Project Zomboid In Prince Edwards Island in Canada | Exploring the Lost Province Map | ep14

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what's going on you guys how y'all doing good morning good afternoon and good evening to you today we're going to be playing some project zomboid it's Prince Edwards Island it's also called The Lost Province map mod so there's that and I'm going to say hi to everybody and we can get started what's up snow Beetle how you doing first indeed Max [ __ ] Big Unit thank you so much for letting me know about that um that Discord link I'm you know it's it's really weird when I have those kind of things I just kind of pun them off like yeah I'll just deal with it tomorrow I just forget about about it Big Unit diment Honey B how you guys doing we're we're going to Jump Right In you know yesterday I was going to I was going to stream yesterday I had a big plan to stream and and um the day before that night it's always something when you it's homeowners when you when you own a house but the day before we actually had a um my wife called or my daughter called and she's like um there's water pouring out of the there always some it's for with me it seems to be water always water problems but uh there were like the uh there was something wrong with the toilet water was pouring pouring out onto the floor from the uh from the water holder the tank I guess right so I went there and I noticed that you know as a gasket there's like two screws that kind of like that that um connect the uh the tank to the toilet and there were it was leaking through one of those so it was a gasket problem so uh yester yesterday I was like yeah you know what I think I'm just going to get some stuff done I'm going to go and take care of uh I'm take care of that and then maybe if I have time I'll go to uh to Costco and I knew that the the um the bolts were already rusted so I was going to have to figure something out and um so 5 hours later 5 hours I was able to finally finish it and it and I am sore in places that you wouldn't believe we had we actually like if I had known what I know now um and if you ever have any problems with this you'll I'm about to give you a little tutorial go ahead and get a hacksaw and a glove because you're not going to be able to get in it with a hacksaw you're going to have to actually take the uh the saw out of it it's whatever it's you're holding and you're going to have to go in there and just just you know take some elbow grease and sweat and anger and all that stuff but you just need to cut the screws off because otherwise you're going to spend I spent an hour and a half just being hard-headed and trying to figure out like what was going to actually happen it's in a space like this and usually you know like it's it's damn near impossible to to to get into it because usually there's things on the other side like you know like a a sink or whatever it was hell it was absolute hell and when I finally got it done I was like you know what I'm just going to replace all the parts because you know if you if one thing fails in it right you have to you if if another thing failed in the in the uh toilet I would have to go back in and I wasn't going to pay a plum or 500 bucks to do it you know I'm just cheap like that here we are this is Jack uh story of Jack farmer uh as you can see our skills are on up there look at this man we we might actually cross into uh level eight on both both our long blunt and our axe um we've been alive for for 2 months and 13 days so almost 2 and 1/2 uh months 4954 zombies killed this is the area we're in what I would call a Ford operating base my fab down here is um is a hospital we're going to clear that out today um this over here is our main safe house and we've we we're eventually going to build a uh a third story so we can put like a roof and stuff on it but right now we're just going to focus on this stuff good morning what's up craiger the gamer how you doing hope you you you get shiny Loop all that good stuff drunk have fun everyone hey appreciate it man what's up Michelle my one Facebook viewer it's good to see you yes so we we I had like all sorts of all sorts of issues yesterday and needless to say I did not get my Costco run in so I'm probably going to have to do that Sunday uh my my daughter is is actually doing honor band this weekend she was actually started uh yesterday at 3:00 we had to check her out and um she's going sat uh Thursday Friday Saturday she has a performance Saturday afternoon and so um I don't know if I'm going to be able to do anything tomorrow or not so that's reason why I'm even mentioning it uh today I had to actually take her into the university it's at the University of Memphis uh college so he's really digging it but yeah the the uh once I once I was able to get the unit off it had no I had no problem uh doing stuff with it you know what I mean I was able to like I mean I had to get parts and like uh tools and stuff like that I didn't have like a plumbers wrench or whatever so I had to go to um Lowe's and I'm probably going to do my other bathroom because it it has like this leak that's caus to the point where I'm turning off the water and turning it on because it's I think it has something to do with the I don't know we we haven't messed with the toilet since we've been here we've been here for 15 years so time to get everything done you know but I know that's homeowners [Music] problems let's wait till about 2230 there we go and we'll go to sleep and hopefully no zombies will get us get the unit off I know right it was it was a pain in the ass man I can't tell you because like you're you can't see what you're doing and it's you're you're operating in a space like this and there's like about this much you know with my right hand did I fall asleep 5:30 we we'll uh let's wait here for a second I have any food sunflower seeds I want to kind of hold on to that boxing Nails yeah we're GNA take we'll go ahead and we're going to take care of uh of the rest of that that hospital today maybe get a little bit closer into town yeah it's like a space like this so I mean with my right hand I'm left-handed so trying to get in and it was like real tight I mean it took me like 20 minutes to saw that uh that screw off and the entire time I had no idea if I was doing it or not so you know what I mean but I was like man come hell high water I'm going to get this done this toilet is not going to defeat me not tonight not today but my poor wife uh she was um in the other room and I was cussing and doing saying aome you know just being a big fat baby you know big 50y old baby freaking out about [Music] it maybe toilet repair hand fatigue could could end me today that is a very big that is a possibility cuz I I got to tell you I woke up this morning and I I was feeling it [Music] the stream is just is going to be age restricted I guess so right it's kind of crazy you know when I first started streaming I was like okay I had no idea what I was going to do like as far as like I was like who am I going to stream to might as well just kill them all off huh I wasn't really sure who I was going to stream to you know what I mean I was like I was like I didn't know who my audience was that's what I'm trying to say and uh it's kind of crazy um apparently there are a lot of people like me that are my age that like to uh watch streams drunk drunk un drunk highly recommend that you replace that if