Project Playtime UNUSED Maps, Objects & MORE | LOST BITS [TetraBitGaming]

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foreign [Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on Tetra Bay gaming the series where we explore the unused altered and unseen content in gaming so as I make this video it's been a few months since poppy play times chapter 2 and in the meantime as we wait until chapter 3 comes out in 2023 the multiplayer spin-off project playtime has recently released now if you've watched some of my earlier lost bits videos on chapter 2 you might remember that we found remnants of this multiplayer game left over unused there so in addition to checking out some unused Maps today we'll also be checking out what did and what didn't make its way back into this game from poppy playtime chapter 2. so this will basically be a lost bits and found bits rolled into one a lost and found bits if you will and just want to give a quick plug to my Clips Channel if you'd like to check out some short clips of my past videos and streams I'll have a link to Tetris clips for you down in the description below anyways Huggy wuggy that like button let's check out some project play time I am lost and found alright so to start let's go over what we found unused in Chapter 2 and what did and didn't make its way into project playtime here so for starters six months before project play Times Release it was believed that the scrapped multiplayer mode at the time was going to play similarly to dead by daylight and yeah it certainly does play like dead by daylight now so score one for us then next found in the files we had monster selector basically a box in which Huggy wuggy and Mommy long legs were found and as the file name suggests it was likely going to be where a character select screen was tested for these monsters now although this was definitely updated for project playtime's release as each monster is seen in this jail cell like room instead a similar box to this one as seen in Chapter 2 is still found in one of the early test Maps found here in Project playtime but we'll come back to that later in this video so for all intents and purposes yes this technically did make its way into project playtime but it did get replaced with an updated version next in my video we looked over all five of the different playtime co-player models that were going to be used as the hero or survivors for the mode now although these characters are basically the ones that are used in Project playtime their models definitely got an upgrade and five different colors was cool and all but Micro transactions so now you can choose from a plethora of colors hats hands pants you name it to really customize your character at this point in current year gaming I don't think the existence of cosmetics and a battle pass system should really shock anyone also based on the color range of these survivors it seems like only five Survivor characters were considered initially but in Project playtime you can have up to six Heroes going against the monster so that's pretty cool then next in my video we took a look at two planned moves for hogi wuggy charge hug as well as trap breaker although no longer mentioned by name in Project playtime Huggy wuggies shift move does still appear to be a charge hug so check on that one but his e-move is no longer a trap breaker but rather the ability to place in mini Huggies that can alert you to a player within their range then next up for Mommy Long Legs who is absolutely broken in Project playtime by the way we saw two moves spotter as well as spiderweb which still had a placeholder black ball projectile left over in chapter two and unlike with Huggy both of these moves actually did make their way into project playtime as you can shoot out spiderwebs to slow down any players in sight and then a spotter ability is also in mommy's Arsenal as you can use it to detect players through walls for a brief time and now I think everyone's favorite part from my original chapter 2 video the hand gesture emotes now initially it looked like they were going to be mapped to certain key inputs such as pressing a few of the number keys in a game but this has been changed to pressing X by default to open up a wheel of emotes that you can customize instead left over in Chapter 2 there were four hand gestures that we went over and three of them made their way into the game here at least currently and if you've watched that video you probably know which one didn't make it so the Thumbs Up made it as did the thumbs down as well as the OK hand gesture but unfortunately the Beloved flipping the bird emote didn't have the same luck this definitely seemed like a fan favorite in the comments when I released my original video and who knows we're only in season one of project playtime as I make this video and I'm sure they'll be adding more and more hand gestures to the game in future updates so maybe one day we'll see this again then next just like the player models their animations although similar to what we saw and used in Chapter 2 are updated here as well and then there's the blue hand scanner and wincube although a blue hand scanner is seen on the generators in regular gameplay the win Cube I don't think is seen at all but a similar Red Cube frame is seen in an unused map left over in Project playtime which again we'll come back to later in this video and lastly we also mentioned a few screens left over in Chapter 2 for Mommy Long Legs winning a game Huggy wuggy getting the player as well as a reward screen where the player was given 150 points the screens for getting got are fairly similar though the main text font was changed which is good because now it actually looks like it says mommy long legs and not mommy yon yags but the subtext was actually changed from just waiting for another player to revive the downed one to instead displaying the auto Revival text and meter and then as far as the reward screen goes yeah it got overhauled by quite a bit and looks much better and of course points as referred to here were changed to tickets which in Project playtime you can use for stuff like buying sabotage or upgrades for the monsters and survivors and that's just about all we saw left over in poppy playtime chapter 2 and by the looks of it almost all of the things that were left over there did make their way into the final version of project playtime at least in one way or another so yeah super cool that we were able to find a glimpse into what would come over half a year into the future back then and now moving on to talking about the rest of project playtime let's first take the camera around and talk about some things left normally unseen out of bounds now unfortunately as far as the two regular playable maps that are currently in the game go there isn't really much of note found