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in today's minecraft video i have to build my bunker while fighting hundreds of zombies we got lasers we got drones we got turrets we got tons of defense but i have to unlock them all this is a crazy zombie defense video guys leave a like on this video because it is not over we are beating these zombies oh no the first wave has begun boys okay so this is our bunker right here that we have to protect and we have to protect our villager right here his name is jerry i'm also wearing my special flip shirt today so it is appropriate for me to scream what the just in case something is going down but this is wave one bro there's like five zombies are you kidding me oh this is gonna be easy peasy dude i'm not even gonna take a heart of damage yo look at these zombies though they're minor zombies builder oh that guy just placed a block wow oh wow wow whoa calm yourself buddy yeah okay okay wave one we won get it because we won wave one we only got five dollars from completing that wave we need more money dude we need 30 points for a force field 25 points for a wall and 30 points for a magma pit we're gonna turn this bunker into the strongest bunker in minecraft history we just need some money first wave number two we're definitely stepping up a notch there's like double the amount of zombies there's ten zombies now instead of five oh okay okay okay i wish i had a big nuke i could just drop on all y'all's heads everyone follow me yeah no one go to the villager everyone just follow mr unspeakable right here yep yep yep you builder zombies you can keep building whatever you want as long as you're not messing up my bunker i'm cool with it big old noobs what the flip yeah there we go all right we won that wave it looks like these dudes just love placing wood for whatever reason what the i'm sorry there will be an extreme amount of what the flips in this video if you guys want to support the flip army check out some words from your boy and speakable link in the description or head over to i can buy armor it's two points ooh iron armor diamond armor let's go are you kidding me let's go i'm like a tank now wave number three we got 15 zombies now now luckily the zombies don't have like diamond armor like i do so that's good there definitely is a lot of them gotta try to do damage to all of them that's why i'm trying to get them stacked up next to each other oh okay they're getting kind of close to the bunker and my health is getting low boys this is not good come on you big old noobs we we've killed about three of them only three of them are you kidding me there we go just killed another three with one hit come on you guys keep lining up next to each other yeah now they're weak weak zombies die i'm new champion let's regenerate that health okay so we got 15 bucks let's buy ooh could we buy diamonds boys we're set all right our next purchase is going to be defense for the bunker it's either going to be a wall or something crazy like that let's go wave number four okay boy we got 20 zombies hey i'm just glad none of them have turned into baby zombies yet you guys know i absolutely hate baby zombies if i can do five zombies 10 zombies 15 zombies i can definitely handle 20 zombies especially with a diamond sword let's go boys look you guys don't even have diamond armor yet not even iron not even gold not even leather armor bro i will say these zombies are slightly more aggressive than normal zombies yeah get out of here you big old noobs you're done we got 20 bucks we are so close to buying stuff land mines force field turret laser turret okay all right hold on let me make some money boys i pro a drone yo cobwebs lasers soul sand blue fire enchantment room hold on we do have enough money for the fence should we buy the fence ah actually let's save up five more points and buy the wall next wave we got 25 zombies so basically each wave there's just more and more zombies eventually we're going to get to a point where there's going to be a hundred if not 200 zombies and one wave and you know your boy unspeakable is going to be screaming what the flip nothing like killing minecraft zombies on a good old morning boom already done let's go boys that diamond sword puts in work 45 yo forget the wall dude what should we buy firewall landmines force field laser i'm kind of down for the laser turret oh all right so let's go ahead i think we're gonna place the turret right here yeah that thing looks sick let's test this laser turret let's see how good it works all right come on is it do you need ammo or something maybe maybe it has the mobs have to get close enough to it oh there it goes it's going oh snap okay now with the help of lasers we are definitely beating these 30 zombies let's go boys we're already almost done look at that the laser literally kills the zombies in like two hits oh my gosh dunzo all right we got 26 again okay let's buy let's buy one of the walls okay or okay we'll just buy a wall purchase a wall oh snap yo that's pretty nice this gives us some serious protection only problem is our laser is now on the inside of the wall wave has begun we now have 35 zombies to deal with are you kidding me and we don't have the help of a laser because it's stuck inside the wall oh my gosh guys there's so many zombies but i love how they're all lining up so i can do damage to just all of them