Italian Chef Reacts to GORDON RAMSAY Guide to Italian Cooking

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home cooking family and fresh vibrant flavors extremely seriously yes we do garden you know that you think of this or you made your carbonara six on the ceiling oh my God oh my God he's putting parsley in the colander this guy is mad this guy is crazy he's mad this guy is mad I know what you're still here you cannot serve pasta with a steak on top no way I'm angry and all the Italians are angry just see my face in the band your head going like this oh that's right when you drain the pasta show me oh my god with the custody salt and pepper pasta pasta in the colander [Music] in this video we are reacting to Gordon Ramsay guide to Italian cooking as you know Gordon Ramsay is the master of Italian cooking you're interrupting me so he created the video where he's going to show you how to cook like an Italian so let's watch it let's see how good it is Italian today I'm taking my cue from Italy a country that takes home cooking family and fresh vibrant flavors extremely seriously yes we do garden you know that if you think of this or you made your carbonara six on the ceiling [Applause] oh my god oh when you showed everyone how to cook pasta and then you put it in the car in there with olive oil and salt salt and pepper a tablespoon of olive oil come on the Italians are brilliantly using good food to bring people together yeah that's right that's right Italian food is amazing if it's under our way today's dishes are also really quick and easy to make leaving you more time to sit down and enjoy them for your friends and family okay they're all good first up in my ultimate Italian food I said listen to Tasty breakfast Federal sausage frittata wow let's see how you make it sounds really good the exciting thing about frittata is the fact there's no steps basically eggs whatever else you have left yes you can do frittata he's like an omelette Italian omelette that you can use any ingredients that you want no rules it's eggs with any leftovers if you want to use leftovers The Secret of a good classic most of the times frittata is vegetarian could be with asparagus cherry tomatoes potatoes onions parsley nothing else in there if you're making a sausages frittata yes you need a good sausages so I agree but just making yourself clear when you speak okay for this Fritter that you're making the sausage is the most important ingredient is that what you're trying to say I saw pan onions in fennel so you said fennel and sausages peace nice and high also using fennel seeds that you're calling this fennel frittata that's okay that's what you want to use you could have used Italian sausages with fennel and they have already fennel seeds in it but the onion the we're not doing English breakfast here okay a really nice flavor everyone's used to cooking sausages whole but it's a really nice way of using them to take them out of the thin skin with everyone I mean I want to make pasta I always do this most of the time I cook sausages like this unless I cook them on the barbecue I don't cut it I leave it as it is if I cook I like to break my sausages what we're going to do is crumple all that wonderful spicy fennel sausage into the onions so you're using a fennel sausage already has fan on you know okay are you putting extra oh okay I'm gonna release all that flavor a lot quicker pretty important to keep that gas nice and high yeah what they're saying is right it looks beautiful six whole legs no it's nice I know there's a mountain six eggs are stable but not on carbonara not on everything you know like we use basil more than parsley so parsley basil yes but you don't put it everywhere parmesan seasoning beautiful beautiful beautiful very nice parmigiano parsley the sausages are nice the onion is nice just too big a little touch of salt okay it's good Bravo when you fall through it so when you slice it no one's complaining they've got less sausage he did put a lot of soldiers in there so it's very rich sausages and onion which is not bad it's very good even more Italian by topping it with some Buffalo mozzarella oh okay so you're making a frittata Pizza I mean I like cheese on frittata it's not the way it's done it but it's a good idea the thing is garden the frittata is not cooked yet right so the way I like to cook frittata is to cook it first on the stove the bottom then I put it in the oven so it becomes puffy and Cooks properly and then you can add the cheese it right at the end so it melts on top if you do it now but no and then slice it nice and thinly you could have clean that knife twist it why are you twisting I've never seen that before why are you twisting the mozzarella and then finally finish it with a pounds and cheese this is a pizza Gordon this is a pizza look at the top just as tasty as it was the bottom I don't get it my frittata needs three and a half to four minutes under a red Hot Grill okay nice as we're now using the grill okay I normally use thin forced oven so I cook it evenly I don't want to burn the top path but you have so much cheese so you do need to do that to