outside of the game's regular bounds but thankfully there are a few things for us to find in the two tutorial levels that the game makes you play the first time that you start it firstly for the hero or Survivor tutorial just behind one of the doors that are normally blocked there's this empty hallway in the void and here we can find some floating developer text left over here this is the same kind of text that we've recently seen in both nav security breach as well as poppy playtime chapter 2 and they seem to be little notes left in by the Developers for QA testers or context or notes to indicate something that should be added to the area in the future anyways for this instance we get a nice little message just welcoming us to the tutorial then next there's this white platform found off in the distance with a lone survivor just chilling on it now at first I thought maybe this was the survivors that you meet in the wackawagi area later in the tutorial but nope they're already there as soon as the map loads and it turns out that this is actually Bill the Survivor that's sent to save you after you get sent down to the wuggy area yourself as after he comes in there's no longer a Survivor found on that platform this tutorial section also has a bunch of miscellaneous stuff found above the map including parts of the toy pillar puzzles as well as some double door handle things which I don't think are seen in this tutorial at all and also similarly there's this red box which too has a handle on it this again isn't something seen in this tutorial either but I reckon this might have been for a tutorial section in which the game would teach you to pull objects onto something as this is a mechanic that's seen in a later test map that we'll go over in this video and then lastly for the Survivor tutorial not really unused but interestingly the wackawagi pit is found beneath the map and it looks like you actually drop in when captured and are pulled out when rescued in both the museum and Factory Maps playable in the game the wuggy pits are actually found above the maps and the game actually cleverly tricks you into thinking that you're being pulled up when actually you get Warped back down into the map instead now next we move on to the monster side of the tutorial where here there's not nearly as much stuff found out of bounds but we do have three more hidden developer messages all three of these messages give explicit context into the prerequisites for opening certain gates in the tutorial apparently known as LP Gates the first door here only opens after the player punches and jumps LP gate 2 opens after a mini wuggy Sentry is placed down and finally LP Gate 3 won't open until the player uses the shutdown sabotage move these objectives are pretty obvious when playing the tutorial as the text is slopped right on screen but still pretty cool to see these messages hidden out of view and now blast up for this video there are a handful of unused Maps left over in Project playtime here and these include extremely early versions of both the theater and Factory map a currently unused map that will probably get added in a future update as well as a Dev test map where of course various aspects of the game were tested so first up we have Dev map 7 and this looks to be an incredibly early version of the theater map as you can see almost all of the textures are missing the geometry is super simplified and more now I won't be going into every little change between this early version and the one seen in the current build as that would probably take a few hours but I will definitely go over several highlights well for starters here in addition to this slightly differently colored Huggy wuggy statue being found out of bounds and this large cylinder thing we can also find the old monster select box that I mentioned earlier the Box itself appears to be the same one as we saw in poppy playtime chapter 2 but here boxyboo was of course added Mommy Long Legs is still T posing and Huggy wuggy has had his size changed to better match the rest of the monsters and definitely isn't as happy as he was before so yeah I suppose whenever this early theater map was being developed this was still the placeholder section that was used for the character select screen now moving inbounds into the theater several notable changes can be seen here at the start we can see some really high resolution photorealistic looking grass texturing this queue well at least most of it and then this same grass can also be seen at the base of the golden Huggy statue at the front area of the theater This Grass texture and these blocks aren't ever normally seen in any of the Final maps in the game then also at the front here we have this interesting water feature that's shaped like an upside down cone I guess this was an early placeholder for the poppy Fountain that's seen here in the final Honestly though I really dig this effect then next as we move on we can see a much earlier ticket booth the concession area to the left of it appears to have a different layout and the bronze statue I believe is in a different spot and then taking the stairs up to the theater on either side of the ticket booth we can see a theater sign which I believe is just the same one that was used in poppy playtime chapter 1 and these signs were removed completely from this map in the final version then inside the theater we can see that the whole feel of it is completely different than how it's seen in the final not only are the theater chairs just placeholder office chairs here but everything just seems more Jolly as it looks like they were initially going for a more juvenile feel to the theater similar to something like the daycare theater and area in FNAF security breach and yeah this is way different than the fancy elaborate almost Regal feel of the final theater map and to add to this the stage was changed quite a bit too instead of the large flaming Huggy wuggy cutout thing on the stage with a curtain backdrop here we have a nice cheery and cloudy background as well as this extremely creepy Huggy wuggy here by these blocks just something about his eyes and smile here I think makes him look even more creepy than the normal version of huggy then probably my favorite difference in the entire theater here is with the projection room on top of the area just being much more simplified here the devs literally just enlarged one of the security cameras here to be a placeholder for the projector and just called it a day it looks incredibly Goofy and I love it eventually of course the projector did end up getting a proper model then in the middle in front of the stage there's also whatever you want to call this it's like some weirdly shaped polygonal object and then for whatever reason there's also a train cart just sitting in the middle of it yeah I