Pro Chef MAKES... Jamie Oliver's Authentic Carbonara!

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use the water to stop the frying bit of water  bit of water that water and the fat that is   what's going to emulsify to become a creamy  sauce today we're going to be doing something   a little different we're going to be recreating  Jamie's carbonara now this is one video that we   have already reviewed it was very popular I got  a lot of comments saying that black pepper has   no spice to it whatsoever well today we're going  to be recreating it and then I'm going to give   you my opinion after the taste test and if you do  happen to enjoy this type of video then be sure to   give it a like give it a share and don't forget  to hit the Subscribe button because it helps the   channel out greatly now let's get started hi  guys we're gonna make spaghetti carbonara a   classic Italian Dish pasta cheese bacon what's  not to love right but it's really controversial   I want to give you what I think is the most  authentic recipe Jamie is worried about that   carbonara among some other recipes as well are  extremely controversial I mean it's like really   controversial on if you make it like this if you  had this if you don't add that how you do it like   this although there are other recipes that are  similar to carbonara that you can use Creamery   you have to use cream to make them I actually  have one on my channel and if you guys want to   check that out I can leave the video down below  so first up guys you only need five ingredients   Guanciale this is the cured cheek of pork  and as you can see it's all about the fat it's   salted it's got pepper it's dried and it's aged  of course it's similar to smoked bacon and you   can get some pretty good results actually but  you can see this is quite lean so try and get   them to not cut off the fat because you need it or  there's pancetta last week when I started looking   for ingredients to make this luckily I actually  found a place here in Barcelona that makes their   own guanciale so it's not from Italy it's from  here but it is relatively cheap and easy to get   but I do have to admit that the guanciale has a  little bit of a different flavor and taste to it   especially if you're going to be using bacon  so if you prefer bacon or if you can't find   the guanciale well then you have to make do with  what you have at home speaking about controversy   guys let me know down below how you make your  carbonara at home what do you make it with do   make it with cream they make it with garlic let  me know then most people use parmesan but actually   the more classic is pecorino Romano sheep's cheese  it's crumbly it's salty if you can get pecorino   then try to get it but of course, if it does like  break the piggy bank and it's not worth it again   you have to make do with what you can get or with  what you have in the house free-range organic egg   pasta black pepper and then optional garlic  today we're going to be trying to recreate   this as closely as possible to how Jamie is making  it in this video even including the same type of   spaghetti and size and this actual brand of pasta  they sell it here but not every store carries it   so I had to make a little special run to the  grocery store to try to pick this up and it's   not cheap yeah this pasta is actually one of the  more expensive ones first up guys grab the pasta   by two hands twist it Into the Water by twisting  it it won't stick together put a tiny amount of   salt in this water because the cheese and the  guanciale is salty this beautiful pasta takes   eight minutes to cook right so we're gonna follow  this recipe to the tea and we're going to get a   pot of water on we're going to take our little  spaghetti twist it and drop it in the pot with a   pinch of salt so I've got my guanciale I'm going  to remove the skin and I'm going to take a nice   centimeter slice of the guanciale roughly chop  this to about half centimeter chunks ours does not   have a skin on it so we don't have to take it off  it does have a lot of fat though this is a very   fatty piece of meat we're going to do the same as  Jamie by cutting ours to about a one centimeter   size slice I'm going to slice these lengthways  as well and well we'll give them a couple chops   as well like Jamie's doing but I'm going to cut  them or leave them a little bigger than Jamie is   in his video and I'm doing this because it gives  me more time more flexibility while cooking this   also while making the video that they don't  reduce down to nothing and then I don't have   little pebbles in the pen which can happen now the  pan it's cold turning turn it up to a medium-high   heat the reason I want it cold is because I want  to render the fat out the guanciale goes in to the   pan and this pan is getting hot right my turn  we're going to be doing the same as Jamie by   putting the guanciale into a cold pan and turning  up the heat bringing it up slowly and we're also   using the same type of pan that easy using give  the garlic a crack and then put it in the pan in the garlic now this is one of those moments  that people either agree or completely disagree   with adding the ingredient we're not going to be  adding a lot of garlic it's just one clove and   at the end we're also going to be removing it so  we're not necessarily adding the garlic just a bit   of the oils as it's cooking then there's the black  pepper get your Peppercorns in a pestle and mortar   crack it get a little stiff this is one of the  most important little bits and no one really   does it okay honestly this is the outer skin  this is much milder what we have here is the   inside part the peppercorn which is hotter  perfect for a good hot carbonara now like I   said originally with this video this is a very  good little technique that we do in the kitchen   because you don't want any large Peppercorns in  anything when you eat pasta or anything else and   just you put a whole piece of black peppercorn  in your mouth and it's not fun now even though   that Jamie is adding the black pepper to the  pan early if you don't want to do that you   can actually toast the pepper first in a dry  pan until they become a little fragrant let   them cool and today since we don't have a pastel  and mortar we're going to be adding this to our   little Pepper Mill and we're going to be grinding  the amount that we see on the plate which is a   little more I think than actually a teaspoon  so after about a minute of crack crack we're   going to sieve it a little bit because even now  we can collect some particles that are going to   be a little too big and we don't want that and  we're going to be adding this to the pan just   like Jamie and cooking this over medium-high heat  and to be honest right now this looks like a lot   of black pepper now let's get onto the eggs eggs  are really really delicate and if you don't treat   these right you end up with stir-fried noodles  and we don't want that I'm going to take a bowl   