Pro Chef Reacts... To Epicurious $113 vs $10 BURRITO!

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at this point I will add the Chipotle so I'm just  going to close my eyes and take this Chipotle   yeah this Chipotle yes lots of Chipotle this is  nothing wrong with this sauce I love this sauce   I love it a lot of you guys have been asking for  different things to review So today we're going   to be seeing Epicurious make some burritos my name  is James makinson I've been cooking for many years   in the U.S England France and Spain and I have  plenty of other recipes on my YouTube channel   not just reaction videos if you do want to help  support the channel then make sure to share like   And subscribe and check out my other videos as  well after this one now let's get started with   the video because I got myself I'm kidding  I'm kidding so when these people to wake up hi I'm Saul I'm a professional chef and this  is 113 burrito I've never had a burrito for   113 bucks before never but Saul has some very nice  ingredients I think he spent the most money on the   steak and the shrimp when you're in the grocery  store in the U.S surprisingly even in Washington   you could find Cactus here is not as common and guys  if you don't know what these little green things   are in the corner those are called tomatillos tomatillos they're a little like a tomato and   they have an exterior husk and you have to  remove it the easiest way to do that is by   putting them in some warm water letting them soak  and then just removing the husks although it is a   good idea to wear some gloves because they are  quite sticky hi I'm Bianca and I'm a home cook   and these are my 10 burrito ingredients to be  honest ten dollars for all the ingredients that   she got is not that bad that's a pretty good  deal but she is missing a couple ingredients   she should have if she could have picked up  some limes that would have been good [Music] what I'm going to do with this  I guess we'll find out soon I   see this in my Supermarket all the  time and obviously it's not a cactus   oh it is a cactus we're putting cactus in our  burrito okay it's not plastic it is a real Cactus   I was planning on making Mar y Tierra burrito  surf and turf I had some excellent ingredients   to work with I had fresh shrimp in a grass-fed  burning ribeye steak I have some pork skin and   Manteca to make fresh chicharrones here's some  nice ingredients some of these ingredients I   should be able to get here a lot of people tend to  confuse Mexican Cuisine with Spanish cuisine and   um they're different I don't really eat bacon  shh we're gonna keep this a secret I'm low hey   you know I had cheese queso fresco for filling  is that like a tongue in Oaxaca or frying oh it's   cheese if you guys are in the U.S you probably  can't get all of these ingredients but if you   don't have Oaxaca cheese you can substitute it  for like a dryer mozzarella a low moisture and   like Monterey jack but if you can get it try to  get it but if you can't at least you have some   things to substitute it with I was gonna top it  off with Nopal pico de gallo made from nopales   or Cactus you can't save everything a cactus  oh my gosh see you gotta be careful Tomatoes   white onion cilantro pickled jalapenos oregano and  lime I was also going to make a Tres chili sauce you had a very nice idea on what he wanted to  make today like very nice I had tomatillos plum   tomatoes garlic and white onion oh God there's  more this one and I have everything I needed for   homemade tortillas all-purpose flour Manteca  and salt so I have to make a tortilla got it   it was going to be the best delicious burrito  all these will probably cost about 11.85 10   yeah just had a kid I didn't get enough sleep  so I need to work on my numbers again we have   like steak shrimp I'll give it like 90 to 100  for the ingredients alone also I cost 113 for   all of these ingredients so we're gonna have  a little luxurious afternoon lunch guys let me   know in the comments down below if you have ever  used Cactus before because if the grocery stores   carry it obviously people buy it and I'm talking  about in the US not here in Spain so so this is   Chef Saul's recipes book they kind of played me  because he only gave me the ingredients I have   no instructions at least he wrote in English it  could be worse it could have written in Spanish   I feel like I'm doing nothing Bianca I know  you probably never work with a Nepal oh no   okay that's a little bit too rough spread all  the spines all over the table because you might   end up you know dropping it on the sauce and then  you eat the burrito you have a spine and then you   have spines all over your mouth it's a mess it's a  mess if you want to clean this a little easier and   faster instead of holding this over a ball with  a large chef's knife and just whacking it you may   want to lay it down on The Cutting Board flat use  a smaller knife it's easier maybe a Parry knife   a sharp one and cut off the thorns it'll be a  little faster than just whacking it in midair yeah   all day chop it up with practice we do we have a  burrito to make I would like to eat it for lunch   one down one to go so I'm thinking Bianca is  wanting to make grilled chicken guess what what   I'm gonna make I'm gonna make this chicken dance  make like a shredded chicken tinga stew instead of   the Chipotle jalapeno the way to find out if it's  really hot it's by doing this cut it and smell   it oh those are