AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D CPU Review & Benchmarks: Spoiled by the 5800X3D

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Getting real 1080ti vibes from the 5800X3D.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 143 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TsurugiNoba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Only thing i got out of this video is the 5800x3D is the Goat...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 223 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Legndarystig πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why didn't amd just put vcache on both ccds?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 100 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mastahc411 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

As expected, it's effectively a $600 6-core CPU when gaming. It really doesn't make sense as a product. Who is this for?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 237 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChartaBona πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

The sole justification alone for any of the X3D processors is performance per watt. However with that being said, they should be competitively priced accordingly. I think if the 7900x3d were $50 less, it would definitely have a spot based on the aforementioned for its uses.

They serve to have increased gaming performance while being able to do well in productivity workloads as proven in some of these tests.

As someone with a 5900x. I wish I had a CPU with gaming performance of the 5800x3d but still capable of having decent streaming and or productivity workloads on a single CPU. To me, the 7900X3D makes sense if the price is right.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks Steve

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fizz4President πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

TLDW would be wait for 7800x3d if you are gamer, and if you are not... kinda too lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ayymadd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It starts off as a 6 core cpu when you're gaming, but as you need more it'll UNPARK the cores. They aren't auto disabled they are just put at idle and only used when all/most of the first 12 threads are active. Theres at least 2 videos about it, Level1techs has a good one.

That being said, it's way to expensive for the performance and draw backs unless the 7800X3D is really gimped by its clockspeed or something. We'll have to see once the reviews drop. Its really hard to make predictions right now.

But we can see why AMD didn't send it to reviewers, its in a no mans land of usefulness. Too expensive for 6 V cache cores, but fine as a 12 core. Not quite as performant as the 16 core but not enough cheaper either. Its just a good excuse to use the 6 core V cache cores in an expensive package.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Loosenut2024 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

6cores with vcache… so that’s why 7800x3d has such lower frequency. So it will not be better in games than 7900x3d

