I Love This Game | Helldivers 2

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you might have heard of this little game called hell divers 2 if you haven't played it you've probably seen some ridiculous clips of players killing their teammates running from terrifying robots and bugs oh Jesus I hope that got some of them or the community's Rabid patriotism to this thing called super Earth while they spread democracy and Liberty I love super Earth man God damn it I love this fing country I love you I love the hell divers well congratulations you know everything you need to know about hell divers 2 to succeed it's a four-player co-op PVE Cooperative shooter that's the spiritual successor to Starship Troopers it's absurd it's hilarious and most importantly it's stupidly fun I went in blind with my friends to see what all the hype was about all 85 months I hope you're doing yeah let's go Annabelle you're on Open Mic wa I'm on Open Mic yeah it's even funnier you're just like oh my an thank you so much for big shouts out for the te how do I I'm on push to talk yours is off yeah well they gave you the option at the very beginning of the game I'm assuming you just click next next next next next [Music] no no I didn't do that okay how do I good bit that was a good bit all right but actually though how f a briefing the automatons have launched cowardly surprise attacks on multiple highly populated super Earth planets the superar armed forces in the region have been overrun millions of citizens are in grave danger of death or disenfranchisement this Grievous attack on freedom will not go unanswered the homes of our citizens must be defended uh so our goal is a major order win at least eight defend campaigns against automatons uh why does automaton sound like robots and not little creepy crawler scarers that's what they are oh right or at least wait we're fighting two alien races there are different races yeah we're up against yeah they're like meanwhile they're getting briefed we've got to kill the humans they've they've over infested and populated all of our planets it's time to rid them and return super Earth to us you think they do you think they think that we taste good and that's why they want to just kill us like it's nothing other than like we kind of taste good I believe it uh uh where are we going enemy oh there's currently 71,2 4 hell divers active oh and it shows you like bullets fired right now it's updating in real time that's pretty cool um do we go here going to say this depending on the war progress different planets will be available select the plan to see what operations are active on it wait so like War like these planets get actually updated as like people yeah like do well like yeah we're trying to liberate it as a community cuz like this planet right now is at like 39 99630 and it's getting updated in real time that's kind of sick yeah so let's help liberate maridia collection of missions complete all missions to succeed and gain bonus rewards failing Mission will fail the rest of the operation um operation defend Freedom my favorite uh looks like my guy's like humping the table I don't know if my if you see my guy glitch like that you kind of look kind of look thick SCT a mission and you're ready to die all right Mission ready to or die now there's this is my favorite the mission spread democracy aggressively initiating F jump okay that means faster than light Rob okay the uh the Arbiter of conven convenes is on the on your tail and the fist of a oh it even says right there that's jump complete jump complete enter a hell pod to start the mission oh heck yeah brother it's time to dive into hell hopefully during our first drop oh my god let's see the title drop here hell divers okay well your drop location try to avoid dangerous locations we should look for Dangerous locations okay where do we that's the extraction I don't know yeah so we can like go anywhere oh you're right there yeah here I'll go right next to you I guess sure okay select equipment uh okay I I I'm going to assume I don't have much to choose from well oh here we go equipment I have to bring one at least I guess wait what what is this oops uh wait did I okay I think these are the only things I have I don't know what they do uh oh it's a oh I got a laser and a machine gun okay how do I do I click and drag it like how do I oh here we go okay oh and then if you click R you can change like weapons and stuff but we don't have anything else yeah we don't have any weapons I'm ready up La initiated let's dive into hell I'm going to PUK dude this would be the worst part for me see I told you it's all we were in a line for the roller coaster I'm all da the puke back I swear to God Are we almost start I got I'm going to die this pod I I could only hope I do it's a fancy little I like I like this as the loading screen you know yeah so like yeah this is although I guess if the loading is slow you're just falling forever well I mean you're in space so you know it's realistic you know so true raise the flag of super Earth well this looks nice yeah this actually really nice looking I'm going to change audio just do we see people on here too or is it just kind of like insinuated like it's not like that um you know what I mean we only it's not like that yeah yeah it's like they're just fighting on a different part of the world yeah or something like that why am I why do I not have I should have more frames what what are you framing at right now um way too high you mean low or yeah low what's also at 4K I turned mer blur off Bloom on oh okay I was like that better not oh there we go I changed to 1440 oh it's milky smooth smooth as milk whatever oh we got bades Focus up hell diver we don't have time sorry hell diver I'm just making sure the brightness in my helmet you I was going to tell uh an encounter is approaching use your strategems um what do we do I can't uh uh bug uh I'm confused do it do your state J okay okay okay uh back up yeah any second any second wait they're moving too far oh that still pretty good I still feel pretty good about that thank you hell diver no no no oh I wasted ammo check this out yeah I'm never just I yeah I know the fact that you can like angle yourself while while diving is great I don't know what we're doing there's something here oh I discovered a minor place of interest welcome it's a farm oh well they speak English here I and collect samples these are shared by your entire Squad something something something something common sample I got one too two common samples okay if you look top right though I'm assuming we can hold up to 13 or something okay we need to go uh to the uh extraction point and we need to raise a super flag there press to go prone without diving okay so we need to go this way copy but then we don't get all the stuff so apparently what that means is there's 13 samples to collect on the map hey yo let the intrusive thought win no I'm not doing it you do it okay no way how do I have to arest me how do I do that uh I'm requesting reinforcement requesting reinforcement I can't you did training you did this in the training oh oh oh oh you know what to do hell diver I'm I'm doing it I I can I can be reinforced refor why isn't it doing it I'm typing are you using the arrow keys remember you swapped yes I need you to reinforce if I'm trying if you type it make sure you throw it oh no it's not that okay well then I think you I think you're messing it up I'm not messing it up I hate to be the one to tell you but I if if you're doing it and there's nothing to throw let me kill this thing first there you go okay all right you got this I wasn't holding control okay wait what oh there you go I'm diving back in my bad wait wait wait wait wait where you at point me to the enemy oh all right cool we did it Rob we Rob Rob need you to throw a recruiting thing I've got you refor okay you dropped your stuff here I think I accidentally picked up one of your guns don't stand under it okay well you could direct that you could have may may avoided me a little bit I wanted to land on you so bad wait did do you have your weapons I don't know yeah oh okay um oh right we have a timer okay so I guess uh we yeah we should just go do the 34 minutes you got plenty of time that's what that's what all hell divers think did remember in training the thing most likely to kill hell divers is Hell divers actually true uhoh um we've got some bad guys oh crap nice he a big de in ital Str available for super Earth yeah what's the difference between Earth and super Earth I don't know and there's um oh sheesh yo bring him over here tell I'll I'll get there eventually well I mean you know you hit me right in the head no I didn't yes you did oh that would be hit hitting you right in the head oh wait oh crap I got to turn slowly I'll get you back in a second hell diver I did not actually killed me yeah I didn't expect to One Tap you that's how do I you didn't expect to one tap me no giant mortar thing we probably have set amount of reinforcements I'm going to [ __ ] land on you so hard get out of the way dude I hate you got to run so you yeah you better start running you can run but you cannot hide a you got too far that's not fair it's already game of the year uh I still don't know what we're doing um we're trying to get to the thing and raise the flag for super Earth cuz once we raise the flag the aliens go damn it they raise the flag they've claimed it but where do we oh Monument to Liberty in memory of Liberty servants who perished heroically in unavoidable Friendly Fire Eng oh quite uh yeah see they they even know what what oh yeah grab my stuff yeah yeah uh oh oh uh super flag hold on where is it I'm calling it in oh no AV wait what what mean it's no longer available oh give it to me oh it comes with a little speaker oh super super [Music] super it hold on it takes a little bit you just any second now it's totally natural nothing to be ashamed of this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen the most beautiful thing I've ever heard I freaking love super Earth man God damn it I love this [ __ ] country I love you I love the hell Ur that was uh that was kind of crazy this flag is only halfway raised how is that even possible God damn it do I love this [ __ ] planet spread democracy bro for [Music] Freedom just think about George Washington and what our forefathers would think seeing this right now they paved the way for us who could forget the hell divers are coming the hell divers are coming Paul re man what a [ __ ] hell di he was what a [Music] legend any second out don't rush this yeah this sorry this is this is beautiful Freedom now to the I like to think our hell divers like our hell divers voice like that that's them in the moment and like we're the can we talk can we talk about something yeah there's already two other flags here oh yeah I guess triple Freedom okay we got to go how do we get out of here that's St we got to get to the extraction point I don't know about you but I'm running out of ammo oh wait hold on I got an idea oh what watch out there hell watch this this I can't like find this what' you get I like to call this The Liberator even though the other one's called liberate this one really liberates I I said front flip a ah for super Earth a shoot him yo check this out ready okay you ever seen a hell diver do a front flip before want to see him do it again hold already how about this no wait no oh I think I just I think I just broke my neck hold on hold on hold on yeah jump over me style points yeah for super Earth absolutely ridiculous actually hurt me I'm all right I didn't need that vertebrae anyway whatever the chicks over there thought it was sick I'm having to fight them off bro more than these these aliens those are the chicks the chicks were the aliens we fought along the way I'm calling it in oh fudge uh oh God what I okay I called it in you needed to insert the Konami Code but I got it wait they said find and there got to be more samples oh lit you find yourself like clicking right on the left one and left on the right one just cuz how your keys are kind of set up I keep finding yeah I'm not used to the the arrows it'd be way faster if I used Waz but I know you want to move you know that's important or something oh God to reload this thing I got to literally sit down take a breather really far I'm oh look at the way I shoot this thing he don't worry if anybody's got your back BR I got you I got you bro I got your six ammo hold throw a grenade have you thrown a grenade at all yet no ah oh Jesus here here we don't even need anymore but I'll call in some ammo for you here's some ammo maybe will kill one in the process bonus points make it land on him okay wait wait don't no well don't kill him ready ready you kill my fault my fault hey hey hey hey hey ah other one's there other one's there first super Earth for democracy for Freedom wait what where oh it's gone oh where's the extraction oh it's not here yet yeah how do I stem I forgot V oh v a right my neck yes Jesus I thought you supposed to do it like like in the thigh muscle or something cuz it's like the easiest and it'll spread throughout your body the fastest or something jugular yo or jugular yeah you know I never thought about it like that yo they're here so are they we got to get out every hell di for oh we're not going to make it toart like oh my god did he just dolphin dive into the ship that was so cool I tried another victory for the right side of History we off the scene this is already game of the year I I'll say it it's pretty cool H ir's extracted thank God we both got out of there surely that was five star rating right if that's not I don't oh we actually make more money if we go faster whoops it is Stars though glorious okay but it said it was out of how much we got I feel like as the first mission they're literally going to give us five stars no matter what like they're trying to glaze us up here I feel like Dan White right now and this is how Mandel get me out of here that had to be fake right 100% yeah totally stage well because I was listening to Pat mck if he talked about it and he goes yeah we talked to Dana White on our podcast and he goes and afterwards he said how much he loves doing podcasts El suu wait oh effects what I don't have any effect we should have done that with you Christian for your return yeah hey podcast I'm out of here now that what call return ship new difficulty unlocked easy wait so then what was that glad to have you onard uh Omega hard acquisition I got Acquisitions what does that mean war bond progression what is this oh so I know where this is some of the drama is people are like oh it's pay to win because you can buy stuff in the store um but all the stuff all the premium currencies is earnable in game and there's no limit to how much you can earn um oh yeah so apparently people talk about there's nothing wrong with it uh just you knowning my Cape also so I'm sure I'll be a Cadet with you guys soon right are you are you enjoying the diving so far yeah it's actually really funny big fan all right good good I know yes I saw the opening cut scene I was like oh this is Mr fruit's game yeah or even the humor in the in the training Mission I was like I literally would have like wrote this this is I even like called the joke before one of the jokes happen like this is great love this okay I'm going to change my armor we can't all like the same you know how do you change I didn't have anything like the it's lit all I have currently is just yeah different paint all have the same Cape awkward body type bronnie or lean come come on Big Boy body type lean Liberty I will protect our way of life democracy for all Duty I'm sasea bro default hell diver voice too Sasuke I Naruto yeah Liberty Prosperity democracy casual salute Victory posst random I only have one but yeah I love that title Cadet for now we're getting there ship management from this terminal you can use this to manage your Destroyer okay have nothing unlocked so you can unlock new strategems initially your destroy only access to limited catalog but as you level up more sh become available to purchase antimaterial rifle oh sniper who I can't even buy it oh fge you press B to salute in game oh for super earth kill 50 enemies using the orbital 120 mm high explosive barage I don't even think I have access to them how don't I don't I don't think I have that they give me a mission I can't complete bro what's this about the path to the barrier planets is fully purged construction of the terminate control system I love the way he talks listen for super Earth super credits super star item reviews Family Man one two three great for camping trips with the kids a bit heavy for them though Mike the spike very authentic and easy to put on I'm very satisfied are you reading this in like the store if you go to Superstore there's item reviews redacted one star review under investigation for treason they just put random uh item reviews at the bottom minute badass 500 my only complaint is that I wish I had another one all of these reviews have been devised by super Earth's Ministry of Truth after an analysis to reflect the most accurate possible opinions of loyal superar citizenry in other words these are not real reviews the L one is really good for the price light armor with medium armor so runs fast and decent bul I don't have that money bro what is any any of this is this premium steeled veterans is this like a battle pass I don't know what I'm looking at here it is you have to unlock these in or oh has this one kind of I'll just buy stuff later but they never expire okay how do you buy these um I don't think we have we only we have one war bond um but I'm not buying anything yet I guess I could though like a plazer it also kind of seems like oh so you can buy Super credits with war bonds yeah um and apparently you can find super credits during missions I think unless I'm crazy though this all looks like uh oh no it does have different stats okay you get medals for completing missions or as drops during missions yeah is this like a battle pass I'm looking at yeah the the war bond is apparently so what it looks