you replace your toets you must get Comfort get a comfort height toilet is much better sitting a little higher when you're older also with my artificial hip really I don't know if I'm going to ever be replacing a toilet any time like a like a um be replacing the actual toilet anytime soon I'm going to uh move some of the stuff over stick that in there do that have a uh he have a gun he doesn't yesterday drunk was man a manly man who did Plumbing today he's girly man complaining about how he is yeah you know you know that's true you know that's true I am not I am not one for uh for that kind of stuff no sir I'm not going to even lie about it thought there was somebody over there yeah I thought there was somebody coming over here everybody I am not like a uh like a manly man in any sense of the word I'm not a handyman at all I mean I I don't I don't my argument with that right is I guess I could do stuff but I just choose not to what she got attached to her screwdriver don't dismantle that why not leveled up level level eight baby I one shot all these [Music] guys or two shot him really kind of weird how like uh like I can one shot them without a problem when there's just one of them but when there's like more than one it seems like it it's always two [Music] shots I even check my gas probably should all right up we go I fix what I can I can to try to save dollars uh trades people give themselves big raises every few years with yeah so I did a I did a search this is what made me change my mind I did a search for how much it would cost right because I mean it's all this it's it's pretty much all the same right like if you're going to change the gasket right for something it's you're going to have to do the exact same work as if they did another thing within there right and I looked at it and they and the average was something like 400 bucks you know and I'm just like no way ain't going to happen I'm going to figure it out I mean there are things that I can't I can't fix you know that I know for a fact that I won't be able to fix have we gotten all these guys out [Music] yet bring over here come on you fools [Music] go Gunn [Music] it all right let's rest [Music] it's a big place it is replacing a toilet would be easier than what you did yesterday really you think so I mean I guess so but I mean how much is a toilet is it like 200 bucks I still have to buy all the equipment and stuff I mean I was looking at the good thing the the uh real good thing about that kind of stuff is now you can just look it up you know what I mean if you have a problem but I mean I spent way too much time worrying about rusted screws you know what I mean and not enough time to finally I I like I saw a video on a plumber and he's like trust me he's like trust me everybody's going to show you all these different ways on how to remove these these rusted screws don't even bother with it just just go ahead and just cuz you're going to have to do it anyway go ahead and just chop and just chop it off like uh cut do the work Rel wonderful unless it's absolutely right old toilets are better environmental restrictions on newer toilets are ridiculous really see I don't know anything about that darker what what's happening got to work on that cardio I know right 9 o'clock and I'm already but I mean to be fair I mean I'm going through the uh all the all the zombie uh killing here doing as much as I can as you can see I'm a little bit moist I think we're getting there now this this building is probably not going to be worth anything to me but because we're uh we're slowly but surely uh knocking out all the uh all the big groups um because there's no uh there's no respawn on it just makes more sense to go ahead and take care of things Let's uh let's take a beta blocker looks like I kind of need it run son of a [ __ ] yeah this isn't good wi and doubt get in your car and go go go zombie day it is it's not going to be zombie day today I mean this is mine to lose at this point with with with my uh I mean I can do something foolish right I mean there's nothing that says that I I haven't done something foolish before but I mean with my skills right now it's going to be really hard to beat me I'm just saying I am pretty freaking hungry what's up Ian morning good afternoon and good evening to you is should be get to level eight here yeah there we go level eight in Long blunt baby need to get something to eat shouldn't I it's about lunchtime usually when the bragging starts the dying begins but not this time baby not this time I've got this [ __ ] all figured out not this time pretty uh pretty much a lot of zombies for for a uh in this little spot right my Hunger might be uh creating an issue for me so many dead bodies just keep coming don't they go rest until that one zombie you take for granted yeah that's usually the way it goes isn't it all right let's get let's let's rest 420 uh long blunt Pros Pro Pros Pro of Pei indeed we're looking pretty damn good look at that stay here for one more day like stay go to our Ford Opera rating ba base and just kind of hang out he's only doing well cuz he on newb island with no major city city centers oh come on man really I was rocking it in in Louisville with insane zombie populations what more you got man you're just mad because it's uh I've been taking care of business [ __ ] we call these guys too you too oh [Music] [Music] Jesus we'll take this little group out and then we'll uh we'll head home but you died in Louisville we all die man that's that's that's the story of zomboid no reason to even like uh pretend [Music] otherwise looks good now I don't know if I want to uh go in there or not I might just I might just continue to go down the street and uh because we don't really need anything from the hospital I mean it's not like I'm going to get hurt or [Music] anything want to jump up real quick now wasn't he some people don't die they just give up their sa well I who are you talking about I mean once you get to a certain point look look if if there's a like a a yeah that's true some people just get bored and like and like quit and I and and you know to to my credit I don't I just die right but if you're talking about YouTubers that have like these these uh these these Series where it goes on and on for seemingly forever I'm tell you scum save is a thing difference is I got to uh I got to give massive props to to lrey because he he's one of those guys that doesn't he actually puts his money where his mouth is and stuff but or most of them they they just kind of I don't know we got any food in here this might be it for me wait a minute no I have a uh a backpack full of food don't I dog food it's only it's 1700 hours I got lots of time me take some anti-depressants I probably should eat some chocolate too right M that dog food was good I was gonna do Rim world today but I because I missed yesterday I was like ah you know what I'll just I'll just finish out the week with uh project zomboid and stuff I am going to do another game I I I I kind of I don't know I snow beetles got me kind of interested in in maybe death stranding I don't know CU I haven't played it I'm going to see if it's if it's on sale if it's on sale I might I might do that there are a couple other games uh Pacific North Drive or Pacific Drive looks pretty damn good um obviously cdda and stuff but I just don't know if I want to run three uh three series with with one of them being cdda and and rim