Here is what happens when I try Rimworld's Naked Brutality for the first time | Episode 1

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let's go ahead and get started with this y'all hey guys how you doing good morning good afternoon good e and welcome to Super Bowl Sunday and what in the world am I doing here playing games when I could be watching Taylor Swift and and the Chiefs do something oh I guess it doesn't start for a few hours but at any rate we're going to be playing some Rim world today um this is going to be neced brutality um I went ahead and and went through the Cassandra and strive to survive that's what we're doing um because Mr me a community guy Community member actually um suggested that I do a seed so this is the red seed at 50% World crowded population and uh this is the seed that he gave me it's a uh 11.82% 74 East looks like we're going to be in large hill hill Hills why can't I say that word Hills Hills Hills let me say that word again heels why can't I say that word oh must be a southern thing we're in the temperate forest large Hills marble and Limestone year round growing period that's good because we're going to be doing naked brutality today by myself so there's going to be a whole list of challenges and this isn't really where I would want to start to be honest with you cuz it looks like he's trying to kill me uh because we have this this hostile area right here hostile hostile hostile got a nice people right here but that's like a long ways away and that's probably going to take days to get there you know so there's that say hello to everybody Michelle I one Facebook viewer little girl it's good to see you sugar lumps snow Beetle and kpk and it's good to see I'm going to need all the help I can get let's go ahead and hit next here uh we'll just do a classic like uh mild ideal religion and uh we're going to find ourselves a a decent person this actually looks like it might be okay cooking's a zero plants a zero mining construction shooting this actually looks okay a 47-year-old uh old pawn uh named Sadie [Music] he's uh looking kind of crazy with that purple hair uh shooting is at six she's got a she's got a good passion for that this actually looks like a pretty damn good uh start constructions at four how's my crafting crafting is at zero which means if I choose her I won't be able to to uh make a short bow should I should I grab her anyway cuz I kind of like that how long will it take me to craft you think I have to get it to to level three animals are 11 yeah we're going we're going to take her I mean this might not be the smartest thing in the world because uh because um the crafting is at zero which means that we won't be able to do uh certain things I'm thinking I'm thinking and I'm thinking until there's nothing I ain't thought bad with plants bad at cooking yeah I know I know Ian but I mean let's see what else we have this person can't cook prostitute Idol six in cooking 15 on social craftings at five artistic this might actually be a good one too whole body implanted IUD so she can't get pregnant which map you picked I picked your map Mr siy Construction in Plants he might be all right too he's cold inclined cooking's at 6 crafting is at 4 social's good Medical's good not very intellectual cooking and medical that looks good right definitely not this person slow learner what is he hold inclin in a cat person can't do that yeah Vic might actually be [Music] good in a in a a face social and intelligence so I I have a zero intelligence right here with this with this guy right I'm I'm looking between Vic Lou so Vic has a six in cooking a five in medical deep passions in a really good melee it's a weak professional planting isn't so good but that's all right she has a uh five in crafting 15 in Social six in cooking her medical skill is only one though and S here has a six in shooting 11 in animals a six in medical I know I only get one so what should it be sad Lou or Vic you think Vic he's pretty damn good Vic it is Vic for sure okay all right so the challenge is because I only have one one person I think that what I have to do is I have to build small we'll take a look at the map that Mr simy threw us on here real [Music] quick that do s [ __ ] I did s but I did Vic [ __ ] oh leave it to me to [ __ ] things up just coming out of the gate God dang [Music] [Music] it that actually looks like a good spot right here you can also do this spot right here that's pretty close to the uh thing but it allows us to that looks like an opening as well is that interesting what do you think I um I was thinking maybe here that might be might be a good idea you see the natural base at the bottom talking about this right here that is a nice natural base isn't it Base by the tree yeah right here well cool let's go ahead and set up then down here um what's the first thing we need to do probably cut some wood I guess what's our Wildlife look like got Al pacas some Rams muffalo okay what is her uh what is her bio again crafting is at zero so we're not going to be able to we're not going to be able to do much because I [ __ ] up it's all right well you know what when when when I give myself uh when I give myself uh lemons we're going to make lemonade out of this it's it's year [Music] round our construction isn't that good though right four we just need to get set up pretty quick I think what we're going to do is we'll we'll make a like a let's see a structure I'm going to make it nice and kind of a kind of a small structure starting out I got to wait till we we can get uh actual things out of here problem solved there we go she's she's going to go ahead and start cutting and we can make go ahead and start doing walls make one two [Music] three that will be our our our the beginnings of our base we also probably need to harvest stuff as we go as well four is all you need three to make traps okay so I'm going to I'm going to do uh I'm going to I'm going to make some traps around here because since we can't the pink hair uh should help with making friends I can I know I can make a knife and a uh and a bat but I am beautiful you know what I'm saying so this might be this might work out okay talking about the fertile soil over here good deal I'm going go ahead and make a bed as well drug making lemonade out of lemons is a good thing only problem is he used toilet water I know right seus what's happening punch tree got a minor break risk I'm sure she's not happy that she's naked I am speeding up time this might be quick [Music] get her something to eat real [Music] quick beautiful we got a bed [Music] now go and make a crafting spot [Music] I don't think I can make it can I I can make a club can I make a short bow yeah I don't I can't make a short bow just yet this going to make things really hard we'll plant rice here let's set up our our work [Music] make