Project Playtime Behind the Scenes & Found Bits | LOST BITS [TetraBitGaming]

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foreign [Music] gaming the series where we explore the unused altered and unseen content in gaming so almost half a year since its initial release while many of us are waiting for poppy playtime chapter 3 which will hopefully release any week here project playtime just had a massive phase to update which introduced a ton of wild new cosmetic items a brand new map that we've been seeing developed for months now and more so in this small update video we'll take a look at some more lost bits as well as some found bits that have been added in this recent update so Huggy wuggy that like button let's check out some more project playtime lost bits all right so for starters like I mentioned a whole bunch of new cosmetic items have been added to the game big surprise there now I won't be going over all of them and I don't think some are obtainable yet but here are some of my favorites for boxy there's the new flagship clown skin as well as my favorite a CRT inspired skin where you get to see boxy running on the TV body Huggy got a cool voxel skin and then Mommy Long Legs also got an abominable snow mommy skin as well as a yarn one which just makes me think of Yoshi's woolly world the Survivor also got a ton of new items like shoes referencing Cassie cutie pillar the original plan design for the caterpillar character in the game before it was changed to PJ pug a pillar there's some more cool CRT inspired stuff there's a berry grab pack which I thought was really cool and we went over some Breaking Bad inspired stuff in my previous video but now there's items for a fry cook skin and yeah I refuse to believe the similarity is just coincidence but yeah overall some of the new skins actually look really cool so Bravo and then to add to these although there's not too much left in the game in terms of unused content anymore the developers of this game also shared a folder with several images showing us a behind the scenes look at developing some of these cosmetic items now for the most part these are just renders of the various items from different angles like the foot hand the Retro futuristic grab pack a bunch of the outfits including the prison crash test dummy wolf and reject toy ones there are some renders of the new hair items candy mommy in a really creepy looking t-pose and more and in addition to all of these there are also some conceptual sketches and models revealing an even earlier look for some of these skins for the concept sketches we have one for the CRT Survivor skin the Retro future furnace steampunk Barry and harambe grab packs and then sketches for several additional items and how they would theoretically look on a player then there are some sketches of the wolf costume testing different facial expressions as well as different facial expressions for the new digital Huggy mask there's designs for the CRT grab pack with an image that was used for reference there's what appears to be some early designs for the balloon pump grab pack early sketches for the balloon hands where it looks like one of the plans was for the hands to turn into balloon animals or a Huggy phase as well as there's early designs for the lasagna hands there are also concept sketches for a few of the monster skins where we can see some alternate designs for the Scarecrow Huggy a concept sketch of glutinous Huggy we can see alternate colors for the tree hugger Huggy different ideas for the CRT boxy skin including it seemingly being more so based on a computer with a floppy disk slot on its body or pong being played on the TV and also different concepts for the head either being another monitor or what looks like a Gamepad instead of the record player as is used in the final version there's also concept sketches for mommy candy with images of candy for reference as well as design sketches for boxy clown including a really creepy image that I guess was used for reference then this folder also contains some screenshots of other stuff including renders of more items and characters a close-up of Huggies bow tie some work in progress renders of Huggy alternate head designs for glutinous Huggy where different levels of cheese and or blood were used for his mouth some more screenshots of developing Huggy a creepy red one as well as some in-game screenshots of Huggy in the new item store area as well as this screenshot that basically confirms the Breaking Bad references now to my delayed there are also some behind the scenes videos here as well there's a video showing off how the puzzle pillar Phase 2 grab pack Gun Works which side note the colors here really remind me of the original Legend of Zelda game a video of the puzzle pillar phase one pack in action as well as a more in-depth one showing off all the little details going on with the steampunk grab pack which I thought was really cool to see up close like this there's a video of CRT boxy in an idle animation and then a strange video of a Survivor running in place with the future retro pack equipped although if you blink you'll miss it if we slow things down we can see that this was recorded in what looks like some sort of test room with basic geometry what appears to be a bunch of floating hands and grab packs as well as some parts of the newly added map unfortunately it doesn't appear that any sort of Dev map like this was shipped with the latest update to the game though and lastly for this behind the scenes folder it appears to reveal a single Survivor skin that hasn't yet been added well at least not in this way so this is apparently according to the title of this video here a steampunk skin for the Survivor and there's also this screenshot of it in an exploded view now there is a steampunk skin in the game but it looks quite different and frankly way less interesting than this one with all the cool gears and everything spinning inside and much like the video of the steampunk grab pack which by the way way