Pro Chef Reacts.. To Vincenzo's SPANISH OMELETTE!

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wow today we're  going to be reviewing Vincenzo's plate making   a tortilla Espanola or a Spanish omelette this  is a very common thing that you will see when   you visit Spain I mean you will literally see  this everywhere at every tapas bar welcome to   my channel guys my name is James if you haven't  seen any of my videos before I have other recipes   videos not just reaction videos and if you  are returning to watch my videos then please   consider subscribing share and like and of  course if you want to help support the channel   then by all means check out my patreon and channel  memberships now let's get started with this video   hi and welcome to the Vincenzo's plate I'm Friends   The Amigos The Amigos today we have  a great friend Juan Carlos from Spain Juan Carlos is a common name  here it's quite common and what are we doing today   today we are going to do a typical dish that I'm  sure you will know it's called Tortilla de patatas   or potatoes is very popular all around from the  south to the north of Spain it's a classic it's   a classic if you don't go wrong with that classic  one is right about this so tortilla Espanola is an   extremely common thing to see here from the  north to the South there are many different   types of tortillas many many different types  not everybody likes say onion in there some   people will like cheese you can put peppers in  them they're so common that normally when you   go over to people's houses almost always someone  will bring a tortilla Espanola because it's easy   to make it's much easier than croquetas and if  they don't make it they'll at least buy one so   let's see what Juan Carlos to share with us let's  go let's ready so one of the things that we have   not to forget is very important that the pan is  not sticky if the pan is sticking we are going   to ruin the dish because we cannot turn the  tortilla this is a good little tip non-stick   pans are your friend especially when making say  French omelettes or even a Spanish omelet you   need something that's nonstick of course you can  use a normal pan I've used I've made hundreds of   omelets in cast iron pans and stainless steel  ones but one they have to be clean two they have   to be extremely hot like piping hot and you  need to have a lot of oil so at home I would   recommend using a non-stick pan or to buy one to  make this for two three people we are going to   need three potatoes high quality five eggs and  one onion and salted so the first thing that   we do is we cut the potatoes so you cut them  first half and then you do little quarters and then you start to slide them not very  thick not very thin because if they are   very thin they are going to fry very very quick  and they have not consistent so I think this is   the best you want to cut all the potatoes the  same size so they cook at the same time and you   do want to cut them about half a centimeter in  size to about a quarter so a quarter to about   half a centimeter is good if you cut them too  thinly when you cook them they'll cook faster   but you have to move them in the pan and when  you move them in the pan you'll crush them and   you don't want that when you're frying in hot  oil if you crush them they'll absorb more oil   and you'll have a very oily tortilla so it's good  to cut them just a little thicker just a little   so they stay intact when you move them around in  the pan and if they are very thick they will not   cook really well so they will be rare and you  don't want it to be red the thing that you can   do also while you are is using Italian olive  oil to make a Spanish tortilla I'm joking yeah   you can use whatever olive oil it's important  though when using olive oil that you use a good   olive oil when making a Spanish tortilla either  olive oil from Spain Italy or Greece and there   are olive oil producers from many other countries  but Spain or I should say actually Andalucia in   the south of Spain is the largest producer of  olive oil in the world if you have Italian it   always is fine in the potato is put the oil in  the pot and in the fire but very very low as I   told you before you don't want that is very very  warm very hot sorry because has to be very slow   you have to pouch the potato not deep fry them  the extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive   oil he's right about this and at this stage I  would start adding the ingredients as well so   they come up to Temp you don't want to fry them  immediately as you put them in the oil config is   another method they'll come feed would take like  literally an hour or more to cook something this   is cooking without bringing it up to the boiling  point basically you do want to bring this up to a   light simmer well if you know olive oil you know  when it's extra virgin that is dead of the taste   and it's very interesting so you really want high  quality products my last trip to Italy we went to   Naples and I had a pizza margarita from some of  the best pizzerias in the world and I'll tell   you what the quality of the ingredients that  you use will either make or break the dish okay now I'm going to put some salt once you  cut all the potatoes are cut the oil is   warming up so we put the salt on the potatoes we  are going just to fry or poach the potatoes very   slow again slow fly a slow flame slow fire not  very strong how long do you cook before it has to   be between 15 to 20 minutes yeah whenever making  