sure our needs are okay need to get a table going which we'll go ahead and do that and do a shelf as [Music] well good deal might as well put them all on on one uh than no one else I feel like you might get hunted in a bit yeah yeah can you craft a webcam what [Music] [Music] [ __ ] just how it's going to end with [Music] s our first breakdown [Music] what's up W you see that Dire Wolf where's the direwolf I don't see a Dire Wolf it just takes one cist and you're dead I know right just needed her to get out of her uh her thing go and set up Meals drunk head's too large drunk you need to downsize it by [Laughter] half I have a feeling we're going to have to reboot but we we'll see this isn't a good start it is a nice natural base though you're right come on STI get out of your uh get out of your own head survival is really important here the timber wolf right here we have no guest beds either can't do anything sorry my my dream of of building a uh a hotel is is going to be uh going to take a second is she going to like eventually like there we go [Music] perfect next one go to where the bottom uh uh fertile uh is on the right let's see down here yeah you're right I probably should have gone down [Music] here [Music] this is going to be a slow game for sure maybe well I mean it probably won't it'll probably be uh a lot quicker than you think because we're probably going to die real [Music] quick I'm going go ahead and work on the Shelf first make the storage uh make it critical and do uh clear all and just do all foods [Music] mood's up though now that's [Music] good I did craft have not crafted a uh [Music] [Music] [ __ ] 7 and 31 I'm still missing stuff damn it I'm going to have to kill this thing with my hands well that was easy good deal easy peasy man [Music] [Music] equip a log for a weapon can I equip a log I don't know if I can can I oh I can equip wood wouldn't that just the special [Music] [Music] go and grab a a club [Music] [Music] here there we go perfect need a butcher spot let's do it on the outside for now we'll say butcher creature forever beautiful Pro R will turn a beaver Invasion into a fashion wear should probably get cooking sooner uh rather than later though yeah that's I I've made a mistake I probably shouldn't have uh I I shouldn't I I probably should have like done something about this and I also need to get my my uh my stuff done now I don't know if I can can I make yeah I'm not going to be able to make anything here yet well we got we we'll have uh rice here in no time I'm talking to you build a spaceship yeah right Pro will turn a beaver Invasion into a fashion show should probably get cooking sooner uh rather than later though yeah I'm hoping what I'm hoping we we'll uh maybe uh find somebody I'm pretty low on food right now go and prioritize this just need to get the food enough food of course I I botch that two times raw food I about haul that urgently all this urgently as [Music] well I put Farm zones under all berries so my uh Pawn will go Auto Harvest when they're ready really I just need a raid to come pretty quick I'll take my chances with the raid you [Music] know Fu man then none of them are are done [Music] [Music] hey drunk having fun dragon as I am man it's today's zombie or dead colonist day is dead colonist day I you know what I was thinking I don't know should I uh for tomorrow should I reinvestigate that map and go straight into a town or should I decide to do um should I just do like a regular run with just make it hard there we go let's see what this guy looks like I don't have time to wait don't know if we're going to have enough uh food for him that'd be the only only problem like uh to to try to recruit him always vote for fun um if you do that make sure to toggle off automatic Home Zone expansion or manually clear home zones go ahead and prioritize this right here we'll eat something real quick here he comes who's going to win naked guy here jedon or Sadie let's do a let's do a pole let's see uh with the poll start a poll who will win naked [Music] Raider naked sad see what you guys think who is gonna who's GNA come out on top take a look at the bio he's got a four in melee he's got a two in melee and look at his construction and Mining and stuff we could like we could actually do something with this guy five in crafting he's an 18 18-year-old it's jedon it's a uh female peasant age 18 let's do it get wrecked Tedy hit jeden in the right arm oh yes there we go they've cloth pants we're going to we'll go ahead and and uh and strip them down H I'll make her work on this real quick that's all right a good idea sort tunnel with a few traps maybe maybe she'll wake up and leave I don't know if I want to patch him up for then after oh okay so for science medicine she'll pick up the club when she wakes okay boom [Music] [Music] see what he is an eight resistance so we might be able to Res reduce resistance and uh maybe conver H him probably also need to to do something with her as far as allow her uh self [Music] tending first prisoner is always the fastest to convert well if we can get two people I think we'll be in good shape good deal wonderful if you want to restart you can scout that ancient danger maybe so just hoping that she can get better [Music] quick well this might work out I have a slaver let's see if he'll do anything we can sell them for uh $67 they really don't have much though oh you're right we do have an ancient danger that we can release on them where are where is it right [Music] [Music] there [Music] actually you know what me come on baby [ __ ] yeah what do I do now stick them all back in the crypto things said he's got a gun he got a gun for good deal [ __ ] why might be all right that one got away though that's all [Music] right I mean I'm not dead [Music] yet [Music] they're leaving me I'm hoping that maybe she'll wake [Music] up is she going to wake up where's the man in Black when you need [Music] him doubtful no food yet death in 22 hours all right well that's our first run try again all right New Colony we're gonna go uh naked brutality I'm Gonna Keep It on Cassandra because what I've been told is Cassandra Randy likes to throw thing or should I do Randy should I do Randy or Cassandra Randy could make it interesting early on death number one do Randy okay we'll do Randy strive to survive I took the hardest down yeah right so we'll go 50% we'll say red because that's the uh that is what we want and we want population to be crowded go and generate that this time we'll we'll we'll figure out like a a better uh better pawn and I won't mess it up this time can't believe I messed it up last time all right so the seed is 11 where are we right here that's two from this way I think right one okay we need to go this way looks different this time around [Music] it's 11 and then we need uh what is it two