have no clue what this is or why it's here I guess it might have just been a placeholder object for this bunch of chairs that were put here in the final version next up under the entrance area there are also a few really basic objects here that look like some early doors and such there's not really too much else to say about most of the rest of this area it's mostly untextured hella simplified rooms aren't quite what they were made into later the stacks of chairs and tables and whatnot are missing but the worst part is no popcorn machine and no way to get some yummy stuff now one last thing I want to mention are the hatches that the monster normally has to take a downed player to in order to send them down to the wuggy pit so at the point of development when this map was made I guess this pit wasn't made yet at all as each of these hatches just leads to a small little room where I guess the players would just get stuck in during testing it's weird it's so basic but I almost find it kind of charming now there are actually two more maps related to the theater MP map 7 as well as Dev theater temp now I say maps in quotations as both of these are really lacking and certainly aren't as playable as the other one MP map 7 introduces some texturing as we can see the concession area looks much better but that's about where the improvements end as the rest of the map is just the front stairs some beams for the underground maintenance section as well as a whole bunch of textureless stuff in the back here then secondly easily even less interesting Dev theater temp is literally just a bunch of textureless planes that can only be seen from One Direction yep that's it super exciting I know now moving on next up we have an early version for the only other map currently playable in the game The Factory Here listed as MP map 1. much like the early theater map although the layout is generally the same as is seen in the final version and things are where they should be well mostly some things are definitely unfinished of course there's a large lack of texturing once again go figure but also we have some early rails on the sides of the catwalks some of the Machinery is definitely unfinished and we also got incredibly basic placeholders for whatever these things are in the final map as well as this assembly line delivery system there's also this room here where some texturing was attempted but basically everything in this room uses the same brown texture so everything just looks really scuffed here one more thing of note here is the severe lack of the hatch things we just discussed in the theater map I think there's only like two maybe three here and unlike in the theater map these hatches don't even have the little rooms under them at all being listed as map one I guess this might have been the first map worked on so perhaps at the time the mechanic for throwing down captured survivors wasn't far enough along to have any system for them implemented here yet and lastly for the stage there are also a few objects found out of normal bounds just behind this wall by the train station here there are a pair of lockers as well as a blank hand scanner thing now this one doesn't have the train logo or any handprints on it but I reckon this was a placeholder for the scanner used in the game to call a train to the station this stage certainly feels more empty compared to the theater as it just seems to lack more objects but still in both cases it was really cool to play around in these early maps not only do they give us an interesting look into earlier stages of the development process of project playtime but I think it also helps us appreciate just how much they were improved I saw that they're going to be adding a low level of detail skin for Huggy wuggy in this game in the future so I think it would be awesome to maybe add an early looking stage like this into the game too now those are the early versions of the maps that are currently in the game but there's also actually one more unused map that's an early version of the stage that's almost certainly going to be the next one that's added to the game so you might be wondering we saw map 1 and map 7. what happened to the five maps in between well I'm sure there were more maps made in between but the only one that's actually left in the game is an early version of map 5 here and this appears to be a stage that will take place in a Foundry of sorts now we'll probably talk more about this in a future video but leftover in the game is this image which appears to be a screenshot from this stage and this is actually the same image as the one that's blurred behind the coming soon text on the stage select menu so yeah this is almost definitely going to be the next map coming to this game this stage is honestly pretty similar in my opinion to the factory level as we have a bunch of catwalks and Machinery everywhere the centerpiece of the stage is definitely The Foundry section in the middle so I guess buckets of some sort of hot melted metal would be brought in and then dumped into a central container which here also has a train car inside of it yeah I'm not really sure what's with these train cars being placed in these random places anyways this poured metal would then be seemingly processed into large rectangular sheets and then just like we talked about earlier here we again see some more floating Dev texts giving us context into how the rest of this process is being planned to function so here some machine would lift up the sheets of hot metal then I guess they would make their way onto a conveyor line where this presser that's here just seen as a placeholder white Cube would press them and then this machine would process the Pressed metal into rolls and finally the rolls would make their way into this corner of the map where they would be packaged and shipped I'm assuming these overhead doors will lead to a more proper looking distribution area but for now this back area is just a weird maze the rest of this map isn't super interesting I find at least in its current stage but when we take the camera out though things definitely get a bit spicier for starters although this map already has two train stations behind this wall we can see what looks like a third planned or scrapped train station and this is further reinforced as behind the next wall there's a sign for it too for such a small map like this two train stations feels like more than enough already three would be absolutely nuts then as far as out of bounds objects go we have this line of pipes this fan placed underneath a bunch of other ones as well as one that's much bigger and then in addition to once again seeing the original Monster select area it appears that some more work was done on implementing the wuggy pit as found in another box under the map we can find a small room