Pro Chef Reacts.. To Vincenzo's Plate SPAGHETTI CARBONARA!

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law and now is the moment when I'm adding the  cream look what's happening guys this is a one   million dollar shot look at this today we're going  to be seeing how Vincenzo makes this carbonara if   you are new welcome to the channel my name is  James I've been cooking for many many years in   the United States and over here in Europe and  I have plenty of other videos on my YouTube   channel as well reaction videos recipe videos  so hopefully you guys will enjoy this one and   if you do then be sure to give it a like as it  helps the channel out greatly or helps the video   being shown to more people and subscribe if you  haven't done so already now let's get started hi   and welcome to Vincent's place oh yeah today  we are in Rome Roma the capital of Italy the   Eternal City one of the most beautiful cities on  the planet I've been to Italy quite a few times   I've been to the north I've been to Florence Pisa  I've been to Venice as well and even Lake Como and   I have been down to the South down to Napoli which  I absolutely love the pizza in Napoli but I've   never visited Rome and I would really like to I  love history and well I would love to visit one   day hopefully soon maybe this year who knows  and today we want to show you how to make the   real carbonara we are at hotel Marcella Royale in  the city of Rome from the stairs we can see some   St.Peter's not far from the Colosseum not far from  the Spanish Steps beautiful Terrace beautiful room   and beautiful Roman people working here thank you  oh now for everybody that hasn't visited we all   have an idea on where to stay when visiting Rome  hopefully they gave Vincenzo some little perks   maybe a free night stay or something for doing  this because this is really good publicity for   the hotel carbonara an important rule never  never never put cream do you know why you   go to the restaurant and they put cream maybe  because they're lazy and they don't want to go   through the effort of actually making it properly  because carbonara is a dish that you need to cook   serve and eat straight away if you wait too  long before you eat it gets together so the   cream avoids that it's easier for the chef to make  every cream it's a No-No carbonara cream please   don't make carbonara with cream this is true that  this is one of the reasons why but there are many   other reasons why many kitchens just use cream  instead of actually going through the traditional   method of making carbonara one reason is because  of ease it is because it is much easier to just   put a pot of cream on let it reduce on the burner  and by itself and forget about it than it is to   go through the effort making carbonara one by one  because you need to make this more or less one by   one you can make a couple dishes out of each pan  but it's like the risotto it's much better when   you make one risotto or maybe two risottos at  a time instead of making a result before 50 or   more people at once it's not the same quality the  other reason could be for food safety because not   everywhere they vaccinate the chickens against  salmonella in Europe we do my last trip then when   we went to Morocco everybody had eggs that morning  sunny side up eggs and more than 50 people got   Salmonella poisoning we think it was Salmonella  poisoning and trust me that was not fun I was sick   for more than a week and that wasn't fun okay the  first thing to do for this recipe is you want to   cook the pasta get a large pot like this one with  a lot of water in there and then you need a nice   amount of rock salt look at that nice amount of  rock salt wow so guys why do we add salt to the   water after it's come up to a boil the reason  is that if you add enough salt to water before   it's come up to a boil you will actually increase  the boiling point of water now water boils at 100   Centigrade at 212 Fahrenheit now in reality when  cooking at home you don't really need to worry   about this because it's not like you're going  to be adding so much salt that it would really   make a significant difference now the question  is what pasta am I using for carbonara well   spaghetti spaghetti is the classic pasta that you  use for carbonara these are dry spaghetti but I   chosen a spaghettoni a bigger size of spaghetti  I think I think it absorbs the the eggs better   another pasta you can use is rigatoni oh I've  seen some chefs using packery as well avoid other   pastas don't use fusilli don't use egg pasta and  don't use just doesn't go well with the carbonara   the carbonara likes spaghetti okay another thing  to think about when using pasta and this is for   any type of pasta for sauces and everything else  is the texture of the pasta now most industrial   made pasta the texture of it is very smooth you  don't have any ridges or anything for the sauce   to actually stick to and this is why normally  when you have a little bit of a watery sauce   you have a puddle of water in the bottom of your  bowl now if you get the more expensive type of   spaghetti or different types of pasta The Artisan  types they will have or typically have