so it's over here [Music] nine wrong plan you to make the population crowded I thought I did did I not we'll go back yeah I made the population crowded 50% red is the uh the deal I wish there was a way I could just input the uh the coordinates is there a way that I can do that top right maybe 11.62 1.67 what are our coordinates again I'm going to check a look take a look 11.82% 74 11.82% [Music] is this this doesn't seem like this this doesn't look like the same map there is right there all right we'll do a classic like uh mild idea religion let's see what we have eight he's incapable of none insatiable Nimble and iron stomach 14 in construction that looks like a really good should I grab this guy his cooking in Plants isn't very good he's 81 years old too and he has an alcohol addiction everything else looks great he could die every year I know right he's as old as our president vengeful very neurotic and Insomniac constructions two mining's one cra ing is [Music] too he's so good though Beaver dream in the realm worlds I know right let's let's come over here someone that I'm not going to take and randomize them that might be all right fast learner perfectionist 48 years old what do you think booking is good plants aren't so good animals what's up a man in his duck Caden look at this a streamer chemical Fascination no social can't do that you think this guy would be good Spike oh yeah yeah yeah you're right what do you think he zero combat yeah I know that can be fixed don't want that sickly is not a good thing there's a tough one but he don't he's there's not much to it a Gand aable what does that mean no amount of loving is enough loving ailia is going to be by herself for a [Music] second he's a coward got a stoner here this might be all right although his planning is is zero he's a psychopath and lazy what does that mean Global work speed yeah we can't do that op addiction I can't do that [Music] [Music] either kind guy on a Inc capable of dumb labor he otherwise he'd be looking good the 125 incapable of social can't do that can't do it the artistic I'm not so worried about the social I'm worried about the medical I I want to be able to to grow it might just be spike it might turn out to be Spike animal lover psychopath and greedy don't want to do greedy fast Learners you know what spike is a fast learner he's a perfectionist too maybe Spike I'm going to check out just a few more here he sensitized what do you think maybe Joe will put him up to the top this guy will randomize we'll just go ahead and get rid of him and do medical I love the [Music] tough passion in construction and and plant so you won't get metal medical breaks that's not a construction I got one in mining there's one in cooking he's a fast learner and a hard worker but once again they're not uh they're not really good with uh when does the game start whenever I decide the lumpy might be a might be a good one too [Music] I mean I go to I got to really think about this Ian you know there's cooking in in construction right here he doesn't have much of a anything he's a he's pretty a gastrous uh and insatiable he's incapable of animals though which just means we can't keep him a drunken master melee plus 4 luminy my okay so here's what here are the uh the options I have right now I have Spike who's uh has a strong passion in mining and cooking and crafting he's a pretty good social learner as well he's a fast learner and perfectionist have lumpy who's a fast learner and a hard worker which means he'll be fast uh melee um he a passion in cooking um his crafting is one though so we won't be able to um to to get a to start hunting pretty quick and I have this guy who's an academian and a desensitized melee is seven random plus mod U makes to make rolls faster okay so so I'm thinking either I'm thinking Joe or Spike right Spike because he's a fast learner per uh perfectionist this guy um or this girl who it we we wouldn't be able to do crafting pretty quick Lumi looks like the one to me she's volatile he's a the first to break in any tough situation I don't know about that one I think he might be the best yeah I think it's either Spike or Joe 33 versus 48 he's got a seven in melee which is is uh pretty decent but um just be sure to actually choose the correct one this time yeah I think I'm going to do Spike he's a fast learner need a three in construction yeah he's a one yeah let's go ahead and start with this guy Joe has a point in everything it was supposed to be minor surgery blah blah blah blah blah we're going to go down [Music] here we'll go ahead and start uh maybe us get stuff going [Music] here [Music] [Music] i b skin world but yet to really dive into it hollow hollow this is a great game some people will say it's a terrible game but I I I beg to differ once you get into it it is a serious serious game going do it right here make it make it pretty [Music] small beautiful worth hundreds of hours I got almost 1,000 hours in this game at this [Music] point he's going to Cloud watch man you got you got you got [ __ ] you got to do man Spike come on buddy I think I'm like at 1,200 or something that's pretty amazing [Music] how many does this take [Music] 45 cool let's get a we'll get a torch as well right here get a table and a stool [Music] I also need a crafting spot which will stick inside [Music] and make a bill for a uh a short bow and make a bill for a club see what w Wildlife we have a muffalo of an alpaco so we'll go ahead and hit hit a couple of [Music] those just to get us some stuff uh some food cuz our biggest problem last time was we didn't have a short bow I think this one will be [Music] fine beautiful there's my ancient Danger a Masterwork a wooden table a master is is there something do we have like a wow isn't that crazy we've already done a Masterwork baby okay we're good to go here in a second go and get ourselves a a short bow and then we'll go hunting yeah I'm going to plant some rice in the fertile patch I just need to get my my my stuff up here pretty quick there we [Music] go [Music] [Music] man I I started this map totally different from how you started drunk do you really what would you do you probably have more more time in it than I [Music] do [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] War Merchants here should we unleash the ancient Danger on them again [Music] [Music] [Music] I also use a one by one uh uh table mod so I'd stick with one of those next to the stool at the research bench we have no we have no [Music] money we're going to try [Music] this [Music] a Hellfire what have I done run and hide easy enough now if your Mech kill one of the Traders you get free stuff I know I don't think it I don't think it did but that's all right for go plus 2 for your future multi analyzer are essential Tech print we have a pain stopper remember was funny like that