world you know because I think they're really closely they're very closely Sim uh similar what's up gut we'll scoot down a little bit further past this see what we have over here cuz I'm more interested in in what's beyond here down this this road you have to play Rim world at least uh with one day off between streams leave kpk's loty time to heal up I know right and I was starting to think about it right at first I was like you know what maybe I'll just do like two days of of project zomboid and then two days of Rim world but I really honestly for the people that actually watch it like after the fact that might be too much of of each game you know what I mean maybe I'm thinking too much into it like if I do five hours of Rim world or four hours of Rim world that's eight hours of Rim world you know before uh I I move to pz and the same thing goes with uh I'm tired now now yeah cuz I got up too early I bet you this leads back into the hospital but we're going to see yeah it's a backway of the hospital interesting I'm gonna play Death stranding to get ready for the second one but I bet the second one doesn't come uh to the PC for so long I don't know there it looks like I mean there are a few games that I'm interested in right that I think that would be good one of those games this this hospital is just ginormous [ __ ] on a 1920 did I keep doing it I think I am all right we'll stop here that was a deciding factor for me FY games what's happening death raining for free from epic is it right now well [ __ ] I maybe I'll download that keep doing it until you die you want me to get off this map don't you what ain't going to happen I'm going to minmax all my skills we're almost to the city center anyway yeah one more time we need to get water probably so beautiful oh no it's not now I got it last year got it okay I was I was wondering I'm gonna I'm going to uh I haven't played it so I mean I don't know what to even expect from it a plus 50 in unhappiness dog food really that bad has anybody ever had dog food you think it'd give you a plus 50 unhappiness what about fresh pad I me I'm saying that I'm I would like be thrilled to eat it but I mean I know it smells kind of funky just cuz it smells kind of blue cheese smells kind of funky and it's quite delicious right what watching the trailer for Death straining too gives me go oh yeah so there that reminds me there are a couple games that I'm looking at uh Prison Architect 2 is coming out I think that's in March maybe maybe uh that's it's a little ways away but there only reservation I have about it is is that uh CS2 it's from the same people and and they kind of tend to overpromise and underd deliver for at least for the very beginning um so there's that and then there's the other one what what is the the the the semi the um Frost Punk Frost Punk 2 I could do a a frost Punk um deal as well because I have it I played it a couple times but I didn't really play it play [Music] it I've tasted dog food it's very Bland okay but is it a plus 50 unhappiness that's the question I mean I guess it's the idea of eating dog food that really gets you all jacked up right [Music] yeah maybe I'll do frost punk as my third game you know what I'm saying because I want to do like three have three games um three ongoing series I guess and I mean I was doing balers gate but I kind of got away from it I might wait for uh the DLC to come out for that before I do anything all right let's let's let's continue on with uh our stuff I'm going to eat some dog food again and grab a chocolate Red Dead 2 I I have that game too I don't have it on um on computer I would have to set up up uh set up my [Music] console my dogs what we do with my dogs that we they have like the I guess the kibble right the uh from uh it's like Kirkland salmon and potato or something which I don't know if it's any good or not but uh so they have that that but they also um we also do freshh pet once a day um I'm out so I have to go to that's one of the reasons why I need to do a Costco run um I do one cup a day of of that as well and they wait for that stuff they can't wait to get it though it tells me that dogs do like certain things must be hard of hearing brosen Angus Burgers from Costco those are good [Music] man I think I might wait till Sunday to do that I guess I could do tomorrow but then I would miss a stream if I did that it's all like such a like a tight rope for me you know I mean I want to do I want to try to stream as much as I can and at the same time uh do all the regular stuff the interesting part of uh on balers gate is like a modern movie tries to appeal to every everyone and makes it super un uninteresting you think so I was enjoying it when I had it um yeah I think Kirkland dog and cat food is quite decent they don't use filler ingredients I know right can you pick me up some frozen Angus Burgers from Costco the interesting part about uh BD is deviating from what you're supposed to to do but I don't know how how far it goes yet yeah you know I was thinking if I was going to do a run I would do like another balers gate run which isn't going to happen anytime soon but if I was going to do one like tomorrow I would probably make myself a Bard so I think that would be a kind of an interesting uh narration I'd also consider doing honors honors mode which would a which would most likely mean I would die um it would be a very short series from what I've heard but I'm not much of an RPG player so oh which way should we go should we finish out the hospital or move or move up let me do a poll finish at hospital for the day or move uh further there's a couple buildings up there that's the reason why I'm just curious what we're in the buildings we were going to go there and try to do something but it just didn't happen the way we were hoping for it to happen so there's there it is you guys uh do your uh do do your do your polling and I'll U I'm going to stretch my legs real quick wow we're we're quite a divided uh group aren't we 57% are saying the hospital will wait here just a little longer I started um I I just I cancelled uh hellofresh for the this week I think I mentioned this last stream and and found this that actually looks really good called me me lime m e a l i m e um and what it what it does is it you know you put what your what you you know what your dietary stuff is or whatever what you prefer and then you it it picks out like uh four meals for you and you can choose it's like different four meals you can swap out the meals or whatever but it it bases it on waste which is kind of cool if he doesn't clear it he'll get an injury later he that he needs to go back must be getting barded of hospital was uh would not clearing it uh make moving on harder maybe that's the reason why I was asking what's the point in clearing the hospital anything important there I don't know I mean this is a this is a map that we don't know anything about well if we clear out the hospital we we will have less of a chance of them coming up from behind us right looks like hospital it is I'll stop this right now we'll move forward we'll move forther further for what am I Elmer fud we'll me we'll move uh further some other time right now we got some Hospital clearing to do do need to watch out for uh things behind me is that it I think drunk needs a little speech therapy what just cuz are you hating on me because I I don't know I can't say my RS right you know one of the one