achieve the best results always ensure your oven or grill are preheated to the perfect temperature this is the thing I love about Italian cookie it's about sharing but always focusing on the ingredients yes now Gordon this is nice it looks like a frittata pizza I like it it's good the ingredients are nice look at that I mean it's incredible look at that little shake and then smash that underneath and just leave it melissimo look how beautiful this frittata is Gordon a Bellissimo I can see you're an omelette King it's like that smells not for me is a dream come true delicious eggs and two sausages amazing Garden I love it some Italian breakfast okay and let's see what the next dish is bottom one of Italy's most recent cheesy exports was invented back in the 1920s from a need to make use for little scraps of mozzarella left in the cheese making vat wait man this Cardinal Ramsay did his own work he knows what burrata is it's my favorite cheese Garden I love burrata so much and I'm glad you've discovered this amazing ingredient it's beautiful so what are you gonna do with the burrata this luxurious rich pugal and delicacy is now becoming more popular in our supermarkets ah yeah that makes me happy yes [Applause] my favorite cheese can now be found everywhere doesn't it we need to season them lightly you don't need to season it because the inside is already salty okay you can season it there's nothing wrong with that with lemon zest wow Bellissimo Gordon Bellissimo extra virgin olive oil salt and lemon like in Naples bravissimo the only thing I would say Garden I'm just trying to be picky here just sort of when you serve remove that strings around the burrata you don't need to serve it like that but Garden is beautiful it's really nice it's a beautiful idea to put a lemon on it I've eaten these in Naples and it blew my mind foreign [Music] if I was a woman I want the basil a bunch of basil for Valentine's Day use your hands to chop a basil learn from Jimmy Oliver you love Jimmy Oliver you're a best friend with him cut the base with your finger if you do it on the chopping board it stays on the chopping board farmers and employing us for a delicious pesto yeah I know you like best I love besto too pesto soft silky aromatic leaves will bring a taste of the Mediterranean to any dish they touch yes oh my God Cornell this is impressive you're making order pasta used to love all the pasta I don't use it much to be honest I've actually made Ordo pasta for probably 15 16 years Gordon maybe you're inspiring me to make order tonight let's watch it of Italian pasta also because 90 of the time it's always hidden so it's interesting so when I was in Italy and I went to see The Pasta Factory and they make beautiful Artisan products and I was asking what is the most popular pasta that you have and of course you know spaghetti penne fusilli but you also said in the top five he said orzo orzo is extremely popular and I wonder why I didn't know I mean I don't use all so much but I find this interesting so many of you like it so do you want me to make a recipe without though in a soup for brothel minestrone and it looks like large grains of rice but once they absorb that water they double in size they also called like rizonis and brand called them rezone in order so they're pretty much the same thing yeah use a large pot and that Bailey really helps the flavor okay turn left and right let's talk to any Pastor sticking to the bottom what something I never heard before I normally go with the spoon and stir I'm such an idiot for doing that I can just do that I use large pots and I like to touch my food I like to fill it with my hands so I'm gonna put a spoon in there and make sure the butter doesn't touch the bottom it's having a nice gentle rolling boil you all of a sudden Garden woke up one morning and said I'm Italian I'm gonna cook like an Italian I feel like I'm watching me cooking here it's so romantic Amazon twist wow very Mediterranean easy lemon in there through your fingers hey that's Jamie Oliver style that's what Jimmy Oliver does hi guys let me show you the way to get the largest amount of juice from all your citrus extra virgin olive oil foreign [Music] when everything else is ready how many times I have to tell you the pasta needs to be cooking oil ingredients already so the pasta from the pot goes straight with the sauce absorbs of vinaigrette for now some texture hey rocket is okay to cut but not the basil not finally chopped for the first person as well holding up like a big fat cigar sliced in half no no use your hands Gordon I love basil it's my favorite ingredient are you destroyed stay beautiful delicious the fragrance Bravo [Applause] so good in this video God I'm honest you're really good you're really good and a hearty slow braised beef cheeks with Papa Deli yeah this is gonna be good my only issue here is I can see the pasta in there and I can see the sauce on top but I don't see them together so the most important thing in the pasta rules is to combine the sauce and the pasta together make sure they make love together and then serve if you do not do that okay you're gonna eat a dead