a fire breaking out on the map drastically increases the percentage chance of it happening Tian can be a merciful god I know right all right so we're I'm going to go ahead and get this started right here good deal [Music] that just made your wealth go way up did it see it sure did didn't it wow I wonder if there's a way I can do uh let's see let's let's see what the home what the home range [Music] is I don't think I have enough clothes and material just [Music] yet why are you not making any close because I need to get a tailoring bit and I need other things too drunks got wood indeed C about to make a I have a crafting spot but look I need 60 and I have 17 so uh so we need uh we probably need like three more I actually probably need to get a better butcher spot which I think I'm going to do maybe we'll uh do another structure this way I'm going to have to wait hunting is [Music] hard there we go [Music] perfect me change the schedule again to uh like to be four here we go I need a stockpile yes you're right I got one little stockpile thing but not much just about got this for going to deteriorate really quick right [Music] don't need them to refuel I want him to uh do this [Music] wall beautiful all right let's uh we'll stick our uh let's [Music] see [Music] here we go perfect where is do we have uh where's steel there's a little block of steel right there food's inside and I'm sewing I'm sewing the rice plant so we're we're there we're getting there baby we're getting there [Music] [Music] next is to get protective wear I think what I'm going to do I'm going to stick this right there and we need to uh go ahead and start chopping more wood I would get a bit just in case we got Hill rout right here [Music] [Music] we just hold off we'll just make that our stockpile zone right there one thing I got to worry about is is we are eventually going to get like a uh a raid and that's going to come pretty quick and I don't know if maybe I should do something different like if I should um build build spike traps which are going to take a a a bit finish him off that will work for us right there hit uh hit level three and build them fast okay so where where am I at as far as my uh instructions 4 I can build them pretty fast G to go a and finish this guy off finish off the Boomer it's make two doors to your house and use one as a bait door worth a trap going to it okay yeah you're right we'll deconstruct [Music] this [Music] [Music] it's a lot of food I know I know hopefully it won't go it won't go [Music] bad continue harvesting all this stop hunting for a while yeah I got that set on four though oh wait a minute yeah we'll get a [Music] four [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm in a weird weird uh Rim world uh player uh when I start I you I Rush geothermal power not if you have the components for one of those currently yeah I don't have have [Music] anything where's he going I he's going for a [Music] walk I'm going to open this we're going to see I might what I'm going to do reason why I did this is so I can sell this stuff CU I might be able to get by without I having to worry about it what did that contain a tech print jump packs okay that's good but we can uh possibly uh raid with this guy [Music] now all right let's see what we [Music] [Music] have [Music] it's kid [Music] tribalwar they don't have any I was expecting like [Music] some all right we can sell some stuff what should we sell here I have a tech print for jump [Music] packs it's 133 I got Tech print for healing [Music] factors I'm going to go ahead and sell that I'm going to sell both my tech prints Spike down at the pawn shop trading for some threads that's really what I'm looking for is threads but it doesn't look like I have anything I have a veil I have a face mask uh it's all kid stuff I could do a burka that might work and I think I might do a great bow as well minus 22 sell my pain stopper and hold on to my psychic uh animal pulser a face mask you take more pain do do you minus 40 a great Bow's real strength is its range okay so this looks good right here then I can do um I I just I need clothes pretty bad so I think that's going to be fine it's minus point4 I did [Music] it [Music] [Music] poster is good when you're at 40K prestiges in Max ah got it well Max so the puls are actually they attack the max too I didn't know that I'm going cancel this for right now see what his needs are good deal awful bedroom chilly slept in the cold but um but for the for the most part looking okay looks like the recreation was was completely satisfied I don't even know what that what how we did that jump packs are under the top 10 of useful items in my opinion really we're looking good now we we we've gotten looks like we've gotten almost everything taken care of where where's he going uh all that short B bow and stuff over here and uh I'm going to start to build up I think can you show your world map absolutely we got wasters to the north of us they're hostile they're neutral neutral neutral but we can't we can't trade there [Music] Spike really looks like a a pawn now yeah he actually has like a we we've actually uh we we've gotten we we've done okay so far I am going to go ahead and uh try to set him up here get the rest of this food good deal um let's uh let's go ahead and get our construction back why is he harvesting all that food red yeah well there's nothing I can do about it you know we're in good shape did have enough to build this out still waiting on on a uh death in six hours his bio intellectual he's a good animal he's a he's a psychopath and a technophobe he's in capable of cleaning decent in melee real good with animals and ually U adapt artistic beggar can't be choosers we're going to stabilize him I don't know know if we're going to do anything with him but we we'll we'll definitely uh can't I why can't I touch him weird oh he's alive he's running that's the reason never mind unless he falls there we go good deal we'll go and stabilize him hurry up Spike do your thing and he's a long way away and I think what we'll do is we'll um I'm not going to I'm not going to arrest him I'm just going to uh hopefully heal him and maybe he'll join spikes like a vulture waited for the dude to collapse I know right he's like bleeding all over the place man we're just going to rescue him maybe he might join us who knows we'll get a horseshoe pin going [Music] too I sure hope he he becomes my buddy my buddy my my buddy wonderful so you can have medical sleeping spots instead of beds yeah you can you can totally do that now the hope is is that he will he'll wake up and be like wow this is a great place this is awesome I want to stay here with you that's what I'm hoping for but I can't guarantee anything is going to happen he joins and now we can now we can actually name it what should we name this Rivers