Commercials H20 - Nostalgia Critic

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commercials right after a sacrifice of screen time this is a commercial special therefore we must give thanks to those who continue their ways this episode brought to you by doordash praise to the advertiser click the link below brings you food you're craving right now right to your door we're thankful for you Almighty sponsor remember to use the promo code thank you now we got that out of our system balls getting these messages after these messages after these messages in a fight before the Mario Brothers movie has you sing and close enough Atari was advertising the original Mario Brothers game in a pretty bizarre way oh no my pipe has collabs you should see a doctor I am a doctor Mario Mario where are you aren't you Mario oh wait it's Luigi that's right back then he was somehow both brothers at the same time oh my God what's this scene authentic it's Mario Mario and Luigi Mario I mean if their last names aren't Mario how would they be brother at still too stupid to put in the universe man those advertisers know how to lure Mario kids in with that hot car 54 Where Are You music craze how can you not spot the comparisons idiot and it's twice the fun when two play at once because you need all the help you can get look at these Tim Burton Turtles trying to hump him he has the dead eyes that someone who has no idea why he's programmed to do this with Mario from Donkey Kong and his brother Luigi using their heads to stay ahead honestly this is a pretty inventive ad it's not really like Mario Brothers now but you can't say this isn't what it was back then it's weird but it's creatively weird I like it Mario Brothers the Atari video game cartridge versions available for all Atari systems start playing now and you can turn out like this super fan I spent hours of my life stomping Koopas oh man this one this came out around the release of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the rumor is Spielberg himself directed this though I couldn't find any proof of that but regardless it's still pretty epic ad it starts with a couple watching Raiders of the Lost Ark when the wife wants to snuggle while you're up would you get me a soft drink oh by the way honey I remodeled the kitchen I'll see you may want to lay traps down we have snakes foreign [Music] use a snake as a rope I know because he did in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull means choose Jesus how long is she taking he went from the beginning of Raiders to the other Crusade already truth wisely Discover Real Cola taste with just one I don't know what the other option was but Diet Coke is never the right answer case in point even the place is trying to punish you for what you picked [Music] Diet Coke why couldn't you put the money from your Productions and the soda that actually tastes good [Music] what I needed [Music] wow you're the most handsome face side boo before that I've ever seen chosen wisely you should have seen the guy grabbed an RC this ad pulled out all the stops and is damn impressive I'm not sure who directed it but the fact that this feels more like a Spielberg Jones production than this does it's really saying something fedora hats off to you discover the one Marie real cold Diet Coke hey what a Pepsi now it's time for the pizza head show hey everybody well you couldn't be a 90s kid without seeing these ads these were Pizza Hut commercials with the pizza head show a lot of us grew up watching these ads I have to admit for a while I hated them Mr Pizza head was a high-pitched puppet who just wants to have a good time but the narrator who's Just A Pair of Hands and a mean bully named Steve always wants to make his life a living hell our team's playing a big game right now yay coach Steve says you're in the game he's not sure he is welcome to kids night hey you need a day wait a minute girl sure he is when you have a Pizza Hut pizza delivered you can get an autographed Empire Steve says play ball here comes the Griffey hits it deep well this campaign was a big hit and ran for an impressive eight years it was eerily similar to an SNL sketch called Mr Bill it was literally the same thing Mr Bill is a high-pitched puppet who just wants to have a good time but the narrator who's Just A Pair of Hands and a meme bully name slugo always wants to make his life a living hell no all that coke you bought last night was real expensive sorry Mr Bill but we'll have to sell the house for so long I would show other kids this hilarious show and they'd always say oh Mr Bill is like pizza head and I'd say no you son of a [ __ ] pizzahead is like Mr Bell it drove me in saying that all my friends were laughing at Pizza head without knowing it was a complete rip-off Mr Bill but then in doing some research I found something out Pizza head was created by Walter Williams one of the guys who created you guessed it Mr Bill here is actual footage of my reaction to that yes I bring this up Justin just in case someone was as dumb as me not to realize this with that said these ads are pretty damn funny I really have no reason why other than they're just violent as hell they will cut you in half remember this is the age of the crash test dummy toys and chopping up your adorable board game characters of course this was a big hit quit Pizza head slip this on see you next time my favorite is just