this at home just keep in mind to give yourself at   least about 45 minutes or a little more if making  it from scratch like this of course you can use   baked potatoes or some people even microwave  the potatoes so as not to use as much oil when   making this but if you're making this more of  the traditional way like this give yourself a   little bit of time okay so now we are going to to  slice the onion so we peel them cut them now this   is just a personal critique he's doing very good  he's showing you the correct steps but when I add   onions to my Spanish tortilla I like to caramelize  the onions so I add them first to the oil because   to caramelize the onions would take a lot longer  than cooking just the potatoes but again this is   a personal preference not Everyone likes onions  but I like to add them a little bit caramelized   because it adds a little bit of a sweetness to  the tortilla then again everyone's different I love Brown Onions is very  good and very healthy for you   and we use them a lot in Spain I guess in Italy  also yeah we do use a lot of onions here in Spain   we also use a lot of garlic a lot of olive oil and  a lot of paprika so now the potatoes poaching slow   and we are going to add the onions some people  they like to do the onions separately some people   they prefer to do it together for me I prefer  together because it really takes the taste of   the the make the the potato take the taste of  the onion if you have that much product then   there's still not enough oil it will cook down  the potatoes and the onions but if you need to   you can add a little more oil just so everything  Cooks because otherwise you're going to have to   move it in the pan as it's cooking and the more  you move it the more you can crush the potatoes   so the potatoes and the onions just cook it for  around 20 minutes it depends on the quantity also   a little bit and but yes 20 minutes you see  the onions have to be soft and the potatoes   also they are soft black Poached like if they were  boiling and that's it I think 10 minutes and we   can mix it and then we have to cook the tortilla  that is a tricky thing also cooking the tortilla   is the tricky thing this is just the prep that's  it so now uh the potatoes being cooked as you can   see it's poached and the onions is already so we  are going to drain the oil because we don't want   that the potato and the onions they are too oily  because I will be too heavy so careful for those   who don't cook at home yeah um and you don't cook  a lot be very very very careful with cooking and   using this much hot oil and then pouring it into  a colander sitting on top of a pot on the counter   yeah even here some of the oil dripped out to the  sides here because the colander is not fully in   the pan I would recommend putting this in the  sink because the hot oil is instead of going on   the counter and maybe onto you it'll just go into  the sink and then nobody gets hurt there's also   less cleanup safe is to wait for the potatoes  to get cold you don't need that is call call   you leave it just a couple of minutes like this  so now it's time to break the eggs one is right   about this you don't want to wait until it's cold  room temp is okay but what you could do instead   of draining all of this is that if you're going  to be making say a lot of tortillas um you make   say a massive batch of this and you can save this  this is what we do in the kitchen you save this in   the oil for later and then whenever you need to  make a tortilla you take out the amount that you   need reheat it so the oil becomes more liquidy  and then you strain it otherwise you can have a   very oily tortilla put some extra salt a little  grub and mix them really really well because voila and save the oil as well this is  another thing that we don't throw   the oil away after using this we use it for  a couple more times because again olive oil   is very expensive and you can reuse  it a few times unless you burned it we are mixing all the paste this kind of  poached onions with potato we are mixing   really well with the egg because after when it's  on mix we are going to put it back on in the pan when you mix the potatoes and the onions with  the eggs it's important to mix it well and let   it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes why if you  don't let it sit the mixture will be a little   runny if you allow it to sit and you can cover  it with a little bit of aluminum the eggs will   be absorbed into the potatoes the starch from the  potatoes will help thicken the eggs and the heat   as well so it'll temper the eggs and they won't be  as runny when you go to make the tortilla because   there's a difference between cutting a tortilla  where it's underdone and it runs out like water   and one where it's not runny but it's like Al  punto like it's just it's medium is perfect so very very well so it doesn't get stuck  to the bottom no I'm YES Movement but that   is and if you do it like that you  don't need to be mixing it in the   pan like this it's fine either way  the end product as long as it turns   out good is fine if this is your way  doing it then and it works then do it looks fantastic thank you wow sensational I would also recommend using a silicone spatula  the flexible rubber spatulas is a lot easier to   make an omelette or a tortilla with those instead  of a hard spatula oh my God the real deal your   kitchen smells sensational Vincenzo if you  are watching this and you do come to Spain   please let me know please