Valley the settlements Rivers Valley 2 awesome cool so we we can actually do stuff now we can get this we have two people two one becomes two cuz one was the loneliest number that will ever ever [Music] do he's a good Hunter what else can he do he can haul and he can do art and he can research really well so yeah we'll get this we'll get this all going up oh he he just he just got up to rest let's equip that short bow so he can he can hunt now we can get all the rest of this going but two is just what you need to get you through sex awesome Emanuel lemu subscribed to the channel Emanuel lemu come on in take your shoes off get comfortable thank you very much thanks for the sub I appreciate it hope you're doing well on this uh fantastic Super Bowl Sunday we're going to go ahead and start mining this stuff out too life is looking good now we might actually uh do something here oh you can throw me in there I haven't been on here on the team okay okay you can be uh it'll be [Music] Val beautiful and Spike's going to be Rivers because this is his his Colony River seagull his title is Quarry worker what the hell is your guy wearing he's wearing a burka it's the only thing that they they they uh sold me a burka that's all I had had I am kind of wondering what happened to my club though I had a club maybe I'm carrying it I'm not for not a lot of food but it is what it is there we go we'll let him do what he he's good 121 tiles of rice in regular soil feeds five colas so fertile should do about 30 tiles to feed two easily 30 tiles I need to go up a little bit more right 1 two 3 four five 6 7 8 nine we'll turn this into a Barracks I don't know what this will [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] well it ain't going to be beautiful but it's going to be [Music] something get some Hill Road drag is still sick is is he see looks like he's just [Music] recovering [Music] good deal for wow that didn't take any time at all did it there's a good fridge miners I like it remember has no fridge it goes on Ancient danger wall you doing there we go perfect we can start cooking and stuff yeah our plants are are not good but at least we have two people now you know I mean that's good that's good his bios he's a psychopath and a techn probe uh let's see whether by past trauma or fear of change dragonus rejects Mo modernity they may randomly Punch or attack me mechanical devices and refuse to learn or research anything about them they also love killing mechanoids I can dig that take a look at a wild life here we got a couple bucks I got alpaca we'll go ahead and uh get those guys going too so we can get some regular food in here as well we got a bulk a bulk Goods tra Trader coming in very nice they are pro problematic but you know I'm not going to complain about them see what these guys have [Music] it's all kid stuff I mean what the [Music] hell [Music] h for can I not heal him didn't look like I can whatever well so we have we now have a uh we have a butcher table we have a a a kitchenette this will be my other area right here be a Barracks soon enough I probably probably need to do a door right there too right they yearn for mines it builds it builds up character clear um kids are the best in this game drun I kill them all I don't mean [Music] to I mean [ __ ] happens you [Music] know [Music] plant some roses in the barracks yeah I'll probably do that um I'm just kind of wondering why dragon is tends to be uh is so sickly you know he looks okay [Music] the amazing that he actually even even decided to to do anything what I need to do put in here put some roses in the barracks I need something to uh some light for that to work [Music] right we leaving the barracks unroofed oh yeah I guess we need to I wonder why it's not it's not allowing me to uh that's weird right I wonder why it's [Music] unroofed I guess construction is lower priority compared to the farming yeah probably so [Music] that is weird [Music] isn't Super Bowl a big day for service industry no we're closed on Super Bowl believe it or not as weird as that sounds isn't that crazy we're get some cutting going [Music] on [Music] a little research going on as [Music] well yeah we we we we've been closed our our restaurant is it it actually ended up closing um I don't even know how long ago this was Rams versus the Titans that night we did like $600 worth of business and they were like never again and they haven't been open since it's pretty nice but the super to answer your question no it's it for regular restaurant without like TVs and stuff without that kind of a thing going on it's not worth it okay we can get uh we can get dragonus on this but we can get research going see what do we want to do first uh electricity um battery probably right maybe a battery or should we go straight for um like smithing get a battery going beautiful Gunsmithing first plant pot plus daily is cheap ways to ra raise the room's Beauty okay we'll we'll grab that as well where's my plant pot Super Bowl I'm not going to watch growman play a game I'm going to watch drunk play a game there you go recently saw a mod called do your [ __ ] research that allows you to force research that's kind of cool I mean I don't know we haven't really had much of a problem with it up to this point we uh go ahead and yeah we'll we'll go ahead and continue to uh get this going celebration of Freedom opportunity any Gathering Spot like a table freedom of shape ritual spot [Music] 50% wait I mean it's a lot slower going but hey you know what and a torch in the research room you're right that instruction level five uh shatty tunnels are fun uh less uh less not really cheesy and efficient ritual spot sounds kinky just saying may not want to close up your bed or maybe you do yeah there you go we'll be able to like fly through this now now we got two two people I think it's going to be a little bit faster going this early this early stuff is tough crazy we still haven't had a raid yet but it is Cassandra [Music] oh we did do Randy didn't we you're right we did do Randy I thought it was Cassandra you just put one square away from the front door one sandbag on either side for early defense we're okay right [Music] now oh we probably we we actually probably don't need to do uh any hunting just yet we'll hold off on [Music] this [Music] all right we need a steel a place for our steel there we go finally he puts he he he actually decides to build a roof on here that's very nice here we go and we're going to get a maybe a steel thing going on over here let's get a structure going what do we have 187 wood continue to do with wood right now I know there's a tree here but there's not really much we can do about it I we can build this way I [Music] guess easier just to combine the the the rooms for [Music] you [Music] [Music] there it is where's that where's that stone