pasta with the sauce on top and that's not what we want does not want an Italian food lover does okay so I'm not expecting Gordon to do this because if that's what he did then you destroyed the video so far you've been so good as your little cheeks yeah imagine the size of a camera and the cheek is right underneath here and beef cheeks is so good so tender so delicious his son seems to be very nice it's gonna be a really nice season salt pepper on there please so big cheese very cheap you'll love salt a little touch of all in the pan what you want to do is get them really nicely colors into the pan oh cool lay it down now okay and then again there I'm sorry but if you're making a sauce you're making a ragu for a pasta the onion is way too chunky Garden come on you're good at cutting shop chop down and small small pieces you don't want to eat chunks of onion in the pasta It's like a really good color on the cheeks beautiful because these are restaurants if they take so long I go in the oven literally half past six seven o'clock in the morning yeah but they're excellent everything has to be pre-prepared you know there's things that you can do on the spot most of the things this will be pre-prepared okay I'm not saying everything so don't don't take me the wrong way a good restaurant it's not a bad organization being organized of course fresh juices and the cooking liquor the better onions in and garlic in place nice show me the inside because I need to see the inside okay it looks like the onions are big and the garlic is small there it is he loves belly if you just put bay leaf everywhere look how chunky look how chunky they are look at that come on you don't make a hot dog pumpkin please red wine in you can actually use red wine for cooking okay so these legs will basically sort of rinse all that flavor off the bottom of the pan the wine is such an important ingredient because it tenderizes the meat gives flavors and like I said you know it's going to help to clean the bottom of the pan Which is full of flavors I'm going to make the most amazing sauce tomato sauce goes inside when the wine evaporates he's using Cheerio chopped tomatoes I like it's a good brand Tomatoes you'll make a much better sauce you know some people like that more I prefer to use peeled tomatoes and then I blend it or Crush by hand and put in the sauce that's even better than Pasada but crushed tomatoes are pretty good if you use a good brand top that with some stock so the secret this you need to make the Sofrito which is onion celery and carrots where are they you don't want to use a celery okay you want to use garlic okay but do this then you add the meat then you add the wine which is good the wine evaporates you add the sauce then you can add the water but you want stock what can I say I believe exposed percent of it submerged see them there if you want this beef chick to become like a pulled beef chick and it's gonna happen like you want the meat to come off to break easily with a fork crocodile heads popping up out of the water that's a good example turn the gas oh I'm leaving this just off at the end there if we have to cover it completely the steam hits the top yeah that's right in the oven I mean it's going to know what it's doing I'm 41.50 right okay it's gonna put this in the oven for about 2 four hours the Almond will do the job I would have said put more sauce and and add water I think you put too much stock okay yeah I reacted to hispanacotta video before you can go and watch it on my YouTube channel and I eat it a good job okay the only thing I didn't like he added milk which you don't do that you only use cream to make panna cotta but it doesn't look good and it did a very good job that's the main course to imagine how hearty beef cheeks I've chosen to use Papa delicious is the sauce ready Gordon show me the sauce first before you cook the pasta show me the sauce is it ready it needs to be ready olive oil use extra virgin olive oil please no olive oil no why am I cooking pasta salt in first olive oil oh my God you don't need olive oil in the pasta water magnify don't waste it first olive oil is cheap it's not nice extra virgin olive oil is the oil you need to use in the kitchen especially if you're a billionaire like you but you don't boot olive oil in the water no use a large pot with lots of water pasta in is the sauce ready that's what I want to know the pasta takes three minutes to cook impression four minutes flat least parsley I get parsley you got a beautiful Ragu you don't need parsley in that beautiful Ragu you don't need basil no parsley it's ready to go four hours low cooked it cuts off other parsley what is it gonna do the parsley huh wait to see these beef cheeks juices [Music] beef cheek but you have to break it like I want the meat to come apart to fall apart because you come with a steak on top of the pasta you cannot serve pasta with a steak on top you can do this in England but you don't do a guide to Italian cooking and mix steak and pasta I don't know where you guys live if you ever done that before but oh you don't put in the same plate a steak and pasta no way you don't