yearold woman that looks like I don't know like like she probably shouldn't be uh I don't know I I don't know I don't I don't know how to say it without being rude but but she she's definitely not not like the idea of like what what's a guy would call a catch right I mean she would be like something that that she'd be like okay if you were like married for like 10 years you know what I mean and you just kind of just grew fat [Music] together but uh yeah so you so you you know she she's so she's finds like uh like a literally like a uh a 25-year-old that's interested in her happens to be from a different country there's something wrong with that picture right I mean honestly it's it it's probably not it's it's probably not fitting the way you think it would it should fit I'm GNA go in here and rest I'm assuming I can I where's the banging happening ooh Nails all right you can probably like uh rest right here [Laughter] you know it's the true Snow Beetle but this yeah this woman it's season three I think we've gone through uh maybe a season two yeah season two and this woman you know you can like look them up and see like where they are now and this woman was like apparently like uh she was um she was stealing money like uh like fraudulently fraudulently cashing stuff so she could uh wow look at this yeah we need to get rid of these guys this is no bleno she was stealing money and and she also was uh forging checks so so that way he could come she was spending she was giving him money from somebody else's bank account you're just wrong on so many [Music] levels yeah [ __ ] me Veo Veo Veo how the hell are you my friend we're just trying to clear out this hospital and talking about uh dating people that are that are uh much younger than you actually I was talking about 90day fiance and and it kind of went in it morphed into that how was your uh how's your run you still [Music] alive here they come of course [Music] yeah [Music] rest up [Music] again is the audio [Music] off let me sit my butt here what I mean I can I can rest here though right you'll be tired soon I I'm going to I'm going to continue on I'm going get one more one more little grouping and then we'll uh we we we'll head back [Music] what oh look I got Nimble up again very nice very nice indeed look at all I aggate all of them they're like [Music] what probably be all I can handle enough beautiful this good in the hood baby done the Lord's work here haven't we now what I might do is rather than rather than search them out and see if like what's uh like a go in here when there's like a like a ton of stuff going on rather than you know like like um when there's all these bodies and stuff I might wait for the bodies to decompose so I don't have to even worry about that stuff think we're okay right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Life's good one thing it would be better is if we had a book still I'm a machete and I still have an axe so we're looking good had to restart two times blasted Discord messed up my audio oh I hate when that happens I hate when that happens I'm scared to to restart now too but guys I think we're done here we've uh we I've been streaming for about 3 hours I appreciate you yall hanging with me and and being here and being a part of this and happy hump day day and yes thank you for uh for for everything I as always I do appreciate it and it's always a pleasure to see all you guys and all the same faces and all all that I really do appreciate it it makes me look forward to getting up in the morning and all that you know and all that and stuff but I got to go to work and uh figure out what I'm G to eat I might eat something keto keep on trucking cheers y hey fredman I appreciate you man take care craigger you take here as well aba wherever you are I I think I didn't say bye to you yesterday so I'm going to make sure that I say bye to you today even if you're not here have a nice day at work hey you know what I'm just it's it's it's uh just survive that's all we have to do you know I'll uh I'll see you guys tomorrow provided that I do stream you can always join my Discord and um I usually announce about 15 to 20 minutes before I I stream and sometimes I'll even if I'm not streaming I'll kind of mention that as well there are some project zomboid servers on there that you can take advantage of if you want to play with other people and yeah I will uh see you guys on the fli eye oh shizel
Channel: Drunkonlife
Views: 761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rqOBr9a8YU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 56sec (10196 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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