spicy if you want to make your  jalapeno spicy do this the best way of checking   to see if the spicy is by actually tasting it I  used to work with one Mexican Chef that he used   to just eat jalapenos at work like they were  nothing and I mean some jalapenos are not that   spicy some can be though so I have a nice spicy  jalapeno so I'm just going to use one jalapeno   in my pot right here so my nopales are Thorn free  and they're ready to be blanched normally when I   make a burrito I really like things quick easy  the blanching of the nopales takes longer than   me cooking my burrito at home and eating it and  watching my television show but yeah you know new   experiences right yeah new experiences it's good  to learn new things if you don't learn new things   it gets boring doesn't it don't want to close  my eyes don't do this at home two huh 23 years   voila do we have our onions and jalapenos for  our finger when we throw some cilantro in here   so I'm gonna add my chicken right here so here's  my chicken for my chicken tinga I'm gonna put it   on the stove bring it to boil make sure it's  cooked all the way through and then Shred the   crap out of it shred it shred it I think sour  would be fun to work with in the kitchen also   guys if you didn't notice when he was cutting the  onions he was cutting it for different things when   you work in the kitchen it's always good to try to  save as much time as you can by prepping what you   need ahead of time sorry so we're gonna take the  boiling the palace and we're gonna put it in the   ice cold bath now when you're blanching garnish  or vegetables small vegetables it is a good idea   to put a chinois in the ice bowl so you can just  take the vegetables out with having without having   to lose them in the ice with something this  big is a little redundant you don't need it   because well that's another thing to wash you  can use it it works but there's another thing   to wash later on I'm gonna leave it on the  grill for a moment and get some grill marks I'm not saying that's not how it's supposed to  look but I don't know if I like it but yeah no   slime oh here's the little slime I think  this is good enough because it's bordering   burnt and we don't want that we don't want to  burn I'm gonna chop up the nut Palace and then   add all the ingredients to put together my  pico de gallo should I give it a try [Music]   um you know it has like a sour salted taste  you know I'm gonna give it another try when   I combine all the ingredients I have taste  in chefs so it's not a very good idea to be   taking the knife and while speaking with  it like this because you can either hurt   yourself or somebody else very easily so  it's just a good rule of thumb as you can   see Bianca has semi basic ingredients and  one thing that I'm going to make is pico   de gallo but I'm gonna make avocado Pico de gallo basically simple pico de gallo I wish a hot lime   Bianca Bianca I wish I had live so now we're gonna  add onions tomatoes jalapeno and a little oregano   and some olive oil as well the Nopal adds a bit  of like a sliminess but it still smells pretty   good cilantro honestly I don't even know why  they call it pico de gallo in Mexico they call   it Salsa Fresca you know what Pico de gallo stands for right the mouth of the rooster that is a very   good question why do we call it pico de gallo  maybe it's because we add jalapenos to it and   it has a little bit of a bite and roosters bite  I know let's find out how good this avocado is oh thanks now I'm gonna slice it into squares why  are we adding the avocado in the end because I   say so no because we don't want to have as like a  smash avocado when I have chunky avocado and there   you have it avocado pico de gallo without lime  it's okay following the rules you can tell that   not having lime bothers him like a lot jalapenos  lime cilantro these are common ingredients in   Mexican Cuisine they're not the only ones there  are many other common ingredients these are some   that at least we can get in the rest of the world  some of the other ones some of the speciality items   maybe not and now the moment of truth you must  try you're making you can wait until the end he needs more it tastes better so it smells  pretty good tasting your food is a good habit   not just at the end but also throughout the  cooking process because like you needed just a   little more salt you wouldn't have known that if  you didn't taste it so it's a good habit to have   all right so my Pico de gallo is done for this  other half your time is coming right there   so we're making progress guys we've made it to  the chicharrones it's basically a combination of   pork skin and Manteca which is rendered pork  fat eating a little pork crazy over here the   reason why you use chicharron it's because I like  to have some kind of crunchiness on my burrito I   like the idea of adding some fried pork skin to  the burrito and it's not that healthy but I'll   tell you what that would be very tasty now we're  going to add the pork skin so you know I'm gonna   stand back you know we don't want no casualties  as soon as you drop the skin onto the hot Manteca   you're gonna see like a like a flower like skin  is like transforming oh it's like a huge pork rind this is a pork skin but I'm pretty much done with  it for now it would be a good idea to maybe add   a little bit of salt molding though to the uh  fried pork skin at the end in just a little bit   some white rice I don't want