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pullssar20055 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] we paid 624 the new AMD ryzen 9 7 900 x 3D CPU this wasn't sampled by AMD so we had to buy it on launch day overnight it and we're still turning around review in just about 12 hours from the time we received this we moved quick on this one these CPUs are really interesting because as we talked about in the 7950x 3D review which is already up there's some really peculiar Behavior with the x3d CPUs and a lot of that has to do with core parking or effectively disabling half of the cores and with how the cache is isolated to one CCD so let's get started with the review of the 12 core alternative which is priced MSRP 100 less than the 16 Gore we already reviewed before that this video is brought to you by Squarespace we use Squarespace for our own GN store and juggle complex multi-piece orders all the time with it Squarespace makes it fast for us to roll out new products with detailed Pages full of galleries videos and descriptors it's also useful for your own resume sites for a photographer or projects portfolios or for starting your new small business idea there's never been a better time to try and start your new business than right now and we can vouch that Squarespace makes it easy visit Gamers Nexus to get 10 off your first purchase with Squarespace so some quick Basics there are three CPUs in the new x3d family following up the successful 5800x3d those three as we said in the last review are the 750 x3d the 7900 and then the 7800 and the 7800 doesn't arrive until April we expect AMD will probably sample those but it's it's a little ways out so you'll have to wait on the review for that the 7900 is a hundred dollars below the 750 x3d and then the 7800 will be 450 so massive drop in price but also the 7800 X 3D its biggest weakness is going to be the frequency which AMD has brought down it's about a six seven hundred megahertz Delta and depending on how the games behave with cash versus frequency it's possible the 78x3d doesn't perform well enough to make up for that frequency loss likewise it's possible performance just well enough to avoid spending all the money on these so first of all as we get started in the review thank you to my team for working late here with me tonight on getting this through this is full team effort to get this one published as quickly as possible after again buying retail and shipping it so uh we are we're excited we I love working on this kind of stuff at this kind of speed it makes the job really fun so as for the Core specs the 7950x3d and the sub900x3d and likewise the 78 require some specific setup steps that you can't skip you really need to make sure you do this stuff right otherwise you're potentially robbing yourself of upwards of 30 of your performance if you configure it incorrectly it's pretty easy to configure right for the most part uh it's chipset and bios updates but and then Xbox game bar which kind of sucks but uh we'll talk about that anyway the main reason this is even a consideration all these setup steps is because the cache is isolated to a single CCD it's the leftmost one with the iodine oriented at the bottom and it's reduced the cross CCD latency while promoting utilization of that extra cash AMD is leveraging Xbox game bar as a trigger mechanism to park or disable half the cores during known gaming workloads and that's where this explanation is going to stop so we don't repeat everything we already that we'll link it below go check that out for the full details so the 7900x3d critically moves to a six plus six layout that means it's so it's a 12 core part it's got 24 threads because it's hyper threaded using it's got smt basically and the six plus six layout means there's six cores on each CCD and it's still the same as the 750 x3d where the the cache is only on one of them so when you park half the cores you're gonna be parking six you're down to six Act of course plus all the cash in that column as opposed to the 7950 x3d where you were cut down to eight cores plus all that cash in the column so the difference here is going to be two cores when parking is utilized which depending on the game may be significant but for the most part it helps to reduce some of that original full CPU Delta which is four cores here's how this one's laid out so the 7900x 3D is configured as a 64 megabyte plus 32 megabyte cache on that left die and then 32 megabytes on the right die the total here is 128 and the L2 cache comes down a little bit so L2 is contingent on the presence of course and you lose a total of one megabyte per quart so the 79x3d comes down to 12 megabytes total of L2 versus 16 on the 16 core 7950xpd pretty simple math to do uh if you're not too familiar with it the lower the number in the cache level the faster that cash is but also the smaller it is so when you're talking about SRAM really expensive really small capacities you want as much sort of L1 L2 as you can get and L3 is still way better than system memory but slower than L2 with all the details and with you fully informed on how these things work now we're going to move over to our power testing station to talk about power consumption to get into Power testing it's pretty straightforward we test that 100 load we fully load the CPU this helps to eliminate some of the background noise that you pick up and testing where it's more difficult to test for idle power consumption which we do that as well but we don't normally publish it because it's noisy data so for this we are strictly looking at the EPS 12 volt cables and we are not able to factor out the vrm efficiency losses but we are able to factor out the entire rest of the system so it isolates it down to adjust the CPU more or less plus some efficiency losses and and then we take those numbers and we run some simple math against the blender render time numbers that we have for production testing and with those two figures we're able to produce an efficiency chart whose unit is in a watt hours and that tells us the energy consumed over a period of Time how efficient is this CPU versus some of the competition so those are the two charts we're going to look at next let's look at power consumption first here's the power consumption chart at full load the 7900 