cutters [Music] thing I built next to the tree and use all that open space as nature spots for the kids to gain XP [Music] [Music] this could have sworn I did did I not do a uh a club maybe I did and I just didn't didn't notice it oh maybe I sold my club that's what would [Music] happened [Music] [Music] went through uh somebody's mod list to add a bunch of my rotation lots of graphical improvements and stuff forget it was a Coco uh nubert or who it could have been either one of those guys guys are really good with uh they they do all the things intellectual level eight for dragonus well off the openings to the area uh but the one to the east so Raiders have to walk around to get to you once you have stone blocks okay like this area and these areas what do I have for crafting probably best to have two openings on opposite sides of the circles Raiders don't decide to walk uh too long and just bust through ah going make two clubs I got to wait for him to to get busy [Music] here the place has all the space to build a massive base with mining into it yes it could be it could be a really good thing but I'm going to have I have to juggle things right now kind of sucks but you know right now all we have is bows so I want to I want to at least get some melee stuff just in case for they'll path to you after attacking finish the okay so we finished batteries we'll go with um solar panel next we're not having to cut wood we really need you know things that will uh do that and I'll eventually start crafting as well dog on it oh come on death in 20 hours yeah a squirrel just about killed him [ __ ] have them grow now plant some more than good wasn't packing a m man hun in New York sh I know right those early game animal attacks are brutal and this is really tough because if he if they get like any kind of like infection we're pretty much screwed I don't know if Rivers has much medical oh yeah he's a one and medical and dragonus is a three the dragonus probably would be better off just ending himself but we just got to do what we got to do I'm going to stretch my legs y'all oh yeah he's got a skull cap isn't that funny [Music] this really sucks we have to like constantly uh because there's only two of us and I'm having to like constantly go back and forth between stuff but we we got lucky because of this right here we haven't opened up the uh the crypto caskets yet we might do that before I uh finish with this day yeah it's a I think it's a skull cap but let's see might be a slicer cap it's a slice [Music] cap [Music] uhoh that looks like food where'd he go man's building a a balding klling on so we we do have oh wait a minute did he [Music] not weird Okay Rivers got it dragonus is back to back in business since that's [Music] good a lot of food I don't know if we'll have enough to eat to uh eat you know to actually eat it we're actually doing okay I mean this is an just because we we got lucky we uh we had Traders and we opened this up we still haven't opened the caskets yet um probably need to build some uh something that would make it happen I think I'm going to do a solar panels over on this side when we get there he huntting no more two animals who are [Laughter] aggressive he's he's better dragonus is better served to do this [Music] anyway remember times I've pissed off I've been pissed off by a war bear of Panther killing one of my colonist I know right well I mean this in this deal this this deal it's not even about like [Music] uh if one of us dies we're we're we're pretty much screwed I say that but not [Music] [Music] really there we go finally we're uh doing what we need to do what is that is that Marble Marble very nice anything on on stream Fest that interest you well we did one game there there there were a few games but you know I've been burned so many times Mark Norton that I it's it's one of those deals where I'm just not I don't I'm not feeling like uh real strong about it because they there's like several that look really really good and then there are uh several that are just like I don't know a foggy rain for 9 days is that a bad thing [Music] opone gets another DLC or pz goes to Bill 42 both of those things are going to happen just a question of when all right I'm going to do batteries over on this side I think battery or freezer I'm not sure freezer might be better right there batter's going to take two uh components we have four we have more over here I feel like it'll pop up in May for some reason Bill 42 I mean yeah probably so AC first yeah okay we need a mine it'd be really nice if all of this was uh with [Music] components yeah I think it's going to be uh May June something like [Music] that we lost all our food [Music] yeah we almost have our our research done for this and then we'll go into smithing solar panels set food making to 600 and unpause at 2 so you won't waste meals you mean like what I just did dog we lost all of our stuff at two how do I do that let me see um [Music] I've gotten used to no freezer in this [Music] game I'm going go [Music] eight [Music] really do do you really Mr s me I just don't like [ __ ] with it seems like a lot of micromanagement to [Music] me [Music] that's all this game is about micromanaging and handholding I know wolf but I mean seriously it's it there are parts that are a little bit better than than others you [Music] [Music] know yeah we we have no storage space now probably going to have to build something else here [Music] Whoop I'm going to get I'm going to start to get their other stuff pretty quick [Music] here we want weapons the only thing I haven't been able to fully automate is feeding animals I have to always have to microing probably due to having too many animals I still have not done um much of anything in terms of uh in terms of getting these guys uh like get in their own bedrooms and things like that which I'm I want to fix I think I don't know where I want to go with that seems like this would be a pretty nifty uh place to to build bedrooms oh we got a shaman Merchant approaching but we can sell some stuff yeah yinyang a mixture of coffee and te tea and coffee drinkers respectfully set their differences aside while concocting this Unholy [Music] amination it really don't have much an architect uh Shield belt a single person psychic Shield device makes a superior AI this covers uh it's $2,400 so I don't have that money I don't have that that amount of money doesn't look like they have really much of anything that I really need that would be very cool I just don't know if I I don't have like um I mean I could sell 140 11 what would that give me a, 1500 H I'm going to buy one of these just so I can trade with them a prisoner being held by the green force Bandits have managed to steal a radi on call you psyche's been held at a tra at a camp near River's Valley under Armed Guard rescue her and