Pro Chef Reacts.. The WORST TikTok FOOD Hacks You've Ever Seen!

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ground beef medium queso freshly chopped onions  today guys we're going to be reviewing some more   TikTok videos I already made one video on this  reviewing Uncle Roger's picks and if you haven't   seen that video then be sure to check that video  out down below and if you are new to this channel   my name is James I've been cooking for many  years in the United States and Europe and I   have plenty of other recipe videos on my YouTube  channel as well not just reaction videos so if you   do happen to like this video today then be sure  to share like And subscribe and let's get going   okay so what do we have going on here we're deep  frying some turkey today now in the U.S this is   a very common thing to do during Thanksgiving a  lot of people will deep fry their turkeys instead   of like making a roast turkey so normally what you  have is you have a gas burner outside that you put   a pot on you fill it with oil and then you drop  the turkey in now the turkey has a lot of water   in it fat and what can happen is that sometimes  the turkey will overflow and there are a lot of   house fires this happens a lot people will do this  on their wood porches like seriously and they'll   burn the house down no wonder why obviously  but this setup this is ingenious since it's   so messy we've decided to put the gas burner  inside a cardboard box with some particle board   and voila you fix the problem the only  issue is that when you mix paper hot oil   and wood on top of this it can create a bit  of a dangerous combination I mean at least   they're using a stick to drop the turkey  and the pot but still this is one of the   most dangerous setups and not only that but  you have a propane tank or the gas tank right   next to this if you're going to be doing this  at home like seriously be extremely careful not even bothering to remove  the sticker from the tray okay this is my pasta sauce it's just soup but you  really want it to be nice and liquidy this is   sort of like have you ever read penne albaca  no this is like that but without vodka this   doesn't look like it's going to turn out nice at  all and a lot of these little hack videos these   pasta hack videos are nothing a lot of them are  gimmick some of them may work but a lot of them   are gimmicks it's like putting the spaghetti  inside the meatballs like what we saw last   time you're just gonna try a little hole on top  rip them open completely yeah and then you just   set them in like this now my grandmother adding  the flavor yes my grandmother taught me that you   never wash mushrooms and the reason she taught  me this is because she said mushrooms absorb   water so when you wash them they attract all  the water mushrooms are like a sponge so they   can absorb water and oil and if you have to  rinse them you need to rinse them under cold   water quickly now if you're going to be actually  turning the mushrooms which takes a little bit   of practice you usually have to make a lot  at any one time this is more of an old way   of decorating them you put them into a pot of  lemon water because otherwise if you don't put   any acid in there and then they'll start to  oxidize and they'll turn another color you know cheese here that feels good buddy do  you want some cheese okay of course   he's always right here by cooking he  sure is and now we just need to add   a just a smidgen of water so what I do is  I take a cup and you'll cup you want yoga right in here I'm gonna go outside this  is disgusting so this is obviously a troll   video because the dog is drinking from  the water that she's using to cook the   pasta wow look at this okay remember I put  a pan under it so that it won't spill look   at this okay something that's gonna be really  important is to perfectly sliced into one of   these mushrooms are you ready guys be sure  to hit that like button because I honestly   need the courage to finish this video right now  I'm serious oh wow yeah I sure will look at this   they just I like to put them in half because  nobody can eat a whole mushroom like that you   can't shove the whole thing in your mouth and if  you could you certainly couldn't swallow it wow isn't that beautiful now look remember I've  got whole garlic chunks in here and noodles   this looks incredible right we can stop that  video and go to the next one the thing that   annoys me is that we always try to not waste  food or at least I was brought up this way and   in the kitchen we try not to it happens we always  have wastage we you know it's normal to have this   but the difference is making something that you  intend not to have any waste or you try not to   throw anything away and the other thing is making  something intentionally bad just for the video   and allowing the dog to even drink out of the  water that you're going to be cooking with it   so you're not going to be making this for yourself  and the problem is is that TikTok there's a lot   of videos like this on TikTok a lot this is how  you should prepare your chicken take it out of the   pocket and run it under cold water give it a good  scrub add some salt not too much though make sure   you rub it in all the creases so you get all the  gunk out once it's all done rinse it under the top   so all the soap runs off I don't think I need  to state that you never need to put soap on meat   you don't rinse meat like you wash the dishes  you don't do that the only time that you may   have to rent meat or fish if you're butchering  yourself or if it's not cleaned properly and   it has a lot of blood but under no circumstance  do you add like any dish soap to it start with   eggs ground beef was she actually putting in  the Doritos bag medium queso freshly chopped   onions so this is a kitchen hat because  apparently this is going to be easier than   making this the normal way without putting in  a Dorito bag and boiling it salt into the water   into the bag some why are you putting salt into  the water you're not cooking anything no food is   going into the water it's going into the bag and  the bag's in the water it makes no difference hot   and spicy here it'll go perfectly with the cool  ranch something tells me that this is going to   be another fail cheese slices and you want to mix  it all together so the quickest way to make your   beef dinner this is the quickest way to make your  beef dinner if she honestly thinks that this is   the quickest way to cook something then obviously  she hasn't been cooking now there is such a thing   as sous-vide which is a method of cooking inside  a plastic sealed bag and it's also to cook at   temp let's say you want to make a perfectly  cooked piece of duck that was going to be at   61 Centigrade you is perfectly pink if