xvd pulled 120 watts when under load tying it with the ever impressive R9 5950x the original 7900x required 200 watts in the same workload so amd's reduced PPT is showing here and that's the one that matters more than TDP the x3d has been tuned for greater efficiency reducing the thermal envelope which better accommodates the very thermally sensitive V cash the 7950 x3d also saw Improvement here dropping to 156 Watts from the original 263 on the 750x Intel is that the deep end of this chart it's running at 295 watts and the same all core workload although the efficiency under less consistent gaming conditions would be more favorable towards Intel the all-core workload is pretty hard on it amd's efficiency in this type of workload is strong and it shows well on the 79x3d that's probably the main takeaway for this part here's the power efficiency chart in this one the 700x3d plots towards the top even though its overall performance in an all-core render isn't that much different from the non-3d700x but the efficiency is the 700x 3D is 17 watt hour result has it just behind the 7950x3d and the lower TDP 7900 non-x and otherwise it's far ahead of Intel's 13700k for efficiency which itself is at 38 Watt hours and it's ahead of course the 13900k which is at 33 Watt hours so the 700x3d continues the trend of improving power efficiency in all core work okay enough of all the power testing now we're going to get into the component testing section of our lab so so these benches the two over here and the two over here have been running CPUs and gpus non-stop for like a year now well actually several years if you count the previous office but a year in this location and the next one that went in was the 700x3d so we ran through all those tests and the main thing we were looking for is gaming we have production tests as well just in this review it's gaming where you're going to see the biggest differences and we arranged the gaming test so that they're the most interesting at the front end so the first two especially then after that they get much closer together so let's get started as a quicker reminder the chipset Driver difference is huge we'll show that chart here again from the last review the gaming gains are upwards of 30 with the correct driver features and Xbox game bar so this testing was done with that configuration check the 750 x3d for more info on this chart Far Cry 6 starts us off this one has remained an interesting test for x3d ever since the 58x3d the 750 x3d capped out that 198 FPS average with the 7900 x3d now achieving over 98 percent of the total performance of the 750 for about 80 to 100 cheaper than the 7950 x3d that is and that's for about 86 of the price so pretty good positioning it's obviously still somewhat ridiculous though when compared to most other things so the 1300k or the much more sensible 13600k are in a better value position and still maintain most the performance and the 13600k is still the best high end value by a long shot versus any of these the 7900x3 doesn't really sacrifice anything here though versus the plus 50 version it's close to error we suspect that the future 78x3d barring major losses from frequency could be similarly impressive in games like this one that benefit so much from cash that's a good start for the 79x3d as compared to that of the 7950 but that's only one part to compare it to compared to the original 7900x which is currently 430 three dollars on Amazon the 79x3d posted an improvement of 13 percent against Baseline so that's a 200 price difference at that point you're effectively paying 15 per single digit percentage Point uplift and if you use a less totally arbitrary metric than that one you can look at it as increasing the cost by 38 MSRP to MSRP for 13 more performance really not a good deal and it's possible AMD didn't ship this to press because they were worried it would undercut the entire existence of the 7950x3d or they were worried that it would look bad versus 700x both of those are options right now and the 750 x3d itself is already heavily embattled with the cheaper 3900k the 13600k and amd's own 5800x 3D and in production why would you buy it you just get the 750x instead anyway let's move on to the next test to see if that conspiracy theory plays out as you all get your DIY tin foil hat kits red body Tomb Raider is next this one isn't as impressive though in this scenario the 700x3d got stuck at 334.7 FPS average so that means the 7950 x3d leads the 79x3d by 14 here with the 5800 xvd embarrassing the 700x3d by tying it or functionally tying it one percent lows are more or less the same between all these parts especially with the wider error in measuring frame time consistency although the 750 x3d has a slight advantage in 0.1 percent lows the 5800x3d makes the 700x3 look bad here saying x3d a lot is getting really tiring by the way but I don't have a way to shorten it yet leave your suggestions in the comments today though the 5800 x3d is still available for about 330 dollars so it's almost half the price of the new 7900 xvd and in this game the performance is identical compared to Intel the 1300k is the next closest at 304 FPS average that achieves 91 of the prawns of the 79x3d the 1300k also carries minimally equivalent lows if not proportionally stronger against the original 7900x the good news for AMD is that it was able to plot an uplift of 18 which is big I mean that's a big jump for something that has primarily changed only by adding cash it's just not a value part and the 5800 x3d spoils everyone but as far as the technology working and ignoring all other arguments it is working 18 pretty good as for Final Fantasy 14 this test has kept Intel at the top of the stack since the 13th series launched and the 7950x3d pushed from 214 to 256 FPS average that was a noteworthy gain and the 7900x3d climbed similarly from 209 to 251 but is very close to the 7950x3d so it sort of challenges the value of the 750 x3d and reinforces one of the two main reasons why AMD might not have shipped it out with the initial samples so this is a 20 climb from the 700x to the x3d but the 13600 K Remains the better option which even though the 79x3d sort of undercuts 7950 the 13600k undercuts both of them Counter-Strike goes next and CS go the 7900x3d ran at 387 FPS average with lows at 250 