7950X3D Setup Guide (Bios Settings, Ram Timings, and Undervolting)

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hello and welcome back to the beefy Tech Channel today I'll be showing you guys how to properly set up a 7950x3d I'll give you some really easy to copy Ram timings and I'll also be teaching you how to undervolt the 7950x3d so you can maximize your performance first things first I want to mention you will want to have your bios and your chipset drivers fully updated and as a fair note cpu-z right here as you can see says your manufacturer and model name of the motherboard that you have and you're going to want to take this and go into Google Chrome and find your motherboard's bios update which for me it's going to be the steel Legend x670e right here this is the chipset driver for it and in this tab I have the BIOS update for it which is a GSA combo M5 for the steel Legend and uh you're gonna want to be on the latest version on both of these before you can do virtually anything otherwise you won't have access to a lot of the BIOS functions the applications you're going to want to be able to tell all of the stuff that I have over here is going to be CPU ID cpu-z over here which will tell you your motherboard it'll tell you timings and it'll tell you data about your CPU and the other one is AMD rides in master with this one you can see all the power limits that you have the under volts and also you can double check that the correct CCD is being used for the applications that you want to use I have in BIOS set it to prefer ccd0 which is the CCD with cash so in bias you'd have to go on your motherboard and just hit prefer cache within the certain section that it's in now you can also disable ccd1 but if you do set it to prefer cache it will work as intended and ccd1 will nearly never be used unless you're doing let's say editing or you're using all of your CPU cores for a certain task ideally if you have a 7950x30 you're gonna just buy an X pocket and then tune it to the ram timings that I'll be giving you you of course can get a much fancier High Nix a die 7200 Kit and tune it far more aggressively but for the cheapest bang for buck solution AMD Expo kits as you can see here on the MD website are the best solution if you can't find an AMD Expo kit your next best solution is this Kingston memory that is 6400 sil32 take it down to 6200 or 6000 copy the timings and you should be pretty much okay now I cannot guarantee it's going to run stable at 6200 or 6400 of the timings that I have because the timings are designed for 6 000 but it's a great solution if you can't find another kit around your area before we go into the BIOS settings and I give you all the timings for the RAM and also show you how to undervault your 7950x3d to improve performance I want to highlight that it is absolutely mandatory to be on your latest BIOS version and on the latest chipset to driver version if you do not know how to update them I highly recommend you look it up and you learn how to do it because without the those two things being fully updated your 7950x3d will not have all the features that it needs to be able to do undervolting to be able to do prefer cash in BIOS so you want to be fully updated anyway let's go into the BIOS and let me show you how I've set everything up alright guys we are now in the Bios and I'll just walk you through what I did with my motherboard and my CPU to get the best performance out of it mind you I have the 6430 acl32 kit and I detuned it to 6000 and then tightened the timing severely so let's quickly go over the first things so I have my TJ Maxx which is the platform thermal throttle limit set to 89. this is the safe limit for it and you guys could probably set it lower for quite similar performance but whenever you're going to be in a CPU bottleneck scenario it will actually reach near TJ Maxx so near that temperature limit my recommendation is do 85 if you're not comfortable to it reaching up to 89 but if you're comfortable 89 will give you the best performance you can skip over gfx overclocking and then go to dram frequency right here I have it set to 6000 despite my kid being a 6400 now the reason I have it set to 6000 is because I set xmp2 over here and xmp2 has this profile already written down I selected it and then went and tweaked the DRM timing myself alright before I go into detail with all the timings I want to mention that these timings are not my own I took them directly from the video where hardware and box received timings from buildzoid for a generic 6000 kit that are very tight but not by all means not the tightest possible so this will work on 90 of all of 6 000 kits out there and you can most likely copy it yourself set the voltage to 1.4 volts on the dram and you'll be perfectly fine let me quickly walk you through the timings and by then I mean I'll just scroll in you can copy them I'll pause here for a second as this is where it ends I did not really do much with the timings down here because they didn't really give that for the video over there but you can actually tune further than this and get better results my kit is a generic kit though so I only did this much to finish off with the ram section of the whole bios part I wanted to mention you do need to set all of your voltages to 1.4 except this one this is a different one my new but you want the main Ram voltage to be 1.4 for those timings to be stable on another note the infinity fabric you can generally set a 2000 and have perfect results when your RAM is 6000 and you want to make sure that the uclc UCL case re divider mode is set to use CLK equals memory this will have the best performance now that we are done with that part I quickly want to dispel a little myth so we're going to go into advanced and we're going to go into CPU configuration I've seen a lot of people saying that disabling SMP is actually good for the 7950x3d and I did a benchmark to check for myself because I obviously want the maximum performance but when I did The Benchmark with smt disabled I got 40 less frames average within set Benchmark so from my