like is if the first page you have to spend eight credits then you can move on to the second page eight credits so on so forth um but according to this to uh they don't expire so so if I buy I wasn't going to die because I thought Joey would be done we should be done here soon right I would think I'm quick playing it's going to launch us into I don't even know what's happening failed to join the game Lobby all right there you have it game found preparing to travel initiating the system quick play barely works well it work here I was able to unlock the premium War what's the difference just get us into a match with other people fast I'm assuming yeah like this oh with a random let me put my strategy in here all right ready sir no shot at word apparently we just like won the lottery chat's popping off more about us getting quick play than anything else wait reinforce available already wait what theud oh god what what are these These are the automatons Rob I don't know it's like it's like holy suck what did they throw us into wait I got oh my God this is way worse than the I got to reinforce our dude I got to I got throwes I'm I'm stuck I I can't move hold on I'm reinforcing him reinforcement he's coming in Jesus oh hey what is this what the fudge wait oh what' you do oh I got we got to we got to escort these guys safely with us escort Mission come with us or oh my God that's a lot of lot of bots no I don't I didn't mean to reload no stop that oh what a waste the Call of Duty and me is struggling yeah I'm with you I'm with you for super Earth great work uh that's a big guy wait what the fudge how do we no don't reload again no ow I really got to stop diving nice round flip thanks how you like to taste of freed throw an A Taste oh my god dude you just like one shot I'm almost dead yo you're alone on this one see oh my god oh we're getting kind of overrated oh yeah wait what the fud grenade oh my god did wa what did we join in on I don't think we're supposed to be here wa quick play was a bit quick play was a bait I keep reloading when I shoot it I'm out of am almost holy suck out of ammo ah oh H I got to reload last reload all right I'm getting some more citizens I got one I got one come with me citizens where are you finding these citizens they're just in these little pod things there's more over here you escort those H good things okay there's more there's too many of us grenade oh Jesus hold on hold on I got to call in something I'm calling in a machine gun the the problem is okay I'm not escorting them I hope they don't get shot I'm I'm trying oh my God I'm going to die no you're not hell diver I'm coming use your strategems oh my god oh they just Dr again the call it an air strike oh quick play was a mistake quick play was a mistake gun I already dead ah I'm going to die you are you are dead oh god oh reinforce I got you oh wait wait wait you know what I'm going to throw you in there squish him all right what reinforcing yeah do it help us what did he just throw get in there soldier grenade oh he's so dead okay you missed it but uh oh my God what the fudge ow what the they got like machete thing what Buzz saws or something what the fu is going on Soldier we only have 10 minutes oh God there's a over here 10 minutes the scientist how about that um oh no I'm stuck reloading no no no no no no he ble up our ammo ah oh I'm going to die I need help stab my neck this is too much I'm panicking so this is what they this is putting the hell in Hell divers ah I got to go find more dudes I guess they're coming too fast bro we weren't are they where are more survivors I don't I'm looking for them are they over there I don't think so oh out of stamina or something oh no no no no no no no no no no no you don't oh my God for Lady Liberty what's this I got another machine gun [ __ ] o and some ammo reload okay reload I'm reload we got to find I'm try 24 more oh my God where the fudge are they it's a good thing you're not in this Joey I tell you I was going to say I I think the same doors oh it's just like on a timer oh I guess so I guess so same doors oh I didn't realize okay keep it up hell diver I'm going to freeze some more I just finished basic feeling pretty good about myself they threw us right into the meat grinder I'm not going to lie to you no surely it can't be that bad it's bad oh it's bad they all Terminator up in here though where is Sarah Conor we're bu bro oh okay not the make wor what the [ __ ] is that thing I'm getting like some some uh Warhammer vibes from these fellas uh I meant to escort civilians I think some of them might might have died on the way I'm not going to lie to you what yeah I definitely freed more than that ow ow ow move I'm interacting I love that for you ah protect them I'm reinforce me oh my God you're the only one alive you're the only one alive oh my God I am reinforce reinforce oh Joey joined the mission oh God guess what boys you got more reinforcements now oh we're going why they not moving we're going to need him I'll drop on him don't worry there's a melee button Why did no one tell me this ah it's not worth it's not worth all right I'm liberating I'm liberating that's right super Earth baby we I got to I got to get more humans out okay okay okay I think I actually yeah they're dying on the way we have to actually escort them yeah no [ __ ] okay orbit will drop on the S Ian what the [ __ ] wait hold on it might be me don't worry no they just bombed our own civilians what the fudge Jesus Christ don't worry it's me baby I'm going to get one home come on buddy wait no he's dead wait what the okay they they're spawn camp we can't get civilians back I was just oh my God I was just trained for the bugs dude yeah you and me both welcome welcome to hell hell diver um okay I'm working on I'm working on a uh uh reinforce it's I'm back I'm coming wait okay the big guys can't be destroyed oh my God I can't jump hold on what the fud grenade oh Jesus that guy's my friend with grenade oh my God there's like they're throwing grenades fud back oh this is it l just know it was just signed up for democracy it was a pleasure everyone's dtic ow hold on okay wait maybe I can I can reinforce right hold on God can't they're armor ah reinfor no they have like sniper rif oh oh my God ah I'm out of ammo hey at least I call the reinforcement you know I have zero ammo on anything this is not going well cannot stress that enough oh I need ammo wait somebody already called it in what where oh I found an explosive Barrel this can only go well strike that didn't work okay it could okay I like what I like what you're going for help me oh I'll help you all right I can't throw it don't worry I'll drop on him don't worry okay I missed all right that's a big orbital that's a big orbital oh don't worry I'm here you should still be here it comes okay I still need ammo Jesus oh my God God ow this is not good dude where this what is happening okay don't worry I got an explosive Barrel everywhere I turn oh my God what the fudge is this grenade grenade grenade good God super super we're going to need more than that to kill these things okay we're taking them down though oh wait you can ads position ow yes you didn't know we they didn't teach me that in in training yeah they didn't teach you how to melee either Well Middle Mouse button I hate that I never use that okay I should not be reloading as much as I'm reloading that I realize that's a bad idea that makes more sense is that are you supposed to kill them we have two 2 and A2 minutes all right I'm calling these civilians cover nope never mind they're not even here woo all right let me see oh it's a big orbital strike oh 7 Seconds oh God I can't hit him from the back he he yo I got to call in more maybe I should why can't I move re okay all re Supply where though I've got some civilians with me cover in this little tunnel we got to kill these D bro this is the time to do it call them now get this okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm right behind you Rob I'm getting the other ones leave the humans they're all dying they're useless I mean we should probably leave them though I'm trying but they just run into death ah that one died oh he was so close oh no okay more robots over here death robots right here they're everywhere what do you mean bring them down bring them down boys okay I'm throwing an orbital I'm going to wait I feel like there's a wait why does it keep trying to type in chat what the fud there spawn camping right here I I think no it's on me wait I got two in I got two in Good Luck oh crap okay I got out of there alive I did I didn't get out of there alive okay I've got you I've got your brother you're back in the fight we have less than a minute here I don't think we're doing this call me crazy um don't worry I'm back okay what you what you need Mr fruit to get these civilians home let's go let's go okay surely they won't oh my God Jesus okay they run in front of my bullets and they just like they're they're just magnetically attracted to their swords I'm dead aren't we all time should be reloading damn it wait we we got a couple any of those people make yeah we we got four oh all right that's not too bad you want me to unleash some more we're halfway I mean sure but I don't think it's all right come out guys it's totally safe for you to come out right now killed by impact calling down a support weapon wait why did it go over there okay don't worry I got these people running don't worry guys machine okay okay oh they were just stabbed oh oh not my best idea not my best idea not my best idea don't wor throwing grenades damn it I wanted to land on our teammate where's the extraction that was me Rob shuttle incoming where uh I couldn't tell you oh ow fudge Southeast Southeast Southeast okay that way ow God from the robots thank you where are we going that got that one's got razor blades I don't have any more ammo oh no come you Joey run to me if you can oh my God oh God Rob I don't feel so good actually we die a lot shuttle inbound one minute uh I think it say oh it says extraction right up here I thought it was it better be this way dude well it's right it's that blue light so we got to get back up to the blue light oh man okay wait can we climb over here can we Skyrim up this I don't think so no you can't Skyrim oh I see oh wait hold on I'm making it how are you jumping H never mind I I fell down no you can't you can't jump that's the that's the thing oh I made it up by the way well there you know wow crap H how did you make it up Rob wait with space bar when you put it like that you're joking right oh that's right no you hold it to gra oh okay yeah know we're good 20 seconds okay they're coming up that side they're coming up everywhere bro yeah okay they're coming up every side there's no oh no oh I got a rocket launcher second oh sheesh okay we'll shoot it at them okay no there yeah there's a lot can I throw grenades back I'm going to throw the grenade back don't hit me that almost worked oh [ __ ] don't get don't get crushed by the the EV right here chainsaw guys the Evac ship might Crush you guys a they knocked me into it no waitfor what happened you can't rest there's no no I don't have any oh my I don't know I got yeed by some random explosion we made it out I died did we robbed it what the fudge was that hey way to go boys way to get out of [Music] there right we all made it out of there all of us don't worry I'll be able I'll tell you it's all about your guys world effords after we have intercourse oh especially you silver shoe one star yeah that makes sense yeah I I didn't get a metal we would had zero stars from democracy died today no okay I I think we we enforced it quite well I feel like we weren't supposed to do that yet I I'm not sure but yeah my first mission I get dropped in a robot like Vietnam told you I didn't know they had guns I told you not to yeah bro like super Vietnam almost like super Earth super Vietnam yeah wait where am I I mean technically whatever man you guys oh there you are no no we still got J loopy business B 3000 Geeks Gambit snobber jaded hopeful baragas BSC and Mr kid Joker thank you for the subs and res Subs welcome to back to appar apparently we're just supposed to be doing the bugs for now you know what that sounds great distributor of Justice well this guy's the party leader cuz you joined him well it we only quick played well then how do we return to ship alone I'll read by you guys return to ship alone we really dove in the hell boys no yeah that that divers yeah I know nothing thing about that was pleasant oh I'm stupid why do I come out of my thing like frozen what's the what's the correlation with that uh it's probably probably like cryo sleep if I had to guess I invited you both robing a friendly damage that's nice well he literally like ran across me and I like just ran into my bullets right as the extraction ship came so we couldn't res him of course you you would all right well see see you later uh Silver Show so so sorry I can't be all right well see if we can't do something better here who the [ __ ] is neon uh from valerin retrieve essential Personnel escort and protect researchers all right uh how do I not do this oh wait but I think oh yeah repel the automaton Invasion no no oh neon saluted me how you doing neon how do I oh yeah see oh they were doing the okay okay we're good we're good we're good I'm going back to what we know here the bug Planet disgusting infestation deoy defend Freedom protect our way of life from the terminates by any means necessary it's like another roast in this planet dud future conduct a Geological Survey to identify valuable or initiating ft jump the tur system okay hey it says easy I'm with that this should be easy for us to spread our democracy and freedom also oh and neon joined us welcome neon yeah from Val all right jump complete jump complete I'll see you boys on the other side all right it's time to dive back in the hell wait okay somebody okay no I yeah I'll take this one that's F that can't be comfortable I mean mine's like the typically take the one on the left but that's fine whatever uh verify or Vang location and then acquire wait so which one do we do uh we I guess we have to do both all sub okay landay near the sub objective so we need to do that first got it yeah that's sounds about right and then choose your strateg you guys know what to all two of our choices okay I I thought ready up hell divers we're going back in all right now the difference is see you didn't the first mission Rob and I did Joey it was beautiful we raised the flag of fre and democracy we succeeded we defended super Earth well that one though I mean yeah no that one didn't seem to be I got nothing for that I that was wild but surely this one will also be very spreadable you know I got a in this game sick oh yeah know I like the first one a lot you guys played it a while ago didn't you too bad we got this level one Cadet on our team am I right wait all right this is Duty for you were B this hell hole what is this guy call oh machine gun off the bat okay I see you okay you guys can hear them but I can't somebody say something uh me saying something is fruit oh there a bug there fruit oh like uh the streaming was showing that you guys could hear them but I can't reloading I don't know what happened fck tunnel breach hello Miss fruit are you back what the [ __ ] oh no like they're trying you guys what ow oh man Mr fruit's really hurting guys oh no I don't know H oh God nover left behind I stemmed him oh wow you can do that that's nice last reload oh [ __ ] I keep reloading okay uh I'm going to go see if I can um I guess call in a resupply I'm almost out of ammo and then let I guess we can go verify the or vin the boring part probably what the fud happened wa it was literally just working and then I just going on okay there we go there we go we'll be all right move closer to objective okay all right I'm I'm going to go verify this or vean I can hear you guys oh thank God okay he's literally nothing changed I don't know that's never happened before we we defended you for the bugs they they they almost killed you even thank you hellers crazy H oh I did I I used a lot of my pistol ammo so okay well where is it it's back there uh it's back there kind of yeah wait which one am I use the strategy uh seismic probe I think somebody is good work let's start probing boys I'm on the terminal I've got this okay you got this Mr fruit wow like a pro i' i' ah it's like I've dived to Hell before confirm scan area wait what B3 oh oh Rob wait what neon what the hell neon what happened did he throw a grenade at you come on man I'm landing on your ass neon now now rob it it's just the natural order things in Hell divers all right you just yeah fair enough yeah I didn't even know there was friendly fire actually blew me up with a grenade okay I've activated all the things I think nice Mr for super Earth now we must acquire the data it's this way all right I think this way we go pretty sure that's what we're going I think yeah I think it says that it's so hard not to reload so oh yeah I'm terrible at it wait is that a is that a hole we got to breach this some targets are heavily armored oh okay that guy seems yeah that guy seems pretty heav I'm clogging the hole and cloged that's right yeah you like that stop those bugs from coming early Mr brute all right also we are the bad guys we should also find these samples cuz again it's a lot of XP and stuff I just found can't be the bad guys we're spreading Freedom democracy all right the bad guys would never that's what somebody who's against super Earth and democracy and freedom would say yeah sounded like a communist Rob I don't know I'm going to go close up this other hole you don't mean that he still is a good man never mind or so he says I found a beacon of distress oh I found some probably from someone who was killed oh I saluted there's a metal in there and it gave me an antimaterial rifle what oh what mine gave me two War Bomb medals wait what that seems really good really good wait did we get all those Oh wait we're at different places yeah come over here come by me yeah cuz if that's the