a rougher   texture on the exterior and this helps the sauce  stick to the pasta so that way well you don't lose   the sauce when you take a bite it helps quite a  bit so I'm cooking the spaghetti for this needs   to be cooked for about 11 minutes you should  always read the packet put the spaghetti in   and see you soon babies see you very soon okay  another type of pasta that I have seen used to   make carbonara is bucatini it kind of looks  spaghetti basically that has a hollow center   to it so it kind of looks like a straw it may be  something a little difficult to find in your local   grocery store you may have to special order it if  you want to try it so once the pasta is boiling   what you do you get the guanciale this is one  guanciale it's a beautiful piece of meat   it's cured are you say the same pure cured and I  cure this one of those words that may be a little   difficult for uh people when learning English  words like part thought cards words like this   can be a little difficult for some people and some  Spanish words can also be difficult for English   speakers because we're not used to the double R's  that rolling sound which is actually it can be   difficult in the beginning you basically to cure  this the flavors you put inside are garlic Sage   and rosemary if you can find guanciale pig cheek  use pancetta which is the pork belly and again   it's cured if you use bacon it doesn't work  because bacon is smoked so you get a different   flavor and it doesn't give you the carbona the  real carbonara carbonara Flavor now I do agree   with Vincenzo on this not all bacon though is  smoked you can find some bacon that is non-smoked   although the majority of bacon is smoked and that  does impart another flavor into the dish so if   you like it this is on you this is your dish  you make it at home how you want it but for a   restaurant no usually you should be able not to  find with the skin but we are in Rome and that's   how they serve it to you so we cut the skin okay  interesting thing my Italian friends and I were   having a conversation one day on different cuts of  meat and here in Spain Carrilladas the pork cheeks   very very popular you can find them pretty much  anywhere and he was saying my friend is that in   Italy that pork cheek is not as easy to find  so it is a bit interesting that depending on   what country you live in some cuts are easier  to find or more common than others in France   is pretty common to find pretty much anything  including veal and venison in Spain it's a little   different and I would imagine in Italy is quite  different as well and then we want to cut the   guanciale like this nice and thin because once  you once the guanciale thin it's easier to cut   it so I'm cooking 300 grams of spaghetti for three  people and I'm using 150 grams of guanciale about   50 grams per person look how beautiful this is now  when cutting the guanciale you want to either cut   these in lardons like Vincenzo is doing here  or cubes you want to make sure that the cubes   are going to especially the cubes are going to  be more or less one centimeter inside so one   by one centimeter you want to cut them a little  bigger because if you cut these pieces too small   and if you cook it a little longer instead of  having like that nice soft spongy interior when   you bite the guanciale you'll have like little  pebbles in your pasta and it's not nice to have   pebbles in your carbonara it's not you don't want  to break a tooth when eating this so you can cut   them just a little bit bigger because when you  cook it the fat will render and they will shrink   a little bit okay so the pasta is cooking we cut  now we need to cook the guanciale so we turn the   cooked up on medium Heat you put the pan  on top and then you want to start adding   the guanciale inside so when the pan is still  cold okay you don't want the paint to be too hot   and what we do is we bring the pan to temperature  and then we cook the guanciale slowly we cook it   slowly because we don't want to burn the guanciale  if you burn the one Charlie the carbonara is not   going to taste nice yes you want the one guanciale crispy but you also want the one jelly tender in   the middle it's very very important you don't want  to burn it because that burnt flavor again like   with everything will be imported into the dish  and it will ruin it the other thing is whenever   picking a pan and in this case Vincenzo is using  the hotels equipment you want to try to use a   pan that's not banged up as much as the bottom of  this pan looks like it has been if you walked into   a commercial kitchen in the hotels or restaurants  and you saw the equipment that we typically use a   lot of the equipment has been abused and a lot  of the equipment has been either broken it's   been banged up I mean this pen is not that bad  I've seen much worse people have to work quickly   and the cooks and the dishwashers don't own the  equipment if you are working in a kitchen however   and if you need like an omelette pan and you need  to keep it for Service never throw The Omelette   pens or any delicate equipment in the dish pit it  will not come out the same more often than not I'm   slowly