testing smt is not better and I do recommend if you guys believe smt off to be better test it yourselves see if it works for you and if it does keep it off if it doesn't turn it back on because for me smt on or on auto mind you is much better than with it straight up off also in the advanced section I'm gonna show you guys that AMD CBS sorry the blue thing is blocking it let me move it mdcbs is really important you're going to want to go right here and click on it and then you're going to want to go to SMU common options right here where my cursor is and here you're going to have the cppc dynamic preferred cores this is the most important part of setting up a 7950x3d without using any other programs if you wanted to run at its best within games you're gonna have to set this to prefer cash you could set it to any of these others but if you set it to Preferred frequency it's going to use the wrong CCD so you have to set it to Preferred cash for the best performance once you've done that come back to the advanced section in the Bios mind you I'm on an ASRock motherboard so this might be a bit different for you and then go to AMD overclocking once you go to MD overclocking click accept and you're going to want to go to Precision boost overdrive as you can see mine is already set to advance but yours will most likely be set to Auto what you're going to want to do is set it to Advanced exactly like I did over here have also the plot platform thermal throttle limit set to 89 and then go to curve Optimizer and over here you're going to require to do a bit of testing on your own because none of these numbers will apply to you directly what I found to be stable for me is having a per core curve Optimizer with a negative offset you cannot do positive offset on CCD 0 which is the ccd03k so all of these will have to be a negative offset and you're going to want to find what works best for you my personal recommendation is try negative and then put 20 in all of them run a test either play the game you play most or do uh what's it called Benchmark see if it's stable and then try up the numbers and see what works but as a fair note you want to do it only until core 7 anything past 4 7 you're going to CCD 2 and at that point you're not really benefiting from doing anything with curve Optimizer because you don't want to use that CCD for any gaming either way you could though go and do curve Optimizer for CCD one which is the second CCD if you do professional Works let's say video editing video rendering it could actually be beneficial for you but me as somebody that plays video games strictly I leave it alone don't touch it because I anyway don't want the PC to use it for games mostly for background tasks tasks ideally so run 20 on all of the first seven well first eight cores but zero through seven and then try up the numbers slowly and steadily until you top out you get a crash and then you bring the numbers back down to get the best curve Optimizer settings these will give you massive massive gains within games and will also decrease your temperatures insanely so I highly recommend you do this part once you have done all the changes in the Bios and you're sure that they are exactly what you want and they look a lot like mine you're going to want to go to exit and click save changes and exit and that will confirm all the changes you made in your bios alright we are here in the Call of Duty Benchmark so I can just demonstrate what the undervolt in the performance settings that we did in the Bios do as you may notice the CPU clock is hanging around at 5.1515 Mark which is really really good all things considered you can do higher especially if you have like a full custom Loop or more fans or a better airflow than I do mind you I'm on a 360 millimeter AIO with a Cooler Master mesh case so it's a pretty good scenario in terms of pooling and yet it still can't really boost the 525 which is by the way the limit but yes with a better thermal solution than I have which is a custom Loop mind you you can actually lock five to five or if you get a better undervolt you can lock five to five but my CPU isn't a god bin it's a mediocre bin so I could only do negative 25 Ubuntu cores and negative 20 on the others regardless I just wanted to go over the performance settings and remind you that I am on a config file so that does make a difference anyway let me quickly remove this and as you can see the CPU results are really good 500 average FPS in the CPU section with 322 average FPS in the lows for the CPU but I do want to mention my Benchmark results are entirely bottlenecked by the 4090 I am fully aware that a 7900 XTX is indeed faster for The Benchmark but I want to let you guys know that indeed if you test Battle Royale you would be getting quite similar performance to 4090 even if you're on a 7900 XTX that in the Benchmark performs better let me quickly demonstrate Battle Royale performance okay we are here in al-mazro Highway and as you can see this is roughly the performance you should be seeing I'm varying between 5.05 gigahertz to 5.1 and that's mostly thermal limitations to be entirely honest with you if I had better cooling solutions I would most likely be able to hit 5.2 I mean 5.25 as a fair note if you manage to get a much better undervolt than I have which is negative 25 on 2 and negative 20 on the other six cores on the on this one you would actually see better performance because you'd be running cooler and it would be easier to maintain the frequencies but for me this is all I can do with the current under volt and thermal limitations that I have anyway guys thank you for watching today's video and I hope it was helpful if you have any questions comment in the comments section and I'll do my best to help you out with that said guys have a nice day and peace foreign
Channel: Beefy Tech
Views: 22,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gaming, setup, guide, 7950X3D, AMD, Nvidia, Warzone, performance, tutorial, bios
Id: O6k9bmx0L28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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