Process Lasso Setup On 7950X3D (basic tutorial)

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hello and welcome back to the beefy Tech Channel today I'll do an as quick of a tutorial as possible on process lasso now if you're wondering why AMD ryzen Master is also over here on the left side is because it's a tool that kind of runs hand in hand with process lasso and it will be great for you to just have both at your disposal now mind you I have a negative 30 undervolt on my first of course and negative 10 undervolt on my last four from CCD 0 which is the 3D cache CCD what I'm doing with process lasso is essentially setting background tasks to the frequency CCD only now you could theoretically go further into it and set the 3D the 3D cache CCD to only work with games by setting your preferred CCD to frequency and then going to process lasso and setting your game to use only the 3D cache but I had some issues with that that I still have to refine before I could post a video confirming that that also works so today's video is simple I set my BIOS to prefer within the CBS AMD options SMU common options in cppc Dynamic preferred cores that's exactly how you'll have to do it I'll put up a thing on screen to show you exactly how to get to that to set the preferred cash of them bios and then to set up process lasso all you're going to need to do is Google process lasso go to bitsum download it and once it opens up you're gonna have this gigantic screen full of information that's gonna instantly overwhelm you let me simplify things as much as I can you see this Mobi systems update.exe it's a casual background task I'm gonna right click on it go to CPU Affinity click always make sure you always go to always and don't go to current click always and select CPU Affinity you want this to run as a background task on your 7950x3d all you have to do is untick these boxes by default they will come ticked so by default this is how yours is going to look what you're gonna have to do is just click each and every one of these first 16 boxes so they're not ticked anymore and now boom shakalaka it's running only on CCD 2 which is well ccd1 the second CCD which is the frequency CCD and suddenly this background app is now optimized because it's not bottlenecking your main gaming 3D cache CCD anymore now now the painful part comes right now you're gonna have to do this for every single background task that you have mind you it is definitely not worth doing it for all of these tasks because then you'd be sitting here the whole day just clicking clicking clicking away so my recommendation is go through the list of things you have pick things like MSI afterburner your ASRock polychrome RGB or any RGB that you have put those on the frequency CCD and then leave everything else to just Auto default and set itself because otherwise you're spending the whole day in process lesson you don't want to do that I do recommend you put things like the Nvidia display container and any Razer synapse even audio stuff can be put on the frequency CCD and you wouldn't have any issues if you want me to go directly through everything that I've set I can just slowly scroll through this and you guys can copy paste whatever you can copy paste but remember you won't have the same apps that I have so it won't actually work the same way as you can see I'm just slowly scrolling TeamViewer also works process lasso itself you can set the run of the second CCD which is important because process lasso itself uses quite a bit of CPU while you're gaming so it's good to set that to the frequency CCD and otherwise just go through things uh the search indexer you can set to the second CCD so 16-31 but make sure you don't set things like Battlenet or steam to the second CCD because it might inadvertently Force things like the games you're playing onto that second CCD instead of you know considering battle net for example as a background task it will consider Call of Duty as a background task together with Battlenet and I'm using that just as an example so don't set steam in battle net unless you know you want to preset all of the games on Battlenet to run on a certain CCD which you could do and then you would just have to click on it go to CPU Affinity always select CPU affinity and untick all of these boxes so it would only run on the 3D cache CCD and that is how you do it the other way around for the 7950 x3d now that pretty much sums up process lasso without eating into your brain with complicated the reason I didn't really go into much explanation about why to do what is because it's a painstaking task to learn how to use process lasso to its fullest potential you could theoretically also mess with priority class but honestly for the average User it's a complete waste of time unless you're a nerd that absolutely loves optimizing every single bit of their computer like me you will never touch this and even I am barely messing with this because it just seemed like a waste of time it made no in-game difference to me and I personally don't see it valuable if it doesn't actually help performance so I don't recommend it to you guys now I do recommend you then going to AMD ryzen master and you check to see which of your best cores are showing to be well the fastest for me it's Core 1 and core 5. now another optimization you could do together with process lasso and AMD ryzen Master is under volt your two fastest cores the most make sure they're being they're being used with process lasso so set your game to always use those two fastest scores and essentially you don't don't need to count on simultaneous multi-threading doing the job for you now I'm leaving it as is because yet again it's complicated but I'm giving it to you guys as an option that you can't theoretically open up Call of Duty let's say you go into battle net over here go to CPU affinity and always and then select CPU affinity and what you're gonna do is you're gonna select the exact thread count so let's say you have seven threads you're gonna untick everything and then you're gonna select your fastest CPU cores and then based on usage with simultaneous multi-threading you're gonna have only those seven cores for Call of Duty let's just assume you know these are my seven fastest threads sorry not course you don't have only these reserved for Call of Duty and it would never be able to go on these that let's say are slower yet again just an example but um yeah it's a it's an option to make sure that you're using your fastest course now you might have noticed that I didn't actually do that to my own computer and the reason is because I'm still messing with undervolts before I'm gonna start optimizing to like such a great extent with process last so I want to make sure that my BIOS settings are fully finished and I'm done with them and I'm not changing the enemy anymore because if I change something here and suddenly my undervolts aren't the same way then I'll probably have to change things in process lasso too so I'm going to finish with this and then I'll do that most likely and see if that helps performance improve but the biggest thing you're going to notice with process lasso is that your one percent lows will improve by how much I couldn't tell you it's going to vary from computer to computer to be honest with you because some people will literally have nearly no background tasks while some will have a hundred things open in the background and that right there will make the entire difference I have a couple things open in the background as you can see including Discord and it already makes a slight difference but let's say you have doubled the amount of things open in the background process lasso will literally save your computer's one percent lows so I highly recommend it I hope this short video of process lasso was really helpful and I hope I didn't over complicate things I in fact had to do this three times Well three total takes to simplify things as much as I could so you guys could understand it without getting well a brain seizure because the process lasso has a whole lot of things you can change in it that really don't do a lot so what I told you is simple set things to 16 to 31 that you want to run in the background mind you this is on a 7950x30 it has 32 threads and then everything else that is supposed to be the 3D intensive task that you want the maximum performance out of will be 0 to 15. now you don't actually have to do that because you will go into the BIOS and set it to prefer cash which means that it's going to run most of the applications that are intensive with either the cache CCD automatically so you don't have to do it with improcess lasso might I remind you there's the other option of run it on preferred frequency and then set the games to prefer cache within process lasso I'll test that too and I'll let you know in the comments section if it's worth it because I haven't had the chance to fully experiment with that yet but with that said this works perfectly and if you guys want to copy my exact things I already scrolled through them so just pause at the exact moment and you should be able to copy them one for one pretty much without having any issues with that said guys thank you for watching have a good one in peace foreign
Channel: Beefy Tech
Views: 22,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gaming, game, tutorial, guide, process lasso, lasso, process, tech, warzone, performance, undervolt, fps, 7950X3D, AMD, NVIDIA, amd
Id: 9xlCSicWSHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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