premium currency whatever I think yeah it was in this ship oh they say all the MS are shared oh all right cool so thanks Rob guns are the only thing is not shared apparently oh sad well you're welcome I'm a team player you're not what I'm L I'm literally running to things to try and find the samples for us yeah but you got a gun instead and didn't get War oh my God true help us out more oh crap can I get some help yeah yeah I got you do you want me to clog that home miss you wa wait wait no no no watch this orbital Precision strike ready okay okay let's I'm not the king you're the hold uh quicker please they're starting to wait no you drew them all away what no they they came to me naturally the whole reason I wasn't oh my God Mr I know but again they came to me oh my God that literally couldn't have gone worse you did the exact opposite what I was trying to do they were attracted by dude I don't know what I'm dying thanks for nothing I I I don't know why that's why the level one Cadet if I've ever seen one Jesus hey don't you say that clearly first day on the job I got this oh gotb samples I clear I cleaned it up I I closed it don't worry nice job not the first time I've clogged something tell I just think we like all probably we all probably helped in that that was literally all your fault and you made that so much more worse okay okay okay fair enough yo if you look on the map though this is a big it's a big red area on the map here oh yeah it is kind of huge oh wait what is this maybe we like can't go in there mini nuke well I'm going in wait what you got a mini nuke how how many yo throw throw it on this then or oh wait close all throw on this oh okay there's a lot of bug holes on me what do I do with this I don't know there's wait I got an Expendable anti-tank rocket droing hold on Mr fruit check okay I just nice love that for us okay I think that was actually the only hole I like this anti ow Amo rack so I put it in there actually it's kind of sick I don't know what else to do here tell Rob to shoot the nuke no [ __ ] I don't know if we should be shooting the nuke let's just go to our next uh location we got to data who's who who's I'm a it's about it's the first letter of your name the first letter of your name wait so then Rob what is it telling you to do I'm I'm loading five shells in this [ __ ] thing wait I want to see the nuke oh crap blowing up on me dude naal all right where's this nuke uh on R2 no I'm here is all this thing oh [ __ ] yeah like see yeah see I'm loading I got I think oh night I'll help oh here we go baby like we're not in the the like the AO right like I know but this is uh this is looking a little bit more like yeah we are kind of the bad it would be even cooler if uh wait what I mean we had to both put keys in at like the same time you know oh that would be pretty funny I mean maybe it do it kind of looks like I got the signal strength okay oh you got fiber out here wow something like that a really fast download is that Spectrum no way nice now fire it yeah now I want to see it please oh you can call them in as strategems for the oh Chief artillery okay we only have five though so hey yo we'll use one just to see what it looks like here but then oh yeah use it on those guys yeah yeah ready okay we might I don't know if we need to get back we're definitely yeah I feel like we're definitely in this it's a n holy Jesus that was awesome okay let do again God you got to do yeah yeah yeah salute to that oh my wait wait wait wait can we put more in that's a that's a salute yeah maybe we get one back uh maybe not oh no s yeah I don't think we can't maybe maybe it's got a max if okay so we got four more but yeah shave that oh my God that was sick and call that out no yeah true we are 100% Going To Die the fact that even we didn't die there was actually kind of impressive I guess it I guess it has to be like an arms you know throw away I guess I defin I think that got him I called in jeez good luck all you say is good BL like what what do you mean who just shot me not me it's like almost all my health a bug breach detected oh yeah yeah you got you got a resupply right here boys I got it I got it I got it Joey you can't throw for the life of you I you got to throw into the hole I did it hit the hole iFit by perfectly you mean right over it yeah it just well it just bounced off a little but like it's not even it's you got it you got it it's not open though Jo okay that was his fault he ran right on but at least he closed it fair enough yeah or maybe he what are okay are we done with the explosive that's not my fault yes you call it out okay easy neon's back there's a machine gun there all right where are we going we got to keep going straight we're going the right way yeah North we've just been distracted by nukes this whole time oh apparently with those you just kill all the bugs in the wave and it look close okay see so I threw like two grenades there trying to close it I get some get some never thought I'd be playing as Sasuke chiha shooting bugs but here I am I I never watched Naruto so I don't get I'm sure it's I'm literally just the voice actor that's that's why wait oh really oh that's kind of that's kind of cool a lot less angsty though yeah well the the commander guy was a Drifter I didn't realize that until the end new man new man wait The Drifter isn't actually The Drifter bring a sword that can't be right are we here say move closer to it's right it's right in the middle of this it's where we went around kind of all right here ow ow ow ow ow going down equip got it watch out boys it sucks that like when you sit underneath these they don't kill you though that would been really funny it doesn't no I feel like it might it'd be really funny if that little Li could kill like watch like here Jo we'll try like here I'm going to call machine gun unless we I'm pretty sure I feel like it would kill you though here C4 yeah like I'm pretty sure this would kill me no it doesn't I don't even see it just the impact right next to me okay if only it killed well now we know we know for science so we want have to test that out again we know that now thanks for taking one for the team Joy yeah for science I'll keep working on this thing engaging terminal engaging terminal makes it sound so much cooler than what I'm really doing can you imagine if instead of like using the arrow keys or whatever you just had like a Dance Dance Revolution pad like under your feet oh i' prefer that like that D we could have used those nukes against those bomb guys so much more than these bug dudes oh yeah oh 100% no that would have been insane yeah not even a question well the the problem is though we probably would have used all five of them in like a minute so oh wait wait oh I thought the bug breach was right here I'm like what the [ __ ] oh there's a big one over there though they keep breaching over there oh ow you got close to me bastard you know this isn't even that many bugs this is fine all right we're good we're good EXT oh that okay yeah this was easy we we can use our nukes now oh my God reload on this takes so long what do you mean by that resupply all right I'm headed hey I'm headed to the extraction do the resupplies give you more stems I don't think soill everything yeah let me get some of that yeah you just take one of the little boxes really I can't yeah one of them okay there's still eight samples that we could get is there any I don't know if there's any way to actually know where they are or just like blindly explore I mean if you Tab and open up the map is it those little I think it's stuff we've already discovered maybe well here's sample oh can't if you hold R you can change like scope distance and stuff for your can you grab that whatever grab what there's a there's a lot of bugs behind me right now they're they're all coming this way can't grab oh yeah I grabbed one of these earlier oh there we go nice oh high explosives that's cool wonder if that has weed in it nice one Joy I can't grab this one either why are we going away I already open that that's where I got my sniper there's a sample here okay yeah sure why are we going away from the extraction then I'm looking for the samples oh I guess we got like 22 minutes yeah I mean we don't have to spend all the time but might as well I think this is one right here let me get it now most of these are just like resupply looks like it just passed this uh case no this that okay hold on this thing no I'm pretty sure that's just like stems or like it looks like this is just a oh is it that's nothing I can look at this bottle though oh crap you bastard shoot clear Rob there's a lot of them behind you okay just shot a nuke that was definitely probably our our Rando right dude did he just call that on top of me I think he just called you called a on top of you yeah I mean hey he he is his name is N3 on the screen so that's at least three new wow dude I'm going to remember that man he's uh he's kind of over there by all those bugs huh Mr fr yeah that's crazy is that crazy no we have to be the change we want to see oh it's a stem oh my God there's a lot on N3 unironically okay I'm going to call one in yeah if he stays over there it's on him okay I'm throw run run south oh my God south or east okay where's the radiation going to go though that's important I don't know just run oh God I stamina did it not I I feel like that one wasn't as cool I don't think it did anything I don't think exploded maybe maybe one of them just oh it was a smoke oh no wait oh [ __ ] no it's coming down wait no it was a smoke round how are we supposed to know what it's going to fire a come on well that's annoying well um I have one cooked in my hand right now I don't know how to cancel it oh it's whatever it's whatever robed in so the third one he put in was a smoke okay I think that one's that one's napom wait what where's this worse it's coming over here oh yeah that okay that was actually oh my God uh you guys enjoy that okay so yeah the next one you call down will be artillery oh what is this thing hey wait wait wait somebody come over here okay oh I I actually need two people to open it hog oh yo the keys yeah let me get over here I'm I'm right here put your hand on it trust me I'm a doctor what do we got imagine a Fallout guy comes out like oh my God is oh yo it looks like weapons yeah I can't move how do you flamethrower break thanks Joey I'll find it oh yeah oh no what the that's not fair neon why is he saluting you another for the he just saw that happen and just was like okay yes sir what a dirty cop dude oh my God yeah for superar oh good try yeah you tried look there's a sniper rifle right here come grab it okay okay that I'm with there's another I'm walking the beaches right now to see if I think every every hell diver you calling is a new person oh we are mowing through hell divers oh [ __ ] this yeah this is a cool say to my little friend oh that's sick oh I tabbed out oh crap bad time to Tab out I'm founding a lot of stuff though I found more samples we're close are you kidding me we get four more and this H diers never D her never okay this is the a is cool not that cool um okay I'm I'm a little bit in trouble crap oh what do we have here I'm coming with whatever that means I got requisition slips whatever that means I died whatever that means yeah what does that mean I I know it all too well okay what is the what is the the in-game chat I need to remove that cuz I keep hitting it when I'm trying to what do you mean I'll do it after when I keep trying to do my arrow keys I accidentally hit like chat so I just get stuck typing in chat oh my arrow keys are not like that you may proceed to exraction when ready all right yeah we he's like you guys can come now I I know are we just going there can we can we just no we're trying to get other Commons and stuff okay okay know fair enough yeah I'm checking the last like if we get to a cooler level you know not very hell diver but I no I'm the cadet you're you're right yeah pipe down Cadet fair enough yeah we're the superior Cadets I know know your place you ever seen Cadet Kelly Joey uh no I have no idea what that is it's a Hillary Duff uh Disney Channel original movie she joins the cadets and learns how to spin a rifle oh legendary that sounds a little propaganda yeah looking back it kind of was that's what made it great Cadet Kelly what is this thing you first Cadet Kelly didn't want to go to be a Cadet her father AKA The General there's two more oh of course the general is her father yeah that checks out nepotism bro I'm sick of it just like in Battleship actually another probably a little bit propaganda movie that I really enjoy wow you would Rihanna's in it bro that movie you've actually seen that I love that movie I have like the I have like a a disc of it wait this is the the nuke all right whatever call it back we got close enough okay it's definitely worth if your XP grinding to just do the m mission and extract fine but then you don't find well we need the like special currency and stuff I'm sure we'll find it in our next level okay wow that was a lot I'm on fire that's Mr you're on fire I I don't know if that's going to pass all right are we extracting now yeah yeah let's leave please go my god there there's a lot of them coming from the uh what is that uh the north the north calling in extraction oops Freedom never Freedom never I mean I do I like this sleep we got two minutes def back lights defend the Zone beg those hold on boys I'm going to need you to clear the area I'm I'm trying to clear the area what is that one that's neom it's the same one oh crap I want to see if it shoot NE I don't know if you hit anything though s way to go bro yeah but if it runs over there oh true yeah all right man this sure was a we we barely made it out where're it's okay what what what you want to go back to the the robot Vietnam is that what you want no I can make that happen no no no no no that's not that's not what I meant say look to my little friend that was my little friend in the past life how do I wait so if you hold R it changes the mods how do I make go to the right you just oh i r changes the mods what do you mean yeah like like for a sniper you can like change the the scope I want to change the RPM how somebody said right click ah oh it is yeah burst Liberator cool how to go up and down scroll wheel uh yeah know what oh wow there's a lot going on here tus 20 seconds Rel okay yeah I kind of hate the scope not going wait wait apprach up are you I'm covered in bug GS he's getting here let him you know let there he [Music] is there goes my hero get in get it get in yeah okay yeah you have to dive in it's it's mandatory easy another victory for a right side of History okay uh a successful mission for super Earth well done yeah that felt pretty good baby look at that main objective done optional objective done done divers extracted all of them Outpost destroyed that one three out of four what we miss okay well crap now we didn't get uh true Jedi that sucks maybe time is worth more though than the oh hell yeah glorious Victory right well GG we level up not level one we helped Turing become just a little more liberated for super Earth is that going to like keep going like as we play well will we eventually be able to fully liberate them it's live updated like that's kind of everybody doing it right now cool yeah so some others are way more liberated I got to get some green armor on me we need to get cool new [Music] armor you guys fired so much you had barely barely better look how much friendly fire damage you had Christian where was mine yeah oh my God isn't that isn't that a concept I think it's because you shot me that one time probably yeah probably no 12,000 it was definitely the mini nuke well I well actually that's weird cuz for me it says zero oh mine says 12,000 yeah yeah I'm going to assume it was the [Laughter] nuke 100% the nuke we unlocked medium difficulty yo neon kind of carried our asses oh my God who carried us what do I do with all this neon he got 258 kills Mr got 36 to put that in perspective why I was using a sniper rifle the whole time I was looking for stuff yeah that's okay that's a better excuse I don't know what to buy you guys name your ship uh I'm the fist of Honor uh I'm the Arbiter of vivity or something like that uh I am the star of the Stars like a star you know low funds yeah so what what am I getting here should I do the this one or I don't know the the difference oh these take way more get the shotgun well I'm trying it won't let me hold to claim item oh here equip I get some credits two out of eight claimed spend three more metals to unlock first one is free second is in currency but you can get the currency by completing the first pass it tab to the specs light armor penetrating and rounds reload markers placed on the map will generate radar scans what markers reduce reduces range at which enemies can detect the wear I'm fast for more stamina but less have you guys upgraded your ship at all no no you can get Like Mine Fields and stuff and like uh because you can get new strategems with them in the ship management yeah stuff Arbor of conv fatality conveyability conil what what should I buy should I buy one here I'm confident are purely cosmetic for now what is it Arbiter of con I think that's cos maybe I can frag grenade don't I already have that con V okay spell it c o n v i v i i t y like different kind of FR no you know what Redeemer [Music] pistol that sounds like conv vality to me I don't know what it means but I don't know means it just was a word I could barely say so I picked it no hey fair enough someone says it means friendliness the quality of being friendly and Lively okay that is Rob yeah thank you that is very Rob I'm very cality very yeah dude you are like someone says like like they're like what what was one word do you describe Rob they go comity well first they say Arbiter and then they would say yeah he well he is obviously the Arbiter of conival and that's when he becomes friends with Master Chief right recoil yeah that's when they become homeboys when the grave Mountain's like I didn't I didn't watch what the [ __ ] is this the Arbiter is not in the show it would be so POG if he was oh yeah I didn't want watch the I didn't watch the save Rex for now okay but yeah you can get like uh strategems you can upgrade your Destroyer I think where to now where to now Mr fruit that's what I want to know uh I don't know okay so much stuff going on make sure you use your war bond credits Eagle strafing room agile Mach Automated machine gun tur will fire at Targets even if hell divers will be caught in the crossfire oh no oh oh no that would suck if someone was caught the cross that's terrible purchase who would do that oh the Super Store hold on we tried the automatons and it was the scariest thing I've ever seen I don't think I'm [Music] ready spooky did you see that the the the store has like reviews on them yeah yeah it's fun let's see where we're headed to next boys the enemy has launched a surprise attack on one of our planets it needs our Aid um then we just go wherever where we're currently at is there any reason to go to like like specific ones or go wherever how do that work uh bck2 J B MK mkl and okay Guardian spur and Jack 52 thank you for the brand new subs and reubs welcome to the house your choice they're timed so just whatever should try fin rear the third planet apparently it's cold chilly ah fenri like the dog very good um select operation launch an ICBM or eradicate terminer terminated swarm well let's just launch the ICBM and then terminate them with it initiating yeah system re her mind control J complete wait what got to get mine all right I'm going to go Tru while we load it okay all right did you die I don't know yeah I think I hope you don't I hope you don't upload Escape pod data is optional obviously we're doing it why don't we just land why don't I just land there and do that real quick um crash well that one's near extraction we can just do that later we need to start with the sub objective okay wait I I hope I don't spawn surely I won't spawn where I select it it's all the way over there right oh I pick the drop oh so yeah you guys can vote but then I pick it check it I got a new strategy me too you did oh oh you got a strafing run yeah I got a turret yeah that can friendly fire so just watch out oh yeah wait okay if he's a turret that can friendly fire that doesn't seem as good well well I'm saying like it's going to keep firing an enemy so if you walk in front it's not going to stop okay okay I'm not yeah it's not like it's not uh targeting you well good we're ready for Freedom Mr fruit I'm sure Rob is out there smoking for freedom for super Earth smoking that democracy pack take a hit of freedom for us Rob God what a soldier that Robbie V I know he'll be here any second hey the coughs of Freedom don't wait for anybody Mr fruit um so far Mr I'm really I'm really liking like 8.5 he's it's I can practically feel his presence it's like he never left isn't it any second that freedom Bowl he couldn't find the freedom lighter for is probably getting done with now why is there a gamb on how many times I die what's that about there should be a gamb on how many times M fruit kills me bet no wait no not actually can we get an update on that well so far it's two um wait how's your chest P different than my chest piece cuz I have different armor I just bought it it's light armor so less defensive but I get stamina back quicker and run faster okay for freedom for yeah of course for Freedom obviously it's not even a question yeah so sure he'll be here any second mhm sorry oh there good you're chuffing for freedom for freedom I forgot I had to do that I thought I was going to be back my bad that's okay wait so what what's the radar ping thing on the map I don't know now back to Hell diving I've already found some to your I got a new shotgun too and I've already found samples for Freedom okay I I found a sample of a giant ass bug so you need to for Freedom okay this sample is aggressive okay thank God more like dead got another sample ow oh I found something object asset oh I got the launch codes yeah easy I can't believe that's 0000 I don't how did nobody see goggles hang by a strap the frames splattered with blood they seem to have failed their purpose fair enough man what do they mean by that wait hold on right behind us is a some other thing want to see what what's going on here oh they don't want us up here Mr fruit maybe they don't yeah oh you discovered the artillery again oh heck yeah all right load explosives and stuff if we can okay I'll be right there to help you going I think so okay ripping dipping Di and Skip and help sorry we're loading a a bomb a lot of bombs there's like a giant green one okay well run over by me and this fruit yeah neon's kind of popping off so don't worry about it him he'll be fine all right this is a I made sure this was an explosive one this yep I've got an explosive too strike and we got a sample uh this one is a static field oo is this I put this in yeah sure excuse me I found more samples where the missil where the bombs at oh here they are another explosive and then it looks like more explosives over there right over here Joy yeah over there okay sorry I was reading the the manual over there was something about delicious flavor so I got distracted I am kind of hungry so why I'm noming on some chocolate right now it's the only thing might oh vicinity uh there's a lot of bugs coming from the East Mr fruit oh really uh yeah we need to work on your definition of a lot I mean there's a that's a good herd you know new mag new mag yeah that's a whole lot I didn't mean to reel up dude okay well now yeah you got here at the end of it now oh resupply right here POG thanks neon there's a breaching hole I got to go I got to go get over here how does this work all right we got the nuke set up right oh yeah well set up do the computer thing whoever's there oh I think I'm trying oh that is a large bug you guys see that bug out post spotted prepare to exterminate easy throw B closed stupid St a your heavy armor wait wait wait wait nice nice a what it can still go without its head it's like a chicken oh I shot a thing and it just kept going what the [ __ ] that was not I was not anticipating that same all right that dude was tanky that dude seems way tankier okay oh never mind actually oh there's another thing though grenade out grenade oh wait there's there's more over here I'm sure it's clogged yeah I'm sure it's clogged ah in the Southeast Corner clog it you're looking at it Joey CL it I got it yeah I got it no you didn't oh okay I didn't you got to throw it in I think I hit it the second yeah there we go and there's a lot of samples now wait did I not get that resupply oh there's another big one another big one oh my hold on I got the sides of it that's a big banging oh crap I got to rebind my my like reload or something dude cuz I I'll waste like three shots and be like all right time to another big spy nice beautiful work Are there any oh there's some ammo here check for any samples or anything oh another uh Nest over here looks like might NAD and Amo I'm calling a resupply wait somebody already who used a resupply and where neon used it way earlier you you there for that part why I got one of the exploding ones coming up can I oh where are we going I got a breach action shotgun oh sh again there's one of the like big ones right after me dude oh my God I'm heading to this blue thing on the map oh thank you what's over here uh I don't have a grenade for this do you miss fruit no that's why I need a resp don't worry yeah no neon's got it okay okayo oh my God another one kill him I just go out of stems call on a re all right something else on the map up here call down resp right over here well I think I found the one he must have called down earlier oh this is the artillery I already did I'm so far from you guys guys we'll come to you the main missions that way oh yeah true or sort of why Northeast trying to see what this blue thing is on the blue thing is no no no that's that's where we're going next like at the end yeah it's a submission we're going to do before we extract right next to our extraction yeah so head to the orange thing oh okay what is that blue thing it's just like a sub Mission we can do but we're doing it last cuz it's right next to the extraction so we're already be there okay stupid got to be efficient Christ oh no Rob something oh place of interest nice I found something that's pink you guys ever see that movie eight-legged freaks no probably not by the by the sound of the name it's like a a spider movie they're like giant spiders yeah I don't think I oh my God what something free Li preab meals found some random stuff over here but ammo it's just ammo oh that's a lot of them hey chill theocracy D through democracy is on its way oh that's cool wait what are you shooting an arc thrower oh my God that's fun oh is there a way to open this wait which one my like a thing back here I throw a I think if you yeah I think nades might be able to blow it up I don't think it blows this up got a sample about that oh god oh it blew this one up up I got super credits and uh requisitions but hell yeah I got super credits we love that that's the extra stupid strike no no no no no no no no [Music] okay I'm just going to oh what the [ __ ] run over here oh my God oh God oh my God Mr fruit yeah did you die neon dead why is every we're dropping like flies out here what's Going's dying oh crap I'm calling it reinforcements yeah I am too I got neon reest appr reinfor on the get the [ __ ] out of here oh God spawn right next to these things oh [ __ ] where was I when I died over there you were all the way over here Mr you were all the way over past me die okay well that was semi scary for a little bit but yeah you died over here Mr fruit I I don't know what you were doing going I just heard screaming well reload try use this AR gun I didn't really have range and two of those giant spitter exploding dudes just oh I see tag team me oh yeah you know how it is I think I think I I found him how' you like the taste of Freedom the taste of Freedom oh no they're still on my body oh I'm kind of screwed here I feel that no I got you rob we're in this together he's bming my body bro I would too if you were you know some space that died giant come to the territory bro you're a YouTuber you signed up to be hated bro what the [ __ ] Joey oh don't run in front of my bullets I'm shooting the thing well then stop when I'm running in front of you okay again you you like ran right a gun safety Rob that's like the first thing they teach you I've never shot a gun before it really never wow I actually got like third in the state for uh Shooting Sports when I was like 13 then again it was California so the competition wasn't the best but yeah never a gun ever what the [ __ ] well it shows wait who just who just who's sending it in a nuke no that's Rock are you going to acknowledge what you just did what well the the bug exploded I didn't kill you no you shot me with the electric no yes is that really what happened yes were are you shooting an electric gun right now yeah yeah you missed the alien and hit me with killing me no okay for the record I didn't miss him I think the problem is it chains lightning to things near it and I'm assuming it does not discriminate friend from foe it genuinely did not does sound pretty plausible actually yeah I did not know that I thought it was the bug explosion that's my bad no it was your Arc Hunter abilities now we know that you can just barbecue us so you know keep that away from are we going the mission once again gun safety downrange yeah oh my god oh Jesus I hate those plants they're like mines mines see against bugs it's much more helpful if it works what the [ __ ] this thing has like a huge battery though okay how's this dude orbital what first person is kind of cool wait what's for how do you do first person uh when you're like in your guns you well that's what I said you guys were yeah everybody it's C what I no you said like aiming down sight aiming down you then you can then you can just kind of run with it like re no I'm like third person aiming down sights you can go like first person aiming down yeah that's what I was talking and you guys were like everybody knew that you said aiming down sides you did not say first person exactly right clicking in third person that's not adsing you're still hi St there I mean no that's aiming down and then I literally said I'm like hate clicking middle Mouse button said that guys I don't think we have to see but I thought you were saying I hate middle Mouse button for like uh melee cuz you just had brought up meleeing earlier and I've been trying to Middle Mouse button to melee outside of it I'm like why am I not meleeing it's f for melee yeah I I know that now but I was wondering in the moment but now I see okay interesting yeah lightting uh what's the launch oh what I can't see Joey 198 you are space m M uh wow that worked um okay and then wait what what oh I got to I got to go disengage the lock manually raise the locks yeah I left the locks in my bad that's on me I knew I was supposed to do that before the stream started but okay you're doing great two more thank you yeah again you could have come come down I'm I'm I'm going to activate as soon as yeah yeah all right go for and there we go see it's just that easy hey Joey I got a present for you take this I got one for thought it I thought it would like I see what you're doing there idea so wait what the Jesus well he got you a gift so I got you one as well I didn't want to like you know thanks your birthday is coming you denied it w you would I'm going to see if there's samples over here is this I think it's the ICBM do you guys think there's missiles that are this big there are bigger yeah but you know like the bomb is just like in like it's not even like it's like even yeah but this is an in Continental bulltick missile yeah but this is like just it's just like to get it there you know that's crazy it's not the payLo the Warhead is in the head yeah hey yo you know a lot about bombs I hope your FBI guys is taking notes I I grew up in a military family Rob yeah this is so what you talking about bombs a lot that's even more sus could you give me their uh badge numbers or whatever service numers my dad's been retired for like a long time oh that's a that's a good cover up I mean my brother's in the Marine artillery check this out wow I don't know if he has a number though what the fud Joey you can't just oh my God you're the worst that was the cool static field a no not the static field a now we'll never see what it does I'm sorry yo neon was like diving away from it that was so funny static field yeah just stepping it oh okay you know I never thought about that I got the terminal launch sequence oh she it's going boys okay actually this time why though oh my God why are you using the exposive a God Jesus we're killing things Joey wait I'm watching the missile what does it do something yeah it just disappeared I would like to think in somebody's game like the missiles coming [ __ ] well that's what it does oh my God wait are we supposed to be oh my hold that Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer who put some music behind USF now I am you put minus one music as well favor call Sydney tell her to put the uh sheets on the dryer that was sick yeah that was I'm sure nobody got harmed in that yeah hey hey boys for super Earth for super for democracy for minus one Godzilla come on rob you get it come on that's it for super Earth there we go there we go that's more like it neon oh crap all right we can go to the Miss sniper up there I'm grabbing that wait wait watch the Bel dude and Rob's got it I'm out of ammo on that out of ammo on that all right I'm resp tanky resp on cool who keeps re I just used it there's one right here just use it right oh it's gone oh I never call and respot every time head to time to head to the next thing Jesus bug breaks protected br distraction and you've already scoped out the scene and everything Rob I have scoped out the scene oh I do have some ammo oh shotgun this guy does not want to give up yeah I know oh I see I see I see ah help me kill what are you guys doing back there yeah we're running to the objective Mr you got to start being a team player Jesus God die holy bro out of stem calling a resupply yeah I'd love to okay 23 seconds can you wait that long oh no I I see some free XP up here going on here I don't even know if we actually get XP for kills and stuff I I don't know it pads your stats though so you won't be less than me well that's all that matters pad St oh wait there's a two person thing here I'm Coming Robert right next oh POG you better grab whatever's in there cuz he will grab it Rob he's a loot Goblin are you a loot go you killed me for it all right three two one all right turn the keep do you want the gun Rob uh um how do I gra yink you know what Joey you can have it no I'm good I I don't really love got here Joey grab this come back here oh hell yeah oh my God wait this this sniper also has ammo guys oh Rob took it all XD you got the one I have no ammo for nothing I just okay well I try to use that and I uh okay I'm reinforcing I'm going to die cuz I have no stems or no you're not no you're not oh my God that's God imagine being able to respot not me can I do it now okay I'm resupplying on me Supply Beacon Jesus resupply on me uh uh's reload oh my God come on I'm taking these bastards out with me though okay I have ammo again oh I'm pogging out of my mind get him Rob that poor one like just underling he's like bro I'm front man why are you using an aerial on me go go go Jesus holy [ __ ] all right nice nades a nuke for all the things we killed yeah true all right the blue is right behind us though we're almost there democracy the Democracy oh yeah baby democracy tastes so good we got head to the blue we got to head to the blue I'm trying can't run through these stupid Twigs I'm I'm on the blue that might say you're blue dou d i was no you're not on the blue you're on the extraction you just called the extraction sorry I thought it was a blue yeah it was a blue