of the words I can't say I I never realize it that I couldn't say it until someone pointed it out I can't say pillow with a p i have to say pillow I'm not even joking I'm not even trying to exaggerate that stick that in our a revolver in our right let him come [ __ ] it's like a never- ending supply of them who ordered the zombies I didn't order them get con line of death there's a lot of them is I'm going rest right here yeah there's a lot more inside you're absolutely right lady Casa what's happening see what else is is up here I here they come [Music] I didn't even have to yell [Music] you Happ come [Music] 12:00 Boomstick the gun I would do it but the gun I was I was checking to see if maybe the gun was would work but it wasn't it wasn't uh there was no there was no ammunition in it I I do have my revolver you hear the alarm the car alarm going off I don't know what's up with that [ __ ] so many in this building man oh yeah they're all running to the car means it's a really good time for me to uh actually try to clear it out look at that [ __ ] I winess to Z open a garage door we're going to rest and then we'll go and try to handle that was that a it was an it was a car alarm basically you ain't fighting all of them too bad we don't have a katana right don't tell me what I'm going to do and what I'm not going to [Music] do I just might go and fight them all let me keep the car running we're going go and look get a good look see well that's troubling [Laughter] I'm going to rest before I do this I think it's for the best cuz I ran into that uh the building right all right let's do it I'm going to stay I'm going to keep my car way down here though now the reason why when I go ahead and handle these guys is because honestly I want to uh I I don't want there to be like any kind of like uh I I don't want them to to fall out of their migration and go elsewhere cuz that's what they're going to do I know that's what they're going to do see they they they heard where I I wreck my car LIC and little smattering of zombies yeah love me love me say that you love me was there a uh there was a cop up here I do it one more time an AI assistant the only problem he can face is is breaking the Crowbar well I mean my crowbar could break let's see where I'm at yeah I'm almost it's it's almost was there um I mean obviously I could also worry about like backing into something that would be the uh the other potential problem for [Music] me would be backing in that would be like uh me there there's there's two ways that I'm going to die here right one will be well there's three ways one will be a fat finger when I'm dealing with all these zombies the good news is with long blunt and with axe I'm not going to it the chances of that happening are just not that great they just aren't the other uh the other thing that could happen there's a couple of things that could happen obviously my uh um I I could I could wind up wind up uh backing into something with a big group on me which is the reason why I keep going I keep uh broadening out the the look of it tired I just want to keep on at least until I run out of uh crowbar and the other way that I could get God Is by uh by going through a door not and not paying attention that'd be the uh the three most likely ways I I would die of course you you can never uh discount the possibility of me like eating a mushroom on accident or getting cut by a branch that's it as good as it gets let's go home backing That Thing Up always involves risk especially when there's like lots of uh trees and stuff right all the way around but yeah those are the those are the biggest ways fat finger right that's a that's always a possibility less of a possibility because I'm using long blunt rather than uh than than short blunt using short blunt that possibility would be way up would go up there pretty high because it there's like a a lot less room for error but if you're using an axe or a uh or a crowbar or something like that a long Blunt You're just it's just it's just not as likely to happen the other uh the other way would be backing up you know you're back backing up and you're not realizing that there's something coming at you from a side that's the other way and then um obviously jumping through a window blond which has gotten me more than once and of course you know once again the the the The Accidental eating of the mushroom or uh or uncooked stew or those kind of things that can get you killed too I'm just stunned by how many zombies there are now we are that that is really close to like the city looking pretty hungry doesn't uh raw rabbit sound good about right now I know right I'm just about Abandoned the idea of finding another uh a second generator we'll go to the main house and cook up up some stew maybe watch watch the zombie grind off our grime off our bodies and do that kind of stuff ah yes uh aversion to litter for for uh for the sake of uh your computer right where's my house be right up here right we added this little addition over here it looks pretty nice doesn't it The Shack what do you want to call this The [Music] Shack W look at that the unhappiness for this is a plus 28 oh it's cuz it's frozen right no it looks terrible it's it's it's a wonder it's it it might not be much but it's my shack [Music] this Jack actually does look good thank you sag nuts I appreciate that 77% 100% might as well go ahead and fix it as well right easy as [Music] that what was I going to do oh let's fish I'll be fishing whoa oh oh oh oh medium H hit I was Wonder I was going to get there I'm at three looking pretty damn good [Music] [Music] it's buttery m might even call you a donkey Gordon [Music] Ramsay should probably uh cook some of this right [Music] oh wow I can't even fit that thing in there crazy who was it that has a Gordon Ramsey AI to answer questions for channel points on Twitch oh is it entty what what that's got to be hilarious I have something on Discord for I I thought for a second there I had it with uh South Park I thought I was like oh wow this is really cool and then then I realized that it was like going to cost me a lot of money to actually get it done I was like yeah that's not so [Music] cool [Music] yeah you're probably right we'll go off and Forge [Music] today our fridge is fully stock NOW another way that I could die potentially oh let's check our our our stuff over here ready to harvest I'm going to wait until they're uh until they're seed bearing and then we'll set up traps [Music] think we might have ourselves a big farm over here [Music] [Music] [Music] we've pretty much done the Lord's work in terms of uh and look how big of a space I have for this is that not amazing pine cones everywhere like my big circle is it it's crazy the amount of uh of uh section I get now granted I am a park ranger so forging is a thing for me but still I mean that's amazing but you're right I do need a forge it's 9:23 it's going to be uh it's going to be December before we know it 574 [ __ ] man am I going to look I'm going to I'm going to jump up to uh level six uh foraging in no [Music] [Music] time um in real life even so pine cones are pretty dang good for uh for in zomboid at least for um if you have like a like a if you're trying to make a fire or whatever it it's it's good uh kindling [Music] oh so they could predict the rain as a kid how how is that how so just out of curiosity how what was the uh what was the thought process behind that