better suits this skin this video also shows off some nice close-ups of all the little details it appears that there was quite a lot of work put into making this skin tick so honestly I have no idea why the steampunk skin was changed to the one we got instead I mean maybe they'll add this to the game in the future but seeing as how there's already another named steampunk skin I guess they just have to call it something else and furthermore the model for this skin is also still in the game which I think is even extra strange next interestingly enough I was finally able to equip the fish tank grab pack well sort of unfortunately I guess there's no working model for it yet so it just results in an invisible pack which is kinda cool in its own right now I brought this fish tank up as an unused grab pack several months ago but it looks like they're still working on getting it added into the game now next for the lone unused graphic that I want to touch on here we have this now this deep fried texture of the Scout from TF2 that's been used in some memes was actually found in the game's files for a bit starting with I believe the Valentine's Day update but was later removed in the next St Patrick's Day event update to the game in March of 2023 it's listed as a test texture but I have no idea what they could have possibly been testing with a texture like this now that's it for the graphics side of things but leftover in the files are also a few jump scare sound effects that appear to reveal currently unimplemented skins for the monsters there's reference to a kitty witty skin for huggy a bomb skin for boxy and then to complement the Vauxhall skin that Huggy got there's references to a voxel skin for both Mommy and boxy as well since these sound effects were made I reckon we should see these added at some point in the future now finally on to playing the game itself one major change with this update was the tutorial stages were redone for both these survivors as well as playing as a monster although the main ideas are the same they take place in new maps the dialogue is different and the way you get through it Alters as after getting the First toy part here Huggy will actually be let loose in the area and will be an ongoing threat additionally this Survivor tutorial area is now the waiting lobby area at the start of playing a game having this area to run around in and this room with a bunch of puzzles to practice on definitely beats just waiting in the train station area as it was before now unfortunately there aren't any out of bounds things for us to see in the Survivor tutorial map this time around but thankfully the Monster tutorial one has our back here just like in the original version under each door that segments the different parts of the tutorial we can see some floating developer text out of bounds that indicates the conditions that have to be met in order for the door to open these include swiping out the door which is a new one placing a Huggy Sentry then finally using the sabotage ability near the end of the tutorial it's not much but always nice to see this Dev text in these games and unfortunately that's about all the new ones here as I wasn't able to find any in the newly added destroyer toy level which we'll get back to in a bit here before we do that though another interesting addition to this update is the ability to change background music that's played when being chased waiting in the lobby and more now the only reason I bring this up is that some of the chase music absolutely slaps here's a quick sample [Music] and now last up for this video we of course have the new destroy a toy map and unsurprisingly it's very similar to how we saw it in the January 2023 updates only of course it's way more polished up now like I alluded to earlier unfortunately there's not all too many secrets in this one outside of some Machinery hidden out of bounds as well as this ladder found up in this catwalk section which looks a bit too detailed for something that the player can't normally see and the stages environment plays out just like how it was planned out all those months ago as we saw in my older videos from the broken toy graveyard the toys get processed and melted down after which they then get formed into some hot metal slabs which in turn then get rolled up into some large rolls of metal or whatever material this is and we of course have the large Central furnace thing which is now actually animated and honestly I think it looks great and just mesmerizing to stare at other than that not much else to say about it honestly but I did go back and looked through an old version of this map which is still left over and this time I saw this very strange red Apparition of Huggy here which I don't think was there before if anyone knows why this might be here I'd love to know about it down in the comments oh and if you've watched my previous videos and are curious unfortunately still no buggy wuggy skin for Huggy and still no middle finger emote and we'll wrap it up there for now at least until the next major update if there's enough to talk about if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my other lost vids And subscribe and ring the bell notification to find your way back here in the future and as always thank you all so much for stopping by today and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 114,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Playtime, poppy playtime, project playtime lost bits, poppy playtime lost bits, project playtime unused content, poppy playtime unused content, project playtime unused maps, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, tetrabitgaming lost bits, lost bits, tetrabitgaming poppy playtime, gaming, project playtime unused map, project playtime cut content, project playtime phase 2, project playtime behind the scenes, project playtime out of bounds, project playtime destroy a toy
Id: 3FKt7NwrKpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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