there are many great  places to eat around here in Barcelona I mean you live like 5-10 minutes and I could check  in see and as I told you check yes as I told   you also is the Taste how you want it some people  like when it's a little bit burned like a little   bit cook and some people like when it's very wide  so we have a discussion with my family my brother   likes like me is very white and I like when it's  a little bit burnt so he always says that I will   cook the tortilla but I like it in that way  so it's different and it's a little bit it's   a taste that is like the meat somebody likes more  ears rare some medium people are very particular   about the tortillas like very particular like  I said not everybody likes onion in theirs   um not everybody likes theirs say white some like  there's a little they do like them a little burnt   I like mine golden brown if it's golden brown  and it's cooked perfectly for me it's perfect   if it's a little on the dark side and is  burnt to a crisp for me not so much so now   we have to turn the tortilla is quite tricky  you don't bother to be applying around so yes   put the dish here this is the moment this  is the test to see if you actually have a   non-stick pan or if it's not sticking to  your Pan the way that I would suggest is   move the tortilla around a little bit give  it a good Shake in the pan to see if it's   moving if it's not moving and it's stuck to the  bottom you need to unstick it before you flip it from the fire turkey wow you did good he did  very good that's a perfect color too if you   can get that golden brown color on it is perfect  the perfect color we have a great lots of skills   you're a great cook yes you learn from the best  as I told you my dad and my uncle there were chefs   hello Dad the Vincenzo's plate is helping me   the super cape buy Vincenzo's plate delantal how  you say in English apron I'm going to use it every day   you can tell when somebody's made a tortilla  before and that shape of the tortilla too is   important to go around to the sides and sort  of Pat it on the sides to keep it more of a   round shape instead of a flat shape because you  want the tortilla more or less one inch so now   if we don't want that the tortillas very black  overcook like we want that little bit black is   a little bit running inside I think that will be  ready so we just take again the dish like this   and turn it ah yeah I can't see that so you  go one side are cooked and the other side is   a little bit less cooked so it keeps it keeps it  moist This Is The Moment of Truth it looks perfect   um but and again everyone's different some  people like their tortillas say a little   underdone little runny and some like there's well  done please let me know how you like your Spanish   tortillas do you like them you know with onion  without onion overdone or I should say done or   underdone let me know smells amazing can't  wait to taste it okay finally we can have those like I never go for a real Chef so oh  a real Chef oh for a friend's day and for our   friends who understand a lot about food I hope it  looks very very nice it's not running when you go   to a restaurant and you ask for say ketchup with  the eggs it's not that common so if you don't get   say a sauce with it just know this they typically  eat the tortilla by itself or here in Catalonia   they say may add a little bit of pan con tomante  which is bread and a little bit of tomato asking   for ketchup sometimes in some places is a  is a bit of a No-No when eating a tortilla   yes can you please guy write a comment for  Mr Juan Carlos and say thank you muchas   gracias very much for sharing this  family secret with us and of course   put a like in the video and subscribe to  engine display so let's try let's try hey now we can eat let's see um fluffy moist yes made an excellent video and Juan Carlos made  a beautiful tortilla Espanola like I   said not everybody makes their tortillas  the same some people don't put onion some   people do some people say add cheese to it so  those are good actually the ones with cheese   um but also if you caramelize the onions they're  pretty good everybody mix it differently and not   everyone uses the same techniques but he made an  excellent tortilla Vincenzo if you're watching   this and you're coming to Barcelona please let me  know hopefully we can cook together if not at the   very least I can take you around the city to see  some of well the excellent Cuisine that we have in   the city and a lot of Michelin star restaurants as  well they're a little expensive but in any case we   have some good food hopefully, you like the video  guys, I'll leave a link to Vincenzo's video if you   want the recipe and you should click on this video  here and hopefully if you do like the video then   please share like And subscribe and I will see  you guys again very soon until next time take care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 128,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, vincenzos plate, italian chef reacts, SPANISH OMELETTE, Tortilla Espanola, vincenzos plate spanish omelette, pro chef reacts to vincenzo, how to make a spanish tortilla, how to make a spanish omelette, como hacer una tortilla española, perfect spanish omelette, react to vincenzos plate, tortilla española, cooking video, omelet spanish, omelette spanish, potato omelette spanish, omelet, tortilla de patatas
Id: 59I7QXxkbYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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