marker my bad I didn't call it though so we're good you also ran by a sample what are you doing wait that was a sample I already got it I'm by it it didn't have any it's not like a it just had a bunch of samples by it it says use upload data strategy to begin upload there you go I don't know what that means okay I'll do it o maybe I should use my my plane protect Mr fruit during the upload go Mr fruit oh but I'm about to die what are you talking about there's there's nothing near you there's you all right ready no check it oh my God Eagle go here it comes oh that was fun you know I haven't used my over there way more over here oh wait uh you know what that's that's fair enough how do I cancel strategy oh crap I can send another one in 2 minutes yeah I'm going to save mine for the extraction all right we did wait Precision TR why she put it in the middle it got blocked a uh everyone's dying uh uh I got to run so I can get it back reinfor did you call him in uh yeah but I'm going to need some help stupid chat button you did not call you did not reinforce us Joey I did I you're liar I got himing oh I did it outside the combat area oops s that makes sense I didn't know I okay welome back Brothers actually brand new brothers but that was actually kind of sick hey last me went out like a g outside the combat area I got to start the uput or the extraction oh God okay come on all right I'm setting up a sentry where do I put it I don't know oh that's not where I want to put it yeah whatever oh God get me out of here no that's a good place there's a ton of bugs over there well no but the Sentry needs a good line of sight oh yeah that kind of sucks as line of sight what it seems to be doing work bro did you just shoot it no no seconds one of you grenaded it I did not grenade it I did not throw a grenade I swear to God I did not throw a grenade I was shooting at bugs I was not shooting at it yeah I looked at it when it was getting built but I I turned away pretty quickly so there's a glowy thing out here I'm going to go to this glowy thing bought that turn for what requesting oral strike the double strike surely one of them will hate oh this is going to be huge oh I found some super credits that was worth it call I'm a shake it's a little late but hey why not oh I got it what do I hear over here [ __ ] oh big bug Jesus big bug big bug big bug grenade oh no fire in the hole we got little bugs coming from this way but I'm here big bug got him thanks neon no I can always count on you oh I can make the machine gun fire even faster oh my God all right big one calling in an eagle baby nice beautiful yeah see that love that all right it's time to get out of here oh my God we're getting over one Rob's dead go go go Deuces uh just drag my carcass in please Joey just run in I know I'm throwing another plane wait a second oh Joey you just wait a second I realized what I just did I I realized that wait a second 1 second Rob no godam Joey I'm not letting that you literally just killed yourself and neon before he could extract Hasen your thr I okay I saw the whole thing I didn't think that the strafing one would start like I thought it started after you threw it kind of but it had like a 1 second cool down so much P but hey I think you know basally still spread Freedom right so I think I did I I got out of there ah man still didn't get all the outposts Jesus yeah the eagle strikes come in Fast and they come in CL too near oh only near total though oh if we we didn't complete the other and get more metal what the [ __ ] no I don't know about you guys but probably neon's fault don't you dare uh I believe I died once you did it I can't believe this that's crazy check the stats baby I was almost there doesn't show some of the statues are like it shows like no friendly fire damage for anybody we know that it's not true so we yeah I watch you just mow down two of us you know I know so 3500 you can explodable anti-tank oh my God what I got a new pistol dude look at these things spear what we're all on our little computer dude every just on their computers these days not living in the moment like it's true and I do it again yeah that spear thing looks sick Eagle air strike eag I got that that's I got orbital gas strike oh my God I can gas them Supply patch oh my God I'm gonna buy the mine field the Minefield looks crazy I'm going to buy it I'm going to get that chat says it's really bad I want it is it looks really good it looks great okay but chat says it's horrible and I shouldn't buy it but I just bought it so and also odds are we're just going to run into them right yeah Minefield is great for friendly kills oh hell yeah mortar Sentry God these are expensive BR tactics all I I got me Armory greetings eler I'm going keep saving awaits the galactic cor awaits uh ertic termined swarm coordinates Prime it's go time lads or like hell divers yeah nice well this is Tiny what the fudge okay well I'm going to say we go right here I I don't know Mr fruit something about this call me crazy oh I see you down there in Hell boys well that's where we're diving to so that makes sense yeah I'm joining a lot Lyon ho 16 thank for the 14 months and Celtic Cowboy thank you for the brand new Prime welcome to back Dilly Dilly the fist a we droing together boys for super earth kill bugs 125 I can do that yeah fair enough what is this where should I put the where should I put the minefield foration um let stand in the way I don't know we don't know where they're coming from yet I also think the map's a little tinier so let's see if we can collect the samples while we're killing dudes yeah true while no dudes are here that would be nice Found What the fu oh and they what it come out right where well now they're yeah now they're mag's empty how oh just like a two shot oh they're coming out over here too yellow you are moving outside the Miss yeah just grenade himself what you doing bro no I threw a grenade that was mine oh all right I found more samples oh there a lot of bigs inside too uhoh dude the shotgun is really good we also only have um eight and a half minutes to do this one a lot less time okay but I'm just looking for three more once we have all the samples we just although at this point too yeah part of it I think it's just waiting for them to spawn reloading all right I am going to throw down this Minefield got one putting it right here I got another it's like right in the middle so if we just make them walk through the middle they won't even go reloading hey Joey we have to walk there to extract no but wait for it they'll they'll clear them I'm sure oh I'm waiting for see look this guy basically cleared most of them and it didn't kill him okay good news I got all of them Mr fruit watch out the Minefield is also like right there oh I see him yeah yeah these things suck oh obviously they don't suck that bad bro I got you they didn't do anything to like the alien I step on one my legs literally explode don't step on us they're actually anti when they anti-personnel that yeah anti-hel diver it actually doesn't work on bugs yeah fair enough where well okay that one was pretty heavily armored though so that's my excuse tunnel brid where are they oh here we go right over here hold on I got Eagle o this thing's fun that's good I [ __ ] what are you going to do to me huh what are you going to do what are you going to do oh there's more coming that way oh that's crazy oh hold on oh they're going to hit your mind Joey oh hell yeah wow you killed two small ones so sick dude hey it's all in a day's work for L diver baby well I am going to call in a Sentry just be a little you know what hold let me see if I can Arc this you ready for this this is going to be sick see it Bray oh all the way hey it fell off the rock fudge yeah fell off the rock didn't even land on the rock near the rock you you skyed it I destroyed the building all right well there he is I wanted to put him on High Ground cuz it's less likely to hit friendlies oh I can see the yeah I see the moves I guess I could have climbed up here and I didn't realize I could climb up here I just like calling strikes dude honestly it's kind of kind of just fun I love that oral strike from you didn't kill a single one get some hold on next breach I got normal strike ready wait for it wherever it is easy wherever it might all right and don't worry I'm almost up to another Minefield boys let's go said no hell diver ever about an orbital mfield come on now where are they Punisher what's the Punisher the I got this one call oral stri oh yeah baby it's going to be here just going to be here just going to be turret turret kind of liked it too was he huge massive yo this shotgun is sick yeah I like the shotgun why why'd you drop ites we lower dude yeah the shotgun has like so much range are you using the the breach one or the one from the the one that you just get like the war bond or whatever Punisher I think it's called are are we going to be okay they're they're about to leave on the ship who the the Destroyer is about to leave in like four minutes four and a half yeah you're stupid oh okay fair enough though they also got me I also forgot about so yeah I forgot there was still some over there you have killed more of us than you have killed things with bugs what happened you both stepped on a mine I'm would destroying them I'm destroying them no don't destroy them I have to get my samples back oh crap holy got bodied by that okay Rob I would I would move away from that Rob Rob that's not a re resupply um now he's surrounded by I don't he's surrounded by m very careful Rob just just walk to me okay follow my footsteps Don't You Dare See Joey that was technically the safest spot to be true yeah right next to it actually I didn't even know this whole time when there's a big wave coming at you Joey you don't swim away from it you swim to it did they just destroy my turn what the [ __ ] all they're going to walk through the Minefield who just did what was that that wasn't mine that that one was I was cooking a grenade for too long and I got scared so I turned around oh so you throw it to me I didn't know you behind me why would you there's so much open space in front of you with nothing with nothing I don't know you just got scared and through behind me youen to be there I just happened to be there all right I'm extracting is that okay all right I'm coming yeah okay that one it's still on Joey but it's still on me I guess Jesus Christ get me out of here even though there's no bugs I'm not safe I am not safe bro is not safe that went well yeah no I I thought that was great I was like can you cook a grenade and I started cooking I was like oh God I don't know and I just like turned around to throw it yeah and I'm like huh I like the mines I don't care what you guys say they're you're taking them off I'm not I I or every time you throw it I'm shooting you and not respa neon got me don't worry I I'll kill him too and on on mine and then and then the mission's open and then we lose there's literally like no faster way to do that he was just waiting on that's glorious Victory he easy and we look at that tons of metals easy let's go level level up it's big for us I think oh yeah Squad impact huge that's what we do baby We're making dent we're doing our part all right we're doing our part yeah really it shows you just how insignificant we really are W Rob cool looking mask poor super Earth thank you I got Joey Joey with the most friendly fire damage by a mile with the most kills okay again yeah I think 10 or 12 of those were us challenging yeah new difficulty good I welcome a challenge someone said I'm not level five yet what level am I four h someone said The Recoil recois rifle or recoiless rifle is really good the W if you go to the ship kind of things it's like one of the upgrades position heo some with the five gifted sub sh like we get some pogs and N again in the chat for Hilo thank you much for sporting House Fruit congrats to the five gifted and the mini Dodgers really do appreciate that heo son thank you for all the continued gift like thank you for gifted as well the gift mini Dodgers you need the arm for Joey's Minds I I don't know I don't know what to buy next sure it does something I'm about to buy this armor simply because the passive is provides 50% resistance to explosive damage no you won't no you won't need that Mr fuit no I don't think yeah of course not of course not so can't are super credits do these things do anything I think maybe yeah you can so if you go to super credit or supert the super store is what you use super credits oh well the it's on a rotating how many like things does it rotate through how do you know if it's worth it let's start hell ding brother I'm going to I'm going to go for the the supply pack next for you guys so I can like give you ammo during the during the wall the enemy has launched a surprise attack on one of our planets the enemy eff of across the Galaxy are all that keeps the enemy from Liberty's doorstep Liberty's doorstep oh so we can't even push in further we have to wait for like yeah [Music] um let's check out a prime this [Music] one this one this one operation defend freedom hey let's do it Freedom needs some defending oh man sounds like you need to wake up Soldier Rings day sorry good morning ER pre there you go system every time I wake up something something big jump complete mission coordinates locked apparently we do this I chose challenging apparently might not be ready for that but whatever also who took my drop pod I'm sure sure it's going to be fine all right what do we got to do here primary objective primary objective what is this that's the extraction Zone enemy presence let's do the one over here cuz we'll make our way over okay get your requisitions in I went with a light guy this time hopefully that doesn't uh me too end up killing me and so did Rob actually and apparently level four is a big jump in difficulty so we'll see good thing I'm level four what ready up H launch initiated the mission's simple hell divers get get the the eggs I don't really know but we like the eggs I think surely oh there are the eggs I'm landing on them mo I think that funny I'm already here uh I think landed way too close to the got a rare s drop a thing drop I don't know something oh my God drop something or okay mistakes mistakes Rob you're going to want to move oh my Gody that oh right into it ah not even a scratch we're diving into hell now Boys Can you feel it now what is happening it's exploding uh okay oh stop oh yeah you see that that was perfect okay maybe we should save some of them to drop on the eggs though oh no not another one okay that one was way too close to me Joey was so young rip I'm not dead oh God I missed him already uh where am I placing this last Eagle baby on the eggs we got to get closer well the eggs aren't fighting back they are we're supposed to destroy the egg all right right here let's do it there you go let's see it okay that okay that was a good bit we're killing children and I have no quals about it sir I'll do it ow what the [ __ ] I'll ow I'll do it again stop it come here stupid stupid stupid ow Joey I got him don't worry yeah yeah I do got him to help oh my god oh I have a rare dude oh God wait okay I got it Joey don't worry what killed you thank you you did you literally shot me in the back of the head no I yes I literally saw it happen well if I did that was just by accident why would I do that on purpose okay well you just prediction of me dying less than five times is now uh significant can we not count that one we're going for the eggs there's eggs on the yeah watch out the mines you'll see the the enemies have mines as well so there are um there are other things but maybe we just bum rush the main objective and see if we can get out of here hey I'm with it that'll probably give us a lot of like uh time bonuses too right yeah if we can succeed and that's a big if Soldier I do need to resupply so we can do that after we close up this hole brother uh well I need it now so okay uh orbital laser in orbital stri okay nice all I'm I'm going to go plug it all right do your thing Mr fruit I'm going to shove it where the oh somebody threw it did they get you missed I missed I got it don't worry I got it yeah it has to be like in the thing Great War this guy spawned after that's not that's not fair I got a sample nice I love that for us yeah I love that for democracy all right and guess who Eagle is back here boy we're coming up on the The Nest here soon boys careful there's some enemy territory the head let's go this way so we're avoiding the enemies we just cut straight to the eggs it's a great idea be very quiet be very very I'm hunting bugs it's bug Hunt season oh a sample oh the eggs over here to the right the right the right the right on me hold on I'm going to they I'm going to call down a machine gun Sentry requ and if anybody has an orbital strike I throw it in there oh my God what is that oh my God my God right the charger okay uh orbital serp serpentin serpentin I I'll try G oh my God no not chat no God get rid of that stupid button I got you [ __ ] okay um holy thing on me oh crap I'm more worried about just living right now brother ow Jesus not drop me in a Jes oh no get me out of here stop it that strike's going to kill me is oh my God the fact I can't see them making it so wor the eggs where are the eggs they're all right next to you what do you mean charge on me charge on me okay um charge go to you go to you Joey oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh another one oh oral stri don't worry I'm killing the eggs here re stri oh Jesus I hope that got some of them run uh-oh any reinforcers nice all right where did I die uh please tell me I pluged that oh I died oh there we go oh I didn't realize I had this there there's more over here by me I tried to kill some of them dude this fog is not making this any easier let going to Neon am I out of ammo now's not the time there's there's only like a few left where Joey where I got him I got him I'm call on reinforcement watch for Chargers I'm calling like resupply oh my God reload the freaking gun holy I don't know how I