like you know some of the uh like you know I was raised with by my grandparents and they had all sorts of like weird like uh Herbal Remedies and stuff one of them was was really kind of bizarre I don't know if it's true or not um but if anytime I'd get a splinter in my foot they would she would wrap that [ __ ] with uh with bacon and uh it would the next day it would be gone the Splinter now I don't know like when I was looking at it like when I was in school for biology it seems like you're your skin just has a propensity for uh pushing foreign objects out of your body so I don't know if it was like necessarily did anything for [Music] me they open and close depending on their environment oh Isn't that cool I could see that [Music] looks like we might be all uh all done out on this one [ __ ] man I I I just can't believe how how quickly uh this moves up [Music] thought that there was another uh yeah here we [Music] go that everybody sex L VOR Lama subscribe to the channel verer thank you so much for the sub I appreciate it moving us one step closer to internet Fame Fortune glory and come on in take your shoes off get comfortable we are about uh an hour and a half in which normally means that's there's going to be a a bit a bit more more time left usually I stream for about 3 hours it might be a little bit less today CU I have to go to work but got you have at least we have at least another hour all right let's go back and and see if we can find we need a forging volume 4 we're going to go back to the uh Schoolhouse and see if we can find one cuz there's really no reason for us to uh to do this stuff if if uh until we read the book Big Unit gifting one drunk on life sponsorship thank you very much for the spon for for hopefully somebody gets it ah John Sean there's not many people more deserving than John Sean he's been with me for a long time sag nuts enjoy your I don't know what you get anymore oh wait a minute we've already been that check let's let's I'm pretty sure I don't have anything in there but let's go to this way you just became a sponsor thank you very much Big Unit that's very nice of you very kind thank you for continuing to support the channel come on forging Volume 4 oh is that volume four did I miss it volume Five I'll go ahead and grab that go to the other school sexing Idol 8 subscribe to the channel Idol 8 thank you so much for the sub come on in take your shoes off get comfortable you're moving us one step closer to internet fame fortune and Glory think we're almost up to 21,000 Subs which is pretty nice thank you very much I do appreciate it I do I do I do and this is our old uh our old base you know what just occurred to me is did we even look over here can't remember all right what you got for me bunch of nothing might as well grab these I think I have I I I can actually uh do something with them it could be 100K Subs if you weren't so lazy yeah you know what's funny about Subs is it is it like a lot of a lot of YouTubers use that as a metric it's a terrible metric to use I mean really honestly the I I guess I would be I would be better off if I uh if I did more stuff like if I oh look there's a zombie look at this little lone zombie oh he's got a friend he friends but you're right if I wasn't so lazy I would I would probably do a lot I mean I I I know what it would What It Takes I just just don't want to go there you know I'm I'm quite happy with what I have as weird as that sounds what's a good metric uh probably um like here I'll explain to you here in a second let make sure I don't have a volume four in here cuz that's possibility volume 3 volume two should have wood glue there it is the reason why I'm I'm going to do I'm going to do all three of them and I'm going to put them at uh I'm going to repair this it's 75% so we can probably do all three or not damn it really wow well all right I guess we can't do it they it ambiguous uh kind of uh kind of made the statement about about um Subs not being a good metric here's the reason okay so like you have like let's say you get a million Subs right technically what what you would think right what you think in your head is you have a million Subs you're going to have you know automatic views but the reality is is that let's say you got all your subs from shorts right you you you got 35,000 uh thousand subs from these little 10-second things that you're doing right well it does it does very little for your channel other than other than if somebody sees it they say oh wow he has this many Subs right but from like a from like an actual like unless of course that's what you do is is shorts right that's one of the problems the other problem is is like I have like thousands of Subs that that have signed out for zomboid you know six years ago and that probably haven't haven't been back in the last like few years you know what I mean so it's one of those deals where what really the the metric that you really use is is where you were at at the time right now I'm sucking but that's just because of uh you know I mean I guess it could be a lot of things it could be me I don't know but it it could I'd like to believe that it's not me it's I'd like to believe that it's actually um like uh I don't know like um zomboid being in a LOL right now and that kind of stuff you know what I mean and people will come back people are just burned out on on that particular uh thing so uh um really the the uh the better metric is is probably going to be should I go out right now I think I'm I think I might but it would be um user interaction for new videos that kind of stuff because you you think that if you have a million views I mean million Subs that means somehow that you're going to you know you should be doing 4 or 500,000 views every every time and I mean it's true that they send it out to more people but if your if your stuff is constantly being ignored then they send it out to less people success is a lot of work and hustle and luck there is luck to it I mean I don't want to I'm not going to I'm not going to tell people it's not luck because there's a it's not fair to someone to tell people that it's that that it's not that there's not something to do it doesn't have something to do with luck I mean there's there are there are things there are very talented people out there that are that are struggling with you know a th000 Subs you know where uh people are like I don't know how you're not bigger than you are you know that kind of a thing this is where we're [Music] going [Music] but there is there's luck is involved with it there it is good [Music] deal [Music] like for example okay just just to give you like my own like story behind this um I went for a for a year a year and a half two years without with like you know having like five six seven 8 10 10 to 10 to 20 people if I was lucky you know when I was playing zomboid and um how that changed for me was the developers of uh zomo allowed me to play Bill 41 before anybody else was able to play it I mean that that was really the uh the thing that changed for me very it was very it was it was a very uh nice gesture of them and I do appreciate it because I went from like um you know doing 10 to 20 people to having like you know at the time it was like 75 80 people you know and there and you know you guys have been with me a long enough time to know that you know it's was Crossing into 100 sometimes 120 140 people that kind of a thing the lug does play