with some more Dev text this time saying the wuggies got you press comma and period to spectate now although no proper wuggy area is found here yet I guess this is where testers would have been taken to after dying to them when testing this map and lastly for the stuff found out of bounds there's a whole bunch of miscellaneous puzzle pieces found way underneath the map and some of them like the piano keys here are found at like weird angles so not only is it weird that these are found so far under the map but this makes it even more strange although I personally would have rather opted for a map not as similar to the factory we already have I'm excited to see how Dev map 5 here will evolve into how it's presented when fully released in the game and now last up for this video we have a pair of developer test maps that are still found kicking around in the game with one being quite robust but first off the less interesting one is known as Dev RGB Splat map testing this isn't a very big map but we have some cement structures this piece of Machinery that we saw picking up sheets in The Foundry map and then the main attraction of this map are these three tiles here and it looks like this is where the Splat mapping was tested as the name of the map suggests now I'm certainly No Game Dev expert so I had to look it up but Splat maps are used in texture splatting to work with texture transparency and yeah I guess that's what was being tested here on these tiles there's also some oddly placed textures on the wall here and I'm not quite sure what that's about I don't feel qualified to add anything else about this map but if you have any more insight let us know down in the comments and now last but absolutely not least we have Dev puzzle environment too and as the name might suggest this level has testing areas for a whole bunch of puzzles when first loaded into this map we start way up high on this platform where we can see a bunch of floating Waypoint Graphics they don't do anything in particular and there's not really much else here besides some invisible Collision so yeah I guess this was just a spot for testing how these would work now this test map doesn't really shine until we drop down into this funky looking area below and here is where the interesting stuff starts first up I guess as a test for the new train that was introduced in this game we actually have the placeholder version of the train from poppy playtime chapter 2 that we saw back in the beta version pretty cool to see it back here but kinda strange that they didn't go with the one that was used in the final I guess maybe this stuff was being worked on before chapter 2 was even finished then next we have this generator here with two blue hand scanners as you might expect after placing a hand on each scanner and scanning away this will turn on the generator and the light will change from red to Green indicating the successful powering up now powering up generators of course did make its way into the final version of project playtime and must be used when the monster sabotages the survivors but the generators obviously got a visual overhaul and there's only one blue hand scanner now instead of the two then next up there's this lone Red Gear chilling on the floor and it definitely looks like the intention here was to bring this gear over to this machine to repair it as it's obviously missing a gear but no matter what I did the machine just wouldn't accept this gear so I guess either this isn't what you were supposed to do or it just wasn't fully programmed here yet also this area has three of these red buttons that when pushed cause a barrier to slam down to block your path and this looks to be a test of the closable doors used in the game by the survivors to block the monsters and similarly there's also this section where this button causes the bridge to come down for a few seconds now this isn't really a mechanic that's seen in the game at least not yet but maybe something like this will get added in future updates then next up in addition to seeing some very realistic looking trees we can actually see three red objectives on this map to complete the first of these is just another generator and after completing it we can see that the objective icon changes color from red to Green as well then the next puzzle to complete is a pressure pad and here we can see a red box frame similar to the wind Cube that I mentioned earlier that was unused in poppy playtime chapter 2. here you simply have to move this red box onto this plate here to complete the challenge and like I alluded to earlier I think this is likely what might have been once introduced in the tutorial level with the red box that we found out of bounds and lastly we have yet another pressure plate but this time seemingly requiring three survivors to stand on it as indicated by this sign although surprisingly when standing in the middle it would apparently count as two people no matter what else I did without another person here I couldn't get it to count to three now I haven't been able to confirm this but I have a suspicion that when all three of these tasks were completed this large door here would lift up as this door seems to block off the rest of this area I find it interesting that seemingly only one of these tasks has been implemented into the current release of project playtime and that's pretty much it for this Dev test room it's super cool to not only be able to see this map left in the game but to also be able to play around and test the objects myself was a lot of fun and if you know me I love me my test room so this was an absolute joy to see here now I've already found some unused Graphics there's a few currently unobtainable cosmetic items some early models and more but I'll be saving those for a future video so be sure to subscribe to find your way back here in the future when it's up till then though I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did be sure to check out some of my other lost bits videos while you're here and as always thank you all so much for stopping by today and I will you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 398,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Playtime, poppy playtime, project playtime lost bits, poppy playtime lost bits, project playtime unused content, poppy playtime unused content, project playtime unused maps, project playtime unused skins, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, tetrabitgaming lost bits, lost bits, tetrabitgaming poppy playtime, tetrabitgaming project playtime, huggy wuggy, boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, mommy long legs, project playtime out of bounds, project playtime secrets, gaming
Id: 4lHFet7vWHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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