when they destroy the set at the end of each one as if to say yeah we know it ruins the effect but who cares just break [ __ ] see you in the next lifetime let's be honest though these don't even need a story just sing a cute little character get beaten up it's rarely all that's necessary which is why I propose we don't even give them a story we just heard him giving more time to advertising Pizza hi YouTube what are you doing oh we're just about to go get some Pizza Hut Pizza Hut oh I love that place you mind if I come along that would be great you know I hear they have new skateboard toys for kids you don't think some crazy Antics might happen from that dude [Music] foreign I want Pizza Hut pizza is part of a complete breakfast what I don't know I was just so distracted by the hilarious Carnage even if they don't go with that these commercials are still pretty damn entertaining see you next time man what a Cheesy Act here's another one many of us in the 80s and 90s grew up with if you were the laziest [ __ ] ever The Clapper was a godsend all you had to do was clap and the lights turned on and off which of course made redneck birthday parties very difficult come on honey blow it out [Applause] one of the biggest Staples of the commercials it's catchy as hell jingle [Music] cute but that's not what I love it for I love it for it's life before The Clapper demonstration no joke this is how the commercial starts honey turn off the light has this ever happened to you Jesus's butthole what were we caveman seriously if you didn't know what this was an ad for would you even guess the problem has this ever happened to you I guess I do like to grab lamps like a dildo a lot presenting The Clapper no clapping won't help it'll only encourage it look you gotta put in some urgency has this ever happened to you what I'm buying whatever saves me from that turn on and off just by clapping clap on the music it was a whole step to get there we really do need a doordash app for this kind of thing oh thank God I'm in time to see the commercial for the even more useless product The Clapper resets to help protect your home leave your appliances plugged into The Clapper and your lights will go on oh [ __ ] it's a Clapper house people are poor as [ __ ] they even made a smart Clapper as if to say yeah even we know the originals for dumbasses how smart can it be I mean I'm really stupid and clearly getting aroused by whatever has the clapper's name on it what's up with that face clap twice to turn one Appliance on or off three times for another it knows the difference it's is this a really keep mouth open worthy oh wait I should use that line for the guy dick handling his lamp on the smart Clapper it's a catchy jingle but attacking weird as hell commercial [Music] I can't get up yeah well I can guess why the comments were turned off on this this is for a product called poopsie slime surprise an event name alone didn't gross you the hell out the rest of this ad surely will I'm [Music] Thorns into the mix and made somebody I never want to meet happy [Music] hey internet have you ever wanted to see My Little Pony crossed with Rainbow Brite as a shiza stripper of course you do you're the internet [Music] oh I'm sure some sites will take it off your hands as long as they can film it being taken off your hands [Music] crazy crazy insanely concerned same ballpark all right how are you even snapping you have hooves hey do you want to know the most ironic thing after all this literal [ __ ] being advertised I poop my poop poop I poop she doesn't even poop she just dances and sings about being a doll that can poop but never actually poops can honestly say I'm not disappointed just surprised maybe that's where the surprise in the title comes from dip but not poops where would you get that idea freak what else can you say but the horror the horror [Music] here's all the no I have take all of it okay so we know times change we're a flawed animal we're trying to get better as we evolve but good hot instant Jesus these Folger ads from the 60s or something else the setup is always the same the husband in a marriage doesn't like his wife's coffee so she quickly buys Folgers in order to please him now if you think that sounds shitty it is but just listen to the delicate way these husbands let them know you make me feel very unlifely McNaughton go barbecue I still say don't serve your awful coffee with my steaks Jesus guys also who the hell serves coffee at a barbecue oh that's one of the nicer ones take a listen to some of these others how can such a pretty wife make such bad coffee I really should have kept the receipt for her I heard that that was good it's our anniversary why so glum well it's your coffee again honey your coffee just doesn't taste any good oh this guy's a sensitive [ __ ] look at him holding her hand as if to say it's not your fault your breasts hog all the fat from your brain did you ever see Larry looking so happy Hunting happiness is a vacation away from your coffin was there a bad coffee epidemic back then polio will get past it influenza we've gotten for worse that coffee locked down until a divorce lawyer is safely escorted every home is the coffee all right um I mean it's as bad as yesterday um no improvement at all so you're not gonna stop having affairs with our next door neighbor Joe clearly coffee's the problem and this relationship isn't it [Music] [Applause] it's Pringles Roosevelt have to say about this attention ladies I've set out a brand new can't miss husband pleasing coffee each one comes with a free mistress guaranteed to look more attractive than you it's my gym again you should have heard him this morning Mary your coffee is as undrinkable as ever oh and Tim's usually so nice sounds like a goddamn sweetheart you get the point this neighborhood doesn't have a coffee problem as much as an entitled dick hole problem I love this one dude who can barely look her in the face after she has the nerve to say he's kind of acting like a prick Tony your coffee's undrinkable it's pretty harsh well so's your coffee you know the girls down at the office make better coffee on their hot plates well see you later this just in millions of husbands impaled on their coffee makers wonderful anniversary dear and thank you for the flowers you're welcome darling but if you could do one thing for me go down on you try to do something about your coffee oh they got it figured out this guy rejects his wife's morning kindness throws it on her garden and then has the balls balls point and yell at her at her one being difficult oh mommy you'll kill the petunias then you admit it your coffee really is murder I see why this one's called Papa Eddie solves a crime puppet he's trying to figure out who cut off Papa Eddie's finger and shoved it up Papa Eddie's poop hole my coffee it's murder like I said though the answer is always Folgers coffee because it's Mountain grown it's Mountain Grove Mountain grown Mountain grown for richer flavor yeah do the simple no woman smart enough to know what a mountain is you know it's a crime not to have delicious coffee like this all the time we will now that I've discovered the mountains you mean you got the boob job I'll give you no repercussions for that no you won't these ads are terrible like I know they're the 60s but even the 60s is looking at this thing I don't know that Folger's ass all over there and here's the thing we don't have any PSAs to review this year we couldn't really find a good ones and we're also afraid YouTube's faulty age restriction might muck things up but let's be honest there's an unintentional PSA in here you just gotta look close yuck honey yes dear I finally let you out of the storage closet and this is the coffee you make me well that's a little harsh so is the coffee it's murder I know I put arsenic in it another escape attempt well I would like to know what the Sun looks like I'm sorry honey but this just won't do I'm afraid I'm gonna have to would you get that get what that would be the door [Music] yes oh my God not you [Music] so look welcome's coffee [Music] I think that's a message we all can get behind it's almost as good as this ad oh yes to doordash doordash has always been there and he's doing what he can for your hunger with the last minute school supplies impromptu dinner or fresh flowers for that special occasion with doordash there is a neighbor of good in every order unlike this rock he's not doing anything he's just being a rock that's stupid but doordash is doordash along with the restaurants you love you can now get groceries and other essential items delivered with doordash get drinks snacks and other household items in under an hour unlike this rock he's still stupid but every time you place an order for pickup or delivery you're setting off a chain reaction that helps give back to people who make your neighborhood unique here he is with somebody nice I don't know who he is but he looks nice with over 300 000 Partners you can support your neighborhood go-to's or choose from your favorite National restaurants like Popeyes Chipotle and Cheesecake Factory here he is as an eagle with doordash you're not just getting the things you love but supporting the community you love too from the stores and restaurants to the Dashers driving round every purchase provides a new opportunity for everyone involved because with doordash there is a neighborhood of good in every order and the great thing is you don't even have to vote for doordash because it would have made sense to run this while elections were going on but I just thought of this this morning so leave me alone all you do is download the app and you can do so with a special offer for a limited time our viewers can get 50 off up to 20 value and zero delivery fees when you download the doordash app and enter the code critic that's fifty percent off up to 20 value and zero delivery fees when you download the doordash app in the app store and enter the code critic rocks don't do that because they're the devil don't forget that's code critic for 50 off up to 20 value and zero delivery fees with doordash subject to change terms apply say yes to the doordash app and maybe together we can think of a better line to end this add-on than this [Music] hey kids slide on under and do the chicken limbo yeah you think The Clapper was catchy you know that's nothing if you grew up with this commercial [Music] it's a cute idea where you just limbo under this chickens okay I don't care what anyone says that's a chicken sack don't believe me listen to the chicken's voice when he narrates it's chicken limbo the musical limbo game the spinner tells you how to go under the bar yeah he's like a bird Hermes from Futurama he even likes to limbo [Music] in Jamaica we got 10 story Office Buildings lower