into it there are other things that you can do that that actually was that a zombie it's just a tree thought I saw me a zomie and it was just a tree like one of the things that ambiguous you know Rob he figured out was by doing challenges he could uh he could bump up his uh his numbers but see the problem with that is is that if you it's it's all it's all fun in in games if you do the challenges but if you don't want to do challenges for the rest of your time then it's better off not you're better off not doing them you know what I mean because what ends up happening is you end up getting uh you you end up getting people that want to watch you for your challenges and nothing else which sucks because then you're like well that's that that's terrible you know why uh now I'm stuck doing this you know not saying that he would be stuck but um he'd get a lot less uh less traction and he's super talented that would matter the most I would think amount of people that come back regularly not just because it's on their feed but they seek you out manually yeah that's it I enjoy A's old single player runs the most yeah yeah so and and when he switched that he he found Brad appeal you know but see I don't want to do that I don't want to do challenges I don't want to be like the the person you know doing balder's gate but I'm a blind Muse you know what I mean I mean I don't want I don't want to do that I'm just number one doesn't interest me but number two I mean I'm not going to try to figure out how to break a game you know I just want to enjoy the games you know and so like about I guess about six months ago for for for years and years I was always worried about numbers right like I was worried about viewership and things like that and so like it would it would actually like Define what I was going to play right like I would go ah you know what I want to play this game but I'm G to play zomboid instead because that's where all my numbers are you know what I mean and that's and so like so like I would do that and I would ignore stuff and there's a small contention of people that are like well we don't want to watch you play Just zomboid we want to watch you play other things you know but majority of people are like we want to just watch you play zomboid and so like about about six months ago or seven months ago when as things started winding down for zomboid Bill 41 and people started looking forward to Bill 42 um as the numbers the viewership numers started ticking down a little bit I decided that um that I wasn't going to worry about that anymore I'm just not going to I'm just not going to Define what I what I I'm going to play what I want to play you know and I'll keep playing zomboid cuz zomboid is my main game I guess you know um and I enjoy zomboid but I mean that's the reason why suddenly you started seeing other games it's just me kind of testing the waters and seeing what I can get away with drunk don't do challenges they're too hard for him I don't do challenges because they're dumb I'm too old for that [ __ ] I'm just saying I mean you might not think they're dumb but I think they're dumb no no offense to anybody that does the challenges I just think I just you know but I mean I know that there are a lot of people that love them you know I mean this it's a it's a very big Market a lot of people love them and it's a good way to to to go outside your uh outside your main game but it's also what ends up happening is you end up being doing challenges that's what you you become a challenge YouTuber I play games and I do challenges you know and for me it's always been about Community you know about like um everybody that's that's building a building a community of people where people can know each other and they can talk to each other and you know they it's it's kind of like that whole like I've said this you know a gazillion times but it's it's like the way I look at it is I'm the bartender at a bar and I'm just giving a space for everybody to come together you know do the egg crate challenge I don't even know what that means breaking games is spiffing job yeah he's the he he he is the the first person to start doing it I think him and there's a couple other ones what is his name gray gray still plays or something like that he does he does a really good job but you know those guys are really big into like editing and stuff and I just don't like editing you know I mean I uh would prefer to do it now I might end up editing this R World Series when it's done and just go year by year and just like edit out all the all the boring stuff you know all the stuff that that happens when we're streaming that's nothing happens because I think that that might actually be a pretty good deal like and you know I survived 10 years um on the RAM and then just kind of like build a story around that I might end up doing that you tried to go for the world kill record in zombo last year so that's like I'm I'm always interested in that I didn't think I was going to make it um the reason why I didn't think I was going to make it was cuz uh um what's his face Mr lrey was like so far ahead at several hundred, thousand zombies I mean what do you do does doesn't do editing yet pays monthly for Adobe but I do it for thumbnails and occasionally I do do an edited video doesn't like editing yeah I don't I I don't I I don't I don't I mean this is a reality some people like there's a guy um a buddy of mine oh pixel rookie he um he loves editing he's really good at it really good at editing and really good at scripting and all that stuff and and he that's what he he you know that's where that his that's his wheelhouse you know he loves it he loves like making something beautiful and I just you know I'm just not there I'm going to stretch my leg y I mean the way I look at it with with Adobe is I think it's like 63 a month something like that it's it's it's something really high right it's a it's a tax write off if I only get one right if they only give me one it's it's like 35 so if I could choose Photoshop it' give me it' be 35 a month and that would be I wouldn't have to worry about that but then I wouldn't have like the other tools available to me you know what I mean I think they make you sign like a year contract or something Photoshop is not 13 a month I can show you hold on I'm going to show you prepare to be like amazed [Music] [Music] let going see if they have a pricing for [Music] it oh you're right you're right it's it's not well it's not quite 13 a months but it's 229.99 a month 23 bucks right or I could just do it all for 60 and it gives me access to Premiere Pro which is uh which is a great uh thing it gives me access to After Effects which is great gives me access to um to aition which I use so I could either do Photoshop and I don't know one other one and it would still or I could just do it all call it attacks right off and just move [Music] on oh you know why you're paying that Boris you're either a student or you're uh or it's it's like an introductory uh [Music] deal okay well eat something and then should I go ahead and I'm going to check let's check and see I don't want to leave here until we uh we get our cabbages done cool I'm going to use these for trapping but not today oh let's grab a tri where the hell is my TR I'll grab the shovel [Music] instead little girl it's good to see you I'm not sure it's my wife I just pay for it okay yeah it's I think I bet you it's an introductory