to just put plain  rice on my burrito do I look like a plain guy   no right so I'm making Rice Concón basically  it's fried rice the rice sticks into the pan   the burn part is nice and crispy something  that I learned with my wife she's Dominican   Rice Concón that I'm saying this my love  Concón? the crunchy texture of my burrito   it would be a good idea to using non-stick  pan when making this or at least add enough   oil so it doesn't stick to your pan because  if it does stick you're going to have a fun   time trying to scrape it out and trying to  clean the pan afterwards so non-stick helps   okay so it looks like it's ready so do I want to  do this and flip it although I want to play save there we go oh my gosh this is the best Hong Kong  ever nice and crunchy so now I'm going to cook my   shrimp these are pretty jumbo it's a jumbo shrimp  for shrimp we go by a size chart and when you buy   them at the grocery store at least when you buy  them from purveyors they'll have the different   sizes per pound so you could have 21/25s 31/35s  or so on and so forth they're huge and cut it   into little pieces little dices why because you  kind of want to have even bite of the shrimp to   season my shrimp today I have salt minced garlic  and the Chipotle I want to keep the sauce on a   trip so I'm going to try not to move it around too  much so it reminds me of uh like orange chicken I   would use Chipotles a lot more if it wasn't so  expensive the last time that I needed to buy   some I had to go looking for it I looked on Amazon  and Amazon was too much money it was like five to   ten per can and then finally I went to carafort  and I got some but again I was paying like 455   per cam so I already have my chicken right here  it's already boiled look at this beauty normally   I will tell you to use these two forks to kind  of shred it but I have a better trick use your   hands because you control the size of your  of your chicken breast and there you have it having chicken for my chicken finger he's right  about this using your hands is going to be much   faster shredding chicken shredding pork whatever  it may be then just using some forks and trying   to shred it you have more control you do over  the size if you don't want to get your hands   dirty put on some gloves and if it is still  a little too hot then another trick to do is   double layer the gloves put on two sets of gloves  and that'll help protect your hands a little more   all right finger time we're  just going to cook this okay chicken tinga goes with Chipotle but I'm  not Chipotle so I have to follow the rule son   are you watching this follow the roads I'm gonna  let the chicken now look at this beautiful it's   gonna look like a fajita I love fajitas I'm gonna  have to review them one day don't know when but   I'm gonna have to and at this point I will add  the Chipotle so I'm just gonna close my eyes   and take this Chipotle yes it's Chipotle yes lots  of Chipotle this is nothing wrong with this sauce   I love this sauce I love it he's having to use  Sriracha but that's not a very good substitute   because you don't have that smokiness chipotle  are jalapenos ripened jalapenos that are smoked   I'm gonna add my chicken broth that we make  together in the past I'm not gonna add a lot   I don't want to have a saggy burrito but  normally you want a lot of chicken broth   that's what you know it's ready when it tastes  delicious and it looks delicious I can't believe   this is just lunch this is a leaf two meals so  we're gonna let it rest a little bit to kind of   finish up cooking and cool off a bit all right  ready right the other half of the avocado I'm   going to make avocado sauce I'm gonna make it  happen with what I have I'm gonna use onions for   the jalapeno and cilantro guacamole  is pretty popular not just in North America   also over here in Europe so in a lot of places  that I've worked when they make guacamole they   make it into a puree like what Saul was doing  sometimes they even add a little bit of Tabasco   it's not the same thing now I'm not saying that  you can't turn it into a puree and change it you   can experiment but it's not the style that I  grew up with living in the Southwest I'm going to be making my Tres chile sauce for texture and flavor Morita more for flavor  olive oil or spicy whenever you're using dried   chilies for a salsa you have to rehydrate them  now I don't know if it's the way they edited   the video or if she actually did use this at  the end of the cooking process quick way on   saving time is to take the chilies put them  into a bowl pour some hot water in with the   chilies and then just let them rehydrate by  themselves while you're cooking and making   some other dishes honestly I don't know  what to do I'm not just gonna mix them see sriracha crema and this is  really simple guys I mean come on   it's more spicy it's actually really good so as  you can see there is a little puffiness [Music] actually that was a magic  moment okay that was a moment   and then you're gonna take a separate pan and  you're gonna do a similar thing to the tomatoes   and the onions and the other ingredients just  toss them around to get them warm as well as a   little bit charred and then you take those  ingredients with your chilies and put them   in a blender the vinegar is gonna the color  really nicely and give a little bit of a Tang there is no reason to be adding whole  tomatoes whole tomatillos and garlic   with chopped onions to a dry pan