and 147 which is all fine the 7550 xvd had lows functionally the same and an average that's technically a little bit lower the 700x leads the 700x3d marginally here and likewise the previous observation we had was a 490 even FPS average 750x leading the 7950x 3DS 384 FPS average result so this is in line with what we saw in this scenario running on the lower frequency cores is costing more than the extra V cash ads CS go just can't make use of that cash compared to Intel the 13600k maintains a good value position with amd's own 7700x coming out stronger than the 7900 options the game just isn't complex enough to Leverage The high-end High Core count CPUs with a lot of cash or even individually and the 3900k it gets utilized here but it's focused heavily on Raw frequency and architecturally they're different so it's expected for Intel on this one 1440 POS CS go isn't much different once again the 7700x and 3700k outperform the new x3d CPUs and the rest looks very similar so let's move on Rainbow Six Siege brings back the FPS benchmarks of an FPS that's really high in fps that's two high FPS FPS is back to back for FPS benchmarking the 7900x3d ran at 809 FPS average here with lows proportionally spaced and completely expected as compared to the rest of the cluster surrounding it and that result has it basically within error of the 7500x and behind the 7950x outside of error for that one it's also behind the cheaper 13700k and 3900k alike the latter of which still leads this chart the 79x3d achieves 96 of the 7950x3d's performance here the 7950 xvd posted a gain of 2.3 and over the 7950x with the x3d's improvements over the 7900x at 2.1 percent so they're just not that useful in this game cyberpunk remains a challenging game for all components to handle for CPUs we still see some scaling at the high end though when using a 40 90. the 79x3d ran at 256 FPS average with 1.1 percent lows slightly disproportionately below where its neighbors land the i7 13700k in particular comes ahead stronger in consistency although not necessarily noticeably blender Cycles is up first for production using each thread on the CPU to generate a new render tile the 7900x3d required eight and a half minutes to complete the render with lower being better the 700x was advantaged as a result of its higher frequency and higher power design and posted a six percent improvement over the 700x3d this rm50x3d met the same fate as we said in the previous review most workstation applications won't benefit from the cashier and will instead be hurt by the reduced power available to the core chromium code compile is up now and this one the 700x3d required 47 minutes to complete the full code base compile the 700x did the same in 46 minutes so they're identical it's within run to run variants here and the 750x and x3d were similar in this Regard in 7-Zip file compression up next the 7950x3d previously was positioned slightly ahead of the 750x but it was with an error the 700x3d is the same it completed 163 000 mips whereas the 7900x did 165 000 mips so there's no difference in decompression the 700x3d and the 7900x are roughly the same once again they range from 204 to 210 000 mips with the results technically favoring the non-3d variant of the 700x Adobe Premiere and Photoshop are up last using the Puget Suite to test for scrubbing rendering filters and more the 7950x scored 1 307 points in aggregate putting it functionally tied with the Society X which itself was about tied with the 3900k the 700x3d was worse than the 700x by 50 points here it's not a lot but it's definitely not better finally in Photoshop it's more of the same story there's no benefit to the V cash variant of the 700x 3D I wrote one word for the conclusion of the 700x 3D and that word is no as in no it is not worth buying so this thing sometimes it matches the 750x3d in gaming great if that were consistent and always the case then the conclusion would be you probably in most cases shouldn't buy the 750x3d but at least it's technically the best a lot of the time and then at least this is more or less equal to it therefore you could buy this instead but that's not the case it's not it's not routinely better and in some places it gives up a meaningful lead so this one we understand why AMD didn't send this one out because the 7950x3d gets a little bit of that sort of Grace window where just because it is technically the best a lot of the time it's easier to stomach the price only in the sense of a value judgment because we look at something that's at the top of the chart it doesn't get the same treatment as something that's in the middle and surrounded by 12 Alternatives so this doesn't get that benefit because it's not at the top of the charts most the time you get no benefit at all and any of the production or workstation tests that we run there's probably something out there that would uh in which case great but we have a pretty wide sweep of workstation tasks and none of them benefit from it so that leaves us basically with gaming only as a use case for the 700x3d as we test CPUs being mindful that you know there's something else out there I'm sure but with gaming only you might as well buy a 13600k or a 13 700k or if you're going the x3d route it's like at least the 7950 is it has more of a lead in some places but otherwise the fact that it ties now and then but Ottawa it's just it's a weird part so the the conclusion for this one is no simply put and that's it for the 7900x3d so we're kind of disappointed in this one it has potential but the price it just doesn't make sense so we'll see how the 7800 activity does and who knows maybe they'll run a 76x 3D in the future or something to make it interesting for us but that's it for this one it's kind of disappointing so there's your review of it go to as always to help us out directly or Gamers Nexus thanks for watching we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 598,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, cpu reviews, amd r9 7950x3d review, amd r9 7900x3d review, amd ryzen 9 7900x3d cpu review, amd ryzen 9 7900x3d benchmarks, amd r9 7900x3d vs 7950x3d, amd r9 7900x3d vs 13700k, amd r9 7900x3d vs 13600k, amd r9 7900x3d vs 13900k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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