and I'm going to crack the egg straight into there  and I'm just going to add a little pecorino to   that to like 20 grams now we're time sensitive so  we're going to have a little whisk up as Jamie's   doing we do as well we have our little ball we're  going to crack an egg into the bowl the whole   egg some people only say egg yolks if you use the  whole egg it does give it a little more volume but   it can make the sauce more watery we're also going  to be adding about 20 grams of pecorino as well a   little whiskey whiskey and I'm going to leave this  in the fridge because today it is way too hot to   be leaving food or eggs out we've got dark guanciale we've got the fat that's come out of it   and that's what you want you want attitude and  color now I'm going to remove that garlic and   one quick thing it is never a good idea to mix  any ingredients in a non-stick pan with metal   tongs obviously it depends on the company and how  they're made but it's just a general good idea not   to do it if you have any plastic tongs or at least  any Wooden Spoons I would suggest using those   instead turn the heat off and we're going to drag  the pasta and the water into the pan use the water   to stop the frying bit of water bit of water that  water and the fat that is what's going to emulsify   to become a creamy sauce funny thing even the  recipe on this website says explicitly to add   a splash of water so should we do splashy splashy  uh why not have to clean up anyway no actually on   second thought we're going to use a ladle instead  we're not frying anymore can you hear that quiet   no frying at all only then can we think about  adding area as we toss we add some more liquid that's the cream you get the cream through  the emulsification of the cooking water   and the fat and technique and timing so as  simple as this is it's technical this is the most   critical moment you do not want your pan to be too  hot so it is a good idea to turn off the heat like   Jamie's head add a little bit of the water as well  if need be to cool it down we're going to add our   eggs in like Jamie give the pasta a couple tosses  you know the higher that you put your hand when   you're tossing the pasta the easier it is to toss  it I'm being facetious but you don't necessarily   need unless of course you like to to put your  hands so high up in the air while giving the   pasta toss that you look like a cowboy on the back  of a Bronco or a back of a bull if you like to do   it that's fine but um yeah yeah your friends your  family get them around the table go lots of wine look at that carbonara and you finish with more  pepper wow I'm so excited spaghetti carbonara   with a beautiful little finishing of pecorino  well you know while making this I made a bit   of a mistake and I'll cook the pasta for a little  too long but the residual heat in the pan as well   with a little bit of the pasta water should help  to emulsify the sauce just be careful not to add   too much pasta water to the sauce otherwise  it will be a little loose or the sauce will   be a little runny and if you like this that's  fine but if you want a more creamy sauce try   not to now we are going to use our tongues to  Plate this carefully so we don't scratch the   non-stick pan we're going to add a little more  black pepper to it and a little more cheese   that is as classic as I can give you guys from  chefs from Nana's it's about quality ingredients   the guanciale the pecorino Romana quality  eggs the pepper the technique of the pepper   good pasta and then the sensitivity of cooking  it right come on the first time that we reviewed   this video when he said Noners I didn't get it  because I don't speak Italian and the accent to   be honest yeah it's not very clear and it sounded  like you put a little bit of an r on the end of   the word so for me I didn't understand that it  meant Grandma there's a little plant for two   people and of course the most important thing  when you eat pasta is don't watch it eat it that my friends is a thing of Joy it's a little  hot to be cooking right now we're in like the   mid 30s in Barcelona but anyway let's see how  Jamie's carbonara tastes hmm wow okay well first   everyone want to say we try to follow Jamie's  recipe exactly how we made it with the video   even with the splashing but the splashing  is a little ridiculous so I didn't add that   much why I added maybe a little bit more water  than he did in the video because I use the ladle   and maybe a little too much because the sauce  is a little on the thin side it's a little too   wet but it's a little too much water I also cut  the guanciale a little bigger but overall   I have to say it's an easy recipe to make for  anybody at home first off this is a fine recipe   there's nothing wrong with it if you want to be  super super picky and Technical about it okay   then you can find a few issues that are things  that you need to say improve on one obviously   cutting the guanciale that small that he did in  the video you don't need to cut them that small   because when the fat will render they're going  to be like little Pebbles so if you cut them   just a little bigger and like we did today it'll  be a little better and even then you can still   overcook it so you just need to keep an eye on  it now the pepper this is something that I said   originally in the video and I still have the taste  of pepper in my mouth this is spicy if you freshly   cracked the black pepper it will be spicy if you  can't taste it then it could be that your black   pepper is pretty old because after a while it  will lose its spiciness the garlic is not that   strong for me the strongest flavor honestly is  the black pepper and the guanciale those are   the two strongest hopefully you guys did enjoy  this new little type of reaction cooking review   video and if you did like it then let me know  in the comments and be sure to give it a like   share and don't forget to subscribe because if  you do like it then we will make more of these   in any case if you do have any other suggestions  then be sure to let me know in the comments down   below as well be sure to check out this next  video coming up here don't forget to check out   our original review of this carbonara video and  tell me what you guys think until next time take
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 88,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spaghetti carbonara, jamie oliver carbonara, italian chefs react to carbonara, italian chef reacts to jamie oliver, how to make a carbonara sauce without cream, How to Make Classic Carbonara, Jamie Oliver, pro chef reacts to jamie oliver, pro chef reacts to carbonara, food tube carbonara, jamie oliver carbonara reaction, reaction to jamie oliver, react jamie oliver, carbonara original, carbonara recipe, italian carbonara, jamie's egg fried rice, making jamie oliver carbonara
Id: vpRbQ6RZ0rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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