because for the longest time I had an introductory uh introductory price as well I think I was playing for everything for like 44 bucks a month and I guess I could go back to it I suppose we go grab some food and I guess we'll head back over and do some more killing I'm so [Music] [Music] confused see what we can grab going grab all the dog food all the rest of it will just stay here we'll just keep it [Music] here go back to our uh Place making sure I had enough gas and I do oh he's really close to my uh must be coming in from that other that other side so what we'll do is we'll uh continue clearing out this hospital and uh when we're finished we'll we'll uh read our book um might find another car too there's a big parking lot over there there's probably cars all over the place I probably should have eaten something then right [Music] ah we'll wait till we'll uh wait till I get back up there and then I'll do [Music] it ah [Music] Hellfire definitely going to get another car this car ain't going to last much longer I keep hitting trees and stuff yeah definitely going to need to get another one for sure the good news is this car is all over the place especially where we're [Music] headed we'll drop off our food and then uh like like this car right here what this car looks like pretty damn good whoop for you can't you see I'm doing something important D old zombie for you've probably been here the whole time well it's the first time that uh it was a hello has been made so maybe not oh there are more zombies over here finish these guys out put our dog food eat some dog food and uh head out there them [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] it's going to make me very sad dog food and [Music] chocolate in an de pressence beautiful good old beer with uh dog food and chocolate anti-depressants life is grand here on the in uh Prince Edward Island now we we've got a a secret weapon here we're going to be able to like make make massive work with this you'll see massive work it's going to be it's going to be serious here in a second cuz I got probably the next best thing to a katana too many bodies and there was a bunch of them up here all right secet weapon Hopey this won't make me too heavy it probably will I what [Music] [ __ ] if you're happy and you know it clap your [Music] hands probably shouldn't do this but I'm going [Music] too go a good an depressing would be uh great right now I got to let it work man so crazy that they're just they just continue to stream this way I think the entire Hospital came out sure feels like it a [Music] [Applause] a surprised that there's uh that they they kind of stayed in the same area took my advice of bat instead of crowbar yeah Crow the Crowbar is good for uh for maintenance but man you got to it takes a lot of lick licking to uh actually do something with it I don't know how much more bad I have left High powerered magazine huh I don't think I've ever seen that bad does have that one shot jogging technique like the ax two does it I don't think I've ever I've ever tried the one shot jogging Techni te I'm going take my time here feels like there were more over yeah this is all the hospital you guys I need to step step away from those trees w [ __ ] [ __ ] man they just keep filling up don't they I really tired again I need to rest but I don't want to ah really get back to my car should eat uh should e went to church are you losing sleep condition cuz your bed is so close to to the Jenny I'm not sure how it works uh well I maybe I don't know I'm not sure possibly never really thought about it to be honest with you I just figured it had something to do with um with I mean I got up a little bit earlier I know it has something to do with with uh doing strenuous things but I mean that's okay because we can uh go and finish reading this uh this forging book I'm not too worried about it I'm almost a little under halfway through with it I never see him jogging in game normally I have to at least uh have at least three to four sprinting by now yeah the Sleepy Moodle sucks but we might be able to get through this book that'd be awesome maybe not almost [Music] through I I don't want to because I'm so tired I think I'm going to I I'll wake up around 7 or so ah maybe not if I would have gone to bed at midnight it would have been a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] worse I can't walk and open at the same [Music] [Music] time [Music] there's a mod for that they should Nerf the reading a book in the dark it's [ __ ] well I mean so you'd rather me uh spend all day long in the daytime doing stuff what good is that going to do you know what I'm saying that's the other option from a streaming perspective I know that uh that uh on the the server people hate it so much much they uh reading that they actually you can read a book in like 2 [Music] seconds Hope on I can get I can clear this out uh close to completely not won't clear it out completely completely but get rid of all the mobs of zombies that are out [Music] here [Music] really crazy that they're they're all migrating into the woods very troubling actually well Hellfire about kid had zombie sickness we got lemon Gra so we'll be all right we'll be all right for a for a hot minute I'm wondering if it's if we're dealing with the other area as well of course now I'm tired I [Music] love me love [Music] me I want it drun serious when he said he wasn't looting corpses anymore yeah I I've decided I've DEC I decided I'm going to hold off on it we are going to rest check that door so I'm not born in a barn it'll it'll come to an end when it comes to an end but I I mean I'd really like to to close out like uh I thought I would I would be able to maybe uh take care of a take care of um all the zombies um the swath this entire area but see I'm what I'm wondering is I'm wondering if maybe if if maybe uh when that that that car alarm might have might have brought in a bunch of others just carry a pocket stool or a chair is never ends I bet you that car alarm brought in all those other guys cuz this does not feel like the hospital now it could [Applause] [Music] be I mean they were streaming out of there like like nobody's business where's our car someone steal my car oh there it is right there so and hordes to make patches of dead in uh one spot only we'll just rest right here for a second I'm going to scoot up [Music] I would call the uh think we're getting close to being done man axes are just like op as hell I'm might have to start searching bodies for more beta blockers [Laughter] I don't know if I really want to like uh you know call all the boys to the yard so to speak I think that I think that I'm I'm doing good just getting like little by little you know what I'm saying I set off the alarm and that's going to be like massive amounts of pain they're all in the trees you know what I'm saying oh no it's raining it's raining zombies [Music] hallelujah it's raining [Music] zombies [Music] Jesus [Music] it just nuts the the amount of zombies that are that are [Music] here rest up a little bit meanwhile the drunk scavenges have seated and are now Rotten next to a shack [Music] do G it some of my fans let me brain you I I actually I harvested them already [Music] for get this mattering up here [Music] go ahead and dismantle some of these there's probably not going to be anything here but you know might as well look moist and sweaty baby I mean this can't be