she will join your Colony she's an 8-year-old child he says there's an enemy Outpost at the site guarded by one settler and there may be an unknown threat if you miss uh this opportunity you may never hear from psyche again no more information is available we're a long ways away from psyche she's 8 years old anyway it's not like we can do anything for [Music] her [Music] w [Music] they still don't have anything just parkas oo a child named Fernandez crashing in a transport pod nearby Fernandez suffering from paralytic evasion will be unable to walk she recover naturally after uh many days there's also a chance of Lucky quick recovery paralytic aasia can can also be cured by a special operation which requires a large amount of glitter word medicine you don't want Fernanda you can banish your seller into slaver or leave her to die however your other colonist may find this disturbing it's 11 36 Days probably shouldn't have accepted her that's all right [Music] well she's a child so she's not going to have anything I didn't really have much of a choice one one one in construction passionate in construction he's a stoner and a wimp I might be able to operate on her but it's hard to say well we got uh we got solar panels now let's uh go ahead and get into smithing so we can get long blades and plate armor and all that stuff and hopefully we can get we can get going now this is going to be my freezer eventually why is he about to break oh he created a Lo he's ravishingly hungry do we not have food we don't do we [Music] one guy damn [Music] it [Music] well that's that I get so many breaks this early I just forgot to [Music] [Music] eat [Music] he has no tea that's exactly right no psychite tea scheduled to make everyone happy yeah I don't have I don't even know if we can actually do anything there's a deserter calling from nearby he's deserted the army of the shattered empir is being hunted by a loyalty Squad is one Trooper will be doing it B knows the location of a key Outpost only wish yeah we're not going to do that as as as good of an idea as it might be for us to do that I don't think we need to fight the shattered Empire do we I mean that could that could pretty IND us right am I right about that or am I right about that need six for plants and let's see where we are I'm at six sh let's go ahead and get some uh psychite tea then doing [Music] huh where is it is it the psychoid plant research T too [Music] okay [Music] never [Music] clean she has uh smoke Leaf dependence too [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] let him grow up here opposing the Empire is almost always a bad uh bad choice I need to get this finished CU I want to move this stuff [Music] [Music] out [Music] I'm going to get what's face on this plant cutting I he's got a one skill I just need him to do something before we uh actually do it [Music] if you got shock lances that you can uh then you can be enemies then give good good armor and weapons as long as you don't kill [Music] them remember the Empire is your friend all all hail the Empire good deal so he's got the psychoid plant we'll uh right now what is our research on we're almost finished with that uh psychoid Brewing yeah we're going to go ahead and research [Music] that [Music] [Music] why are they cooking so many meals four of eight oh is it because it's because these aren't in in the uh deal are they we're going to build um once we get over here we're going to build a um bedrooms over on this side power armor helmets Marine cat don't have penalties it's all about minimum travel distance of the ponds yeah I know that I know that but you know I mean I want to build how I want to build you know who's this guy 16 in Plants he's a perfectionist and psychically Hyper sensitive got a decent he might be a good uh a good guy to go to go with [Music] [Music] hm H we're just going to take our chances he got a four and a three you know what I want mixed uh mixed material structures like making a wall out of half wood stone or that are mix of materials you got three pawns you'll kill them I I don't have three PA I got one that's like has an blazia and see I can't do anything we could probably do this though for well we killed him oh well too bad we're not cannibals is what it is why does he s insist on plant oh it's cuz of construction I want I want construction to be one for for there we go perfect you can set death on down to 0% if you really want part pawns early um early on H I don't really [Music] care we got to we got to hold we still get to open this up that's going to be something right there we got glitter World medicine that we can uh we can take advantage of if we need to um if we get like any kind of like sickness or whatever we absolutely have to we can do [Music] that who's starving ah really need to build another table don't I for good deal we have five of these so we going to maybe build another [Music] [Music] structure [Music] look good kids and burn uh boxes ignore population intent so organize say you can set death on down down to 0% if you really want ponds early on drunk so either either one if you want more ponds and better selection really kids ignore population intent really I didn't know that we got a lot of days left for this person 31 days two seasons down to low food again there we go [Music] really good with with cooking staggeringly ugly and a coward see that flame it's a bad deal [Music] here he comes head shot he dead he's dead damn it well I mean I figured that he he would be fine because he has like a uh he is um so low in terms of uh he he's uh he had a short bow and this guy has a like a great bow so kind of figured we'd be fine with that we only have two more two more Foods left Let's uh let's go ahead and get we should probably Let's uh what do I have I have 105 75 yeah let's go ahead and get a get some more production here Furniture wooden shelf we'll go one here one here and one there get him on it do it all like that all right cool copy paste paste [Music] it's like drunk is one of your uh it's okay one drunk is one of your colonists a female there we go perfect I'm tempted to build into this but I just don't know if I should given what happened [Music] before [Music] might big enough not going to be a big room but it's going to be big enough at least for right now yeah I'm going to start building [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up Jack how you doing Quest available a challeng Jacker 8-year-old child named Kint is calling from nearby he's being chased by junkers from the darts he begs for safety and offers to join at Rivers Valley you accept you'll have to fight off the junkers at his tail the group of junkers is comprised of one Scrapper Kent is to franic to join should we do this it's a child an eight-year-old child that's not that's not a really we have four hours to decide