it's great we've gone from 35 zombies all the way to 20 in like the matter of maybe 30 seconds oh my gosh they're getting kind of strong i'm not gonna lie they're getting kind of strong back up let's go let's go two more one more one more 36 points on this one let's go for the firewall why not boys okay what does this do i'm assuming it's just a wall fire yeah that's nice that's not i'm not gonna lie i don't really know how i'm gonna jump over it next wave we got 40 zombies still have not seen the zombies be upgraded yet with any armor or swords or anything i'm gonna let them walk across this fire though yeah you big o noobs just don't catch me on fire let's go dude this firewall is so op are you kidding me oh my gosh now the zombies are literally so weak from the fire they're all just dying in one hit oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i'm buying landmines next for real there we go done just like that oh it's just one landmine place on a grass block okay here's the deal i will place this like right where they spawn like or literally right here all right let's see how well this works all the zombies are right there come on walk on that landmine yeah no no no come this way oh that worked too well uh but it's only one landmine i don't know if it's worth it if there's only one landmine oh my gosh dude you big zombies get down to my face and just like that the wave is done wow wow that land mine is op we got only 14 bucks from that wave so i really i really can't buy anything 50 zombies to kill oh my gosh the zombies are actually damaging the fire path on zombies everyone come to the fire yep yep just come to the fire come on come on come on yeah big ol noobs get out of my face look at that they're breaking through the walls no that means we're gonna have to buy new walls you've got to be kidding me oh my gosh there's only 10 zombies left only 10 zombies left only 10 zombies left wait did some of the zombies make it in no no no no no oh wait no i won i won okay all right we got 62 dollars i think we can pretty much buy anything a drone cobwebs lasers soul sand fire let's go for the drone how does the drone work all right now we got 55 zombies what will the laser turn oh look it's actually flying around what so it's like follows the zombies imagine if you had a hundred of those that is actually so cool look at the drone look at the drone doing work right there let's go get out of here be gone look at that good job drone oh my gosh that drone was actually op all right we got 51 points on that one should we buy another drone nah i think we need more walls or maybe a force field oh so it's a temporary thing i just accidentally used it are you kidding me i just accidentally used the force no i literally accidentally pressed it you've got to be kidding me well there goes all my money that i just spent okay well now we got 60 zombies to deal with where'd that drone go i'm gonna need you buddy oh my gosh we have so much experience right now oh the drone is still over here all right let's lead all the zombies over here oh my gosh this is ridiculous i can't believe there's 60 of them 60 zombies you've got to be kidding me dude there's so many i'm actually low-key getting kind of nervous because like this is a lot of zombies drone i need you to help me boys i'm getting low on health there's still 20 zombies left this is not good this is not good at all all right let's go these zombies are weak these zombies are very weak what most most of them are only like two hits oh good job buddy we got 70 all right let's buy something useful like um like a magma pit okay now we still got 40 bucks now we could buy a fence or we could buy what about that blue fire okay so we just bought cobwebs and a pit oh yo there's no way these zombies are dead bro there's no way they're getting over that unless they build a bridge there is builder zombies all right let's see if they can make it across this come on most of them are getting stuck at the cobwebs oh there we go yeah they're all getting pushed in there oh my gosh let's go oh no oh no oh no some of them are building i've never seen zombies this smart in my life bro what they just built a branch oh my gosh wait but it killed so many of them get out of here you big old noob yes that magma pit works so well all right boys we're doing it again 70 zombies this time they're getting smart literally all of them took the bridge some of them still fell off the only thing is like i just got to make sure that i don't fall in the magma pit because that is not going to be good oh my gosh get out get out get out i gotta make sure none of the zombies are near the front door oh oh oh oh no no who do you think you are get yeah get in that hole get in that pit oh my gosh oh flip oh flip i'll flip they're still smart they're still very smart there's so many of them how much money you haven't gotten so far i've only got 30. so i've noticed if the house kills the zombies like if they fall into the pit i don't actually get the money laser soul sand blue fire let's go for the blue fire the fire seems to work the best all right most of them are walking through the blue fire oh and then they have to walk through a second part of the fire oh my gosh all these guys are like one it let's go get all the points get all the points let's go come on come on come on come on yes yes yes yes they're so weak oh my gosh