cooking the guanciale so the meat is more  relaxed and the oil comes out slowly slowly can   you see the oil over there you see it sometimes  you might want to add a little bit of extra virgin   olive oil all the time sometimes I like to add it  but look we have a top quality guanciale look how much oil we have already and it's still  cooking carbonara is one of those dishes where   the fat adds a lot of flavor to the dish because  you don't throw that fat away well it depends on   how much fat there is in the pan obviously and how  much you're making now over here we're gonna make   the sauce the cream for the carbonara I'm using  four eggs so I normally use personally meat one   egg for 100 grams of pasta okay which is pretty  much for one person so one egg one person I'm   using four I'm making 300 grams of pasta so three  eggs plus an extra egg I always add an extract on   top that's how I do it in Rome the question is do  you use the entire egg or you only use the yolk   who knows which one is right some Romans say only  the York some Romans say we use the entire egg   because in the old days there was no wastage you  use the old egg why would you throw away the rest   in the modern days most of the chefs they like  to use on your carbonara is a little like making   hollandaise with making hollandaise we use the  yolks to make the sauce but if you add the filet   to this it will increase the volume and if this  is something that you need then you can do this   because it will help give you more sauce basically  unless you add another ingredient to it to   increase the volume with making the carbonara it's  very important that you temper the eggs but I'm   using the old-fashioned way so we break the egg  and we make the cream for us the carbonara cream one egg two eggs Vincenzo is cracking eggs exactly  how moisture from France told me I had to crack   them there's always one egg against the other  because one egg will always crack and then we mix   it with a fork nice red color beautiful organic  eggs I used to have chickens growing up and I also   used to have Ducks so we used to get duck eggs and  there's a big difference between your own or fried   rice duck eggs and chicken eggs than the store  apart and now we are going to add pecorino now the   question is pecorino a cheese I can find anywhere  yes you can grade your pecorino that's the classic   way pecorino is very strong you don't need to  add any salt because the salt is there I would   have to say that after living in a few different  places that I have noticed I've come to realize   that not everything is as readily available now  I'm not saying that you can't find it you should   be able to find pretty much anything today if you  look hard enough but I do know that sometimes it   can be a little difficult to find some ingredients  even normal ingredients not specialty ingredients   like fresh herbs depending on where you live  and I'm using 200 grams of pecorino okay so now   put the pecorino in the mix yum and a lot of  pepper Romans love the pepper if you don't put   pepper in the carbonara my Roman friends are not  gonna be happy got plenty of paper and now we mix   the amount of pepper that Vincenzo has added  to the carbonara is still not even half of the   amount that Jamie added to his carbonara if you  haven't seen that video you should go see it after   watching this video because in that video Jamie  he did pretty good but he added like a lot of   freshly cracked black pepper so now I want to get  a cream out of this look how creamy these already   look that's why when I use the entire egg look at  this look how nice and creamy this is this is a   carbonara cream that you get with the four eggs  and a lot of pecorino so the guanciale is ready   the oil is there we switch off it's very important  you switch off this this but we want to keep the   paint nice and hot the pass is red on the side  see the pasta has been boiling for 11 minutes   and now we want to take the pasta and put it  in there this is one good important tip when   adding the pasta to the hot pan you want to turn  off the fire especially when you're using a gas   burner the reason why you're adding hot pasta  with a little bit of hot water into a pan with   hot fat and again depending how much fat that  you have in the pan and when that ruined the hot   water contacts the fat it will start to spit you  want some water in there because the pasta water   helps to make the sauce now the pasta needs to sit  for about 20 seconds we want to get here some more   water about one full spoon of pasta water and we  put it in there with the eggs and this is what's   happening now I'm mixing the cream now the water  the pasta water helps to combine the ingredients   together the Parmigiano will cover the smell of  eggs the ginger was thinking of Parmigiano the   thing is this happens to me too with uh with a  cooking video because I don't write a script you   know it's just one of those things that happens  and Vincenzo today is doing a pretty good job   though because I mean he's doing this off-site at  a hotel a new situation a new environment now what   do we do now turn on the cooktop again very very  long very low you can