do well and every time you do it remember I'm angry and all the Italians are angry just see my face in the band your head going like this oh pasta and steaks do don't belong to the same plate so beautiful so good so good it's so sweet to this family right drink the pasta when you drain the pasta show me some pepper oh my god with the custody salt and pepper pasta salt and pepper in the pasta in the corner it's enough I have already reacted to you cooking pasta the wrong way why do you still do it who told you to do this the pasta doesn't need salt and olive oil and pepper in the colander put the pasta with the sauce pasta market five drizzle vulnerable where did you learn this how did you become a Master Chef Michelle you still do this be ashamed he did such a great video now at the end you destroy everything again Gordon I was about to become your best friend oh my God he's putting parsley in the colander this guy is mad this guy is crazy he's mad this guy is mad you got a beautiful slow cooked sauce that pasta is going to ruin everything a little later of the juice it is a beautiful slow cooked sauce pasta top of that sauce now mix it mix it mix it with the sauce mix it with the sauce mix it with the sauce foreign give him the oxygen give him his Souls don't put a steak on top such a beautiful meal I came to your house today I had a beautiful meal okay and then you do this and then something else I just realized you give me pasta salad you know you give me pasta as main course how much pasta you want to give me huh I wish you just did that pasta this is terrible dying that beautiful slow cooked beef chick could have been served just as it is with bread [Music] what's this Obsession that you guys have to put steaks on top of pasta what is the obsession what is it and do you know if you use a good quality pasta they already have proteins okay they've got all the what you need you can add some more proteins like yeah meat or whatever but not a steak it doesn't work that way guys disrespectful food there is respect for cultures respect for the pasta in this case or even for the meat the steak doesn't want to be with the pasta the pasta doesn't want to be a mistake I think we need to go back to basic here you know like we really need to go back to basic to learn the most important rules and you can break the rules of course you can do whatever you like but this type of rules cannot be broken these rules the like Commandments they need to be respected fuel as you go over according now delicious thank God I love doing this we haven't served anything yet you already made a pasta by the time you serve the pasta will be dry the sauce will be cold that was a bad joke don't be cheeky that's very nice the main course of slow cook Beach is when the meat is like chopped into small pieces a cubed okay diced you want the meat to be diced to be able to color Ragu or you want the meat to be minced you know grounded you can't call this a ragu because this is a beef chick it's like a steak it's not a ragu you Chef you know what the Ragu is you know what it is if not you're not a Michelin star chef and the next time you see him a Master Chef don't trust a show don't watch it anymore because he doesn't even know the ragui is cinnamon hazelnut brittle that looks nice and very nice stunning meal to bring the whole family together in the best Italian Traditions with figs and burrata is not traditional but it's beautiful I love it pasta salad I don't know if it's traditional but it's okay that's nice the frittata that was beautiful not done a traditional way but it was beautiful but this is not traditional this is not nice this is not beautiful the beef chick it's stunning it's beautiful but the pasta does not deserve this so 75 of this was great and then at the end you destroyed everything you destroyed everything so skip the pasta go straight to the panna cotta okay guys what do you think of this what do you think of Gordon I know you guys love garden why do you love him don't you think he needs to redeem himself and and reply to me and do something that blows my mind huh write a comment below or write a comment on this channel and let's do this together Gordon come on come on we're getting closer I can feel it I can feel it you're trying to impress me so let's cook together so guys thank you so much for watching this episode I will see you in the next winter displayed reaction video or video recipes
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 118,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay guide to italian cooking, Italian Chef Reacts to Gordon Ramsay Guide to Italian Cooking, gordon ramsay italian, italian chef reacts, italian chef reacts to, italian chef react, italian chef reaction, chef reaction, chef reacts, italian chef reacts to gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay reaction, gordon ramsay italian food, italian chef reacts to gordon ramsay pasta, italian chef reacts to gordon ramsay italian, vincenzo's plate reaction, vincenzo's plate
Id: JyV6voMTcNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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