Profesor Matematika Nangis Baca Surah Ad-Duha Tuhanmu Tidak Meninggalkan Mu | Kisah Jeffry Lang

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[Music] and the quran is written in a very interesting style in the beginning in the beginning it's very it's quite technical it goes into a lot of specifics laws and rules and regulations by the middle it takes you into stories beautiful stories powerful allegories towards the end the emotions of the quran picks up and it like reaches a crescendo and brings it all to this beautiful powerful births of spirituality and eschatology and it all comes together brilliant pounding images and by the time i was getting towards the end of the quran and my atheism began to fade away i began having these powerful spiritual moments when i felt i was in the presence of this tremendous divine embrace i remember reading the surah it is when i got to the end of that surah i cried like a baby for 20 minutes i didn't even believe in god and it brought me to tears and you know i would try to deny these experiences as i was having them i would try to step on them they kept on they just kept coming [Music] me and i look at the first sewer i turn the first surah and i'm just reading it out of academic curiosity and in the name it's obviously a hymn of praise to me it's like a psalm for those of you who know the bible at least it starts that way in the name of god the merciful the compassion and all praise be to god ruler of all worlds uh master king or master of the day of judgment actually the day of requital the day of recompense the day when counts are settled uh to you alone and then it goes on from there and i'm reading it and i'm thinking oh a hymn of praise a song and i get to the end of it and then as i get to the end of it i realize oh the last few lines slipped into made the subtle transition into a prayer for guidance show us the straight path the path of those whom you have favored not those who have gone astray or upon whom is violence or wrath and i thought what a clever author you know he tricked me into making a prayer for guidance the supplication for guidance clever man so i assume the course i assume the quran had a human author so i turn to the next surah and it begins alif lam mean three arabic letters then that is the book we're in no doubt is the guidance for those who are on their toes or [Music] vigilant [Music] but i come to the 30th verse and it begins behold your lord said to the angels behold your lord said to the angels so we're about to hear a heavenly announcement a heavenly election a great moment so this great election behold your lord said to the angels i'm going to put a vicerent of mine on earth a viceroy an emissary a representative of mine this is a noble election god is about to create man and simon a noble role i immediately said to myself no he obviously got the story all wrong man is not put on earth to fill some noble role he's put on earth as a punishment because that's in my religious tradition the one on my birth the one i abandoned and i'm not putting it down but that's the way the story is told and i felt the author got confused when he was you know repeating the story [Music] and then the angel said and the angel said will you put there anyone who will spread corruption and shed much blood while we the angels celebrate your praises and glorify you glorify your holy name and i read that verse and i just stared at i couldn't i was captivated i was angry i could feel the heat rising inside me because look what it says will you put there in one god says i'm going to put sign these humans this noble roll and then god and then the angels say are you going to create this being who spreads corruption and sheds much blood this most criminal violent destructive creature and put them on earth in this role when you could create us as they plainly say while we celebrate your praises and glorify you how could you create this the sign of that role when we are clearly more more deserving and more appropriate are you following me and that was my question that was my life that was my childhood all of it just encapsulated in those 15 words and i was shocked by the time i had finished the quran all the arguments i had against the existence of god all the premises i had built against this existence one by one i saw them falling apart so by the time i finished the quran i had no more argument against the existence of god [Music] i said can you tell me what it feels like to be a muslim [Music] allah is so merciful and he loves us more than a mother loves and his and the words he use her baby child we can do nothing except by the will of allah when we breathe in it is by his will and when we breathe out it is by his will and we take when we take our foot off the ground to walk to take a step we'd never accomplished that except by allah's will and with our foot would never reach the ground again except by his permission and then he said and when we pray and put our nose to the ground we feel a peace a joy a rest a coolness that's impossible to describe you just have to experience it to know [Music] what a i felt like i had been dying of thirst all those years and with each word of the shahada it felt like somebody was dripping a drop of water into a parched throat and and so i became a muslim [Music]
Channel: Ayatuna Ambassador
Views: 861,896
Rating: 4.9558916 out of 5
Keywords: ayatuna, ayatuna ambassador, jeffry lang, profesor matematika asal amerika masuk islam, profesor matematika masuk islam, mualaf, kisah mualaf, murtadin, kesaksian
Id: kCuImXd_XDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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