what should we do lady Casco what's happening would be funny if increasingly outer layers were made more and more expensive or durable materials while the innermost layers of the colony is still kept at wood looks like it's going well it's it's it's going okay for for naked uh brutality um start it's not bad at all I can't complain I don't know man why why is that no kid is too old should I should I do it need to be three to be worth it what do you mean uh what do you mean needs to be three to be worth it oh kid is too old okay I see what you're saying I thought you're saying like no kid is too old you're saying no comma kid is too old it should be doable we're going to do it a child with nothing grer a fisherman got a gun you might actually catch up [Music] does he want to do that to a kid huh [Music] get the kid out [Music] here he just got beat up a little bit but nothing much not much of anything else all right so we'll get we'll get the kid on doing let's see what can we do Kenta on hauling and cleaning you can do everything else though wow we need probably need to keep her close you need a desk with uh three blackboards now oh we got a binge party Kent suggest doing a little binge party be warned binge parties can last up to a few hours colonists will binge on Food and Drugs until it's over simply draft your col us to stop them from taking a part in the binge yeah no one needs to be in the binge party [Music] for [Music] Beast have been called off [Music] indeed say kids a no drug unless you want him to OD on something oh yeah you're probably right n i i I'll let him learn the hard way [Music] I need to go ahead and um maybe build a some sort of a uh structure for our our new uh our newest uh person or the muffalo man your daycare is going to get shut down then yeah I know [Music] [Music] right I heard [Music] craft I mean should we do a pen maybe we should close this stuff off [Music] yes [ __ ] well K is about to be uh be toast anyway [ __ ] where to kill a what's he doing he's T he's going to tend to him you're all right just rub some dirt on it Kenta you'll be fine the solitary Dame her guards were killed in an ambo she escaped but it's now being followed by a man hunting monkey we can do that work a lot going on right now n probably need to um and this home area over here so they'll uh they'll do all the things needs to be done getting really close to my my stuff isn't it is she not firefight she can't guess cuz she's a royalty easy enough I feel sorry for Pond's joining Dr Colony been [Music] tough and they just want me to have stuff don't they I'm going to get a pen going one just a kid so far don't forget to send the Monarch away via the shuttle I just did thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] need three components I got one more right up [Music] here and I probably want to go ahead and start setting this other stuff up let me uh let me go with orders and chop wood we're going to chop all this wood how's kinta doing not so [Music] h well this hadn't been easy y'all I'm just going to say the only useful wonder why he won't haul for gotta say I'm looking my stuff is looking kind of janky I'm going to admit that I don't know I think the great bow is better than the uh than the pistol I mean that's what I would that's what I would think maybe I'm wrong for thinking [Music] that I wonder what oh oh it's times four okay got it so let's let's do um I didn't realize I thought it was like simple Mill times 4 if I did eight that would be just two two passes but apparently not that's [Music] fine having to micromanage this this this is what sucks about uh but once we get this there we go perfect we we can uh we can actually start to work on this right here cuz I have four of them what do you do I think everything is better than a short b b yeah so it's a long B long range is underrated yeah [Music] there we [Music] [Music] go custom your visit with any uh account of his domain Under Fire request invite him satisfies roal needs for 12 days and all of you can ride the shuttle to the Imperial flotilla you may then join the Imperial Court or escape to a new life among uh Among the Stars I don't think I want to do that sounds like a like a it would be uh more of a pain in the ass than what it actually [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on Rivers come out of it yeah it's eating without a table i' I've well Rivers like broke the one table that we had and now I'm thinking that maybe what I should do I might just completely like this is what I'm going to do [Music] [Music] I'm just going to make it one big uh big room and turn that into the kitchen I mean to the uh to the dining room [Music] [Music] [Music] Run come out of it Rivers please [ __ ] it oh come on why well cuz Rivers was inside was outside all I need is Rivers all I needed was rivers to to uh to survive this and he [Music] didn't luckily I got the man in Black to to uh spur us on can't even hit the side of a barn man run shark what what is his he has a nine in shooting and he still can't how do he how do you do this who who's dying he's in he'll be dead in two hours shark shark shark let's see [Music] doctor he'll be dead in two hours who do we want more I'm lose them [Music] both raid progression since raid progression is now the primary idea religion of your faction progressors will demand that their rituals raid progression be carried out engrave that on my Tombstone well I think this is where I st St it was a it was a nice try maybe I'll try this again some U some other time but right but I think this is where I'm going to stop we've been uh streaming for roughly three and a half hours and yeah first your nuts now your life I know it is what it is this is a good seed though I might I might actually try to play this again uh this seed uh guys thank you so much for hanging with me on this wonderful Super Bowl Sunday I will see you guys tomorrow we'll probably be playing some project zomo I haven't decided whether I'm going to continue with that map that was so frust it on because I was like cuz it was everywhere and just actually go into a town tomorrow and do that or whether I'm going to just do like a straightup run and just make it hard as as uh as possible guys thank you so much for uh for hanging with me and I appreciate the new subs and all that stuff uh you you guys have a great rest of your day if you're going to watch Super Bowl Sunday I hope your team wins I don't know neither team I don't care about any either one of the teams my Eagles lost I'll see you guys uh on the fli eye B shizel byebye y'all
Channel: Drunkonlife
Views: 550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Za5yKFyFx8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 8sec (12728 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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