i'm literally killing so many of them with one hit oh my gosh we're almost done with the wave we're literally almost done with the wave there's like five zombies left oh my we're done wow wow what 75 zombies gone in like 10 seconds an enchantment room is 30 points let's do it all right where where is it oh is that oh snap wait what going into the next round i'm glad we bought the enchantment table that is that is gonna help out so so much all right i'm gonna have the zombies try to come over here because there's more blue fire oh my gosh there's 80 of them look at them it's literally like an entire army bro come on come on come on come on oh my gosh there's so many of them i don't even know which one to hit bro paul flip flip flip flip boys i'm in i'm in whoa what oh my gosh i think i just saved myself never mind never mind never mind run run run oh my gosh i just got myself into a bad situation that i got out of very quickly okay there's only nine zombies left oh my gosh i wish there was a button to repair all the land i feel like honestly that's what's gonna kill me is me getting stuck somewhere down here because look at this mess these zombies are griefers dude we don't need any more armor really we don't let's do the soul sale 85 zombies on this wave boys 85 zombies i said that right 85. let's go you big on noobs let's go there's so many of them look at that it's literally like an army one zombie at a time i'm low-key double thinking myself i low-key wish i got sharpness instead because the knockback is really not doing too much oh my gosh how am i supposed to guard my villager and also kill all these zombies there's one more left goodbye let's go we only got 30 points for that as well are you kidding me wave 18 we're at 90 mobs now guys we're almost at 100 mobs i'm surprised these zombies have not gotten diamond armor yet what up noobs goodbye noobs oh my gosh yo have you guys ever seen that scene from world war z where all the zombies just pour over the wall that's literally what i'm seeing right now oh my gosh i will tell you this diamond armor is helping us so much whoa we won wave 18. all right we got another 30 bucks i'm going to buy a force field this time i'm going to like put it somewhere where i don't accidentally click it maybe i'll like put it up here i don't know but that force field is so helpful because if we get into a bad situation where all the zombies get past this wall all you gotta do is activate that force field and call in an air strike and we'll be good 95 zombies now our next wave we're going to be versing a 100 zombies that is ridiculous guys 100 zombies oh my gosh boys oh my gosh let's go my minecraft is starting to lag so bad whenever i get near all the zombies there's just so many of them let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on come on easy easy there's only 19 zombies left 19 zombies we got this big old noobs where the rest of them at where the rest of them at where the rest of you noobs at yeah get out of here how you still alive that doesn't even make any sense all right there's got to be oh there's one more there we go next wave 100 zombies boys 100 zombies we got 44 bucks from that wave so we can almost buy a laser turret i don't know what happened to my drone to be completely honest but we can buy normal lasers let's do that whoa wait hold up that's actually sick all right wave 2200 i mean sorry not 200 100 zombies we will get to a point though where we are facing 200 zombies it might take us a second but oh my gosh boys oh my gosh i can't even hear anything because there's so many zombies oh flip they are breaking these walls bad i think our next purchase should be some walls for real oh they're right by the front door oh some of them are trying to get in some of them are trying to get in oh flip no no no should i use the force field i think i should use a force field hold on hold on hold on hold on force field force field force field i just used it i just used it i know some zombies got in i don't know how many though oh flip how many zombies got in how many zombies got in none none okay maybe the laser killed them all there's like three more zombies where are they at oh wait i see them they like trapped themselves in this wall what the heck what are you guys doing in here what in the world are you guys doing oh my gosh boys that was absolutely insane we are definitely buying a brand new wall wow oh my gosh we were pretty close to losing the bunker there but this is not over yet if you guys want to see a part two of this video where i continue trying to fight these zombies and eventually get to a point where we are fighting a thousand zombies all i need you guys to do is leave a like on this video and of course click that subscribe button boys be a part of the under 10 million club guys we are so close to hitting 10 million subscribers if you guys subscribe you'll be a part of the under 10 million club it's a once in a lifetime opportunity boys big old noobs where the rest of them at where the rest of them at where the rest of you noobs at yeah get out of here how you still alive that doesn't even make any sense
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 3,017,233
Rating: 4.912395 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: dCJMorzfsD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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