didn't die Jesus a charer me Jesus that's the bomb more Chargers I am so dead I am so dead I so deadly landed on him though reinfor oh Char charge I'm I'm here Mr don't worry we charge over here coming to me coming to me shoot the butt shoot the butt why am I not moving I am okay wait the laser don't that we got to like go we we got to leave hold on there's a side quest some around here somebody somebody can use the the thing uh hold on oh my God that didn't work but what the [ __ ] can should we just go to the extraction Zone I feel like we should just go to the extraction oh [ __ ] there maybe I don't know I don't know I'm running I'm out of here I'm running to the extraction Zone oh suck no not the we need to leave oh my God this is miserable ailable get me off of this planet all right bugs Jamaica [ __ ] somebody drop samples over here ow I probably when I died eight times I died please no please no no no I can't I can't stay alive reinforcements rein no I was typing it in we we got back but for okay but for what well we to leave we got back to leave where uh we're close yeah oh there's some samples right here too wow and there's a charger right here too oh my God just go just activate it long have we long have we waited oh god oh what Joey okay listen oh my God Jo what was that a grenade I tossed at the charger um I think it got a little too close to us you think you think God I'm activating cover me what uh Eagle coming in it's coming 2 minutes 2 minutes that worked right here oh charger [ __ ] R I'm trying somebody shoo it help me I'm shooting it it's just got armor God it broke my armor there's something okay wait I can call in I can call in a Minefield what other one don't call in the mine field don't worry it'll be fine just stay away from it oh [ __ ] there's that M mfield might actually reinfor why the mines don't worry just stand in the middle of it oh you really calling mines oh my God it did kill a lot of I'm throwing in a Sentry I don't know it killed me but it it mostly killed then I'm throwing in a Precision strike somewhere random I don't know just look for the red thing I got reinforcements yeah there might still be some guys we got less than a minute we're I think we're almost out of reinforcement we have two left no uh-oh I dropped the rear thing on me oh my God getting ra back oh my God get out of here Jesus tus 30 there's mines everywhere back here there's bgs everywhere don't talk me about the mines oh the charger okay watch out clear Landing Zone bro Shel and B I'm looking for your rare Supply I don't know where it is Rob I tried but I couldn't find it oh no our last reinforcement reinfor run to the shuttle go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my god get in get in neon come on you got this it's up to you oh my god level son Flawless execution I don't I don't know why they said level four is hard viory but no I don't know why either easy uhoh oh alt [Music] R it's Al at one point no I had my uh performance overlay for my GPU I think that went really well yeah we got the objectives at least yeah look at all the op we kill all the outposts love that oh yes yeah okay wowzers hey 6% time Mission remaining and that's that's not bro the Chargers man can we talk about that for a second har ball to coach him and they're all of a sudden different like good God I understand that reference I understand it that doesn't mean I get it maybe maybe do a little more level three until we get gear we need gear cuz the problem is like we don't have a lot of anti- like armor tank things so the charger just freaking well you're at level five or neon's at level five so neon can start buying us stuff why what happens to level five you I don't know you get cool stuff oh okay that makes sense a man I've now I've seen a 113 that sucks hey we talk about my accuracy though oh my god oh I'm almost five oh yeah same also how do you get this stat gem hero Mr fruit huh yeah Mr collector's edition so we can get buy the collector's edition so we can play Strat gem hero why what is it I don't just like a old Mini game I think so how much Mooney do I have ready for another too much only like a thousand okay I think yeah still still pretty far away from the supply pack we going go back to medium that sounds nice oh okay well this is It's a level three mission the literal goal is to track down and kill Chargers so there should only be two okay and that's the mission objective diligence well we we lose we didn't kill a single one that was level four anyway I think we're fine no no neon you I will kick you if you take my hell dive again does this guy think he has taking my platform he did call this room he didn't all right let's go let's do um let's go what if uh well we could go here there's just no good way to get the cuz we have to run all the way around here propaganda broadcast we got to shut that down sounds like a threat to Freedom if you ask me where do you guys want to drop okay thanks for nothing GL we can clear that up oh wait a sec oh wait what what what are you doing Mr fr I was trying to change my key binds why would it take us all out I'm getting rid of the stupid chat true I do that all the timeo wow that's what he calls you that's what it was W he's saying you're stupid Mr fruits chat how you guys going to take that where is it I don't see it have you guys been spawning your heavy weapons what the fud yeah like my heavy machine gun stuff yeah yeah okay yeah I need to start doing that I I I forget that it's thing I don't know if I can change the button for freaking I don't see the option is it like communication no what the [ __ ] well whatever what is like the but what is the button you're hitting though like why is it coming up like that enter cuz it's above my arrow keys and the 60% keyboard you know how many times you use the arrow keys on this never oh yeah that's fair enough so I go and I just hits enter and then I'm just stuck there and I can't do anything and it's like coordinates mared all right see now you got it neon there you go redeemed I forgive you all right guess this is my pod this is my pod I fit perfectly and I need it now I'm all ready up ini I got a new uh pistol hopefully that's fine it's really good all right all up Lads the fate of all Humanity's children are in your hands do not let them fall let's go be careful I'm actually going to start no not that my machine gun all right all right we got our Heavies we just got to find the charge over here oh surely wait I feel like this isn't my new pistol what is this thing uh I activated oh radar station okay activate terminal I'll handle the terminal I'll handle the terminal oh raise the tower I don't know well we're raising the radar up there oh that's good well yeah there's a ton of bugs this way so Le it looks like there is always was I'm assuming we do this next yep on got to align it oh okay yeah oh there you go yeah you're getting it neon good stuff buddy yeah it'll be there eventually just keep turning why you got no no no no turn it the other way oh okay turn it the other way neon I didn't know that was a thing keep going no like you [ __ ] complete opposite no more what they dip [ __ ] all the way around yeah I'm doing it which way do you want me to go just just reverse reverse keep turning it until I say stop a lot of bugs right now does that work okay it's a line start transfer how do I start the transfer uh I don't know press the button there's no button Joey look oh I got it nice all right I guess it was Mr fruit all right let's go let's go let's go specific button I can't see nothing on this planet though it's the worst part it's what makes the charger worse speak which he should be around here on God I think he's right there sleeping on God where right here right in front of us sleeping oh yeah he is right here oh it's not sleeping I'm pretty sure oh no he's got a he's just got a bomb in him where is he that says from from Super Earth with love oh you're not even near us well I was going to the middle yeah you're right to go in there oh well I was wrong to oops okay my bad oh we are getting chased by like okay yeah keep going keep keep going neon let's go we got to leave there's lots of random Diamond things on the map I think okay I think okay crap all right if I die doing this if I doing this don't worry about it well now I'm worried about it doing my mission for super earth oh super Earth well I'm finding samples oh and I found something here what we get uh Joey oh I found super credits uh you're welcome for what I apparently I did my my duty for oh God I didn't mean to do that you're welcome for what what' you do I don't uh okay there was a bomb in a in a dead charger I shot it because chat told me to shoot it and it was an like a extremely large explosion so I died that was it that we got Bombs all right now now I yeah now I know yeah how could you fall for that that's like the oldest trick in the book I thought it was going to last time they told me to do that I got super credits so I was kind of hoping that would happen again have you found the charger no I'm just shooting I'll keep looking it's a pretty big AOE or sech area so all right why is the resupply down cool down on a minute like who be using these by themselves never been using it like liter I never call it it's always Joey we can always say Joey I don't know if it was me did you call one I did call one this time yeah it was me this time where the fudge is this charger calling in orbital strike calling in orbital strike hopefully that that hits did that hit okay that did not hit oh my okay Eagle yep I need you right now buddy oh beautiful that's beautiful looks for bat I found it oh I found it okay coming to you everyone to Mr fruit oh crap oh crap oh I don't have enough stamina no it's all right Mr fruit throw a throw a um Eagle right behind you right behind me what you're going to kill me got it Jesus all right light him up keep it there keep it there okay sit ow wait I I see it butt or I did where'd it go I'm shooting the butt I'm shooting the butt I'm calling in a resupply I'm shooting the butt I'm shooting the butt I'm shooting the butt oh my God I'm I'm under it [ __ ] okay yeah you just that was Crossfire my bad oh no why I actually killed him no I killed him Oh you mean that thing hold on uh okay lot more guys coming oh my God I got the resupply though nice I I managed to reinforce myself I'm out of I think that went well full Lawless I might say yeah I know that seem to work F okay we need to oh there's a like a big Hive thing to do there's Nest right here yeah I'll close it up he St nice we just run Southeast that was easy as I'm like missing an arm his about Flash I didn't get my machine gun oh that's that machine gun I saw on the ground oh I found a grenade launcher that could be good against him oh uh see this TR no no I don't see it hold on you can't make me do that wait oh wait wait no run run you you see if you see this blue crate guess what oh super credits p and a metal huge currency okay very good crates we love that yeah see that's the last the last time I saw one of those chat told me to shoot it with a grenade and I was like okay hell yeah surely all of the times that they tell me to do something it will be in my best interest that that was not true I for one I'm shocked to hear and it didn't work out for you I hate these little Ling ones back off it's going crazy oh oh we got like three or four Nest here oh my God I I can close this one I closed the front twoo but I think I'm out I close the back one we need there's one more where's it at I don't know I don't have it's on me I don't have the grenade crap okay hold on on my way I'm spawn camping him I can put down a Minefield that works better I swear to God all right somebody do did resupply come over here is it actually getting orbital strike okay well as a matter of fact yes yes it is okay into the next okay last time I saw him it was by the is red oh yep there he is hold on hold hold on we actually have him by surprise so orbital strike ready just start eating them that looks good survey says whose toss was that shut up man I I typed in the wrong thing easy yo the arm on my hell diver bro okay well wait should we go to these little Diamond things now or no will never destroy way of oh I'm out of ammo uh the diamonds are samples oh uh behind us behind us I mean you just got caught in the CR yeah but you clearly saw me like walking lot of dudes I I looked at you oh oh I dropped three samples hold you know what Joey your uh your friend Mr fruit has your back listen I'm calling reinforcement reinforc I'm calling an eagle nobody can trust me with a grenade launcher oh my god oh [ __ ] sample okay you tried you almost got me holding down a support weapon Rel all right where are we going uh we can do we don't have to extract we can go do that blue Mission at the very least oh hell yeah the Southwest well here I'm going to go over to the this uh this diamond over here get those mats surely I can do it stealthly and not die in the process I believe oh my God oh my godal strike Elwood man 649 Karma Xerxes danger adep JB highi 23 AFF and jxa 199x and 401 Dawn thank you for the brand new subs and res Subs welcome toing back to house Dilly Dilly do you guys want me to call this what's the Evac um not yet machine gun just making sure yeah I'm going to the the side quest thing here but it doesn't mean I can't call and then you guys just come back in 2 minutes when it's ready to pick up um what if I just don't know how long this next one I think I have to like call something and wait for the data I think okay so when I start it and I have a timer I'll let you know oh my God d back off BR an I'm seeing what this minor point is Ma's got 4 seconds 4 seconds on the eagle oh wait I have do the broadcast I'm going to need somebody else here I'm coming I'm coming oh this is not a way I can go actually world's smartest hell diver right now holy [ __ ] I'm insane stop it you cringe oh my God uhoh where's this stupid conso I'm coming right behind you okay weird engaging terminal I've had this uh this Eagle like armed in my hand for the longest time so I'm just going to throw it oh the longest time oh for the longest botle great and I also knocked down the tower um all right Rob call it I'm not near it anymore I'm doing a different thing okay I'm heading back that way now though boys all right we're coming I think there another diamond yeah I'll check it out there quite a few baddies pH him yeah that's true oh we need two people here okay right here got a SLE do it I'm on it uh I'm just going to let you get this one I I don't need to be dying right now uh just grenades stems requis oh just credits and stuff we'll take that oh hey who's the one [Music] screaming okay I'm going to the extraction it's East this water isn't that deep right oh my god well you guys are little weak um reinforcing reinforcing I got a reinforcement request approved reinforcements have been launched calling an extraction oh my god dude all right called the uh extraction we got 2 minutes all right we're coming oh jeez requesting all right call the Sentry just watch out for if it decides to fire your way requesting Advanced Weaponry say my mind's are the dangerous one oh look at it go I get Rob don't blow it up swear to God he killed him when it was shooting at a bug and now he's just going to destroy anyway with the oh [ __ ] wait he oh my God Rob come on are you happy what the fudge just grab my sample please I got it yeah you really showed him Rob God least I'm trying to help looks like a perfect place for a Minefield all look at all well or what if everything them I think those two will worst part two is Rob's not even talking about that he's just I know cuz he's muted oh [ __ ] I was muted I don't know how for how long my fault a long time it would have been a really good just say the audio that you would have said now so fruit can overlay it later you yeah you were G for do that what were you trying to do I wasn't trying to explode it well you failed miserably I forgot that when you like get shot in the head by it or like you get you if you have it in your hand you just drop it oh and oh and so when you threw when you died to the turret yeah he just dropped it I had never I had no intentions of throwing it on there whatever man you have to believe me watch for the shuttle Joy land right below it you can Skip and get right into the uh you're not no it's not that's not going to happen wait well done for super Earth so for super Earth democracy that was a pretty clean Mission though all things considered all deaths considered that was pretty clean aside from like the 12 soldiers we killed the 12 families we have to go now explain they they would understand I feel like so he thought it would be funny if he got himself killed by our own turret um he died honorably though he dropped a orbital strike that killed another one of our guys they're your neighbors we're going to going go see them next he and we all made it out [Music] of that sounds like glorious Victory to me oh yeah Warriors victory yeah we get both of them a man well no that's the like we're on a campaign so there's two different missions so we did the first one now if we do the other one we'll get four WS oh I see yes the other one is the another ICBM I believe oh hey no we got a nuk somebody else no objections here no qualms oh bro do you does your dad work at Bungie no it does look cool though it does look like Recon though huh oh we hit five oh even Joey hit five return oh sheesh about time Joey friendly fire damage 8,000 uh I don't remember where that would have come into play I that do be sound does seem like a lot yeah I don't what did you do I I that's what I'm saying I don't remember me killing anybody with Friendly Fire I remember dying to Friendly Fire a lot oh sorry I'll take this computer oh there's a laser cannon that thing looks sweet I'm going to get the I'm going to get the I'm going to be the I'm going to be the team player I want to get the supply pack all right um I don't know which one to get I got the recois rifle yeah I was looking at that might be a good idea Laser cannon Gatling what's