you want  to hold that temperature at 70 Centigrade you can   bring it up to 70 and it will hold it this is the  technique to make it cook really fast it's been   about 20 minutes and I can feel it it just feels  done it's so heavy ready oh yeah here it comes   here it comes it's heavy I have a  feeling it's gonna be disgusting it looks beautiful doesn't it  it looks like something that the   dogs threw up all right let's get a bite of this wow why is that so good for some reason I don't   believe her I don't think  it tastes good we're gonna we're gonna have some Rosemary and we're  gonna sprinkle that in there next we're   gonna add some parsley oh God that's a lot  of butter isn't it now that we've done that I   just thought we can pour in some white wine  vinegar yeah it can be a little difficult to   add liquids to butter at room temperature because  butter is mostly fat now we're gonna get a little   bit messy here yes now that our butter mixture is  done we're going to start on our chicken so the   first that we're gonna do is add a carrot to the  inside and we're going to take some baby potatoes   you can stuff the chicken with say aromatic  vegetables like onions carrots and celery that is   aromatic so it'll add to the flavor of it or you  can actually use stuffing if you do use stuffing   you have to be careful that the internal temp  comes up to the correct temperature because you   can't get sick from it and when you have a whole  chicken like this and you're going to be roasting   it or even if you're going to be making chicken  stock and you have the carcass you want to double   check inside to make sure that all the innards  the kidneys everything have been removed sometimes   somebody may miss something and you know you  have a couple lanyards in there and that's fine   but you want to remove them and if there's excess  blood you need to get rid of it then we're going   to our mixture onto the chicken just cake it on  yeah just like that so what you can do instead of   piling like five kilos of butter on the chicken is  you can take some garlic cloves you can push some   underneath the skin if you want to make the skin  extra crispy you can take your chicken clean it   put it into the fridge the night before uncovered  this will help dry out the skin also if you   separate the skin from the meat this will help to  help Kristen Crispen the chicken up when you're   cooking it and you can put other ingredients  the garlic or herb butter underneath the skin   as well instead of on top because you want that  skin to be crispy you don't want it to be boiled   basically now I'm going to add this to the fridge  and we're going to let it chill for 30 minutes butter at me what a waste of butter so she's gonna have roasted  vegetables into the chicken okay   sprinkle those in I love a good food rainbow  and then I'm gonna take some olive oil you   don't need olive oil if you have kilos of butter  that's going to be about it you really don't   it looks massive I'm just gonna  pop that right on the veggies I'm gonna lift this just be careful you want this slow so far the  recipe is is edible again the dog's not licking   the chicken but what a waste of butter you  don't need this much butter juicy juicy you   know overall I mean it doesn't look half as  bad as the other ones but this is in no means   there are easier ways on roasting a chicken than  going through this start by placing our partially   cooked chicken into our jar of peanut butter  this it seems like a bit of a bizarre recipe for nice strips I'm gonna lay the bread  on just like this oh that looks lovely   yes that looks lovely that's like that now it's  time to make our coating we're gonna take some   of these Maple cookies so we're just gonna  Mash these up we're gonna take two handfuls   Cinnamon Toast Crunch and go back in with our  rolling pin I'm gonna take two tablespoons you   know if you're gonna be breading something if  you want to make your own breadcrumbs you can   use stale bread you don't have to go through this  effort you can use crackers you can if that's the   only thing that you have if you don't have stale  bread take a couple pieces the end pieces of the   bread that you do have pop them into the oven dry  them out and then throw them in the blender or   the thermomix if you have one and blend them into  their fine little you know granule size like the   size of sand basically or any consistency that you  want and you have homemade breadcrumbs it's easy   it's kind of turning into something I told you  why don't you trust me perfect we're gonna pop   it into the air fryer now that our chicken is all  covered up in the crust we're gonna pop them back   in the air fryer for 10 minutes perfectly golden  brown I'm gonna dip our chicken in our sauce mmm oh my gosh is that good it's so good  oh that was a weird video wasn't it PB J   peanut butter and jelly is for those of you  who don't know what that is is more popular   in the US it is popular in the US peanut  butter is popular in America over here   um until recently I haven't been able to find  peanut butter but over here now I've actually   found it they don't use it as much and I'm sure  in other places people may like it more but at   least where I live peanut butter and jelly  is not a combination that people like but   um no it doesn't look at that appetizing to me in  any case guys if you want me to review any more   TikTok videos then let me know in the comments  down below because one they're not pleasant to   review but some of them are good some of them  are right but a lot of them no they're not good   the only one that turned out kind of good was the  buttered chicken but again you don't need to use   that much butter for everything in any case guys  hopefully you enjoyed this video and well let me   know your thoughts down below and be sure to check  out this video coming up next and if you haven't   subscribed yet and you did like the video or even  if you didn't then be sure to subscribe and like   the video down below to be able to give me the  courage to continue making these videos in any   case hopefully you enjoyed it guys and I will see  you guys again very soon take care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 634,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, august the duck, august theduck, augustthe duck, worst tiktok cooking, worst tiktok trends, worst tiktok recipes compilation, worst tiktok recipes, worst tiktok, tiktok food hacks, tiktok food waste, tiktok food recipes, chef reacts to tiktok, pro chef reacts to, chef reviews food, cooking videos, cooking show, asmr cooking, Chef james reacts to tiktok, tictoc food, tiktok food, chicken hacks, how not to cook
Id: gV8slS0sAB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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