make mistakes now very low   so what Vincenzo has done with adding the pasta  water to the eggs he has tempered the eggs this   starts the cooking process with the eggs it starts  to give them more of that creaminess which is what   you want now you can add the egg straight to  the pan without doing this but you run the risk   of scrambling the eggs and it is a good idea to  add the egg mixture to the pan when it's a little   cooler because if it's super hot when you add the  eggs to the pan you're going to scramble the eggs   and scrambled eggs and carbonara is not a good  thing add more pasta water in there okay so we   have the pasta water at the bottom very very low  and now is the moment when I'm adding the cream   look what's happening this is a one million dollar  shot look at this one look at this see this cream   this wonderful cream now needs to mix but you want  to be fast you don't want to create scrambled eggs   okay no scrambled eggs this step is a very  important step because if you mess this up   here you have to start all over again the water  will help not to create a scrambled egg but look   how creamy this is Susan look how creamy this is  look how creamy the carbonara is keep mixing it   and the reason why we have um the the cooktop  on low is because when we see that this cream   this soup becomes cream we know we're ready  to serve okay when making this at home don't   worry about making this as slowly as possible  just so you don't have any mistakes it may take   you twice the amount of time but if you make  it perfect or if you make it a little better   then you know this is the goal another thing  I would recommend is tasting the sauce right   now just to see if it needs a little more salt  and if it does because you already have salty   ingredients in it but if it needs more you can  add a little more cheese to this switch off now   switch it off look how creamy this is look  at that but now this pasta you need to serve   it straight away guys look how creamy it is carbonara is Paula finish it off with pepper it's still not as much pepper  as Jamie put on his carbonara a real carbonara we are in Rome oh wow very good and now is the moment to serve the carbonara to  the director the director of the hotel martial  Royale bonjourno with Vincenzo servings to  everyone is making me imagine what if the one   person that you gave it to didn't like it  I mean I'm sure it's happened before with   other YouTubers and on camera because being a  chef and I'm sure other chefs do this as well   my dad used to do it all the time when you have  guests over or at the dinner table or even at   work you would always ask people did you enjoy  it did you like it etc etc it's a habit that   you develop because you want feedback constantly  it's not so bad but you like more pecorino yes   yes oh let's see if I can sleep here  tonight otherwise under the bridge delicious approved yeah yay creamy tasty oh thank you thank you  Paola you can sleep here yay   okay so I need to try this make sure really  is good I love it Vincenzo tastes after he   gives it to everybody and not before to see if it  tastes good put a little pepper yeah ah creamy mmm creamy soft add more pepper add more pecorino  be crazy it's a nice rich pasta so make love   with that now this is how you make a fantastic  carbonara approved by Romana approved approved   yeah yeah thumbs up fantastic so thank you so  much for watching this episode from Marcella   Royale Hotel here in Roma best place to be in Rome  thank you we'll see you in the next video recipe the carbonara approved by Roman I have to say  that this was an excellent tutorial video on   how to make carbonara Vincenzo did a very very  good job on it because it's not easy making a   tutorial video in another location especially on  the top of a hotel with a bunch of people around   you and everything and pressure and it's quite  windy it's not that easy and he did a really good   job with this recipe and if anybody has made this  recipe then let me know how it is in the comments   down below how much do you like it I hope you  have enjoyed the video guys and I hope that I   added a little bit of value to Vincenzo's video  if you have any questions or comments on other   videos as well for me to review let me know down  below and if you want to see another interesting   video then be sure to click here and Vincenzo  if you're coming to Barcelona then be sure to   let me know until next time take care and  I'll see you guys again very soon
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 306,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook, James Makinson, Chef James, vincenzo plate carbonara, spaghetti carbonara, how to make authentic carbonara sauce, pro chef reacts to vincenzo, pro chef reacts to carbonara, chef james vincenzo, carbonara, how to make carbonara, italian carbonara reaction, carbonara reaction, guanciale, carbonara ricetta, italian food, pasta carbonara original, Vincenzo's plate carbonara, How to Make SPAGHETTI CARBONARA, foodchannel, vincenzos plate, chef james makinson carbonara
Id: hh7BobK5Mnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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