the hospital right I mean all of these zombies you think this is all the hospital surely [Applause] not the hospital's like a mall I mean I was thinking that maybe it was like there's there's another section up up here right I would show you but I don't want to I I don't want to like uh I I don't want to like uh mess it [Music] up [Music] man I keep getting drowsy for I just yelled didn't look like anything came came of it we should search just real quickly let me eat my lemongrass zombies so I can kill you I can chop you up H let uh we'll continue finishing this out kind of on the fence about it to be honest with you but I I think we're almost there so close hate the drink it makes you drowsy but doesn't take it away if you keep drinking well sagnet you must have a super power because when I drink too much uh I get tired I don't it never it never comes back although I did have a friend that he would uh I've W I watched him actually drink himself sober in a casino one night which is really weird really nuts so you're saying that you think that that's all the hospital and not the uh there's an area like right behind it right I can show you where it is um it's like a big shot shopping mall so I'm kind of wondering if that had something to do with it just throw up and keep uh drinking but never sit down as you pass out if you have uh three and stop yeah I get tired but if I don't stop I can go for hours in my wife can do that I can't do that I've like I I think I've conditioned my body to like when I drink I go to sleep because I have a drink every night and it just Mellows me out and makes me tired sometimes two drinks most of the time two drinks cool we got we got rid of that we'll go ahead and sleep hopefully we can finish this out tomorrow but my wife she can drink if she drinks it makes her it makes her crazy [ __ ] man why must I always get up do I have sleeping pills on me I do I'm going take some pills just too early to wake up for maybe and maybe it it depends it's just two drinks but it could be two strong strongest drinks we should finish this out never get to drink it with a straw have I ever told you my feelings about straws and Men drinking drinking things through straws now if you have like a like I guess a dental problem or something I can understand that I guess men should never drink their drinks through straws I'm just saying unless it's like a soft drink like uh like a a Coke from McDonald's or something they came all the way up here a I really need to start checking these guys for stuff I mean because some of them might have uh beta blockers I mean a lot of stuff I don't really need anymore [Music] [Music] exactly what I was talking about beta blockers and vitamins I need both of [Music] them I'm not going to be moist I got my uh my my my stuff on there's someone hiding behind that tree I [Music] why not [Music] help oh there's another way I could die that could be uh to this uh to the spear here zambie have a kitchen knife you guys have any vitamins on you nope you can use like a a if you equip it with AI really learn something new there she went [Music] [Music] I was worried that they was going to be somebody coming through that window so much for my axxe something funny there go g it might be too many drunk's got work in an hour oh you're right oh [ __ ] I just kind of lost myself there for a second well guys I'm done for today we got defeated I have to [Laughter] [Applause] work where did these guys go oh they're they're they're uh they're taking the uh [Music] look at us doing the Lord's work I'm GNA I'm going to rest here we we'll finish out the day not much Choice here do I me I am pushing it stand still you dumb zombie B let's go home that Carl's going to get you as you open the door I know why I I just that's why I got him through the window like let me get him through the window do this map have places like police stations and fire I'm trying to play in this map but I just find potatoes bags everywhere Rodriguez it does it does it there's a center map and here when I get back home I'll show you on the you know what let's I'll show you right now SC it so so this is the giant map right down here in this area is all uh is all like City so you can look at and there's also also actually there is a uh Canadian place right over down here Police Headquarters down here but there is much to it but you might you might be able to find find some lug down there um it seem like I I I did run into a um fire department but I can't remember [Music] where isn't all of uh isn't it all a Canadian play yeah I guess you're right come on snow Beetle smartass isn't it all Canadian place what are you talking about drunk we're heading back to our our Shack as Ian our sad Shack as Ian likes to call it as you can see we've we've decimated this area we're just slowly working our way west just drive that cop car and bring all the boys to the yard Mr simy why would I want to do that you trying to end my run is that what is that what it is now I have that map mod that's supposed to like read things as you go but it's apparently not working so that's my old safe house right there now we we we are foraging uh skill now should be able to like ramp it on up so the next time that we're here what we'll do the next time is I get some trapping going on because we have cabbages now we'll go ahead and get that going on um what else are we going to do um feels bad on that broken axe we'll get we'll get some uh trapping going on we'll continue to clear out that area let's let's mark it real quick right here we'll call this a hospital hell ho hole how about this we'll call it not hospitable it's the not hospitable place there like a gazillion zombies there feels bad let's take a look at our our character 5892 zombies killed 2 months and 19 days in we're uh we're dropping in weight but that's okay I'm not real worried about it um our skill sets are pretty much uh looking pretty good between the axe and the long blunt we're really really really uh pushing it carpentry is at level eight cooking is at level three farming is almost to level one which is nice and our electrical is almost a level four we still haven't found we found one generator we're looking for another generator and we're going to continue looking through this town to see what what it is but but not before we clear out everything that we see drun got defeated play I did not no way it'd be great if lost profin zombies were like really nice they'd walk up and open a trade window J Rodriguez subscribed to the channel G Rodriguez is it g would it be hey hey it have to it have to be with an H right starting off Mr Rodriguez how about that thank you so much for the sub I appreciate it uh moving us one step closer to a fortunate Glory uh y'all tomorrow if I do stream I don't know if I'm going to but if I do stream it'll be real world otherwise Sunday will be real world but um guys thank you so much for uh for hanging with me I do appreciate the new Subs as well as the gifted uh sponsorship that uh big unit gave and uh all that and I will see you guys on the fli eye tomorrow baby maybe maybe tomorrow y'all take care you guys have a safe and happy Friday see
Channel: Drunkonlife
Views: 1,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4GR8TvuyuPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 8sec (11048 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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