you could  easily put all these ingredients into a   roasting tray leave the onions in quarters  or halves pour a little bit of olive oil   on a little bit of salt pop them in the  oven and then let them roast so another we're not going to make flour salt lard   all right so it feels a little sticky ah kind of  like a real Chef let me make it dough who would   have thought domesticated Millennial all right  now we're gonna need the dough that's true it   seems like people don't cook as much as they used  to here you'll still see the grandmas they're at   the market every day buying fresh ingredients  every single day at the bakery or at the pastry   shop I mean you still see it and then cover  it with Saran wrap and let it sit [Music] it's a little harder than I thought so it's  getting there one quick tip when you're doing   any rolling with anything all the extra dough  balls the ball the extra dough on the right   the knife get all this off The Cutting  Board give yourself space to roll set it for happy whoa yeah yeah look at this tortilla  now this is a nice looking tortilla here's my   cooked tortilla I wish I was making my own  tortilla so I got these tortillas from from   Bianca she also sent me Monte react  cheese yes yes yes yes yes I'm going   to do the cheese trick what's better than  cheese more cheese but first of all I need   to heat up my tortilla if you don't hit up  your tortilla it will break the cheese trick don't touch it again I would  strongly recommend to use a   non-stick pan otherwise it's just gonna  stick and you're gonna have a mess like   a real mess to clean up you know what I'm  gonna do the same things like this foreign right here right now it is time to assemble my  burrito I've been working hard for this my steak   has been resting for a little bit and now we're  going to slice it up and put my steak first I'm   gonna add some of this tinga and you see that  there's not that much liquid into this tinga the   shrimp with the Chipotle adobo we're gonna do  this I'm going to do chunks of rice [Applause] it needs to have a little bit of sauce  a little bit of Monica it's been a long   time since I've heard that song like a very  long time I think that song came out in the   90s or like at the end of the 90s 20 something  years already time goes by quick look at those   colors look how beautiful that looks now  I'm just gonna roll it I've never rolled a   burrito before push the ends later we're gonna  fold Inward and wrap this around pull all this   inside here and then just push towards  yourself like this and then it's gonna be   so tight when rolling a burrito is very important  not to overfill the thing it's easy to do to   overfill it if there's too much product just take  a little bit out and you want to leave it more at   the bottom to where you start the rolling process  not in the middle you don't want to put everything   in the middle of the burrito you want to put  everything a little more at the base and then   follow what Chef Saul is doing the Finishing  Touch I'm going to put it back in the pan   to seal it and this is how you seal the deal but  wait there is more it's time for cheese trick part   two so I did a cheese trick inside now I'm gonna  do it outside and there you have it here's my   burrito with cheese inside and outside after I met  his burrito even now it looks delicious [Music]   I think I nailed it but there's one  more thing that I have to do and that's trying this okay this is not working  up for me enough of the crema delicious delicious delicious it's just the  layers of textures too like I can see I can   feel the crunchiness of the of the Concón it's just really really good so I'm team   steak team shrimp I think they actually mix  really well together but you know you know   what I'm coming back to I'm back to the Nopal  the cactus you know it's not my favorite but   I do enjoy the steak and the shrimp and the  trash chili sauce both of them made delicious   looking burritos but obviously he had almost  nothing to work with and he turned that into   something beautiful and then again Bianca she  had wow she had the Rolls-Royce of ingredients   she had a lot and she did good she did a good  job let me know guys down below which one that   you would prefer and guys for those of you who  live in Mexico how common are burritos because   the Mexican chefs I've worked with the ones  that were from more Mexico City they told me   that at home they don't eat this they don't  make it they don't even know how to roll up   that this is more Tex-Mex more American if you  want to see another good video then be sure to   Click here and check out my other recipes and  videos as well don't forget to subscribe share   like And subscribe if you did enjoy it and I'll  see you guys again very soon take care!
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 252,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, how to cook, James Makinson, Chef James, Epicurious, epicurious burrito, epicurious pro chef vs home cook, how to make a burrito, how to make a burrito wrap, how to make a burrito at home, 113 vs 10 burrito, epicurious vs, pro chef reacts to epicurious, pro chef reacts to, chef james reacts, pro chef reacts to burrito, the best burrito, the best burrito recipe, chef saul epicurious, chef saul burrito, surf and turf burrito, how to cook a burrito, cooking videos
Id: Aig4h4NgZq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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