like the it's the one I didn't claim here of this that would take like all my money what the fudge r63 diligence let's equip that the Marksman is the Marksman good 144 speeds down fortified um rob you got you said you got got the recoils right yeah all right I'll get the anti-tank and then maybe those together we'll actually be able to kill like Chargers although it's just I'm assuming you get multiple I think yeah the anti-tank is one shot and then to wait another minute all right hey 20% to buying the battle pass baby so you can play for two hours and get like almost there that's pretty cool wait buying the battle pass like the premium one yeah you can buy them with super tokens so I'm just saving up for that um wait where do you see that uh so if you press R to go to Acquisitions uh it's like the first one is just the normal battle pass and then the second one when you scroll down is the premium Oh by premium war bond I see and if you click it you can see it's basically just the battle pass normally uh but with like you can spend your Metals in this one instead of the other one uhhuh yeah but this page is locked how do you buy it well I think you have to buy it we need a th000 super bomb it'll unlock when you buy it oh yeah and also the battle pass yeah battle passes stay forever so you don't have to worry about missing out if you get the second pass don't get the first AR it sucks okay don't get the first AR or don't equip it at least copy is it called I was like is it uh the one I just bought the r63 diligence is that the one that sucks somebody saying the diligence is good so what's the AR no the Scout is good the explosive one is bad it's the explosive one yeah what oh it's oh it's the final one on the battle pass for 75 they're saying it's not good the free battle pass yeah really who would think or or I guess maybe the second one I guess the second oh in the premium pass is bad oh oh sorry it's chat telephone see can't be can't be pay to win yeah I I'll buy the Marksman rifle too hello it's me page 3 SMG is good looks cool it looks like with the free battle pass you get enough credits to unlock the full one must have been a thousand times just need six more and I get this stuff Liberator okay The Liberator is the first one in the battle pass it's apparently it's worse than the than the base BR or the AR the senator looks cool well I've got new things to try okay things to exterminate bugs all right so now we got to go launch another missile coordinates oh yeah baby sounds good to me help Prim let's go good luck gentlemen and may democracy serve you well we could uh we have to oh that's annoying we have to retrieve this to go all the way over to the primary objective to come all the way back for extraction here I see here what about here what about now good what about here nice let up oh true all right yeah I got my new Supply pack obviously I'm keeping on my um estra dactyl 302 thank you much for the brand new Prim welcome to house Dilly Dilly I like the music music is pretty Co epic what the [ __ ] already shadow of neither boner in his armor what the [ __ ] some sort of skin what are we some sort of Suicide [Music] Squad wait what why do I steal my shotgun I told it that oh yeah sometimes the equipping is weird cuz I I tried to equip my thing last time swe I changed to the AR I just got but whatever all let's see this Reco rless rifle you guys w at any time I have four resupplies in my backpack so just find me H we like that holy crap how is this a rifle it's a freaking bazooka oh you you my bazooka oh yeah classic we got to reload uh oh wait hey there's another backpack in here if you guys want it this one's got a I'll try but this is the re recess rif shoot all his legs offes ow the the the rifle yeah one reloading it's right here yeah I already picked one up oh oh there's two oh [ __ ] oh hold on ow how did he hit me help me all right now we run Northwest just go wait Mr fruit let me let me grab your backpack real quick so I can reload my rifle H you oh neon's dead home oh crap how long has neon been dead I'm sorry calling in reinforcements so where are we head Northwest all right refor request approved by the river you're headed towards the nest of people kill some might be able to get some little XP oh yeah a lot of Nest to uh close oh yeah I see it I'll do the left on how about a nice cup of Liberty Liberty I like that that's pretty good somebody get that back right one there's a breach action shotgun here if somebody wants it yeah I uh I just there's just no ammo for it sadly oh never s freom never sounds like you could use it I don't know I don't see okay the thing is I oh wait oh I can give you oh wait Mr fruit give me the refill click on me press e I'm try relo oh there you go thank okay and then you can take one of mine oh wait ready wait oh so I just have to sit here while you okay well let's not okay well throwing sure dudes all the way over there so I mean okay sure reloading hell yeah you're doing great thank you okay one more until I see the whites of their eyes just shoot I see you that was sick dude the way you didn't kill any of them I I don't know okay that was a missile coming right at your face that was not me either so it was neon I don't know what he did to me but Jesus orbital strike you probably oh no I think it was some sort of random strike and you just uh happen to get the the bad end of random sweet love that um bug breach over here I am not I am a little low on ammo there's a weird like science Flash over here yeah it's the side thing we can do the enemy territory is somewhere Over by this red no don't shoot me okay well they're stuck anyway lot of on this way too actually how did that not oh my God I'm out of STS oh my uh here get my backpack Rob he still alive oh have a taste of democracy that's clut y I need somebody to cover these up I two I don't have nades never mind you can take some out of my backpack though oh wait Rob do you need ammo here no I'm good gave me everything oh [ __ ] it says your your stuff is flashing so I don't know reloading n i mean I'm chilling oh yeah check on here own backpack yeah what is it found something ow what the [ __ ] just die okay does anybody know the computer keybind to take from your own backpack not the slightest clue oh jeez appreciate you asking though oh my God a lot of super credits pressing hold five oh thank you got a destroy all facility buildings oh okay wait we have to blow them up well that didn't do much all right hold on calling in the strike swear to God if you kill me I want to see what's over here okay that didn't do anything um call strike I feel like it I do that not have to be an oh uh I would run what call I'm calling in a hell bomb whatever the [ __ ] that is oh my God that sounds bad I'm going to run a hell bomb oh my well no it hasn't hit yeah did it kill the thing oh wait wa wait I think oh wait wait wait no this is the one we got to shoot and you run all right well I'll send my e hold on it'll blow up hopefully soon did it blow up please please be soon oh I have to arm it oh great Mr fruit hold on see what's over here well the last thing I do when I see a big old bomb drop is hey let me go walk up to it and arm it okay fair enough I okay why are we even calling in a hell bomb anymore well we still have to destroy this place okay wait it says T minus inbound 1 second yeah hold on I got to activate oh my God I got the terminal hell BB arm clear the area Okay run oh [ __ ] I don't know when it explodes it's getting louder though Joy I might I might get Jo okay what did you just don't worry about it nice hell bomb Mr Y where do I get one of those like that I'm a fan of that all right well we did that uh let's go Northwest it's very coming uh can I get a resupply Jo uh yeah well I just died so here hold on to me yeah okay thank God yeah here you go how do I got you oh thanks you want there you go I'm going to call in I should have just G you this one here take this one last one Freedom reques sure take that just m [Music] oh wait there's another anti-tank if somebody wants this I'd have to I'd have to oh wait I don't have the backpack for that one all right you know what I'm out that Miss I like how the orbital one sticks to some guys oh yeah like get it off of me going after me uh all right if you want me to put a Minefield down just let me know also should we head to that ICBM now where I'm going okay fair enough Northwest let just go okay I mean I mean okay I only put in like cool ones obviously AC it's time to arm dropping mind if I do mind if I do high yield explosive that sounds good oh no I dropped uh do we have five or no oh yeah I got one right yeah I grabbed one okay I'm on the terminal I tried to just double jump to pull out my parag glider I got power for real power brain pal brain in the membrane initiate an artillery system all right we're good pretty much straight west from here [ __ ] all right I'm out like zoinks okay so are we heading to yeah I'm heading the missile place now head it out yes I'll throw a Minefield around so you guys know exactly where to go took stash needed it sorry PS this man was dead when I got here I don't believe all right you're enough wait it says there's something to collect here though that I'm going to blow it up see what happens well the guy disappeared well it still shows on the map like there's something I mean I I feel like it probably was for that and then that one the guy got there first I suppose I don't know I don't know yeah I guess so oh my God they're over the hill take this you alien bastards give it to him Miss fruit never forgive for what they did to me family the O Clan I'm going to go ahead and uh drop down a Minefield so that we we know exactly where to go you everything you need to know okay all right I'm activating something oh my god oh wait wait someone needs to do the locks oh c ow what the where the locks they're down by me all right I'll activated it Mr don't worry Just sh on the console yeah yeah yeah I'm on right next to you rob uh what's that Cod oh right behind you though care all right there you go Joey six seven a what was that enter uh open Silo hatch who just W with the fudge open yep oh oh I open nice chat sorry my bad just don't hit enter how do you how do you how do you oh my God I'll come do it how do I activate like what's the activate button oh it's the up Arrow oops Joey oh Joey what did you did you drop a again or something no I was I aimed up to shoot that thing that was coming to kill you and then shot you in the back of the head so guys get down what what you can't just say wait I just dropped there Mr Right Here Right Here Mr fruit Joey run what is that what do you mean what is that he dropped the the the thing we just worked to get okay we're good now easy calling down a s all where should I put my Minefield down a support weapon agreed engaging terminal what is this oh that was close go next okay we got this one that's uploading yeah I'll just drop it over there wonder if some of the mines will uh probably not set off the ICBM huge yeah cuz that's where they're all going to the missile when the bugs come back hey when they come back baby just wait all right I'm waiting gotal did you shoot them we're going to be waiting a while whatever we got to see the fireworks again whoever whoever is Southwest good luck oh wait like wait what where oh God it's about to happen yeah wait is isn't that just where I live here we that was pretty I like that reference M thank you ni salute to that I'll ever get tired of that that's good Freedom right there oh behind us super America that's right you thought it was super Earth ow let's be honest be honest with ourselves uh all right I guess we head to extraction or we could head up to that pit up there and close all the things Joy how did I just die why you asking me it was my fault you did not die to me it it literally just said killed by about time Joey did you step on a mine why is that like my fault I I told you I still agree agree we all hate the mines I told you where I was putting it you know M have never proved useful they have they check it all right never one day they'll prove useful okay think of all the soldiers you've killed Joey I'm gonna make you be the one face to face to go talk to each and every family and give them the bad news if I make it out of this alive I will happily do that you discovered a medium Nest where are you guys going oh to this medium Nest this a nest uhoh natural selection eat this oo big 10 kills there not today [ __ ] all right here you want a resupply anybody need a resupply neon I think you need a resupply a lot Amo here that's it I think there's still there's still a nest open there oh [ __ ] there's two [Laughter] a [ __ ] T behind me never mind neon blew me up you ran to it to be fair well I was going to close the breaches we need to close the breaches calling in extraction hey fellas you have two minutes like a coward oh I'm out of grenades I'm out of grenades I'll repeat you have 2 minutes to get here oh my God you've been warned Rob if you reinforce me up in there I'll I'll I'll help you requesting Advan we you don't have time Joey Joey you want to be here you don't you don't have time alone go for it wait why'd you throw me back oh you know what because that's where they are no I love it yeah you want to be here wait no Mr fruit oh why did you do that I could have had a shot oh my word he robbed you of your hero moment Joey he really did speaking hero moment how about right here all right good enough I can Eagle bat throw hor thing also watch for my turret you are like pretty much right in its SL sight oh really you have less than one minute run boys oh [ __ ] yeah I was right in front of your turret who could have seen this coming the mines let's see it yeah the M they're going the other direction now a you killed one nice love that value wait if that's the high yield one should we move away a little bit the high yield what what the f who thw what the was that hey it killed them you got 20 seconds boys guys get up here oh hey they're walking through the mines this is awesome yeah that was really cool big ones are coming the big ones are making it past the never mind nice I see what you did there yeah yeah look at the timing all right now I'm going to throw the yeah we're I'm going to throw the the get on the plane oh my God wait for it wait for it that was probably really cool democracy prevails democracy democracy freedom I fight for all things in Noble your new [Music] democracy oh Joe you're a space cadet yeah you like that basically just like you guys regular cadetes but I'm in space what's crazy is we don't have to flex that um it's kind of cringe oh I well no I just got promoted like they they just went oh my gosh wait we might be the some of the first people to yeah nobody made an impact on this planet apparently we the first people who showed up we made it out alive oh super Earth F mission is a good [Music] mission did I get all the war bonds and six more what do we need your mom I'm sorry it's out of pocket thanks for apologizing you think the frag the high explosive does less damage but it has an outer radius that's better I guess I don't know what [Music] all right lads I think it's time oh please don't send us back in a robot hell you know what time it is oh my God we're going to die prepare yourselves we got we got the the launchers you know [Music] and [Music] um I else oh gosh get [Music] the that's cool all right where we where are we headed um my Cape flowing in the wind Le me I'll be your friend I hope you car wait is the armor thing bugged if so then I ain't doing this Java sheep thank you for the two years WG flers 423 thank you for the 15 and good guy Luke 1 thank you for the brand new sub welcome to back to house friends um have SN was dying more often okay s their lies in the smallest of fractures hell diber stay vigilant H decide upon which Battleground you shall spread Liberation I'm scared Liberation I am pretty scared as well I don't I don't it's time boys just not the animatrons man what do you think we're doing that's what why do you think I'm scared should we do should we do medium I feel like do like easy maybe see I no come on I feel like medium we could take we could take medium okay we're quoted as saying we can take medium okay remember this certainly we quoted like that um okay well initiating FTL jump 2 the drop system the drop system drop like the spear this game also looks a lot better than I expected too to be honest yeah it does it runs really well too as I'm losing frames in this part really just like just that when the ship flies in just that part I don't know wait I did not mean to say where we're dropping um tilted right on top of it right um Rob apparently we should use the Marksman rifle here which one did you get the right oh yeah yeah cuz apparent like a lot of the Bots like the armored ones make sure you like actually ads cuz hit the head yeah yeah anything else is just yeah I was trying to do that earlier and it was really hard with the other guns what I am I did ready up what the [ __ ] we fight back against the robotic tyranny all my homies hate him whether or not we're winning that's another question entirely pay attention to these tips they've been carefully calibrated to ensure your success that's the tip nine out of 10 doctors agree that a wound of the chest will make you bleed out if unattended okay very that 10th doctor he was paid all right we got to escort The Faculty staff out again Shadow all right there's only like a couple wait the back dudes have already gotten here what okay you you you escort them okay come on guys we're we're we're leaving going to es we are leaving oh these I think they already dropped to the north where they headed uh the north this building with like the white door oh okay I see they're here they are here um no need to fear I have this gr oh nice n whoa what the fu Just Happening that was my Eagle also I think all the guys got in I'm doing a cluster 6 out 30 it's not bad not on me oh my God okay I got all the civilians in six of them how's that not hitting his head yeah get them out of there come