than that but when you hit his naps that's the sound I make if someone hits my goody Goods look at his face at the end that dude's high as hell on pain medication and who can blame him if somebody kept headbutting my happy place I'd want something to make me forget who I am he has a look that says oh my God just just end it [Music] go under without bobbing the chicken bobbing the chicken sounds like a lonely activity you do when you can't get a date hey Frank what'd you do last night oh you know I just stayed in and bopped the chicken which is proves my point that's a Cox [ __ ] whatever you think it is it does it does a catchy song and it is an inventive idea ever did get a chance to play it but for the sake of this poor animal it looks like he deserves a rest invite me to your next party just earned it stop dick dick gray Master Plumber let's pray to God this guy is a good sense of humor this is from a channel that doesn't even have a hundred subscribers we can change that I need dick Ray my pipes are clogged well let's take a look and see if we can help you I'll take a look at your plumbing too looks like Bob's toilet is running again second time this month really of all the visuals you can use for dick Ray Plumbing that's the one you go with honestly to watch these videos evolve it's kind of like watching Skynet evolve at first you think the acting is just a little awkward they don't know what they're saying dick Ray is a master in fixing leaky toilets looks like dick Ray got him then you start to wonder enough help I need dick dick Ray when you have a naked person in the shower any dot dot dot can be taken the wrong way then you know they figured it out well you better call Dick Ray Master Plumber Dick's already here thank goodness for dick what would we do without dick the way he's click baiting really should be called a masturbator and then they lean heavy into it gosh what would I do without dick you gotta love dick who doesn't Dick's the best thing I've gotten since the Wonder boner dick gray Master Plumber there are no butts we show up on time quickly diagnose the problem and fix it without breaking the bank a good plumber should always show up on time and have a distractingly dirty name yeah these ads are really great they show slowly but surely they are in on the joke and they honestly have an adorable way of utilizing it there's nothing else to say but who doesn't love dick if you don't know dick Ray call today I get it I get it all very cute foreign [Music] so it's gonna sound weird but there was a time when cereal commercials really were cereals they had to be continues and create a contests where you could impact the outcome but by far the one I remember most was freeing Captain Crunch because it had five parts children's series could be commercials anymore so they make commercials children's series see the head of the soggies an evil robot named squish the song Master yes Captain Crunch has lore try setting a trap for him nothing sucks fish is here [Music] the funniest thing is they tried to make it engaging while still selling the product and it is such an awkward mashup I swear I did not edit any of this well [Applause] Captain Crunch is a crunchy part of a balanced breakfast would you stop treating this like it's a commercial [ __ ] getting real man imagine if another big 2p continued had that treatment I'm glad you're with me [Music] actually they're trying to make it so epic I would be shocked if they had to lower the ring style narration in this cereal has changed I feel it in the middle I smell it in the crunchberry lunch that once was his song but now none live that make it a complete breakfast our hero is watched on a rocky wallows oh no shut behind the door locked with a key Captain Crunch gets trapped behind a door and you at home have to follow the clues inside the cereal boxes to figure out how to free him it was pretty clever and what about crunch power that locks delicious taste buddy you have weird life goals tomorrow lunch look out snacks I'm on my way if you help free the captain you get a chance to win a 100 share of the million dollar reward in the free the captain sweepstakes you better hurry they're gonna start milk boarding him next week come here kids you're safe we have an idea to free you oh get ready listen up dog face hey there's no need for slurs take this you soggy terrorist thumbs up [ __ ] kids the yellow door stop one hit and first you know I wonder if our government would put down money to save him like do they see him as a necessity [Applause] with the red key no green know that it must be the purple key they do finally get him out but there's actually a surprise climax good God they're pulling out all the stops you're not out yet second you'll never guess what Saves the Day his cereal [Music] God damn is that the Superman theme [Music] turns out John Williams is a die-hard Quaker and Diet Coke fan so yeah this was really over the top and ridiculous but as these serial contests go it was kind of fun for what it was thanks to consumerism from Little idiots like me breakfast is saved Oh Captain Crunch proudly sails home still a delicious part of a balanced breakfast [Music] in honor of Gilbert Godfrey passing this year I figured I gotta talk about this one Godfrey plays a smoke detector teaching kids about fire safety admittedly it is pretty funny getting someone with that kind of voice to