on guys come on we got to go we got to move see if I can't put this on The High Ground here oh God the AI call down what is that calling down a support weapon see it's going down all right re uh yeah so far actually not too bad cuz it's early more civilians on the way oh hold on wait did they not drop anybody off F oh here we go where they at oh oh boy what the fudge like ATS or something I know I'm glad you knew that name Mr fre hey give me a little credit okay we got him we got him oh the civilians looking I'm hon I I abandon them to be honest yeah I just kind of let him let him ride I figured they'd be fine you know yeah okay I'm releasing more the earlier we get him and escort him the more likely cuz the later it gets on 14 in I'm just sending more as soon as it as soon as it comes in damn uh uh the civies are coming in just keep protecting them I'm protecting you don't think I'm trying brother oh crap I should not have done that oh ATS oh but the or yeah that kind of worked oh you know what's going to be perfect for this mines support all I did a cluster bomb good luck we'll see how that goes well killed by Mr fruit so that's okay well I killed a lot of them I I don't know what you're doing I'll get you don't drop me I'm not mines please reinforcement that's what you get reloading somebody tried to crush me I think it was you don't appreciate it go in the thing I'm letting more out it's at this point it's a game of odds we don't need all of them to get in if a couple die oh well hey we only need four more yeah yeah I've I've got six on the way so just look out for them reting Advan weapon got a chainsaw guy coming after me oh I'm shooting him in the back thank you oh Rocket Raider let's go wow we actually did it not going down wait what oh whoever killed that dude thank you dang it I tried to land on neon extraction available sheesh okay man we you guys want to go explore I think our gear is I mean there's not much to explore I don't think there is anything oh wait yeah it says there's 17 things I guess I say we just spread a little bit more democracy before we get out of here you know what I'm saying I agree I'm activating the extraction what a man you got 2 minutes to explore and spread democracy what more could you want uh M fruit can you look at me real quick oh can you what what's up get some of these guys please um oh I got one get him off me oh [ __ ] oh my Lord I just realized you can snipe the people off the ATS with one shot no my mind yeah well Joey I mean oh come on do be how it is sometimes cluster bomb yeah a support machine gun Sentry put that right here can I come back yeah oh my God a lot of them I'm landing on them I should not have landed this close to them yeah this Marksman rifle is way more helpful against these dudes what that said there're still W grenade still a lot of them holy [ __ ] guys I need help support yeah what direction coming from the east from the East hold on I got anti-tank what the [ __ ] Just Happening got you rob there're they're coming from everywhere oh that was huge Joey all right throw a Minefield so they can't get up here oh [ __ ] me almost scary extract why why why why why Joey I'm calling you in Rob you'll have time no what neon killed somebody get me back I got you I threw it why did you put mines on the [ __ ] thing so they couldn't get up here dude I don't know so we can't get in the ship either cuz we're just going to run into the M all right I'm in I'm in God the worst all you're doing is trolling I'm not your mind suck they always have just buil three of them you almost single-handedly threw that mission I did not you know what you were doing hey I helped you with that wave first oh my God before I down the mine so I I was mission first a my good credit look that was medium that makes me think we on that level two Mission it was even harder than that like what the fudge I think it just gets to like cluster if you let him that for sure and we have better stuff I think it's a big part of it two cluster it's clustering too it's clustering time oh did you grab coal obsidian uh Joy uh no skipping SK probably I I want to get Proxima yeah all you do is play destroy fair enough but I I mean that's the thing I went Proxima for destroy or for uh sorry slip uh for discard yeah I think Co will be cool eventually like if I if I get him I mean he's good he's just not flashy doesn't Anno I threw in a key and then I got the Thanos variant I'm like you know what I'm all right this did you get my message about your uh keyboard also uh I'll have look okay another keyboard well no cuz you you you you were saying that your lights aren't lighting up they do they do be not lighting up it's true so Lumber gave you a fix for that and put in your DMs the [Music] goat I have to just claim these so I can just get to the next one yeah no that's just kind of what I've been doing it's kind of like the fortnite battle pass you just have to get everything fortnite yeah we're about to get down get down I unlocked the third page we are moving resuming um what are the effects dense fog torrential rainstorms right all right coordinates on to the second one boys I hop on a when you're already all right oh crap okay synchronized I don't know how they expect you like with all those dudes to like be like yeah let's go run around and pick up samples I mean hey like if we were not to get S we die done it before we die yeah but on the bug places CH feel me Mr fruit you're late for democracy democracy never Waits nor does freedom oh you have to destroy him that's nice getting some weird Imperial Vibes here okay where should I throw my throw just at this guy come up what if I do calling down a sry sending at an eagle ow what the fu requesting Advan oh who what the Democracy arrives exactly when it Ines oh crap wait who died me oh Rob your muted also I'll let you know before kill him 30 minutes son of a [ __ ] I get so like into the game I forget when I mute when I unmute we should honestly have a have a round where we just talk in uh voice chat make it sound more realistic that we're all streaming and last thing you can hear is Radio silence where is this thing here I think oh I need to reload I think it his recoil thing is just I'm not even getting time to do anything a oh he Mr fruit I threw that right on the enemy what are you doing there what are you talking about right on the enemy yeah that wasn't even near them it was well he saw someone as an enemy Rob may have been you I'm literally right here I mean there a cluster bomb you know it's a little wider AOE fair enough M I'm covering this sector like a g I got some mines up they haven't been able to do anything why are they power worlding right now I don't know they're very tank powering I was wondering throwing grenade what are they doing they won't die oh my God think they broke oh wow there's one right here there's there's a lot on this side too oh crap I killed myself oh my word oh I'm coming to help you Mr BR [ __ ] okay they're jumping up here oh God it's getting it's getting pretty hairy on my side oh while you do that I'm looking for the samples you're looking for samp oh my well yeah it's Costco you know fair enough yeah it's Sunday bro what do you expect me to do oh do they have more samples on Sunday or something no that's the only isn't it like only weekends now I don't know how they do but yeah it used to only be Sundays when they did it everybody look for some uh wait right on the middle of the thing I was killed and I dropped my common thing oh and my backpack too [ __ ] Jesus oh my goodness wait is it is it looking bad it's looking it's looking cuz oh it's looking bad for me I'll tell you that D oh how do I get back wait the shuttle landed when how do we get we need to leave in it then we need to go in it then okay I'm coming I'm in it I'm getting more sh oh but once you got in it oh no I thought we were just running to get in it you got to be kidding yeah I'll just grab samples I'm out wait but the samples aren't going to all right maybe neon can make ohe maybe the oh yeah I guess all the samples on me useless oh man my fault today youve another in a long job's done complete a mission but fail to extract sweet that that is sad I'm sorry mission mission complete why am I he your death sounds I know I know I think it's neon near total victory okay hey we still you know still got both them we still got we made out with our medals wow with your yeah see I had like 10 samples so yeah I guess if you don't extract doesn't matter oh what did we actually like we just free drop near oh wait really we liberated it we we like the ones like we were number one oh my God oh my God I this world's first yeah oh my God obviously me and Rob did it all by ourselves no it's a bug shut up it said we did 100% well [Music] done oh it says my name on my ship I just noticed that yeah H pod's Pride fist of Honor coordinates Lo this is mine Joey yeah I was going to salute you as you went sure uh we have to start with the sub objective anyway what about here ready up and you really don't have to like get too much of the lore to get into it but it's still really fun here's the lore Freedom yeah democracy that's pretty much it that's pretty much what we spread plant the flag of super Earth but I did see an artillery I'll land on each other I tried go now and you uh already a lot of stuff on the map uhy can't see his head fge I know ah ah oh God what is that that's a big one oh my God yeah he's got like artillery holy [ __ ] I got got okay Joey's dead what the hell he he fired one rocket at me wait Mr don't take that that's mine okay oh we got a rare sample establish communication up hell yeah laser they do not seem to be affected by this laser at all oh [ __ ] oh my God I'm dead all right well there goes all of my ammo on the laser oh God Jesus where's the fre support I'm logging into the terminal engage terminal ow owty save me all right hey if you want to use the anti-tank thing I got the ammo for there's Road here here well this is not isers this isn't The Recoil oh okay CR there just oneoff Rockets I think it's over here any reinforcers um oh sorry Rob I totally thought someone else did it okay now I have the Reco oh now he took it yeah let me see here I I had one of my backpacks around here earlier but I don't know call down SSD and enter into my back it's about a yeah I did I I'm trying I was trying to find my backpack but oh what what was that okay I feel like that wasn't my fault that was just bad timing I got the terminal insert sssd into hat oh my God guys there's a Hulk Bruiser engaging terminal he just killed me that's how I know his name I'm going to stun it you're going to want yeah Jesus defeat a Hulk it's what it's called I didn't get to see it was it cool it was really cool and scary also so nice well uh I completed this oh great m r now we head Southeast let's go I'm going to throw a resupply down here for everybody how do I use the backpack Supply thing cuz I picked it up apparently oh uh you can use five to use that on yourself or if you click someone and press e um you'll you'll resupply them fully copy that use some resupplies what is going on back there I I don't know they're they're coming oh Rob's uh dolphin diving through the water also well I wasn't worried about that the explosions neon buddy we're we're leaving oh no I don't know if ne's going to make it I'll throw a air strike at him just to make sure what I mean to help him to help him okay if hey if you see a good place for me to throw my uh mines just let me know we can fight this Outpost what is in this hole here light automaton fabric I'm out I'm going to throw a orbital thing and see if that look fire in the uh it didn't work feel like you might have to put what do we have to do I don't know put it in the put a grenade in the thing that are making them oh yeah throw a grenade like through the shoots and it blows it up oh I sh [ __ ] neon what the hell oh my word that's a lot of them fire the I'm throwing a cluster there it's a big AOE I watch [Music] out you just broke the fence now they can come and get us that was a big AOE you were right God oh my God reinforc love that for youest on the what's going on back there I don't think he's doing too hot I know I Rob are you okay help me okay there no like when when Christian blew up it was like 20 of them like stuck in the gate in the corner cuz they couldn't get out and then he drew his cluster bomb and it just broke the gate and not them so I had like 20 chainsaw mans running after me that's an AP name we both missed all right what are we what are we doing in there oh that's a hul Jesus oh yeah hold on I'll get an anti-tank thing there was a missile at it I'll shoot my laser at him yeah see he is somebody can pick up this rocket too there's two of them I feel like the orbital strikes will maybe get okay well there's Rob again re all right think we got him yeah I I think he's dead I feel like the laser is probably better for bugs do we establish connection up oh here it is that grenade would be a little better but that's fine I found it all right nerd I'm going to set some Minds up where yall want them I got the terminal you know what let's throw it where all those guys are currently coming uh neon I would get away from the M all escort it okay so find the things and let them out uhoh I don't like the sound of that well okay the things are across the Minefield so they're going to have to walk across I literally saw okay but you have to understand from my point of view I saw them coming in the Jedi are evil I know and okay just never been helpful well let's see how these humans interact with these mines no civies don't walk into the mines please there's giant red ones just ignore them there's one gone we literally just lost money cuz of that too we just lost 50 bucks cuz of that dude I'm sorry why maybe we don't let them out through that door we have to we got to get them all Mr fruit watch out for the M oh oh I'm sorry I'm sorry but why are you walking back in into the mine field why are we still using the mines that's what I'm wondering yeah like they're not useful why again if they if they were if they were walking through there though like it would be fine oh my God landed that that's way too funny okay um yeah just release him from up here or Joey you know we could release him from here and do this little quicker oh no also oh okay you can shoot the mines instead it it also yeah you don't say what do you think I was just doing yeah no that that's a good idea Rob good stuff good clean up duty all right yeah run to safety don't worry about what happened I hate your [ __ ] mines no way you you stepped on another mine that was not me okay then who put down that mine uh obviously person on team that uses the mine machine bro see and now they're coming back through this way requ support anyway democracy go that'll work all right go humans be free human human human Human After All yeah just walk through the lightning you'll be all right humans well who threw a barage on the that time we're literally making zero money I that time was not me that was not me I don't have that unlocked yeah me neither it was an neon then all right these should be the last three what the [ __ ] what killed you Joey refor I don't want I don't want to talk oh you w no way you're still walking into a mine d that is not my fault I wasn't you're right extraction is super Southwest oh sheesh okay well best get to run best get over there nope don't do that I hear something big now next to us oh yeah oh god oh we got atss oh what a shot I'm nice we got a ton more of them too oh there's a factory right here I'm going see if I can blow it up all right kill the Bots get get get some okay wow that is a large explosion nice I hate these Terminator guys she th the worst I know I know why Skynet was so worried about him yeah we wouldn't stand a chance for Real Every Time Joey uses mines he has to donate a sub I like that I don't you know moving's expensive guys I don't I don't like you yeah it would actually stupid ass Minds oh my God oh my Lord okay I got a supply pack anybody need supplies oh that would hit ah all right me and R2 have made it to the extraction come out uh-oh wait a second wait a second you know what to do where are you guys at oh rare samples Deon run oh my I'll get him [Laughter] back incom why is he meleeing it bro it's crazy request approved deploying reinfor requ support I actually really love that one oh my Lord I'm the eagle Eagle strafe is kind of crazy oh [ __ ] there's so many of them someone give me back in requesting uh hold on so hold up don't don't go out there R oh okay all right I think we're good it's not telling me reinforce that's a that's a barrage hold on hold on what refor good Lord you reinforce is quick though that's the good news Z okay ready for what oh well it's coming in soon I don't know I was just trying to get us ready for it Isel I have visual on the oh je sample don't worry Mr fruit I got your sample ini stand stri in air support all right go get out I throw one more one more all righty we did it victory was never we skipped a lot but we did oh man but we still did it true yeah I'm happy [Music] all right Liberty has been protected oh wow really I'm actually surprised we did all that traversing too we got a good time though you know I guess oh four okay I didn't know about just hey we got some samples though we got some [Music] samples
Channel: Mr. Fruit Uncut
Views: 28,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for the king 2, for the king, for the king gameplay, for the king 2 gameplay, for the king review, for the king multiplayer, for the king guide, for the king tips, for the king 2 trailer, for the king 2 multiplayer, for the king 2 funny moments, for the king 2 review, for the king 4 player co op, for the king 2 beta, for the king 2 guide, for the king 2 build, for the king 2 lets play, for the king 2 part 1, mr fruit, the dream team, mr fruit the dream team
Id: fSbiBQVLVb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 56sec (14996 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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