play a fire alarm who are you she more emotically Pennywise if I was left on the grill and smashed with a spatula I hate smoke it's disgusting ironic because it sounds like I smoke a tire fire every other day gosh wit they smoke they may be fire that's what my agent said every time I did a risque tweet good tits Seymour what does that mean Seymour it means I'm tripping balls what is up with that face he's making like the last look a deep fried Hamburger Helper makes it's so unnerving how many smoke detectives do you have in your home is there one outside your bedroom it's there they should be you'll see more me later in that reoccurring nightmare where Pac-Man's a clown let's be honest though we all know where we really want this to go if a random kid her Gilbert got free from well really anything whoa who are you see more smoke smoke detector wow well what are you doing here a talent agent is sitting in his office a family walks in their talent agent goes what kind of an act do you do then the father shits on the floor the mother shits on the floor the dog pisses and shits under the talent agent says well that's an interesting act which is kind of an understatement I'll wait till you're ready there's no Masterpiece that does leave an impression and you know a lot of that is from the loudmouth Wonder himself [Music] I make this noise to warn you [Music] this is an ad for chips clearly self-explanatory in case you didn't catch on this is a weird series of commercials for something called Eagle chips you'd think they have something like an eagle but nope it's a disembodied face hi I'm face I'll be your choice of death tonight [Music] how did this mask got knock catch on I'll give it this it is freaky as hell if the mask has Son of the Mask then Son of the Mask has this you got anything to eat I got these Eagle snacks I laced them with fresh Molly this morning that might explain some of the things I'm seeing [Music] I wanna shake his face off and also turn this ad what the hell else am I even supposed to say this is a product that went from The Odd Couple advertising it Eagle chips are the quintessence of taste and crunch each chip should be savored to God damn this hi I'm face Michelle I don't like it but I remember it so there's that I guess just uh just just a bagel snacks what you feed your face never play this again oh my God this has to be one of the best long long running commercials it's from Japan and it's advertising a candy called sikaru gummies it's not humorous enough with a couple sharing candy but then discover a man eating a long long piece of candy immediately turning the woman on [Music] all right that's pretty good but they just keep going with it in the following commercial she sees him at a different location and the song once again plays [Music] let's take notice this is called funny you used to be this not surprisingly though these ads go very long and very satisfying as he shows up as a delivery man at her door oh somebody order a dick Ray foreign oh my God he's the delivery guy what you watch long long man no yes it's so long oh come on get over here let's see what happens [Music] uh [Music] my God are they going to I can't wait for the next one oh my God I haven't seen this one wait you watch long long man too yes I mean no I mean hold on get in here [Music] oh my God is he gonna get your ass on that couch he has a good man but long long man is long long man it's so hot foreign [Music] [Music] foreign let's never watch anything ever again because it'll never be as good agreed thank you all so much for sharing this beautiful moment I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember so you don't have to yeah I don't know why I asked wow see you later hey everybody this month for cameos for charity we're doing Wounded Warriors family support their mission is to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded injured or killed during combat operations the families of these casualties suffer in many ways some physically some psychologically they offer veteran training to assist in meaningful careers family Retreats and custom outfitted vehicles and grants to enhance the lives of the Wounded beds rated a four-star non-profit by charity Navigator Wounded Warriors family support AIDS veterans and their families and healing the wounds that medicine cannot so if you want a cameo from me saying happy birthday congrats or whatever click on the link below and know the money is going to a good cause or if you like screw your face I would never give a cameo from you well consider checking out this charity anyway it's a wonderful organization to donate to spread the word about or even volunteer at take a look at all the amazing good people do out there
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 487,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, commercials, nostalgia critic commercials, nostalgic, nostalgic commercials, retro, retro commercials, doug walker, commercials reaction, reaction, weird commercials, commercials h20, commercial compilation, 80s commercials, 90s commercials, as seen on tv, worst commercials, best commercials, commercials review, mario commercial, wilkins coffee, mario bros, pizza head show, clap on clap off, nostalgia critic wilkins coffee, long long man
Id: g6Zf18tfHJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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